Ijet V6i2p11
Ijet V6i2p11
Ijet V6i2p11
These days we have an increased number of heart diseases including increased risk of
heart attacks. Our proposed system users sensors that allow to detect heart rate of a person using
heartbeat sensing even if the person is at home. The sensor is then interfaced to a microcontroller
that allows checking heart rate readings and transmitting them over internet. The user may set the
high as well as low levels of heart beat limit. After setting these limits, the system starts
monitoring and as soon as patient heart beat goes above a certain limit, the system sends an alert
to the controller which then transmits this over the internet and alerts the doctors as well as
concerned users. Also the system alerts for lower heartbeats. Whenever the user logs on for
monitoring, the system also displays the live heart rate of the patient. Thus concerned ones may
monitor heart rate as well get an alert of heart attack to the patient immediately from anywhere
and the person can be saved on time.This value will continue to grow if no proper solution is
found. Internet of Things (IoT) technology developments allows humans to control a variety of
high-tech equipment in our daily lives. One of these is the ease of checking health using gadgets,
either a phone, tablet or laptop. we mainly focused on the safety measures for both driver and
vehicle by using three types of sensors: Heartbeat sensor, Traffic light sensor and Level sensor.
Heartbeat sensor is used to monitor heartbeat rate of the driver constantly and prevents from the
accidents by controlling through IOT.
Internet of Thing (IOT) has a major They can also access the data center via
growth in this changing world to innovate Internet anytime from anyplace in order to
new ideas to make things smarter. As per the retrieve, process, and analyze data. IoT
the accidents in India occur due to the is one of the approaches that have been
cardiac arrest while driving. In the below adopted by researchers in recent years to
implement things easier in IOT. Heartbeat The layers interact with each other
sensor is used, which monitors driver’s by offering different services such as
heartbeat rate before he takes off. Traffic sensing, transmission, collection, storage,
Light sensor is also used to avoid accidents and information processing. IoT devices and
by following traffic rules and regulations. sensors suffer from computational and
Fuel Level sensor helps driver to locate a energy constraints. Therefore, to achieve
Petrol stations nearby if the fuel is not interoperability across the heterogeneous
sufficient to reach the destination. networks and seamlessly allow data
Sensing devices are deployed in and it is widely used in various areas such as
real-time raw data through the Internet to monitoring systems, Structural Health
reach a data center. End users can remotely Monitoring (SHM) systems, etc.
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020
doctor and they have to believe This system has the ability of using
them. by common people, especially
High cost and more time children and aged people, and don’t
consumption need any special training.
Power consumption is low.
4. PROPOSED SYSTEM Compatible in size.
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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020