Spanish Romantic Panorama:: Romanticism Romanticism

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 Spanish Romantic Panorama:  

     Romanticism is a complex period that show
different features depending on the country where it F. Padilla Ortiz (1848-1921),
is developped. In Spain Romanticism is Juana the Fool.
afeeling rather than a thought. We have to consider the historical events on wich it is
projected. Arrival of Napoleon troops in Peninsule will provoke Spanish Independence
War: it is a typical romantic war.

     As Romantic movement begins, many spanish artists will cultivate the different
aspects of this new cultural chapter. 

 genders: 

1º.- Portrait: 
    One of the most outstanding authors in this gender
was Federico de Madrazo (1815-1894). He is seen as one of
the most important portraitists in spanish Romanticism as well as
in the whole Europe. We can appreciate from his works a
perfection in drawing and a psychological study of persons. His
production is numerous: he painted hundreds of portraits. He was
a chamber painter and, twice, a director of Prado Museum.
Federico de Madrazo,
     Antonio Esquivel (1806-1857) was also an important Countess of Vilches, c.1853.
portraitist, born in Seville. We can observe in his works an
academic touch. He gave his creatures a sentimentalism
according with romantic ideals.

J.Pérez Villamil,
Arrival of the Train to Gijon, 1852.

2º.- Landscape: 
     Landscape is another typical gender in Romanticism. Nature is useful for painters
to project freely their feelings and subjectivity.

     Before Romanticism, landscape appeared as a background for portraits or

pictures on History, specially in Barroque. Objects without a didactic purpose were
not considered as art. Now, in 19th century, landscape becomes a new gender as
important as picture on History.

     One of the most important artists was Jenaro López de Villamil (1807-1854).

He used for his landscapes a nervous and pasted touch of brush in order to get softer
and more delicate atmospheres.

Eugenio Lucas Villamil,

Scene of Bulls,c.1890-1900.

3º.- painting on Customs: 
     The so-called Romantic Art on Customs is representated by "brave vein"
painters as Eugenio Lucas (1858-1918) and Leonardo Alenza (1807-1845).
They take Goya as a master and keep a popular ambiance of brave girls, bandits,
bullfightings, toreros, inquisitorial acts and sorcerers. 
Their touch of brush looks like a sketch full of chromatic matter, pointing
to Impressionism.

Eduardo Rosales,
Will of Isabel la Católica.
4º.- Historical painting: 
     This gender was developped not only in Romanticism, but also
in Barroque and Neoclassicism, as is shown in David matters. Canvas on History are
usually of a big size. About the second half of 19th century the gender achieves a
singular importance. That was due to competions organized by St. Fernando
Academy and other National Exhibitions. Historical subjects are often a cause for
winning a medal. 

o Artists:
o Antonio Gisbert (1834-
o José Casado del Alisal
o Eduardo Rosales
o Mariano Fortuny
Antonio Gisbert,
Comuners of Castille.

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