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Revised RFP-Core Banking System PDF

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Request for Proposal

Core Banking Solution


Bank of Khyber

Last Date for Submission: 14th June, 2018 at 11:30 A.M.
Opening Date: 14th June, 2018 at 12:00 P.M.

Document Information
Document Details RFP for Core Banking
Organization Bank of Khyber
Developed by Ihsan Khan & Murtuza Wasaya
Version 2.0
Status Final/Approved

Version Control
Version Details Date
1.0 RFP for Core Banking 17th May, 2018
2.0 RFP for Core Banking 7th June, 2018

BoK intends to procure the services of experienced software houses, IT companies for the
supply, installation, implementation and maintenance of Core Banking System. Core Banking
System will provide all the necessary facilities to run the business of the bank as per best
standard practice. It is not a conclusive list of specifications and any practice as normal
function of the bank must be included. BoK is a Listed Scheduled Commercial Bank with 166
branches; including 84, Islamic Branches with majority of shares are held by KP Government.
Any innovative and futuristic products may also be added with appropriate details for the bank
to select additional products for its business with future requirements.
The parameter in the system must be flexible enough to generate future banking products
without the request/ change in the program. The availability of this functionality with the user
will be preferred. This may include addition of fields, selection of codes etc. along with fulfilling
the banking rules and policies.
Each activity in the system must be handled by at least two authorized personnel i.e., maker
and checker concept should exist. The system should maintain audit trail for all activities.
Appropriate reports must also be available e.g. user/transaction/terminal wise report for all
changes in the data.
Additional Modules and Other Modules will be the part of evaluation and they are desirable.
These modules will also be evaluated separately and may be acquired from different vendors
if found suitable. Further, any function with specifications responded, as ‘Can be developed’
must be made available within four (4) months of the award of contract without any extra cost.
For the evaluation of responses, suppliers may be required to provide demonstrations of their
application at BoK Premises on a short notice of about one week without any cost or obligation
on the part of the Bank.
The Bank of Khyber invites well-reputed firms for the supply, installation, implementation and
maintenance of Core Banking Software Solution. Detailed Scope of work is attached at
Annexure – B of the document.

Bidders are required to submit their sealed proposals in line with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Procurement Rules 2014 to the office of the Head Procurement Division, The Bank of
Khyber on or before Thursday, 14th June, 2018 at 11:30 AM. Tender Opening Date is
Thursday, 14th June, 2018 and Time is 12:00 PM at The Bank of Khyber, Head Office.

Proposals should be in the prescribed format along-with all the relevant documents as per the
Terms & Conditions and Bidder Eligibility Criteria.

Terms and Conditions

a) Bidder is required to submit its response in Single Stage Two Envelopes procedure as
per KPPRA Rules.
b) Bidder is required to submit Technical and Financial proposals in separate sealed
c) Bidder will be asked to present Demo / Presentation of their proposed application.
d) Bidder is required to submit its Company Profile along-with Proposal that must comply
with the following Bidder Eligibility Criteria (Annexure – A).
e) Proposals submitted Late / after due date and time or Incomplete will not be considered.
f) Bidder is required to implement the software in at-least 40 branches along-with BoK Head
g) The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal as per its policy
and KPPRA rules.
h) All sections in the bid should be adequately flagged and numbered.
i) Cost offered in financial proposal should be FINAL and complete with respect to all the
required functionality.
j) Bidder’s Total cost of ownership can be accessed by complying with all the Technical
requirements that are required by the Bank of Khyber in line with its RFP.
k) Financial weightage to be assessed on the basis of Total cost of ownership (TCO) rather
than directly assessing them for Capex, TCO to be provided by vendor for 5 years.
l) TCO Components can be; but not limited to the following:
o Software License Fee
o Software Implementation Fee
o Customization/modification cost for 100 man days (approx.) after expiry of
Warranty period
o Annual Maintenance for 5 years
o Out of Pocket expenses for onsite support (estimated 100 man days)
o 2 Resident engineer for onsite support after complete migration
m) SLA will be signed with the successful bidder
n) Bids not complying with all the given clauses in this tender document are liable to be
Head Procurement, General Administration Department
24, The Mall, Peshawar, Head Office, The Bank of Khyber
Phone: 091-5279690, 5274399
UAN: 091-111-95-95-95
Fax: 091-5286769
Bidder Eligibility Criteria – Appendix – A

Bidder is required to submit its Proposal in accordance with the Mandatory requirements
mentioned in the Bidder Eligibility Criteria. Failing to which the proposal will not be

# Proof to be submitted for fulfilling Eligibility

Mandatory Requirements
1 The bidder should have at-least 5 years’ The bidder should provide its FBR registration
experience of provision of relevant certificate (NTN) along-with Registration of
services. Incorporation under the laws of Pakistan.
Bidder must provide details of last Five Years
projects/services delivered in Financial Institutions.
2 The bidder should not have been Undertaking on stamp papers should be submitted
blacklisted by any of the by the bidder that it is not being blacklisted
Provincial / Federal Government or And must provide List of arbitration/legal
organizations of the State / Federal suits/unsettled disputes with the financial sector
Government in Pakistan. clients (if any) in last five years.
3 The bidder must submit Annual Audited Annual Audit Report including Balance Sheet,
Report for the last 03 Financial years. Income Statement and Profit & Loss accounts
along with auditors’ notes for the last three audited
years should be submitted.
4 The bidder must have legal presence in Valid documentary evidence must be submitted.
Pakistan. The firm must submit List of
Offices across Pakistan.
5 The bidder/ prime bidder (in case of Valid documentary evidence must be submitted
consortium) shall provide a list of of at least 04 successfully Completed Projects
completed projects similar in nature and of Core Banking System in Pakistan. With at-least
capable of providing a comprehensive, 01 successfully implemented Project of Bank
cost-effective, scalable solution for any having both Conventional & Islamic Banking
Financial Institution / Banking Sector. business operations.
6 Bidder shall provide Clientage List of the Valid documentary evidence must be submitted
Company along with relevant references. including of Banking Sector.
7 The bidder should have enough List of Staff (HR) of the Company along-with their
Technical Strength at its end to complete CV’s to be submitted.
the project within stipulated time.
8 The bidder shall assign a dedicated onsite Certified Project Manager having Banking
Project Manager to manage the project Experience should be assigned and his CV must be
and report to the stakeholders as per submitted.
9 Bidder must have complete knowledge Bidder must provide a sample of the required
and understanding of the required deliverable.
10 KPRA (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority)
Firm should be an active tax payer
Registration certificate should be provided.
11 Firm should be Registered with Pakistan Valid documentary evidence should be submitted.
Software Export Board (PSEB)

Technical Evaluation Criteria is as follows:-

S Criteria Total Score Requirements

# Score Level
1 Number of years since company been 2 2 5 years and above
0 Less than 5 years
2 Support services, List of Offices across 3 3 Office in Peshawar &
Pakistan, preference will be given for Karachi and other cities
consultant/Bidder having office in Peshawar 1 Others cities without
and Karachi Peshawar & Karachi
3 Valid documentary evidence must be 10 10 More than 4 similar projects
submitted of at least 04 successfully implemented in Pakistan
Completed Projects of Core Banking
System in Pakistan. With at-least 01 5 4 similar projects
successfully implemented Project of Bank implemented in Pakistan
having both Conventional & Islamic Banking 0 Less than 4 projects
business operations. completed in Pakistan
4 Financial Strength of the company provide 3 5 5 Annual Turnover more than
years Audited Financials (PKR) 200 million
2 Annual Turnover less than
200 million
80 Bidder is required to present demo of
5 Demo and Presentation of the application its solution to the Bank. Aggregate of
accumulative scores will be taken from
the stakeholders on the basis of the
Criteria that is as follows: -
3rd Party
Native Remarks
10 7 Excellent
8 6 Very Good
6 4 Satisfied
0 0 Not available
0 Can be
Total Marks 100 60 % of the Total Marks will get
Qualified for Financial Opening

Financial bids of firms who score at least 60% of the total marks on the technical evaluation will be
opened before the representatives who wish to attend the financial bid opening.

Ratings for tender evaluation will be as follows:
Sr. No. Description Evaluation Weight-age
1. Technical Proposal 80%
2. Financial Proposal 20%

80 % weight-age will be given to Technical proposals of responding organizations while 20 % weight-

age will be given to financial proposals. The formula for financial scoring is that the lowest bidder gets
20 points and the other bidders score 20 multiplied by the ratio of the lowest bid divided by the quoted

Value quoted by lowest bidder = A
Value quoted by second lowest bidder = B
Value quoted by third lowest bidder = C
Financial scoring of the lowest bidder will be = 20
Financial scoring of the second lowest bidder will be= (A/B)*20
Financial scoring of the third lowest bidder will be = (A/C)*20
Technical scoring out of 100 = A
Carried Forward & Prorated Technical scoring = A x 0.8
Points obtained in the detailed technical evaluation will be carried forward & prorated. Tender will be
awarded to the bidder with maximum accumulative points (Technical Score + Financial Score).
The decision will be binding on all concerned and will in no case be challengeable in any forum.

Financial Proposal Format:

Bidder must submit its financial proposal in accordance with the following format.

SNO Item Description Total Amount

(inclusive of all
1 Total Cost of Software (inclusive of the following)
a. Software License Fee
b. Software Implementation Fee
c. Customization/modification cost for 100 man days
(approx.) after expiry of Warranty period
d. Annual Maintenance for 5 years
e. Out of Pocket expenses for onsite support (estimated 100
man days)
f. 2 Resident engineer for onsite support after complete


1. Proposal can be raised in USD, however payment would be done in PKR and conversion rate
would be applicable as of Invoice Date

2. Tentative proposed hardware cost needs to be included in the proposal however, in separate
hardware costing column.

3. All Qualified vendors needs to propose the Technology Implementation planning (in terms of

Instruction to Consultant/Bidder
- Bidder is required to implement the software in at-least 40 branches along-with BoK
Head Office.
- Quality of the application will be evaluated during the demo presentation
- Vendor Approach will be evaluated in the presentation and demo of the application few
of the points as follows:
o Application Flow
o User Friendly Interface
o Technical
- System Technology Details
- Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan
- Detailed Documentation of the Core Banking including User Manuals and Technical
- Detailed Process flow of each module
- Integration APIs
- Methodology for implementation new releases/updates of proposed software
- Recommended Infrastructure Details for each of the bank required environment
(testing, production and DR environment)
- Application Security Testing / Certificate Details
- Soft Copy along with Hard copy of the proposal must be submitted, Soft Copy must
contain responses against all the details given in Statement of work
- Data Migration Methodology
- Change Management Process
- Transactional bandwidth utilization with documentary evidence
- 2 Resident engineers to be deployed at BoK HO Peshawar for one year after
successful implementation of CBS across Pakistan
- Trainings to staff

Time of Contract
- The initial duration of the contract should be 5 years on TCO model

Out of the Pocket

- All out of the pocket expenses will be borne by the consultant/Bidder.

Statement of work or Term of reference

Appendix – B

Extent of bid Validity

The validity of the Bid would be 6 months from the date of Issue.

Work Plan
- Consultant must provide comprehensive implantation plan for their solution
considering the fact that BOK do have 166 branches and it works in offline mode.
- Must have comprehensive migration plan
- Training of the Bank Staff (Technical and Operational Users)

Disqualification of suppliers, contractors and consultants
The procuring entity shall disqualify a supplier, contractor, or consultant if it finds, at any time,
that the information submitted by him concerning his qualification as supplier or contractor was
false and materially inaccurate or incomplete. However, the bidder may have right to appeal
against the decision in accordance with section 35 of the Act and grievances redressal
mechanism framed under the Act.

Appendix – B
Request for Proposal (RFP) Core Banking
The Bank of Khyber was established in 1991 through an Act passed by the Provincial
Legislative Assembly. It was awarded status of a scheduled bank in September 1994. The
Bank enjoys a unique position and stands out amidst other banks operating within Pakistan
and has the privilege of being bracketed amongst the only four government banks in the

The bank has long been associated with business and commercial circles and has been
actively engaged in catering to the financial needs of all sectors. It has successfully been
involved in extending funded and non-funded facilities to its customers for various business

Today, BOK is an “A-1” rated commercial bank, operating across the country with a network
of 166 branches and still expanding (. The provincial government is the major stakeholder
and during our 25 years history, the Bank has always played a vital role in the development
of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in particular and participated in the economic development of
Pakistan in general.

Conventional Banking
Consumer Finance Deposit Accounts
BOK Foree Car Current Account Kamaal Current Account
BOK Current Account
BOK Current Asaan Account
BOK Foreign Currency Account

BOK Salary Sahara Saving Accounts BOK PLS Account

BOK Special Deposit Account
BOK Saving Asaan Account
BOK FYC Premium Saving Account

BOK Suhana Ghar BOK Pensioner Account

BOK Roshan Ghar Micro Finance
Govt Initiative Schemes Khud Kafalat Screen
Home Remittances
Running Finance Syndicate Running
Cash Finance
Export Running Finance
Demand Finance

Islamic Banking
Business Banking Deposit Accounts
Corporate Banking Current Account Raast Current Account
Working Capital Raast Current Asaan Account
Long Term Finance
Corporate Trade
Investment Banking
Investment Banking Saving Accounts Raast Current Account
Raast Current Asaan Account
Raast Saving Account
Raast Saving Asaan Account
Raast Sahara Account
Raast Umrah Account
Raast Hajj Account
SME Banking Term Deposit RIBAh Free Certificates
SM & ME Financing Raast Arbah Certificates
Term Financing Khyber Pak Munafa Scheme
Trade Maawin Certificates
RIBA Free Special Deposit Scheme
RIBA Free Special Deposit Scheme
Agri Finance Consumer Finance Raast Foree Car
Zarai Murabaha Raast Salary Sahara
Scheme Raast Suhana Ghar
Zarai Ijarah Scheme Raast Roshan Ghar Scheme
Micro Finance Micro Finance Schemes

Technology Requirement
1. Technology used for this solution
2. Minimum Hardware requirement for operating 200 branches with approx. user base of
3000 users pan Pakistan
3. Should be parameterized system
4. Real-time processing
5. Product roadmap for atleast 5 years
6. System should have single sign on functionality along with that also have functionality
to integrate with AD with dual authentication feature
7. Warranty Period

Statement of Work
Application Security Management
This feature will have the base of the application where access of the system will be granted
on unique user ids for the users and with specific rights.

Administrator will create the user id and according to this defined role Group, profile will be
associated with it.

This will also have functionality where system can identify the:
1. Id not used more than number of days
2. Can have functionality to temporary block the id
3. Can also have functionality where User id can be blocked for number of days from to
4. Comprehensive audit trailing for all the activities done by User profile
5. Security Matrix report with rights details
6. Report with last login date
7. Password should be encrypted
8. Password must be complex in nature
9. Must have min or max password length

Information Security Management

For all critical application, it is essential that it should be protected from all the Vulnerabilities
through a proper mechanism.
1. Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing of the proposed solution must be
performed in-house or third-party considering minimum Top 10 OWASP vulnerabilities
2. Identity Access Management using 4 Eye Principle along with Role based Access
3. Application Password Policy must meet complexity, expiry, lockout and old password
4. The proposed solution should be developed at each phase under secure software
development life cycle industry standards like ISO 27001 etc.
5. Detail documentation on:
a. Archiving of Database and its management
b. Policy on retention period
c. The proposed solution should be a storage agnostic solution
d. Provide details on DR and HA implementation of the system

e. The proposed solution should have option to integrate with High Availability
clustering software from SUN, IBM, HP, Microsoft
f. Vendor/Bidder should provide extensive documentation related to the
Application S/W such as:
i. Application Architecture
ii. ERT Database Layout
iii. Detailed Documentation of the application
iv. Process Flow
g. solution which maintain comprehensive Audit Trail with timestamp detailing
every user activity.
h. Application must have proper authentication mechanism where maker
performs the posting into system and designation approve can approve it
(maker checker concept)

General Banking
It’s the most integral part of any core banking application that its General Banking module
should be so robust and user friendly and seamless that users can perform their day to day
activities at ease.
With the new guidelines of the State Bank of Pakistan that banking operation must be
segregated among conventional and Islamic hence this module should also have functionality
where both Conventional and Islamic transactions should be recorded separately for
subsequent reporting purpose.
Teller Activities
System should provide functionality where teller can perform below mention activities
1. Cash Transactions
2. Transfers
3. Withdrawals
4. PO & DD issuance
5. Ability to override transactions from any workstation by authorized persons
6. Ability to post cheques to over-drawn accounts with appropriate authorization
7. Ability for system to validate the account based on its status and display an appropriate
message if operations cannot be allowed in the account
8. Teller Start / End of Day & Cash Balancing
9. Teller Management
10. Cheque Encashment
11. Bulk Cash Deposits - (From Banks)
12. Exchange of Denomination
13. Foreign Currency Cash Management
14. Stop Payment for Central Bank Cheques

Teller Setup
1. Chief Teller should be able to setup the teller and its till
2. Ability to temporarily provide teller access defining the period the access will be active
after which the system will automatically revoke the access
3. Ability to define teller limits (by currency), including but not restricted to:
a. Cash Limit multi currencies
b. Drawer Limit
c. Till Transfer
d. Till closing at the end of the day
e. Ability to transfer cash from 'Good' to 'Damaged' status
f. When cash balance and denominations are not tallied, the following should be
g. If the cash balance is not tallied, on authorizing, the system should generate
transaction entries to account for short or excess as per the parameters set for
the purpose
h. In case there is a difference only in denominations (cash being tallied); the
system should rewrite the system denomination to match the physical
i. In all above cases the system balance and denominations should tally with the
physical balance and denomination at the time of closing cash
4. The system should not allow closure of cash at the Head Teller until:
a. All cash transactions are complete and authorized
b. Cash shortages / excess, if any have been authorized by the necessary
approval authority
Teller Management
1. Ability to maintain cash balances for different currencies
2. Ability to maintain denomination details of the cash balance per currency
3. Ability to see the cash position at any point during the day:
a. By teller or by vault
4. Ability to track cash movements by currency for each teller
5. Ability to alert tellers of special conditions on accounts. Special conditions
6. Chief Teller must be able to assign the transaction limit to teller exceeding that limit it
should go for the approval to respective chief teller for approval
7. Ability of foreign currency buy / sell rates to be automatically picked up from the rates
8. Ability to override the foreign currency buy / sell rates and manually input rates with
secondary approval in the system
9. The system should be capable of:
a. Pass necessary accounting entries and print vouchers
b. Automatically update cash balances at denomination level
10. Ability to update cash balances at each location automatically, pass necessary
accounting entries and print vouchers

Cheque Book Management

System should have functionality where it can take the Cheque book request from Customers.
Once request is done system should sent to the Cheque book processing team to generate
the Cheque leaves and once leaves are generated it should manage the sequence of the
cheque numbers.
System should also capable enough to allow users (bank staff) to activate the newly input
cheque and its series.
It should also have functionality where it allows customers to block any single or multiple
cheque numbers and subsequently it stops the users to process the blocked cheque(s).

PO & DD Processing
System should allow bank to manage the inventory of PO and DD and also manage the entries
done by Teller or remittances unit to for inward and outward remittances or local issues of PO
and DD

Other requirements
Sale and Purchase of Foreign Currency
Sales and Purchase of Foreign Currency Notes Over the Counter
Cash Transactions between Currency and Banking Departments
Transactions in Government Accounts

1. Ability to maintain inventory details of Blank Drafts issued by multiple Paying Banks /
2. Ability to set re-order for each Paying Bank / Currency to manage the inventory of
3. Ability to automatically send notifications to the concerned authorities when stock of
drafts reaches the re-order level
4. Ability to input details for Drafts to be procured such as but not limited to :
a. Paying Bank
b. Quantity
c. Currency
d. Desired delivery date
e. Printer name
f. Address
5. Ability to input details of the Drafts received (Draft Numbers) in the Draft Inventory
6. Ability to provide for multiple levels of review and approval of the Draft details prior to
Draft Inventory being updated
7. Ability to maintain details of Inventory of Drafts across multiple locations

Locker Management
System should have functionality where branches can manage the lockers function ably.
Alert when time threshold is breached
Locker Size management
Auto deduction of locker charges
One click customer history of usage and last visit
Joint & lessee account locker management

There must be a functionality where it allows remittances unit to manage all inward and
outward remittances for multi currencies.
It should have functionality to allow remittances to but not limited to:
1. Account Holder
2. Walk in Customers
3. Request from Clients through Straight to Bank requests from Client (future
4. Support payment of other branch Payment Orders/Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque
through Any Branch
5. Support computer generated receipts (Slips) on the layout to be defined by the Bank
for the transactions made on the type of transfer

6. Supports to record all the necessary charges and commission from each service
provided by the Bank in relation to remittances
7. Supports to update automatically the customer and General Ledger accounts at back
8. Support automatic settlement of money transfer transaction already paid.
9. Supports recording and classifying all outstanding transfers in the periods specified by
the Bank and generating the required report at the specified period
10. Supports multi-level and customizable authorization before the message is transferred
to the beneficiary destination electronically for Telegraphic Transfer
11. Support search facility of the transfer by security number, name, date, sender, receiver
name, etc.
12. Supports anti money laundering
13. Facility to support transfer of cash from one branch to another branch and Support to
debit the source account or cash
14. Support to assign serial numbers for cash transfers, transfers that are to be credit to
customers’ accounts, demand drafts, Cheque Payment Orders (CPOs), and any other
user defined transfer types/instruments
15. Support to set charges and charge tables and link them to authorized user specified
transfer types
16. Support to automatically apply charges or deduct charges from the transfer amount as
per customers’ preference and post the transfer transaction up on executing and
settling the transfer
17. Support to produce Transfer codes to be handed over to customers who effect
transfers to be paid in cash at other branches of the bank
18. Support to track outstanding demand drafts and CPOs and reject payment of CPO or
DD numbers that are not yet issued
19. Support to restrict transfer Support of DD as per customer’s preference
20. Facility for registering incoming fund transfer
21. Support for electronic transfer of money for the beneficiary to receive from any branch
of the Bank
22. Supports recording & classifying all outstanding transfers in the periods specified by
the Bank and generating the required report at the specified period
23. Supports multiple level of authorization before the message is transferred to the
beneficiary destination electronically for Telegraphic Transfer

AML (Anti Money Laundering)

1. The system should comply with local FIC requirements and NBE Prudential guideline
on KYC , AML & Combating Terrorist Financing
2. The system should address and be compliant with the recommendations laid down by
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and FATCA and be flexible to include other lists
3. KYC (Know your customer)
a. System should capture all the Due Diligence Information of the customer base
of the institution. It should also capture Due Diligence data on Beneficiaries and
connected parties.
b. System should provide for capturing customer due diligence details like source
of funds, expected nature and level of activity in the account, expected origin
of the funds into the relationship, details of occupation / employment of the
customer Where the respective core banking system does not have provisions

to capture the KYC information, the AML software should provide facilities to
enter the missing data – Data Enrichment
c. The system should validate the CIF data and warn the user for missing data
d. System should manage blacklists provided by regulatory authorities such as
the lists provided by FRC,
e. The system should comply with local FIC requirements and NBE Prudential
guideline on KYC , AML & Combating Terrorist Financing
f. The system should address and be compliant with the recommendations laid
down by Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and FATCA and be flexible to
include other lists
g. System should manage blacklists provided by regulatory authorities such as
the lists provided by FRC,
h. The system should have the flexibility to define the mandatory customer fields
to be captured by combination of account type & customer type
i. KYC Gap - Mandatory Fields Missing Report should provide details of account
wise missing data which has not been captured in the system. The report
should display the names of those customers, which have not provided any
specific mandatory information about themselves to the BANK.
j. KYC Mandatory fields
k. missing Report should be generated
l. All new customers as well as existing customers should be checked against
blacklists, watch lists and white list.
m. System should be able to trace direct and indirect links between customers in
the bank
n. The user should also have a provision to search for Duplicate Data regarding
a customer to check for multiple accounts (hidden) for a customer within a
o. Option to view customer and account/portfolio details on right click

4. Customer Profiling
a. Describe how the AML software provides the ability to create accurate,
verifiable, compact customer baseline profiles from historical data as well as
from initial data obtained at the inception when account is opened.
b. The solution should validate customer’s current activity with these profile
patterns to identify unusual or deviant activities.
c. Transaction Monitoring should be a combination of rules defined and profile
d. Transaction attributes like value, frequency, time, channel, instrument,
channel, instrument, branch etc. should be analyzed by the system to build
multi-dimensional profiles.

5. Risk Categorization
a. System should be able to categorize accounts into risk categories in a flexible
manner in accordance to the above acts, FRC directions, the Bank concerned
and internationally recognized best practices.
b. Provide a detailed note on the Risk Rating mechanism /Functionality

c. The risk rating should be based on both customer and account/portfolio related
parameters. Specify the parameters/ factors used.
d. Factors/ Weightage should be user configurable by the bank
e. The solution should support risk profiling of customers based on country of
origin, country of residence, occupation, STR filed, customer type, account
type, KYC gaps etc.
f. The system should provide a risk over-ride capability with admin having the
option to manually set the risk
g. The system should support reassessment of customer risk-.
h. Risk Assessment Reports should be provided
i. Risk Dashboard should be displayed view month wise change in risk profile of

6. Benchmarking
a. The AML system should allow for benchmarks to be fixed based on the general
behavior of entities (Customers, Products etc.). The Default Benchmarks
should be definable in the AML system for all customers based on the
Customer Category and the Amount range in which they are operating. The
user should be able to create, and even edit an existing benchmark.

7. Transaction Monitoring
a. The system should provide rule based suspicious transaction identification.
b. The system should have the ability to update above rules incorporating new
scenarios of suspicious transactions
c. The system should have alert scenarios for individual transaction as well as
historical transactional behavior
d. The system should have provision to define multiple benchmarks for alert
scenarios based on customer type, nature of business, branch, and country &
account/portfolio risk.
e. The system should have provision to create user defined rules
f. The system should be able to schedule the frequency of the alert
g. The system should enable user to effectively manage alerts generated from the
time of generation till such time an appropriate action is taken
h. The Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR) in the solution should be auto
populated in line with FRC requirements.
i. Regulator defined formats for STR; CTR may change from time to time. This
should be handled by the vendor and provided as part of AMC.
j. Generation of XML file against as per SBP goAML software requirement

8. Suspicious Transactions Scenario

a. Sudden surge in activity level for account/client– value
b. Sudden surge in account/client Volume
c. Transactions below reporting limit for client
d. New account opening followed by quick withdrawal-account level & client level
e. Repeat deposits above given threshold for account or client
f. Consecutive withdrawal transactions for account
g. Fund in fund out/ cash in cash out
h. High value transactions with a country with high ML risk
i. Deposit above given threshold for account/ client
j. Cash withdrawal above given threshold for account/ client
k. Transactions in dormant Account
l. New account opening followed by quick deposits of substantial sums
m. Large cheque deposit above a given threshold
n. Transaction above given threshold for account/ client
o. Transactions deviating from net worth/ income
p. Many to One Fund Transfer or One to Many Fund Transfer
q. Transaction involving a country with high TF risk
r. Multiple Accounts with common name and address
s. Repeated small value inward remittance from unrelated parties followed by
immediate ATM withdrawals
t. High value cash transactions inconsistent with profile
u. Manual Alerts – These alerts should be primarily based on observations made
by the Relationship Manager, user or any other employee of the BANK. The
AML system should allow the BANK to parameterize subjective alerts based
on requirements and to modify and add alerts as and when required
v. Customers matched with names under watch lists
w. Credit transaction exceeding the declared/accepted profile
x. Unusual activity in Overdraft Accounts
y. Accounts turnover breaching threshold limit
z. Only cash transactions in newly opened accounts
aa. Common beneficiary for incoming payments
bb. Cash deposits to numerous accounts under same base number
cc. High cash transactions ratio in corporate accounts
dd. Cash in cash out matches
ee. Transactions in high risk Accounts
ff. Credits greater than principal for Loan accounts
gg. Frequent Foreign exchange transactions
hh. Loan Repayment from account not associated with the contract
ii. Loans sanctioned to high risk Customers
jj. Unusual interest rates on loans and fixed deposits
kk. Predominant cash transactions in an account
ll. Multiple credits same Counterparty
mm. Transactions in Minor Accounts
nn. Blocked account report
oo. Large foreign exchange Credits & Debits
pp. Funds in funds out (transfers)

9. Asset Management
a. Any/all actions taken by the investigating officer should be recorded in the
b. The user should be able to view details of all alerts fired on customer as well
as all the necessary transactional details with respect to the specified customer.
c. The system should support alert justification recognition i.e. the user should be
able to ascertain the reason behind the alert
d. The system should have facility to manage false positives.
e. Audit trail of rule-changes to be maintained and system / product limitations of
user- rules, if any, to be mentioned as a footnote.

f. The system should provide the user the option to drill down into the details of
the transaction on which the alert was generated.
g. The user should have the facility of filtering alerts based on parameters such
as time, customer, product and alert type
h. The system should have the feature to prioritize alerts
i. Module for Alert Assignment to be available in the system.
j. The AML system should allow the users to pre-assign alerts to single or multiple
k. Reports should also provide information to management on the alerts status.
l. The system should have complete audit trail of the alert generated.
m. Option to forward/mail alerts should be available

Conventional Operations
Overview of account opening
1. Individual
2. Sole proprietorship
3. Joint stock company (public/private/listed/unlisted)
4. Partnership firm
5. Trust/ club/ association/ society/ political party/ charity/ non-governmental organization
(NGO)/ non-profit organization (NPO)
6. Government organization (federal/ provincial/ district/ local)/ public sector
corporation/ autonomous body
7. Foreign mission/ international organization
8. Minor account
9. Photo account
10. Dividend account
11. Collection accounts
12. Private non-resident pak rupee account
13. Politically exposed persons or peps
14. Others
15. Important notes

Products offered
1. Current accounts
2. Current account
3. Salient features
4. Minimum initial deposit requirement
5. Monthly account maintenance charges
6. Basic banking account (BBA)
7. Salient features
8. Minimum initial deposit requirement
9. Monthly account maintenance charges
10. Kamal current account
11. Salient features
12. Minimum initial deposit requirement
13. Monthly account maintenance charges
14. PLS savings accounts

15. PLS savings account
16. Salient features
17. Minimum initial deposit requirement
18. Monthly account maintenance charges
19. Special deposit account
20. Salient features
21. Minimum initial deposit requirement
22. Account maintenance charges
23. Assan account
24. Account opening requirements:
25. Account opening other than branch premises:
26. Transactional threshold:
27. Asaan remittance account
28. Foreign currency premium account

Cheque book
1. Introduction
2. Modes of cheque book request (CBR)
3. Cheque book issuance process in case of lost/stolen
4. Destruction of uncollected/ undelivered cheque books
5. Cheque book security
6. Cheque leaves security features
1. Introduction
2. Receipt and scrutiny of zakat declaration (cz-50)
3. Zakat deduction on PLS savings and other profit bearing accounts
4. Zakat deduction on term deposits accounts
5. Reporting of zakat collection
6. Refund of zakat
7. Wrong deduction of zakat
8. Exemption from zakat deduction

Stop payment
1. Introduction
2. Processing of stop payment instruction(s)
3. Standing instructions
4. Introduction

Standing instructions may include the following:

1. Types of standing instructions
2. Processing of standing instruction
3. Cancellation/ suspension of standing instruction

Balance certificate and balance enquiry

1. Balance certificate
2. Balance enquiry

Duplicate statement of account
1. Dispatch of half yearly statement of account
2. Handling of undelivered statement of account

Customer account maintenance

1. Change in customer demographics
2. Change in specimen signature or operational instructions

Legal orders attaching the account or attachment order

1. Introduction
2. Procedure for attachment of credit balance

Accounts operated by third parties

1. Power of attorney
2. Third party mandate
3. Procedure for authorization of a third party
4. Powers of authorized person
Change in constitution of partnership
1. Death of a partner
2. Retirement of a partner
3. Admission of a new partner
4. Insolvency and dissolution of the firm
5. Operational instructions in case of appointment of administrator or executor

Private non-resident PAK rupee account

1. Instructions for operations in accounts
2. Allowed debits
3. Allowed credits
4. Responsibilities of the bank
5. Requirement of form
6. Disposal of form a-7
7. Guidelines relevant to quarterly statement schedule

Operations on foreign mission/ international organization accounts

1. Rules governing operations under the accounts of foreign missions and
international organizations in Pakistan
2. Convertible rupee account
3. Non-convertible rupee account
4. Reporting of special convertible rupee accounts on account of portfolio investment
at stock exchanges

Attainment of majority by the minor

1. Closure of the existing account and withdrawal of funds
2. Closure of the existing account and opening of a new account
3. Blocking of account on expiry of grace period

Freezing and unfreezing of account
1. Procedure for blocking the customer’s account
2. Procedure for unfreezing the customer’s account

Dormant account:
1. Dormant account reactivation:

Unclaimed deposits:
2. Reporting and surrender to SBP:
3. Retain record of unclaimed deposits:
4. Reporting of unclaimed deposits/instruments:
5. Surrender of unclaimed deposit
6. Notice to the holder of unclaimed deposit/instrument
7. Preservation of documents
8. Information in account opening form (AOF)
9. Procedure for refund of unclaimed deposit surrendered to SBP in cases the amount of
claims up to RS. 100,000/-
10. Procedure for refund of unclaimed deposit surrendered to SBP in case the amount of
claim is above RS. 100,000/=

Deceased account
1. Deceased account
2. Operations to be stopped in deceased account:
3. Profit to be paid till the balance is paid off:
4. Payment of credit balance:
5. Payment under a letter of indemnity and heir ship/ succession certificate:
6. Precautions/additional steps to ensure proper payments to the heirs of the deceased
7. No payment to claimant against will

Foreign currency accounts

1. Foreign currency deposit schemes
2. Eligible customer
3. Non-eligible customer
4. Special foreign currency account
5. Deposits and withdrawals
6. Operations on foreign currency accounts under fe-12 scheme

Operations on accounts under exceptional circumstances

1. Where the account holder is unconscious/ in coma and unable to understand
his actions
2. Where the account holder has paralysis and unable to sign but understands his
3. Account holder is unable to sign due to weakness or tremor in hands
4. Account holder is in jail

Closing of account
1. Account closing requirements
2. Procedure for account closing
3. Checking whether the account meets certain conditions
4. Cancellation of physical documentation and closure of account in the system
5. Funds withdrawal
6. Deletion of scanned copy of SS card from system
7. Destruction of cheque book and BOK ATM/ debit card
8. Report generation and safe custody of account closure documents

Term deposit receipts
1. Placement of deposit
2. Rollover of deposit
3. Premature encashment of deposit

Payment of pension through bank

1. Responsibilities of the pensioner
2. Responsibilities of the accounts offices
3. Responsibilities of the bank
4. Reconciliation between banks and accounts offices:
5. Guidelines for branches for opening of accounts of the pensioner and payment of
monthly pension received through main branch of the bank/NBP/SBP
6. Important notes

Cash handling
1. Personnel involved in cash handling branch
2. Start of day procedures
3. Withdrawing cash from cash safe
4. Transfer of cash to tellers at start of day
5. Opening of cash counters
6. Cash receipts and payments- overview
7. Cash receipts
8. Counterfeit/ forged notes/mismatched detection
9. Posting of entry in the system
10. Affixing of stamp
11. Cash payments
12. Honoring cheques- important precautions
13. Instructions given by SBP for fraudulent cheques
14. Posting of cheque in the system
15. Dishonoring of cheque
16. Posting of entry in the system
17. Cash payment
18. Withholding tax on cash payment
19. Exceptions from deducting withholding tax
20. Depositing withholding tax to SBP
21. Cash transfer during the day
22. Cash movement local currency
23. Transportation of cash
24. Special instructions for cash cell:
25. Cash movement for remote area branches
26. Safe and vault closing
27. Recording of excess cash
28. Refund to customers
29. Cash shortage
30. Safety of cash security considerations at the branch
31. General guidelines for cash safety
32. Insurance of cash
33. Currency notes management

34. Sorting of currency notes
35. Surprise cash inspection

Currency transaction report/ suspicious transaction reporting under anti

money laundering act
1. Currency transaction report (CTR)
2. Suspicious transaction reporting (STR)

Prize bonds
1. Dealing in prize bonds
2. Sale of prize bonds
3. Counterfeit prize bonds
4. End of day procedures
5. Shut period specifications
6. Reporting of shut period prize bonds to cash cell/ cash feeding branch
7. Dealing with cash cell/cash feeding
8. Prize encashment/claim
9. General guidelines

Utility bills
1. Collection of utility bills from customer
2. Processing of bill via bar code
3. Affixing of stamp
4. End of day procedures
5. Correction of utility bills

Keys and vaults

1. Categorization of keys
2. Custody of keys
3. Keys handling
4. Transfer of keys
5. Annual rotation of keys
6. Loss of keys
7. Change of lock
8. Loss of pin code of digital security system (where available)
9. Vault operations
10. Precautionary guidelines
11. General guidelines
1. Types of instruments
2. Scrutiny of cheque/ instrument & deposit slip
3. Important considerations for detecting fraudulently altered cheques
4. Deposit slip
5. Crossing & endorsements
6. Who can cross a cheque
7. Who can open a crossing on a cheque
8. Endorsements
9. Types of endorsements
10. Clearing/collection of cheques/instruments through NIFT
11. Clearing procedure where NIFT services are not available.
12. Collection of cheques where clearing house is not functional
13. Clearing through NIFT
14. Outward clearing through NIFT
15. Procedure to follow by the branches
16. Inward clearing through NIFT
17. Special clearing (same day clearing)
18. NIFT charges
19. Outward bills for collection- (OBC)
20. OBC guidelines:
21. Returned cheques:
22. Transit time and follow up of OBC
23. Outward bills for collection-clean (OBC)
24. Settlement of collections
25. Guidelines
26. Procedure
27. Inward bills for collection
28. Guidelines/precautions:
29. Procedure
30. Inward collection settlement
31. Post parcels received (under inward documentary bills for collection) IDBC
32. Release of post parcels
33. Dishonourered bills
34. Return of cheques/ instruments with ambiguous reason:
35. Foreign currency (FCY) clearing- OBC
36. FCY outward clearing
37. Process at collecting branch
38. Realization of outward clearing USD instruments
39. Returned cheque/instrument
40. Process at designated branches (Shahrah e Faisal branch)
41. FCY inward clearing
42. Inward clearing outward returns processing
43. Foreign currency collections
44. Outward bills for collection
45. Returned cheques/instruments

1. Opening and closing of lockers vault
2. Renting of safe deposit lockers:
3. Renting of lockers to visually impaired/ blind persons:
4. Renting of lockers to illiterate persons:
5. Renting of lockers to staff:
6. Terms of hiring lockers:
7. Lockers rent/security deposit:
8. Operation of lockers:
9. Locker left open by the renter:
10. Valuables/articles found in the locker room/vault:
11. Shifting of locker units/shelves:
12. Surrendering of locker:
13. Locker operations by third party
14. Locker operations by legal heirs in case of deceased locker holder
15. Prohibitory orders:
16. Rent recovery procedure
17. Breaking of delinquent locker
18. Care of locker keys:
19. Master key:
20. Insurance of safe deposit lockers/vaults
21. General instructions- reports, registers/forms used for safe deposit locker/vault
22. Books to be maintained:

1. Requisition of stock
2. Receipt of stationery
3. Issuance of security stationery from the vault

1. Control & administrative policies
2. Protection:
3. Funds transfer
4. Processing of fund transfer
5. Demand drafts (DD)
6. Procedure for issuance of DD on cash
7. Payment of demand draft
8. Refund of demand draft
9. Issuance of duplicate demand draft
10. Cancellation/ refund of duplicate demand draft
11. Verification of demand draft
12. Issuance of pay orders/pay slips
13. Parties to pay order
14. Issuance of payment order through account
15. Issuance of payment order on cash
16. Payment of payment order
17. Refund of payment order
18. Issuance of duplicate payment order
19. Cancellation/ refund of duplicate payment order
20. Verification of payment order
21. Security deposit receipts (SDR)
22. Procedure and control
23. Issuance of security deposit receipts procedures
24. Payment of security deposit receipts
25. Refunded of security deposit receipt
26. Issuance of duplicate security deposit receipts
27. Cancellation/ refund of duplicate security deposit receipts
28. Verification of security deposit receipt
29. Foreign currency demand draft (FDD)
30. Issuance of FDD where customers account is in any foreign currency.
31. Internal processing
32. Issuance of FDD where customers account is in local currency
33. Cancellation where the original instrument is lost/stolen
34. Cancellation where the original instrument is in the possession of the customer
35. Encashment
36. Foreign funds transfer (outward)
37. Documentation and other requirements
38. Internal processing where customers account is in any foreign currency
39. Internal processing where customers account is in local currency
40. Inward home remittance
41. Test keys handling

Periodical balancing of books of the branch

1. Reconciliation of inter-branch accounts and settlement of suspense account entries
2. Monthly accounting/booking of accruals (income-expenditure)
3. Branches deposits with other banks

System access/ user access control

Mail handling procedure
1. Incoming mail
2. Outgoing mail

Real time gross settlement system (RTGS)

1. Procedure for real time gross settlement system (RTGS)
2. RTGS funds transfer limits
3. Amendment recording sheet

Islamic Operations
1. Personal account
2. Blind account
3. Sole proprietorship
4. Joint stock company (public/private/listed/unlisted)
5. Partnership firm
6. Trust/ club/ association/ society/ political party/ charity/ non-governmental
7. Organization (NGO)/ non-profit organization (NPO)
8. Government organization (federal/ provincial/ district/ local)/ public sector
9. Corporation/ autonomous body
10. Foreign mission/ international organization
11. Minor account
12. Photo account
13. Dividend account
14. Collection accounts
15. Private non-resident PAK rupee account
16. Politically exposed persons or PEPS
17. Others
18. Important notes

General account opening procedure for all customer types
1. Welcoming the prospective customer
2. Know your customer/ customer due diligence (KYC/CDD)
3. Follow-up on undelivered letter of thanks

RIBA free certificates

1. RIBA free special deposit (RFSD):
2. RIBA free special deposit (RFSD - corporate):
3. RIBA free special deposit (RFSD - banks):
4. RIBA free certificates (RFCS)
5. Khyber Pak Munafa scheme (KMS)
6. RFC (5 years pensioners)
7. RFC (5 years widows, orphans and permanent disabled persons)
8. RIBA free special deposit certificates (RFCS):
9. RIBA free special deposit certificates for banks deposits (RFSD-banks)
10. RIBA free special deposit certificates corporate (RFSDC):
11. Terms and conditions of RIBA free certificates

Islamic banking window (IBW)

1. Islamic banking desks at other branches of BOK
2. Actions to be taken at the branch where IBB accounts are to be opened
3. First contact with the customer
4. Receiving account opening form from the customers
5. Cheque book issuance procedure
6. Record kept at branch
7. Procedure for clearing cheques outward
8. Collecting branch responsibilities:
9. Issuance of RFCS
10. Stamps required for the branch accepting i b deposits
11. Responsibilities of IIBW
12. Incentive for the branches

Cheque book
1. Introduction
2. Modes of cheque book request (CBR)
3. Cheque book security
4. Cheque leaves security features

1. Introduction
2. Receipt and scrutiny of zakat declaration (cz-50)
3. Zakat deduction on PLS savings and other profit bearing accounts
4. Zakat deduction on RIBA free certificates accounts
5. Reporting of zakat collection
6. Refund of zakat
7. Wrong deduction of zakat
8. Exemption from zakat deduction

Stop payment
1. Introduction
2. Processing of stop payment instruction(s)

Standing instructions
1. Introduction
2. Standing instructions may include the following:
3. Types of standing instructions
4. Processing of standing instruction
5. Cancellation/ suspension of standing instruction

Balance certificate and balance enquiry

1. Balance certificate
2. Balance enquiry

Statement of account
1. Dispatch of half yearly statement of account
2. Handling of undelivered statement of account

Customer account maintenance

1. Change in customer information
2. Change in specimen signature or operational instructions

Legal orders attaching the account or attachment order

1. Introduction
2. Procedure for attachment of credit balance

Accounts operated by third parties

1. Power of attorney
2. Third party mandate
3. Procedure for authorization of a third party
4. Powers of authorized person

Change in constitution of partnership

1. Death of a partner
2. Retirement of a partner
3. Admission of a new partner
4. Insolvency and dissolution of the firm
5. Operational instructions in case of appointment of administrator or executor

Private non-resident PAK rupee account

1. Instructions for operations in accounts
2. Allowed debits
3. Allowed credits
4. Responsibilities of the bank
5. Requirement of form
6. Disposal of form a-

7. Guidelines relevant to quarterly statement schedule

Operations on foreign mission/international organization

1. Accounts
2. Rules governing operations under the accounts of foreign missions and international
3. Organizations in Pakistan
4. Convertible rupee account
5. Non-convertible rupee account
6. Reporting of special convertible rupee accounts on account of portfolio investment
7. Stock exchanges

Minor account
1. Account opening requirement:
2. Minor attaining majority:
3. Death of minor:
4. Death of natural guardian:
5. Guardian appointed by court:
6. Blocking of account on expiry of grace period
7. Chapter freezing and unfreezing of account
8. Procedure for blocking the customer s account
9. Procedure for unfreezing the customer s account

Dormant account
1. Dormant account reactivation

Unclaimed deposits
2. Reporting and surrender to SBP:
3. Retain record of unclaimed deposits:
4. Reporting of unclaimed deposits/instruments:
5. Surrender of unclaimed deposit
6. Notice to the holder of unclaimed deposit/instrument
7. Preservation of documents
8. Procedure for refund of unclaimed deposit surrendered to SBP in cases the amount
9. Claims up to RS 100,000 /-
10. Procedure for refund of unclaimed deposit surrendered to SBP in case the amount of
11. Claims above RS 100,000 /=
12. Chapter deceased account
13. Deceased account
14. Operations to be stopped in deceased account:
15. Islamic branch operations manual
16. Profit to be paid till the balance is paid off:
17. Payment of credit balance:
18. Payment under a letter of indemnity and heir ship/ succession certificate:
19. Precautions/additional steps to ensure proper payments to the heirs of the deceased
20. No payment to claimant against will

Foreign currency accounts
1. Foreign currency deposit schemes
2. Eligible customer
3. Non-eligible customer
4. Foreign currency account
5. Deposits and withdrawals
6. Payment of profit

Operations on accounts under exceptional circumstances

1. Where the account holder has paralysis and unable to sign but understands his
2. Account holder is unable to sign due to weakness or tremor in hands

Closing of account
1. Account closing requirements
2. Procedure for account closing
3. Chequebook request has been processed for printing
4. Bok ATM/ debit card issued
5. Review of reason for account closure
6. Checking whether the account meets certain conditions
7. Cancellation of physical documentation and closure of account in the system
8. Funds withdrawal
9. Deletion of scanned copy of SS card from system
10. Destruction of chequebook and BOK ATM/ debit card
11. Report generation and safe custody of account closure documents

Payment of pension through bank

1. Payment of pension through bank account/ direct credit system
2. Important notes

Cash handling
1. Responsibilities of cash deposit in charge (CDI)
2. Start of day procedures
3. Withdrawing cash from cash safe
4. Transfer of cash to cashier/ tellers at start of day
5. Opening of cash counters
6. Cash receipts and payments- overview
7. Cash receipts
8. Counterfeit/ forged notes/mismatched detection
9. Posting of entry in the system
10. Affixing of stamp
11. Cash payments
12. Honoring cheques- important precautions
13. Posting of cheque in the system
14. Dishonoring of cheque
15. Posting of entry in the system
16. Cash payment
17. Withholding tax on cash payment
18. Islamic branch operations manual
19. Exceptions from deducting withholding tax
20. Depositing withholding tax in SBP/ NBP account
21. Cash transfer during the day
22. Cash movement local currency
23. Transportation of cash
24. Special instructions for cash cell:
25. Cash movement for remote area branches
26. Safe and vault closing
27. Recording of excess cash
28. Refund to customers
29. Cash shortage
30. Safety of cash security considerations at the branch
31. General guidelines for cash safety
32. Takaful of cash
33. Currency notes management
34. Sorting of currency notes
35. Surprise cash inspection
36. Prize bond

Currency transaction report/ suspicious transaction reporting

1. Under anti money laundering act
2. Currency transaction report (CTR)
3. Suspicious transaction reporting (STR)

Utility bills
1. Collection of utility bills from customer
2. Processing of bill via bar code
3. Affixing of stamp
4. End of day procedures
5. Correction of utility bills

Keys and vaults

1. Categorization of keys
2. Custody of keys
3. Keys handling
4. Transfer of keys
5. Annual rotation of keys
6. Loss of keys
7. Change of lock
8. Loss of pin code of digital security system (where available)
9. Vault operations
10. Precautionary guidelines
11. General guidelines

1. Types of instruments
2. Outward clearing

3. Important considerations for detecting fraudulently altered cheques
4. Deposit slip
5. Crossing & endorsements
6. Who can cross a cheque
7. Who can open a crossing on a cheque
8. Endorsements
9. Islamic branch operations manual
10. Types of endorsements
11. Clearing procedure where NIFT services are not available
12. Collection of cheques where clearing house is not functional
13. Clearing through NIFT
14. Outward clearing through NIFT
15. Procedure to follow by the branches
16. Inward clearing through NIFT
17. Special clearing (same day clearing)
18. NIFT charges
19. Outward bills for collection- (OBC)
20. OBC guidelines:
21. Returned cheques:
22. Transit time and follow up of
23. Outward bills for collection-clean (OBC)
24. Settlement of collections
25. Inward bills for collection
26. Inward collection settlement
27. Return of cheques/ instruments with ambiguous reason:
28. Foreign currency (FCY) clearing- NIFT
29. FCY outward clearing
30. Process at collecting branch
31. Realization of outward clearing USD instruments
32. Returned cheque/instrument
33. Process at designated branches (Shahrah e Faisal branch)
34. FCY inward clearing
35. Inward clearing outward returns processing
36. Foreign currency collections
37. Outward bills for collection
38. Returned cheques/instruments

ATM operations
1. Daily responsibilities of branch manager / manager operations- onsite
2. Daily responsibilities of branch manager / manager operations- offsite
3. Guidelines for retained/disabled cards on ATMs

1. Opening and closing of lockers
2. Renting of safe deposit lockers:
3. Renting of lockers to visually impaired/ blind persons
4. Renting of lockers to illiterate persons:
5. Renting of lockers to staff:
6. Terms of renting lockers:
7. Lockers rent/security deposit:
8. Operation of lockers:
9. Locker left open by the lessee:
10. Valuables/articles found in the locker room/vault:
11. Shifting of locker units/shelves:
12. Surrendering of locker:
13. Locker operations by third party
14. Locker operations by legal heirs in case of deceased locker holder
15. Prohibitory orders:
16. Rent recovery procedure
17. Breaking of delinquent locker
18. Islamic branch operations manual
19. Care of locker keys:
a. Master key:
b. Takaful of safe deposit lockers/vaults
c. General instructions- reports, registers/forms used for safe deposit
d. Books to be maintained:
e. Loss of key from lessee

1. Requisition of stock
2. Receipt of stationery
3. Issuance of security stationery from the vault

1. Control & administrative policies
2. Protection:
3. Funds transfer
4. Processing of fund transfer
5. Demand drafts (DD)
6. Procedure for issuance of DD on cash
7. Payment of demand draft
8. Refund of demand draft
9. Issuance of duplicate demand draft
10. Cancellation/ refund of duplicate demand draft
11. Verification of demand draft
12. Issuance of pay orders/pay slips
13. Issuance of payment order on cash
14. Payment of payment order
15. Refund of payment order
16. Issuance of duplicate payment order
17. Cancellation/ refund of duplicate payment order
18. Verification of payment order
19. Security deposit receipts (SDR)
20. Procedure and control
21. Issuance of security deposit receipts procedures
22. Payment of security deposit receipts
23. Refunded of security deposit receipt
24. Issuance of duplicate security deposit receipts
25. Cancellation/ refund of duplicate security deposit receipts
26. Verification of security deposit receipt
27. Foreign currency demand draft (FDD)
28. Issuance of FDD where customer s account is in any foreign currency
29. Internal processing
30. Issuance of FDD where customer s account is in local currency
31. Cancellation where the original instrument is lost/stolen
32. Cancellation where the original instrument is in the possession of the customer
33. Encashment
34. Foreign funds transfer (outward)
35. Documentation and other requirements
36. Internal processing where customer s account is in any foreign currency
37. Internal processing where customer s account is in local currency
38. Inward home remittance
39. Rounding off paisas in home remittance
40. Test keys handling
41. Chapter preservation/disposal of old record
42. Storage at branches
43. Transfer of old record from branches to old record unit
44. Retrieval from old record unit for reference purposes
45. Procedure at old record unit (head office)
46. Destruction of old record
47. Chapter periodical balancing of books of the branch
48. Reconciliation of inter-branch accounts and settlement of suspense account entries
49. Monthly accounting/booking of accruals (income-expenditure)
50. Branches deposits with other banks
System access/ user access control
Mail handling procedure
1. Incoming mail
2. Outgoing mail

Handing/ taking over charge of assignments

Mandatory display at branch/notice board/cash counter
1. Must be displayed on cash counter
2. Must be displayed on notice board
3. Must be displayed in/ out of branch premises
4. Others:

Customer complaint handling

1. Key responsibilities of the branch personnel
2. Modes of customer s complaints
3. Complaint processing at the branch (drop box facility)
4. Complaint resolution

Real time gross settlement system (RTGS)

4. Procedure for real time gross settlement system (RTGS)
5. RTGS funds transfer limits
6. Amendment recording sheet

Bad and irregular accounts

1. Classification of account:
2. Request of drawer to restrict drawings:
3. Chapter current/ saving deposits miscellaneous accounts
4. Handling pay slip with incorrect name:
5. Lodgment of claim
6. Verification of customer s signature on application

Customer and Account Management (CPU)

This is the module where users (bank staff) can manage Account Management of the
customers. In alignment with new regulation of the SBP (State Bank of Pakistan) system
should be capable enough to segregate both conventional and Islamic clients.
System should also have functionality where it allows only conventional customers to create
by conventional ops unit and accordingly for Islamic customers to create by Islamic Ops unit.
1. Creation of New customers in alignment with Account Opening Form
2. Amendment in Static Data details as well as change in segment, product, nature etc.
3. System should also have mechanism to automatically change the account status from
active to dormant if no activity been carried out as per SBP regulation.
4. Should have functionality of relationship management where customers can have
multiple account in single relationship
5. Should allow branch / ops users to scan the signatures and manage it.
6. System should also automatically change the status of signature the moment account
status is change to dormant and according it will allow only designated users to whom
rights are assigned to access those accounts.
7. Must have mechanism to activate the dormant or suspended or etc account
8. System should also allow users to deactivate the account with specific list of reasons
fetch from LOV and accordingly access should be restricted for the those who have
access to check the account details
9. Accordingly, it should also allow users to change the status from deactivated to active
and reason can be picked from LOV
10. System should restrict Staff account access to only designated users to whom rights
are assigned.
11. System should also have integration to update the static data received from ADC
Channels (IVR, ATM, Mobile and iBanking)
12. System should also have functionality where it will assist users to open the account
through an upload mechanism where users will upload a file (excel or CSV) defined
format and system should allow and generate the account number accordingly.
13. The system should have the ability to have different flags for: retail accounts, corporate
accounts, minor accounts, Illiterates and special needs accounts
14. Ability to categorize the customers into the following groups: Government
organizations, Individuals, Private enterprises
15. System should have functionality where users can close the account
16. The system should have the ability to differentiate between inactive, blocked and
closed accounts
17. The system should have the facility to record black listed individuals
18. The system should have the ability to restrict service for those customer listed on
delinquent list except authorized by supervisor
19. Facility to define and change charges, commissions, penalties, etc in relation to any
account or category of a accounts or transaction type
20. Facility to define and change government charges (Stamp Duty, etc)
21. The charges and other fees specified can be applied based on amount, period,
account category … etc
22. Facility to allow waiver/discount of penalty, commission and service charges for
selected customer and redirect same for supervisor approval as per workflow
23. System should be capable enough to manage the minimum requirement of the account
balance and if threshold is reached it should notify to relevant unit to take appropriate
action. i.e. charges or downgrade from Priority to Normal account etc.

Regulatory requirement
1. Auto Zakat deduction process on the given frequency with across branches settlement
2. Region wise settlement of Zakat Deductions
3. KYC as per regulation
4. A/C Opening as per bank requirements
5. Cheque Management as per requirements
6. PO/DD Stock Management as per requirements
7. Accounts as per SBP regulations
8. Tax Regime Compliance as per regulatory requirements (Filer/Non Filer/Finance Act
9. PO/DD remittances as per requirements
10. Term Deposits as per requirements
11. Cash Management as per banking practices
12. Hajj Applications
13. Shares Applications
14. Dividend Warrant Payments
15. Corporate Banking Loans/Trade Finance as per regulator practice
16. ECIB
17. Import /Export LC Collection and Guarantees as per regulatory requirements
18. Regulatory Reports /Letters and Advices
19. Statement of account. Both paper and electronic formats and frequencies (daily,
monthly, quarterly, 6 monthly yearly)
20. Clearing Interface with NIFT
21. Verisys Interface for Online verification with NADRA
22. Biometric Interface with NADRA
23. RTGS Interface
24. UBPS Interface for Online Billing Payments
25. ATM Switch Interface (TPS/Avanza/Euronet) or any third party with 1 Link
26. Salary Upload in Bulk for Corporate Customers
27. Automated School Fee Payments Facilities
28. System has provision to define additional classificatory for customers - types,
segments and groupings.
29. Provision to cater for different customer types such as; Individuals (Adult, Minors),
Different organizations, firms, banks, charities, NBFIs, EOBI; Retired and Serving
Government Officials of different federal and provincial government bodies, Armed
Forces, Semi Government and Autonomous bodies. etc.
30. System should allow definition of category and multiple inter-dependent levels of client
types and sub types
31. Customer profile should be maintained centrally and linked to a single and unique
customer number / ID and capability to group customers at multiple levels.
32. Ability for user to define, configure and control - mandatory and non-mandatory
information required while creation of client. For e.g.: if passport information is made
mandatory it should be entered without which client creation should fail
33. All customer numbers of a group should be linked to a single group number.
34. Due to a large number of customer business types system should support categorized
tree view of customer business types.
35. Relationship of customer with other customers should be captured seamlessly with
creation of the customer.
36. Ability to track the relationship between clients
37. System should allow to capture multiple addresses for each customer. Such as: living
address, registration address, business address, employment address, mailing
address, etc.
38. Client Origination - from prospect, data capture, deduping and KYC checks - the entire
workflow should be configurable
39. Each customer in system is assigned automatically generated unique ID
40. Ability for user to define, configure and control - mandatory and non-mandatory
information required while creation of client.
41. System must provide the opportunity to capture national ID and their details of clients.
System should also allow capture multiple National ID types - like passport, Income
Tax Registration No etc and their details
42. System should allow capture of First, Middle, Last, Married, Family names of clients.
It should be flexible to names defined in local languages.
43. System should support capture of customer's name and legal address should be
stored in system with latin characters as well as in local language. System should
perform conversion of the name from local language to latin character names
44. System should support capture of multiple Nationality information for a client
45. System should support categorized tree view of customer business types.
46. The facility to add and modify all inter-related customers through a single step - linking
one to many customers
47. Ability to track the relationship between clients
48. Ability to create several type of customer relations between related persons;
49. System has ability to modify and track customer-to-customer relationships
50. Calculation of profit on revised rate /Revise Rate calculation mechanism
51. System should allow to capture multiple addresses for each customer. Such as: living
address, registration address, business address, employment address, mailing
address, etc.

1. Supports to calculate preferential interest rate or multiple interest models and
conditions including tier and floating interest rates on the lowest (minimum) balance
for both existing and new customers
2. Supports to accrue interest on daily, monthly and semi- annually basis and post to
General Ledger and customers’ account

3. Support different categories of products (e.g. For Youth, Women. Elderly…) with
respective parameters.
4. Supports automatic interest calculation and posting to General Ledger and Customer
Accounts when customer closes the account
5. Should be flexible enough to comply with the Finance Act on yearly basis as and when
announce by the government.
6. Un-claimed account mechanism should be in line with SBP circulars
7. Supports to calculate Interest Tax, and other taxes on the capitalized interest and post
to General Ledger and Customers‘ Account
8. Protects overdraw from customer account
9. Supports to handle both book balance and cleared balance separately, and withdrawal
should be from cleared balance
10. Supports for setting of minimum opening balance to be specified by the Bank
11. Supports to flag accounts as inactive if the account is dormant for the period specified
by the Bank
12. Supports to reactivate inactive account if sufficient number of transactions is made on
an account in a period specified by the Bank and as per supervisor approval (Hide
view of inactive accounts from unauthorized personnel/ allow viewing same for
privileged supervisors)
13. Supports blocking (not allowing withdrawal) of accounts (partially or fully) when
ordered by the account holder or any authorized third party. On such account:
a. Interest accrual should be made on book balances;
b. No withdrawal is allowed for the blocked amount without supervisory approval
c. Closing is not allowed without supervisory approval
d. Supports for accounts held in foreign currencies
14. Supports to transfer to Other Income Accounts if the account is dormant for the period
specified by the Bank and its balance is below the specified amount
15. Support computer generated receipts (Slips) on the layout to be defined by the Bank
for the transactions made by the account holder
16. Support non-interest bearing saving accounts management
17. Support Account re-activation process
18. Support change of signature and photo for joint signatory account
19. Support bulk transaction by debiting from single account and credited to multiple
20. Support for standing instructions such as transfer from saving account to current
account or to any other as specified by the account holder
21. System should have the functionality related to post dated cheques and return
22. System should have the capability to identify or prompt if the cheque serial is
23. Support saving account which will be operated by cheque
24. Blocking details (reason for blocking, date of blocking, requesting organ)
25. Foreign currency premium saving account.
26. Support replacement loss of pass book treatment without account closed either
support by transferring other service attached to account (like ATM service, Mobile
banking Service etc…) or support use of existing customer details.

Fixed/Term Deposit
1. Supports flexible duration/maturity periods to be set by the Bank (e.g. Friendly TDR,
Bemisal TDR and likewise all the conventional banking products of BOK)
2. TDR's should be forwarded to HO for approval (TDR approval mechanism along with
special rate approval mechanism)
3. Supports to store all information contained in the fixed deposit certificate
4. Supports multiple interest conditions and models including tier and floating interest rate
with possibly an optional compounded interest rate
5. Supports to accrue interest on daily/monthly/semi- annually/ annually basis and post
to General Ledger
6. Supports to generate notice of maturity before the period specified by the Bank
7. Supports to capitalize interest to the account specified by the customer and General
8. Supports to calculate Interest Tax on the capitalized interest and post to General
Ledger and Customers‘ Account
9. Supports to renew (auto rollover) automatically on maturity date with same condition
10. Supports to recalculate interest as required including zero (0) if deposit is withdrawn
before maturity date
11. Supports blocking and releasing of accounts (partially or fully) when ordered by
authorized third party with the approval of supervisor. Supports to reserve fund from
his branch or another branch accounts for specified reason by authorized person.
12. If the account is not renewed the interest rate should be frozen.
13. Supports for amendment of fixed deposit details at any time after account
establishment by supervisor authority
14. Support computer generated receipts (Slips) on the layout (receipt format) to be
defined by the Bank for the transactions made by the account holder
15. Supports foreign currencies customers account
16. Supports to forfeiting of agreed upon interest rate but calculates on minimum rate (to
be defined by the Bank) if the amount is withdrawn before maturity period

Current & Overdraft Account

1. Supports to handle multiple interest rate conditions and models including tier and
floating interest rate based on daily or monthly balance basis
2. Supports to handle positive (credit) and negative (debit) balance
3. Supports to accrue interest on negative balance on daily or monthly balance basis and
post to General Ledger
4. Supports to capitalize negative or positive interest to the customer account and
General Ledger on the period specified by the Bank
5. Supports to allow a variety of charges such as statement fees, commissions, penalties,
service charge estimation fee, telephone charges etc.
6. Supports to charge at the end of predefined month an inactive account fee to be
determined by the Bank (the amount to be specified by the Bank) on dormant accounts
with low balance to be determined by the Bank
7. Supports to calculate the minimum and maximum balance during the month including
8. Supports to record interest income collected from overdue/expired OD Accounts after
specified period by the Bank into memorandum section
9. Supports reporting for any overdrawn account at the end of operation day

1. The system should support flexible definition of Mudarabah products.
2. The system should support restricted or unrestricted types of Mudarabah.
3. Within both restricted / unrestricted Mudarabah, system should cater remunerative
transactional accounts, remunerative fixed maturity and agreement based accounts.
4. The system should maintain the details of accepted deposits and Bank’s equity.
5. The system should support linking of Mudarabah investment within the identified asset
/ pool.
6. There should be a provision in the system for group account / family account
7. System should support account closure for transactional accounts or premature
encashment for fixed maturity accounts.
8. System should be flexible for reports designing / respective products of Mudarabah
9. The system should support flexible definition of Musharakah products.
10. The system should support restricted or unrestricted types of Musharakah.
11. The system should support linking of Musharakah investment within the identified
asset / pool.
12. System should support alerts like breaching the musharakah profit of dormant partner,
un tagged accounts etc.
13. System should support account closure for transactional accounts or premature
encashment for fixed maturity accounts.

1. System should have capability to manage RFC and SRC with different tenure like 6M,
1Y etc with specific disbursement date associated with tenure.
2. Profit Accrual mechanism should be there and provision for revision in rates should be
available in the system as per bank's requirement.

Current & Overdraft Account (Qard/Wadiah)

1. The system should support flexible definition of Qard / Wadiah products.
2. The system should maintain the details of accepted deposits and Bank’s contribution
as hiba.
3. The system should support linking of Qard / Wadiah deposit within the identified asset
/ pool.
4. There should be a provision in the system for group account / family account
5. System should support alerts like OD status, un tagged accounts etc.

System should have auto reconciliation or have mechanism from where Reconciliation team
can reconcile the transaction but it is not limited to NOSTRO, VOSTRO and ATM

Consumer Financing
System should be able to classify credit with respect to following categories:
Corporate/Consumer/SME/Micro/Agri & Islamic and all the applicable functionalities should be
available in the system to cater all the reporting and processing requirement. Where
requirements differ w.r.t modalities should be different and other generic information should
be available for all types of financing (Both Conventional & Islamic Banking)
System should extract the data as per the requirement of eCIB for subsequent submission to
State Bank of Pakistan
1. The system must be able to calculate Ratio Analysis based on the above mentioned
financial statement data and the parameter to be provided
2. The system should have the capability to do credit scoring based on the parameter to
be provided
3. The system must be able to do credit rating based on the parameter to be provided
4. The system should have the capability to make back value dated and future dated loan
account creation and disbursements.
5. The system should have the capability of entertaining grace/holiday period. ( i.e. it must
be able to allow the bank give principal repayment relief to creditors for some specific
periods(grace/holiday period) and during the grace/holiday period the system should
have the capability to equally allocate the outstanding principal for the given
installments throughout the loan life.
6. The system should have the capability to accept different interest rates for different
periods within a given loan period.
7. The system should have the capability to do installment disbursements ( It should allow
Multiple disbursements on a single account for a given customer).
8. The system should have the capability to perform both automatic and manual
9. The system should have the capability of entertaining different loans having different
repayment modality (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual or Onetime full payment)
10. The system should have the capability of accepting a penalty rate as well as calculate
the penalty based on different criteria's which the bank requires.
11. The system should have the capability of calculating interests on the unpaid principal
values (Overdue principals) for their overdue days.
12. The system should have the capability of both manual and automatic status controlling
option (NORM, SPME, SUBS, DOUB and LOSS) based on the bank's status
movement criteria.
13. The system should have the capability of handling both forward and backward status
movements based on the bank's status movement criteria.
14. The system should have the capability of handling status change accounting entries
automatically. (i.e. It must have the capability of revering interest incomes from the
interest revenue account and hold it to the memorandum account when the loan
becomes SUBS, DOUB and LOSS). It should have also the capability of reversing
back the interest amounts when the status of the loan comes back to NORM and
15. The system should have the capability of handling automatic loan provisions on loans
based on their respective statuses as well as other loan provisioning criteria's of the
16. The system should have the capability of passing an accounting entry for the loan
provisioning based on the criteria of the bank set towards this end.
17. The system should have the capabilities of making automat reversal enter for the loan
provisioning's via considering the criteria's towards this end.
18. The system should have the capability of calculating pre-payment penalty if customers
make prepayments on their loan accounts
19. The system must allow to make various amendments on loan account Such as:
a. It should have the capability of extending the original maturity date of the loan.
b. It should have the capability of modifying interest rates.
c. It should have the capability of modifying both back value dated and future
dated interest modifications.
d. The system must be able to allow users change original installment repayments
of the loan (i.e. it must allow installment modifications).
e. The system should allow users to give a grace/holiday period at the middle of
the loan period and should have the capability to prorate the unpaid principal
and accrued interest balances throughout the remaining life of the loan
considering the grace/holiday period modifications.
f. The system must allow users to extend additional grace/holiday periods, if the
original grace/holiday periods gets lapsed.
g. The system should allow users to modify the status movements of the loan
accounts. (Ether from Automatic to Manual or vice versa).
h. The system should allow users to modify repayment modalities from one
another. (i.e. from monthly to Quarterly.)
i. The system must allow users to modify liquidation/repayment mode from one
another (i.e. from Auto to Manual or vice versa).
j. The system must allow to change loan takedown accounts if necessary.
k. The system must allow to modify the original loan amounts/ increase the loan
amounts within the loan.
l. The system should have the capability of entertaining loan
rescheduling/restructuring. (i.e. it has to give the option to modify the existing
loans without liquidating them as per the new approval.
m. The system should have the capability of capturing multiple collaterals for a
single loan account.
n. The system should have the capability of recording cross collaterals. (i.e. The
system should allow for the collaterals which are registered for a loan to once
again re-register for some other loan).
o. The system should allow users to include additional collateral or exclude any
of the existing collaterals associated to the loan account at any point in time, if
p. The system should allow amalgamation of two or more loan accounts into a
single loan accounts based on the decision of the credit committee.
q. The system must have the capability of handling syndicate loans (the loan to
be granted to customer by two or more banks).
r. The system must have the capability of calculating interests and recording
accruals on a syndicated loans.
s. The system must have the capability of distributing syndicated loan interest
between the lead and correspondent banks.
t. The system should have the capability of allowing users to modify interest
rates, maturity dates and others over a syndicated loans.
u. The system should allow users to modify loan amounts of a syndicated loans.
v. The system must allow users to make installment disbursements on a
syndicated loan.
w. The system must allow users to make installment collections on a syndicated

Islamic Financing
1. The system should support flexible definition of Mudarabah products.
2. The system should support restricted or unrestricted types of Mudarabah.
3. Within both restricted / unrestricted Mudarabah, system should cater remunerative
transactional accounts, remunerative fixed maturity and agreement based accounts.
4. The system should support linking of Mudarabah financing within the identified sources
of funds / pool.
5. System should be flexible for reports designing / respective products of Mudarabah
without vendor intervention.
6. The system should generate the relevant documents in specified formats.
7. The system should support flexible definition of Musharakah products.
8. The system should support restricted or unrestricted types of Musharakah.
9. Within both restricted / unrestricted Musharakah, system should cater remunerative
transactional accounts, remunerative fixed maturity and agreement based accounts.
10. The system should provide flexible definition of products to support lease of different
equipment / assets.
11. The system should support local, import, export Ijarah products.
12. The system should support linking of Ijarah financing within the identified sources of
funds / pool.
13. System should be flexible for reports designing / respective products of Ijarah without
vendor intervention.
14. The system should generate the relevant documents in specified formats.
15. The system should support flexible definition of Murabaha / Musawama products.
16. The system should support local, import, export Murabaha / Musawamah products.
17. The system should support linking of Murabaha / Musawamah financing within the
identified sources of funds / pool.
18. System should be flexible for reports designing / respective products of Murabaha /
Musawamah without vendor intervention.
19. The system should generate the relevant documents in specified formats.

Salam & Parallel Salam (Working Capital / Trading Products (for future sale)
20. The system should support flexible definition of Salam and Parallel Salam products.
21. The system should support local, import, export Salam and Parallel Salam products.
22. The system should support linking of Salam financing within the identified sources of
funds / pool.
23. System should be flexible for reports designing / respective products of Salam without
vendor intervention.
24. System should support subsequent amendment in specification of the asset

25. The system should provide a flexible definition of the periods applicable in Istisna –
construction period and settlement period.
26. The system should provide flexible definition to support sale of different manufactured
equipment / assets.
27. The system should define a disbursement plan for the financing account in compliance
with the agreed terms of the Istisna contract.
28. The system should support linking of istisna financing within the identified sources of
funds / pool.
29. The system should support handling of subsequent amendment in the specification of
asset constructed.
30. The system should re-compute un-earned income in case of changes in the release
31. The system should support changes in the payment in case of late delivery of asset.
32. The system should compute and account early settlement rebate on the basis of
defined rules.
33. The system should compute the profit accrued during the construction period on the
basis of either the schedule disbursed amounts or on the basis of full financing amount.
34. System should be flexible for reports designing / respective products of Istisna without
vendor intervention.

35. System should provide flexible definition of the sukuk product.
36. System should have the ability to configure, maintain product structure and its
37. System should have the ability to define the underlying Islamic contract of the Sukuk.
38. System should have the provision for marking Held to Maturity (Trading is not allowed).
39. System should have the provision for marking Available for sale (No time Limit for
trading and MTM will effect on equity).
40. System should have the provision for marking Held for trading (Cannot hold for more
than 90 days and MTM will effect on PNL).
41. System should provide flexible definition of profit rates (fixed and variable).
42. System should have the provision to post amortization and profit accrual on daily basis.
43. For the HFT there will be no amortization, the premium paid on purchase will be the
part of Cost and this difference between AFS and HFT should account for by the
44. After the change of coupon rate on SUKUK the accrual and the amortization should be
changed immediately in the system.
45. System should perform settlement of pre-mature bond (SUKUK) – Buying/Selling.
46. System should have the ability to cater the launching of the Sukuk as Arranger on
behalf of the customer of the Bank.
47. System should have the provision to assign unique serial number to each issued

The system should support multiple structures for Syndication:
1. Murabaha and Ijarah
2. Sukuk and Ijarah
3. The system should capture the necessary elements of the Syndication Deal such as:
a. Obligor details
b. Name
c. Business
d. Industry
e. Country of origin
f. Rating
4. Total Facility Amount in original currency
5. Total Facility Amount in converted currency
6. Amount and Percentage of the total facility
7. Project details
8. Participant details
9. Lead Agent details
10. Syndication House details
11. The system should support booking a normal facility and track profit payments, fees
and repayments where the Bank is only the participant.
12. The system should have the ability to book the obligor's limits as the Bank is taking
risk on the counterparty where the Bank is underwriting the risk, or is the principal
13. The system should have the ability to book the principal's agent's limits where the Bank
is only the participant.
14. The system should capture each of the participants to the syndication and their
contribution percentage (both the asset and the income earned as well as the risk
15. The system should perform accrual of profits in the books of the Bank only for the
portion contributed by the Bank.
16. The system should have provision for participants who can share admin fees without
contributing assets as in the case of a Lead.
17. The system should support splitting of the syndicated amount into multiple tranches
and each tranche would need to maintain the same or different characteristics of the
syndicated deal - the ratios could be different, currency could be different.
18. The system should support setting up of drawdown schedule so that the drawdown
automatically happens on those days.
19. The system should support collection of commitment charges.
20. The system should support tracking of repayments / rollovers.
21. The system should support consolidated and split rollover of drawdown's.

Other Products
1. Qarz-e-Hasna
2. Advance Payments
3. Running Musharaka

Integration API must be available where Core Banking system can be integrated with any
other application. Few systems as follows:
1. ATM
2. CDM
3. CDK
4. Mobile Banking
5. iBanking
6. SMS
7. Omni Channels
8. Branchless banking
9. POS
10. IVR

12. Reuters
13. Bloomberg
14. HRMS
15. Adams treasury
16. SAS
17. CRM System (Portal based)
19. Data Warehouse
20. Home Remittance
21. Cash Management System
22. Banca
23. Online Trade Portal (Processing and issuing of LC and Contracts)
24. Consumer Asset Management (LOS and LMS)
25. Credit card System
26. Aquity
27. Risk Management software
28. Al-Qist
29. Reconciliation
30. GIS application
31. Rosetta
32. Service quality software
33. Remitex
34. RTGS
35. Pool management
36. BI Tool
37. Microsoft Dynamics
38. Financial

Risk Management Department

1. Single Unique Key Identifier for a customer throughout the Bank.
2. Centralized Platform for Foreign Trade, Accounts & Credit Operations including limit
3. Must have all relevant fields/support as per Basel rules & regulations.
4. Business Line mapping for Operations risk capital calculations.
5. Daily revaluations of various FX funded, Non Funded & deposit accounts.
6. Ability to integrate with existing systems within the Bank for data consolidation.
7. Ability to integrate with future systems that bank deploy in future.
8. Must be able to revalue (preferably daily) all shares held as collateral against share
9. Must have a dedicated Business Intelligence utility to support/provide ready & easy to
extract various reports.
10. Automated process for Classification & provisioning of Non-Performing Loans.

1. Recording of all accounting transactions at back office
2. Cost Centre/Profit Centre, provision for alignment with bank's org chat, flexible account
coding structure which includes the ability to have cost centers and profit centers
3. Able to process all transactions in real time with direct updates to the General Ledger
4. Support automatic generation by the system of a general ledger consolidated in the
base currency selected by the user
5. Journal entry capability and ability to allocate transactions based on predefined criteria
6. Security enabling access to specific accounts to be restricted to specific users
7. Supports to handle the Bank chart of accounts with possibility of changes of account
when required
8. Fully automatic integration with subsidiary ledger
9. Supports complete budget and follow-up system
10. Supports multi-currency accounting
11. Supports inter-branch and inter-banking clearing
12. Supports a cash limit control system
13. Supports vault-transfer system
14. Supports several preliminary closing of financial year before final closing/ Interim
15. Supports easy extraction‘s of data in to spread sheet program
16. Support Reversal of transactions same day and previous days with supporting source
document and supervisor approval
17. Support parameterized interest rate and income/expense accounts handling
18. Profitability Analysis (Branch Wise/Treasury/HO/Corporate & Retail Banking etc)
19. Support to classify the long term asset/Liability portion to Short term as per its
20. Support to calculate and post credit provisioning journal based on predefined formula
(can accommodate new formula and changes in formula parameter)
21. Support correction or adjustment journal
22. Adaptability of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), provisions of
company’s ordinance 1984, Banking Companies ordinance 1962 & Securities and
Exchange commission of Pakistan (SECP). Whether or not application is IFRS
23. Integration with different applications to create a bank wide reporting (API)? What
features are available
24. Estimation of deprecation of Property Plant and Equipment
25. Estimation of Provision for Taxation
26. Revaluation of Investments
27. Consolidation Process
28. Cut Off procedures
29. Financial Statements (Extent of Reporting Inventory & data population)
30. Disclosure Requirements w.r.t Financial statements
31. Audit Trail
32. Prepaid Expense recording and auto posting mechanism
33. Fixed Asset Register (Mechanism Available to cater Fixed Asset)
34. SBP Reporting (ROCA, A-05, A-03 etc)
35. Segment Reporting

36. Internal Transfer Reporting Mechanism
37. System should be able to provide consolidated management reporting for Islamic
/Conventional branches and branchless banking.

Alternative Delivery Channels

1. System should have integration mechanism to integrate with all ADC channels, Like
ATM, CDM, CDK, POS, mobile & internet banking.

2. Inquiries, Cash withdrawals, CDM capability, self-service kiosk, Biometric
Authentication, IBFT, UBPS, Mobile Top-ups and provision of all features such as
services request, activation, all billers including CDC payments etc., IBFT 2.0
compliance and any other as specified by regulators.

3. FRMU and AML, complete module of ATM Reconciliation (Inter branch and Inter
Banks) and DRU complete mechanism along with reporting.
a. CIF with capability of Mag-strip and EMV (chip) cards generation both at
Branch, ADC back office or outsourced vendors in a seamless and swift
manner without human intervention. To check and stop duplicate cards request
at the time of cards requests. Complete MIS with respect to the following.( Card
Issuance, Card Block, Active Cards, capture/retained cards at Head
Office(ADC's) to keep web based centralized data of all retained
cards/suspicious cards, auto email generation to member Banks. Mutilated
Cards, Claim Lodgments, auto deduction

Cash Management
4. To comply with SBP regulation system should prompt to branches that they must
capture cash balancing/replenishment activity.

ATM/POS Transaction Handling

5. Ability to automatically handle transaction reversals (as per standard procedure of
1Link/member Banks) in case of failed transaction particularly. Feature to trace out of
pattern generated transaction through cards to mitigate the Risk of fraudulent

Host Platform Standardization

6. Support of all al kind of message formats exists in industry e.g. ISO8583, PHX8583
etc. Support of all the payment schemes e.g. JCB, VISA, Master, CUP, and PayPak
etc. Ability to pass necessary accounting entries at each stage of the failed
transactions, rule out of the current Host sign Off due to interruptions of Host sign-off
and connectivity breakdowns with CBA issues (Issuer link down,) PCI DSS compliant.
7. Essentially required at Branch end. List of all failed transactions at Branch end, List of
all cash retracted transaction

Branchless Banking
8. System should module where Bank can initiate multiple branchless banking Products
like Wallet, Low KYC, Account opening with complete agent management etc.

Trade Finance
1. Ability for the system to validate sufficiency of balance / limit

2. Ability to integrate with the Bank's Anti Money Laundering System and validate
beneficiary AML status before processing.
a. Ability to manually authorize and approve / reject transactions identified by the
AML system
3. Ability to review transaction details and approve it in the system. On approval do the
following but not restricted to:
a. System to pass necessary accounting entries
b. Voucher to be generated
c. If the Customer is under E-Banking, electronic copy of the voucher is mailed to
the Customer
4. Ability to review transaction details and do the following:
a. return transaction details back to the data entry personnel for modifications, if
b. cancel it in the system, if required
5. Ability to pass necessary accounting entries at each stage of the transaction
6. Ability to integrate with the Swift system to release the Swift message

7. Ability for the system to generate Draft Swift messages applicable in the standard
template based on the transaction details in the system
8. Ability to provide for multiple review of the transaction details and draft swift message
and approve both transaction details and draft Swift message together in the system
or refer back for changes
9. Ability to approve both transaction details and draft Swift message together in the
system or
a. Ability to refer back both transaction details and draft Swift message for

Opening of Credit Letter

1. Ability to support following :
a. Generation of Local L/C's
b. Generation of Foreign L/Cs
2. Ability to select language of input and generation of L/C document in English or
3. Ability to provide for data to be inputted for the creation of a letter of credit.

4. Ability to print the Letter of Credit in the standard format

5. Ability to display the open position by currency

6. Ability to scan the manual L/C opening form (if any) or the online request and any
other relevant document and attach with the LC opening transaction

7. Ability to take Margin at the time of L/Cs opening.

8. Ability to create Acceptance of Usnace L/Cs.
9. Ability to reverse Acceptance of Usnace L/Cs.

Payment of LCs
1. Ability to retrieve L/C Details from the system on the basis of reference number

2. Ability to input details of documents received and match with documents required
detailed at the time of opening the L/C
3. Ability to proceed with payment even if all documents are not received after receiving
approval from the appropriate authority in the system
4. Ability to input payment details in the system
5. Ability to allow part payments for the LC
6. Ability to input details of charges / expenses, correspondent bank charges, commission
etc., if applicable
a. Ability to automatically convert rate masters Charges / Commission into the
relevant currency utilizing the applicable rate
b. Ability to override system generated rates with Supervisory approval

7. System to automatically populate details of the default correspondent bank based on

the currency of payment
a. Ability for users to change the details of the default correspondent bank

8. For amendment of the Draft Swift Message automatically generated:

9. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

10. Ability to automatically close the L/C if the L/C amount has been fully paid

11. Ability to scan and attach the relevant external documents related to the payment with
the L/C payment transaction
12. Ability to Reverse Margin at the time of L/Cs payment.

Amendments to Letter of Credit

1. System to prohibit making amendments to any L/C that has been closed in the system

2. Ability to set in the masters, details of L/C field that can and cannot be amended

3. Ability to retrieve L/C Details from the system on the basis of reference number

4. Ability to amend details of the L/C in the system in the permitted fields

5. In the case of an increase in the L/C amount, system to utilize current exchange rates
from the rate masters to arrive at the local currency equivalent to be debited from the
6. Ability to override system generated rates with Supervisory approval

7. In the case of an increase in L/C amount do the following but not restricted to:

8. Ability for the system to validate sufficiency of balance / limit

9. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

10. Ability to print the amended Letter of Credit in the standard format

11. Ability to scan any manual correspondence received requesting for the amendment or
the online request and any other relevant document and attach with the L/C
amendment transaction
12. Ability to track approvals received from the beneficiary correspondent bank for the
amendments in the L/C
13. Ability to reverse amendments in the system if the amendments are not accepted by
the Beneficiary

Cancellation/Closing of a Letter of Credit

1. Ability to cancel Letter of Credit in the system
2. Where the L/C amount has been fully paid / no outstanding balance, the system to
automatically close the Letter of Credit
3. Where the L/C has expired, the system to generate a draft Swift message addressed
to the Advising bank, stating that the L/C has expired and the bank will proceed
towards closing the same and request the beneficiary to confirm cancellation

4. Where the request to cancel the L/C has been received from the Customer prior to the
expiry of the L/C, the system to generate a draft Swift message addressed to the
Advising bank, stating the Customers desire to cancel the L/C with the reason for the
same and requesting the beneficiary to confirm the cancellation
5. Ability to capture reason for cancellation
6. Ability to provide for multiple review of draft swift message and approve the draft Swift
message together in the system or refer back for changes
7. Ability to track approvals received from the beneficiary correspondent bank for the
cancellation of the L/C
8. Ability to input cancellation request of Letter of Credit in the system on receipt of
confirmation from the Advising Bank
9. Ability to review cancellation details of the L/C and approve it in the system

10. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

11. Ability to scan any manual correspondence received requesting for the amendment or
the online request and any other relevant document and attach with the L/C
amendment transaction
Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections - Opening
1. Ability to facilitate the capture of all the details of the Documentary Bills - Bills for
Collections (DB) to be processed.
2. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

3. Ability to review transaction details and approve it in the system.

4. Ability to generate an advice for Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections in the standard
format utilizing the transaction details on approval
5. If the Customer is under E-Banking, electronic copy of the advice is emailed to the

Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections – Payment

1. Ability to generate notices of payment before the due date
2. Ability to generate reminder letters in the standard format to the Customers requesting
approval to process the transactions
3. Ability to retrieve DB details from the system based on the reference number

4. System to automatically populate details of the default correspondent bank based on

the currency of payment
5. Ability for users to change the details of the default correspondent bank

6. Ability to input payment details in the system which include the following

7. System to automatically populate LCY equivalent of the amount payable using rates
applicable from the rate masters
Ability to override system generated rates with Supervisory approval
8. Ability for the system to validate sufficiency of balance / limit and if available block the
required amount until final approval
9. Ability to review transaction details and return it back to the data entry personnel for
modifications, if required
10. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

11. Ability to automatically update the cash flow position for the respective correspondent
bank utilized with payment details and send a notification to the appropriate authority

12. Ability to automatically change the status of the DB to Closed if the DB amount has
been fully paid

Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections – Amendment

1. System to prohibit making amendments to any DB that has been closed in the system

2. Ability to retrieve data of the relevant DB using transaction reference number

3. Ability to amend details of the DB in the system in the permitted fields

4. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

5. Ability to review transaction details and approve it in the system. On approval generate
an Amendment Advice for Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections in the standard
format utilizing the amended transaction details
6. Ability to generate an Amendment Advice for Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections
in the standard format utilizing the amended transaction details on approval

7. In case of transaction amendment / cancelations for accounts under TSA, the system
should update the TSA limit and pass the necessary accounting entries as defined in
the TSA requirements
8. If the Customer is under E-Banking, electronic copy of the amended Advice for
Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections is mailed to the Customer
9. Ability to scan any manual correspondence received requesting for the amendment (if
any) and attach with the DB amendment transaction

Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections - Cancellation / Close

1. Ability to close DB in the system automatically when the DB amount has been fully
paid / no outstanding balance
2. Ability to input details of DB to be cancelled along with the reason for cancellation

3. Ability to review cancellation details and return it back to the data entry personnel for
modifications, if required
4. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

5. Ability to review cancellation details of the DB and approve it in the system. On

approval do the following but not restricted to:
6. System to pass necessary accounting entries, if any
7. Cancellation Advice for Documentary Bills - Bills is generated in the standard format

8. If the Customer is under E-Banking, electronic copy of the cancellation Advice for
Documentary Bills - Bills for Collections is mailed to the Customer
9. Ability to scan any manual correspondence received requesting for the cancellation
and any other relevant document and attach with the DB cancellation transaction

Foreign Currency Cheque Deposit

1. Ability to facilitate the capture of all the details of the Foreign Currency Cheque
2. Ability to review transaction details by an independent authority and return it back to
the data entry personnel for modifications, if required
3. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

4. Ability to review transaction details by multiple authorities and either approve it or send
it for amendments
5. Ability to review transaction details and approve it in the system. On approval generate
an Advising Letter is generated in the standard format utilizing the transaction details

6. If the Customer is under E-Banking, electronic copy of the Cheque Deposit Advice is

Foreign Currency Cheque Collection

1. Ability to retrieve Foreign Currency Cheque Deposit transactions from the system

2. Generate a draft Swift message in the standard format for following up with the
Correspondent Bank for the selected cases where credits have not been received for
a significant period of time
3. System to provide an option to highlight if a cheque has been received from the
correspondent bank and if the cheque is honored or dishonored

4. In the case the cheque has been dishonored do the following but not restricted to

5. Ability to enter into the system the reason for dishonor

6. Ability to enter into the system the reference number and date instructions for dishonor
7. System to generate a letter addressed to the Customer in the standard format
providing the Cheque details and reasons for the dishonor
8. If the Customer is under E-Banking, electronic copy of the above letter is generated
and mailed to the Customer
9. System to pass necessary accounting entries, if any
10. In the case the cheque has been honored do the following but not restricted to:

11. Ability to enter into the system the following details at the minimum:
12. Date of receiving the credit
13. Net Amount Credited
14. Fees, Commissions, Processing fees charged by Advising Bank, Correspondent bank
15. Transaction reference number for the credit
16. System to automatically converts all foreign currency amounts into the applicable
currency (currency in which the account is opened) taking into account the applicable
rates from the rate masters
17. Ability to override system generated rates with Supervisory approval
18. Ability to provide for multiple review of the draft transaction details and approve it in
the system or refer back for changes

Amendments to Foreign Currency Cheques

1. System to prohibit making amendments to any FC Deposit that has been closed in the
2. Ability to retrieve data of the relevant Foreign Currency Cheque Deposits using
transaction reference number
3. Ability to amend details of the FC Cheque Deposit in the system in the permitted fields

4. Ability to enter reasons for Amendment of the foreign Currency cheques

5. Ability to review transaction details and cancel it in the system, if required

6. Ability to review transaction details and approve it in the system. On approval generate
an Amendment Advice for Foreign Currency Cheque Deposit in the standard format
utilizing the amended transaction details
7. If the Customer is under E-Banking, electronic copy of the amended Advice for Foreign
Currency Cheque Deposit is mailed to the Customer
8. Ability to scan any manual correspondence received requesting for the amendment (if
any) and attach with the DB amendment transaction
9. Ability to cancel a Cheque Deposit transaction from the system with supervisory

Bank Guarantees
1. Ability to process bank guarantee
2. Allows capture of Bank Guarantee type and displays input screen based on the type

3. Tender Bond
4. Performance Guarantee
5. Payment Guarantee
6. Maintenance Bond
7. Advance Guarantee
8. Standby Guarantee
9. Have the option to be able to print multiple copies of the guarantee for the respective
10. Generates appropriate accounting entries for the guarantee amount as well as charges
for commission and fees.
11. Generates automatic accounting entries for penalty charges if the Bank Guarantee is
not returned for cancellation within a user-defined grace period after expiry date.

12. Allows to handle any amendments, extensions and cancellations on letter of

13. Generate the standard text for the desired guarantee
14. Ability to revalidate bank of Guarantee
15. Ability to reverse Bank Guarantee on Expiry
16. Ability to encash Bank Guarantee.

Shipping Guarantees
1. Issuance of shipping guarantees
2. Reversal of shipping guarantees
3. Ability to show outstanding position of Shipping guarantees
4. Ability to retrieve complete MIS of Shipping guarantees

1. Creation Of PAD
2. Adjustment of PAD
3. Outstanding PAD
4. Ability to retrieve complete MIS of PAD

1. Creation Of OAP
2. Adjustment of OAP
3. Outstanding OAP
4. Ability to retrieve complete MIS of OAP

1. Creation Of FIM
2. Adjustment of FIM
3. Outstanding FIM
4. Ability to retrieve complete MIS of FIM

1. Creation Of FATR
2. Adjustment of FATR
3. Outstanding FATR
4. Ability to retrieve complete MIS of FATR

Registration of Import Contracts

1. Registration of Import Contracts
2. Amendment in Registration of Contracts
3. Outstanding Position of Import Contracts
4. Payment of Contracts
5. Complete MIS of Import Contracts
6. Ability to print payment advices

Disbursement Export Re-Finance




Retirement of Export Re-Finance




14. Export Advance Payment
15. Complete MIS of FDBC
16. Complete MIS of Export Advance Payment
17. E-Form certified against Each Advance payment export
18. Ability to make advices of all transactions

Import Advance Payment

1. Ability to make payment against Import advance payment
2. Ability to shows outstanding Cases of Import Advance payment

3. Ability to close the transaction after submission of documents

4. Complete MIS of Import advance payment

5. Ability to print payment advices

Open Account payment

1. Ability to make payment against Open Account Import
2. Ability to shows outstanding Cases of Open Account Import

3. Complete MIS of Open account Import

4. Ability to print payment advices
Inward Remittances
1. Ability for crediting foreign currency account received fr0m abroad

2. Complete MIS record of Inward Remittances

3. Complete MIS Record of credit entries of Foreign Currency accounts.

Outward Remittances
1. Ability for Debiting foreign currency account sent abroad
2. Complete MIS record of Outward Remittances
3. Complete MIS Record of Debit entries of Foreign Currency accounts.

Credit Monitoring Department

1. Past due accounts/buckets (1-15, 16-29, 30-59, 60-89,90+)
2. Watchlist accounts
3. Template of SE and ME reporting, required by SBP on monthly basis
4. Expired LG statement
5. Advance against Murabaha statement
6. Block accounts/expired limits/unavailed limit reports etc

Collateral monitoring Department
1. Module for cash finance (discussed with previous vendor but not finalized)
2. Shares monitoring module
3. Muqaddam-wise report
4. Commodity report
5. Consolidated stock position of a single commodity report
6. Statement of assets portfolio including insurance and valuation
7. Triggers for expiry of valuation/insurance
8. Triggers for stock reports

Credit Conventional - Consumer

General Information
1. System should be able to classify credit with respect to following categories:
Corporate/Consumer/SME/Micro/Agri & Islamic and all the applicable functionalities
should be available in the system to cater all the reporting and processing requirement.
Where requirements differs w.r.t modalities should be different and other generic
information’s should be available for all types of financing (Both Conventional & Islamic
2. " System must be able to accommodate the following general information data for
processing credit requests:
a. Customer Identification Information;
b. Customers' loan request both in Type (Term Loan, OD and Both) and Amount;
c. Collateral information of the property that customers' offered to secure their
d. Legal document
e. Interest rate to be applied on the requested loan;
f. Mode of repayment (Monthly, Quarterly....);
g. Loan Period;
3. Upload and record the supporting documents for credit processing.

a. Once the maker inputs new credit origination, then system should allow the
maker to transfer what he has done on the system to the supervisors for further
b. The System must be able to notify maker if there is any pending information
before he/she transfers the data for further processing."

Financial Information
1. The System Should have the means to capture information related to balance sheet,
Income statement and Cash flow and other financial information for credit appraisal
a. Income Statement Items
b. Sales
c. Cost of Goods Sold
d. Gross Profit
e. Expenses
f. Net Income"

2. The system must be able to calculate Ratio Analysis based on the above mentioned
financial statement data and the parameter to be provided
3. The system should have the capability to do credit scoring based on the parameter to
be provided
4. The system must be able to do credit rating based on the parameter to be provided

Lending Module
1. The system must have the capability to capture customer's/Borrowers general
information such as:
a. Customer (Borrower's Name)
b. Borrower's CIF /Customer Information Number
c. Loan Product based on the bank's credit sector classification"
2. The system must be able to accept multi-currency loan disbursement
3. The system should have the capability to make back value dated and future dated loan
account creation and disbursements.
4. The system should have the capability of entertaining grace/holiday period. ( i.e. it must
be able to allow the bank give principal repayment relief to creditors for some specific
periods(grace/holiday period) and during the grace/holiday period the system should
have the capability to equally allocate the outstanding principal for the given
installments throughout the loan life.
5. The system should have the capability to accept different interest rates for different
periods within a given loan period.
6. The system should have the capability to do installment disbursements ( It should allow
Multiple disbursements on a single account for a given customer).
7. The system should have the capability to perform both automatic and manual
8. The system should have the capability of entertaining different loans having different
repayment modality (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual…..Lump sum)
9. The system should have the capability of accepting a penalty rate as well as calculate
the penalty based on different criteria's which the bank requires.
10. The system should have the capability of calculating interests on the unpaid principal
values (Overdue principals) for their overdue days.
11. The system should have the capability of both manual and automatic status controlling
option (NORM, SPME, SUBS, DOUB, and LOSS) based on the bank's status
movement criteria.
12. The system should have the capability of handling both foreword and backward status
movements based on the bank's status movement criteria.
13. The system should have the capability of handling status change accounting entries
automatically. (i.e. It must have the capability of revering interest incomes from the
interest revenue account and hold it to the memorandum account when the loan
becomes SUBS, DOUB and LOSS). It should have also the capability of reversing
back the interest amounts when the status of the loan comes back to NORM and
14. "The system should have the capability of monitoring interest calculations when the
status of the loan becomes SUBS, DOUB or LOSS and has the option to automatically:
a. Stop Accrual
b. Continue Accrual"

15. The system should have the capability of handling automatic loan provisions on loans
based on their respective statuses as well as other loan provisioning criteria's of the
16. The system should have the capability of passing an accounting entry for the loan
provisioning based on the criteria of the bank set towards this end.
17. The system should have the capabilities of making automat reversal enter for the loan
provisioning's via considering the criteria's towards this end.
18. The system should have the capability of making both manual and automatic
19. The system should have the capability of calculating pre-payment penalty if customers
make prepayments on their loan accounts,
20. The system should have to work in maker and checker option.

Loan Repayment
1. The system should have the capability of allowing different loan repayment options:
a. Loan repayment in cash
b. Loan repayment from saving or Current Accounts
c. Loan repayment from payment cards
2. The system should have the capability of making manual or automatic loan
3. The system must allow reversal of loan repayments.
4. The system should have the capability of doing back value dated loan repayments.
5. The system should accept advance or prepayments.
6. System should be able to perform credit installment and interest payment transaction
for both manual payment (based on customer’s request) and scheduled payment.
7. System should be able to notify customer regarding manual/automated debit
transaction that has been performed for installment principal and interest payments.
(Please state notification medium, e.g. email, text messaging, task dashboard, etc.)
8. Note: System should have ability to continue to update in “Credit Data Update”

Amendment of Loan
1. The system must allow to make various amendments on loan account Such as:
2. It should have the capability of extending the original maturity date of the loan.
3. It should have the capability of modifying interest rates.
4. It should have the capability of modifying both back value dated and future dated
interest modifications.
5. The system must be able to allow users change original installment repayments of the
loan (i.e. it must allow installment modifications).
6. The system should allow users to give a grace/holiday period at the middle of the loan
period and should have the capability to prorate the unpaid principal and accrued
interest balances throughout the remaining life of the loan considering the
grace/holiday period modifications.
7. The system must allow users to extend additional grace/holiday periods, if the original
grace/holiday periods gets lapsed.
8. The system should allow users to modify the status movements of the loan accounts.
(Ether from Automatic to Manual or viscera).
9. The system should allow users to modify repayment modalities from one another. (i.e.
from monthly to Quarterly)
10. The system must allow users to modify liquidation/repayment mode from one another
(i.e. from Auto to Manual or viscera).
11. The system must allow to change loan takedown accounts if necessary.
12. The system must allow to modify the original loan amounts/ increase the loan amounts
within the loan period, if necessary.

Loan Rescheduling
1. The system should have the capability of entertaining loan rescheduling/restructuring.
(i.e. it has to give the option to modify the existing loans without liquidating them as per
the new approval.

1. The system should have the capability of capturing multiple collaterals for a single loan
2. "The system should have the capability of capturing:
a. Collateral Type (i.e. Building, Vehicle, Machinery or others….. and/or a mix of
b. Collateral Reference Number (e.g. Ownership certificate number….)
c. Collateral Value
d. Location of the collateral
e. Owner of the collateral"
3. The system should have the capability of recording cross collaterals. (i.e. The system
should allow for the collaterals which are registered for a loan to once again re-register
for some other loan ).
4. The system should allow users to update or modify collateral related records at any
point in time, if necessary.
5. The system should allow users to include additional collateral or exclude any of the
existing collaterals associated to the loan account at any point in time, if necessary.
6. The system should have to have the capability of handling loans to be granted on clean
basis (i.e. It should entertain loans without having a collateral).

1. The system must have the capability of recording a single or multiple collaterals to be
associated to a single or multiple loan accounts.
2. "The system should have the capability of capturing:
a. Type of the Items to be insured (Property)
b. Name Insured ( Insurance Buyer)
c. Insurer (Name of the Insurance Company)
d. Insurance Policy Number
e. Insurance Period
f. Premium the insurance
g. sum Insured (Value of the property Insured)
h. Expiry day of the insurance,"
3. The system should have to have the capability to notify when the insurance policy gets
4. The system must allow users to associate insurance related records to a single or
multiple loan accounts.

5. The System must allow users to include additional insurance records or exclude
existing ones from the loan accounts on which the insurance records have already
6. Loan Amalgamations
7. The system should allow amalgamation of two or more loan accounts into a single loan
accounts based on the decision of the credit committee.

Syndicate Loan
1. The system must have the capability of handling syndicate loans ( the loan to be
granted to customer by two or more banks).
2. The system must have the capability of calculating interests and recording accruals on
a syndicated loans.
3. The system must have the capability of distributing syndicated loan interest between
the lead and correspondent banks.
4. The system should have the capability of allowing users to modify interest rates,
maturity dates and others over a syndicated loans.
5. The system should allow users to modify loan amounts of a syndicated loans.
6. The system must allow users to make installment disbursements on a syndicated loan.
7. The system must allow users to make installment collections on a syndicated loans.

Credit Conventional - Agriculture

General Information
1. System should be able to classify credit with respect to following categories:
Corporate/Consumer/SME/Micro/Agri& Islamic and all the applicable functionalities
should be available in the system to cater all the reporting and processing requirement.
Where requirements differs w.r.t modalities should be different and other generic
information’s should be available for all types of financing (Both Conventional & Islamic
2. " System must be able to accommodate the following general information data for
processing credit requests:
a. Customer Identification Information;
b. Customers' loan request both in Type (Demand Finance, Running Finance, Re-
Finance etc) and Amount;
c. Collateral information of the property that customers' offered to secure their
d. Legal document.
e. Interest rate to be applied on the requested loan;
f. Mode of repayment (Monthly, Quarterly, half yearly, yearly or lum sum );
g. Loan Period;
3. Upload and record the supporting documents for credit processing.

a. Once the maker inputs new credit origination, then system should allow the
maker to transfer what he has done on the system to the supervisors for further
b. The System must be able to notify maker if there is any pending information
before he/she transfers the data for further processing."

Financial Information
4. The System Should have the means to capture information related to balance sheet,
Income statement and Cash flow and other financial information for credit appraisal
a. Income Statement Items
b. Sales
c. Cost of Goods Sold
d. Gross Profit
e. Expenses
f. Net Income"
5. The system must be able to calculate Ratio Analysis based on the above mentioned
financial statement data and the parameter to be provided.
6. The system should have the capability to do credit scoring based on the parameter to
be provided.
7. The system must be able to do credit rating based on the parameter to be provided

Lending Module
8. The system must have the capability to capture customer's/Borrowers general
information such as:
a. Customer (Borrower's Name)
b. Borrower's CIF /Customer Information Number
c. Loan Product based on the bank's credit sector classification"
9. The system must be able to accept multi-currency loan disbursement
10. The system should have the capability to make back value dated and future dated loan
account creation and disbursements.
11. The system should have the capability of entertaining grace/holiday period. ( i.e. it must
be able to allow the bank give principal repayment relief to creditors for some specific
periods(grace/holiday period) and during the grace/holiday period the system should
have the capability to equally allocate the outstanding principal for the given
installments throughout the loan life.
12. The system should have the capability to accept different interest rates for different
periods within a given loan period.
13. The system should have the capability to do installment disbursements ( It should allow
Multiple disbursements on a single account for a given customer).
14. The system should have the capability to perform both automatic and manual
15. The system should have the capability of entertaining different loans having different
repayment modality (Monthly, Quarterly, half yearly, Annually …..Lump sum upon
16. The system should have the capability of accepting a penalty rate as well as calculate
the penalty based on different criteria's which the bank requires.
17. The system should have the capability of calculating interests on the unpaid principal
values (Overdue principals) for their overdue days.
18. The system should have the capability of both manual and automatic status controlling
option (Regular, OAEM, SUBS, DOUB, and LOSS) based on the bank's status
movement criteria.
19. The system should have the capability of handling both forward and backward status
movements based on the bank's status movement criteria.

20. The system should have the capability of handling status change accounting entries
automatically. (i.e. It must have the capability of revering interest incomes from the
interest revenue account and hold it to the memorandum account when the loan
becomes SUBS, DOUB and LOSS). It should have also the capability of reversing
back the interest amounts when the status of the loan comes back to NORM OR
21. "The system should have the capability of monitoring interest calculations when the
status of the loan becomes OAEM, SUBS, DOUB or LOSS and has the option to
d. Stop Accrual
e. Continue Accrual"
22. The system should have the capability of handling automatic loan provisions on loans
based on their respective statuses as well as other loan provisioning criteria's of the
23. The system should have the capability of passing an accounting entry for the loan
provisioning based on the criteria of the bank set towards this end.
24. The system should have the capabilities of making automat reversal entry for the loan
provisioning via considering the criteria towards this end.
25. The system should have the capability of making both manual and automatic
26. The system should have the capability of calculating pre-payment penalty if customers
make prepayments on their loan accounts,
27. The system should have to work in maker and checker option.

Loan Repayment
28. The system should have the capability of allowing different loan repayment options:
a. Loan repayment in cash
b. Loan repayment from saving or Current Accounts
c. Loan repayment from payment cards
29. The system should have the capability of making manual or automatic loan
30. The system must allow reversal of loan repayments.
31. The system should have the capability of doing back value dated loan repayments.
32. The system should accept advance or prepayments.
33. System should be able to perform credit installment and interest payment transaction
for both manual payment (based on customer’s request) and scheduled payment.
34. System should be able to notify customer regarding manual/automated debit
transaction that has been performed for installment principal and interest payments.
(Please state notification medium, e.g. email, text messaging, task dashboard, etc.)
35. Note: System should have ability to continue to update in “Credit Data Update”

Amendment of Loan
36. The system must allow to make various amendments on loan account Such as:
37. It should have the capability of extending the original maturity date of the loan.
38. It should have the capability of modifying interest rates.
39. It should have the capability of modifying both back value dated and future dated
interest modifications.

40. The system must be able to allow users change original installment repayments of the
loan (i.e. it must allow installment modifications).
41. The system should allow users to give a grace/holiday period at the middle of the loan
period and should have the capability to prorate the unpaid principal and accrued
interest balances throughout the remaining life of the loan considering the
grace/holiday period modifications.
42. The system must allow users to extend additional grace/holiday periods, if the original
grace/holiday periods gets lapsed.
43. The system should allow users to modify the status movements of the loan accounts.
(Ether from Automatic to Manual or viscera).
44. The system should allow users to modify repayment modalities from one another. (i.e.
from monthly to Quarterly)
45. The system must allow users to modify liquidation/repayment mode from one another
(i.e. from Auto to Manual or viscera).
46. The system must allow to change loan takedown accounts if necessary.
47. The system must allow to modify the original loan amounts/ increase the loan amounts
within the loan period, if necessary.

Loan Rescheduling
48. The system should have the capability of entertaining loan rescheduling/restructuring.
(i.e. it has to give the option to modify the existing loans without liquidating them as per
the new approval.

49. The system should have the capability of capturing multiple collaterals for a single loan
50. "The system should have the capability of capturing:
a. Collateral Type (i.e. Building, Vehicle, Machinery or others….. and/or a mix of
b. Collateral Reference Number (e.g. Ownership certificate number….)
c. Collateral Value
d. Location of the collateral
e. Owner of the collateral"
51. The system should have the capability of recording cross collaterals. (i.e. The system
should allow for the collaterals which are registered for a loan to once again re-register
for some other loan ).
52. The system should allow users to update or modify collateral related records at any
point in time, if necessary.
53. The system should allow users to include additional collateral or exclude any of the
existing collaterals associated to the loan loan account at any point in time, if
54. The system should have to have the capability of handling loans to be granted on clean
basis (i.e. It should entertain loans without having a collateral).

55. The system must have the capability of recording a single or multiple collaterals to be
associated to a single or multiple loan accounts.
56. The system should have the capability of capturing:

a. Type of the Items to be insured (Property)
b. Name Insured ( Insurance Buyer)
c. Insurer (Name of the Insurance Company)
d. Insurance Policy Number
e. Insurance Period
f. Premium the insurance
g. sum Insured (Value of the property Insured)
h. Expiry day of the insurance,"
57. The system should have to have the capability to notify when the insurance policy gets
58. The system must allow users to associate insurance related records to a single or
multiple loan accounts.
59. The System must allow users to include additional insurance records or exclude
existing ones from the loan accounts on which the insurance records have already

Loan Amalgamations
60. The system should allow amalgamation of two or more loan accounts into a single loan
accounts based on the decision of the credit committee.

Syndicate Loan
61. The system must have the capability of handling syndicate loans (the loan to be
granted to customer by two or more banks).
62. The system must have the capability of calculating interests and recording accruals on
a syndicated loan.
63. The system must have the capability of distributing syndicated loan interest between
the lead and correspondent banks.
64. The system should have the capability of allowing users to modify interest rates,
maturity dates and others over syndicated loans.
65. The system should allow users to modify loan amounts of a syndicated loans.
66. The system must allow users to make installment disbursements on a syndicated loan.
67. The system must allow users to make installment collections on syndicated loans.

1. The system should cater all the existing Agriculture Products/Schemes.
2. The system should have the functionality to update the mark up with changing in kibor
3. The system should have capability of capturing Agriculture pass book of agri. land as
collateral with the following details:
a. Pass book Number
b. Name of Owner.
c. Issue date.
d. No.of PIU
e. PIU value
f. Registered land owned ( acres, kanal, marlas etc).
g. Total value (as per Three years average sale value basis.)
68. The system along with the insurance of property (residential /commercial) should also
have the capability to capture the insurance of Crops, livestock, feed stock etc.

69. The system should have option to Classify and declassify the agriculture Loans in
OAEM, Substandard, Doubtful and Loss categories as per Agriculture PRs.
70. The system should have capability to auto create reserve entries upon a loan goes to
NPL and also reverse the reserve entries when the loan become regularized.
71. The system should have capability to accrue the mark up on daily basis and booking
the mark up on specified date.
72. Limit blocking/un-blocking option should be available in the system.
73. Write off and Waiver option should be available in the system.
74. The system should have the option to stop auto recovery from client account.
75. The system should have the option to subjective classify a loan when required by the
76. Early adjustment option should be available in the system.
77. Balloon payment option should also be available in the system.
78. A comprehensive Dashboard view of a customer should be available in the system.
79. The system should have option to freeze a particular installment/mark up for a certain
period as per approval from the competent authority.
80. All reports and statements required by SBP and management should be extracted from
81. Feeding of borrower code, purpose code, sector code, etc should be available on loan
82. The system should have option to put the guarantor’s information.

Credit Corporate Conventional

General Information
1. System should be able to classify credit with respect to following categories:
Corporate/Consumer/SE /ME/Micro/Agri & [sub-categories] Islamic and all the
applicable functionalities should be available in the system to cater all the reporting
and processing requirement. Where requirements differs w.r.t modalities should be
different and other generic information should be available for all types of financing
(Both Conventional & Islamic Banking), moreover system should be able to
accommodate policy change in the aforementioned categories.
2. "System should have a limit Origination System which should have the following
a) System must be able to accommodate the following general information data
for processing credit requests:
• Customer Identification Information;
• Customers' loan request both in Type (Fund Based / Non Fund
Based)Term Loan, Ever Green/OD and Both) and Amount of Types
and overall exposure;
• System Should have all the products already being offered by BOK
and should have all the core features already under practice in the
market, also system should provide a platform for easy product
configuration for fresh products / amendment for already running
• Collateral information of the property that customers' offered to secure
their loan;

• Legal document
• Interest rate to be applied on the requested loan;
• Mode of repayment (Monthly, Quarterly. semi, half, full yearly, Lump
Sum or at Expiry);
• Loan Period;
• Upload and record the supporting documents for credit processing.
• Once the maker inputs new credit origination, then system should
allow the maker to transfer what he has done on the system to the
supervisors for further processing.
• The System must be able to notify maker if there is any pending
information before he/she transfers the data for further processing."

3. System should enable limits to validate loans as per limit conditions

4. System should be able to provide functionalities such as ear marking, one off etc.
5. System should be able to record Turnaround time of Credit Memo from Initiation of
Request from Branch until disbursement of loan and provide report to the authorized
for monitoring.
6. System Must be able to Generate Limits for One or Multiple clients which can be
shared between Group of Client i.e. Group Exposure Limits and to validate Group
Exposure set by the competent authority
7. System Must be able for Interchangeable limits between Two Products or Two Entities
and to validate Group Exposure
8. System should have a data vault for storing all documents duly scanned of a file for
virtual copy of the file.
9. System should have a Dash Board for review of limits and its attributes provided at the
time of sanction of limits.
10. System depending on the structure of the case i.e. Nature, Category, Volume , amount
etc should be able to bifurcate for which committee the loan is to presented to i.e.
either Credit Sub-Committee or Head office Credit Committee

Financial Information
1. The System should have the means to capture information related to balance sheet,
Income statement and Cash flow and other financial information for credit appraisal
2. The system must be able to calculate Ratio Analysis based on the Balance Sheet,
Income Statement and Cash Flow statement heads of the Client’s financial statement
3. The system should have the capability to do credit scoring based on the parameter to
be provided
4. The system must be able to do credit rating based on the parameter to be provided
5. System should have the capability that at the time of renewal system should
automatically extract information regarding repayment behavior i.e. income through
finance facilities, income through deposits and other income and provide projection for
next 12 months. Moreover, the said information may also become part of client's credit
6. System Must also be able to generate reports for average transactions of all bank
accounts of a single client and should bifurcate for payment through cheque , cash,
ATM etc

7. System should be able to Create Loan+ Ledger Account for Evergreen Credit Lines
i.e. Running Finance , Cash Finance etc
8. System should be able to sector wise benchmarking of Financial Statements already
available in system i.e. comparison of sectors, industry, sub sector
9. System should be able to perform trend analysis of client w.r.t Industry, Sector, Sub
10. System should be able to perform trend analysis of stock / shares being requested for
pledge with historical data to be extracted from online sources and or with already
available information in the system.
11. System should be able to withhold eCIB information for every eCIB called from State
Bank for later review either in crystal report or data form. The said data will enable risk
analyst to have legacy data of past years in one place
12. System should have the functionality of storing all financial data once finalized for
review in next year with fresh year's financials and monetary data.

Lending Module
1. The system must have the capability to capture / extract customer's/Borrowers general
information from loan origination module such as:
a. Customer (Borrower's Name)
b. Address
c. Borrower's CIF /Customer Information Number
d. Loan Product based on the bank's credit sector classification & SBP codes
e. Loan Amount (Should be verified with LOS Limit Terms)
f. Loan Rate (Should be verified with LOS Limit Terms)
g. Loan Tenure (Should be verified with LOS Limit Terms)
h. Loan Grace Period (Should be verified with LOS Limit Terms)
i. Loan to be validated with Drawing power of the Limit before creation and a
trigger to be provided for the same in case of low DP
j. Once the maker inputs new Loan origination, then system should allow the
maker to transfer what he/ she has done on the system to the supervisors for
further processing.
k. The System must be able to notify maker if there is any pending information
before he/she transfers the data for further processing.

2. The system must be able to accept multi-currency loan disbursement

3. The system should have the capability to make back value dated and future dated loan
account creation and disbursements.
4. The system should have the capability of entertaining grace/holiday period. (i.e. it must
be able to allow the bank give principal repayment relief to creditors for some specific
periods(grace/holiday period) and during the grace/holiday period the system should
have the capability to equally allocate the outstanding principal for the given
installments throughout the loan life.
5. The system should have the capability to accept different interest rates for different
periods within a given loan period.
6. The system should have the capability to do installment disbursements (It should allow
multiple disbursements on a single account for a given customer).
7. The system should have the capability to perform both automatic and manual
8. The system should have the capability of entertaining different loans having different
repayment modality (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual…..Lump sum or at expiry
9. The system should have the capability of accepting a penalty rate as well as calculate
the penalty based on different criteria is which the bank requires.
10. The system should have the capability of calculating interests on the unpaid principal
values (Overdue principals) for their overdue days.
11. The system should have the capability of both manual and automatic status controlling
option (NORM, SPME, SUBS, DOUB, and LOSS) based on the bank's status
movement criteria.
12. The system should have the capability of handling both forward and backward status
movements based on the bank's status movement criteria.
13. The system should have the capability of handling status change accounting entries
automatically. (i.e. It must have the capability of revering interest incomes from the
interest revenue account and hold it to the memorandum account when the loan
becomes SUBS, DOUB and LOSS). It should have also the capability of reversing
back the interest amounts when the status of the loan comes back to NORM and
14. The system should have the capability of monitoring interest calculations when the
status of the loan becomes SUBS,DOUB or LOSS and has the option to automatically:
a. Stop Accrual
b. Continue Accrual"
15. The system should have the capability of handling automatic loan provisions on loans
based on their respective statuses as well as other loan provisioning criteria's of the
16. The system should have the capability of passing an accounting entry for the loan
provisioning based on the criteria of the bank set towards this end.
17. The system should have the capabilities of making automat reversal enter for the loan
provisioning is via considering the criteria's towards this end.
18. The system should have the capability of making both manual and automatic
19. The system should have the capability of calculating pre-payment penalty if customers
make prepayments on their loan accounts,
20. The System should not allow multiple disbursements where Loan Amount has already
been exhausted moreover the said validation should also be with Limit generated
through LOS
21. The system should have to work in maker and checker option.
22. "System should be able to provide multiple loan repayment schedules e.g.
Amortization , Straight line (linear), Declining balance, Annuity, Bullet (all at once),
Balloon (amortization payments and large end payment), Increasing balance (negative
23. System Should have the capability of the following,
a. Auto / Manual Closure of Loan Account
b. Blocking / un-Blocking Loan Accounts Automatically / Manually as per Bank's
Credit policy

Loan Repayment
1. The system should have the capability of allowing different loan repayment options:
a. Loan repayment in cash
b. Loan repayment from saving or Current Accounts
2. Loan repayment from payment cards etc
3. The system should be able to automatically calculate accruals of all outstanding loans
based on the repayment/ sanctioned terms of the loan and should do automatic
accounting entries of the same.
4. The system should have the capability of making manual or automatic loan repayments
and should reflect the same on schedules already created against the loan.
5. The system must allow reversal of loan repayments.
6. The system should have the capability of doing back value dated loan repayments.
7. The system should accept advance or prepayments and should have the ability to
manually /automatically deduct charges outstanding from the client during the currency
of the loan.
8. System should be able to perform credit installment and interest payment transaction
for both manual payment (based on customer’s request) and scheduled payment.
9. "System should be able to notify customer through email/ text messaging regarding
manual/automated debit transaction that has been performed for installment principal
and interest payments.
10. Note: System should have ability to continue to update in “Credit Data Update”
11. System should be able to provide reports for waiver of markup/ penalty and that how
many times waiver has been approved and how much against a client
12. System should be able to provide markup statement of a client i.e .how much markup
has been recovered against a client.
13. System Should be able to initiate triggers on next day when on previous day end due
to in-sufficient balance recovery was not made moreover to generate report of non-
recovery of markup and triggers of the same to supervisor
14. System must be able to reset DPDs once repayment has been made, moreover to
generate DPD report of loans migrating to NPL
15. System must have the ability to recover early markup.
16. System must be able to calculate DPDs of Loans
17. System must be able to Classify Loans subjectively (Automatically+ Manually) and be
able to manually override automatic classification of loans
18. System should be able to partially recover markup of outstanding loan and reflect the
same on schedule / loan report of the loan
19. System should be able to recover markup of loans parked in authorized Branch but
having Current accounts in other Branch.
20. System should be able to revise accruals after posting in concerned GLs
21. System should be able to acquire kibor rates based on calendar quarter rather then
date of disbursement
22. System should be configurable regarding collection of penalty after DPD have
surpassed a set time as per agreed sanction terms. Moreover, system should be able
to bifurcate between holiday delay as compared to intentional delay in payment
23. System should be able to report the delay In markup / principal to eCIB module for
further reporting of the same to SBP

Amendment of Loan
1. The system must allow to make various amendments on loan account Such as:
a. It should have the capability of extending the original maturity date of the loan.
b. It should have the capability of modifying interest rates and send notification of
the same to the client through email , Text message etc
c. It should have the capability of modifying both back value dated and future
dated interest modifications.
d. The system must be able to allow users change original installment repayments
of the loan (i.e. it must allow installment modifications).
e. he system should allow users to give a grace/holiday period at the middle of
the loan period and should have the capability to prorate the unpaid principal
and accrued interest balances throughout the remaining life of the loan
considering the grace/holiday period modifications.
f. The system must allow users to extend additional grace/holiday periods, if the
original grace/holiday periods are lapsed.
g. The system should allow users to modify the status movements of the loan
accounts. (Ether from Automatic to Manual or viscera).
h. The system should allow users to modify repayment modalities from one
another. (i.e. from monthly to Quarterly…..)
i. The system must allow users to modify liquidation/repayment mode from one
another (i.e. from Auto to Manual or viscera).
j. The system must allow to change loan takedown accounts if necessary.
k. The system must allow to modify the original loan amounts/ increase the loan
amounts within the loan period, if necessary.
l. System should allow extension in limits approved by the competent authroity
and record sanction Nos and date.

Loan Rescheduling
1. The system should have the capability of entertaining loan rescheduling/restructuring.
(i.e. it has to give the option to modify the existing loans without liquidating them as per
the new approval and generate schedules. Moreover, system should then recover
markup + principal as per the fresh schedule and maintain record of old schedule +

1. The system should have the capability of capturing multiple collaterals for a single loan
a. "The system should have the capability of capturing:
b. Collateral Type (i.e. Building, Vehicle, Machinery or others….. and/or a mix of
c. Collateral Reference Number (e.g. Ownership certificate number….)
d. Collateral Value….
e. Location of the collateral
f. Owner of the collateral
g. Bank's Share in Collateral
h. Bank's Charge over Collateral
i. If Mortgaged, Type of Mortgage and Document through which executed"
2. System must be able to record valuations & valuators from which the valuations have
been carried out. Moreover, system to generate alerts/ triggers for over exposure of
3. System must be able to perform trend analysis of valuations /rates depending on their
location in a specified area where already securities have been pledged / mortgaged /
marked lien

4. The system should have the capability of recording cross collaterals. (i.e. The system
should allow for the collaterals which are registered for a loan to once again re-register
for some other loan ).
5. The system should allow users to update or modify collateral related records at any
point in time, if necessary.
6. The system should allow users to include additional collateral or exclude any of the
existing collaterals associated to the loan account at any point in time, if necessary.
7. The system should have the capability of handling loans to be granted on clean basis
(i.e. It should entertain loans without having a collateral).
8. The system must have the capability of recording a single or multiple collaterals to be
associated to a single or multiple loan accounts.
9. The system should have the capability of recording pledge/release of collateral of
Loans secured against Pledge of stock/ shares and calculate Drawing Power
accordingly. Moreover System should enforce Drawing Power on Limit /Loan for which
the collateral is being pledged. Moreover System should create Delivery orders when
required and should also provide report of all delivery orders against a single/ multiple
10. System should have the capability of setting /recording coverage ratio of collateral as
per sanction from competent authority and to raise alerts in case of decrease in the
said coverage ratio
11. System should be able to automatically extract rates of commodities pledged (Stock,
Shares etc) with BOK from Authorized Online Sources and enforce the same ,
moreover increase / decrease Drawing power of limit accordingly.
12. System Should have the ability to scan and attach documents with a collateral for later

1. "The system should have the capability of capturing:
a. Type of the Items to be insured (Property)
b. Name Insured ( Insurance Buyer)
c. Insurer (Name of the Insurance Company) (System should Trigger Alert for
over exposure of insurance company in Bank and also should trigger alert if
the insurance company is not on Bank's panel)
d. Insurance Policy Number
e. Insurance Period
f. Premium of the insurance
g. sum Insured (Value of the property Insured)
h. Expiry day of the insurance,"
2. The system should have to have the capability to notify when the insurance policy gets
3. The system must allow users to associate insurance related records to a single or
multiple loan accounts.
4. The System must allow users to include additional insurance records or exclude
existing ones from the loan accounts on which the insurance records have already
5. Loan Amalgamations
6. The system should allow amalgamation of two or more loan accounts into a single loan
accounts based on the decision of the credit committee.

Syndicate Loan
1. System must be able for syndicate management of loans
2. The system must have the capability of handling syndicate loans ( the loan to be
granted to customer by two or more banks).
3. The system must have the capability of bifurcating between syndicate lead / syndicate
4. The system must have the capability of calculating interests and recording accruals on
syndicated loans.
5. The system must have the capability of distributing syndicated loan interest between
the lead and correspondent banks.
6. The system should have the capability of allowing users to modify interest rates,
maturity dates and others over syndicated loans.
7. The system should allow authorized users to modify loan amounts of a syndicate loans.
8. The System Must be able to disburse Syndicate Loan in Tranches

All Loans currently being offered along with their Formalities, system & functions i.e. from
initiation of loans till their maturity or write off should be available in the system. Moreover,
Including Limit Originating System (in lieu with current best market practice & SBP regulations)
which will govern all the loans being disbursed through it. Also System should have the
flexibility to be easily configurable from tip to toe for fresh products/ existing products, change
in policy & practice either introduced by the Bank or by the Governing Bank i.e. State Bank of

1. Statements (Physical & eStatement)
2. Dormancy letters
3. New Account opening letters
4. Loan processing Letters
5. Loan approval letters
6. EMI details
7. eCIB Extractions
8. CTR Report – goXML and its integration
9. Finance Reporting extracts
10. Data warehousing extracts

Migration Methodology
Bidder should provide comprehensive migration methodology from where users can migrate
the existing data.

Market Risk
Trial Balance Details
1. The system should provide updated Bank-Wide Trial Balance on real-time basis.

2. Archiving of daily Bank-Wide Trial Balance.

3. The system should have functionality to compare or perform variance analysis of
Trial Balance between any two given dates for analytical purposes.

Trial Balance Components Details
1. The system should be able provide complete details of each component of Bank's
Entire Balance Sheet on real-time basis.
2. There should be a conditional query-based mechanism for end users to develop and
save their own customize reports /data as per their requirements. And these reports
should be saved / transformed into MS Excel form in proper form.

Below is the list of few reports, which are essentially required by respective units

S# Department Report List

1 Compliance Alert / Report of Expired CNIC
2 Compliance Report of Dormant account activated
3 Compliance Report / Statement of Unclaimed Deposits
4 Compliance Zakat Exemption / Applicable report
5 Compliance Major Deposit / Withdrawal Report
6 Compliance Outward bills lodgment / Outstanding Report
7 Compliance list of Lien account
8 Compliance TDR/ BMA/ CDR/P.O/ P.S/ DD issued / Outstanding report
9 Compliance Account opened Closed Report
10 Compliance User authority Level and relevant option in system
11 Compliance ATM card issued Report / Overdue / Renewal Charges
12 Compliance Locker overdue rent Report.
13 Compliance List of Lockers allocation report
14 Compliance Information of Account opening form Fed in system.
15 Compliance Cheque book issuance report.
16 Compliance Pop up / Invalid Address / where statement of account returned
17 Compliance List of Pension Account.
18 Compliance Stop Payment / Release Report
19 Compliance List of Expired RF / DF Cases.
20 Compliance L.G / RF Issuance Report
21 Compliance List of Govt account
22 Compliance List OF filer / non filer
23 Compliance Online transaction report over cap amount
24 Compliance account opened with zero amount
25 Compliance list of account where debit / Credit block marked
26 Compliance List of staff account
27 Compliance Daily over ride report
28 Management Top Twenty Regular Borrowers
29 Management Top Twenty NPL Borrowers
30 Management Product Concentration Advances wise
31 Management Branch wise Advances, Deposits and NPLs
32 Management Industry wise Concentration of Advances Portfolio
33 Management Concentration Reporting at single/ Group Level.

Risk Customer Risk Rating (CRR) and Facility Risk Rating (FRR) wise
34 Management Advances (Overall Advances)
35 Management PR category wise CRR and FRR dispersion
36 Management Top Ten Pledged Shares Scrip wise
37 Management Top Ten Pledge shares Industry wise
Risk Detailed Borrower wise Advances (Funded/Non Funded) with
38 Management collateral attached to it.
39 Management Detailed account wise deposits.
40 Management Limits and Undrawn reporting.
49 CAD Detail of top 66% credit exposure (funded and non funded)
50 CAD Details of undrawn Term Finance Commitments
52 CAD Group wise performing exposure against group concern of NPLs
Group Wise/Individual Concentration of Credit Exposure is More
53 CAD Than 5% of Bank`s Tier Capital
55 CAD NPL Borrower wise STATEMENTS
57 CAD NPL General Reserve Provision
Party wise detail of Retail Portfolio (excluding Mortgage Loans &
59 CAD NPLs)
60 CAD PEP Statement
62 CAD PSEs/Abs and investment made in their Shares, Bonds & TFCs
63 CAD SBP Annexure A07
64 CAD SBP Bank/DFI Information
65 CAD SBP Contact Details and General Instructions
SBP Details of Financing against the Shares of Banks for the Half
66 CAD Year ended as of : December 31, 2017
67 CAD SBP Disbursements and Utilizations of Advances

68 CAD SBP District wise break up of data related to SME Finance
69 CAD SBP Exposure of Group Entities
70 CAD SBP Infrastructure & Housing Finance Data
71 CAD SBP Infrastructure Project Financing (IPF)
73 CAD SBP Overall Group Exposure Only
74 CAD SBP Rate of Return
75 CAD SBP Security Wise
SBP Summary Position as on quarter ending Sept 2014(amount
76 CAD in PKR Millions)
SBP Survey of Earnings/ Expenses on Loans and Deposits to/
77 CAD with/ from Non-residents
78 CAD SBP Top Borrowers - Non-Government
79 CAD SBP Top Borrowers - Government/PSEs
86 CAD Summary of Islamic Advances and other than Related Assets
91 CAD SBP Monthly eCIB Statement

Financing Position Category wise

92 Assets - Corporate
- Consumer
- Agriculture

Financing (total/ branch wise/ sector wise/ customer wise)

93 Assets - Funded Position
- Non Fund Position
Past Due Obligation Position Report (customer wise / category
94 Assets wise)
Facility disbursement date/ Maturity date position and # of days
95 Assets past due (sub Murabaha, Sub Istisna, Ijarah Etc.)
Cash Margin / Security Deposit held against Non-Funded
96 Assets Financing facilities i.e., LG & LC (category wise)
97 Assets Matured / terminated facilities
98 Assets Non-Performing Loans position

99 Assets Accrued Profit on financing / unearned income on financing
Daily product accounts A/Cs Rate-wise and pool wise and party
100 Liabilities wise
101 Liabilities PLs A/c & RFCs Party wise rates
102 Liabilities MIS Upload Problems
103 Liabilities SBP reporting Formatters
104 Liabilities Top 100 Deposit customer wise
105 Liabilities Top 20 depositors Rate-wise & Deposit wise.
106 Finance Backdated Transactions Report
107 Finance Branch-Region Profitability Report
108 Finance Branch wise FED Collection Report
109 Finance Branch wise Profit and Loss
110 Finance Branch wise Statement of Affair
111 Finance Breakeven Analysis
112 Finance Cost Benefit Analysis Template
113 Finance Daily JVs Processed for Payment Report
114 Finance Dormant Account Activity Report
115 Finance Employee ID Transaction Log Report
116 Finance Lifecycle Cost Analysis
117 Finance Maturity Wise Advances Branch and Region wise
118 Finance Maturity Wise Deposits Branch and Region wise
119 Finance Monthly Active-Inactive Accounts Report
120 Finance Peer Bank Analysis
121 Finance Product Profitability Report
122 Finance Related Party Transaction Report for FS Reporting
123 Finance System Access Rights Report
124 Finance Terminal - Workstation Transaction Log Report
Withholding taxes (all type of income taxes) report as per section
125 Finance 165 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.
Sales tax on services / FED report as per requirement of PRA,
126 Finance SRB, KPRA, BRA and FBR.
127 Finance Branch-wise and head office sales tax reconciliation statement.
Branch –wise and head office withholding tax reconciliation
128 Finance statement.
129 Finance Sales tax withholding statements
Multiple/clubbed Cash Transaction Report below, equal or greater
130 Compliance than Rs: 2 million
131 Compliance System based eKYC should be integrated on real time
132 Compliance KYC Breach Report & Irrational KYC Report
133 Compliance System Based CRP - Should be incorporate in real time basis.
134 Compliance Report on High, Medium & Low Risk
Wire transfer reports/logs with filters using amounts and
135 Compliance geographical factors

Top 100 Reports & formats should be integrated with Core
136 Compliance Banking
Necessary Integration of Banned Entity software with Core
137 Compliance Banking
138 Compliance Monetary instrument logs/reports
139 Compliance Significant change reports.
Report of Total Number of PEP, NGOs, NPO, Trust and Total No.
140 Compliance of accounts (High, Medium & Low)
Capturing walk-in-customer information (for Rs: 2 million & above)
141 Compliance in cash
142 Compliance List of Minors accounts and date of majority of these accounts
143 Compliance Report on Negative Account Closed of all branches
144 Compliance Inclusion of Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
List of all borrowers of the bank for review purpose (fund based
145 Compliance and non-based)
146 Compliance Report on RTGS transactions
Report on aggregate actual debit and credit turnover against
147 Compliance assigned/documented KYC value
148 Compliance Reported on Third Party Mandate holder(s)
149 Compliance Large Cash Report RS: 2 million & above
System Must be able to provide Reports of Corporate Portfolio of
Corporate -
the Bank such as ;
150 Conventional
Corporate - Sector Wise Bifurcation of Loans (Industry , Sector, Sub Sector)
151 Conventional
Area Wise Target Achievement Report ( Region , Province, City,
Corporate -
152 Conventional
Corporate - TAT Report of Corporate Loans
153 Conventional
Corporate - Deferral Management & Report
154 Conventional
Corporate - NOC Report
155 Conventional
Corporate - Waiver Report
156 Conventional
Fresh Limits Sanctioned During a Tenure (Client, Region ,
Corporate -
Province, City, Area)
157 Conventional
Renewals Sanctioned During a Tenure (Client. Region , Province,
Corporate -
City, Area)
158 Conventional
Enhancements in Already Sanctioned Loans During a Tenure
Corporate -
(Client, Region , Province, City, Area)
159 Conventional
Corporate - Overall Exposure Report (Client, Region , Province, City, Area)
160 Conventional
Loans Sanctioned but not disbursed (Client, Region , Province,
Corporate -
City, Area)
161 Conventional
Corporate - Category Wise Loans (Corporate, ME, SE)
162 Conventional
Corporate - Expiring Loans Report (Client, Region , Province, City, Area)
163 Conventional
164 RAMG NPL Statement
165 RAMG Settlement Statement
166 RAMG Rescheduled/Restructured cases statement.
167 RAMG Claim against bank statement
168 RAMG LRA Statement
169 RAMG Litigation Statement
170 RAMG Incentive Statement
System should generate Assets & Liability Maturity wise GAP
report on real-time basis as per format required by SBP in annual
171 Market Risk Financial disclosure of bank
System should generate Assets & Liability interest sensitive wise
GAP report on real-time basis as per format required by SBP in
172 Market Risk annual Financial disclosure of bank
System should provide consolidated as well as separate i-e
(Conventional & Islamic) Deposits, advances report in detail fields
173 Market Risk to mentioned column-wise
System should provide consolidated as well as separate i-e
(Conventional & Islamic) NPL report in detail column by column to
174 Market Risk analyses
System should provide a customize reporting platform at user-
level to define different liquidity ratios and its monitoring on real-
175 Market Risk time basis
There should be user customization module in the system where
risk management users can define, set and save their own reports
176 Market Risk / analysis / disclosures.
There should be a functionality in the system to send auto
predefined reports to shared space or emails as per frequency
177 Market Risk defined in the system


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