EXAM COVERAGE: Licensure Exam For Teachers (LET) : GENERAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary)
EXAM COVERAGE: Licensure Exam For Teachers (LET) : GENERAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary)
EXAM COVERAGE: Licensure Exam For Teachers (LET) : GENERAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary)
Passing the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET) isn't easy without understanding the full
coverage of exams.
Generally, exam for elementary level covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40%
and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%, while in secondary level, GenEd 20%, ProfEd
40% and area of specialization 40%.
Taken from the recent program of LET scheduled on March 2017, here are the detailed
areas to study. The list is courtesy of PRC Board of Professional Teachers.