Cloud Case Study
Cloud Case Study
Cloud Case Study
It’s a cloud service where vendor would provide their infrastructure such as servers,
ram, storage units to anyone who needs it based on their demands comes under this
service. Amazon Web Services is maybe the best-known provider for an IaaS-style cloud
service, but there are numerous others in the market.
Typical level
Usage and usage- Limited Full
granted to administration.
related configuration. administrati
cloud on
Consum User and configuration Test, develop, Configure and
er cloud services manage and setup bare
deploy cloud infrastructure,
based solutions install, manage
and cloud and monitor any
services required software
Email, CRM, website Service and Virtual
testing, Virtual desktop, application machine,
Wiki, Blog, automation test, operating
development, system,
integration message queue,
and network,
deployment storage, CPU,
backup service
After studying the comparison of three popular clouds delivery models- SaaS, PaaS
and IaaS in the form of a tables, I come to know that cloud computing is the largest buzz in
the world of computer now a day. It gains Popularity in almost every field like in information
technology and in educational systems. Also no doubt cloud computing has a vast future
scope but still it suffers from many security issues.