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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020



Dr.E.Punarselvam1, N.Gokul2, J.Jeyakumar2, R.Lenin2, S.Praveenkumar2


1 Head of the Department, 2. Final Year Student

Department of Information Technology, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamilnadu,

These days we have an increased number of heart diseases including increased risk of
heart attacks. Our proposed system users sensors that allow to detect heart rate of a person using
heartbeat sensing even if the person is at home. The sensor is then interfaced to a microcontroller
that allows checking heart rate readings and transmitting them over internet. The user may set the
high as well as low levels of heart beat limit. After setting these limits, the system starts
monitoring and as soon as patient heart beat goes above a certain limit, the system sends an alert
to the controller which then transmits this over the internet and alerts the doctors as well as
concerned users. Also the system alerts for lower heartbeats. Whenever the user logs on for
monitoring, the system also displays the live heart rate of the patient. Thus concerned ones may
monitor heart rate as well get an alert of heart attack to the patient immediately from anywhere
and the person can be saved on time.This value will continue to grow if no proper solution is
found. Internet of Things (IoT) technology developments allows humans to control a variety of
high-tech equipment in our daily lives. One of these is the ease of checking health using gadgets,
either a phone, tablet or laptop. we mainly focused on the safety measures for both driver and
vehicle by using three types of sensors: Heartbeat sensor, Traffic light sensor and Level sensor.
Heartbeat sensor is used to monitor heartbeat rate of the driver constantly and prevents from the
accidents by controlling through IOT.

KEYWORD: Heart Beat Sensor, IOT, Heart Level.

International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

1. INTRODUCTION control the devices using Internet services.

Internet of Thing (IOT) has a major They can also access the data center via

growth in this changing world to innovate Internet anytime from anyplace in order to

new ideas to make things smarter. As per the retrieve, process, and analyze data. IoT

recent survey published by World Health architecture is an open architecture based on

Organization (WHO) reveals that most of multi-layers. Services-oriented architecture

the accidents in India occur due to the is one of the approaches that have been

cardiac arrest while driving. In the below adopted by researchers in recent years to

figure1.1, PIC Micro Controller is used to implement IoT system.

implement things easier in IOT. Heartbeat The layers interact with each other
sensor is used, which monitors driver’s by offering different services such as
heartbeat rate before he takes off. Traffic sensing, transmission, collection, storage,
Light sensor is also used to avoid accidents and information processing. IoT devices and
by following traffic rules and regulations. sensors suffer from computational and
Fuel Level sensor helps driver to locate a energy constraints. Therefore, to achieve
Petrol stations nearby if the fuel is not interoperability across the heterogeneous
sufficient to reach the destination. networks and seamlessly allow data

IoT relies on a wide range of exchange throughout IoT system, different

materials, network infrastructure, protocols, and standards are established.

communication protocols, Internet services, This concept is associated with the

and computing technologies. Among the Internet of Things (IoT), in which objects
range of different technologies involve in sense, and use IPs to communicate among
the IoT concept, WSN is one of the most themselves and share information about
important technologies that enable the their environment anytime from anyplace.
integration of sensing devices into IoT Wireless Sensors Network (WSN) is
ecosystems. considered as one of key technologies of IoT

Sensing devices are deployed in and it is widely used in various areas such as

network to seamlessly collect and send in healthcare systems, environmental

real-time raw data through the Internet to monitoring systems, Structural Health

reach a data center. End users can remotely Monitoring (SHM) systems, etc.
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

As novel idea, IoT has rapidly arduinoboard, computer or additional

become an attractive topic for researchers devices for serial communication. It has
and industries. Its integration into operating voltage of 5V.The ATmega 328
monitoring systems like SHM will be has 32KB of flash memory for storing code.
advantageous to Industries, businesses, The ICSP(in-circuit serial programming)
consumers, environment, individuals, and header will permit us to use an outside
society. The idea behind SHM is to collect programmer to upload software to our
data from multiple sensors installed on microcontroller unit.
structures in order to process and extract
useful information about current state of the
structure for maintenance and safety

Figure 2 Arduino Microcontroller

ESP8266 Arduino Core

Figure 1Architecture Diagram As Arduino.cc began developing

new MCU boards based on non-AVR
processors like the ARM/SAM MCU and
The Arduino Uno Arduino, it is a used in the Arduino Due, they needed to
microcontroller board. It is based on modify the Arduino IDE so that it would be
ATmega328. Moreover, there are 14 digital relatively easy to change the IDE to support
input and output pins of which six can be alternate tool chains to allow Arduino
usage as PWM outputs. RX and TX pins are C/C++ to be compiled down to these new
utilize for communication between processors. They did this with the
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

introduction of the Board Manager and the

SAM Core. A "core" is the collection of
software components required by the Board
Manager and the Arduino IDE to compile an
Arduino C/C++ source file down to the
target MCU's machine language. Some
creative ESP8266 enthusiasts have
developed an Arduino core for the ESP8266
WiFiSoC that is available at the GitHub
ESP8266 Core webpage. This is what is Figure 3 NodeMCU ESP8266 WiFi
popularly called the "ESP8266 Core for the Module
Arduino IDE" and it has become one of the
leading software development platforms for
the various ESP8266 based modules and Now a day there is no automatic
development boards, including NodeMCUs. medication surveillance based health care
For more information on all things system. Everything is done and monitored
ESP8266, check out the ESP8266 manually using man power. Heavy machines
Community Forum on GitHub. are used to monitor the patient details in
hospitals, which requires huge space and
power supplies while processing. Efficiency
is so poor compare to the latest technologies
such as Internet of Things (IOT).


 There is no proper intimation system.

 Big Devices are required to monitor
the patient and report the details.
 Limited hospital resources,
connectivity and range is available,
so care takers are restricted to
enquire the patient details only with
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

doctor and they have to believe  This system has the ability of using
them. by common people, especially
 High cost and more time children and aged people, and don’t
consumption need any special training.
 Power consumption is low.
4. PROPOSED SYSTEM  Compatible in size.

To monitor heartbeat rate of driver

heartbeat sensor will be attached in Seat belt 5.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of the car. Once the driver starts the vehicle
and wears the seat belt, this sensor
automatically monitors the heartbeat rate of
the driver through Internet of Things. When
the heartbeat rate goes abnormal (i.e., above
the reference value), IOT notifies the
emergency message to the owner of the car,
nearby Ambulance and the Police to prevent
from accident and save the driver’s life. This
emergency message will be conveyed to the
Figure 4. User name and password verification for
respective person via GSM. Main concept is IOT based heart beat monitoring system
if and only if the seat belt is buckled by
driver then only engine is allowed to start
this makes drivers to buckle up the seat belts
compulsory to drive car. This is done by
small concept that is the message will be
send from heartbeat sensor which is fixed in
seatbelt then only the PIC microcontroller
allow or permit the driver to start engine.


 Simplicity, mobility and low price.

Figure 5 Home Page
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020


Figure 6 IOT Board

Figure 8 Message Notification



We have proposed the smart car
system using IOT, GSM and sensors like
heartbeat sensor, Fuel level sensor, traffic
light sensor and alcohol sensor for prevent
the persons and driver travelling in the car
from accident. We used “Prevention is better
than cure” proverb which makes our life
safe and secured. Like the proverb in this
paper we described our concept which
makes the drivers to follow the road rules to
Figure 7 Hearts Beat Normal Stage drive the car. Our Government asked drivers
to follow the Traffic rules, but drivers
refused to follow road rules like buckle up
seatbelt, don’t drink and drive vehicle, stop
in red signal. If we implement the concept
described in this modern world then surely
there will be reduction in accidents. If our
concept is implemented in this real world,
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

then the some more implementation is art review on the Internet of Things
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