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adopted by the SCCNFP during the 11th plenary meeting

of 17 February 2000


The phenomenon of Quenching


1. Introduction

The concept that the skin sensitising activity of one chemical might be overcome by the presence
of another chemical was introduced by the publication of Opdyke in 1976 (1). In this publication
the term "quenching" was employed to describe the complete abrogation of the sensitising
potential of 3 fragrance chemicals (cinnamaldehyde, citral and phenylacetaldehyde) by the
presence of certain other fragrance chemicals, notably eugenol and limonene, at defined ratios to
the sensitising agent. The conclusions were supported by a summary of human predictive test

The International Fragrance Research Association (IFRA) used the observations purportedly to
limit the sensitising potential of fragrance compounds containing the three sensitising fragrance
chemicals (2). Few publications have examined in detail the question of quenching; some
supporting the original observations, others casting doubt upon them.

This position paper examines the evidence both for and against quenching, with particular
relevance to the current understanding of the chemistry and biology of allergic contact dermatitis
(ACD). The paper provides a reminder of the original observations and then reviews the 3 points
at which quenching might operate, 1) at the chemical level, 2) during the induction of skin
sensitisation or 3) during the elicitation of ACD.

2. Quenching : the origins

The induction of hypersensitivity to cinnamaldehyde in man was reported to be eliminated by the

presence of an equal concentration of eugenol; citral's sensitising activity was eliminated by the
presence of d-limonene or α- pinene at a ratio of 4:1; phenylacetaldehyde allergy was blocked by
equal parts of either phenylethyl alcohol or dipropylene glycol (1). Four years later these
observations were brought into the IFRA guidelines as a possibility to reduce the sensitisation
risk associated with cinnamaldehyde, citral and phenylacetaldehyde (2), acknowledged to be
moderate to strong allergens.

3. Quenching : the chemistry

The pairs of chemical structures often discussed in quenching are in Figures 1-3. There is no
evidence for an obvious chemical reaction/interaction. If such were to occur, the fragrance
properties of the chemicals would be altered.

The common feature of the sensitising agents is that they organic aldehydes. It is very well know
that other aldehydes are important contact allergens, eg formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde.
Aldehydes can form Schiff's bases with amino groups, such as that of lysine. This is how they
may haptenise skin proteins and so behave as a skin sensitiser (3). Such a proposition was made
for cinnamaldehyde (4, 5). However, it has not been demonstrated that it is the aldehydic
function of the sensitising fragrance chemicals involved in quenching that is the important in
terms of their haptenic reactivity. From the summary in Table, it appears that the ability to form


The phenomenon of Quenching


Schiff's bases does not correlate with the relative potency of a range of sensitising aldehydes.
Thus cinnamaldehyde might react via Michael addition across its aliphatic double bond rather
than forming a Schiff's base. This mechanism would be more consistent with the observation
that hexyl cinnamaldehyde is a weaker allergen - the alkyl side chain would have very little effect
on Schiff's base activity, but would reduce the likelihood of the Michael addition reaction.
Reaction mechanisms for citral and phenylacetaldehyde are open to speculation.

There has been a limited amount of work published which has searched for evidence of chemical
interactions between the sensitising and the quenching agents. Majeti and Suskind attempted to
uncover evidence of either physical or chemical interactions, but without any success (6). Pittz
and co-workers undertook similar investigations, but again were unable to identify a chemical
mechanism for quenching (7). Benezra and his group presented a number of studies on
quenching (8, 9). In particular, they used radiolabelled citral to investigate protein binding. The
results showed that limonene caused an increase in overall binding to soluble compared to
insoluble protein. It was assumed that binding to insoluble protein would be associated with
sensitisation. However, the mechanism was not understood, nor was there any indication of
whether it would have any impact on sensitisation. In the presence of a fourfold higher
concentration of limonene than normally would be required to block the sensitising effect in man
there was about a 20% reduction as measured by binding to insoluble protein.

Nowadays it is believed that much of the binding of reactive chemicals to random skin proteins
(soluble or insoluble) is unlikely to be relevant to sensitisation. Rather it is the specific
interaction with cell surface proteins on Langerhans cells that seems likely to be the important
step in the initiation of sensitisation (10).

The above suggests that there is no reasonably well substantiated (physico)chemical hypothesis
with which to explain quenching.

4. Quenching : the induction of skin sensitisation

If quenching does not occur at the (physico)chemical level prior to skin contact, then it might
occur in vivo during one or more stages of the processes involved in the induction of skin
sensitisation. Details of this process are available (10, 11). However, there are a number of basic
parameters: skin penetration, haptenisation by protein, skin metabolism, Langerhans cell
activation and migration, and the stimulation of hapten specific T cell division in the draining
lymph node. There is no available data demonstrating that the quenching agents reduce the skin
penetration, or the bioavailability, of their sensitising partner. Nor is there data on any of the
other specific components of the induction process.

In the work of Benezra using a guinea pig predictive test, the effect of limonene on the induction
of skin sensitisation to citral unfortunately was not examined (8). This variable was investigated
in an extensive series of investigations using a number of guinea pig models (12, 13). No
quenching effect could be demonstrated.

These studies were conducted in accordance with OECD guidelines (14) which encompass both
adjuvant and non-adjuvant tests, as well as in non-standard methods. This meant that all the
variables of dose level, dosing route (intradermal injection, epicutaneous application) and use of


The phenomenon of Quenching


Freund's complete adjuvant were explored in relation to quenching. In no case, in more than 20
individual tests, was evidence of quenching demonstrated with combinations of
cinnamaldehyde/eugenol (1:1) or citral/limonene (4:1). It should be noted that the extent of
sensitisation in all of these tests was assessed via both the frequency and the intensity of the
reactions elicited by challenge with unquenched material.

Guinea pig tests were carried out on quenching pair materials aged for up to 12 months (13).
There was no change in the intensity of the induced sensitisation and no difference between the
response to the quenched and unquenched material.

In contrast to the guinea pig methods, the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) (15) measures
directly the lymphocyte proliferative response in the lymph node draining the site of chemical
application; the basic protocol provides dose response. The dose response data can be analysed to
provide an estimate of the relative sensitising potency of the test substance applied (16). This is
the estimated concentration required to generate a 3 fold stimulation of proliferation in the
draining lymph node, the EC3 value. Using this approach, the impact of quenching agents on the
sensitising potency of cinnamaldehyde and citral has been examined. The results have been
published (17), but are summarised in Table 2. The clear outcome was that no quenching effect
could be demonstrated in this mouse model.

Notwithstanding these results in animal models, from the original publication of Opdyke in 1976
(1) is clear that quenching had taken place in the human skin sensitisation tests that were
conducted in the 1970s. The lack of any detailed information on these precludes further
commentary however. More detailed summaries of the work done by the Fragrance Industry
have become available (18). In the course of approximately 50 widely varied human
sensitisation studies, quenching was investigated. An overview for citral/limonene is presented
in Table 3, where the efficacy of quenching of citral by limonene, but not by eugenol (the
cinnamaldehyde "partner") seems to be clearly demonstrated. Interestingly, eugenol may have
increased the rate of reaction, but since it is also a sensitiser and was not challenged separately, it
is not possible to conclude with absolute certainty that all of the reactivity is due to citral.

5. Quenching : the elicitation of skin sensitisation

Once skin sensitisation has been induced, then subsequent contact with the offending chemical
above a threshold dose will result in an elicitation of ACD. That leads to the question can
quenching be shown to operate at this level? As with induction, a substantial body of work has
been carried out in the guinea pig model (12, 13). Studies were conducted with
cinnamaldehyde/eugenol and citral/limonene. In this system, whether animals were highly
sensitised or weakly sensitised, there was no difference in the abilities of quenched and
unquenched material to elicit reactions. This was demonstrated when sensitisation had been
induced either with quenched or with unquenched materials.

In addition to this work, investigations were also made on the effect of ageing the perfume
mixture (13, and unpublished Unilever data). Whether material was tested in the guinea pig
immediately after mixing or after up to 12 months ageing, there was no quenching effect
demonstrable at the elicitation phase of skin sensitisation.


The phenomenon of Quenching


The efficacy of quenching agents during elicitation has been examined in man using a small
panel of subjects with proven clinical allergy to cinnamaldehyde (12). Patch testing was carried
out for 2 days with a range of doses of cinnamaldehyde in the presence and absence of eugenol.
There was no difference at any of the test sites between the quenched and the unquenched
material. This included sites where the elicitation reaction was very weak, suggesting that there
was not even a minor inhibitory effect produced by eugenol. In this panel, 20 minute patches
were also applied so that non-immunologic contact urticaria to cinnamaldehyde and its known
inhibition by eugenol could be examined. The panel reacted as expected and eugenol inhibited
the urticaria to the same extent as in a non-cinnamaldehyde allergic group (19). In several
individuals, after 1-2 days, a delayed allergic reaction to this brief treatment with
cinnamaldehyde occurred; remarkably there was an identical level of cinnamaldehyde induced
allergic reaction at the site where there had been inhibition of the urticarial reaction by eugenol.
This indicated that there was no functional relationship between the urticarial mechanism and the
subsequent delayed allergic response.

6. Quenching : other considerations

If one fragrance ingredient can quench the sensitising action of another, the question is at what
stage of the sensitisation process does this occur and by what mechanism? It must be assumed
that any quenching effect must occur during the induction of skin sensitisation. The mechanism
by which it would remains unknown.

Although interactions with the quenching agents, chemically all aldehydes, have been looked for,
no specific mechanisms have been detected (6, 7). Suskind and Majeti (6) provided initial
observations which suggested that competition for amino acid binding sites might be a part of a
possible mechanism of quenching. However, it is hard to understand why the quenching agent
does not then act as a good sensitiser; for example eugenol is an important contact allergen (20).
If it blocks cinnamaldehyde allergy by competing for its binding sites (necessarily with greater
efficacy, since quenching is apparently a complete inhibition), then one might reasonably expect
to see more contact allergy to eugenol than cinnamaldehyde.

The specificity of the putative quenching effect brings its own consequences – it means that
mechanisms involving inhibition of general biologic events during the induction of sensitisation,
such as blocking migration of Langerhans cells to draining lymph nodes, or invoking general
chemical options such as sacrifical oxidation of the quenching partner, are inadequate as an
explanation. Eugenol quenches cinnamaldehyde; limonene either has no effect (guinea pig
model) (12, 13) or may enhance the sensitising activity of cinnamaldehyde (man) (18). This
suggests either a specific chemical interaction, or a specific immunobiological event, such as
haptenic competition. The latter possibility is hard to comment upon without at some knowledge
of the biochemistry that is involved in the induction of sensitisation to the chemicals concerned.
As mentioned above, cinnamaldehyde probably reacts directly with skin protein via Michael
addition across the aliphatic double bond. Being a prohapten, eugenol will only sensitise
following metabolic activation. Consequently it is not easy to visualise how these would
compete for protein sites (vide supra) in a way that would totally block the induction of


The phenomenon of Quenching


The question remains as to whether the requirement to quench the 3 sensitising materials (2) as
recommended by the fragrance industry of had any impact on the incidence of ACD.
Unfortunately, neither citral nor phenylacetaldehyde are commonly investigated allergens
clinically, so it is not possible to detect any alteration to the frequency of their reaction rate. In
contrast, cinnamaldehyde has been tested over many years because of its incorporation into the
fragrance mix (21). Certain clinics have patch tested with the individuals allergens of this mix
and have report the data over a period of 18 years (22). However, the frequency of positive
diagnostic patch tests to any chemical depends to a great extent on population exposure to the
substance in combination with dermatological referral and patch testing practice. Only where
these matters are understood can further interpretation be applied to the data. The St. John's clinic
data from London shows a steady decline in the incidence of positive reactions, down to a level
which is currently close to zero. It cannot be concluded that this reflects the introduction of
quenched cinnamaldehyde from the late 1970s onwards since, even in the St. John's data, referral
patterns and patch test practice have not been constant over almost 20 years. Perhaps more
importantly, there is no evidence that human skin exposure of the type that would lead to skin
sensitisation is the same now as over these preceding 20 years. Other patch test data for
cinnamaldehyde does not show the same declining trend (23, 24). Thus, convincing clinical
evidence of the efficacy of quenching is lacking.

7. Summary

The evidence for existence of the quenching phenomenon* lies at present exclusively in the
largely unpublished observations of the fragrance industry. The claim is that the skin sensitising
activity of cinnamaldehyde, citral and phenylacetaldehyde can be completely blocked by the
presence of a specific quenching agent during the induction, but not the elicitation of
sensitisation. However, no subsequent evaluation of quenching has been able to reproduce the
effect in animal models of sensitisation. These are models which have been well proven to be
valuable in the prediction of human sensitisation (25, 26). In one case, the LLNA, quantitative
measurements of the induction of sensitisation in the mouse have demonstrated the absence of
any quenching effect. This is made all the more significant in view of the recent demonstration
that this model may even provide an indication of the relative potency of allergens for man (27).
Furthermore, no satisfactory physical, chemical, biochemical or immunobiological
basis/hypothesis for a quenching activity can be readily evinced; particularly since it would
appear only to operate during induction in man. Thus on the balance of the evidence presently
available, the existence of quenching of certain fragrance allergens by other specific fragrance
components should be regarded as a hypothesis only.

* Quenching in this context means that the presence of a distinct chemical substances, also
used as an ingredient of a fragrance compound, will inhibit the sensitising capacity of another


The phenomenon of Quenching


8. Tables

Table 1 Sensitisation potential versus ability to form Schiff’s base

Charge Charge GPMT

difference1 rank2 rank3
Cinnamicaldehyde 0.5070 6 1
Phenylacetaldehyde 0.4661 9 2
Bourgeonal 0.4646 10 3
Phenylpropionaldehyde 0.4719 7 4
Cyclamen aldehyde 0.4623 12 5
Syringa aldehyde 0.4670 8 6
Lilial P 0.4623 11 7
Hexyl cinnamicaldehyde 0.5097 5 8
Vanillin 0.5210 3 9
Ethyl vanillin 0.5220 1 10
Anisic aldehyde 0.5212 2 11
Heliotropin 0.5121 4 12

Charge difference across the aldehyde carbonyl group, the larger the number the greater the
ability to form a Schiff’s base
Relative rank position in terms of ability to form a Schiff’s base
Relative skin sensitisation potency based on judgement of existing data


Table 2 Results of the investigation of quenching in the LLNA

Test Material LLNA EC3 value


Cinnamicaldehyde 2.0%

Cinnamicaldehyde/eugenol (1: 1) 2.1%

Citral 13%

Citral/limonene (4: 1) 13%


Table 3 Human data on quenching of citral sensitisation

Test Material Proportion of test subjects sensitised in

human maximisation testing1

Citral 20%

Citral + limonene 0%

Citral + eugenol 64%

Results taken from RIFM compiled data (18)

Position paper : the phenomenon of quenching

9. Figures

Figure 1 : the cinnamaldehyde and eugenol quenching pair

Figure 2 : the citral and limonene quenching pair

Figure 3 : the phenylacetaldehyde and dipropylene glycol quenching pair

CH3 - CH(OH) - CH2 – O - CH2 - CH(OH) - CH3

Dipropylene glycol



Position paper : the phenomenon of quenching

10. References

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Position paper : the phenomenon of quenching

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