Operating Manual FIBARO RGBW Controller FGRGBWM-441-EN-A-v1.00

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Safety of the Fibaro System transmission is comparable to the

safety of transmission in data bus wired systems. V Z-Wave network exclusion X First configuration.
Fibaro operates in the free bandwidth for data transmission. The Operating through the Z-Wave network
frequency depends on radio regulations in individual countries.
Each Fibaro network has its own unique network identification Excluding the Fibaro RGBW Controller from the Z-Wave network: After inclusion to the Z-Wave network, Home Center 2 interface will
number (home ID), which is why it is possible to co-operate two or present the module as un-configured device.
more independent systems in a single building without any 1. Connect Fibaro RGBW Controller to voltage supply.
interference. 2. Set the Z-Wave network main controller into learning mode (see
Although Z-Wave is quite a new technology, it has already become Z-Wave network controller operating manual).
recognized and officially a binding standard, similarly to Wi-Fi. 3. Triple click the B-button or any switch connected to I1-I4 inputs.
Many manufacturers in various industries offer solutions based on
Z-Wave technology, guaranteeing their compatibility. This means
that the system is open and it may be extended in the future. Find
more information at www.fibaro.com. VI Resetting Fibaro RGBW Controller
Fig. 2 Fibaro RGBW Controller control window
Fibaro generates a dynamic network structure. After Fibaro System
is switched on, the location of its individual components is Reset procedure clears the Fibaro RGBW Controller's memory,
automatically updated in real-time through status confirmation
Operating Manual signals received from devices operating in a "mesh" network.
including Z-Wave network controller information, energy
consumption data and 5 user-defined programs.
FIBARO RGBW Controller Resetting Fibaro RGBW Controller:
II Device Applications
FGRGBWM-441-EN-A-v1.00 1. Disconnect voltage supply.
2. Press and hold the B-button located inside Fibaro RGBW
Fibaro RGBW Controller may control: Fig 1 - Unconfigured RGB device icon
Controller's casing.
• 12 / 24VDC powered RGB strips
• 12 / 24VDC powered RGBW strips 3. Connect voltage supply still holding the B-button. To configure the device please follow the steps below:
• 12 / 24VDC powered LED strips, bulbs, etc. 4. Release the B-button.
• 12 / 24VDC powered halogen lights 5. B channel will turn on (blue channel). 1) Specify controlled device - RGBW, RGB, IN/OUT (further
Fibaro RGBW Controller is a universal, Z-Wave compatible RGB / • 12 / 24VDC powered low output power fans described in pt. IX)
6. Disconnect power supply.
RGBW controller. Fibaro RGBW Controller uses PWM output
Additional features:
signal, which enables it to control LED, RGB, RGBW strips,
• 0-10V sensors signal readouts,
halogen lights and fans. Controlled devices may be powered by 12
• 0-10V potentiometer signal readouts, and managing outputs
or 24 VDC. In addition the device supports up to four, 0V - 10V
accordingly, Warning!

analog sensors, such as temperature sensors, humidity sensors,
• controlled by momentary or toggle switches Resetting the RGBW Controller does not mean is
wind sensors, air quality sensors, light sensors etc. All IN and OUT
has been removed from Z-Wave network If RGBW/RGB mode is chosen, device icon will be as follows:
terminals may be user configured for LED control or 0V-10V signal
controller's memory. Remove the RGBW Control window description:
readouts. III Installing the device Controller from Z-Wave network controller's
1 - Currently chosen colour.
memory before carrying out the resetting
Specifications 1. Before installation ensure the voltage supply is disconnected. procedure. 2 - ON/OFF button.
3 - Colours slider - allows for choosing any colour in RGB scale,
2. Connect Fibaro RGBW Controller according to wiring diagram.
white colour saturation and all colours brightness.
Power Supply: 12 V DC First, connect outputs (R,G,B,W) RGB/RGBW/LED diodes or
24 V DC Halogen lights, or inputs (I1-I4). Second, connect voltage supply. 4 - Favourite colours section.
Note the device must be powered by a dedicated stabilized power VII Fibaro RGBW Controller operating modes 5 - Predefined colour programs.
Rated output power: combined 12A (sum of all adapter.
connected output channels); 6A 3. Arrange the antenna (find tips below wiring diagrams). The device may be controller by momentary or toggle switches. 2) 2. As described in pt. IX IN/OUT mode allows for configuring each
for single output channel Fibaro RGBW Controller may serve as 0-10V input module and IN/OUT independently.
4. Turn the voltage on.
operate with any 0-10V sensor, e.g. temperature sensors, wind
PWM output frequency: 244 Hz 5. Include the module into the Z-Wave network. speed/direction sensors, air quality sensors, light sensors, etc. Fig 3 shows an example configuration: I1 configured as a light
Fibaro RGBW Controller offers fully configurable operating modes, intensity sensor; I2 configured as a dimmer, e.g. controlling LED
Electricity consumption: 0,3W described in pt. X, user defined in parameter 14. Operating mode strip; I3 configured as a temperature sensor; I4 configured as a
is set during first configuration in Home Center 2 interface. Other dimmer, e.g. controlling halogen lamp.
Radio signal power: 1mW 1) Fibaro RGBW Controller is dedicated to operate in low voltage main controllers require dedicated setting of parameter 14. Refer to
circuits of 12VDC or 24VDC. Connecting higher voltage load may As shown in Fig.3 inputs set to work in analog mode require
p.VIII and IX for operating modes detailed description.
For installation in boxes: Ø≥50 mm result in Fibaro RGBW Controller damage. following configuration:
Fibaro RGBW Controller's operating modes:
- Actual voltage range (e.g. 0-10V, 1-10V, 0-5V)
2) Fibaro RGBW Controller must be powered by the same voltage 1) RGB/RGBW - controlling RGBW/RGB/LED strips or Halogen - Measured unit range (e.g. 0-50oC for temperature sensor)
as the connected light source. I.e. if controlling 12V LED strip, the lights based on signals from switches connected to I1-I4 inputs.
Max load (e.g. halogen at 12V - 144W combined, Above information can be found in sensor's operating manual.
module must be connected to 12V power supply. Similarly, if User may precisely set illumination colour. Fig 3 - IN / OUT mode settings screen
bulbs): at 24V - 288W combined. controlling 24V RGBW strip, Fibaro RGBW Controller must be Device icons in the main controllers interface will reflect the above
powered by 24V voltage supply. 2) IN/OUT - all inputs and outputs may be freely configured by the configuration settings, e.g. light sensor, temperature sensor, two
user. All inputs I1 - I4 and outputs R, G, B, W may be independently OUT devices i.e. LED strips or Halogen bulbs, as shown in fig.4.
3) Fibaro RGBW Controller has 0-10V input. There is no 0-10V configured by the user. Depending on configuration the device will
In accordance with EU EMC 2004/108/EC
output. Output is controlled by PWM at 244Hz. be presented in Home Center 2 interface as sensors or dimmers.
standards: R&TTE 1999/5/WE
4) Fibaro RGBW Controller must be powered by 12VDC or 24 VDC User defines sensor type and its operating range. If a given
stabilized power supply with outputs load capacity matched to loads channel operates in OUT mode, user may control e.g. LED or XI Associations
voltage. Halogen lamp brightness.
Radio protocol: Z-Wave 5) Sensors using 0-10V interface use wire connection to inputs I1 - All of the operating modes are described in fig. 5 Through an association Fibaro RGBW Controller may control
I4. Maximum length of 0-10V connection line is 10 m. Observe another Z-Wave network device, e.g. another RGBW Controller,
sensor's manufacturer recommendations towards 0-10V line Wall Plug, Dimmer, Relay Switch or Roller Shutter. Such a control
Radio frequency: 868,4 MHz EU; diameter. is done via switch keys connected to I1-I4 outputs only. Operation Fig 4 - IN / OUT controlled devices icons
908,4 MHz US; VIII Manual RGB/RGBW operating mode
6) In case of connecting long RGBW/RGB/LED strips voltage drops through the Z-Wave network doesn't trigger the associated
921,4 MHz ANZ; may occur, resulting in lower light brightness further from R/G/B/W devices.
869,2 MHz RU; outputs. To eliminate this effect it's recommended to connect few Fibaro RGBW Controller has 4 controllable inputs I1-I4, configured
shorter strips in parallel connection instead of one long strip by default to work with push buttons. Each input controls Home Center 2 controller allows for choosing command frame sent
connected serially. designated channel, i.e.: to associated devices:
Range: up to 50m outdoors / up to 30m Maximum recommended wire length, used to connect R/G/B/W
Note! Normal (Dimmer) - synchronization with dimmer

indoors; depending on terrain and outputs with a RGBW/RGB/LED strip is 10 m. Observe connected - I1 controls R channel.
building structure loads manufacturer recommendations towards connection wire Association allows for direct communication Normal (RGBW) - synchronization with other producers RGBW
- I2 controls G channel.
diameter. between Z-Wave network devices. Main controller controllers
- I3 controls B channel.
does not take part in such communication. Using Normal (RGBW-FIBARO) - synchronization with Fibaro RGBW
- I4 controls W channel.
Operational temperature: 0 - 40oC this mechanism, Fibaro RGBW Controller may Controllers
communicate with other devices even when the
Controlling I1-I4 inputs is achieved by connecting ground wire
main controller is damaged, e.g. in fire.
IV Z-Wave network inclusion (GND) to specified channel (see scheme).
Dimensions (L x W x H): 42 x 37 x 17 mm XII Current load and energy consumption
Further, parameter's 14 settings allow for following type of manual
Fibaro RGBW Controller may be included into Z-Wave network control:
using B-button or any switch key connected to I1-I4 inputs. The Fibaro RGBW Controller provides five association groups: 1) Fibaro RGBW Controller allows for the current load and power
Technical Information device has an auto-inclusion function implemented and can be 1) NORMAL mode - controlling output assigned to given input consumption monitoring. Data is sent to the main controller, e.g.
included into the Z-Wave network automatically, by simply terminal. In this setting outputs will be controlled independently I association group assigned to I1 input - sends control frame to Home Center 2. Measuring is carried out by an independent
connecting the voltage supply. from one another, e.g. allowing for free adjusting each colours associated devices each time the device state changes. (ON / microprocessor dedicated exclusively for the purpose, assuring
• Controlled by Fibaro System devices or any Z-Wave controller saturation. Double click will set a given channel's saturation to OFF) maximum accuracy and precision. The microprocessor is factory
• Microprocessor controlled 100%. This operating mode works with momentary and toggle
Adding Fibaro RGBW Controller to the Z-Wave network in II association group assigned to I2 input - sends control frame to calibrated.
• Executive element: transistor switches.
• Active and historic (average) power consumption measuring auto-inclusion mode: associated devices each time the device state changes. (ON /
2) BRIGHTNESS mode - all outputs are controlled together, i.e. OFF) Electric power - power consumed by an electric device in an
1. Make sure Fibaro RGBW Controller is not connected to voltage one switch controls brightness of all channels at the same time. instant, in Watts (W).
supply and located within direct range of the main controller. III association group assigned to I3 input - sends control frame to
I General Information About Fibaro System This operating mode works with momentary and toggle switches. Electric energy - energy consumed by a device through a time
associated devices each time the device state changes. (ON /
2. Set the Z-Wave network main controller into learning mode (see 3) RAINBOW mode - 3. mode - all outputs are controlled together OFF) period. Most commonly measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). One
Z-Wave network controller operating manual). giving a transition of full colours spectrum. RAINBOW mode works kilowatt-hour is equal to one kilowatt of power consumed over a
Fibaro is a wireless system, based on Z-Wave technology. Fibaro IV association group assigned to I4 input - sends control frame to period of one hour, 1kWh = 1000 Wh.
3. Connect voltage supply to auto-include Fibaro RGBW Controller. with momentary switches only.
provides many advantages when compared to similar systems. In associated devices each time the device state changes. (ON /
general, radio systems create a direct connection between the 4. Fibaro RGBW Controller will be automatically recognized and OFF)
receiver and transmitter. However, the radio signal is weakened by included in the Z-Wave network. V association group reports device status. Only one device may Note!
various obstacles located in its path (apartment walls, furniture, To disable auto-inclusion press the B-button briefly, after
IX IN/OUT mode - 0-10V inputs, PWM outputs
be assigned to this group, main controller by default. It's not 1) Please contact your local supplier for the

etc.) and in extreme cases it fails to transfer required data. The connecting Fibaro RGBW Controller to voltage supply. recommended to modify this group's settings. current rates.
advantage of Fibaro System is that its devices, apart from being Fibaro RGBW Controller has 4 controllable, analog inputs I1 - I4, 2) Fibaro RGBW Controller stores consumed
Adding Fibaro RGBW Controller to the Z-Wave network in manual Fibaro RGBW Controller allows for controlling up to 5 regular
transmitters and signal receivers, also duplicate signal. When a allowing for 0-10V analog signal interpretation. This functionality electricity data on its memory, which means
inclusion mode: devices (opposed to multi channel devices) per each association
direct connection path between the transmitter and the receiver may be used in operation with analog sensors and potentiometers. disconnecting the module from voltage supply
group, out of which 1 field is reserved for the main controller.
cannot be established, the connection may be achieved through 1. Connect Fibaro RGBW Controller to voltage supply. What's more, in IN/OUT mode all inputs and outputs may be does not erase the data.
To add an association, (using Home Center 2 interface) go to
other intermediate devices. configured independently, e.g. I1 may be configured as 0-10V
2. Set the Z-Wave network main controller into learning mode (see device settings and click the following icon:
Fibaro is a bi-directional wireless system. This means that the sensor input and I2-I4 may control LED strip or Halogen lamps.
signal is not only sent to the receivers but also the receivers send Z-Wave network controller operating manual).
the confirmation of its reception. This operation confirms their 3. Triple click the B-button or any switch connected to I1-I4 inputs. Another option is to configure I1 as 0-10V input and connect 0-10V Resetting electricity consumption memory - reset the device
potentiometer to it, and connecting Halogen lamps to R output. At Select the "device options" tab. Then specify to which group and
status, which checks whether they are active or not. (see pt. VI) or choose reset electricity consumption memory option Fig 5 - Modes of operation
4. Fibaro RGBW Controller will be automatically recognized and the same time, other inputs may work with 0-10V sensors. what devices are to be associated. Sending relevant information to
from the main controller's menu.
included in the Z-Wave network. devices added to association groups may take even a few minutes.
10. Parts replaced under the guarantee are the property of the
12/24VDC XIII Advanced configuration
Settings available for single channel Default setting: 10 (0,1 kWh)
Manufacturer. The guarantee for all parts replaced in the guarantee
1 - 254 (0,01kWh - 2,54kWh)
MSB LSB Controlled 0 - changes in consumed energy will not be reported. Reports will process shall be equal to the guarantee period of the original device.
GND device
be sent only in case of polling. The guarantee period of the replaced part shall not be extended.
GENERAL: Parameter size: 1[byte] 11. Costs of delivering the faulty device shall be borne by the
1. ALL ON / ALL OFF function activation
0 0 0 0 0 (RGBW) X
Customer. For unjustified service calls, the Service may charge the
IN1 Default setting: 255 MOMENTARY
Customer with travel expenses and handling costs related to the
1 0 0 0 1 (RGBW) (NORMAL MODE) 71. Response to BRIGHTNESS set to 0% case.
0 - ALL ON inactive, ALL OFF inactive
Default setting: 1
IN2 1 - ALL ON inactive, ALL OFF active
2 - ALL ON active, ALL OFF inactive
2 0 0 1 0 (RGBW)
(BRIGHTNESS MODE) 0 - illumination colour set to white (all channels controlled together) 12. AGS shall not accept a complaint claim only when:
1 - last set colour is memorized • the Device was misused or the manual was not observed,
255 - ALL ON active, ALL OFF active MOMENTARY • the Device was provided by the Customer incomplete, without
3 Parameter size: 1[byte]
IN3 FIBARO Parameter size: 1 [byte] 0 0 1 1 (RGBW) (RAINBOW MODE) accessories or nameplate,
72. Starting predefined program when device set to work in • it was determined that the fault was caused by other reasons than
6. Associations command class choice
RGBW 4 0 1 0 0 (RGBW)
RGB/RGBW mode (parameter 14) - relevant for main a material or manufacturing defect of the Device
Default setting: 0
controllers other than Home Center 2 only. • the guarantee document is not valid or there is no proof of
0 1 0 1 (RGBW) (BRIGHTNESS MODE) Default setting: 1 purchase,
6 (RGBW)
1-10 animation program number
Parameter size: 1[byte]
13. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for damages to property
T/STOP_STATE_CHANGE 0 1 1 0 (NORMAL MODE) caused by defective device. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for
B 2 - NORMAL (RGBW) - COLOR_CONTROL_SET 73. Triple click action indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, or
(BRIGHTNESS MODE) Default setting: 0 for any damages, including, inter alia, loss of profits, savings, data,
T/STOP 0 - NODE INFO control frame is sent, loss of benefits, claims by third parties and any property damage or
8 1 - starting favourite program personal injuries arising from or related to the use of the Device.
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
1 0 0 0 (IN) (SENSOR)
Parameter size: 1[byte] 14. The guarantee shall not cover:
IN/OUT: 9 1 0 0 1 (OUT)
• mechanical damages (cracks, fractures, cuts, abrasions, physical
W 8. Outputs state change mode
deformations caused by impact, falling or dropping the device or
Default setting: 0
10 1 0 1 0 (OUT) X other object, improper use or not observing the operating manual);
TIPS FOR ARRANGING THE ANTENNA: • damages resulting from external causes, e.g.: flood, storm, fire,
Fig. 6- Terminals description 0 - MODE1 (related parameters: 9-step value, 10-time between
11 lightning, natural disasters, earthquakes, war, civil disturbance, force
steps) 1 0 1 1 (OUT) X majeure, unforeseen accidents, theft, water damage, liquid leakage,
Locate the antenna as far from metal elements as

1 - MODE2 (related parameters: 11-time to change value, relevant
battery spill, weather conditions, sunlight, sand, moisture, high or low
for RGB/RGBW) 12 1 1 0 0 (OUT)
TOGGLE possible (connecting wires, bracket rings, etc.) in
12/24 VDC 12V (NORMAL MODE) order to prevent interferences. temperature, air pollution;
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
• damages caused by malfunctioning software, attack of a computer
Adapter GND MODE1 13 1 1 0 1 (OUT) X virus, or by failure to update the software as recommended by the
IN1 Manufacturer;
Example: change saturation level from 0% to 99%
IN2 FIBARO Parameter 9: Step = 5
14 1 1 1 0 (OUT)
• damages resulting from: surges in the power and/or telecommuni-
Metal surfaces in the direct vicinity of the antenna

IN3 RGBW Parameter 10: Time between steps: 10ms cation network, improper connection to the grid in a manner
(e.g. flush mounted metal boxes, metal door frames)
IN4 CONTROLLER 15 1 1 1 1 (OUT) X inconsistent with the operating manual, or from connecting other
9. Step value (relevant for MODE1) may impair signal reception!
Red devices not recommended by the Manufacturer.
Default setting: 1 • damages caused by operating or storing the device in extremely
Green Available settings: 1 - 255 adverse conditions, i.e. high humidity, dust, too low (freezing) or too
Blue Parameter size: 1[byte] high ambient temperature. Detailed permissible conditions for
White B Note!

10. Time between steps (relevant for MODE1) Do not cut or shorten the antenna - its length is operating the Device are defined in the operating manual;
Default setting: 10 (10ms) Parameter 14 recommended perfectly matched to the band in which the system • damages caused by using accessories not recommended by the
0 - immediate change of state settings, for controllers other than operates Manufacturer
1-60000 - (1-60000 ms) Home Center 2, are available under • damages caused by faulty electrical installation of the Customer,
the following link: including the use of incorrect fuses;
• damages caused by Customer's failure to provide maintenance and
Example: change saturation level from 0% to 99% http://manual.rgbw.fibaro.co.uk/ servicing activities defined in the operating manual;
Fig. 7 - Connecting halogen lighting Parameter 11: time for changing from start to end value = 500sec ras-rgbw-controller-en.pdf EPILEPSY WARNING: • damages resulting from the use of spurious spare parts or
11. Time for changing from start to end value Stroboscope effect and rapid light changes may accessories improper for given model, repairing and introducing
potentially trigger seizures for people with alterations by unauthorized persons;
Default setting: 67 (3s)
photosensitive epilepsy! • defects caused by operating faulty Device or accessories.
0 - immediate change
12/24 VDC 12V 1-63 - 20-126- [ms] value*20ms 16. Memorize device status at power cut. Device will be set to 15. The scope of the guarantee repairs shall not include periodic
Adapter 65-127 - 1-63 [s] [value-64]*1s status memorized before power cut. maintenance and inspections, in particular cleaning, adjustments,
129-191 - 10-630[s] [value-128]*10s Default setting: 1 operational checks, correction of errors or parameter programming
IN1 and other activities that should be performed by the user (Buyer).
Wind Temperature Humidity Light 193-255 - 1-63[min] [value-192]*1min 0 - device does not memorize its status at the power cut. Load is
Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor IN2 FIBARO Parameter size: 1[byte] The guarantee shall not cover natural wear and tear of the Device
disconnected. XIV Guarantee
IN3 RGBW 1 - device memorizes its status at the power cut. Load will be set and its components listed in the operating manual and in technical
IN4 12. Maximum brightening level to the status from before power cut (parameters, current outputs documentation as such elements have a defined operational life.
Red Default setting: 255 status, energy) 1. The Guarantee is provided by FIBAR GROUP Sp. z o.o. 16. If a defect is not covered by the guarantee, the Manufacturer
Green Available settings: 3-255 Parameter size: 1[byte] (hereinafter "Manufacturer"), based in Poznan, ul. Lotnicza 1; 60-421 reserves the right to remove such defect at its sole discretion,
Blue Parameter size: 1[byte] ALARM: Poznan, entered in the register of the National Court Register kept repairing the damaged or destroyed parts or providing components
White B by the District Court in Poznań, VIII Economic Department of the necessary for repair or replacement.
13. Minimum dim level 30. Alarm of any type (general alarm, flood alarm, smoke National Court Register, no. 370151, NIP 7811858097, REGON: 17. This guarantee shall not exclude, limit or suspend the Customer
Default setting: 2 alarm: CO, CO2, temperature alarm). 301595664. rights when the provided product is inconsistent with the purchase
Available settings: 3-255
Fig. 8 - 0-10 V sensors wiring diagram Default setting: 0 2. The Manufacturer is responsible for equipment malfunction agreement.
Parameter size: 1[byte]
0 - INACTIVE - the device doesn't respond to alarm frames resulting from physical defects (manufacturing or material) of the
1 - ALARM ON - the device turns on once alarm is detected (all Device for 12 months from the date of its purchasing.
14. Inputs / Outputs configuration - relevant for main channels set to 99%)
2 - ALARM OFF - the device turns off once alarm is detected (all 3. During the Guarantee period, the Manufacturer shall remove any
12/24 VDC 12V controllers other than Home Center 2 only This Device may be used with all devices

230V AC channels set to 0%) defects, free of charge, by repairing or replacing (at the sole
Default setting: 4369 Controlled device: RGBW, toggle switch certified with Z-Wave certificate and should be
Adapter GND
inputs (NORMAL MODE) 3 - ALARM PROGRAM - alarm sequence turns on (program discretion of the Manufacturer) any defective components of the
compatible with such devices produced by
IN1 selected in parameter 38) Device with new or regenerated components, that are free of
Each 4bit refer to given IN/OUT (channel) settings other manufacturers.
IN2 FIBARO Parameter size: 1[byte] defects. When the repair impossible, the Manufacturer reserves the
Any device compatible with Z-Wave may be added
right to replace the device with a new or regenerated one, which shall
IN3 RGBW 38. Alarm sequence program be free of any defects and its condition shall not be worse than the
to Fibaro system.
IN4 CONTROLLER Note Default setting: 10 original device owned by the Customer.
i The maximum leven cannot be lower than
minimum level.
1 - 10 (1-10 specifies alarm program number)
Parameter size: 1[byte]
39. Active PROGRAM alarm time
4. In special cases, when the device cannot be replaced with the
device of the same type (e.g. the device is no longer available in the
commercial offer), the Manufacturer may replace it with a different
W W White B Default setting: 600
1-65534 (1s-65534s)
device having technical parameters similar to the faulty one. Such FIBARO
activity shall be considered as fulfilling the obligations of the In case of any technical questions contact customer service centre
Parameter size: 2[byte] Manufacturer. The Manufacturer shall not refund money paid for the in your country.
Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4
REPORTS: device.
Fig. 9 - RGBW strip wiring diagram (4 bit) (4 bit) (4 bit) (4 bit)
42. Command class reporting Outputs status change 5. The holder of a valid guarantee shall submit a guarantee claim www.fibargroup.com
0000 0000 0000 0000 through the guarantee service. Remember: before you submit a
Default setting: 0 guarantee claim, contact our technical support using telephone or
.... .... .... ....
0 - reporting as a result of inputs and controllers actions (SWITCH
12/24 VDC 12V 1111 1111 1111 1111 MULTILEVEL)
e-mail. More than 50% of operational problems is resolved remotely,
230V AC saving time and money spent to initiating guarantee procedure. If
Adapter GND 1 - reporting as a result inputs actions (SWITCH MULTILEVEL) remote support is insufficient, the Customer shall fill the guarantee
IN1 If RGB/RGBW mode is chosen, settings for all 4 channels are 2 - reporting as a result of inputs actions (COLOR CONTROL) claim form (using our website - www.fibargroup.com) in order to
IN2 FIBARO identical. Settings marked with X are forbidden and cannot be sent Parameter size: 1[byte] obtain claim authorization.
0-10V IN3 RGBW to the module. 43. Reporting 0-10v analog inputs change threshold. When the guarantee claim form is submitted correctly, the Customer
IN4 CONTROLLER Parameter defines a value by which input voltage must change in shall receive the claim confirmation with an unique number (Return
Input type: order to be reported to the main controller. New value is calculated Merchandise Authorization -RMA).
12V 12V Red
- ANALOG - sensor with analog, 0-10V interface. Impossible to based on last reported value:
R R Green 6. The claim may be also submitted by telephone. In this case, the
G G control from main controllers interface. Default setting: 5 (0,5V)
Blue call is recorded and the Customer shall be informed about it by a
B B - MOMENTARY - momentary switch, 1-100 - (0,1 - 10V)
W W White B consultant before submitting the claim. Immediately after submitting
- TOGGLE - toggle switch, Parameter size: 1[byte] the claim, the consultant shall provide the Customer with the claim
- TOGGLE W/MEMORY - toggle switch (ON active for closing
44. Power load reporting frequency (if last reported value differs number (RMA-number).
switch terminals; OFF active for opening switch terminals)
Fig 10. - RGBW strip with 0-10 V potentiometer wiring diagram from the current value). Reports will also be sent in case of polling. 7. When the guarantee claim form is submitted correctly, a
Input operating mode (controlled with switch keys):
Default setting: 30 (30s) representative of the Authorised Guarantee Service (hereinafter as
- NORMAL - each given switch key assigned to one output
1 - 65534 (1s-65534s) - time between reports, "AGS") shall contact the Customer.
NOTES FOR THE DIAGRAM 0 - reports are not sent. Reports will only be sent in case of polling
IN3 - potential free / 0-10V input 3 - BRIGHTNESS - all of the channels are controlled together, 8. Defects revealed within the guarantee period shall be removed
or at turning OFF the device.
IN4 - potential free / 0-10V input 4 - RAINBOW - transition through all colours spectrum (operates on not later than 30 days from the date of delivering the Device to AGS.
12/24VDC - power supply signal Parameter size: 2[byte]
R - output assigned to IN1 3 RGB channels only) The guarantee period shall be extended by the time in which the
GND - power supply ground signal 45. Reporting changes in energy consumed by controlled
G - output assigned to IN2 Parameter size: 2[byte] Device was kept by AGS.
IN1 - potential free / 0-10V input 1 devices. New, reported energy value is calculated based on last
B - output assigned to IN3 reported value. 9. The faulty device shall be provided by the Customer with complete
IN2 - potential free / 0-10V input 2
W - output assigned to IN4 standard equipment and documents proving its purchase.

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