Chapter 12: Climate Change
Chapter 12: Climate Change
Chapter 12: Climate Change
1. Aphelion refers to the point in the orbit of the Earth farthest from the
2. Perihelion is the point in the orbit of the Earth closes to the sun.
3. Earth’s axial tilt is the inclination angle of the Earth’s rotational axis in
relation to a line perpendicular to its orbital plane.
4. Precession is the change of the orientation of the rotational axis of the
5. Equinox refers to the time of the sun at noon is directly over the
equator. It happens twice a year and causes an almost equal length of
day and night.
6. Soltice happnes when the sun at noon sits above the Tropic of Cancer
or Tropic of Capricorn. The summer solstice has the longest period of
daylight in the year and the winter solstice has the shortest period.
7. Precession of the equinoxes refers to the motion of the equinoxes
relative to the precession of the Earth’s axis of rotation. It happens over
thousand of years.
The center of the Earth’s orbital motion is the sun bu the angle or
orientation of the plane around the sun makes all the difference. In
discussing global warming or climate change, it makes sense to start
considering the orbit of the Earth. Sunlight falling upon the Earth warms the
planet. The amount of sunlight, however, is not constant since the
orientation of the Earth to the sun changes.
There have been eras of climate change in the past. Is it possible that the
21st century may introduce yet another dramatic changes in climate? is
there enough information to answer the age-old question of “what will the
weather be tomorrow” (Ciliberto, 2015)? There is a growing body of data
suggesting that the climate, not just the local day-to-day weather, is
changing all over the world. In fact, since the end of the 20th century, many
scientists have asked if the Earth is headed for another Ice Age ( Sparks &
Hawkesworth, 2004).
This concern raises the question as to what causes such dramatic changes
in the day-to-day weather climate . It was addressed as early as the 1930s by
Slovak scientist and meteorologist Milutin Milankovitch. His interest in the
daily weather patterns lead him to investigate the deeper issues: Do weather
and climate come ultimately from the sun so that it is the sun and its
relation to the Earth that accounts for the change in the climate? Is it
possible that as the distance of the sun to the Earth changes, the Earth is
affected enough to cause climate to change? He knew that it has long been
said by astronomers that the distance from the sun to the Earth is constant
as shown by the orbital radius of the Earth. Likewise, the tilt of the North
Pole of the Earth has always been relative to the plane of the solar system.
Finally, the North Pole of the Earth is also relative to the stars as the Earth
circles the sun over many years. But could all of these very small changes in
the amount of radiation reaching the Earth from the sun bring about the
huge change in the climate of the Earth?
His contemporary scientists critiqued his work, saying that the effects of the
change in the radius of the Earth’s orbit, the change in the tilt of the spin of
the Earth, and the wobble in the spin axis (now called the Milankovitch
parameters), while real, were each so small that they could not alter the
amount of sunlight reaching the Earth enough to cause a phenomenon like
the Ice Age. They felt he had a good idea but it was not enough to explain
the event that was being addressed. Milankovitch’s calculations indicated
that there would indeed be a change but seemed far too small to cause an
Ice Age. Even the cumulative effect would simply be too tiny to matter. It
could not be proven that would simply be too tiny to matter. It could not be
proven that one caused the other and hence could not be quali ed as a
scienti c fact or genuine theory.
The equations of the Laws of Nature allow for the cumulative or summative
effects. If the sun warms a small piece of land, it can warm a larger piece of
land in the same way. If a cup of water can be heated by one degree, two
cups can be heated in the same way, one cup after another. But what if the
two cups are added together? Can the sum be heated with the same
amount of energy? No , twice as much heat would then be needed. The laws
of science seem quite consistent and reasonable. But French mathematical
physicist Henri Poincare showed that mathematically, this simple
cumulative or summing process need not be as straightforward as it might
seem (Zeh, 2007).
In summary, it can thus be seen that science has been reviewing for
decades the issue of how and why the climate changes, especially with
regard the issue of how and why the climate changes, especially with regard
to explaining the Ice Age. Milakovitch studied whether or not the direct
amount of sunlight falling on Earth was the cause of the Ice Age. He
reasoned that over thousand of years, the relative position of the Earth and
sun changes, causing variations in the solar radiation reaching the Earth
over thousand years, he knew that the change would be very small at any
one time but he wanted to see if the cumulative effect could be suf cient to
cause the ice in the North Pole region to grow massively enough over time
to lead to the Ice Age. By the end of the century, the mathematics had
advanced and more data became available. As a result, scientists are more
open to new theories that could be veri ed by examining if the data and
predictions conform to one or more mathematical theories. With the
advent of chaos theory, it seems that the Milankovitch theory might in fact
be relevant to the question of long-term climate change (Stewart, 2002).
Most of the scientists who study climate change agree that the average
temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere has been increasing by over 90% in
the latter part of the 20th century. What are the causes of this
phenomenon(Rees, 2001)?
There are two opposing arguments on the issue of whether or not this
global warming is just “natural”. One side states that nature, simply acting
according to its law with no reference to human beings and their actions, is
the main reason. For the purveyors of this belief, global warming will happen
as naturally as the suns rises and sets. Meanwhile, the other side maintains
that global warming is caused or greatly abutted by the actions of human
beings. It lays the blame on the actions of humanity, past and present.
In the graph, the xnd the y-axis represents the amount of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in the atmosphere measured in parts per million (ppm). It should be
noted that the amount of CO2 in the years before 1950 remains fairly
constant but begins to climb afterwards. An important visual is the
sharpness of the CO2 increase around the beginning of the present century.
Some scientists believe this level could reach an irreversible situation in
which the heat and temperature of the planet will be unstable and
unpredictable. It should be remembered as well that while CO2 is a known
indicator of global warming, it is not the only greenhouse gas to be
concerned with.
The so-called greenhouse effect refers to how certain gases in the
atmosphere trap the heat of the sun. As early as 1859, British engineer John
Tyndall wrote:
As a dam built across a river causes a local deepening of the stream, so our
atmosphere, thrown across terrestrial [infrared] rays, produces a local
heightening of the temperature at the Earth’s surface (quoted in Weart,
2003, p.4).
His words mean that the atmosphere contains certain gases that naturally
capture the heat from the sun and hold it in so that the temperature of the
Earth’s atmosphere becomes hotter than it would be otherwise. This
mechanism is good for the biosphere because without it, the earth’s
atmosphere would be like that of Mars or Antartica- extreme cold. Life can
be sustained at planet Earth due to theses gases and other elements.
In the middle of the 19th century, Tyndall noted that the most prevalent of
these greenhouse gases is water vapor. Meanwhile, the amount of CO2 was
miniscule. Tyndall, however, was concerned as to what would become of the
Earth’s atmosphere if industrialization became widespread. Industrialization
is the conversion of an agrarian economy into an industrialized one on a
large scale. Since machines are primarily used in an industry, the production
of electricity by means of burning fossil fuel-usually coal-increases. In
Tyndall’s time, manufacturing plants were not as widespread so the by-
product of burning fossil fuel, CO2, was not great enough to be an issue.
In a century’s time, the situation changed. With the Second World War and
the changes in the geo-political arena, the industrialization of many nations
has directly affected the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. This led Charles
David Keeling, an American scientist in the mid-20th century, to nd out if
the increased burning of fossil fuel and the consequent release of CO2, in
the atmosphere where changing the global temperature of the
atmosphere. He began to measure the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere of
a place far away from the industrialized nations – on an extinct volcano on
the island of Hawaii in the Paci c Ocean (Weart, 2003). The Keeling curve
(Figure 3.17) is a graph that plots the continuous measurements of data
taken at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.
Graph 2
This graph shows that the concerns of Engr. Tyndall in the mid-19th century
and Dr. Keeling in the mid-20th were well-founded. The carbon dioxide
concentration has gone up and the temperature has also rise. These
ndings are the solid proofs of global warming.
But how can scientists account for the correlation between the amount of
CO2 and the temperature? Is the temperature higher because the CO2 is
higher or are the values simply a coincidence at this time in history? Just
because a thing follows something else does not prove a cause-and-effect
relationship. Therein lies the contemporary debate.
Science has given humanity a tool for modernization. It allows for the
emergence of technology that spread and applies knowledge for the
attainment of the good life. It must be realized that science is more like a
cookbook than a blueprint. It is open for experimentation, innovation and
re nement. So like any good chef, reading it requires a ne sense of taste.
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