SAP MM by Maguluri Special Edition
SAP MM by Maguluri Special Edition
SAP MM by Maguluri Special Edition
General life cycle of procurement (Example: Star Bucks) for after amount of order is determined
2) Vendor is selected
3) Budget approved
4) Order is placed
5) Goods received
7) Coffee is stored
8) Coffee is issued
To enable Transactional Codes go to extras and click setting and check the checkbox of Display Technical
1) Purchase Order
1) Goods Receipt
2) Invoice
4) Payment
First to create a Purchasing Order we need to create or search for vendor, to search for the already
created Vendor there is a Drop-Down beside the Vendor Field.
For searching we need to enter a search Criteria for example to search for vendor in Chennai in the city
field enter Chennai and hit the green icon.
We need to enter Purchase Org, Purchase Group and company data to create a Purchase order.
There are three sections In Purchase Order. They are 1) Header 2) Line Item 3) Line Item Details.
Note: when you want to search anything which you are unclear about how it is called then use *material
name*(Example: *flour* you don’t know how flour is saved like Wheat flour or rice flour etc.)
To create a line item you need to enter material, plant, net price, quantity
Note: Don’t forget to remember the Purchase Order number after u created it
We can print preview PO in this screen and you can’t print actually in this screen
ANS) CP-FD1105
What is the error message you will get when you enter Plant No 3100 to the Material hard wheat
Use Plant 3200 for hard wheat flour material and enter a price of $2 for lb.
In the hierarchy goods receipt will be under follow on functions in purchasing section.
If you don’t remember the PO number you can search it by using different fields like Vendor, Purchase
Document etc.
NOTE: (Posting is only possible in Periods 2006/12 and 2006/11 in company code 3000) this is a error
message which we will see in almost every training system because of not updating the accounting
system. So to remove this error need to change the close periods for material master records.
Transaction Code MMPV. Open this and put your company code in from and to fields. Enter the Old
closing period and click ok then enter the new opening period until u acquire what u want.
Another common error while performing Goods Receipt Transaction is Enter Storage Location to
remove error enter storage location
Another error is Posting period xxxxxxx is now not open this is a financial posting error. To fix this
issue Open OB52. Enter your company code and Ending year as current year.
Open Change/Display (ME22N/23N) and click purchasing history tab. Purchasing history tab is visible
only if you create subsequent Good’s receipt.
List all the Storage locations that is associated with the XXXX plant
We can do it in 2 ways i.e. we can do it in PO or G/R. In PO open PO and beside Plant you can see
Storage Location and click on double arrows and you will get all the Storage Locations associated with it.
Open G/R and below plant we have storage location field and click on double arrows and you will get all
the Storage Locations associated with it.
No there is no need to enter quantity in MIGO as we have entered quantity while creating PO
What is the error message you get when you save MIGO without flagging the item is OK?
Above shaped Icon and enter Purchase Order number. Similar to G/R in Invoice also we need to create
subsequent PO.
What happens when the difference amount is large? (Say the invoice received is 50% more than the
expected value in the PO)?
Generally in SAP there is some level of tolerance i.e. let’s say the PO is created for 400 and invoice is
generated for 410. It depends on the configuration.
No it is not required.
Enter account number in the bank data section i.e. enter bank account number and in the below Open
Item Selection section enter Vendor number in the account field
After submitting it will show all the Outstanding invoice line items (pending to be paid)
NOTE: The Goods receipt and Invoice receipt are done with reference to the Purchase Order but the
Vendor payment is done with reference to the Accounting Document.
Do you have to reference a Purchase order or an invoice receipt to pay to the Vendor?
First we create a Purchase Order as per our requirement and the vendor sends the Goods along with the
Goods receipt and after we confirm we received the goods he will send us the Invoice Receipt and we
initiate the Payment.
A company code in SAP is called the legal entity outside the SAP.
Creation of Company Code is Part of Enterprise Structure, Go to Enterprise Structure and expand it and
you will see mainly two things Definition and Assignment.
To create Company Code open Definition Menu and Financial Accounting and go to Define Company if
you want to create a company from the Scratch and go to Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code if
you want to do changes to the Existing Company code or save as a company code. The Later one is the
best practice.
Open it double click on it or click on choose button and then click on Copy button which looks like two
pieces of paper. Then a pop-up asks from which company code to which company you want.
After everything is done SAP gives you a unique number called Customizing Request.
Purchase organization:
The creation path for this is same as Storage Location. In materials management menu click Purchasing
Create a new Purchasing Group for all the raw materials related to baked goods
Similarly for purchase org in logistics general go to assign standard purchasing organization to plant.
Company Code
What are the 2 main sections that enterprise class structure has?
Definition, Assignment
Not necessary
Note: In SAP number ranges is defined as the range of the numbers that can be assigned to an object.
Note: To fix the jurisdiction errors enter OBBG T-Code and open it and against US in the tax procedure
enter TAXUS (This error comes only with US a Country)
To set the Tax rates for the Input and output use FTXP
Note: When creating a G/R if u encounter an error saying that For Object RF_BELEG US01, number range
interval XX doesn’t exist FBN1. To resolve this go to transaction fbn1 select the company code then
click on intervals with pencil ICON then go to edit and click on insert intervals then enter the XX
number and remaining fields.
To create a material go to T-Code MM01 and enter material name, Industry Sector, Material Type and
click ok then select Purchasing, Accounting, and Basic Data check boxes and assign the material to a
plant. In Basic Data Screen give material description, Basic unit of measure and Material Group and in
Purchasing Screen enter Purchasing Group and in the Accounting Screen enter valuation Class, Price
Control and Unit Price.
Create a new vendor for supplying coffee beans. Give it this address Name: Gourmet coffee company
To Create a PO go to T-Code ME21N and enter the Vendor, Company Code, Purchasing Group,
Purchasing Organization, Quantity, Plant.
To Create a G/R go to T-code MIGO and for I/R MIRO. There are Movement types in G/R
Go to T-code MMBE
Master Data:
Generally there are two types of master data 1) Material Master Data 2) Vendor Master Data
Basically a View is a set of data that you can see when you go to that particular view.
1. Manufacturing
2. Planning
3. Quality
4. Warehouse/Storage
5. Accounting
6. Costing
7. Purchasing
8. Sales
The Parameter in SAP that dictates what kind of views a material should have is Material Type.
In the Additional Data tab in the Basic View you can have your own Units of measure, Languages.
If you don’t select the view which you want also you can enter the data in the unselected views by
clicking the file icon button in the right most corner of the screen.
What are the different valuation classes that are available for the UNBW?
While creating Vendor we can create Vendor in 2 ways one is only create Purchasing view of vendor in
the Purchasing menu or go to Central menu and create all the 3 views.
Payment terms dictates when and how we should pay the vendor, generally they are created by FICO
Incoterm stands for International Commerce. So when you trade goods across cities across countries
there needs to be a standardized way of specifying how the goods are transferred.
In incoterms there are 2 parts one is standard and other is free floating i.e. for example the incoterm is
FOB (Free on Board) until Warehouse or doc or Plant. Here the former doesn’t change but the later
What are the ORG elements required to create a vendor in XK01?
Company code and purchasing org elements as Company code and Purchasing view requires them.
What is the T-code to create General and Purchasing view of the vendor?
Outline Agreements:
Basically there are two types of outline agreements.
Similarly there are two types of Purchasing. They are Centralized and De-Centralized Purchasing. Let us
say if we have one Purchasing organization for all the plants then it is Centralized purchasing, similarly if
we have many Purchasing Organization then it is De-Centralized Purchasing.
Scheduling Agreement:
To create a Scheduling Agreement go to outline agreements->Scheduling Agreements->Create
Here we have two options 1) Vendor known (ME31L), 2) Stock Transport Scheduling Agreement (ME37).
We need to specify the schedule for the Scheduling Agreement and to specify we need to go to Delivery
Schedule and click on maintain (ME38).
After opening it click on the line item and click on delivery schedule button (calendar look like icon) and
we need to set the delivery date and the scheduled quantity.
For Scheduling Agreement we don’t need to create release order.
Purchase Requisitions:
Purchase Requisition is generally is a document that is used for the track/document the Purchase
It’s an internal document. These are generally indicative documents.
To Create a Purchase Requisition go to Logistics->Materials Management->Purchasing->Purchase
Requisition->Create (ME51N).
After opening it click on Item Overview and enter the Material, quantity, plant etc….
The most important field in this Purchase Requisition is Valuation Price and a valuation price is an
expected price.
We can convert the purchase requisition into a Purchase Order by opening a Purchase Order and click
on Document overview ON and select the Purchase requisition by selecting the Diamond and anchor
shaped icon in the left most corner and select my purchase requisitions and adopt it. When you adopt
the Purchase requisition we will get all the data that is needed for the PO except the Vendor details.
We can create one Purchase order from multiple Purchase Requisitions but we cannot use the same
purchase requisition for more than one PO. Generally when try to adapt the Same Purchase Requisition
into another PO it will take but SAP masks the Quantity (Removes the Quantity) from the PO and we
need to manually enter the quantity, this done to avoid duplicates.
A Purchase Requisition that is not used by a PO it is deemed to be open and used ones are deemed to be
Generally we send a Request for Quotation (RFQ) to the vendor with details like required quantity,
Estimated Price etc. The vendors respond to the RFQ and this is documented as Quotations.
To Create an RFQ go to Logistics->Materials Management->Purchasing->RFQ/Quotation->Request for
Quotation-> Create (ME41)
To Document the responses that were sent by the Vendor in response to our RFQ we create the
To create Quotation in the same path there is quotations and click on Maintain (ME47) and here we see
the prices of the vendors.
Now we need to compare the prices. To compare go to Price Comparison (ME49) and SAP gives ranking
to the vendors.
Now we can accept and reject the vendors. To do so open the Price Comparison and click on the line
item and click on Quotation and it open the RFQ and click on rejection Indicator.
Now we need to send messages to the Vendors to do so go to messages menu in the same path and
click on Print/transmit (ME9A). To send the Rejection Message enter message type as ABSA and to send
the Acceptance message SAP does not have any in-built type but we need to create a custom message
by entering NEU.
We can use the Price in the Quotation only one time but if we want to use for a long time change that
Quotation into Source of Supply.
There were primarily three sources of supply. They are 1) Purchase Info Record 2) Contract 3) Scheduling
So we can convert the Quotation into a PIR, Contract, Scheduling Agreement and we can create the PO.
Note: We don’t need to create PO for a Scheduling Agreement.
To Convert a Quotation into a Info record open the quotation and copy the quotation number and go to
Price Comparison put the collective number and execute then select the line and go to quotation and
update the info record in that.
Similarly for a contract go and create a contract and then click on Refer to RFQ and enter the RFQ