Solutions Elementary TB PDF
Solutions Elementary TB PDF
Solutions Elementary TB PDF
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The publisherand authorsaregrateful to the many teccners and students "'ofw read
and pi10ttdthe manuscript, and providedinvaluable f«dbcuk. With specialthanks
to tht follcrwingfor their contribution to the dtvelopmenl of the Solutions series:
Zinta Andzane. Latvia: Ire na Budreikiene. Lith uania; Kati Elekes. Hungary;
Dan ica coneova. Slovakia; Ferenc Kelemen. Hu n gary, Natasha Kolt ko ,
Ukraine; Mario Maleta . Croatia; Juraj Marcek, Slova kia; Dace Miska . Latvia ;
Anna Morri s, Ukraine; Hana Mustlk ova , Czech Repu blic; Zsuzsanna Nyiro.
Hungary; Eva Paulerova. Czec h Repu blic: zoltan Rezm uve s. Hungary;
Rita Rudiarien e. lithuania: Ela Rudn iak. Poland; Dagmar ~korpikova .
Czech Repu bl ic
The publisher and authors wouldlike to extend their special thanks to Emma Wa tkins
for the part she playtdIndt'Vt'loping the material.
The publisher and the authors wouldUke to thank the authorafDyslexia: a gu ide for
teachers : Ka ta rzyn a Bogda no wicz
The publisherwould llkt to thank the foUuwingfor their permission to we photographs:
Foto lia p 123 (all but Steve, je nny, Joshua ); Getty Im age s p p 125 (Wayne
Roo ne YlJo hn Peters ); lstock p1 23.
illustrations by:Claude Borde lea ujAgent 002 p1 33; Dylan Gibson p 127; David
Oakley/Amos Design Ltd pp 124,126 , 134
Introduction 4
I Introduction Unit 10
1 My network 15
(jet retJdy for your eJ(tJ/ff 1 & 2 24
2 Free time 26
LtJlf1utJ1e RI!'VIM tJlfd Skt/I$ Roulfd-up 1-2 35
3 School life 36
(jet retJdy for your eJ(tJ/ff 3 & 4 45
4 Time to party! 47
LtJlf1utJ1e RI!'VIM tJlfd Skt/I$ Roulfd-up 3-4 56
5 Wild! 57
(jet retJdy for your eJ(tJ/ff 5 & 6 66
6 Out and about 68
LtJlf1utJ1e RI!'VIM tJlfd Skills Roulfd-up 5-6 77
7 World famous 78
(jet retJQy for your eJ(tJ/ff 7 & 8 87
8 On the menu 89
LtJlf1utJ1e RI!'VIM tJlfd SK.,/I$ Roulft/-up 7-8 98
9 Journeys 99
(jet retJdy for your eJ(tJ/ff 9 & 10 108
10 Just the job 110
LtJlf1utJ1e RI!'VIM tJlfd Skt/I$ Roulfd-up 9-10 119
Dyslexia: a guide for teachers 120
Photocopiable resource bank 123
Three class audio CDs
Anote from the authors "The three audio CD'S (ontain a\\ the \istening mato:- ::.
Our wo rk on Solutions began in the spr ing of 2005 with a Student 's Book .
research tri p. We trave lle d from city to city with colleagues from
Oxford University Press. visiting schools. watching lessons and The Workbook
talkin g to teachers and students. The in format ion we gathered The Workbook mirrors and reinforces the content of the
on that t rip, and many subseque nt t rips across Centra l and Student's Book. It offe rs:
Eastern Europe, gave us valua ble insig hts into what secondary • further practice, lesson-by-lesson of the material taugh:
students and teachers want from a new book. Th ese became class
our guiding principles while writingSolutions. Most people we • additional exam tasks with support for students and
spoke to asked for: teachers
• a clear focus on exam topics and tasks • Challenge! exercises to stretch strongerstudents
• easy-to-follow lessons which always have a clear outcome • writing guides to provide a clearstructural framework for
• pie nty of support for speaking and writ ing writingtasks
• plentyof extra practice material • regular Self-checks wit h Con do state ments to promot e
conscious learnerdevelopment
In respo nse, we design ed a book which has a crystal -clear • cumulative reviews to develop students' awarenessofth eir
structure: one lesson in the book = one lesson in the progress
classroom. We included twentypages of extra vocabulary and • a Functions Bank for reference
gramma r practice within the Student's Book itself to provide • an irregularverbs list
more flexibility. We included ten specific lessons to prepare • a Wordlist which contains the vocab ularyactivated in the
st uden ts for the school-leaving exam, and ensured t hat the Stude nt's Book units
book as a whole correspond s to th e sylla bus t opics required in
Proced ural notes, transcripts and keys for the Workbook can be
this exam. And we recognised the difficu lties that students
natu rally have wi t h speaking and writ ing , and t herefore easilyfound on the Solutions Teach er's Website at
ensured that these activities are always well prepared and well
supported. Achi evable activities are essential for motivation!
Our research trips also taught us that no two schools or classes
The MultiROM
are id ent ical. That is why Solutions is designed to be flexib le.
The Mu ltiROM is an int eractive self-st udy tooi tha t has been
designed to give guidance, practice, support and consolidation
Th ere are five levels (Elementary, Pre-intermediate,
of the language and ski lls taught in the Stude nt's Book. The
Intermediate. Upper-intermediate, Advanced) so that you can
MultiROM is divided into units and lessons corres ponding with
choose the one which best fits your students' needs.
those of t he Student's Book.
Solutions has benefited from collaboration with teachers with • every grammar lesson in the bookis extensively practised
extensive experi ence of teaching 14-1 9 year aids and of
and is accompan ied by a simple explanation
preparing students for their school-leaving exam. We would like
• all targe t vocabulary is consolidatedwith crossword, word
to thank Marta Urninska for sharing her expertise in writing the
search, and gap-fill activities
procedu ral note s in th e Teacher' s Book. Cult ural and language
• one exam-type listeningactivity per unit is includ ed sothat
notes as well as the photocopiable supplements in the
students are able to practise listening at their own pace
Teacher' s Book were provided by Caroline Krantz.
• speakin g and writing sections help stu dents improve these
We are confident that Solutions will be easy to use, both for skills outside of the classroom
students and for teachers. We hope it will also be interesting, • an audio CD element is included, with all the exam listening
engaging and stimulating! tasks from the Workbook, which can be played on a CD
Tim Fall a and Paui A Davies player
~ Introduction
Solutions and the exam
Solutions Elementary is int ended to int roduce students to the Workbook
task type s and format of the basic level of the school·leaving The Workbook provides furthe r pract ice for both the oral and
exam. The empha sis is on preparation and famil iarisation , the writte n exam. Work in class can be foll owed up with
helping st ude nts to build good study habits and exam Workbook tasks done as homework.
st rategies. Typical exam requirements are reflected throughout The list enin g material for the Workbook listening tasks is
th e course in the choice of top ics. task-types, texts and availab le on t he MultiROM.
grammar struc tures. In addition to th is. Solutions offe rs a
comprehensive range of exam support: Teacher's Book
The exam lesso ns in t he Stude nt's Book are accompan ied by
Studen t's Book full procedura l notes with advice and ti ps for exam preparat ion.
The Student's Book includes ten exam -specific lessons
designed to familiari se students with the task-types and
req ui rements of th eir final exam. The lessons provide strateg ies
and exam techniques as well as the language needed for
students to be able to tackle exam tasks with confidence .
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Lesson A - Vocabulary and listening Lesson B - Grammar
• The unit menu states t he main language and skills to be • lesson B prese nts and practi ses the fi rst main grammar
taught. point of the unit.
• Every lesson has an explicit learning objective. begin ni ng • The new lang uage is presented in a short text or ot her
' I can ..' . meani ngfu l context.
• lesson A introduces the top ic of the uni t. prese nt s t he • There are clear grammar ta bles.
main vocabulary set, and practises it through listen ing • Look out! boxes appear w herever necessary and help
and other acti vities . stude nts to avoid comm on errors.
, This lesso n links to the Vocabulary Builder at the back of • This lesson links to t he Grammar Buil der at th e back of the
t he book. wh ich provides extra practice and extension . book which provid es extra pract ice and grammar reference.
Introduction r
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Lesson C- Culture Lesson 0 - Grammar
• l esson C has a reading t ext which provides cultura l • l esson 0 present s and practis es the second main grammar
information abo ut Britai n. th e USA or other English- poin t of the unit.
speakin g countries. • The grammar presentation is interactive: students often
• Students are encouraged to make cultu ral comparisons. have to complete tables and rules, helping them focus on
• New vocabul ary is clearly presented in boxes wherever it the stru ctures.
is needed. • Learn this! boxes present key in formation in a clear and
concise form.
• This lesson links to th e Grammar Builder at the back of the
book which provid es extra practic e and grammar reference
not es.
• A fin al speaki ng act ivity allows students to personali se the
new language.
No pain; no gain
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Lesson F - Everyday English Lesson G - Writing
• Lesson F prese nt s a funct io nal dialo gue. • Lesso n G focuses on wr it ing and normally involves one of
• The lesson always incl udes listeni ng pract ice. the text types req uire d fo r the students' final exam.
• Ext ra vocabulary is presente d. if necessary. • The ies son always begins by looki ng at a model text o r
• Stud ents follow a clear guide w hen t hey prod uce the ir texts and st udyi ng the structure and formal.
own dialogue. • Students learn and practise usefu l phr ases.
• Useful functiona l phrases are taught and practi sed . • There is a clear w rit ing guide for th e student s to pro duce
• The step- by-step app roach of ' presentat ion, pract ice and their own text.
product io n' is suitable fo r mixed-abil ity classes and offers • This supported app roach to writi ng increases students '
ach ievabl e goals. lin gui sti c confi dence.
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Introduction ~
Tips and ideas Dealing with difficult vocabulary
Here are some ideas:
• Pre-teach vocabulary. Anticipate which words stud ents wilt
Teaching vocabulary have difficulty with . Put them on the board before you read
Vocabulary notebooks the text wit h the class and pre-teach them. You can combine
Encourage yourstudents to record new wordsin a notebook. this with a prediction acti vity by putti ng a iist of words on
They can group words according to the topic or by part of the board and asking studentsto guess which oneswill not
speech. Tell them to write a translation and an example appear in the text. For example, for the text about kung fu on
sentence that shows the word in context. page 22 of the Student's Book, list th ese words:
Vocabulary doesn't just appear on Vocabulary pages, You can training practise kicking blonde fight
ask stud ents to make a list of all the verbs that appear in a grandmother dangerous
Grammar section , or to choosefive useful words from a reading Ask students to look at the pictures and tell you which two
text and learn them . words they are not going to find in th e text (grandmother
and blonde) . At the same time, check that they understa nd
Learn ing p hrases
the other five words.
We often learnwords in isolation, but a vocabularyitem can
• Having read through the text once, tell studentsto write
be more than one word, e.g. surf the Internet, have a shower.
down three or four words fro m th e text that they don't
Make students aware of this and encourage them to record
understand. Then ask th em to call out th e words. You can
phrases as welt as individual words.
then explain or translate them.
Revision • Rather than immediately explaining difficult vocabulary,
Regularly revise previously learn ed sets of vocabulary. Here are ask stude nts to identify the part of speech of th e word they
two games you could try in class: don't know. Knowing the part of speech sometimes helps
• Odd one out. Give fourwords, either orally or written on them to guess the meaning.
the board. Student s say which is the odd one out. You can • Afterworking on a text, ask students to choose four or five
choose three words from one vocabulary set and one word new words from the text that they would like to learn and to
from a different set (a relatively easytask) or four words write these in theirvocabulary notebooks.
from the same set, e.g. kind, confident, rude, friend ly, where
rude is the odd one out as it's the only word with negative Teaching listening
Pre-li st ening
• Word tennis. This game can be played to revise word sets.
This is an important stage. Li stening to something 'cold' is not
Call out words in the set, and nominate a student to answer.
easy, so prepare the students well. Focus on teach ing rather
The student must respond with anotherword in the set.
than on testing. Here are some things you can do:
Continue around the class.
• Tell the students in broad term s what they are goingto hear
Students must not repeatany previous words . For example,
(e.g. a boy and girl makin g arrangements to go out) .
with clothes :
• Predict the content. If there's a picture, ask students to
T: T-shirt
look at the picture and tell you what they can see or what is
51: jeans
T: sweats hirt
• Pre-teach vocabulary. Put new vocabulary on the board and
52 : top
pre-teach it. Translating the words is perfectly acceptable.
• Read throu gh th e exercise carefully and slowly before the
Teaching grammar
students listen. En sure that the students understand both
Concept checking the task and all the vocabulary in the exercise. (You can
The concept is important. Do not rush from the prese ntation check th at th ey understand the task by asking a student to
to th e practice before the students have fUlly absorbed the explain it in th eir own language.)
meaning of the new language. Yo u can checkthat they truly Familiar procedure
understand a new structu re by:
It isn't easy to listen, read the exercise and write the answers
• asking them to translate examples into their own language.
all at the same time. Ta ke some press ure off the students
• talking about the practice activities as you do them, asking
by tellin g them you' ll piay the recording a number of ti mes,
students to explain their answers.
and that they shouldn't worry if they don't get the answers
• looking beyond incorrectanswers: they may be careless
immediately. Tell students not to write anythi ng the fi rst time
errors or they may be the result of a misunderstanding.
th ey iisten.
• contrasting new structures with forms that they already
know in Engli sh and in their own language. Monitor
While the students are listening, stand at the back of th e class
Practi ce
and check that they can all hear.
Practice makes perfect. Learning a new structure is not easy,
and students need plentyof practice. Use the extra activities in Teaching writing
the Grammar Builders and on the MultiROM.
Use a model
Ensure that the students understand that the text in Lesson G
Mechanical practice should come before persona lised practice.
serves as a model for their own writing.
This allows students to masterthe basic form and use first,
witho ut having to think about what they are trying to express at Preparation
the same time. Encourage your students to brainstorm ideas and make
notes, either alone or in pairs, before they attempt to write a
Teaching reading composition.
Predicting content Draft
Before reading the text, ask students to look at the picture and Tell them to prepare a rough draft of th e composition before
tell you what they can see or what is happening. Yo u can also they write out the final vers ion.
discuss the title and topic with them.
Introduction ~
YoaIbutary· alphab et • numbers > describing people
• time. days. months andseasons
Grammar· be • possessiveadjec:tives • demonstrative pronouns . have got
==,.... Speaking· introducingyourself
Writing. a descriptionof a friend or family member
WORK,.OOk pages4-7
Saying hello
LESSON SUMMARy • • • • •
FunctionalEnglish: introducing yourself
Exercise 6 page 4 g 1.04
• Play the nu mbers fo r st ude nts to list en to. then model the
Ustenlng: short dialogues pronunciation for them to repeat in groups of 3-4 numbers
Vocab ulary: letters and numbers (e.g. 1, 2,3 - 4 .5 .6, etc.) . With a weaker class . di spl ay the
Speaklng: introducing yourself numberswritten as words on the board. OHP or a poster
Topic: people and have students practise in pairs.
Transcript 1.04
"in.ijniill To do the lesson in 30 minutes, have only a few 1.2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9.1 0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.1 6. 17.1 8. 19. 20.
pairs actout their dialoguesin exercise 12. 21. 22. 23. 30.40.50
-~ Introduction Unit
Exercise 10 page 4 "1.06 • Lead-in 2 min utes
• Work on the pron unciation of the questions. Play each • As k a few students the question: How old afe you?This is
one several times and ask students to repeat chorally and revision of the previouslesson, but it will also lead in into this
individually, paying att enti on to th e follo wing features: lesson. Aftera few students have told you their age, name
Each question is one tone unit, which means it should a few students and say: So, you are 16. And he is 15. She is
be pronounced 'like one word', without stopping: also 15. They ore 15. Explain that today's lesson will be on
'Howo/dareyou?' (it is not necessary to teach students the th e conjugation of th e verb to be.
term 'tone unit').
In each question there is a stressed word - the one that Exercise 1 page 5
carries the key meaning: What's your name?How old are • Draw students' attention to the photo. Say something like:
you? Practise the question intonation . See - this is Ben from lesson A. Students read the text and
You may also point out that the sentence stress in How answerthe question s. Check answers with the whole class.
old Ofe you? changes when the second person asks the
question: Howold are you?I'm 16. Howold are YQ!!. ? KEY
1 T 2 F 3 F
Exercise 11 page 4
• Students work on their dialogues. In a stronger class
encou rage them to try without writing the dialogues out in
Exercise 2 pag e 5
fu ll. Heip t hem practise t he phrases, but don't insist if t hey • Rem ind studen ts that be is the infinitive. Ask them to do
find it hard to do everyt hing orall y. the tasks. When checking, ask for equi valents of the forms
In th e st udents' own langu age. Point out the short answers
Exercise 12 page 4 and emphasise that they are used a lot.
• Depending on time and on students' patience, have 3- 5
pairs act out their dialogues in front of the class. Choose pairs KEY
who speak fai rly ioudly and clearly. Give feedback : praise 1 ' m / am 3 ' re / are 5 isn't / is not
good performances and correcta few mistakes (especially 2 's / is 4 'rn not / am not 6 aren't / are not
concerning pronunciation or the language from this lesson).
Exercise 4 page 5
• Explain thirsty and any other unknown vocabulary. In a
stronger class, refer students to the table in exercise 2, and
ask them to look at how questionsare formed . In a weaker
class , talk through the stru cture together, and do the fi rst
one or two questions as a class. Students do the task
individually and compare answers in pairs. Check answers
with the wh ole class.
L ES S O N S UMMARy • • • • •
Grammar: be, possessives, pronouns
Reading:a short personal profile
1 Are you 15 years old ?
Speaking: asking and answeringabout personal information
2 Is Ronaldin ho your favou rite footballer?
3 Is our teacher in the classroom ?
4 Are we from Hungary?
'-iI,.ljuM'" To do the lesson in 30 minutes, do exercises 2
5 Is Julia Roberts your favourite actres s?
and 6 as 0 class. Ifyou oreshort of time, you could splitthe
6 Are you th irsty?
questions in exercise 5, so that each student in a pair answers
half of the questions. 7 Are your friends at home?
Introduction Unit ~
Exercise 5 page 5 .. l ead-in 4-5 mi nut es
• Do the first two or three questions in open pairs (two • If you've got a sister or brother, show the class his/h er
stud ents ask and answer and th e rest of the group listen s) photo and say: This is my sister. Ask st udents around th e
to make sure they are getting it right. Insist on answers in class: Have you got a sister?Have you got a brother? Report
the form Yes, I am / No, J'm not + the correct information as the stude nts' answers to the class. If you haven't got any
opposed to just yes and no. Students continue in closed siblings, you can start by ta lk ing abou t your dog, cat, bike,
pairs. Circ ulate and monitor. etc. Finally, write on th e board: have got and say th is is t he
topic of the lesson.
Exercise 6 page 5
• Explain what possessive adjectives are. You can ask a few Exercise 1 page 6 "1.07
students Questions like: Is this yourpen?No it isn't?Oh, is • Tell students they are going to hear a conversation between
it his? (with gestures to indicate your meaning). Students Ben and Francesca. Focus students' attention on the photo
look back at the t ext in exerci se 1 and fill In the table and ask them to read the task. Play t he recordin g on ce.
indi vid ually. Check with the whole class. Allow a moment for everyone to finish answering and then
check as a class.
1 my 2 her 3 our KEY
1 hasn't 2 has 3 haven't
Exercise 7 page 5
• Demon strate the meaning of demonstrative pronoun s using Exercise 2 page 6
objects in the classroom, for example: This is my bag. These • Students read the instructions and complete the table. In
are markers. That's a map of Britain. Those are posters. a weaker class , go through the dial ogue togethe r first, and
• Students read the Learn this! box. Check understandin g by underline the examples as a class.
eliciting some examples from the class. Ask stude nts why • To check, either have students write the answers on the
they have used this, that, these, or those - Is the abject board, or displ ay the completed chart on an OHP.
close or further away? Is there one object or more than one? • Explain that 've and's are short forms of have and has.
• Students look at the pictures and write questions. Check Point out that nearly all the form s are the same, just one is
with the who le class. different. Which one? When students answer (he/ she/i t has),
• Practise the pronunciation of /3/ - show how the sound can you may choose to tell them that they will later find tha t a lot ,
be produced by putti ng t he tip of the tongue against or even but not all, of third person singularforms end in - so
between t he teeth .
KEY Dialogue: They've got a lovely hou se, Have you got brothers or
2 Are those your books? sisters? I haven't got a sister, but I've got a broth er. He's got
3 Are these your trainers? blue eyes, but he hasn' t got fai r hair. Have the y got children?
4 Is t hat your bike ? Tabl e:
5 Is th is you r CD? 1 has 3 Have 5 hasn't
6 Are these your pencils? 2 have 4 haven't 6 haven't
Exercise 4 page 6
LESSON SUMMARy • • • • • • You maywish to ask students to work with partners they
Grammar: havegot don't kno w very well (oth erwise they are lik ely to know t he
Vocabulary: personal appearan ce answers to all the questions the y ask), but thi s needs to be
Listening: short dialogue handled sensitively. Some of the questions are about quite
Speaking: talkingabout what people have got and what people expensive possessions, and it is important that nobody
look like should feel embarrassed by having to make statements
abou t th eir material stat us. If you th ink this is likel y to be a
Writing: a shortdescription of a family member
problem, t ell st udents that they don't have to te ll the t ruth ,
Topic: people
they should focus on practis ing t he language.
Exercise 6 page 6
• You may wish to specify t he num ber of q uesti on s each pair
shou ld ask, for examp le, on e abo ut each person in t he
room, or one with each word, or a tota l of 10.
Exercise 7 page 6
• Remind stud ent s of the language they can use in writ ing t he 5
desc riptio n:
He is / She is x years old . (Lesson B)
He's got /She 's got... (the featu res li sted in exercise 5).
• Tell st udents it is also possibl e to say: Her eyes are blue.
His hair is lang and dark. (Point out t hat hair is not plura l
- in English it is seen as one subs tance, one mass of 6
somethi ng.)
• If the w riting is set as ho mework, you may encourage
students to in clud e a photo w it h the description.
.. Lesson outcome
Ask stude nts : What have we to/ked about today? Elicit : have Transcript 1.09
got and appearance. Ask everyone to say one word t hey
four o'clock half past six
learned from t he lesson. Draw student s' attent io n to the lesso n
quarter to eight twenty to eleven
stat eme nt: Ican describe people.
five past ten quarter past t hree
LESSON SUMMARy • • • • • 1 Excuse 3 to 5 welco me
VocabuLary: time, days, months, seasons 2 time 4 very
Functional English: asking for and telling the time
Speaking: talking about time, days, months and seasons
To say a t ime when t he minutes are not a multiple of five,
wr,UUjJlj.. 1 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set exercise 10 as t he wo rd minutes must be added, e.g, It's twaminutes
a writtenexercise forhomework. past ten not It's twa past ten.
.. Lead-in 2 minutes
Exercise 4 page 7
• Write the date on the board, fi rst as numbers, th en as
• First practis e readi ng th e dial ogue from exercise 3 in open
wor ds, e.g.: 15/09/2009 (Wed) - Today is Wednesday, the
pai rs several t imes (tw o stud ents sitt ing in different places
fifteen th of September two thousand and nine.
read, the rest of t he class li stens). Work on intonation. You
• Read aloud what you hav e written.
• Writ e the t ime, fi rst as numbe rs, t hen as words , e.g.:
10.10 - It is ten past ten.
Introduction Unit ~
may play the recording again. When you feel students have Exercise 10 page 7
had sufficient pronunciation practice, ask them to talk about • Students may ask and answer the questions with the
the times in this exercise. Circulate and monitor. classmates theyare sitting with, or you may ask them to
stand up and ask each question of a different person.
Exercise 5 page 7
• Ask stu dents t o look at the task and read th e instructions. .. Lesson outcome
Ask them to pick out a few words which are days of the week Ask stude nts: Whathave we talked about today? Elicit: time
and a few which are months. or days of the week, months and seasons. Ask seven students
• Students workon the exercise in patrs.Itvou have a to say the days of the week in order, then twelve to say the
calendar with those words in English. encourage them months in order. Draw students' attention to the lesson
to walk up to it and use it as a resource. You may want statement: I con ask the time and talk about the months of the
to introduce a certain conditio n: they can walk up to the year.
calendar, but they must not take th eir note books with them.
Inst ead. th ey must remember as much as th ey can and the n
go back to the ir desks and write it down.
Transcript 1.11
1 Sunday 5 Thursday
2 Monday 6 Friday
3 Tuesday 7 Saturday
4 Wednesday
1 January 7 July
2 February 8 August
3 March 9 September
4 April 10 October
5 May 11 November
6 lun. 12 December
Exercise 7 pag e 7
• Give students a minute or two to look at the pictures. Then
ask them to match the pictures with the seasons.
1 spri ng 2 summ er 3 autumn 4 winter
Exercise 9 pag e 7
• Students discuss the months and seasons in pairs. Check
with the whole class.
.. Lead-in 2 minutes
• With books closed, inform the class of the lesson objectives
Unit 1 • My network ~
KEY Materials: One copy ofthe worksheet per pair of students
voll eyb all te am: Hannah f rien ds: Pete: Amy's cousin, Jake (Teacher' s Book page 123)
music grou p: Moll y fam ily : Mark and Lucy: Sam • If necessary, brie fly revise fami ly vocabu lary by draw ing a
favourite teachers: Mr Baker family tree on the board and elicitingthe words to describe
the relat ionsh ip between th e family members.
• Divide students into pairs and hand out t he wo rksheets. Ask
Transcript 1.16 them to sit so that they can 't see their partner's worksheet.
Hi! I'm Laura. I've got one brother, and hisname isSam . I haven't Students fill in the missing names and ages in the family
got a sister, but I've got two cousins - Mark and Lucy. Our house tree byasking and answering questions in pairs .
is near the centre of town . I'm a student at Whiteside Secondary • Demonst rate the activity by taki ng the part of Student B
School. It's OK. My favourite teachers are Mr Baker and Miss Blair, and aski ng e.g. Who's Tony's father? Stude nt A: He's Peter.
and my best friends areTina, Pete and Amy. Amyhas got a cousin Student B: Howald is he? Student A: He's 74.
- Jake. He's really nice! My hobbies arevolleyball and music. I'm in • Tell studen ts to ask all their questions in relation to Tony.
a volleyball team. Ourtwo best players areJanice and Hannah. I'm
When t hey have fin ished they can look at t heir partne r's
also in a musicgroup with two friends, Bob and Molly.
worksheet to check their answers.
• Next ask students to draw theirown family tree and then talk
Exercise 8 page 8
their partner through it givingextra information, forexample,
• If the class are artistic, you may wish to provide them with Adam's my brather. He's 19. He studies at university.
large size paper, allow more time and possibl y disp lay the
results on the walls. If time's short, this exercise can be
don e at home.
Exercise 9 page 8
• Provide a model first. Put 3-4 names of real people from
your own network on the board and encourage students to
ask: Who's ...? Write the names your family and friends use
normally, to show st udents th at there's no need for artificial
English names just because you're speaking English. LESSO N SUMMAR Y
• Whenever students do an activity in whichthey scribble a Grammar: present simple: affirm ative
few words which are only important to this one exercise, Speaking: making statements about you rself and your family
try to provide scrap paper, and train them not to put such
irrelevant notes in their notebooks. The notebook should be
a resource and contain inform ation of lasting value. "iUIliU.... To do the lesson in 30 minutes. read the text
in exercise 1 aloud with students following it in their books,
For wor k on pl ural forms of nouns, go to:
do exercise 4 as a class, and set the Grammar Builder as
Vocabulary 8uilder (part 2): Studen t's Book page 128 homework.
- .".
16) Unit 1 • My network
Exercise 3 page 9 KEY
• Draw students' attention to the table. Yo u may wish to lsi or IzI: doe s, dri ves, hates, list ens, looks, loves, speaks,
mention that Engli sh verbs are quite easy in one way, as stays, tell s
many forms are the same: / work, you work, we work. Ask /rzJ dances, teaches. was hes
stud ents to lookfor the third person singular in the text and
see whether it is the same too.
• After checking this part of th e exercise, read th e box that
Exercise 7 page 9
outlines the use of the presen t simple. Quote sentences • Point out to students that some of the forms used will be
fro m the text as exam ples: Eleven million Americans watch th e third person singular, e.g. (elicit:) lives, and others wil t
it every week. (something that happens regulariy); The be ot her form s, e.g. (eli cit :) we gao
Simpsons live in Springfield (something that is always true). • As students do the exercise, monitor and make sure they
understand next door and get up. Be prepared to explain.
• Ask two students In turn to read th e text aloud. Help with
KEY pronunciation, especially of the present simple third person
works form s: lives, goes, etc.
Unit 1 • My network po
KEY Exercise 4 pag e 10
1 Elizabeth 3 Charles 5 Diana 7 Harry • Students go t hrough the t ext again. Let t hem compare
2 Philip 4 Camilla 6 Willi am answers in pairs, then checkwith the whole class.When
checking, pay attention to the pronunciation of century
(weak vowel) and monarch (li na l zk/) . You can rein force t he
CULTURE NOTE - THE ROYAL FAMILY words by asking questions about the students' own country
Camilla Parker·Bowles had a relationship with Prince J like: Can you give me the name of a famous monarch? Do
Charles for many years before marrying him in April 2005 . you remember which century he/ she lived in?
The maj ority of th e British public supported the marriage,
despit e Princess Diana's great pop ularity. KEY
Prince Charles, t he Princ e of Wales, is the fi rst son 1 at the moment 3 castl e, palace 5 monarch
of Queen Eti zabeth II. He is expected to becom ethe 2 prince 4 cent ury 6 discuss
next Briti sh ki ng. He is we ll known for his interest in
architecture and his concern for the envir o nment. Exercise 5 page 10 "1.1 9
Diana, Prin cess of Wales, was t he first w ife of Prince • Before pl aying t he recording, check unders tand ing of the
Charles. She was t he mo st po pular member of th e roya l statements and the task. With a weaker class, read the
family and was often referred to as Di. She died in a car opinions with the whole class. Expensive and modern may
accide nt in Paris while trying to escape photographers. need explaining.
• Play the recording through once. Then play Speake r I only
Prince Harryis the youngerson ofCharles and Diana. He and ask how man y of the opinions listed in the task she
is in t he Briti sh army. expresses. If more than a few students are not sure, play
I pri nce Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is th e Queen' s hus band. Speaker I agai n. Ask a studen t whic h op inions the old lad y
He is well·kn own in Brita in for maki ng jokes during pub lic expressed. Follow t he same pro cedure for Speakers 2 and 3.
visits that can some times cause offence.
Prince WllUam is t he first child of Charles and Diana. He
They're a bit boring . 3 They wo rk hard. 3
is th e second in line to the British throne. He stud ied Art
~ Histo ry at univers ity and t hen changed to Geography. He
They're very expensive. 1 They aren 't modern. 1
joined hi s younger brothe r in the army in 2006 . I like read ing about them . 2 Th ey have interesting lives. 2
Transcript 1.19
Exercise 2 page 10
t Int. Do you think the royal fam ily is important?
• This may be the first time some of the students have seen
Woman Important? No! They'revery expensive.
a task of this type, so explain it to them, pointing out
Int. Really?
especiallythat there is one extra heading, which does not fit
Woman Yes. We spend miiiions of poun ds on them. And they
anywhere. Allow students to compare answers in pairs, then aren't mod ern . Th ey're old-fashioned! I want a republi c!
go over them wit h the w hole class. If there are any w rong 2 Int. What doyou thinkof the royal family?
answers, discusswhy, for example, Why is 0 The Queen's
Man l love them. I like reading about them in newspapers
job' and not 'The Queen 's travels'? - Because only one and magazines.
sentence is about travels, and the whole paragraph is about Int. Soyou thinkthey're important?
various types of work. Man Oh, yes, very important. They have really interesting
KEY 3 Int. Wh at do youthinkof the royal family?
A Introduction D The Queen's job Man Th ey're OK, I suppose.
B The Queen's home E The Queen's free time Int. So you don't really like them.
C The Queen's family Man Well, I don't mind them . They're a bit boring, but they
work hard .
"""" Unit 1 • My network
5 My parents don' t work in an offic e.
6 You don't like computer games.
7 Tom and I don't w alk t o school.
a Kat harine doe sn't get up at five o'clock.
For further practice of the present simple, go to:
LESSON SUMMARY Gra m mar Bu ilder 1D : Stud ent' s Boo k page 10 8
Grammar: present simple negative
listening: listening for specific information (true/ false) KEY
Speaking: speaking about your habits
5 1 doesn't 5 do n't a don't
2 don't 6 doesn't 9 doesn't
3 doesn't 7 don't 10 don't
...,UlhUi ... To do the lesson in 30 minutes, don't ask students 4 don't
to write all 12 sentences in exercise 5 (2-3 affirmative and 6 1 don't kno w 4 stay 7 doesn't work
2-3 negative should be enough.) Set the Grammar Builder for 2 walk 5 hates a doesn't listen
homework. 3 doesn't like 6 love
7 2 He doe sn't walk to school. He goes to school by bike .
.. lead-in 2 minutes 3 She doesn't listen to music in her bedroom. She watches
• Reca ll someth ing one of the students said about themselves 1V in her bed room.
in exercise 10 in lesson lB . Start this lesson by saying 4 He doesn' t get up early on Sunda ys. He stay s in bed on
so met hing cont rary to w hat he/s he said , e.g. if Paui said: Sunda ys.
Iget up at seven , say: Paul, you get up at five. is that true? 5 She tea ches maths. She doe sn't t each English .
When the student replies no, write on the board and say: I
don't get up ot five o'clock. Tell st udents that toda y th ey'r e
going to st udy t he negati ve form of the present simple Exercise 4 page 11 "1.20
tense. • Point to t he photos. Say: This is Mark. This is Sally. They're
students. Draw students' attention to the table. Expla in that
Exercise 1 page 11 you are goi ng to play th e recording str aight through once ,
• Draw students' attention to the photos. Stude nts read and then play it again stopping to check the answers.
match the names to t he photos. Explain othletic: someo ne
who is fit and good at spo rts, but not necessarily massively KEY
muscular. Check answers . Mark: 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T
Sally: 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T
1 Ben 2 Josh Transcript 1.20
Mark My name's Mark. I come from Lon don, but I live in
Exercise 2 page 11 Liverpool. I'm a student. I study French at Liverpool
• Find t he fi rst examp le wit h t he whole class. Afte r that University. My hobbiesare basketball and playingthe
studen ts continue on their own. Circulate and lookover their guitar. I play in a band at university. I stu dy hard during
shouldersto see if they're getting it right. With a weaker the week. Atthe weekends I work in a restaurant.
Sally Hi, I' m Sally. I'm a student at Cardiff University, but I'm
class , you may want to copy the table onto a transparency or
notfrom Cardiff. My family co mes from London. I study
write it on the board for students to see and check.
medicine. I want to be a doctor. Whatare my hobbies?
• Point out or elicit that the only different form is the third
Well, I love shopping. I go shopping every Saturday
person singular with - es, which is the same as the -s in
morning. I also like sport - I play tenn is. I sometimes work
affirmative sentences. in a shop on Saturdays.
Unit 1 • My network ~
Exercise 6 pa ge 11 have you got? (If you know something about the student s'
• Rem ind students that the present simple is used to speak families, it's best to choose two whose situations are very
about regular activities and things that are true all the time. different - an onl y child and one of fo ur, for example.)
With a stronger class , ask stud ents to produce at least three Ask: Is that a good num ber of brothers and sisters ?Then
sentences each based on their own ideas. announce the top ic: Today we're going to talk about family
life. At this point , show the big photo on page 12 .
Exercise 7 page 11
• First students work in pairs. You may wish to put them in
Exercise 1 pag e 13
pairs with classmates t hey don 't normally sit with , so that • Draw students' attention to the photo. Students answer the
they learn something new about them. questions in pairs. Discuss question 1 as a class.
• Then students report back to the class. if your group is
big, this stage may take a long time and students might
Exercise 2 page 13
stop paying attention. You may wish to ask students to tell • Ask students to look at the photo on page 12 and tell them
the class only the 3-4 most interesting thi ngs about their they are going to read about this famil y. Ask them to read
partner. the text quickly first and answer the three questions in
exercise 2. Ask them to underline the sentences where they
.. Lesson outcome found the information sothey can justify their answers with
Ask students: What have we talked about today? Try to elicit: lines from the text. Check with the whole class. asking for
the present simple negative, but accept all answers relevant justification.
to the content of the lesson. Briefly practise the grammar
by saying a few sentences in the present simple and asking KEY
students for the negative forms. Draw students' attention to the 1 F (She's a mothe r with 15 child ren.)
lesson statement: I can saywhatsomeone does and doesn't do. 2 F (Her husband goes to work.)
3 T ('I love my big family... . I want more children!')
Notes for Photcopiable activity 1.2
Two cousins: Sonia and Suzy CULTURE NOTE - UK FAMILIES
Pairwork The Pavey family is obviously excepti onally large. The
Language: present simple affirmative and negative • average family in the UK has 1.3 child ren. Thi s is much
Materials: One copy of worksheet 1.2 cut in half per pair of smaUer than in most European countries.
students (Teacher'S Book page 124)
• Divide students Into pairs. Give Students A worksheet A,
and Students B worksheet B. Tell students not to show each Exercise 3 page 13
other their worksheets. Demonstrate the activity by eliciting • Ask stu dents to read t he Exam tip first and check if they
one sentence aboutSonia from worksheet A and one about have understood by asking: So what sh ould you read {irst?
Suzy from works heet B, e.g. Sonia goes to Springtown When should you read the options? Stud ents read th e t ext a
School in Oxford. Suzy goes to Manchester High Schaal. second time and do the task. With a weaker class, you may
• In pairs students take it in turns to make a sentence about ask them to underline the relevant lines in the text. Check
the cousins using their pictures. Tell students to write down answers with the whole class.
anyth ing that they have in common . (They don 't smoke, they
play the guitar, they play tennis .) KEY
• Share answers as a class. Ask students to tell you the 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 b
sentences they made about each cousin .
Exercise 4 page 13
• This is a very important exercise, as it can make students
aware of the existence and importance of collocations.
• Students lookfor the collocations in the text and note
them dow n in t he tab le. When they've finished, read each
collocation aloud, taking careto pronou nce it as one tone
unit, and ask a different student to repeat each one. As k
LESSON SU MMARY the students some questions, for example, Do you clean
Reading: a text about an unusual Family; reading Fargist and for the house?Doyou cleanyour room? What time do you come
specific information
home from school? Who cooks dinner in your house?Do
you do the washing? Does yourmother or father drive you
Speaking: speaking about home life and household duties
to school? What time do you get up? Does your mum go
Vocabulary: everyday family activities to work? Do you go to the supermarket with yourmother
Topic: family life and relationships or father? Do you iron yourclothes?Does yourmum make
breakfast for yau?
Unit 1 • Mynetwork P
Transcript 1.22 Exercise 10 page 14
1 • Before students perform , read t he speaking tip as a class.
jenny Hello, Alfie! Nice to see you! Depending on ti me and on students' patience , have 3-6
Alfie Hi, Jenny. Nice to see you too. group s act out thei r dialogues in fron t of t he class. Pick
j enny Alfi e. this is Sam. students who speak loud ly and clearly and/ or whose
Alfie Hello, Sam. dialogu es have something interesting or funny about them.
Sam Hi , Alfie.
Jenny Alfie is my new neighbour. He lives in our street. He goes .. Lesson outcome
to Elston SecondarySchool. Ask students: What did you learn ta da taday? Elicit : Ta
Sam Oh, really. My cousin goes there. It' s a good school.
introduce people. Ask students to say some phrases they
j enny Alfie's got a sister.
learned in th e lesson . Draw students ' att entio n t o t he lesson
Sam Oh, really. What's her name?
stat ement: I canintroduce people.
Alfie Sarah.
Sam Is she at the same school?
Alfi e No. She's 20. She doesn't go to school. Sheworks in a shop.
Ella Hi, Ros ie!
Hello, Ella. How are you?
Fine, thanks. Rosie. this is my friend, Jane.
An informal letter
Rosie Hi, Jane.
Jane Hello. Rosie.
Ella Jane goes to the same dance class as me. LESSON SUMMARY
Rosie Really? Writing: an informal letter
Jane Yes, but I go to a different school- Walton Manor. Reading: an informal letter
Rosie Rea lly? My mum works at that school!
Topic: family life and relationships
Jane Is she a teacher?
Rosie Yes. she is. She teaches Italian.
Jane Oh, right. 1 don't study Italian.
Ella There' s our bus! Seeyou at school tomorrow, Rosie! ..,:UJ;JIMili To do the lesson in 3 0 minutes, do exercise 2
Rosie Yes, See you at school, Ella. Bye for now. quickly as a class and set the writing as homework.
Jane Bye. Nice to meet you, Rosie.
Rosie Nice to meet you, too. Bye,Jane. .. Lead-in 2 minutes
Do you everwrite
• Inform th e class of t he lesson topic. Ask:
Exercise 6 page 14 "1.22 letters? How often? Who to? Have you everhad Q penfriend?
• Students comp let e th e sentences. In a weaker class , play (If you get very littl e response to the questi ons about lett ers
the recording white t hey're doin g it, stopping afte r each ask: Do you write e-mails? How often?Who to? Do you have
relevant sentence. Check answers wit h t he whole class. an e-mail friend!) If you fi nd that your stud ents hardly ever
wri te lett ers, you can make th e to pic relevant to them by
KEY saying t hat you would write an e-mail to a friend in a similar
way to t he lett er presented in the unit.
1 new 3 doesn't, work s 5 goes, same
2 goes, Schoo l 4 thi s, friend 6 works, teaches Exercise 1 page 15
o Ask st udents to loo k at the letter and th e photo . What do
Exercise 7 page 14 t hey expect th e lett er to be about? Ask t hem to read throug h
o Read the in stru ct ions. Explain reply if necessary. Ask a the lett er qui ckly. Were their predi ction s right ? What kind of
strong student to do t he first sentence as an example. information is included in the lett er?
Students match t he remainin g sentences. To check, ask • Now ask students to do the task . Aft er checking the answe rs
various students to read th e two-li ne dialogues in open pairs. wit h t he whole class, discuss t he structure of a letter
and emphasise the importance of writing in paragraph s.
KEY Point out th ai each paragraph in Ro bbie's lette r is about
somet hing specific , and explain that t he general idea of a
1 e 2 a 3 c 4 g 5 b 6 f 7 d
paragraph is th at it contai ns one poinl or one topi c.
.... Unil 1 oMy netw ork
Exercise 3 pag e 1 5 Exercise 7 pag e 15 " 1.25
• Emphasise that students must learn this writing tip! Firstly, • l ook back at the Learn this! box and the answers in exercise
letters (or e-rnail s) are som ething that most people do write 5. Do the first one as an example for the class, then ask
in real life, Secondly, in many exam s, candidates are asked stude nts to try saying the dates.
to write letters, and On e of the first things an examiner will • Play the recording fo r the students to check, the n play
look at is: Does it have an appropriate opening and ending? it again, pausing after each date for students to repeat
With a stronger class, teach a few more openings and individually and chorally.
endings: Hi, Alithe best, Yours, etc.
Transcript 1. 25
KEY 1 the twenty-first of January, two thousand and seven
Dear Best wishes 2 the eighth of October, nineteen ninety-five
3 the fifth of May, twothousan d and ten
4 the twenty-ninth of March, nineteen hundred
Exercise 4 page 1 5 "1.23 5 the twenty-secon d of September, two thousand and eight
• Ask students to lookat the numbers in the box. Explain or 6 the fourth of December, twenty twenty
elicit that ordinal numbers are used for dates.
• Play the recording for students to listen and then again for Exercise 8 pag e 15
students to repeat. Pra ctise the pron unciatio n until students • Model the first question for the students by giving your date
are comfortable with it. You may want to drili th e ordi nals, by of birt h (or one of your famil y's if you prefer to keep your
writing a cardinal numberon the board, and asking students own private).
to say the ordinal number. • Students ask and answer about the differ ent dates. Circulate
and monitor to make sure th ey are saying th e dat es properly,
Exercise 5 page 15 • Share a few answers as a class by asking the questions in
• Students can work in pairs, or work individually and then open pairs across the classroom.
comp are answers in pairs. Check as a class by having
individual students write the numbers on the board. Exercise 9 page 15
• Allow about two minutes for stude nts to read th rough the
KEY instructions and guid eli nes. Make sure they understa nd
what they are asked to write. Go through the topics unde r
eighteenth - 18t h twenty -first - 21st
each paragraph. If the writing is done in class, circu late and
fou rteenth - 14th fifth - 5th
monitor. If you notice common errors, write them on the
sevent eenth - 17th first - 1st
board and ask th e class to correct them . Ask students to
third - 3rd second - 2nd
proofread each other's first drafts. Hasall the information
thirty-fir st - 31st t enth - 10th
been included?Are there any errors?After peer correction
twe nty-second - 22nd thirtieth - 30t h students write a second draft and hand it in.
eighth - 8th twe ntieth - 20th
fifteenth - 15th ninth - 9t h
twelfth - 12th sixt h - 6t h ALTERNATIVE WRITING TASK
Stu dents choose a celebrity th at th ey know something
about. If the writing task is being done for homework, you
:LAN GU AGE NOTE- - THE-21ST CENTURY could ask th em to do some research, If they are doing it in
' In Briti sh English 2001 is pronounced two thousand and class, they could workin pairs or make up the details.
one, 2002 is pronounc ed twa thousand and twa, etc. They writ e back to Robbie's lette r as the celebrity.
In American Englis h th e word and is not used e.g. two
thousand one, It Is predic ted that from 2010 th e years • Begin with: Thank you for your letterand forthe photo.
will be pronounced: twentyten, twenty eleven, etc (since • In youranswer mention the things Robbie writ esabout,
th is foli ows the same format as nineteen eighty, eighteen for example: I've also got ,., but J haven't got ._, After
twenty, etc) , alt hough no body knows exactly what wi ll I work1 _
• Ask Robbie a questi on about hi mself.
: happe:...~~_ --J
Exercise 6 page 1 5 " 1 . 24 .. Lesson outcome
• Read th e Learn this! box with the ciass. Play the recording Ask students: What have we talked about today? Elicit: informal
for students to listen and write the dates. letters, a typicat wayto startand finish an informol letter,
how to say dates , etc. Draw students' attention to the lesson
statement: Ican write an informalletter to a penfriend.
1 3rd March 2006 4 8th May 1972
2 19th July 2000 5 31st October 2007
31 st August 2020 6 4th September 199 5
Transcript 1.24
1 the third of March, two thou sa nd and six
2 the nineteenth of July, twothou sand
3 the first of August, twen tytwen ty
4 Th e eigh th of May, nineteen seventy-tw o
S The thirty-first of October, two thousand and seven
6 Th e fourth of September, nineteen ninety-five
Unit 1 • My network ~
TOPIC • • • ~ Examiner And isyour sister at the same school asyou?
Family life andrelationships Anna Yes she is, but,she isn't in the same cla ss.
Examiner Tell me something about you r broth er.
Anna He isvery inteUigent. He's at university.
.. Lead-in 2-5 minutes Examiner Doe s he live at home, with you?
• Explain to students that these p ages help them practi se Anna Yes, he do.
some exam tasks. so th at they become familiar with the Examiner Uh, huh.And doyou r parents work?
types of exercises in school-leaving exams. Anna Yes. My dadwork in an office in Prague. And my mum
works in supermarket.
• Ask students to briefly summari se what they have covered
Examiner OK, thankyo u Anna.
in th is unit. Elicit introducing p eople. saying how old peop le
are. talking about family and frien ds.
Exercise 5 page 16
Exercise 1 page 16 • Students correct the errors in pairs. Checkwith the whole class.
• Discuss Anna's task with the class. Did she speak loudly and
• Ask students to look at the photo of th e boy. Ask: Howald
clearly, did she give enou gh information? Pick out or elicit
do you think he is?
good points, like when she gives more information than was
Exercise 2 page 16 in the qu estion (ages of brothers and sisters) which is good
as long as it's relevant.
E Use of English: text gapflll
• Students work on the task individually and compare answers KEY
in pairs. Ask one or two students to read the completed t ext
1 I've got 4 My dad works
alou d. Help with intonation and pausing. The text is meant
2 My brother he is 19 5 in a supermarket
as a model for speaking, so students shoul d be encouraged
3 Yes, he does.
not to read in nat, woodenvoices!
Exercise 5 page 17
• Lead-in 2-3 minutes E Speaking: topic-based discussion
• Intro duce the to pic by asking stud ent s: Have you got • Students do the Speaki ng exam task in pairs. If possible,
Internet fri ends?Howmany?Whe re do they live?How often put students with someone they don' t usually sit with, so
do you chat with them?How often do you e-mail them?What they can describe a person who their partner does not know.
do you chatand e-mail about? Do you meet your Internet Students ta ke turn s to describe a person and to li sten to t he
friends in real life? Do you want to meet them? description.
• Circulate and monitor. Ch eckthat studentsare correctly
Exercise 1 page 17 using adjectives to describe appearanceand persona lity.
• Draw students' att ent ion to the text. Ask them to read the
task. Point out t hat they only need to read t he text qui ckly OPTIONAL ACTIVITY
and not very carefu lly to do the task.
Imagine you are interviewing a famous person foryour
• Students read individually and compare answersin pairs.
Check wi t h th e whole class.
school magazine.
• Work in pairs. Choose a celebrity and make notes about
KEY th ree things you wou ld like to fi nd out about them.
1- 2 2 -4 3 -1 • Write your interview with a partner.
You could ask th ree or four pairs to perform th eir
Exercise 2 page 1 7 interviews to the class.
E iReading: matching headings with paragraphs
• Ask stude nts to read the rubric and th e six headings. Help
• Lesson outcome
with any language problems (e.g. seem, How do 'friends' Ask students: What have we done today? Eli cit : a reading task
websites work, best advice). With a weaker class, you might with headings or equivalent and : speaking about a friend or
read t he headi ngs aloud with the whole class. equivalent. Elicit some information aboutthe tasks, e.g. how
• Make sure everyone understands that there is one extra many headings there are in a reading task (one more than
headi ng. For example, you might ask: How many headings the number of paragraphs) , or what you have to do whe n
are there?How many paragraphs has the text got? describing a person.
I football gymnastics jogging music 2 Lauren , don't go to school by bike - r go by bus, with my
friends. But every weekend, I go cycling with my
Exercise 3 page 18 broth er, Michael. We've both got expensive bikes. I
• Students cate gorise the vocabulary. Point out t hat the ride a Spanish bi ke. I love it. It's silver and black.
same word can go into more than one category. If some 3 Nick I've got a computer in my room, and I use it a lot. 1
stude nts com e up with unexpected answers (e.g. you can visit chat rooms and chat about new games. It' s really
play football at home or alone ), rather t han di smi ssin g interesting. My friends and r meet after school every
tho se choices as wrong, expl oit it as an opp ortunity for mor e day and play computer games for two or three hours.
talking: Why?/ Why do you say that? Do you play football at 4 Rachel We don't do it at school, but I go to a club near my home.
home ?Where? Who with? Do you use a normal football? etc. I go on Th ursdays, and r have lessons there. It' s a difficult
sport, but I really like it. My best friend goes to the same
gymnastics club, so we have a good time together.
""' . ~
• 26 ) Unit 2 • Free time
Exercise 5 page 18 "1.29 .. Lesson outcome
• Allow a minute or two for students to read the exercise and Ask studen ts : What have we talke d about today? Elicit: free
see how manyanswers they can reca ll without listening time (activities) or equivalent. Ask: What useful words have
again. Then play the recording once without stopping and you learned? Acce pt any relevant answers . Draw the students'
check whet her most students have got all the answers. With attention to the lesson statement: Ican talkabout sports and
a weaker class. play it one more time. pausingafter each bit hobbies.
of information relevant to the task.
1 Nick 4 Nick 7 Oliver
2 Ra chel
3 Oliver
5 Lauren
6 Rachel
8 Lauren Present simple:
Exercise 6 page 18
LESSON SUMMARy • • • • •
• Students categorise the sports and hobbies according to
Grammar: present simple questions
their likes and dislikes. In a stro nger class, ask them to add
one more activity to each group. Help with voca bulary. Listening: an interview; matching
Speaking: asking and answering Questions
Exercise 7 page 18
• For this speaking activity, putstudents in pairs or groups of
three with other classmates than those they usually work,'aliil. To do the lesson in 30 minutes, skip exercise 12
wit h - not their best friends - so th at they find out about and set the Grammar Build er as homework.
the likes and dislikes of someone they don't know very well.
With a strongerclass, teach the phrase in common. Write .. Lead-in 2 min ut es
on the board: What have you got in common? Ask pairs to • Writ e on the board: What? Who? When? Where? How? Why?
decide if they could spend an afternoon togethe r! and ask: What do you think tod ay's lesson will be about?
The expected answer is: questions (accept an answer in the
Exercise 8 page 18 students' own language) then you can inform students that
• Set up the activity carefully, so that stude nts know exactly the exact topic is: Ouestlons in the present simple tense.
what they need to do. Students list all the activities from Ask th e class for equivalents of th e question wo rds on the
exercise 1 in a column, then make four extra columns for board. Explain th at present simple questions can begin with
I really like , I quite like, I don 't like, I hate . a question word or Do / Does, and that they will see both
• Explain they are going to stand up and interview everyone forms in this lesson.
in the class to fin d out how much th ey li ke th ose activities .
Elicit the question that they will need to ask: Do you lik e... ? Exercise 1 page 19
(With a weaker class, put the question on the board.) You • Elicit the name of the sportin the photo.
may also model the responses: Yes, I really like it. / Yes, I
quite like it . / No, I don't like it. / No, I hate it! KEY
• Explain they have to markthe number of responses in the snowboarding
appropriate columns so that they can later count them.
When you're confident everyone has understood what
they're suppose d to do, give the signal for everyone to Exercise 2 page 19 "1.30
stand up and begin . Monitor the activity. • Ask stude nts to close their books. Explain that they are
• When the survey is completed, students return to their going to listen to an interview with a teenage snowboarding
seats to write it up. Allow any in-depth analysis if it seems star.
to generate some discussion or writing in English. Help • Pre-teach compe tition. Ask students to listen carefully to
students with the language they need to express their (not write down) the four questions th at th e interviewer
results in English. asks. Play the recording once. Now students open their
books and do exercise 2. Play the recording again to check.
For work on verb + noun collocations, go to:
Vocabulary 8uilder (part 2): Stud ent's Book page 129 KEY
1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b
5 play: basketball, football, tenn is
Exercise 3 page 19
go: cycling, rollerblading, swimming • Allow a minute or two for students to look at the Learn tbis!
do: athletics, gymnastics, karate box and try to complete it, then read it as a class.
Unit 2 • Freelime p
Exercise 4 page 19
• Read the exampl e aloud. Do sentence 2 as a class (with
- ~---
a weaker class, do 2 and 3) then students continue In pairs. ask students to ask the five questions from •
indiv idually. Check with the whole class. If there are errors, exercise 7, but give true answers about themselves: Model":
explain one moretime: the activity by asking a student with good pronunciatibn to
• The basic form of a question in Engli sh is:
auxili ary verb ('little grammatical verb') + subject (the
person) + 'the rest of the verb'
Or, to make it simpler, just for present simple tense:
ask you the f our questions.
- :
For further practice of present simple questions, go to:
Do / Does + subj ect (the person) + infin iti ve Grammar Builder 2B: Student's Book page 110
• Do, like all other verbs, has -5 on the end of the 3" person
singular in the present sim ple tense: he, she, it does. When KEY
you use this form in a question, for example (write on the
1 2 Does, does 5 Does, doesn't 7 Do, do
board): Does he play ch ess? you don 't need another -5 on
3 Do, don't 6 Does, does 8 Do, don't
the end of the main verb (point to where there is no - 5 after
4 Do, do
p lay) because you already have the one in does.
2 1 Do you like dancing?
KEY 2 Does your mum work?
1 Do you go snowboarding? 3 Does your best friend piay chess?
2 Do your friend s like computer games? 4 Do you speak Russian?
3 Does Wayne Roon ey play footba ll? 5 Do you and your friendsgo to the cinema?
4 Do you wat ch a lot of fil ms? 6 Doyou play computer games?
5 Does your best fri end do athletics? 3 Open answers
6 Do you like dancing?
4 1 How 3 When 5 Where
2 Who 4 What
l ANGUAGE NOTE- SHORT ANSWERS 5 1 Where 3 When 5 What
Short answers (Yes, I do and No, I don' t) are diffi cult 2 Who 4 How
for students because the auxiliaries do and does are
unfamilia r. However, it is important that they don't omit 6 Open answers
them since this will make them sound abrupt and impolit e.
Exercise 9 page 19
• Students do the match ing task in pairs. Check answers with
Exercise 5 page 19
the whole class, paying attention to pron unciation. Then let
• As students askand answer the questions from exercise
students ask and answer the questions.
4, circulate and monit or. Chat to fast finishers, asking
additional questions or making comments.
Exercise 6 page 19 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 f
• Read the Learn this! box as a class. Elicit tran slations of
the question words. Make sure students write them down Exercise 10 page 19
unless they clearly knowthem. • Make sure students work with different partners than in the
previous pairwork exercises, so they don't end up asking
Exercise 7 page 19 the same people the same questions. Bo th partners write
• Tell students they are going to hear the second part of th e questions (five each) on loose sheets of paper.
int erview wit h Jed Bright in a moment . Ask them to read th e
instructions. Students work individually. Exercise 11 page 19
• Partners swap sheets and answer each other's questions.
KEY Then they prepare to read the interviews aloud. They may
1 Where 3 How 5 When decide which of the two sets of answers they fi nd bette r/
2 Who 4 What more interes ting/ funnier and choose to presen t those to
the class. Asstudents prepare the interviews , monitor their
work sothat you can choo se the best ones to be presented
Exercise 8 " 1.31 to the whole class: tho se that are linguistically the best
• Play the recordi ng through once, then play it again st opping - especiallywhere pronun ciation is really clear- and the
after each sen tence with a gap in it. Ask students to repeat oneswith the funniest ideas.
the questions as single tone units with the right intonation.
Use the recording or yourselfas a model. Point out the Exercise 12 page 19
preposition at the end of a question in Who do you live with? • As pairs act out theirinterviews, take notesof errors and
provide feedback. If a pair makea lot of errors, don't comment
on them all; focus on the target language of the lesson.
.. Lesson outcome
Ask students: What did we do today? Try to elicit: questions,
but accept any respon se that shows a student learned
something, even single new words. Bri efly go over question
words. Draw students' attention to the lesson statement: Ican
ask about people's hobbies and interests.
Exercise 3 page 20
• Students read the text. When going over the answers, you
can ask: Is it the same in yourcountry (ordi{ferent) ?
Sport in Australia
1 They love spo rt.
LESSON SUMMARy • • • • M 2 Because the weather is perfect and there are thousands of
Reading: a text about sports in Austra lia beaches.
Listening: a profile of Ian Thorpe, Australian swimmer; true orfalse 3 Aust rali an Rules fo otb all , rugby and cricket
Speaking: talking aboutsports and sportspeople 4 netball, gymnast ics and horse rid ing
Topic: sport and culture
Exercise 4 page 20 "1.32
• Ask student s if the y have heard of Ian Thorpe. Tell t hem they
,,*,.1;;1"'" To do the lesson in 30 minutes, do exercise 6 are going to hear some information about him. Introduce the
quickly as a class, combining it with exercise 5. You may also task and make sure students know t hey only need to li sten
ask students to read the text forthe firs t time at home. for one piece of information at this point.
.. Lead-in 2 minutes
• With books closed, ask stu dents: When you think 'Australia',
what do you think about? You may find you have to c
explain in the students' own language that you mean first
associ ations. As students produce their associations, help Transcript 1.32
them wi t h language. Finall y, say: Today we aregoing to talk Ian Thorpe is a famous swimmer. He's fro m Sydney, in Austra lia.
about sport inAustralia. He doesn't swim in competitions now but he's still very popular in
Austra lia. An d he's also popular with millions of peoplein other
Exercise 1 page 20 countries. He is verytall - nearly two metres - and he's got very
• It wou ld be good to have a map of Aust ralia on t he wall for big feet.
this lesson.
Sport isverypopular in tan' s family. His father, Ke n, plays cricket
• The question about Australia, which first came up in the
and his sister, Christina, is also a swimmer.
lead-in, is now narrowed down to cities and sportspeople.
IanThorpe is an Olympic cham pion. He's got five gold medals from
KEY - Sample answers the Olympic games in 2 000 and 2004 . He also holds two world
Cities: Sydne y, Melb ourne , Pert h, Brisban e, Adelai de record s.
Sportspeople: Ian Thorpe (swi mming), Ueyton Hewitt, Mark But IanThorpe is nota typ ical Australian sports man. He isn't
Philippou sis (tennis), Shan e Warne (cricket) , Cath y Freeman really interested in other sports, like football or cricket. His hobby
(t rack athletics), Mike Oooh an, Troy Bayliss (motorcycle racin g) is fashion. He wears expensive cloth es and has a co mpany that
makes jewellery.
Exercise 2 page 20
• Draw students' atten tion to the photos. Ask if t hey know the
Exercise 5 page 20 "1.32
• Playthe reco rding as many times as students need to listen.
sports. When check ing, ask: Does anyone playrugby?Does
Check wit h th e w hole class.
anyone do any martialarts? Doesanyonego horse riding?
1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 T
Adverbs offrequenc Jacob: I always have football practi ce on Saturday morning.
I usually do homework. I sometimes play tennis. I
hardly everwatch TV. The programmes are always
really boring. I always go out with friends. We often go
LESSON SUMMARy • • • • !' bowli ng. I'm usuall y in bed before midnight.
Grammar/VocabuLary: adverbs of frequency Kirsty: I usuall y get up lat e. I never have breakfast. I usually
listening: short monologues check my e-rnalls. I never buy a phone. They're always
Speaking: talking about how often we do things very expensive. I always go dancing. I'm often out until
two o'clock.
Exercise 6 page 21
• Read the example and do sentences 2 and 3 as a class. LESSON SUMMARy • • • • •
Students do the rest individually, then check as a class. Reading: aninterview; true or false
Vocabulary: parts of the body
KEY Listening: a song
2 Kirsty usually gets up late on Saturday morning. Topic: sport and culture
3 Kirsty never has breakfast on Saturday morning.
4 Jacob sometimes plays tennis on Saturday afternoon .
S Kirsty never buys a mobile phoneon Saturday afternoon. ..,n,la.ill. To do the lesson in 30minutes, askstudents to
6 Jacob and Kirsty aiways go out with friend s on Saturday read the textforthe first time at home, and possibly do task 4.
eveni ng.
7 Jacob is usually in bed before midn ight on Saturday night. .. Lead-in 2 mi nutes
8 Kirsty is often in the dance club until two o'clock on • Ask students to take pieces of scrap paper and write down
Saturday night. any names of parts of the body they know. Aliow 30 -60
seconds . Ask everybo dy to read one word from th eir list unt il
there are no more new words. Tell them they are going to
For further practice of adverbs of freq uency, go to:
learn more names of parts of the body.
Grammar Builder 20: Student's Book page 110
Exercise 1 page 22
• Point to th e photo. Ask: Whatsport is this? Eiicit the name
of the sport, and confirm that word used in Engiish is yoga.
7 1 I'm never late for school. Ask students to label the parts of the body in the picture .
2 I always speak English in English class. Allow the use of dictionaries. Monitor students' progress
3 I often do my homework before dinner. and stop after most of them have fi nished. Fast fi ni shers
4 I hardiy ever read a book in English. can use the di ctionary to label a few more parts of the body.
5 I sometimes help my friends with their homework.
6 I'm usually happy with my exam results . KEY
8 Open answers 1 mouth 6 neck 11 hands 16 feet
2 nose 7 shoul ders 12 stoma ch 17 toes
3 eyes 8 chest t3 back
:LANGUAGE NOTE ." VERB AND NOUN 4 head 9 fingers t4 knees
COMBINATIONS 5 ears 10 arms t5 legs
-w here othe r languages use just a verb to express an idea,
$English sometimes uses a combination of verb and noun, Exercise 2 page 22 g 1.35
e.g. have breakfast, go SWimming. Encourage students to • Play the recording for the students to checktheir answers,
~o rd and learn these as-one item.
Exercise 7 page 21
- and then again for the m to repeat. Pay attentio n especialiy
to the pronunciation of the final Iv (not lsi) in arms, eyes.
ears, fingers, legs, shoulders and toes. and to the reduced
vowel 101 in th e fi nal syliables in shoulders and stomach.
• Pre-teach relatives and [to do) the was hing up. Ask students
to read the instructions, then model the task by asking
one or two students: How often do you do homework at the
Exercise 3 page 22
weekend? when the student respond s, Always, say: So, write • Students test each other on the words.
'always 'in column 1.
Exercise 4 page 22
Exercise 8 page 21 • Draw student s' att ention to the photographs. Ask: What is
• Before students start speaking, practise the questionsthey this text about? Elicit : kung [u, or just martial arts. Read the
have to ask: How often do you do homework at the weekend? introductory paragraph aloud. Explain that first you want
How oft en do you visit relatives at the weekend? students to read th e text quickly and do a simple task. Read
th e reading tip as a class. Aliow 2 min utes for students to
Exercise 9 page 21 read the interview and do the task.
• Ask a few students t o teli the whoie class 3- 4 things they
found out about their partner. KEY
3 is true.
.. Lesson outcome
Askstudents: What was this lesson about? in the hope of Exercise 5 page 23
eiiciting : adverbs of freq uency and having a laugh together
• Allow two minutes. You can make it a race, if you think this
at this sophisticated term. Accept an answerin the students'
will motivate yourstuden ts.
own language, or answers such as howoften or always, etc.
Ask students to say one adverb offrequency each untilyou've
elicited them all. Draw students' attention to the less on
statement: I can talkaboutdaily routines. legs, arms , stomachs, hands, feet
LES S O N SUMMAR y • • • •
Exercise 8 page 23 " 1 .36 Fun ctional English: phrases to express likes an d dislikes
• Tell students the y are goi ng to li sten to a song ab out kung fu. Listening: shortdialogues; listening for specific information
• With a strongerclass, start with books closed, ask students Speaking: talking about likes anddislikes
to listen and try to hear some words or phrases. Play the Grammar: object pron ouns
song once, ask for any words or phrases th ey hea rd, the n
Topic: people
proceed to the next step.
• Ask students t o read t he gapp ed lyri cs and th e glossary fir st ,
th en poin t o ut th e ta sk . Piay th e w ho le so ng t hrou gh once,
t he n play it agai n st opping afte r each gap to check .
...,n.'ij.... 1 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the second
exercise in the Gramma r Builder as homeworkand keep the
performances in exercise 9 brief
1 are 4 knows 7 Start .. Lead-in 2 m inut es
2 fight 5 says 8 makes • With books closed, ask a student the two questions which
3 are 6 t ake will appear in the dialogue in exercise 1: Do you like music?
and, Who 's your fa vourite singer? Askone or two other
student s: Do you like (t he singer mentio ned by t he first
st uden!)? Which sing er do you lik e? and so on. Say: Today
we are going to talk about likes and dislikes.
Angelina l oll e is an American actress famous for her roie Exercise 8 page 24
"as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, and Mrs Smith In Mr and Mrs • Expl ain to students that th ey are now going to ta lk about
Smith. She is married to Brad Pitt . the ir favourite hobbies. Point to the chart and the prompts.
Ask pairs to prepare conversations. Encourage stronger
students to write prom pts or notes rather than whole
dialogues. Circulate and monitor.
Writing: an announcement
1 f 2 e 3 d 4 c 5 b 6 a
Reading: announcements; reading for specific inform ation
Gram mar: imperatives
Exercise 5 page 25
Topic: People
~ Lesson outcome
- - Marton Yes, that's right. Whataboutyou? Do you live in london?
Claudia No, I don't. I live in Portugal.
Anna Claudia is here on holiday. Shewants to see london.
Ask students: What have we to/ked about today? Elicit: Claudia And see mysister!
announcements or clubs Elicit a few phrases that can be used Marton Well , have a good holiday. London is a great place!
in an announcement. Draw the students' attention to the Claudia Yes , I know. My sister loves the shops ...
lesson statement: I can write an announcement for a club.
Narrator It's quarter to ten on Monday morning. Marton is at the
hotel. He starts work at ten o'clock.
Dave Hi! You 're early today.
Marton Oh, hi, Dave. HoWareyou?
Dave Fine thanks.
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a Marton Is the hotel busy today?
Dave Yes, it is. We've gottwenty newvisito rs from Spain.
2 1 wives 3 photos 5 buses
Th ey're here for a conference. (PHONE RINGS] Sorry,
2 husbands 4 potatoes 6 families Marton. [PiCKS UPPHDNEl Hello, reception?Yes, of
3 1 basketball 3 gymnasti cs 5 photography course. No problem. Goodbye. [REPLACES PHONE]
2 com puter games 4 ice skating 6 rollerb lading Marton What's that? A newCD?
Dave Yes - it'sThe Scissor Sisters.
4 1 stud ies 3 goes 5 live Marton Oh right. Who?
2 play 4 watches 6 gets up Dave The Scissor Sisters. Do you like music?
Marton ves.! do. ButI don't know the Scissor Sisters. Are they
5 2 She doesn't sit next to Pete. She sits next to Sue.
3 I play the piano . I don't play th e guitar. Dave I love them ! Who's you r favourite singer or band?
4 He doesn'tgo swimming. He goes cycling. Marton I really like U2.
5 They come from France. They don't come from Spain. Dave Rea lly? Urgh. I can 't stand them !
6 She teaches music. She doesn't teach sport.
7 He doesn't speak English. He speaks It alian. 3 Anna is d Claud ia is b Dave is a
6 1 Where do you live ? f 4 1 Miskolc 3 10and 14 5 U2
2 Does he like sport? c 2 Yes , two sisters 4 Yes, I do.
3 What does she study? a
5-6 Open answers
4 How do you get to school? d
5 Does she get up early? b
6 Do you know l ucas? e E!J! For further exam t asks and practice, go 10 WorkbOOK
page 24. Procedura l notes, transcriptsand keys for the
7 2 She's hardl y ever late for school. Workbook can be found on the Solutions Teacher' s Websit e a'
3 I often play comp uter games. www. /e ll/teacher I solut ions
4 He never does his homework on the bus.
5 It' s usuall y cold in January.
6 School always fini shes at qua rter past four.
7 We sometimes have lunch at school.
8 1 How 2 Where are 3 Have you got
4 Howald is
9 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d
Review 1-2 p
.i s
UNIT I N CL U D E S • • • """,
Vocabulary . school subjects • in tile ctassroom e prepositionsof place
. J)arts ofa school . directions e capltat.letters ~
Grammar • tbere is/there are . have to
~~~.'lI • talkingaboutsubjects andtimetables . describing'a classroom
• gMngdirections
Wdttns' . a description
W"O;JtKBOO K pages 26-32
School subjects
L ESS O N SUMMARy . . . . .. Art and design is a practical subject. Students learn art
Vocabu LalY: school subjects. classroom vocabulary skills and have the opportunity t o work with different
Listening: shortdialogues; recognizingthe situation media, such as photograp hy, pottery, fabrics, etc. It may
Speaking: talking about the school timetable
Topic: school -
include an art historycomponent in some schools.
Lesson 6
Good l
there is/there are
Teacher Good , now ... can everybody see a computer?
Class Yes. Yes. LESSON SUMMARy • • • • •
Teacher Today's lesso n is about the Internet - how it works, why
it' s important ...
Grammar : there is/there are
Jack Yes! I win! Vocabulary: names of furnitu re and objects; prepositions of p lace
Teacher What's that, jack? Speaking: asking and answer ing questions about your bedroom ;
jack Oh, sorry. Nothing. saying wh ere things are.
Teacher Is tha t a comp uter game?
Jack No, it ' s a ... er ... it 's a website .
Teacher Hmm. Well , just pay attention.
"'Umiliili To do the lesson in 30 minutes, do exercises 6
Lesson 7 and 7 as a class, and set the Grammar Builder as homework.
Teacher Good . Now, ad d th e red liquid to the mixture. Just a very
small amoun t - one or two mil lilitres. And be careful .. Lead-in 2-3 minutes
because ... • Ask stude nts to tak e a loose sh eet of scrap pa pe r each
and w rit e d own at lea st fiv e th in gs th ey ca n see in the
Exercise 6 page 28 classroom. Allow 30-45 seconds. Ask 5-7 students to say
• Before students start w rit ing th e t imetables, ag ree on a on e word from the ir list. Choose two of th e words they give
template : w ill the les son starti ng and finishing t imes be and w rite on t he b oard:
th e same as in exercise 5, or the same as i n your schoo l? There is a _ _ in this room.
Stu de nts write their drea m t imeta bles . As an optio na l There are in this room. (p lura l nou n wi t h a
activity, you can also ask everyone, or j ust fast finishers number)
to write a 'horror timetab le' - the worst timeta b le for a d ay • Say : Today we aregoing to work on sentences like these,
t hey can imagine. with there is .../ there are ...
Unit 3 • School ,-
Exercise 1 page 29 2 1 There isn't a computer in the room.
• Ask students to open thei r books and look at the photo 2 There aren't 650 students in the school.
on page 29. Where do they thin k this classroom is? With a 3 There aren't two possible answers.
stronger class, get the students t o describe what they see in 4 There isn't a teacher in the classroom.
th e photo . S There isn't a table next to the door.
6 There aren't three plants near the window.
KEY 7 There aren't five shelves near the board.
It's in India . 8 There isn't a bin under the desk.
3 3 Is there a notice board? No, there isn't.
Exercise 2 page 29 4 Are there any students? Yes, there are.
• As students read . you may need to explain noticeboard, S Is there a clock? Yes , ther e is.
large, and possib ly motivation. 6 Is there a table? No, there isn't.
7 Are there any CDs? No, there aren't.
Exercise 3 page 29 8 Are there any bli nds?Yes, there are.
• Complete the table as a class. Go through each of the
differe nt forms on th e blackboard . Use transla tion s if Exercise 7 page 29
necessary. • If students did not do Vocabulary Builder (part 2) in lesson
3A, it would be helpful if dict ionari es were avail able.
KEY Circul ate and help weaker stud ents build the questions.
1 There are 3 There aren't S Are th ere
2 There isn't 4 Is there KEY
3 Is there a 7 Are there any 11 Is there a
Exercise 4 page 29 4 Is th ere a 8 Is there a 12 Is there a
• Make sure students understand that they are supposed S Are there any 9 Are there any 13 Are there any
to make true sentences about the photo. Do the fi rst three 6 Is there a 10 Are there any 14 Is there a
sentences as a class. In a weaker class, you may want to do
the whole exercise together, but ma ke sure weaker students Exercise 8 page 29
get a chanceto produce some answers!
• 8efore asking students to do the activity, demonstrate the
meaning of the prepositions in the box using the bin and
KEY your desk (or anot her pair of object s): Nowthe bin is under
1 There are some boys. 5 There isn't a notlceboard. my desk.. . now it's in front of the desk ... now it's on the
2 There isn't a teacher. 6 There isn't a lV. desk ... You may repeat th e activity with the stude nts calling
3 The re isn't a computer. 7 There aren't any shelves . out the right prepositions the second time.
4 There aren't any posters. 8 There are five girls. • Do the first 4-6 sentences in open pairs; then let students
do the rest in closed pairs.
Sch ools in England and Cheltenham ladles' College (tJelt,nom] and Roedean,
[raodim], for girls . The students often live at the school
during term time. The schools put a strong emphasis on
discipline. sport and religion ,
L ESSON SUMM AR y • • • •
In the USA, however. publicschool is the same as state
Reading: factua l text; secondary education in England
li stening: two students talking about their schools
Speaking: discussing schools
Topic: school Exercise 3 page 30
• Students read fordetail. fast finishers may write corrected
versions of the false sentences. Allow students to compare
"'in.hUM... To do the lesson in 30 minutes, askstudents to answers in pairs, then checkwith the whole class. After
read the textforthe first time and do exercise 2 at home. every sentenceask if it is true about the students' own
cauntry and if not. what Is. With a weaker group, you might
.. Lead-in 2 minutes ask students to write 7 sentences about their country
• Write school on the board. Ask students: In your country, modelled on the sentences in the exercise and read them
how old are children when they go to school? Is It alo ud.
compulsoryforthem to go to school? (explain the meani ng
of 'compulsory') . How long do you have to go to school? How KEY
manyyears of school are compulsory? Introduce the topic 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 T
of the lesson by saying: Today we are going to read and talk
about school and education in England.
Exercise 4 page 30 "1.45
Exercise 1 page 30 • Tell students they are going to heartwo teenagers talking
• Explain the vocabulary in the chart. Stud ents calculate how about their schools. Ask them to read the three statements.
manyyears of compulsory education there are in England. Play the recordin g once and check how many stud ents know
the answer. If fewer t han a half do, pl ay th e recording ago
Ask for the right answer.
1 is correct
College in the America n school system means university.
In England the term has several meanings.
Some univ ersit ies. nota bly Oxford and Cambridge and
a few of the other older universities havea collegiate
system. w hereby t he univers ity Is made up of separate
call eges.
Unit 3 •
Transcript 1.45 .. Lesson outcome
Nick Hi, my name's Nick and I goto Abingdon School. It's Ask st udent s: What have we talked about today? Elicit : school in
a big private school near Oxford, in the middle of Eng land (and in our country). Ask students for vocabulary from
England. It's a very old school - about 700 years old. the lesson - ask everyone to say one word related to schools
There are about800 students here. and about100 and educationthat they learned. Draw students' attention to the
teachers. There are only boys - there aren't anygirls.
lesson statement: I can talk aboutdifferentscnoot systems.
Some boys liveat homeand justcome to school for
lessons, like in a normal school, but I live in the school
during the term . I go home forthe holidays of course.
All the boys weara uniform - that's special clothes.
The uniform is a darkblue jacket, light blue shirt. grey
trousers, black shoes and socks. and a tie. We work
veryhard but I like myschool. I want to do A·levels and
thengoto university.
Stephanie Hi, I'm Stephanie and I'm at Oaklands School in LESSON SU MMAR y • • • •
london. It's a state secondary school in the east of
Grammar: have to
london. It's a mixed school, for boys and girls. The re
Speaking: talkingabout an ideal school
are about600 students in the school, and some of
them come from different countries - there are lotsof Reading: gapped text
Pakistani, West Indian, Indian and Chinese students
here. There are 89 teachers. I come to school five days
a week. le ssons start at 9 and finish at 4. Weweara "U,'ailill To do the lesson in 30 minutes, do exercise 5
uniform at myschool. I don't like the uniform - it's a orally as a class and skip exercise 8.
green 'l-sh trt or sweatshirt and a grey skirt - trousers
forthe boys, of course. School's notbad, but I want to .. Lead-in 2 minutes
leave after my GCSEs and get a job. • Th ink of one rule that most students dislike at your school
and one th ing the y lik e, fo r exam ple: We have to be at school
Exercise 5 page 3 0 "1.45 at 8 o'clockevery day. We don't have to wear uniforms.
• Ask stude nts to read t he chart. Play the recording t hrough • Write the two senten ces on the board, acco mpanied by an
once. The second t ime, pau se aft er Nick. Check if most unhap py and a happy face. Circle th e words have to and ask
students have got t he answ ers, t hen play Stephanie's part. What do you think 'we have to' means? What do you think
Allow them to confer in pairs. Check answers as a class. 'don'thave to' means? Elicit translations. Conclude: To day
we are going to talk about things we ha ve to do and things
KEY we don'thave to do at school.
Nick Stephan ie
Exercise 1 page 31
Name of school Abin gdo n Oakla nds • As students read the text abou t Summerhill, be prepared to
Private or state private state answer questions about this unusual school.
Numbe r of st udents 800 600
Numbe r of teach ers 100 89 CULTURAL NOTE - SUMM ERHIL L SCHOOL
Mixed (bavs and gl rls?) no yes Summerhill School was founded by A 5 Neill in 1921.
Wants to leave when? after A·levels after GCSEs It has 69 students, aged from five to seventeen, many
of whom com e from abroad (especially Japan. Korea
and Taiwan). The school's underlying philosophy is that
Exercise 6 pag e 30 children learn best when they are free from pressure. The
• Check that students understand the terms state school and British Government tried to close the school in 1999 since
private school. it did bad ly in a govern ment inspection, but the schoo l
• Go around the room and listen as students ask and answer appealed against the decision and won.
the questions.
Exercise 7 page 30 1 have to 2 don't have to 3 Does 4 do es
• As stude nts fill in t he chart, circulate, monitor, and hel p.
After t hey have fin ished, ask a few qu estion s, for example:
Howald are children when they go to nursery school ? LANGUAGE NOTE - HAVE TO YS. MUST
Studentsmay have come across must before and may ask "
you about It. If so, expla in th at it means th e same as have ~
to. It is not advisable to go into th e differences between •
must and have to at this level. Have to is more common in
II 1 do the washing 4 cook dinner .. Lesson outcome
2 make breakfast 5 tid y hi s/ her bedro om Ask students : What did we ta lk abaut today? Try to eli cit have
3 go to the supermarket 6 clean the hous e
to, but accept all answe rs relevant to t he conten t of the lesso n.
Briefl y practi se th e grammar by eliciti ng the di ffe rent forms,
5 2 Suzie doesn't have to tid y her bedroom. affi rmative, interrogati ve and negat ive. Draw st udents' atte ntion
3 Mark has to clean the house. to the lesson stat ement: Ican describe my idealschool.
4 Suzie doesn 't have to clean t he hou se.
S Mark and Suzie don 't have to cook dinn er. Notes for Photocopiable activity 3.2
6 Mark and Suzie have to do t he washin g.
7 Suzie has to make breakfa st. Find someone who •••
8 Suzie has to go to the superm a rket. A class survey
9 Mark doesn't have to go to the superma rket. Language: have to (ques t io ns, short answers, and 3 rd person
singu lar), present simple
6 2 Does Suzie have to tidy her bedroom? No, she doesn't.
Materials: one copy (half th e wo rksheet) per st udent (Teacher' s
3 Does Mark have to clean the house ? Yes, he does . Boo k page 128)
4 Does Suzie have to clean the house? No, she doesn't. • Explain t hat stud ents are going to ask and answer que st ions
5 Do Mark and Suzie have to cook din ner? No, t hey don't. to complet e a class survey. They need to change the
6 Do Mark and Suzie have to do the washing? Yes, they do. sent ences on th e works heet into que stion s. Elicit th e fir st
7 Does Suzie have to make breakfast? Yes, she does . few que sti ons e.g. Do you have to workat the weekend? and
8 Does Suzie have to go to the supe rmarket? Yes, she does. pre-teach vocabulary as necessary (e.g. baby-sit) .
9 Does Mark have to go to the supermarket? No, he doesn 't. • Demonst rate th e act ivit y by asking a student the first
7 Open answers questio n. Encourage th em to repl y wit h a short answer, e.g.
Yes, fda. or No, f don 't. If the stud ent answer s: No, f don 't,
move onto t he next st udent. When a stud ent answers Yes, I
Exercise 5 pa ge 31 do, ask th e follo w-up que st ion: Where do yau work?
• Check th at everyone understand s compulsory (they may • Student s move around the class asking and answ ering
reme mber it from lesson 3C). Do the fir st two exampl es que sti o ns. They w rite t he name and answer in the spaces
orally as a class, to make sure everyone understa nds what provid ed. Tell t hem the y must w rite anot her st udent's name
t hey need to do. With a stro nger class , you can do t he whole onl y onc e. (This is to ensu re t hey speak to as many ofth eir
exercise orally. classmate s as possibl e.)
• When a few students have fini shed ask everyone to sit down
Exercise 6 pag e 31 and have a class feedba ck session . E.g. Barbara has to work
• Emphasise that th is is supposed to be an ideal schooi (50 at the weekend. She works in a sh op.
t hat the stu dents don't miss the point) . Students compl ete
the descrip t ion individually. Check answer s with the w hole
class by having student s read the text aloud .
1 don't have to 3 have to 5 don't have to
2 don't have to 4 don't have to 6 don 't have to
L ES SON SUMMA R y • • • •
Exercise 7 page 31 Reading: an article; reading for specific information
• Allow 5 minutes for pairs to wo rk on th eir descri pti ons Vocabu lary: rooms and faciliti es in a school
(possibiy more, if the students are feeli ng very creat ive).
Topic: school
Circulate and help with vocabulary.
Exercise 4 page 32
• Ask students to go back to page 13 and re-read the readi ng
tip there. When checking answers. ask students to point to
specific sentences in the text where the answer is contained.
KEY FunctionaL English: directions
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 b listening: following directions
Speaking: giving directions
Exercise 5 page 33 Topic: school
• Ask students to look at the vocabulary in box. Do they know
anyof the words?If theydo, encourage them to tryand do
some of the questions without looking words up. After th ey've 11:1n;1I4"1 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, spend less time
done as much as they can, iet th em consult th e Word list or practising pronunciation and limit the number of performances
use their dictionaries. in exercise 8 .
Unit 3 • School li fe ~
Exercise 8 page 34 Exercises 4 and 5 page 35
• Three or four pairs act out their conversationsto the whole • Te ll students they are nowgoing to lookat the use of
class. Givefeedback - comment on strengths and correct a capital ietters in English. Read the writing tip aloud. asking
few errors in the target language. for English example s of months, names, languages/
nationalities, towns and countries. Put some examples
.. Lesson outcome on t he board or appoin t a student to do it. Then ask the
question: Which rulesare different in your language?
Ask student s: What have we talked abaut taday? Elici t giving
directions or equivalent. Ask everyone to give one word or
phrase they learned from the lesson. Draw students' attention
Exercise 6 page 3 5
• Allow students 2 minutes to do the exercise , then ask
to the lesso n statement: I con understand and give directions. 2-3 stu dents who write clearly to come to the board
(simultaneously) and write down the answers. You may put
the numbers I , 2, 3. 4,5 on the board in a column so that
the volunteers know where to write the sentences. As a
class, look at the answers and correct any erro rs.
A description KEY
1 The new school year starts on Monday 6th September.
2 Your fir st lesson on Thursday is histo ry.
LESSON SUMMARy . . . . ..
3 Our Spanish teacher is from Lima in Peru .
Writing: a description 4 My brother James and I go to Eton College.
Read ing: a descriptio n 5 Our geography teacher's name is George White.
Vocabulary: a reviewof vocabulary from the unit
Topic: school
Exercise 7 page 35
• Suggest to students that they shouid choose the four bulle t
points they are going to write about based on two criteria:
1O.,II,Jjll...1 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the writing as (1) which information is most relevant in the context of their
homework. or do exercises 5 and 6 05 a class and have students school, and (2) for which point they can thi nk of some good
write a first draft in class. vocabulary to show off.
1 8.4 5 3 Next to t he gym 5 At 3.30
2 10.20 4 On Tuesdays at 1.45 6 Early. at2.3 0
[I ...i' 1 • 5rhoollife
TOPIC • • •
Sport I
Interviewer And what do you do at the weekends?
Well, I go to t he beach! In fact, all my family go. We
are all members of the local surfclub. My mum and
dad love surfing, too. So does mylittle sister. She has
her first competition next mon th. All ourfriends are at
• lead-in 2minutes the club. It's great fun.
• Discuss issues relate d to listeni ng with st udents. Ask them Interviewer When isyour next competition?
if they like listening task s, if they thi nk li stening is easi er Joshua We have a club competition next week. But in two
ormore difficult than reading, and what can make listening months time it's the world championships. and I want
difficult (e.g. the peop le may speak too fast for you , i f you to do well!
miss somethingyou cannot go back, it's difficult to listen Interviewer Good luckfor that, Josh!
and writ e at th e same ti me (if th ere i s a t ask), th ere may be Joshua Tha nks verymuch.
backgroun d nois e, th e qua li ty of th e recordi ng may be bad).
Ask students if they have any st rategies that th ey use to Exercise 3 page 36
make listening easier. Share ideas as a class. • Ask students: 00 you like presents? Do you like getting
presents or giving presents? Is it difficu lt to choose a present
Exercise 1 page 36 for someone? Then ask t hem to do the tas k in pairs or
• St udents look at the photo and do th e task. ( heck grou ps of t hree. Clrcutate and help with vocabulary. Let
understanding by saying: The man is a ...? And he's got a ... ? students share ideas as a class. Which presents are the
And he's wearing (point t o your clot hes t o comm unicate most popular?
the meaning of wearing) a ... ? And this (draw a waveon the
board) is a ... ? Exercise 4 page 36 "1.53
• Read the Speakin g exam task as a class.
Exercise 2 page 36 " 1 .52 • Tell students they are going to hear a candidate do ing the
E iListening: multiple-choice statements task in the exam. Ask them to read th e inst ructions for the
• Read the Listening tip with t he whole clas s. After reading listening task.
point 2, emphasise th at it is important not to stop listening • Play the recording t hrough once, then again , stopp ing afte r
- you can think abo ut what 's in the exercise on the page each gap to check.
later, b ut you can't hear the recording later.
• Sayyou are moving on to the exam task. Ask: So, what KEY
should you do first? Elicit: Read the questions and the 1 Why don't 4 shall 7 w hat about
multiple choice answers. AHow a minute forstudents to read. 2 th ink 5 Let's 8 ide a
• Play the recording twice. Ask students to compare answers 3 like 6 exciting
in pairs. Ask w hic h ones the y agreed and di sagreed abou t.
Discuss the answers to the questions that caused some
dou bts in mo re detail , possibly playin g th e relevant secti ons
Exercise 5 page 36
of the recordi ng again. E Speaking: situational role-pia
• Read the list of phrases with the whole class.
KEY • Students do t he exam task in pairs. They can then switch
1 A 2 ( 3 8 4 A 5 ( 6 ( 7 A roles and do th e same task again, or switch roles to do the
optional task. For this task, pre-teach organise, invite, take
(him/ her) out to .._
Transcript 1.52
Interviewer I'm here to meet re-ye ar-old Joshua Stevens. He isthe
new under-eighteensBritish surfing champion. Hena, OPTIONAL ACTIVITY
Josh. Pleased to meet you. Speaking: situationa l role- play
Joshua Hello. Pleased to meet yo u, too. You are visit ing a friend in London . She has suggested
Interviewer Josh, whatdoyou do wh enyou're not on a surf board? goin g shopping.
Joshua Well, I'm stillat school. I have to take my exams next
year. • Reject the suggestion and give a reason.
Interviewer That's tricky. What do you do whenyou're not at • Suggest doing something else.
school? • Suggest where and whe n you could meet.
Joshua That's easy! If I'm not at school, then I want to be out
on the waves. I live in north Devon, and we usually (The examiner starts the conversation.)
have great surfing waves there.
Interviewer Tell me, Josh, abouta typical dayin your life.
Joshua OK. In the summer, I get up early, and go surfing fora • lesson outcome
couple of hoursbefore breakfast.Th en, I go to school. Ask students: Whatdid we do today? Eli cit : listening, speaking,
Interviewer Do you work hard at school? and negotiating. Ask students if they remember any of the good
Joshua Oh, yes, very hard. And if it's good day for surfing, I advice about doing listening tasks . Elicit some of t he phrases
tryto do my homework at lunchtime, sothat I have for suggesting and responding to suggestions.
more time at the beach afterschool.
Interviewer Do you goto the beach every day after school?
Joshua Yes, usually, if the waves are good.
Interviewer Even in the winter?
Joshua In the winter I don't gosurfing before breakfast
becauseit's too dark, but I go after school if I can .
It's a bit cold in winter, but I wear a wetsuit, andthe
waves are usually great.
.. .---...
T HIS UN I T IN C LU D ES • • '"
$ &, vocabulary·,c lottleS • adlectfves e musicallestruments e types of party
.rfr~'tt:hne attMti es • prepositions of time
Gri:inrrwir-iPf'esent contlnuoos e can/can't » adverbs
~~ ~descrtblng ,c1othes • talking aboutme.ctcmes youwear
.~ a party invitation ,
5 l aid - young 7 easy - di ffi cult
Present conti nuous
2 fast - siow 8 cold - hot
3 bad - good 9 expensive - cheap
4 quiet - loud 10 ugly - beautiful LESSON SU M M A R y • • • •
5 small- big 11 iate - early Grammar: present continuous
6 new - old Speaking: desc rib ingwhat people in a picture are doing
Exercise 7 page 39
Exercise 4 pag e 39 "1.60 • With a strong class, you may ask students to do it as a
• Exp lain to stude nts th at t hey are goi ng to hear some sound memory game: st udents look at the pictu re fo r a minute,
effects. They have to decide w hat' s happening. Ask t hem t hen one of t hem closes the book and the othe r qui zzes
to read t he verbs fi rst to know w hat kin d of sou nds they hi m/he r abou t w hat t he peopl e in the picture are doi ng.
are listening out for. Play t he record ing through once. Play Students switch rol es aft er a specifi ed number of q uestions
it a second t ime sto pping aft er each sou nd and write t he (e.g. 5). Wit h a weaker class , make sure stude nts read t he
answers on t he board . Do not talk about t he answers yet , as verbs first and know what they mean .
stude nts wil l need t o write t he full answers in exercise 5.
Exercise 8 page 39
KEY • Afte r writ ing the des cription s, students may read th em to
1 b 2 d 3 f 4 c 5 a 6 e one anoth er in pai rs or grou ps of three and identi fy t he
person who' s bei ng described.
• Lesson outcome
- Exercise 3 pag e 40
• Students read through the questions. You may need to
explain take place, stand for and iast. If these are new, make
Ask st udents: Whatdid we workon today? Elicit : The present
sure students write them down, because they are going
continuous. Ask: What is the present continuous used {or?
to need them. Students read the text in more detail and
Elicit: To say what's happening at the moment. You can say
answer the question s. Ch eck answers as a class. Make sure
this first part in the students' own language; then ask a
students unders ta nd the mean ing of about 150,000. You
few questions in English: Wh at ore you doing now?Are you
may poi nt out Idaho on t he map if you have a map of t he
listening to me?Any answers are good, of course, but insist on
USA in your room.
correct present continuous forms. Draw student's attention to
the lesson statement: I can describe what is happening in a
picture. KEY
1 On a farm in the south-west of Britain.
2 Abo ut 150,000.
3 'World of Music , Arts and Dance' .
4 In different countries.
LESSON SUMMARy • • • • ~
Exercise 4 page 40
• Ask stude nts to work in group s of 3-4 . The groups list th e
Read ing: a text about three music festivals
musical festivals they know in their country, and try to
Listening: a son g: I amsailing
remember what they know about them. Share information
Speaking: speaki ng about music festivals as a class.
Topic: Sport and culture
Exercise 5 page 40 "1.61
• Tell students they are going to hear the song / am sailing.
'*"';114... To do the lesson in 30 minutes, ask students to
read the text for the first time and do exercise 2 at home.
Ask if anyone knows it. Ask students to close their books.
Playthe song once. Ask if anyone can repeat any wordsor
phrases at al l. Ask st udents to open t heir books and read
• Lead-in 2 minutes the task and th e gapped lyri cs. Play t he song once or twice
• Before students open their books, write these questions again for students to do the task.
on the board: Whatkind of music do you /ike ? Do you go
to concerts?(What kind of concerts?) Do yougo to music KEY
festiva ls? (Which ones?) 5 trying
1 I am sailing 3 passing
• Ask students to stand up. Everyone must intervi ew 3 people
2 I am fiying 4 I am dying 6 We are sailing
- exclu di ng the person who always sits next to them.
• When students sit down, ask a few of them to report what
11""" ~-
they have discovered. Tryto find out if anyone has been to a
music fest ival. Int rod uce the to pic of t he lesson.
• I am saiiing is the biggest sell ing hit by British singer.
Exercise 1 page 40 songw rite r, Rod Stewart, who is now in the fifth decade of
• Tell students t hey are going to talk about the photo in a his singingcareer.
moment, but first invite them to read the speaking tip. Read
it alo ud and explain foreground and background. Exercise 6 page 40
• Ask students to read the words in the boxand look up
• Students read the three sentences and saywhich one they
any unknown ones in t he Word li st. Read t he words aloud.
think is an accurate interpretation of the song. Then ask
Repeat audience a few times and ask a few students to
t hem to ta lk in groups of th ree and try to come up with some
repeat. Make sure they pronounce the au as /;yJ not lao/ .
titles of songs with a similar message.
• Askstudents to describe the photo in pairs: one
person starts, says 2-3 sentences, the other adds 2- 3
more. Circulate and monitor. Pick 2- 3 students whose KEY
descriptions were good for different reasons and ask them b
to repeat their descriptions to the whole class. Comment
on the strengths. Correct errors in the use of the presen t
con tinuous.
.. Lesson outcome Exercise 3 page 4 1
Ask students : What have we talked about today? Elicit: music/ • Do the first 2- 3 sentences as a class. Students do tne res:
music festivals. Ask students what they learned about music individ ually. Check as a class.
festivals. Elicit some of the vocabulary from the lesson
- especiaiiy take place, last, stand for and the words from KEY
exerci se 1. Draw students' attention to the lesson statement:
1 can't drive 4 can't speak 6 can't swim
I can describe a photo and talk about music festivals.
2 can't dance 5 can count 7 can't talk
3 can play, can do
1 can't 2 Can
1 violin 4 piano 7 trumpet
It's party time! 2 ceilo 5 drums 8 bass guitar
3 guitar 6 saxophone
, lJ"it 4 · Time to partv!
1 guitar 4 cello 7 bass guitar
2 drums 5 piano 8 violin
3 saxophone 6 trumpet
Exercise 2 pa ge 44
• Read the Learn thisl box with the whole class . Then let
students read the dialogue again.
I' m playing volleyba ll. Are you doing anything?
Let' s meet o utside the bowling a lley.
• Ti mp to nartv!
come in this order; yo u can aiso state the piace firs; 0',: ., "
time afterwards.
1 th e event 4 t he place
2 th e day 5 extra information or reque st
LE SSO N SUMMARy • • • • 3 the t ime
Writing: an invitation
Reading: invitations Exercise 5 pa ge 4 5
Grammar/vocabulary: can for requests
• Ailow 30-45 seconds, t hen go t hroug h the openings and
Topic: home end ings as a class.
KEY To do th e lesson in 30 minutes. set the writing as
Hi I Dear See you soo n.
• Lead-in 2 m inute s
• Write invitation o n the boa rd. Ask w ho know s wha t it means.
(Accept a trans lat io n.) Have a chat wit h the class abo ut Exercise 6 pa ge 45
invitations. Ask: When you're hoving a birt hd ay party, do • Read the writi ng tip togeth er. With a weaker class , you may
you write invitations? Who does?How about your eighteenth provide the followin g additiona l informatio n on th e boa rd:
birthday, would you like to have written invitations / - wrong verb form
invitations on paper then? Ho w about a party at school, - 2 x spe iling mistakes
should there be invitations? Whatdo you think - is a written - wrong preposit ion
invitation a very formal thing? - one wor d to delete
• Conclude: Today we are going to work on writing invitations. • When stude nts have id ent iFied the errors and t hought of
ways of correcti ng th em, discu ss th e answe rs wi th t he who le
Exercise 1 page 4 5 class and wri te the correct versio ns on the board .
• Look at the photo with the who ie cla ss, but ask indiv idua l
st ud ents to answer the q uest ions. Try to get them to KEY
describe th e photo in as much detail as po ssib le. We'r e having on Satu rday you can to come
Christ mas house
Exercise 2 page 45
• Students should have not troubie w ith t he task it sei F, so
encou rage th em to iook up ail th e types of pa rt ies in t he Exercise 7 page 4 5
Wo rdli st or t heir dict io naries . After you'v e checke d t he • All ow abo ut two minutes for st udents to read through t he
answe rs, ask ad di t iona l q uest ions: Which typ es ofparties inst ructions and guideli nes. You may wish to discuss w hat
did you have in the las t year ? Was it a g ood p arty ? Did you extra information the re could be.
write invitations ? Did anyone have a fanc y dress party? What
did you wear? etc. Exercise 8 page 45
• Stude nts pro ofread each oth er's work. As an optional
KEY activity. t hey could write repli es to each oth er's invitatio ns,
1 Fan cy dre ss party 3 end -of-te rm party refusing th em poli tel y, explaining why the y cannot come
and suggesting meet ing som e other t ime . (This can be
2 birthday party
done even if t he main writi ng activ ity was set as homework,
but it rel ies on everyon e or nearly everyon e br inging t heir
Exercise 3 page 45 invitat ion s pro mptly. IFsome st udents don' t do th at, t hey
• Stude nts st udy t he Learn this! box. The word req uest need s can wri te replies to t he invitatio ns in the book.)
to be explai ned. Go over the texts again .
2 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 c
~ For furth er exam tasks and pra cti ce, go to Workbook
Trans cript 2.04 page 42. Procedura l notes, transcripts and keys fo r th e
Workbook can be found on t he Solutions Teacher' s Website at
Narrator It's Friday morning. Marton is arriving for work at the
www.o mjeltjteacherjsolutions
Arcadia Hotel. Dave, the recepti onist, is the re.
Dave Good mornin g! How are you?
Marton I'm fin e, thanks. And you?
Dave Oh, I'm fi ne. Marton, are you working in the restaurant
this evening?
Marton No, I' m not. I have a free eveni ng. Why?
Dave Do you want to work some extra hours? It's t he Friday
night party here at the hotel. We need more people to
work in t he bar.
Marto n Oh ... OK. Yes.
Dave You don't have to. It' s ju st an offer.
Marton No, I want to. I need the money!
Dave Great!
# 56 ~ Review 3- 4
Vocabulary· geographical features . contine nts . adjectives for measurement
• wtldlJfe ,. outdooractivities . prepositions of ptace v holiday accommodation
Grammar. co~pa'fativ€' adjectives . su perlati~e ~ djectives • would like
~ ';;'Spealdng - as kl:n g: a o d answering quiz questions . giving opinions
"Hi"" " ' - : ~all$iQg about National Parks e asklng for information
• a desct pucn ofan animal - a postcard
LE S S O N SUMMARy • • • • •
Exercise 4 page 48 " 2.08
Vocabulary: geographical features and geographical names
• If you have a map of th e world in the class room, walk up to
listening: a quiz
it and point out the continents as their names are spoken
Grammar: the use of articles with geographical names on the recording. Ask students to repeat individually.
Speaking: asking and answering quiz questions • Poi nt outthatthe 'Au' in Australia is /0/ not/au!. The same is
Topic: nature and the environment true about Austria. North America and South America are to ne
units (pronou nced as single words).
Unit 5 . Wild! ~\
Transcript 2.10 ask stude nt s to clo se their boo ks. and d ictate the sam e
QM Welcome to th e Geography Quiz. Our fir st contestant is sent ences , t his ti me gappi ng t he un its , e.g. Mount Rysy is
Kevin from l ondon. Are you ready, Kevin? 2499 _ _ high.
Kevi n Yes.
QM OK. Here's the first questi on. Are the Rocky Mountains in KEY
North America or Europe? 6 Op en answ ers.
Kevin They' re in Nort h Ameri ca.
QM That' s correct. Well done. Here's the next question: Which
sea does the River Danube flow into - the Black Sea or t he • lesson outcome
Mediterranean? Wha t have we taiked about today? Elicit :
As k stude nt s:
Kevin Is it the Mediterranean? ... I th ink it' s th e Mediterranean . geography / places/ geographical names. Ask : Ca n you give
OM No, that 's the wrong answer. The Danube flow s into me some words forgeographicalfeatures? Praise the students
the Black Sea. OK. Question 3. Which ocean is between w ho come up w it h t he more sophist icated ones, such as
America and Asia? waterfall or valley. Draw st ud ents' att ention to the lesson
Kevin That' s easy. It's the Pacific Ocean. sta te ment : I can talk about places oraund the world.
QM That's right - the Pacific Ocean. Are you ready for t he next
ques tion?
Kevin Yes.
QM OK. Here it is. Where' s the Gobi Desert - in Africa or Asia?
Kevin The Gobi Desert. Mmm. I'm not sure.
Kevi n
Have a guess.
Comparativ e
QM That's right. It 's in China. Question five. Can you name tw o
islands i n the Mediterranean Sea?
Kevin Mallor ca - t hat' s in the Mediterranean. I oft en go there on LESSON SUMMARy • • • •
Grammar: comparative adjectives
QM Lucky you ! Can you name anothe r island?
Kevin Corsica. Speaking: comparing things
QM Well done. They're both in the Mediterranean Sea. You've
got fou r points, Kevin. Now for the last question . In which
conti nent is Lake Victoria? lI.'U,Jju'''1 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the Grammar
Kevi n Lake Victoria . It' s in Aust ralia, I th i nk. Builde r as homework.
QM Is that your final answer?
Kevin Yes, Aust ralia . • lead-in 2 m inutes
QM Oh, dear, Kevin. Lake Victor ia is i n Africa. • Ask two stud ents of very different heigh t to stan d up. Ask :
Kevin Oh, yes, of course! Who is toller? Indicate toll and toller wit h you r hands and
QM You' ve got four poin ts! Well done, Kevin! arms. You can give an other example, e.g. two rulers or
penc il s: long - longer. Ask students to say w hat toller and
Exercise 8 page 48 longer are in th eir ow n langu age. Intro duce t he subje ct
• This can be do ne i n pai rs or groups of th ree, and it' s of th e lesson : compa rat iv e ad je cti ves, and ask for the
essential that the re shou ld be an even num ber of pairs! equ ivalent in the student s' own language.
gro ups. It wo uld be he lpful to have a big map of the wo rld
on th e wa ll and /o r atlases fo r each team. Exercise 1 page 49
• Students writ e questions. Circulate and help . • Ask stu den ts to loo k at the ph otos of th e two elepha nts.
Ask: Do you know which is the African and which the Asian
Exercise 9 pa ge 48 elephant? If so meone vol unteers an answer , you ask : Why?
• Each pai r or group gets toget her with another and the y qu iz or How do you know? (Unless you th i nk t he stu dent wo uld
each ot her. Circu late and supervise, payi ng special att ention have great diffi cul ty giving an answe r in Engli sh .)
to t he pro nu nciatio n of pla ce names. • Ask all students to read t he tex t in exercise 1, th en ask : So,
was (student's nome) right?Wh ich is the African elephant?
For workon adjectivesof measurement. go to:
Vo cab ul ary Build er (part 2): Student's Book page 132 KEY
1 Afric an elephant 2 Asia n eleph ant
• Read the Learn this! b ox with the cla ss. In a stronger cla ss.
elicit exam ples usi ng t he adjective s presented in th e box.
Focus the st udents on exercise 4 . If nece ssary, st udents Exercise 2 pa ge 49
can work in pai rs to work out or loo k up the meani ng of the • Focus students' att ent ion on comparat ive fo rms by poin t ing
ad ject iv es. to the eleph ants and saying: The Asian elephont is big, but
the African elephant is bigger. Explain t hat comparative
KEY adjecti ves are const ructed i n several different ways in
Engli sh and that all those ways are pre sent ed in the box in
4 1 How long is t he lake? 4 How ald is the boy ?
exerci se 2.
2 How wide is the lake? 5 How tall is the boy?
• Student s fill i n the ta ble with comp arat ive adject ives.
3 How deep is the lake? 6 How hea vy is the boy? Circulat e and mo ni tor. Go over t he answ ers with t he whole
5 l aid 3 wide 5 ta ll clas s. With a weaker class, you may want to w rite t he
2 high 4 long answe rs on th e board or show the m on an OHP.
• Point ou t to stu dents that we usually use tall fo r people, but KEY
high for mountai ns. Focu s t heir att ention on the unit s of 1 larger 3 mor e i nt elli gent
measurement us ed in the sent ences i n exercis e 5. You could 2 heavier 4 bett er
Exercise 7 page 49
• Ifyou have a map of the world in the room, indicate the
There is n't a fixed rule about exactly which adjectives take
Atacama Desert and Death Valley, Student s read the
"-;er and which take more. In general - er ls used with one-- instructions and do the exercise individually. With a weaker
syllable adject ives and two-syllable adjectives ending In - y, class, start with the whole class, then allowtime for individual
With most other two-syllable adjectives more is used, e.g. work. Ask different students to read one sentence each.
more boring, more careful. There are several two-syllable
adjectives where both are possible, e.g. cleverer, more
- clever and friendlier, more friendly, At this level, however, it
is useful to.focus only on the general guideline, as given in 1 The Atacama Desert is colder th an Death Valley.
2 The Atacama Desert Is drier tha n Deat h Valley
the course book, that long adjectives need more,
Exercise 5 pa ge 49
• Students read the instructions. Do the first sentence with
the whole classas an exam ple (with a weaker class do the
first three sentences). Students compare answers in pairs
first. Check with the whole class.
L ES S O N SUMMARy • • • • •
Reading: National Parks
Listening: descriptions; matching
1 wider 4 bigger 7 heavier
Speaking: talking about national parks
2 further 5 faster
3 more intelligent 6 more expensive Topic: nature and the environment
Unit 5 · Wild ! P
KEY Transcript 2.13
1 c 2 A 3 B 1
Hi, I'm Sandra and I'm fro mAdelaide, in Austra lia. There arelots of
great National Parksin Australia. Myfavourite isthe Great Barrier
CULTURE NOTE Reef National Park. It's on the eastcoastofAustra lia.There are lots
of tittle islands, with fantasti c beach es. People go swimming and
William Wordswo rth /w3:dzw3:0/ is one of the mos t
surfing there, and of course you can go diving and see beautifulfish.
popu lar of all English poets . He was one of the poets who
sta rted the Romantic Movement in English poetry. Most 2
of his poems are about t he beauty of nature and many Hi, I'm Liam and I'm fro m Dublin in Irela nd. My favourite Nation al
of them describe the countryside of the Lake Dist rict . His Park is the Killamey National Park. It's in thewest ofIreland. There are
most famous poe m is Daffodils. three beautiful lakes where people go sailing and fishing. Th ere are
also rivers and forests with lots of interesting animals. r sometimes
Beatrix Potter /bIatnks pDto/ wrote children ' s books
go there with my family in the summer and we go walking.
about the adventures of animals. including Peter Rabbit.
Tam Kitten. and Jemima Puddle-Duck. She also pai nted 3
the illustrations of the books. which are still popular wit h Hi, I'm Maria and I'm from Calgary, in Canada. I love skiingso my
children today. She was born in london but sp ent most favourite National Park is Ba nffNational Park. It's in the Rocky
of her life in t he Lake Dist rict. In 2006 Miss Potter. a Mountains in the west of Canada. There are fantastic mountains
bi ographical film was released. starring Renee Zellweger wh ere peoplego skiing and snowboarding. But it isn't just winter
and EwanM(Gregor. sports- , gocycling with my friends and go canoeing on the \akes.
It's a great placefor a holiday.
1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T Great Barrier Reef National Park: little islands. surfing; diving
Killarney National Park: lakes, rivers; fishing
Exercise 4 page 50 Banff National Park: mountains; snowboard ing, cyding
• Ask students to read through the list of outdoor activities
in the box and see how many word s they know or can Exercise 8 page 50
understand . Ask t hem to look up the rest. • Allow time for this activity. It can be done in several ways:
o Students do the task indivi dua lly. com pare wha t th ey found A Th e sim plest - st udents talk in pairs whi le you mon it or.
in pai rs, then repo rt back to the who le class. Con firm what B Students work in groups - preferably with team-mates of
t hey say. usi ng the verb go: Yes. you can go walking and their own choice - and decideon one national park they're
clim bing the re ... (to reinforce t he use of go with activi t ies) going to describe in some detail; each team then speaks
• Point out the silent b in climbing and have severa l students in front of t he whole group. You can repeat the foreign
repeat the word . visitor scenario: you are a foreigner who would like to
knowabout national parks you might visit in this country.
KEY ( If you feel you r stude nts are up to it. you may ask
walking, climbing, swimming, sailing everyone to prepare a 1-minute talk about a national
park of their choice at home and present it in front of the
class. This could also be done in teams of two.
Exercise 5 page 50
• In this task students relate the vocabularyto their own .. Lesson outcome o
experience. Ask them to imagine they are going to have Ask students : What have we talked about today? Elicit: National
some foreign visitors who are really interested in outdoor Parks. Elicit som e vocabulary from t he lesson , Praise the
activities. Students confer and generate ideas in pairs or st udents who come up with the more sophisticated it ems.
groups of three. After that, you can take on the roles of Drawstudents' attention to the lesson statement: Ican
several visitors and say: I really love cycli ng and especially describe a National Park.
mountain biking . Where should I go ? or I like swimming.
sailing ... What's a good place to go ? etc.
Ur it ~ • y.'" :
.. Lesson outcome been mentioned, they are out. The activity usuallycontinues
until there is only one person left - the winner, but you can
Ask st udents: What have we talked about today? Try to
stop at two or three winners if you wish.
elicit: superlative adjectives or a translation, but accept any
answer that refers to the content of the lesson. Briefly revise
su perlat ive forms, aski ng different stude nt s to supply them .
Exercise 1 page 52
Draw stude nts' attent ion to the lesson statement: I can • Draw st ude nts' attentio n to the photographs. Ask if the y
des cribe pe ople and things using superlative adjectives. can name any of the animals. Then ask them to do the task,
using dictionaries or the Word li st if they need to.
Notes for Photocopiable activity 5.1
How much doyou wantto bet? 1 tiger 5 mosquito 9 elephant
Pairwork 2 whale 6 eagl e 10 bear
l anguage: comparatives, superlatives and articles 3 snake 7 jelly fis h 11 shark
Materials: one copy of t he works heet per pair of students 4 lion 8 hi ppo
(Teacher's Book page 13 1)
• Divide students into pairs an d give each paira copy of t he
works heet. Ask st ud ents to go through the sente nces tick in g
Exercise 2 page 52 " 2.16
whether they think the y are correct o r incorrect. Next they • Play the recording once for students to checktheir answers
and a second time to practise pronunciation. Pay attention
bet between 10 and 100 point s on th eir sentences and
to the weak vowel /dl in elephant, lion, tiger, etc.
w rite th e numb er in th e BETcolu mn, Explain t hat if t hey bet
correctl y on t he sentence, th ey win t hat amou nt. If the y bet
incorrectly, they lose it.
Exercise 3 page 52
• Go through the sentences. If necessary, to avoid cheating, • Students classify the animals, then compare in pairs and
let th e st udents corre ct anot her pai r' s worksheet. add more. Check wit h t he whole cla ss. Write t he addit iona l
• At th e end , stude nts add up th eir total wi nnings and losses ideas on the board.
(gains minus losses). The pair with the highest score wins.
• Correct the incorrect sentences as a class. KEY
Land : bear, ele phant , hip po, lio n, snake, tiger
KEY Sea: jellyfi sh, w hale, sha rk
1 The Nile is t he lon gest river in t he world . Air: eagle, mosquito
2 You are the funniest student in the class.
3 correct Exercise 4 page 52
4 Mount Everest is the highest mountin in the world. • Introdu ce the topic of the reading text by asking: Wh ich
5 New York is colde r th an Florida. animals do you thinkare the most dangerous? Elicit a few
6 correct responses, then direct students' attention to the text. Ask
7 correct them t o read it once and a) match t he photos and the
8 Geography is easier than rnath s. paragraphs; b) find out which is the most dangerous animal
9 correct in t he world and w hy. Allo w 3-4 minutes to read. Check
10 correct answers with the whole class.
11 Foot ball is t he most popul ar sport in the UK.
12 July is hotter t han April. KEY
13 correct A Hipp os (photo 2)
14 Russia Is the big gest country in t he wo rld . B Box jellyfi sh (pho to 3)
15 correct C Mo sq uitoe s (photo 1)
The mosquito is the world's most dangerous animal, because it
spreads malaria.
Exercise 5 page 52
• Make sure students understand the meaning of noun, verb,
and adjective. Elicit some examples. If the names of parts of
speech are new to yourstudents, write them on the board
together with the examples. Show students how it's possible
LESSON SUMMARy • • • • II to tell from context if an unknown word is a noun,verb or
Reading: an arti cle; reading for detail adjective, and also to tell something about its meaning. You
Vocabulary: animals can use the following examples. Write the sentences on the
Speaking: describing animals board, then ask the leading questions. You can explain and
Topic: nature and the environment discuss this in the students' own language if necessary.
• Hummingbirds live in Sputh America. - Whatpart ofspeech
is 'hummingbirds'? (Noun.) How do we know that? (It is the
~,:t.l ijllil' To do the lesson in 30 minutes, ask students subject of a sentence; a verb com es after it; the sentence
to read the text for the firs t time at home, and possibly to do tells us where hummingbirds live.) What can we guess
exercise 1. about its meaning?Are hummingbirds people? Animals ?
Machines? (Th ey must be living creatures , as they live
.. Lead-in 2- 3 minutes somew here. The second half of the word is - bitds , so they
may be a kin d of bird.)
• Askstudents to remember as rnariv names of animals as
they can. Everybody in turn has to say one. If someone
Ourdog alwavs barks at the postman. - What part of
cannot t hi nk of an animal or repeats a name tha t' s already
speech is 'barks? (Verb.) How do we know that? (From its
6'"" ~ . c: • Wild'
position - after the subject and 'always', and from the form,
Stage 1: Stu dent s prepare what they 're goin g to say. Put
with the third person singular - s, which agrees with the
these phrases on the board:
word dog.) Con you guess whatit means? Wha t can a dog do
to a postman? Good morning. this is ... Beware of ...
Thev have a vicious dpg. l(qUacks everyone. What part Today we want to tell you about ... Don't go near...
ofspeech is 'vicio us? (adjective) How do we know that? If you're goIng to ... Don't go swimming ...
(Because of its position between 'a' and a noun; it describes Circulate and help. If st udents' descrip tions of the animals
the noun.) Does it mean a good dog or a bad dog? are largely quoted from the text, that Is OK. Reading new
language aloud, carefully and clearly, is also usefu l practice.
Exercise 6 page 52 Stage 2: In their teams, students pract ise deliveringtheir
• After the practice in exercise 5, you can ask the students talk s. They can read, but emphasise tha t th ey have to read
to do the same wi t h th e five hi ghl ighted wo rds in t he text. clearly, fl uentl y and expre ssively. Circulate and help with
As you go overthe answers with the class, ask additional pron unciation.
questions to reinforce the vocabulary: Michal, is yourdog
aggressive?Ania, do you like Garfield cartoons? etc. Stage 3: Each team in tum presents its programme to t he
class. Set up a good place for them to do it: a tabl e or two in
front of th e board, facing the class, with th ree or four chairs.
1 aggressive (adj .) 3 popula ti on (n.) 5 insect (n.) Stage 4: Provide some feedback: quote the best sentences
2 tentacles (n.) 4 carto ons (n.) or phras es. or examples of particul arly effective paci ng
and intonation. Correct a few errors, especially those
which occurred morethan once and were made by more
Exercise 7 page 52 than one person.
• Students read the instructions. Make sure they understand
that the sentences should be completed using inform ation
from t he text. Point out t he irregular plural of boxjellyfish. .. Lesson outcome
Ask individual stu dents to read the answers aloud. Ask stude nts : What have we talkedabout today? Eli cit: animals
or a similar answer. Elicit examples of new vocabulary. Accept
KEY anywords fro m the lesson, but praise the students who come up
1 Mosq uitoes 4 box jelly fis h 7 box jellyfish with the more sophisticated ones. Draw students' attention to
2 Box jellyfi sh 5 hip pos the lesson statement: I can understand an articleabout animals.
3 Hippos 6 Mosq uitoes
Exercise 8 page 52
• Check with the whole class. As students read their answers
aloud, pay attention to the pronunciation of the weakvowel Making a phone call
/;:,/ in million and thousand. Point out the absence of the
plurals in form s such as three million.
Unit5 • Wild! P
1 How can I help you? 3 And w hat t ime do you close ? 1 Can, give b 3 How much d
2 What time do you open? 4 How much does it cost to get in? 2 What, times a 4 stude nts c
7 1 Would you like 3 Would you like 5 I'd like
2 Do you li ke 4 I'd li ke 6 Would you like
8 Open answers
LESSO N SUMMARy . . . ..
Exercise 3 pa ge 54 Writing: a postcard
• First ask students to read the dialogue in pairs in the form Reading: postcard s
in which it appears in the book. Then they read it again, Grammar/vocabuLary: pre positions of place
substituting different namesof museums and differenttimes
Topic: nature and the environment
and prices. Ask one or two pairs to perform for the class.
2 They think it' s lovely. 5 The beach near the campsite. • Say where youare. what of place it is andwhere it
3 Fantastic. 6 They go swimming and Kate goes lies. (itis a ... in the northof ... ; near".)
sailing. • Say what kind of accommodatio n is available. U'mc
staying In a ... but you can a/so stay /n ...]
• Say what a tourist can do'there (We go swimming, etc.]
Exercise 3 page 55
every day. You can also ... here ...]
• Students write the phrases. With a weaker class. you could
write them on the board as welt.
• Wish you were here! is a fixed expression typically used in
postcards. Enco urage students to learn it as an expression
- • Encourage them to come. (Come .../ Can you come •.. 1)
• Lesson outcome
rather than worry about grammatical issues such as why we
Ask students: Whatdid we lookat today? Elicit: postcards or
use were when it's in the present.
holidays. Elicit any useful tips students have learned. Draw
students' attention to the lesson statement: I can write a
KEY postcard describing a place.
1 It's lovely here and the weather is fantastic.
2 Wish you were here. Notes for Photocopiable activity 5.2
3 See you next week.
Exercise 4 page 55 Mind map
• Draw students' attention to the box with prepositions of place. Language: vocabulary from Unit 5
Ask a few students questions like: Do youprefer beingat the Materials: one copy of the works heet per pair of students
seaside or in the mountains? Ormaybe neara lake? (Teacher's Book page 132)
• Ask students to find the expressions with prepositions in the • In this activity students work in pairs to complete a mind
two postcards they have read . map which groups together words in topics related to the
theme Wild. Explai n tha t learning words in top ic groups in
this way helps the brain to store new words and will help
students remember them. They should be encouraged to
We're in Ma\iorca. We're at a campsite in a small village.
start topic vocabu lary pages in th eir notebooks and to add
the beach near the campsite to them as they meet words throughout the course .
We're in Scotland We're in a youth hostel near Loch Ness. • Yo u could set the activity as a race.
in the mountains
Exercise 5 page 55 Geographical feat ures:
• Draw students' attention to the photos at the bottom of Land desert beach hill island mountains rainforest valley
th e page. Say: These are different kinds of accommodation Water lake ocean river sea waterfa ll
- places where you can stay. (Wri te accommodation on the Animals:
board.) Askstudents to do the matching exercise, using Types of animal eagle bear hippo jellyfish shark snake tiger
dictionaries. Check with the whole class. Ask a few stude nts wha le
questions like: Do you prefer staying in a villa or at a Parts of an animal 's body legs tail tentacles wing
campsite? Wo uld you /ike to stay in a cottage /ike this? Adjectives fast aggress ive dangerous fast intelligent large
KEY Weather cold dry hot wet
Italy - Vil la Las Vegas - hotel Ireland - campsite Activities bird-watch ing canoeing climbing cycling
Spain - apartment f inland - cottage horse riding mountain biking sailing
Austria - youth hostel Accommodation cottage campsit e youth hostel
Exercise 6 page 55
• Set up the writing activity. Have students read the writing tip
and tell them it is very, very important to always think first,
before they writ e anythi ng! Invite them to look at the photos
and choo se one place. Then ask them to imagine the actual
holiday, considering the pointslisted in the task, Encourage
them to note down some vocabulary for each of the points.
Unit 5 • Wild! po
TOP IC • • • • Exercise 3 page 56
People • Students read the instructions and the statementsabout
th e phot os. In pairs. stude nts match the descriptions t o the
- - -- - -....- '!""--=- photos.
.. lead-in 2 minutes • Check the answers with the class .
• Discuss going out wit h students. Where do they like going?
Who do they usually go out with? What do they wear? How KEY
oft en do they go out? 1 Photo 1
2 Both
Exercise 1 page 56
3 Both
• Studentsaskand answer in pairs. Circulate and monitor.
4 Photo 2
At the end ask students if they think there is a connection
5 Photo 2
between the clothes people like and the music they listen to.
I ~ran5criPt 2.19
Ensure students are able to clearlystate which person they
are talking about.
Exercise 6 page 56
I'm a black jeans and J-shlrt person. I always wearjeans and
denim jackets and big black boots. You can probably teUthat I like E Speaking: picture-based discussion
American rock music. My favourite r-shtrt is a black andwhite one • Rea d the speaking t ip with the class. Explai n tha t when th ey
that I got from an Aerosmith concert. Thatwas a good night. Great have two photos. they need t o be able to talk about things
f music. that are similar and thingsthat are different in each one. The
tip box has some useful phrases for discus sions of this kind.
• Read the exam task as a class and check understanding.
I like casual, comfortable clothes. I like bigtrousers and lang
• Allow students two or three minutes to prepare. In pairs,
cotton shirts or jumpers. 1usually weartrainers during the day. If
student s take it in turns to speak about the photos for 1-2
I goout in the evening, I'U probably wearthe same thing! But l'll
put shoes or boots on instead of trainers. I like listening to R'n'S
minutes. Their partner listens.
music, and l Hke goingto clubs that play that kind of music, but 1 • li sten to students, and see if they are using the phrases
can't dance very welt. from the speaking ti p box correctly.
• At the end. discuss the task with the students. Did they
3 find it easy or difficu lt? How do th ey feel about talking on
I wear jeans and I -shirts during the day, but if I go out in the their own rather than as part of a conversation? Was the
evening, 1like to dress up. I like skirts and dresses and nice shoes preparation time useful? Discussideas around the class.
with quite high heels. But my shoes have to be comfortable,
because ' like dancing. I usually goout to a club with good dance .. lesson outcome
mu sic. and stayon the dance floor for as langas possible. Ask student s: What have we dane today? Elicit: listening with
4 a matching task or equivalent and describing photos or talking
I am comfortable in long skirts anddresses. 1usuallywear boots about going out. Elicit some information about the tasks and
with them in thewinter and flip-flaps or sandals in the summer. If I tips.
goaut in the evening, I just change my dress. I' m a cla ssical music
student, but 1also rea lly like blues and some folk music. There's a
great bluesbar nearthe university that 1goto with myfriends.
, love rap music, and I love the clothes that go with it. Wh en I go
out, I wear narrow jeans with a big belt, white trainers or high
heels, a brightly-co loured top or 'f-shlrt and lots of jewellery. I like
to go out clubbing with my friends. We dance for hoursand hours.
tt's amazing.
TOPIC • • • Exercise 5 page 57
Nature and the environment • Read the information. Students do the exercise individually
and compare answers in pairs.
• Ask students to read outtheir answers and check as a class.
.. Lead-in 3-4 minutes
• Brainstor m vo cabulary relate d to natu re: for example. ask KEY
everyone to give the name of an animal. then ask where 1 at, on 3 at 5 -, at
each of the animals lives; ask for some names of landscape
2 - . at 4 in, at. in
features (remembered fro m unit 5). e.g. lake. mountain.
A 2 C 3 E 1 G6
B 5 o 7 F - H 4
Exercise 4 page 57
• Read the task with the class. The controlled practice can
be done in open pairs with the whole class: choose a pair
of students, preferably sitti ng quite far apart. to do one
mini-dialogue of suggestion and refu sal.Then repeat with
another pair.
• If you feel students need more practise . allo w them to
continue in closed pairs. Circulate and monitor as students
talk. Listen for any errors in th e target language and discuss
these as a class at the end.
Transcript 2.22
'*',1;:0.... To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set questions 1-3 1 Man Go on ... go on ... There's lots of space behind the
in Vocabulary Builder (port 1) as homework and keep exercise 7 car.
brief Woman We're very near to that blue car.
Man Which blue car?
.. Lead-in 2 minutes Custom er That one.
• Say: Today, we aregoing to talkabout places in town. Can Man Oh, dear. Sorry.
you name any places in ourtown?Students will probably
know a few names in English , and a further few might be 2 Boy What is it?
names of companies owning office buildings. If students are Girl I don 't know . I can see a face, I think.
stuck for ideas, offer a few prompt s, e.g. What's near our Boy That's not a face. It's a tree.
school? Where do you often go at weekends? Girl Is it? Weill like the colours .
Boy I don't.
Exercise 1 page 58 3 Acto r To be or not to be. That is the question. Whethe r 'tis
• Ask students to look at the map. Can they name some of the nobler in the mind to suffer ...
places? Ask them to do the task in pairs, using the Wordlist. Girl Look at his trousers. Aren't they funny!
Boy Ssshhh!
KEY Good morn ing. Do you have a map of Lond on,
4 Tourist
1 park 9 tourist i nformati on office
2 cinema 10 theatre Clerk Yes, here you are.
3 church 11 car park Touri st Thanks. And I'd like some inform ation about
4 town hall 1 2 police statio n Buckingham Palace, please ...
5 post office 13 art gallery
6 museum 14 railway station S Customer I want to send t his postcard to the USA. How much
is it?
7 library 15 bank
8 department store 16 bus station Clerk 55P, please.
Exercise 7 page 58
• Allow a minute for students to prepare some descriptions.
1 in Boston 2 in New York
As theywork in pairs, circu late and monitor. At the end,
bring the ciass together and ask a few students to perfor m.
For work on words that go together, go to: : LANGUAGE NOTE - WHAT ... LIKE?
•• The question What ... like? frequentiy confuses students
Vocabulary Builder (part 2): Student's Book page 133
because they aren't used to seeing like being used as a ~
preposttlonas it is here. Watch out for responsessu~ch as,
KEY It's likeamazing. ~
5 catch a train, go for a walk, park a car, visit a museum, order
a pizza
go to a night club, have a good time , pay for a tic ket, speak Exercise 2 page 59
to a friend, take a boat trip • Students fill in the table and compare answers in pairs.
Check with the whole ciass. If you have an OHP, you can
6 1 order a pizza 5 go for a walk di splay the completed chart on a transparency.
2 goes to a night club 6 park a car
3 take a boat tri p 7 speaking to a friend KEY
4 catch a train 8 having a good time
1 was 6 was 11 could
7 1 for 4 at 7 of 10 with 2 were 7 wasn't 12 couldn't
2 to 5 at 8 in 11 in 3 wasn't 8 Were 13 Could
3 to 6 from 9 for 12 from 4 weren't 9 were 14 could
5 Was 10 weren't 15 couldn 't
.. Lesson outcome
Ask students: What have we talked about today? Elicit: places Exercise 3 page 59
in town/ our town. As k: Can you give me some words for places • Students do the exercise individually or in pairs. Check with
in a town? Accept all answers, but praise the students who the whole class.
come up with the more soph isticated ones, such as town hall.
Draw students' attention to the lesson statement: I cansay KEY
where places are in my town. 1 were 4 weren't 7 weren't
2 wasn't 5 wasn't 8 wasn't
3 was 6 were
4 couldn't understand 8 couldn't play 6 They couldn't play tennis because it was wet.
7 I could n't sleep because I wasn't tired.
Exercise 4 page 59 8 They couldn 't buy alcohoi because they weren't 18 years aid.
• Read the example and do sentence 2 with the whole class
to make sure everyone knows what they have to do. After
Exercise 6 page 59
stude nts have fin ished , check wit h the whole class. Ask:
• Read the example and do sentence 2 with the whole class
Which of these peopie do you know?
to make sureeveryone knows howto build the questions.
Afte r students have finished, ask them to read the questions
KEY aloud. Work on pron unciation.
1 Budhia Singh could run marathons when he was three.
2 Maria Sharapova could play te nnis when she was four. KEY
3 Vanessa Mae could play the violin and piano when she was
1 Could you read when you were four?
five. 2 Could you write your name when you were two?
4 MichaelSchumacher could drive when he was four. 3 Could you walk when you were one?
5 Sergey Karjakin could play chess when he was four.
4 Could you count to ten when you were three?
6 W.A. Mozart could write music when he was five. 5 Could you speak Engli sh when you were twe lve?
6 Could you ride a bike when you were ten?
7 Could you swim when you were four?
Born in India in 2002, Budh ia Singh is the world 's
youngest marathon runner. At the age of three and Exercise 7 page 59
a half he ran 60 km in six and a half hours. He has • Tell studen ts to pay attention and remember the most
become famous and appeared in a number of television I interesting things they find out about their partner, as they
commercia ls. In 2006 he was ordered by the government • will have to report them to the class.
. to stop running because of fears for his health.
Exercise 8 page 59
The tenn is player and model, Mari a Sharapova, was
• Askstudents to just tell the class the 2-3 most interesting
born in Siberia in 198 7, but moved to the US at the age : thingsabout their partner.
of seven. In 2004 she won Wimbledon at the age of
seventeen. In 2007 she was ranked the top seeded [and .. Lesson outcom e
hlghest -earning) female tennis player.
Say to students: Todoy we looked at the past simple tense of
Barn in Singapore in 1978 and now living in Britain. two verbs: be and can. What's the past tense of be? I ... ? (elicit
Vanessa Mae ImeI! is a classical and pop violi nist. She several forms). What's the past tense ofcan? Draw students'
becamea worldwide phenomenon in her mid teens when attention to the lesson statement: Ican talkabout my past.
she created a new kind of' fusion music'.
The German formula One racing dri ver, Micha el
Schumacher. won the Grand Prix seven times. He retired
as driver in October 2006.
Sergey Karjakin from Ukraine became the youngest person Tourist information
ever to receive the title of chess grandmaster at the age of
LESSON SUM M AR y • • • •
Wolfgan g Amadeus Mozart was born in Austria, In 1756.
Reading: a leafletabout l on don
He was a child prodigy, composing when he was five and
performing for the Austrian empress when he was six. He Listening: ra dio advertisements
was taught by his father, Leopold Mozart , a professional Writing: a tourist information leaflet
musician and scholar, Who took Wolfgang and his sister Topic: trave l and tourism
on a musical tour, playing to the courts of Europe, when &
.... 70 ,
Unit 6 • Out and about
.. Lead-in 2 minutes KEY
• Before students open their books, ask them for anything 1 In Hyde Par k 5 At Wimbledon
they know about London . You can say: Today, we are going 2 At Stamfor d Bri dge 6 In t he West End
to talk about London. Please think: What do you know abo ut 3 At Madame Tussaud s 7 In street markets
London? Anything you can rememb er about it. Allow 20 - 30 4 At t he Tate Modern 8 From t he l ondo n Eye
seconds for students to think, then repeat the question and
have a bra instorming session about London.
Exercise 3 page 60
Exercise 1 page 60 • Students do t he voc abulary exercise ind ividually. Check wit h
• Ask students to look at the photos. Do they recognise any th e wh ole clas s. When chec king, ask stu de nts to say wha t
of the place s? Draw their attention to the task. Remi nd the adjective describes in the text: Wh at does the text say is
stud ents to use the Word list , Check w it h th e wh ole class exciting? (exciting things to do in the evening).
1 E 2 A 3 0 4 B 5 C boring - exciting expensive - cheap
dangerous - safe old - modern
di rty - clean terrible - fantastic
Madame Tussauds '/ma:d,m tu:so:dz / was started by a Exercise 4 page 60 " 2 .24
French wax sculptor, Madame Marie Tussaud (1761 -1850). • Tell students they are going to hear five rad io
It contains wax figures of famous people from past and advertisements for attractions in london. Ask them to read
present. There are now Madame Tussauds museums in th e instructi on s and li st of pla ces in the book. Tell them
, New York, Amsterdam, las Vegas, Shanghai and Hong t hey will hear the recording twice. Play it th rough witho ut
Kong. ~ stopping first, then pause after each advertisement and
4 The Tate Modern is situated on the River Thames : It has • checkanswers.
• been extremely popu lar since it opened in 2000, partiy
~ because of the buil ding, a disused power station. It shows KEY
modern art, i.e. since 1900. St Paui's Cat hedr al- 5 The Science Museum - 2
" The london Eye opened in March '2000 as part of the The Nat ional Galle ry - 1 Harrods departmentstore- 4
Millennium celebrations and is the wortd's tallest observation The Apollo Cinema - 3
"wheel, offeringpassengersa 25-mile viewin everydirection."
It. is Britain's mostpopular paid-for attraction. Transcript 2 .2 4
" The National Gallery in Trafalgar Squa re, l ondon, contains 1 We have som e beautiful paintings and drawings by famous
~ the largest collections of international paintings in Britain. artists like Rem brandt and Van Gogh. We'reopen every day
with paintings dating from the 14th to the early 20th from 10 until 5.
century. More modem paintings are held at Tate Britain
2 Are you intereste d in science?Th en come and see our
and Tate Modern,
exhibitions onthe planets and moons of the solar system.Th e
The British Museum in Bloomsbury, london, has one of exhibition starts on i st June and finishes on 30th September.
the wort d's fi nest collections of art and ancient objects
3 Don't miss the new Ju lia Roberts film at the Apollo Cinema. A
including the Elgin marbles and the Rosetta Stone. great evening for all the family! Th e film starts at three o'clock
.The Tower orLondon, built in the 11th-13th century, is and again at half past seven.
best known for itsuse as a prison in which many people 4 The best shop in London, and probably the most famous shop
accused of crimes against the king and queen were kept. in the world. Open 10 until 7 Monday to Saturday and 12 until 6
These included Mary Queen of Scots and Anne Boleyn . on Sundays.
St Paul's Cathedral was designed by Sir Christopher Wren S l ondon's most famous ch urch is open every day. It's nearly 350
and comp leted in 1710. It has a iarge dome, inside which years old. Climbto the top for wonderful views over London.
i s t he Whispering Gallery, where if a person whispers close Adults £9. Children £3·50.
to the wall on one side of the galiery they can be heard by
another person on t he ot her side of the gallery 32 metres Exercise 5 page 60 " 2 .25
away.The Cathedral conta ins th e graves of many fam ous • Play the first advertise ment and ask how many people
'peopie including tord Nelson and the Duke of Welli ngton. have got the answers. If they have, check them ; if they
Harrods is a large, fashionable and expensive department haven't, play it again. Repeat th e procedure with all five
store that cla ims to supply any article or service. It began advertisements. As students read the answers, make sure
in 1861 as a small shop selling food . It is now ow ned by they say t he t imes and prices correctl y (Three pounds fifty
Mohamed Al-Fayed, the father of Dodi Al-Faved who was etc.) .
killed in a car accident in Paris with Diana, Princess of
Wales in 1997. KEY
Exercise 2 page 60
- 1 10 , 5
2 j st of June, 30 th of Sept ember
4 10,7 and 12, 6
5 £9, £3 .50
3 3 o' clo ck, half past 7
• Students now read the text more carefully and answer the
questions individually. Do the first sentence as a class and
remind them to include the preposition in the answer, e.g.
Wh ere can you relax. and walk? - In Hyde Park. Goover
answers with the whole class.
" Exercise 3 page 61
• Students work individ ually or in pairs. Check answe rs by
This can be don e individually or in pai rs. Students prepare
ask ing st udents to come to t he board and write the verbs in
radio advertIsements like the ones in exercise 4 for the lour groups, as th ey appear in the key.
attractions in the ir own l aw n/ city or a t own /city t hey like.
Ilthey have already done the writing task i n exercise 6,
they can use the information and some of the vocabulary
lrom t heir leafl ets , but now t hey are go ing to presen t it in 1 wante d , waited, asked, answe red, walked
oral lorm. All ow 5 minutes lor preparati on. Each person 2 decided, agreed, arriv ed, phoned
should 'advertise' one attract ion to the class, Remind 3 hurried
stud ents to speak loudly, d early, not to o last and not too 4 jogged
Exercise 4 page 6 1 " 2.25
.. lesson outcome • Apart from th e differenc e highli gh ted in the book (ldl or It!
versus hdl) , it i s al so important to point out the difference
Ask students: Whathave we talked about today? Elicit: Londan/
between Idl aft er voiced co nson ants (as in phoned, arrived)
cities. Ask st udents if they learned anythi ng new abou t London.
and It! afte r voiceless cons onan ts (as in asked).
Elicit so me of the vocabulary from the lesson. Draw st udents'
att enti on to the lesson stat ement: I can understand and write a
tourist information leaflet. Exercise 5 pa ge 61 "2.26
• As in exercise 4, it makes sense to emphasise also the
distinction bet we en a finai Idl and It!.
I Unit 6 • Out and about
Exercise 7 pa ge 61 .. lesson outcome
• Students work indi vidu ally. Fast finishers may help weaker Ask students: Whathave we talked about today? Try to elicit:
classmates or write one or two sentences of their own. the past tense or past simple or a translation. Rem ind students
Check with the whole class. For sen tences 1- 5, you can ask that this is the past of regu lar verbs and elicit the rules for
the person who is reading if the sen tence is true for them! forming it. Draw students' attention to the lesson statement:
Ican talkabout past events.
1 visited 4 pa rked 7 stopped Notes for Photocopiable activity 6.1
2 watched 5 decid ed 8 arrived
3 hurried 6 asked The Goldilocks Burglar
Language: past simple affirmative (regular verbs)
For further proctice of post simple: affirmative (regular verbs),
Materials: one cut up copy of the worksheet per pair of students
go to:
(Ieacher' s Book page 13 3)
Grammar Builder 6D: Student's Book page 118 • The story is in the correct order on the page. All copies will
have to be cut up in advance of the lesson, so that the
KEY students do not see the correct order before they start.
• Write on the board The Goldilacks Burglar. Tell students
4 1 phoned 5 studi ed 9 travelled
that they are going to look at a story about a burglar from
2 answered 6 missed 10 spotted
Milwaukee, USA, (a lied The Goldilocks Burglar. Check students
3 list ened 7 stopped
are familiar with the story of Goldilocks and the threebears.
4 hurried 8 visited
Ask if they can guess why the burglar was given this name. (He
5 1 hurried 4 answered 7 missed helped himself to food and left the dirty plates out.) Be careful
2 studied 5 visited 8 phoned notto give away too many details at this stage.
3 listened 6 sto pped • Write the first two sentences of the story on the board : A
burglarentered a house last night in Milwaukee, USA. He
6 1 I walke d to school every day. decided to take a television and a mobile phone.
2 They agreed to meet at six o'clock. • Divide students into pairs and give each pair a jumbled
3 Kevin jogged in the park before breakfast. set of cards. Te ll them to fi nd the first two sentences and
4 She studied maths at school. then put the rest in order. Check the answers and then ask
5 The bus stopped near the school. students to highlight all the examples of the past simpie.
6 We arrived at school at quarter to nine. Practise the pronunciation of the verbs.
7 jim watched television after dinner. • Students retell the story in pairs. One student hol ds the
8 Sally phon ed her boyfriend on her mobile. cards so that the other person can't see the m. The othe r
9 Fred helped his mum with the washing up. studenttriesto remember the story. The first studenthelps
10 The foot ball match started at seven o' clock. where necessary. They change roles at the end of the story.
11 We lived in London.
12 My dad worked in Manchester.
Exercise 8 page 61
• Before students do the exercise, explain interest (on a loan). Out on the town
Depending on the age of your students, you may need to
explain the concept, not justthe word.
• To check, ask a different student to read each paragraph LESSON SUMMARy • • • •
aloud. Choose students whose readi ng is rather good, who
Reading: a story; reading for detail
can be relied on to make som e attempt at dramatising the
Vocabulary: verb + noun collocations, sequencing words ,
narrative. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the
past tense forms. prepositions
Speaking: retelling a story
KEY Topic: home
1 walked 4 agreed 7 asked
2 wanted 5 parked 8 continued
...,:UJjUj .. i To do the lesson in 30 minutes. set the reading as
3 repl ied 6 returned 9 answered
homework beforehand.
Exercise 3 page 6 3
Functional English: telephoning phrases
• Verb + noun collocations are an important key to
Listening: phone calls
communication and fluency, as they allow learners to build
natural-sounding sentences. Before students start doing it, Grammar: I'll for offers
make sure they understand they can find all the collocat ions Speaking: telephone conversations
in the text. Students work individually. Topic: fam ily life and relation ships
• As you prepare to check answers with the whole class, say:
These words often go together. Whenever someone reads
out a collocation, reinforce it by askinga simple question, 10111niU4..1 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the Grammar
e.g.: Can you parka car? When did you last order a pizza? Builder as homeworkand have fewer pairs act out their
If there is time, you can ask everyone to write 2 or 3 dialogues in exercise9.
sentences using the collocations from the exercise.
.. Lead-in 2 minutes
KEY • Have a conversation about telephoning with yourclass.
1 car 4 nightclub 7 situation Yo u can ask such questions as: How often do you use your
2 film 5 somet hing 8 dent phone? Your mobile phone? Who do you usuallyphone?
3 pizza 6 garage Who pho nes you? What do you do when the friend you're
phoning is not at home? Do you prefer talking on the phone
or sending text messages?
Exercise 4 page 63
• Explain that the idea is to try and do the exercise without Exercise 1 page 64 ~ 2.27
looking backat the text at first, to see if they can recall some • Draw students' attention to the photographs and the
of t he prepos it ion s. After t hat stud ents check wit h the text. dialogue. Play th e record ing once for students to do the
Ask them to read the answers aloud and again ask a few task. Then play it again, pausing to exp lain any languag e
questions to reinforce the new texis, e.g.: Do you come to your students may not have understood (e.g. ask for the
school on your own? Didyou study fo r a long time last night? translat ion of speaking as used in this dialogue), and to
Do you like s itting at tne back of the class ? practise the intonation in: Can l speak to Penny, please? and
Do you want to leave a message ?
1 at 3 for 5 at the back of KEY
2 on 4 with 6 at 1 Is that Mrs Jones? 4 She isn't here.
2 Can I speak to Penny, please? 5 Bye then .
Exercise 5 page 63 3 Just a momen t.
• Point out to students that thesewords will be usefulto them
whenever they want to tell a story. Students workon the Exercise 2 pag e 64
translation in pairs, but this time without dictionaries at first • Rea d the example in the Learn this! box aloud. Students go
- t hey have to try and th ink of t ranslations the mselves. After over the dialogue again. When they have identified the two
that, allow them to look the words up in dictionaries and offers, practise pronouncing them. Have studen ts read the
discussanswers with the whole class. whole dialogue in pairs. As k one pair who are doing really
well to read it to t he whole class.
Answe rs in students' own language. KEY
I'll see if she's here. I'll tell her you called.
Exercise 6 page 6 3
• In groups of three , student s decide who is A, Ban d C. Exercise 3 page 64
Allow a minut e for preparation. Student s shou ld retell the • Do the exerci se with the whole class, paying attention to
story looki ng at the picture s, not at the text! Circulate and pronunciation: I'll may be a difficult combination of sounds
monitor. Then ask for the storyto be retold one more time to for Some st udents , and they might try to get aroun d it by
the whol e class, picking students A, Band C from different saying I will. Do not accept that. Also, each sentence sho uld
groups. be pronounced fluently, as one tone unit.
. ~ • (I I • and abou t
a I' ll help you. d I'll pay for yo ur tic ket 1 so rry 4 number 7 number
b I'll give him the messag e e I' ll wait for you. 2 take 5 in 8 hel p
c I'll phone agai n late r f I'll give you he r numb er 3 call ed 6 mobile
LESSON SUMMARy . . . . ..
1 Tom 4 0658849327 7 aft ernoon
Writing: a phone message
2 cafe 5 garage 8 five
Reading: telephone messages
3 two 6 ready 9 243055
Listening: telephone conversations
Topic: family life and relat ionships
Transcript 2.31
..,"ll. To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the writing as Mrs Brown
Hello .
Oh, hello, is that Mrs Brown?
Mrs Brown Yes, speaking.
.. Lead-in 2 minutes Tom Hello, this is Tom . Can I speak to Mandy, please?
Mrs Brown She isn't here at th e moment. Can I take a message?
• Ask t he class to remember when they last answered the phone
Tom Yes, please. I'm going to the cafe wit h Steve thi s
for someone else. What did the caller want? Did they write t he
afternoon. I wanted to invite Mandy.
message down? Did t hey remember to pass it on? Say: Today Mrs Brown OK.What time are you going to the cafe?
wearegoing to work on phonemessages. Tom At two o'clock.
Mrs Brown OK, I'U give her the message.
Exercise 1 page 65 Tom Thanks. Can you ask her to phone me on my mobile?
• Put students in pairs and encourage them to describe the Mrs Brown Yes, of course. What' s your number?
photo in some detail. Ask for ideas regarding what the person Tom 06588 49327.
is saying. Accept anyth ing that makes sense, but try to elici t : Mrs Brown That's 06588 49327.
Do you wantto leavea message? or, Ican takea message. Tom Thanks, Mrs Brown.
Mrs Brown You 're welcome Tom. Goodbye.
Exercise 2 page 65 Tom Goodbye.
• Students read individu ally and do the task. After checking the 2
answers, write the foll owing words and phrases on the board.
Sarah Hello.
Ask stud ents to read again and try to wor k out what th ey mean
Mechanic Hello, th is is Peter Grey from Grey's Garage. Can I speak
from context. Explain that t he numbers refer to the texts. to Mr Simpson, please?
1 urgent 3 he missed a train Sarah I'm sorry. He isn't here at t he moment.
2 for ages 4 garage Mechanic Can I leave a message, please?
• Wit h a weaker class , do it as a match ing exercise: put Sarah Yes, of course.
defi nitions and tra nslat ion s on the board. Mechanic Can you tell him that his car is ready? He can pick it up
t his afternoon . The garage closes at five.
KEY Sarah OK, I've got that. I'll give him your message. Can you
1 police stat io n 3 Londo n give me your phone number, please?
2 park 4 garage Mechanic Yes, it' s 243055.
Sarah 243055. OK.
Mechanic Thanks very much.
Sarah Goodbye.
Message 2 conta ins the question: Haven't you got a
footbatlmotd: this morning? it is not a real question. It is Exercise 5 page 65
quite simil ar to a que stion tag: You've g ot a football match • Set up the writi ng task. Tell students to decide w ho t he
this morning, haven't you ?where th e speaker is mak ing a message is for and w ho they are in relati on to that pers on
statement and asking for confirma tion . Negat ive quest ions as well as the in formation in t he bullet points . Encourage
are sometimes used to 'chall enge' and express sli ght the m to use th e six messages on the page as mode ls. If t he
annoyance. writi ng is done in class, fast finishers can get toget her in a
group and read each othe r's messages.
Exercise 3 page 65
• Students go thro ugh t he four texts one more time. When
checking with the whole class , point out the use of t he
prepos it io n on wit h phone s and phon e numbers.
1 b 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 c
2 1 T
2 F Dave and Penny are staying at a hot el.
3 F Dave and Penny arrived late because they coul dn't find
the hotel.
4 FDerwent Water is a iarge lake in the valley of Borrowdale.
5 T
6 T
7 F Penny prefers the count ryside.
S FThe rent in the countrys ide is cheaper.
Transcript 2.33 K EY
1 Aust ria Austrian 13 Japan Japanese Pablo Picasso was Spani sh. Zsa Zsa is Hungarian.
2 Belarus Belarusian 14 latvia latvian Ma rilyn Monroe wa s American . Pel e is Brazili an.
3 Brazil Brazilian 15 lith uania Lithu ani an
4 Brit ain British 16 Poland Polish
5 China Chinese 17 Romania Romanian Exercise 6 page 68 "2.34
6 Croatia Croatian 18 Russia Russian • Play the record ing on ce for st udents to check t he ir answers.
7 the Czech Republic Czech 19 Slovakia Slovakian
8 Estonia Estonian 20 Slovenia Slovenian Tra n s cri pt 2.34
9 France French 21 Spain Spanish Pablo Picasso was a Spani sh art ist. He was born in 1881 i n Malaga,
10 Germany German 22 Ukraine Ukrain ian Spain. His fath er was a painter and an art teacher . Picasso stud ied
11 Hungary Hungarian 23 the USA American art at school. In 1904 he moved to Paris and he lived in France for
12 Italy Ital ian the rest of hi s li fe. Picasso painted over 13 0 0 0 pictures. He died in
Exercise 4 pag e 68
• In a clas s whe re th e level of general kn owledge is good, Zsa Zsa Gabor is a Hungarian actress. She now liv es in Hollywoo d.
st udent s should have fun doing th is. In a gene rall y we ak She was born in Budapest in 1917 and she studied at a school
class , m ake sure a map of Europe is available. Check with In Switzerland. In 1941 she moved to the USA, and decid ed to
t he whole cl ass, paying attentio n to pronunciation. become an actress. She appeared in over forty films. and many TV
programmes. Her most famou s fil m is Moul in Rouge. Zsa Zsa Gabor
is most famous for her marriages. She married ni ne t imes.
--- 78
" Unit 7 • World famous
Norma jean Baker was a famous film star. She was born in l os
.. Lead-in 2 minutes
Angeles in 1926. She wante d to be an actress and a singer, so she
• Say a few very simple sent ences about yourself in th e past
changed her name to Marilyn Monroe. She was soon one of the
most famou s and richest fil m stars in Hollywood. She appea red in te ns e. with cl ear exp ressions of past t im e, e.g.: I was born in
30 films. Marilyn Monro e died in 1962, at the age of 36. ... I wentto study ... in ... I came to (your town or city) in ... I
got a job in this school in ... or any sen tences usin g some of
Pele is probably th e most famous footba lle r i n the world. He was t he verbs which will appear in t he lesson. Say: Today, we are
born in Brazil in 1940. He played for two footb all clubs - Santos going to study the past tense of irregular verbs.
and New York Cosmos. He played 92 times for Brazil and appeared
in four World Cups. He scored 77 goals in in ternat ional matches. Exercise 1 page 69
He stopped playing foot ball in 1977.
• Focus stud ents ' atten t ion on t he photo. Discu ss w hat t hey
know about vaclav Havel, the man on the right.
Exercise 7 page 68 " 2.34
• Students read t he task. Make sure everyone understands Exercise 2 page 69
the true/ false sentences. Some students may be able to • Stude nts read t he text and check th eir answe rs to exercise 1.
answe r som e of t hem already - encourage them to try . Play • They co mplete t he task i ndi vid uall y and compa re answe rs i n
the record ing once and ask if the y need to hear it agai n. pai rs.
fast fi nishers can writ e correct ed versi ons of the false
stat ement s. Check answe rs wit h the whole clas s.
was born, came, had , left, wa s, got , we nt , sta rted, w rote,
KEY opposed, spent, became, won
1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 F
Reg ular verbs: started, opposed
1 brought, c 3 taught, a 5 fought, b
2 thought, f 4 bought, e 6 caught, d
Transcript 2.3 6
began - ran broke - spoke bought - caught
made- paid read - said saw - wore
went- sent ~merican her~
Exercise 8 page 69 L ES SO N SUMMARy • • • • ~
• Read the example. Ask a few strongstudents to say a Reading: a textaboutMartin l uther King
sentence each about themselves. Point out that the time
Listening: four people talking about their heroes
expression will always come at the end of the sentence. (You
Writing and Speaking: a famous person from the past
may choose to add that it can also come at the beginning:
Yesterdayafternaon I did some housework.) All students Topic: society
write sentences about themselves. Circu late and help. Allow
the work to continue until most students have got nine or
ten sentences and everyone's got at least six. Fast finishers ...,U.JiUi .. 1 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the reading
may write 2-3 additiona l sentences . and exercise 3 (and potentially 4) as homework in advance.
.. Lead-in 2 minutes
LANGUAGE NOTE - COLLOCATION • Before studentsopen their books, write on the board
En courage students to notice which verbs are used with human rights. Askif anyone can guess what it means. Agree
which nouns and to record and learn t hem, especially da a translationwith the class. Askif students can name any
homework; moke a phone call, tell a lie and take an exam. famous peopl e who fought for huma n rights. If Mart in Luther
King is mentioned, use that as a lead-in to the lesson . If he
is not, mention him yourself.
Exercise 9 page 6 9
• As studentstalk in pairs, circulate and monitor. Correct the Exercise 1 page 70
pronunciation of past tense form s if necessary. At the end • Draw students' attention to the photo. Ask: What is he doing?
give some feedback on common mistakes. Students may be able to answer: speaking, or speaking
to people, but probably not making a speech. In that case
introduce the phrase you rselfby saying: He is making a speech.
and possibly miming the gestures of a public speaker.
• Students answerthe question individually.
'" Il r it '" • World famous
KEY Exercise 7 page 70 " 2.37
2 • Play the recording once for students to check the ir answers .
Wit h a st ronger class, play it again once or twice (dependi ng
on how students feel about it) and ask everyone to write down
Exercise 2 pag e 70
one fact that they didn't know before. Checkwit h the whoie
• Students read the text qu ickly. Ask them if their ans wer to class.
exercise 1 was right.
Transcript 2.3 7
Exercise 3 pag e 70 Gi rl My hero is a sportsperson. He's American, and he's from
• Some words in the text may be new: priest, to judge Texas. He was born i n 1971. In 1996, he was very ill and
(someone), the content of their character, the law, to doctors said t hat he had cancer. But he got bett er, and
continue. With a weaker class , pre-teach the m. Wit h a he won th e Tour de France seven ti mes! Now that he has
stronger class. encourage t he us e of di cti onaries. Students sto pped cycling, he has a charity which helps people with
read t he text i n more deta il and ans wer the question s. Check cancer. I thi nk he' s very kind and very brave.
answers with th e w ho le cla ss. Boy My hero is a politici an. He's South African and he was born
in 1918. He was the fi rst black president of South Africa - he
KEY was president from 1994 to 1999. But before that he fought
1 F- MLK Day is an American nati onal hoiid ay. for t he rights of black Africans in South Africa and he spent
27 years in prison . He's a very brave and honest man, and
2 F- He was born in Georgia.
he's a hero for millions of people around the world.
3 T
4 T Gir l My hero is a pol itic al leader. He was born in India in 186 9
and he died in 1948. At that time , India was ruled by the
5 T
British . For more t han 30 years, he worked hard to get t he
6 F - In the end t hey wo n, and Alabama changed the iaw.
Brit ish to leave India. I thin k he is one of the most imp ortant
7 F - He won t he No bel Peace Prize in 1964. people in history. He was very intelli gent and brave.
8 F - All four of his chil dren conti nued his work.
Exercise 8 page 70
Exercise 4 page 70 • Make sure stu de nts kn ow that the othe rs will have to gu ess
• Students go through t he text again and underline or highlight th e identi ty of the pe rson from the sentences t hey write.
past tense forms. When checking, ask for the sentence in which Encourage them to use not only the ph rases from the box,
the word appea rs in the text. e.g. Martin studied at college. but also some of t he irregu lar verbs from Lesso n 7B.
Past simple:
1 equal 3 nati on 5 holi day negative and
2 enemies 4 hero
Exercise 6 page 70 LESSON S U M M A RY • • • • •
• If stu dents fi nd t he question s too easy, ask t hem to give Grammar: past simple negative and i nterrogative
some more infor mat ion ab o ut eac.h of the fou r people (in Speaki ng: asking and answering questions about past activit ies
Englis h).
1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b
'*"'i"4'" do the lesson
and 6 with the wholeclass and
in 3 0
minutes, do exercises 5
the Grammar Builder for
.. Lead-in 2 minutes
• be, can; a few regu lar
Quickly revi se past si mple form s:
verbs wit h different-sounding end ings (e.g. help, watch,
agree, phone, want, wait); a few i rregular verb s (e.g. come,
go, spend, buy, make).
• lesson outcome
Ask students: What have we talked about today?Try to elicit: Exercise 2 page 72
questions (and answers) in the past tense or an equivalent. • Exercise 1 should provide a smooth transition to this
Ask students to tell you the rules: How does a question in the task. After a few stude nts have spoken about their famil y
simple past tense begin?How can you answer it? Draw the members, ask everyone to write sentences about theirs.
students' attention to the lesson statement: I can say what I Ask students to share what they have written in groups.
did and didn't do last weekend.
Exercise 3 page 72
Notes for Photocopiable activity 7.2 • Look at the two photo s which accompany the readi ng text.
Discuss student' s ideas with the class.
World Famous People Quiz
Pairwork KEY
Language: past simple questions See exercise 4
Materials: one copy of the worksheet per pair of students
(Teacher's Book page 136)
• Divide the students into pairs of A and B and give out copies
Exercise 4 page 72
of worksheet A to students A and worksheet B to students • Students read the text. Check answersto the questions from
B. Explain that students have different questions from exercise 3 with the class.
their partners and that they have to write the questions
to asktheir partners. Students work individually to write KEY
the questions. Monitorto make sure they are form ing the Photo 1: The Biro, invented by Laszlo Biro, Hungarian
questions correctly. Photo 2: The Rubik's Cube, invented by Erno Rubik , Hungarian
• Studen t A reads out his/her questions. Student B answers
and gets a mark for each correct answer. Then Student B
asks his/ her questions . At the end find out which student
Exercise 5 page 72
has the highest score in the class. • Ask students to compiete the task. Check wit h the who le
1 B 2 D 3 F 4 C 5 E 6 A
Exercise 6 page 72
• The stude nts have not done an exercise like this yet. Make
sure they understand the questions must be formed so that
LESSON S U M M A R y • • • • :
they can be answered with the exact word s of the given
Reading: an article about twogreat inventors; reading for detail
reply. Studen ts work individually and compare answers in
Voca bulary: discoveries; major lifeevents pairs . Finally check with the whole class.
Speaking: askingand answering questi on s about famousscientists
Topic: sci ence and technology KEY
2 What did he stud y?
3 What was his moth er?
lI.iUIliUi.. i To do the lesson in 3 0 minutes, ask students to 4 When did he move to Paris?
read the text for the first time at home and do exercise 5 orally 5 How many cubes are there in the world?
with the whale class. 6 Where did he die?
• lead-in 2-3 min ut es
• Ask students if they can name any Nobel Prize winners for Exercise 7 page 73
science. What did they do? Say: Today we aregoing to read • Before doing this exercise , look at the photos and ask how
about some fa mous scientists. many students can name anyof the inventors.
• Students complete the task in pairs.
1 c 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 b
~ ~
:,Oh well has a different meaning from the othe r,la ,I... To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the writing as
expres sio ns. It is si mi lar t o Ne ver-mind and is used to homework.
:show that you accept that things can'! change. it can be
usedin respons e to somebody else' s news or after one's
: ownstatement, e.g. We lost again... Oh well.
Exercise 3 pa ge 7 5
• Students go thr ough the two texts one more time . Check
answers with the whole class.
1 two new f -shirts 4 No, they lost.
2 Yes (it was exciti ng). 5 It was boring.
3 No, she didn't. 6 Because she didn' t feel well .
Exercise 4 page 75
• Students read the writ ing lip box and find the phrases in the
two e-mails. Encourage them to remembert o refer to this
box later when writing.
Great to hear from you! L (lack) sends his love. L
How wasyour weekend?G Say hi t o Jack. G
I hope you're well . G Speak to you soon. L
• Stud ents make notes abo ut their characte r. The celeb rity '
Transcript 2.43
has to argue t hat thei r money makes t hem happy,' :
Boy ( think mon eyis very important. and t he jo urnalist mu st try to persuade them of th e
Girl Really? Why do you th ink that? ot her poi nt of view: th at family and fri,ends are more' ,
Boy Well, if you don't have money, you can'tbuyclothes, or food, imp ortant. Brainstorm ideas about what could make the
or a house, or a car. ceieb rity hap py. Examples could include: •
Girl That's true. ButI don't think money isthe most important
t hing in life. holida~ clothes cars eating in restaurants
Boy Poor people are often unhappy. Rich people are usuatty Examples of the other point of view could inclu de: ~
happy. beinq withfriends relaxing spending time witli fa!"iI~
Girl I don't agree. Lots of rich peopleare unhappy.They are often . ~.
unhappy because all they think aboutis money. • Allow students time to prep are and then let them
Boy Maybeyou're right. $0, which do you think is the most perform theirconversations in pairs. "
Girl Well, I thinkfriends and family are more important than
* Lesson outcome
Boy Moreimportant than health? Ask students: Whatdid we do today? Elicit: reading, speaking,
Girl Hmm, perhaps not. If you aren 't healthy, it's difficult to be listening. Ask studen ts if they remember any of the ph rases for
happy. agreeingor disagreeing. "
bread )( cheese ,( pizzas X
1 d 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 e
ham ,(
butter ,(
Exercise 7 page 78
Exercise 2 page 79
• Students talk about their breakfasts. When they've finished,
• Students analyse the dialogue . Ask a few students to read
you can ask the whole class: Who has a verysmall breakfast?
the examples they found aioud . They should read who le
Who has a big breakfast? Who has the biggest breakfast?
sentences. Studen ts go on to fill in the Learn this! box and
For workon food categories, go to: compare answers with their partners. Check as a class.
Exercise 3 page 79
.. Lesson outcome • Say something like: Hannah and Oliverstill wantsome
Ask students: Whathave we talked about today? Elicit: food/ lunch. Theyare looking forsome food. Ask students t o do
breakfast. Ask: Can you give me some names of food? Accept the exercise, using the information in the Learn this! box.
all answers, but praise especially the students who come up Check whet her everyone knows what pasta is.
with phrases (a slice of toast, etc.). Draw students' attention to
the lesson statement: I can describe what I have forbreakfast.
1 any 3 any 5 some
2 some 4 any 6 some
Exercise 6 pag e 79
• Read the Learn this! box aloud. Check that everybody
Traditional dishes
understands the two phrases Howmuch and Howmany. Use
translations if necessary. Read the example and do sentence
2 with the whole class to make sure everyone knows how
Reading: British food
to build the quest ions. Explain dough. After student s have
finished, check with the whole class. liste ning: descriptions of traditional dishes
Spe aking: speaking about food
KEY Topic: culture
1 How much money does the Big One cost? ($99)
2 How much pizza dough is there in the pizza? (9 kg)
3 How many slice s are th ere in the pizza? (150) '*"JjUiili To do the lesson in 30 minutes, ask students to
4 How much cheese is th ere in th e pizza? (7 kg)
read the text forthe first time at home.
5 How many minutes does it take to cook? (40)
.. Lead-in 2 minutes
6 How many Big Ones do they sell a year? (300)
• Before stud ents open th eir books, ask th em if they know
any tradit ion al Britis h food . If th ey cannot come up with
Exercise 7 page 79 much, ask th em abo ut traditional foods from other countries
• With a weaker class, do this exercise in open pairs, to (it will provide an opportunity to revise names of countries,
monito r how well students cope with saying th e numbers. too). You may want to give the names of countries as
prompts (e.g. What kind o{food comes fromJapan?-
Sushi.), or the othe r way round (e.g. Where does sushi come
from? - Japan).
- • You may wish to ask students (probably in their own
language) if they have observed the little words which
appear before nouns in English and don't seem to mean
Ask everyone to th in k about a fairly simple dish that they
anything. What are they? (Elicit a, the. possibi y an.) Say
li ke, and th at they can name most of t he ingredients of
these words are called articles and tell the class that they
in English. First, they have to list the ingredients. Then,
are going to learn more about them today, but they are also
using th eir list and language from the lesson (including
going to talk about restaurants . Ask a few students: Do
the photocopied transcript 3.0 3) th ey write a description
you like eating in restaurants? Is there a good restaurant
of the dish in a few senten ces. They can then share their
near your house?Why;s it good? Which is your favourite
descriptions in groups of three .
restaurant in our town/city? Why is it good?
the High Street an Indian restaurant
a Ch inese restaurant the Indian restaurant
an Italian restau rant the food
the Chinese restaurant
the Italian restaurant a/an: singular countable nouns
the pizzas the: all three groups of nouns
5 1 an 4 a 7 an
8 an
Healthy eating
2 a 5 an
3 a 6 a
6 1 a, a, the, the L ES S O N SU M M A R y • • • • •
2 a.a Reading: an interview; reading for detail
3 a. an, The, the, the, the Vocabulary: food and food groups
4 a, a. The. the Listening: a song: Junk {Dod junkie
5 the. a Topic: health and fitn ess
6 a, a, The, the, an
7 an, the
8 a. a, The ..1I1,,;u4..1 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, ask students to
7 1 - 5 - . the, - 9 a
read the texttor the {irst time at home.
2 the 6 - 10 -
.. Lead-in 2 mi nut es
3 the 7 the. the
• Ask students what they consider to be healthy food and
4 a 8 -
healthy eating habits . You can help with question s: What
should you eat?How often should you eat?At whattime?
Exercise 6 page 8 1 Howmuch? Brainstorm ideas with the whole class. Help
• Ask students to read through the text first. Do the first one students express their ideas if they're struggling for words.
or two sentences as a class. Students continue on their own. You maywish to write the ideas on the board.
Check with the whole class.
1 chicken curry: cereal and rice I protein CULTURE NOTE - JUNK.FOOD JUNKIE
2 strawberries and cream: fruit and vegetables I fat and sugar Highlight the play on words in the song's title, funk food
3 cheesecake: fruit and vegeta bles / fat and sugar junkie. funk faod is food that is not healthy because it
4 hot dog: cereal and rice I protein contains a lot of fat, salt and sugar and a junkie (informal)
5 baked beans on toast: cereal and rice / fru it and vegetables is an addict. The song is by a 19 70 s 8ritish punk band
call ed X·RAY SPEX.
Exercise 4 page 82
• Ask a student to read t he readi ng tip alou d. Invite stude nts Exercise 9 page 83
to look at t he phot o and th e t itl e and consider t he question • With a weaker class , you may have to accept yes / no as
in exercise 4. Get a few students to say something about the answers to the question Do you agree? With a stronger
photo. class , ask: Why?
• Ask students which answers they have chosen and why, but
do not reveal the right answer.
Exercise 5 page 82 c
• Askstudents to read the text. Askwhat the answerto
exercise 4 is. Students will probably wish to make some
comme nts on t he conte nt of the t ext. Aliow the m to do t his,
helping them to express the ir thoug hts in Engli sh. Students work in pairs. One of them is a doctor, the other
a TV journalist who's going to interview him /he r about
healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. The interview is
intended for a programme for teenagers.
Put these jumbled que st ions on the board:
• mean / What / 'healthy eating' / does ?
CULTURE NOTE - COMPETITIVE EATING • it / to be a vegetarian I a good idea / Is ?
Competitive eating is a 'sport' which involves the • foo d / for young people / is goo d / who do / What kind
consumption of la rge quant it ies of food , usualiy fast of / a lot of sports ?
fo od or d esserts. in a short time . It is most popular in the • do you I fast food / about / What / t hink ?
U SA, where eati ng com petitions were tra dit io nally held at
• good and bad ! staying slim / What are / ways of ?
county fairs. Like Sonya Thomas, the to p competitors tend
t o be slim. This allows t he st omach to stret ch as it is not
• to stay hea lthy / can / we I do / What else ?
const ricted by fat. The first stage is to unscramble the questions. Allow 1-2
minutes for that, then check w ith the whole class. Tell
• studen ts they can add their own questions if they wish .
Exercise 6 page 83 in the second stage pairs prepare t heir interviews. Allow
• Explain to students that youare asking them to do the about 5 minutes for preparation. more if students ask for
exercise without using dictionaries or the Wordlist. because it. Circulateand help. Students act out their interviews in
it is the context that will tell t hem what the words mean. 1 front of the class.
Students wo rk ind ividually. Check wit h t he whole class. You
may wish to check understanding by eliciting translations.
.. Lesson outcome
KEY Ask stud ents: What did we do today ? Elicit : read about heo/thy
1 healthy 3 t hi n 5 nickna me eating or eating competitions or another relevant answer. Ask
2 natural 4 spider 6 take part everyone to te ll you one t hing th ey learned from th e lesson , e.g.
a fact or a new word. Draw students' attention to the lesson
statement: Ican understand an interview in a magazine.
formal letter :> t he phr ases have the same meanings. and t hat the y sho uld
try to use bo t h of th em in th eir request s.
• Checkanswers arou nd the class. As students give their
answers, point out that the auxiliaryverb do is no longer
nee ded in th e formal phrase (item s 1,3 and 4). and t hat the
word order changes after the forma l phra se from a direct
question: are - you - open on to that of a statemen t: you
LE S S ON SUMM A RY • • • • "
.. are .. open (it ems 2 and 5).
Writing: a forma l letter requesting information
Reading: a formal letter requesting information
Topic: shopping and services
1 Could you please tell me if / Could you pleas e let me kno w if
you serve fish?
..'UmnM... To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the writing as 2 Could you please te ll me if / Could you please let me know if
homework. you are open on Sunday evenings?
3 Could you please te ll me if / Could you please let me know if
you have a table for five people?
4 Could yo u pl ease te ll me if / Could you plea se let me know if
the restau rant is in the town centre?
, . C" ......
Unit 8 • On the men u
Exercise 5 page 85
• Ask students to read the writing tip. Ask if they wou ld use
. up 1-8
the phrases in the box to write to a friend (No) .
• When they have read and understood the box, refer them Transcript 3. 09
back to page 15 to compare these phrases wit h informal
Narrator It's Monday morni ng. Dave and Marton are both worki ng
at the hotel.
Marton Hi, Dave. How was your weekend?
Exercise 6 page 85
Dave It was OK. I worked on Saturday.
• Set up the writing task. Explain that stu dents are now going Marton How about Sunday?
to write their own letter usingthe notesthey have made. Dave t stayed at home. I phoned some friends, cleaned my
• Read through the advert fo r Stefano's and th e writ ing gui de flat ... nothing exciting. How about you?
with the class. Rem ind them to includ e all the information in Marton Well, on Saturday evening, I wen t to the theatre.
the letter, and to use the text in exercise 1 as a modeL Dave Really? What did you see?
Marton I saw Romeo andJuliet.
Dave Oh, right. That's Shakespea re, isn't it?
Marton Yes, it is.
Tell stu dents the y are going t o write another form ai lett er, Dave Who did you gowith?
but thisone is to a tourist information office. They can use Marton My housemate, Anna . She had two free tickets.
vocabul ary from unit 6 to hel p them. Dave Really?How did shegetthose?
Marton She works for a magazine. Th ey wrote an article about
Each student hasto choose a town and write a formal Shakespeare' s Globe Theatre and the theatre gave them
letter to a tourist information office requesting information. some free tickets.
Dave That's good . SoAnna invited you .
Remind them to use approp riate ph rases to start and end Marton Yes, that's right. Anyway, I really enjoyed the play. And
a formal letter. They can choose what information the y after the play, we went for a pizza - and I saw you r
wo uld li ke to request, but id eas could include places to friend there, in the restaurant.
visit, cost of entry to attractions, and places to eat and Dave Which friend?
drink . Marton Vour Italian friend - Francesca!
Dave That's amazing! Didyou speakto her?
Marton Not really. Wejust said hello.
.. Lesson outcome Dave Actually, she's coming to the hotel today. I'm meeting
Ask students: Whotdid we do todoy? Elicit: writing form al her for lunch. Why don't you join us?
letters, or waysof requesting information . Ask students for Marton Thanks! If you don't mind ...
phrases used in formal lett ers. Draw students' attention to the Dave Of course not. Anyway, what did you do on Sunday?
lesson statement: I can write a letter requesting information. Marton I went shopping.
Dave Did you buy anyth ing?
Marton Onlya shirt - a white shi rt, forwork.
lEW7-8 Dave Did you do anything on Sunday evening?
Marton Not really, Anna and I watched a DVD. It was a romantic
comedy - I can't remember the title Then I sent a few
t 1 Italian 4 Russian 7 Sweden e-mails to friends in Hungary. J didn't go to bed until ...
2 Germany 5 Chinese 8 Belarus
3 Greek 6 Czech 9 Britis h Narrator It's lunchtime. Dave and Marton are in the hotel
2 1 bananas 4 u 7 u restaurant.
Dave Could I have a large Coke, please?
2 u 5 u 8 sausages
Waitress Of cou rse. And foryo u?
3 u 6 apples I'll justhave a glass of water, please,
3 1 cereal 2 toast 3 orange juice Waitress Still or spa rkling?
Marton Still.
1 was 7 became
" 2 went
3 were
4 gave
5 spent
6 won
8 wrote
Waitress Sure. Anythingto eat?
Dave Actually, we're waitingfor a friend.
t 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 c
5 1 He went out 3 He played 5 He didn't see
2 He didn't watch 4 He didn't write 6 He boug ht 2 Dave: a large Coke
Marton: a glass of still water
6 1 Did he go out with friends? Yes, he did.
2 Did he watch N? No, he didn't. 3 c
3 Did he play computer games? Yes, he did. 4 t In 1 599.
4 Did he write a letter? No, he didn't. 2 about 3,000 people
5 Did he see a film? No, he didn't. 3 a fir e destroyed t he theatre
6 Did he buy a CD? Yes, he did. 4 in 164 2
5 in the centre of lo ndon on the south side of the River
7 1 any 3 many 5 t he
2 some 4 a 6 much
6 there isn't a roof
B 1 How was your weekend?
2 Did you go out on Saturday nig ht? 5-6 Open answers
3 Where did you go?
4 What was the food like? I!m1 For further exam tasks and practice, go to Workbook
5 How about Sunday? page 78. Procedural notes , t ranscript s and keys for th e
Workbook can be found on the Solutions Teacher's Website at
9 1 Can 3 to
www.oup .com/elt/teacher/ solut ions
2 have 4 like
...... 98 ~ Revi ew 7-8
Vocabulary· transpcrt s prepositions (by bike. or; 'oc
Grammar. prese nt perfect afflrmative e just . preseet po
interrogative . already,yet
Speaking· talking abo ut how you get around> taainc
country · buying a train t icket
Writing· an e-mail
W 0 R J{ BOO K r.ages 80- 86
Exercise 2
artieie the with toke, e.g, toke the train, take the car, etc.
Ur . :
r 99
For fu rther pra ctice ofth e transport vocabu lary, go to: .. Lesson outcome
Vocabulary Builder (part I): Student's Book page 136 Ask student s: What have we tal ked about today? Elicit :
transport or an equivalent (e.g. Cars and trains and planes
and ...J. Ask: Can you tell me som e words yau iearned today?
KEY Acknowledge all answers, but praise Ihe students who come
1 1 tra in 4 ship 7 bus up with collocations, e.g. to catch a bus. to drive some body
2 plan e 5 car 8 bicycle somewhere, to give somebody a lift. Draw students' attention
3 motorbik e 6 taxi to the lesson statement: ' can explain how J get to school .
2 1 coach 4 scooter 7 underground
2 helicopter 5 ship 8 van
3 lor ry 6 tra m
3 " 3.2 5
1 motorbike 4 bike 7 ship
2 tram 5 plane 8 lorry
3 helic opter 6 tra in
" 3
In bad weathe r, I go to school by bus.
I always go to th e station on fool.
I usuall y cycle to school. LESSON SUMMAR Y • • •
5 My dad usually drives to work. Grammar: present perfect: affirmative
6 Do you walk to school? Speaking: talking about very recent events
7 My mum gives me a lift to the bus station.
1 1 has started 4 have cycled 7 has landed
2 have decided 5 have st udie d People on the move
3 has phoned 6 has cooked
2 1 know, knew, known
2 write, wro te, wri tten LESSON SUMMARy • • • • 0
3 sleep , slept, slept Reading: a text about immi grants in Britain
4 sell , sold, sold Listening: people talking about life in Britain
5 think, t ho ught , thought Speaking: speaking about life in other countries
Unit 9. Journeys P
Multicultural Britain , 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b
The populati on of Britain is just over 60 million.
91.3% are white Exercise 7 page 90
4.4% are Asia n/Asian British Ondian/Paklstanil • Stud ents discuss t he question s in small group s. Circulate and
Bangla deshi and other) help wi th language. Share ideas as a class. Encou rage t hose
whom you heard saying something i ntere stin g to share it.
2.2% are Black /Black British (Caribbean /African and other)
0.4% are Chinese
0 .4% are from other races
Ask students to think back t o qu estion 3 fro m exercise 7.
• 1.4°10 are mixed race In pairs or groups of t hree, th ey make lists of things whi ch '
European Migration
• make the life of an immigrant difficult. Share ideas as a
At t he end of 2006 the re were over 600,000 migrant •= class . You may list them on t he boa rd, on the left-hand
workers in Brit ain from the 8 nations that joined th e side. Stu den ts continue working i n the sam e p ai rs or
European Union in 2004. This num ber is expect ed to rise groups. For each difficulty listed, ask them to w rite how'
steadily over the years. They help t o fi ll the gaps i n the peo ple shoul d behave to make i mmigrants' life easier. You
UK's labou r market, especi ally in ad min istratio n, business may put an example on the board, e.g.:
and man agement, hospital ity and catering. Problems
It' s difficultto understand when people sp eak very fast.
Exercise 4
page 90
Stude nt s read again mo re carefu ll y and do the t ask.
Fast finishers may write corrected versio ns of th e false
I You can feel homesick.
Peop le can be racist.
Discuss ideas with the whole ~Ia ss . •
statem ents.
.. Lesson outcome
KEY Ask st uden ts : What have we talked aba ut today? Elicit :
1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F immigrants or an equ ival ent. Ask students if t hey learned
anythin g new abo ut immi grant s in Britain. Eli cit so me of th e
vocabulary from the lesson. Draw stud ent s' attention to th e
Exercise 5 page 90 " 3.14
les son state m ent: I can talk about living in a foreign country.
• Play the recording once and ask fo r answer s to the
question s. In a st ronger cla ss. ask st udents if th ey can
remem ber anyt hi ng else t hat the speakers ment ion ed.
a Abdu l b Ania Present perfect :
Transcript 3.14
negative and
1 interrogative
Woman My name's Ania Choma cka. I'm a dentist and I live in
Birming ham. I came to Brita in a year ago from Gdansk in
Poland. It was quite diffi cult at firs t. 1was a bit homesick
Grammar: present perfect: negative and int errogative
and I mi ssed my fami ly a lot . I studied Engli sh at schoo l in
Poland so I don' t fi nd it very diffi cult to communi cate wit h Listening: dia logues about travel
Engli sh peopl e, but someti mes th ey speak very fast. I like Speaki ng: talki ng about what you have and haven't done today
Birmingham - t here's lots to do here - it' s a very excit ing
city. I've made a lot of frien ds, both Engli sh and Polish
- there' s a big Poli sh community here in Bi rmingh am. It's .1:1ni"4.11 To do the lesson in 30 minutes, do exercises 4
nice to meet up with people fro m back home and to speak and 7 orally as a class and keep exercise 11 short.
my own language.
2 .. Lead-in 2 minut es
Man My name's Abdul Khan. I'm a student at Bradford • Ask a few st rong st uden ts qu est ions in the pres ent p erfect
University in the nort h of England . I live here in Bradford to which th e likely answe r is No, e.g.: Have ya u talked to X
wit h my parent s and grandparents. My grandpa rent s came taday? (where X is a classmate who is absent.) If th e stu dent
over from Pakistan in the 1960s, when my parents were answers No, say: Oh, so you haven't talked to X. Have you
young. I was born here but I speak Punjabi as well as ha d lun ch yet? (if th e lesson is in th e morn ing) Have yau
English. In fact we all speak Punjab i at home. I'm Briti sh ever been to NewZealand/ Indonesia? (or an y country you
but I'm also Pakistani - I think it's important notto forget are fairly confid ent they hav e not be en to) Have you ever
where you come from. Somet imes peopl e are a bit racist eaten frogs ? etc.
but generally there' s a good relati onship between t he • Remin d st udents that t hey recentl y stu died the present
Asian and white communities in Bradford. pe rfect tense. Explain th at now it is time to look at q uest ions
and negative sente nces i n tha t tense . You may wis h to
Exercise 6 page 90 " 3.14 elicit so me information about the present perfect : how is it
• Play th e recording thro ugh again. Then play the part featuring form ed ? How is it use d?
Ania onl y and check answers . Play Abdu l and check answers.
Unit 9 • Journe ys ~
Exercise 8 page 91 The other student answers using the presen t perfect tense.
• With a weaker class, or just when you want more control Ihaven'tseen Anita today. Encourage them to ask a follow-
over accuracy. this can be done in open pairs with the whole up question after each statem ent.
class: ask student A the first question, A answers and asks B • At the end of t he acti vity co nduct a brief class feedb ack
the next question, B answers and asks C, etc. where students repo rt some information about their partner
to t he class,
Exercise 9 page 91
• Stud ents answer individually. Help with any comprehension
pro blems. With a weaker ciass, you migh t wish to read t he
whole list as a classand make sure they understand .
Exercise 10 page 91
• Before students start askin g and answering in pairs, make
sure t hey know how to build the question s. Som e of th e
verbs in the list are irregular. LESSON SUMMARY • • • ,.,
• Go over all the questions once in open pairs as in exercise Reading:an article; reading for detail
8. If anyone makes a mistake, encourage them to correct VocabUlary: weather
themselves; if t hey canno t, ask the class for help, Write Speaking: an interview
the correct form of the problematic question on the Topic: people and society
board. As the student s talk in pairs, circu late and help.
If they're making errors in the target language, insist on
self-correction. ...,:uUnj..i To do the lesson in 30 minutes, askstudents to
read the text for the {irst time at home.
Exercise 11 pa ge 91
• Have a few students report backto the class on some of the • Lead-in 2-3 minutes
things the y fo und out. • Explain the word disabled. Write it on the board. In pairs,
ask students to write down 2-3 things which disabled
OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES peop le can't do and 2 ~3 things they can do . (Sample
answers : They cannot walk, they cannotsee, they cannot use
1 Ask everyone to write 2~3 mor e questions of t he form:
theirhands well. They can play sports, they can write books,
Have you... today? Circu late and help. It is Important •
they can paint.) Explain that to day t he students are gong to
:-------, _.
th at all t he questions sh ould be correct - you may ask •
read a text about a very special disabled person .
students to read th em alo ud. When the questions are '
ready, ask everybody to stand up and ask everyone
in the room their questions; marking the answersin " LANGUAGE NOTE - DISABLED
two colu mns ~ 'y es' and 'no'. When t hey've fi nished ,
they have to write sen tences reporting their findings: 8
! Nowadays disabled is genera lly the mo st accept abl e.word
8 • used to refer to people with a permanent illness or injury
people in our doss have eaten cereal today, 6 haven't , that makes it diffi cult for th em to use part of t heir body
eaten cereal, et c, M onitor and ask for aU or [us t the : completely easily, Othe r wo rds such as handicapped or ~
mo st interesti ng fin dings to be read al oud to the who le : : invalid sh outd be avoided as t hey are consid ered offensive
class. : • by many people because- of their negative associations.
2 Make photocopies of t ran script 3.16, In pairs, stude nts ! •
prepare and act out a similar dialogue about a different : Exercise 1 page 92
city. ~ II
• St udents lab el the pi ctur es, When checking, ask add it ion al
questions: Do you like stormy weather?What kind of weather
• Lesson outcome do you like? What kind of weather is good forsailing ?
Ask st udents:What have we talked about today? Try to eli cit :
the present perfect, questions and negative statements or KEY
equivalent Go over the form s as studied in exercise 3. Draw 1 icy, cold, foggy 5 rainy
students' attention to the lesson statement: Ican talkabout 2 sunny, warm 6 wi ndy
recent events. 3 stormy 7 foggy
4 cloudy 8 sno wy
Notes for Photocopiable activity 9.1
My day so far ... Exercise 2 page 93 "3,17
Pairwork • Work on pronunciation. To pronounce weather correctly,
students may need to forget the way it's written and just
Langu age: present perfect for recent experien ces
listen to the sounds!
Materials: one copy of the worksheet per student (Teacher's
Book page 139)
• Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Students work
Exercise 3 page 9 2
individually to write their answers in the boxes in ran dom • This can be done in open pairs or in closed pairs. Make sure
order. Ask them to write in as many answers as possible. the st udent s understand the quest ion: What's the weather
They might not be able to answer one or two of them. like?- You may wish to ask for a translation . Aftergoing over
• They should write just one word or short phrases. the pictures, ask: What's the weather like today? (You may
• When they have finished they swap worksheets with a need to point to t he window.)
partner and then take it in turns to use the answers to ask
questions to find out why their partner has written the
wo rds, Fo r example, Why have you written 'Anita?
" Ai. its narrowe st point it is Only 20 miles / 32 kilometres Internet searches. The search can be done in dass ifyou
can havethe lesson in a com puter room . Otherwise it has
':· ~ide. On a Cle~~Y ~t",~ssib~ see Calais from Dover'J
: to be homework.
1 Stude nts have to find out and not e 3 more Facts about
Exercise 5 page 92
• Students rea d the text in more detail. Words which may • Hilary lister on the Internet (her website is WWVtJ., but info rmati on can also be fou nd on
need explaining: harbour, design, controls (n.) wheelchair. other sites). They th en share their find ings in groups
With a strongclass, students should use dictionaries or the of 3- 4.
Wordtist. With a weakerclass, you may choose to explain
the words yourself. In both cases, you can encourage 2 ind ivid ually or in pairs, studen ts look for inf ormatio n
students to infer meaning from context (The boat is going about other disabled peopl e wh o have done somet hing
out of Portsmouth Harbour - Portsmouth is the name of the speciaL They preparem in i presentations. Here are
town, but what is a harbour, if boats can go out of it and into some qu estions to help them:
it?) or from the form of the word (What kind of chairdoes Who is the person?
o paralyzed person have?Why is it calleda wheelchair?) . What is his / her health problem?
Students do the task individually, compare answers in pairs, What cannot he /s he do?
check with the whole class.
What has he/she done /ach ieved?
What special equ ipment did he/she need?
Who helped him/ her?
1 e 3 c 5 f 7 g
How doe s he/ she feel about it?
2 h 4 a 6 b 8 d
Exercise 7 page 92
• Make sure everyone understands opposite. Dictionaries
may be needed for some of the words. Students do th e task Buying a train ticket
individually, then compare answers in pairs. Check with the
whole class.
LES S O N SUMMARY • • • • •
KEY functional English: buying a train ticket
1 always 4 found 7 fi rst Listening: short dialogues
2 left 5 iongest 8 loved Vocabulary: words related to rail travel; the 24-hour clock
3 rare 6 alone 9 happy Speaking: buying a train ticket
Topic: travel and tou rism
Exercise 8 page 92
• Emphasise that this exercise needs to be done with the text.
Students can use the exact phrases from the text, there's no
.iU"jJl.... To do the lesson in 30 minutes, have only a few
pairs act out their dialogues in exercise 9.
need to tryand put the ideas 'in their own words', Don't check
answers with the class. they will appear in the nextexercise.
LESSON SUMMARy . . . . .. lo ve Best wishes
Writing: an e-mail
Read ing: e-mails
Grammar: already and yet
Exercise 5 page 9 5
• Students work individually. Fast finishers can add one or
Topic: travel and tourism
two more ideas. They can use the information about London
in Lesson 6(,
Exercise 3 page 95
o Students go through the two texts one more time. Check
answers with the whole class.
1 F 3 F 5 T 7 T
2 T 4 F 6 F 8 F
1 passenger 3 depart 5 buffet car
Exercise 4 page 96
2 midnight • Students discu ss eating in restaurants versus eating at
4 inspection 6 apologise
home in pairs or groups of three. Circulate and monitor. If
some pairs come up with good ideas of their own, ask them
Exercise 2 page 96 " 3.22 to tell these to the whole class.
E Listening: true/false statements
• Read the listeningtip as a class. Students read the task and
Exercise 5 page 96
the statements. Playt he recording twice. Check answers E :Speaking: picture-baseddiscussion
with the whole class. • As revision, quickly brainstorm useful expressions for
describing a photo and giving opinions (e.g. In the first
KEY photo there is ... I I can see ...• I think ...• In my opin ion ...J.
1 T 3 T 5 T 7 F • Read the exam task as a class and check understanding.
• Allow students two or three minutes to prepare. In pairs,
2 F 4 T 6 F
students take it in turns to speak about the photos for 1 ~2
minutes. Their partner listens.
Transcript " 3.2 2 • At the end, ask students for their ideas. Ask, Which of these
1 restaurants would you like to eat in? Which of them is the
The train nowarriving at platform 4 is the 12.52 service from health iest?
london Paddlngton. We apologise forthe late arrival of this train.
This wasdue to problems on the lineat Oxford.
2 Speaking: situationa l role-play
The Manc heste r train departs shortly from platform 10, notfrom
platform 2 . All passengers forManchester, please go immediately Ask students to work in pairs; They have todecide on a" - - ,
to platform 10. ~ ~ place to go for lunch. They each think about what kind of -
place they wouid like to eat in; and try to persuade their '
3 e:rtner to go. ' - ,
The train nowat platform 6 is the 13.4 5 service to Edinburgh. It
stops at York, Darlington, Berwkk-tfpcn-Iweed and Edinburgh. Encourage them to think of as many different types' -
of restaurants as tney can. Brainstorm ideas and ·give:
4 examples:
It is now 11.45, and the ticket office is closing in 15 minutes/AU pizza restaurant cafe Italian food hamburger r~st;lUranJ
passengers who wantto buytickets. please come to the ticket vegerorian~swuront @
The buffet caris now open, servinghotand cold drinks,
sandwiches and light snacks. The buffetcarisin carriage number
2 , near the f ront of the train .
• Putthese words on the board: Boy About two and a half hours.
film director plane crash jungle died survived Girl OK - I agree. Let's go bytrain.
• Elicit the meanings of the words from the class. If there
is a word nobody knows , ask students to iook it up in a Exercise 4 page 96 " 3.23
dictionary. Then tell students they are goi ng to read a story
• Read the phrasesas a class. Students listen and tickthe
in which these word s will app ear. Ask them to imagine what
ones t hey use. Piay the record ing again to check.
may happen in the sto ry. Accept all Ideas wit hout revealing
wha t really happens in th e story.
Exercise 1 page 97 I think we should ...
o Remind st udents it i s good to read through a text quickly for I agree.
general understanding before doingany tasks. Ask them to Let's agree on ...
read t he t hree summaries (explain summary), th en read the I disagree.
text and choose the one that con tains the same information.
Check t he answer with the who le class. Exercise 5
E Speakin : situational role-pta
o Read the exam task and te ll stude nts that t hey will work
in pai rs. Explain that they need to agree on both a city t o
visit and how t hey will travel. The discussion should last for
Exercise 2 page 97 about three minutes, so they shouldn't reach agreement
E Reading: miss ing sentences immediately.
• Give them three minutes to plan the general outline of th e
• Read the read ing Up asa class. tn a stronger class students
dialo gue and to consid er ind ividually what t hey will say.
do the task individually, then compare answers in pairs.
o Students do the task . Circulate and monit or. If t here
• With a weakerclass, read the sentences as a class. checking
are stronger pairs, you could ask them to perform their
t hat students understand them. Point out some of the
dial ogues at the end.
links: e .g. if the sentence begins with Her, the sente nce
befor e must be abouta woman; if a sentence says 'after
t en days, they decided...' they previous sentence will have OPTIONAL ACTIVITY
a plural noun in it. Students continue to workon the task Speaking : topic-based discussion
individually, then compare answers in pairs.
o Check answers with the whoie class. Ask students to justify
Ask students to think of a journey they went on recentl y.
their answers by pointing out links. They should make not es about the type of t ransport t hey
used, whether they liked it, and whet her th e jo urney was
good or bad:
18 2F 3 A 4G 5D 6E They can then discuss thei r journ ey wl th a part ner.
C does not beiong anywhere and does not agree with the rest
of the text, whi ch ind icate s that she was abie to walk.
.. Lesson outcome
Ask students: What did we do today? Elic it: reading, speaking,
Exercise 3 page 97 " 3.2 3 agreeing and disagreeing. Elicit some of the reading tips and
• Ask students to read the instructions forthe Speakingexam some vocabulary from the lesson.
task in exercise 5. Tell the m the y are going to hear two
candi dates doing the task .
o Play t he recording. Students do t he task. Check answers as a
1 Paris 2 train
Transcript 3.23
Boy Where would you liketo go, Sally?
Girt Hmm, I'm not sure. What aboutRome? I've never been to
Boy I have. I went there last year with my mum and dad. I think
I'd like to go somewhere differen t. HowaboutStockholm
or Helsinki?
Girl Too cold! I think we should go somewhere warmer.
Boy OK..~ what about Paris? Have you ever been to Paris?
Girl No, I haven't OK. l et's agree on Paris. Doyou want to fly
Int. Do you enjoy your job?
Chef Hmm ... it' s OK. I like some of it !
Int. What do you like?
Chef I enjoy working wit h my hands. And I like making new
dishes. Fo r example, my special chicken curry wit h rice is
a really popular dish.
Int. And what don't you like about your job? LESSON SUMMARy • • • • •
Chef I'm on my feet all day. 50 I'm always very tired when I Grammar: going to
finish work. And it's always so hot in the kitchen!
Speaking: talking about plans
Int. Where do you work?
S.A. At Wright's Department Store.
Do you enjoy your job?
Hmm ... well, no, not really.
...,n,la"ll. To do the lesson in 30 minutes, do exercise 4 as a
class, set the Grammar builderas homework, and keep exercise
Int. Why don't you like it? 8 short.
S.A. Well, a few years ago we didn't use computers. But now
I have to use them. I don't li ke using a compute r. I hate .. Lead-in 1 minute
computers! And anothe r probl em is, I don't earn very • Say to the students; I'll tell you something about my plans
much money. I'd like to earn more!
for tonight, this weekend and the next halidays . Tonight I'm
Int. Anythi ng else?
going to (prepore lessons for tomorrow and read a boak
S.A. I'm on my feet all day, so I get very ti red. And [ have to
by Groham Greene). This weekend, I'm going to (mark your
work with customers. They can be really diffi cult people!
writing and watch a new DVD I got for my birthday) . During
the next holidays I'm gaing to (cycle 500 kilometres araund
Exercise 6 page 98 " 3.27
Mazury), etc. Write plans on the board and say; After today's
• Stu dents do t he ta sk individ ually, the n li st en, the n co mpare
lesson, yau will alsa be oble ta tell me about your plans
answers in pairs. With a weaker class, go over t he answers
using this form : 'I'mgoing to .: ' Write one of you r sentences
wit h the whole class; with a stronger class, just ask if
on the board and explain that the 'goi ng to' form doesn't
everyo ne is sure or if t hey'v e got any questions.
necessarily refer to going anywhere, but is used to speak
about future plans.
1 outside 4 publi c 7 computer Exercise 1 page 99
2 money 5 hands 8 customers • Ask students to describe what they see in the photo. You
3 te am 6 feet may ask: Do you ever spend your holidays like this? Wauld
you like to do it? Why?/Wh y not? Ask the class to read the
Exercise 7 page 98 instruction s and the text.
• As stud ents w rite down their reaso ns, cir culate and help
wit h voca bulary and structu res. KEY
Two o r more countries
Exercise 8 page 98
• If yo u can, put student s in pa irs! groups of three with Exercise 2 page 99
classmates the y w ill not agree w it h for t his task. At the end , • Read the first li ne olthe box and the first example with the
you may ask pairs/gro ups to report briefly on the ir views to whole class. Explain that in this form the word going does
the whole class (He thinks ... is the best job ond I think ...) not have it s usual meaning of walki ng, moving or trave lli ng;
it is a grammatica l word, used to show that we are ta lki ng
For work on the suffixes -er, -or and -lst, go to:
about a fu ture act ivity, a plan for the future. 'Goi ng to' is
Vocabulary Builder (part 2); Student's Book page 137 not exactl y a future tense, but it is a fo rm used fo r speaking
about the future .
KEY • Students st udy th e rest of the informati on in th e box and the
text and find the relevant forms. Check with the whole class.
" -er: buil der, clea ner, co mputer programmer, factory worker,
farmer, hairdresser, tea cher, waiter
-or: acto r, do ctor, KEY
-ist: art ist affirmative: are going to start interrogati ve: are we goi ng to go
negative: aren't going to stay
5 1 footballer 3 translator 5 dancer
2 guitarist 4 to uris t 6 recept io nist
- - -- - ••
• Ask students to read the instructions, the words in the box
and the six opinions. You may ask them to see if t hey can
complete some of the sentences without listening again.
Play the recordi ng once and see if most students have got
A paper round is the job of de iiverln g newspap ers t o
i houses, if it's done by a teenager or young person. the answe rs. if not, play il again . Check answe rs and explai n
usuall y every w eek. Salary refers to the mo ney t hat is paid, KEY
usu ally monthly, to profession al people, or people who
1 experience 3 meeting 5 education
wcrkfn an offlce.
Exercise 3
- - 2 adva ntage 4 t ired 6 paid
.. Lesson outcome
Ask students: What have we talked about tDdDy? Elicit : jobs /
Work experience Is offered t o 15116 year oldstud ents In
t he UK as part of the Nati onal Curr iculum. The pla cemen ts 1 teenagers and jobs. Ask everyone to say one word or phrase
are eith er organi sed by th eir school or by the pupils related to work that they learned. Draw the students' attention
'themselves. It is not compulsory but school s gain credl t to the lesson statement: I can givean opinion onpart-time jobs.
for taking part in the scheme. The recommended minimum p
Ryan A lot of myfriends have got part-time jobs. Part-tlme jobs Exercise 1 pa ge 101
are a good wayof meeting people. You can makesome
reallygood friends. The problem is, you spend all your
° Ask st udent s to look at t he title and th e photo. What do they
t hi nk t he ' mi llion dollar idea' was? They read th e text qu ickly
time working- workingat school or working in you r job
- and you're always tired. Sometim es, part-time jobs make to see if their guesses were right.
teenagers too tired to study! But they're still a good way to
earn some mon ey and meet people, so they aren't a bad KEY
thing, really. b
Unit l0 o)ustthejob ~.
Exercise 2 page 101
• Students study t he information box and the t ext and fi nd
the relevant forms. Check with the whole ctass. Work on the Explain the words {artune-teller and to tell someone's
pronunciation of 1'11 - do not let students avoid it by saying fortune. Tell students they are going to tell each othe r's
I will and won't (make it ctear that it doesn't sound the same fortunes. Allow them a min ute to think of ideas. You
as want). might demonstrate by aski ng a student who you know
is imaginative. eloq uent and good at English to tell your
fort une. You might help with questions, e.g.: Willi be rich
and famous? Will i marry a millionaire? How many chil dren
I'll invent a new kind of webpage What wil l he do? will i have? How many grandchildren? Willi star ina fil';' ?
He'll need money I'll save some Wi/II win any awards? Will I travel to aii the continents ? ~
he won't need I'll spend some Willi have a house In the mountains? Willi die yaung ? (or
any other nonsense). Student s work in pairs, look at each
othe r's palm s (or what ever othe r ritual pleases them) and
LANGUAGE NOTE- SHORT FORMS 'LL tell each oth er's fort unes. Circulate, monitor and help. Pick
AND WON'T a few students who had their fortunes told part icularly .
As with oth er short forms, it is important to emphasi se creatively and ask them t o report to the class. Ask: Wha t
th at they should be used after pronouns. If the full • will happen to you? .
forms are used, e.g. / will go. I will not go it sounds over- "---'
emphatic and unnatural. After nouns, however, it is more
common to use the full forms.
.. Lesson outcome
Ask stud ents: What have we talked about today? Elicit: will or
the fu ture. Briefly revise the forms of will future. Draw students'
For further practi ce of will, go to:
attention to the lesson statement: I can make predictions about
Gramma r Builder 100: Student's Book page 126 my future.
Exercise 4 page 10 1
• With a strongerclass , you can do this exercise quickly with
the whole class.
1 will, make 3 will, fly 5 wi ll, take
2 will , fly 4 Will, carry 6 Will, get
now also use their gap year as a time to work and save • As students check the meanings of the words, ask them to
tick the places where they wo uld like to wo rk and put a cross
n10ney for their time at university.f-to1:any universities regard
next to the places where they would neverwant to work.
gap years as a positive thing, as st udents come to their
• They can then tell it to their partners:
studies more mature.
I would like to work in/at a ...
~---- f would never wan t to workin/at a ...
Exercise 1 page 102
• Students talk about the photos in pairs. then share ideas as KEY
a class. sports centre schoo l ban k office
t hrough t he text quickly an d do the task . Check answers and • Students list jobs in pairs. Share ideas with the whole class.
ask students if they have noticed anyother words in the text You maywish to ask: So which is the most universally useful
whic h are exp lained by the photos. They mig ht come up with
job? (It looks as if it's th e clea ner!)
animal rescue centre and restore.
KEY - Sample answers
KEY bank - manager, cashier, computer programmer, cleaner
1 A 2 C 3 B building site - builde r, engi neer
cafe - waiter, cleaner
factory - fact ory wo rker
Exercise 3 page 103 garage - mechanic
• Students work individually or in pairs, taking notes on the hair saton - hairdresse r, cleaner
three peo pie. Alt ernat ively, the read ing could be done as hospital - doctor, nurse, cleaner
a jigsaw activity: in groups of th ree, each student reads in office - secretary, politician, cleaner
detail about one person. answers the questions about him/ school- teacher, nurs e, cleaner
her, and then communicates the information to the others.
shop - shop assistant, cleaner
Check with t he who le clas s. You might need to expla in what
sports centre- coach, nurse, cleaner
an animal rescue centre is if it hasn't been worked out when
theme park - computer programmer, engineer
doing exercise 2.
-, 1 Giving advice
Car Wash was originally sung by Rose Royce in 1976.
Christi na Aguilera and Missy Elliot released a cover version
in 20 04.
FunctionalEnglish: giving advice
Highlight the use of the ungrammatical ain't feInt! Listening: short dialogues
(meaning am not, aren't or isn't) and the boss don't mind.
Grammar: should
This kind of ungrarnmatlcal language is common in song
Speaking: givingadvice
Topic: work
L'U,ljil4'" To do the lesson in 30 minutes, set the writing as
a shouldn't d should g shouldn't
b should e should h shouidn't
c shouldn 't f should .. Lead-in 2-3 mi nut es
• Remind students that they recently tal ked about job
Exercise 7 page 104 "3.32 interviews. Ask: What do you have to do before you can have
• Play the recording again for studentsto focu s on the advice a job interview?They will probably be able to answer in their
that is offered. own language, but not in En glish. Tell them the kind of letter
you have to write when looking for a job is called a letter of
KEY application or an application letter, and that it is the topi c of
th is lesson. Ask; Whatkind of things shauld you write in an
Keith's friend says: d, g Sonia's friend says: a, f
application letter? Elicit ideas.
Exercise 5 page 10 5
awful beef canteen department eggs
• Read the writing tip as a class. Discuss the differences form er garage hardl y ICT junk
between formal and informal letters. lunch message niece ocean s
post office quite relatives socks toes
Exercise 6 page 105
underground vailey X year Zealand
• Ask students to read the advert and consider the question in
exercise 6. What other experience would be useful for a job
like this? Brainstorm ideas and note them on the board.
10 1 How 4 50 41 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 a
2 feel 5 shou ldn't 5-6 Ope n answers
3 should
2 1 T
2 F Marton d idn't know about Francesc a's new job.
3 T
4 F July and August are t he busiest mo nt hs.
5 F Dave thinks Marton sho uld visi t befor e Jul y o r August.
6 F Francesca has said some nice t hings abo ut Marton to
Transcript 3.33
Anna Hello?
Dave Hi, is that Anna?
Anna Yes, speaki ng.
Dave Hello, it' s Dave - Marton ' s friend from the Arcadia Hotel.
Anna Yes, I remember. You've moved to the l ake District,
haven't you?
Dave Yes, I have.
Anna Have you started your new job?
Dave Yes. I started a week ago. It' s great! Much bett er than my
job at the Arcadia.
Review 9-10 ~
• People don't normalty grow out of dyslexia. Howeverthe w
A short introduction symptoms change with time and they are diffe rent at ~ w
to dyslexia different life stages.Their form depends on different
educational methods, work input and i ndividual
characteristics (intelligence or the nature of deficits). The
What is dyslexia?1 problems tend to come back after a break in training (e.g.
• Dyslexia is one of several distinct learning disabilities.
after holidays) and in stressful situations (e.g. an exam).
• It is a specific language-based disorder.
• Dyslexia is not a reason for failing in life.This is proved bv a
• It's of biological origin (usually genetic). long list of famous dyslexics (e.g. HansChrystian Andersen, W
• Characteristic symptoms are difficulties in single word Auguste Rodin, Thomas Alva Edison,Sir Winston Churchill, W
decoding (reading) usually reflecting insufficient Aibert Einstein. jacek Kuron). Dyslexic students can succeed W
phonological skills. Dyslexia is manifested by varying at school - they just need the right kind of teaching. ~ ..~
difficu lty with different forms of language.These often
include; in addition to problemswith reading, a Forms of dyslexia
conspicuous problem with acquiring proficiency in writing
Manyresearch ersdistinguish between DevelopmentalDyslexfa
and spelling.
in its general meaning as a syndrome of Specific Reading and
• These difficulties are often unexpected in relation to age
Writing Difficulties and its farms:
and other intellectual and academicabilities (in some
Dyslexia (in its narrow meaning with refere nceto reading
school subjects),
problems only)
• These difficulties are notthe result of a generalised
Dysortography (speiting problems)
developmental disability (these students have a normal lQ)
Dysgraphia (handwriting problems)
or sensory impainment(they don't have seeing or hearing
problems). Somedyslexic people have very goodspatia l
orientation, visual or auditory memory and technical skills.
What is the cause of dyslexia?
Different factors (genetic and envlronmental) caus e biological
changes in the centratnervous systern whkh leads to certai n ~ .
What dyslexia isn't (myths about dyslexia) dysfunctions , As a result the child's psvcno-motor development : w #
• Dyslexia is not an illness. However, it appearsin two basic
is discordant. ..
medical classifications of diseases: ICD·10 (European) and
DSM·IV (American).
Dyslexic symptoms in school
• Dyslexia is not a myth. It is a learning difficulty which makes
In mostcases weaknesses can be identified in the following ~
all aspects of dealing with language (especially written
areas: *
language) harder. Most experts today agreethat learning to
write requires a 101of effort and takes time. It's crucial for Vlsualand auditoryperception andprocessing
dyslexic students to learn how to learn, find out what works This can result in difficulties with mastering written and
for them and consciously develop their own learning sometimes also oral lan guage:
strategies. Normally, with lim e, dyslexic students learn to • learning words/ letters/sounds
,u se their talents and intelligence to cope with their • spelling: phonic wrtting (e.g. football/futboll, letters maybe
problems. reversed, mirrored, replaced by similar ones (p-b-d-g.w-rn-
• Dyslexia is not a lack of intelli gence. Students who ha; e n), written i n the wrong order (e.g. hlep/help), omitt ed or
been diagnosed as being dyslexic have at least a normal lQ added.
and many of them are highly intelligent. • reading (accurate and/or fluent word recognition)
• Dyslexia is not laziness. However, some dyslexic students • pronunciation (because this requires good auditory
may tf'! to use their dyslexia as an excusefor not working. It percepti(}n and pr(}cessing)
is important to understand that helping means demanding • expressivewriting
and motivating. not releasingor absolving from • recognisingand producing rhymes
responsi bility. • fluency in speech (tess common)
• Dyslexia is not 'no big deai'. People don't grow out of
dyslexia. The dyslexic person learns to cope with his/ her Automaticity
problems and to use favourable compensation strategies. • Forexample, applying evenwell· known spelling rules or •
The earlier help is given, the more effective it is. Constant retrieving common words from me!TI~ry. '"
failure leads to a lack of motivatio n and/or other negative Memory
strategies. These secondary effects are often more difficu lt Dyslexic students mayencounter problemswith:
to deat with later on. Early encouragement and teamer • short-termmemory '"
training can therefore make all the difference to a dyslexic • teaming sequences such as days of the weekand months of
student's experience of school and learning. the year :
• Dyslexia is not someth ingrare. Thep roblems associated • acquiring the knowledge of sounds and words
with dyslexia are roughly similarin some 10 % of the
population, which means that in an average classroom there Thetechnique of writing .
are usually a few students with dyslexia. • In the case of students with dysgraphia their handWriting
• Dyslexicstudents are not aUthe same. Some of them. can be illegible and the pace of writing slow (because ~.
writing requires good fine motor skills).
having experienced some difficulties in learning their
mother tongue. don't have any problems with foreign Spatialorientation u
. ~
languages. Some- suffering from severe dyslexia - can • Students may have trouble differentiating between left and
hardly learn a foreign language. right.
• Theymay find prepositions difficult (e.g. under, on, ab ove,
below). •
1 definition taken from ODS Research Committee and National
Instit ute of Heatth (1994) ..
Peter, 74
Monica, 50 Steve, 40
Joe, 23 Em ily, 12
1 Look at Tony's famil y tre e. Ask Student B questions to fill in 2 Draw your own family tree. Show it to Student B and give
the gaps. more information about who is who .
Who's Tony's moth er? My broth er' s Adam. He's ' 9. He's a student.
How old is she?
Tessa, 70
David , 50 ~ l enny, 35
Tara, 17 Joshua, 7
1 Look at Tony's family tr ee. Ask Student A questi ons to fi ll in 2 Draw your own family tree. Show it to Student A and give
the gaps. more information about who is who .
Who's Tony's father? My brother's Adam. He's ' 9. He's a student.
How old is he?
'PIMhl;lhiijinM © Oxfor d Un iversity Press Sol ut ions Teacher's Book. Elementary r\ . 123 ---.
1 look at the pictures a nd tell Student B about Sonia. 2 What do Sonia and Suzy have in common ?
Sonia goes to Springtown School in Oxford.
~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1 look at the pictures and tell Student A about Suzy. 2 What do Sonia and Suzy have in common?
.Suzy goe s to Manchester High School .
j) Suzy
1 Read t he facts about Wayne Rooney. Complete questions 1-5 to find the missing information.
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from?
2 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ him ?
3 _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ a tatt oo of a cross?
4 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ in his house?
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ readin g?
2 Ask Student B the questions and write the answers in the spaces.
1 Read the facts about Wayne Rooney. Complete questions 1-5 to find the missing information,
1 wit h?
2 for dinn er?
3 clot hes?
4 his hair?
5 listen ing to?
2 Ask Student A the questions and write the answers in the spaces.
'Qifjju!3,UiE'brg © Oxford University Press Solutions Teacher's Book. Elementary (125.. . . . .'
1 For each pictu re write the name of something or someone you really love or hate.
2 Find out what your partner thinks of t he thi ngs you chose.
3 Now tell the dass about your partner's likes and dislikes .
Your Partner
really quite doesn't
likes likes like / hates
~ 1 a fil m D D D
2 a school subject
3 a music group D D D
It a book _ D D D
!f 6 a sportsperson D D D
7 a computer game D D D
I~~m 8 a TV programme - - - - - - - - - - - - D D D
~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------_.
Describe your picture to Student A. Find six differences. Put a cross (x) next to each difference.
'My pictu re is of a classroom. There is a teacher in th e room. The teacher is next to a student 's desk ...'
''' ~
2 has to baby-sit for t heir little sister or brother. How oid ...?
~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
2 has to ba by-sit for t heir little sister or brot her. How old ...?
- ' 128 " Solutions Teacher's Book. Elementarv co Oxford Universirv PITS<; • , •• • . I .
brown blouse orange ,, pink
" ,
~------------_._----------------j---------------------------------~---------------------------------i------------------------------ ,
,, ,,
, .
,, colour jumper boots tracksuit
, 1 ~ ,
• 1
,, " ,,
,, ,,
,,, ,,
,, ,,,
,,, ,,
:, jacket black ·
Jeans green :,
: :
: :
: :
:,, :,,
, ,
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -~ -- - -- ---- -- - -- --- -- --- --- ---- -- -- ~ ---- -- --- - - -- - -- -- - - - ---- - -- - - - -- ~,
, ,
:: :: ::
,,L .,
~ • ~
'pdn"" hlFmA © Oxfo rd Unive rsity Press Solutions Teacher's Book. Elementary ( 129 .........
- .--r
Monday Thursday
u Morning
« Morning
VI ,,.
...J tc-
u 'z
Afternoon Evening Afternoon Evening
Tuesday Friday
Morning Morning
Morning Morning Morning -"'"
ti •
:e Afternoon Afternoon . CD
Afternoon Evening '"
ell .s:
@ "0
. -,
You can bet between 10 and 100 point s for each sentence.
TOTAl IL.- _
Types of
features Animals
Parts of an
Adjectives for animal's
animals body
aggressive beach bear l3irEi watEl=l iAg campsite canoeing climb ing El>l<I Eellilge cycling
E1 aAgersl:Is <Ie5eH diving dry eagle fast hippo hill horse riding hot intellig ent island
jellyfish laI<e large kg5 mountains mountain bik ing ocean rainforest rare river sailing
sea shark snake tail tentacles tiger valley waterfall wet whale wing youth hostel
A burglar entered a house last Then he decided he was Then he wanted to check his
night in Milwaukee, USA. hungry and wanted something e-mails. So he logged onto the
He decided to take a television to eat so he cooked some computer and checked his
and a mobile phone. steak and chips. e-mails.
~------------------------ -------------------.--------------------------------------------. --------------------------------------------,
After that the burglar was Two hours later, the owners of When they entered the house
finally ready to leave t he the house, Mr and Mrs Spencer, they were shocked when they
house. arrived home. noticed the dirty plates on
L . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ~ ~
the table. _
Then Mr Spencer noticed that He looked at the website. The Later that evening the police
the computer was still on. burglar's name was there so he arrested the burglar.
called the police.
_ ___ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J J _
Something you
Your last hated when you
holid ay. were a child .
A present you
The first holiday
What you got gave to
you can
for Christmas. someone
2 Where 1 Mother Tere sa 1 live I? 2 Which 1 actress 1 Chris Martin / marry / in 2003 1 ?
3 Where 1 Elvis Presley 1 live 1 ? 3 How many times / Lance Armstrong / win / the Tour
de France 1 ?
a 1963 b 1965 c 1969 9 When / Leonardo DaVinci / paint 1 The Mona Lisa 1 ?
10 Where 1J K Rawling 1writel the first Harry Potter a 1503-6 b 1553- 6 c 1603-6
books / ?
10 What 1Alfred Nobel / invent 1 in 1867 / ?
no co
. ~ ~ ~> . fj
•. 0 ~, -- \ (
In Switzerland , students in most sc hools go home at lunch time. This is good for three reasons. First, they
have to wa lk home and back to sc hool w hich is good exercise. Secon d , they get a home coo ked meal
(traditionally salad, pota toes or rice or pasta with a piece of meat and some fruit) , And last, the family has
a meal together wh ich is good for family social life.
Nicole, Zurich, Switzerland
In most Dutch primary schools, there is no canteen and the students bring in a packed lunch. Teachers
ofte n reprimand students and their paren ts if thei r packed lunch is not healthy, e.g. if they have white
bread rather than brown bread in the ir sand wiches.
Petra, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
In our schools everyone in the school, including students, teac hers, sec retaries, and even the head
teac her eats the same lunch every day and most people love it. It co nsists of a bottle of milk, a bowl of
rice , usually some kind of fish, a salad , some kind of soup usually with vegetab les, and a piec e of fruit.
The menu chang es every day.
Daisu ke, Kob e, Japan
In Korea, schools don't offe r any meals. Studen ts always bring pac ked lunches and eat them in their
classrooms. The students arrange the desks so they can sit in groups of 4·8 . We always share our
lunches . We don 't think of lunch as our own . Ou r mums think of it as making a meal for the class and not
just for their own child . For our pac ked lunch we usually have rice, a meat dish, eggs and some
vege table s.
Ji n Park, Seoul, South Korea
4 do the teachers try to make the students eat hea lthier food?
Snacks and sandwiches
Vegetable 1 _ £2 .95
Ham and egg sandwich £3 .20
Beef and tomato sandwich £3 .30
Tea £1 20
Coffee £ 1.50
7 chocolate £1.50
Orange or 8 j uice £1 .20
Bottle of 9 _ £1.00
~- ----- ------- - -- -- --- - ---- -- -~- ----- --- -- - -- - ---- -- - -- ----- --~- - - ---- -- -- ----- - -- -- -------- --~------ - ---- ---------- ----- ----- -
Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Waiter / Waitress
Order your food and drink. Orderyour food and drink. Order your food and drink. Take the customers' orders.
Your food is cold. Your food is burned. The waiter/wai tress brings But. there aren't any pizzas.
Complain to the waiter / Complain to the waiter / the wrong drink. beef or vegetable soup
waitress. waitress. Tell him / her. today.
-~ ._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . - - -
, / '38 '" Solution s Teacher's Book. Elementary © Oxford Unive rsit y Pres s 'qit.ii.!3.n!Emm
1 Read the prompts and write short notes for each one. Write your answers in any of the boxes but do n't write them in the
same order as the question s.
the number of people you' ve said hell o to today (in your own language)
2 Now swap work sheets with your partner. Ask your partn er why he/ she has written the words in the boxes.
1 Jack Carter is a singer in a band. He often travels around the world to do tour s with hi s band.
Read the interview with Jack. Mat ch the questions with their answers,
2 Now ask you r partner the questions from the int erview.
7 What's t he first thing you do when you arrive at a new place? drink and packets of crisps expl oded. We
had to make an emergency land in g in
8 What's your dream trip?
9 Where are you going for your next holiday?
r- - - ..
: Correct the sentence: :
Your plans for
next week .
Yo ur perfect job. I She going to have a I
I party on Saturday. I
~_ - -_.II
p- _ ...
....• r -' - - ..
: Correct th e sente nce: : it•• A ... : Correct the senten.ce: :
. ..
My grandmo ther was • serves custo mers In • My parents are gomg Your next birthday.
.. It
." I I
I teacher. I ...
_ ..
a shop.
buy a new car.
.- -...
~- ~ .-
••• .... L.
•• A ••... Somebody you know What wi ll your future e.
it A --.'"..
: w-o-r-k-s -w-it-h -
.•• a docto r. • It
who has a very husband / wife
.. fix es cars. • I(
I . ..- ........ •••.-
- ..I ~- ....••
." . ....
Correct t he .. It• p'icasso was an •..
it A
sentence: I am
agree with you.
_ ....
-, i a restaurant...• ..
•1.(00 ksS In
_ .y .'"
• It
Would you like some bacon Many immigra nts came to Britain
and ? from its colonies.
My favourite subject is
. I love computers. food is very unhealthy.
cg? The Pacific and the Atlantic are .I You can buy stamp s and send letters
in a
A train that goes under the A low area of land betw een two
city is the mountains is a
® 'Thank you very much.' 'You're , I I saw a great film last night called
-men III
y}---- - - - - - 2050
I think in the
- - --,
people will live on the moon .
o Russell Crowe comes from New .I
. / 1421 Solut ions Teacher 's Book. Elementary © Oxford Universitv Press 'p@Ulsu.iemm
o U Ions
for success in English
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