Anti-Takeover Defences in India (Rajat Kaushik)
Anti-Takeover Defences in India (Rajat Kaushik)
Anti-Takeover Defences in India (Rajat Kaushik)
I take this opportunity to express our humble gratitude and personal regards to MISS MUKTA
JANGIR for inspiring me and guiding me during the course of this project work and also for her
cooperation and guidance from time to time during the course of this project work on the topic
In India we have seen many deals which turned out to be hostile takeovers, leading to affect the
interest of public as well as Target Company and its stakeholders. Such type of hostile takeover
leads to a question of permissible defenses and strategies which companies can take to avert such
undesirable takeovers. In this article the author would address some legal issues involved in such
type of defenses as in India such Anti-takeover defenses were not codified properly leading to
many legal disputes. Some strategies like whitewash, poison pill, white knight etc. would be
discussed along with their legality to give proper understanding of this concept. Further with
help of this article the author would like to frame a comparative analysis by taking and
evaluating the same concept of three countries i.e. India, US & UK. By giving a brief of legal
development in US and UK I aim at examining the best strategy which was constitutional in their
jurisdiction. This article is divided into segments, firstly describing in brief about anti-takeover
mechanism. Secondly, I would take reference of the other countries to evaluate the validity of
such defenses and also with the help of Judicial Pronouncement would aim at providing a
discussion for such mechanism in Indian Legal System. Lastly I would examine that as per
Indian Legal System which defense would be a preferred one in terms of efficiency and
Takeovers are taking place all over the world. Those companies whose shares are under quoted
on the stock market are under a constant threat of takeover. In fact, every company is vulnerable
to a takeover threat. The takeover strategy has been conceived to improve corporate value,
achieve better productivity and profitability by making optimum use of the available resources in
the form of men, materials and machines. Takeover is one of the most popular strategies
followed by the corporate sector all over the world.
When the shares of the company are closely held by a small number of persons, a takeover may
be affected by agreement with the holders of those shares. However, where the shares of a
company are widely held by the general public, it involves the process as set out in the SEBI
(Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997.
A hostile takeover occurs when the acquirer makes a direct offer to shareholders of a
company without the prior consent of the existing promoter and/or management. The best
known recent example is Mittal’s bid for Arcelor, where the existing management is
opposing the bid. In such a case, the shareholders get to decide whether the incumbent
management stays or the new owner gets to run the company.
The United States and Europe, whatever their differences, have for some time represented the
world’s two great powers. Their collective history, social ties, and economic dependence make
them partners on the global stage. While the threats of terrorism, new superpowers, and
economic degradation confront the two with perhaps insoluble problems, they still stand out as
beacons of progress in many areas: technological advancement, democratic government, and
justice. They are also the centers of the world’s leading financial institutions and multinational
corporations. In many ways, U.S. and European corporate governance systems are similar and
converging, and long-standing differences are disappearing as transatlantic cooperation and
governance codes expand. Convergence has only grown with the fall of the Soviet Union and the
liberalization of much of Eastern Europe. But one intractable area of corporate governance has
remained untouched by the larger trend of convergence. Laws in the United States and the
European Union regulating hostile takeovers, one of the more remarkable and headline-grabbing
events in a corporation’s life have remained strikingly dissimilar. The behavior of acquiring
companies and target companies are subject to entirely different requirements under U.S. and
E.U. law. It has never adequately been explained why the divergence in this one area of law has
resisted, and indeed increased in the face of, broader trends favoring assimilation.
The regulation of takeover law in the United States has received a massive amount of attention in
scholarly literature and in judicial discourse. A survey of this literature is not within the scope of
this paper. It is appropriate, however, to discuss the broad outlines of the framework for
assessing the legality of takeovers. At the same time, such a discussion must address a variety of
sources of law: federal statutes, state statutes, and judicial decisions interpreting common law
duties. This section will focus on these three sources, and more specifically, the Williams Act,
the Unocal/Revlon line of case decisions, and state anti-takeover statutes.
A. THE WILLIAMS ACT: The modern era of federal regulation of tender offers began in 1968,
when Congress passed the Williams Act as an amendment to the Securities Exchange Act of
1934. The Act’s purpose, according to its sponsor Sen. Harrison Williams, was to “make the
relevant facts known so that shareholders have a fair opportunity to make their decision.” To
this end, the Act provides rules governing takeover offers in two basic areas: first, it requires
offertory to disclose information about the offer, and, second, it establishes procedural
requirements governing tender offers.
So, the Williams Act imposes some minimal requirements on acquiring corporations in the
process of a tender offer. The acquiring corporation must disclose the purpose of the
acquisition, offer plans for future major changes in the target, and pay the same price for all
tendered shares. SEC regulations also make a corporation liable for false or misleading
statements in relation to a tender offer. The substances of a board’s duties during a tender
offer are mainly regulated by fiduciary duties as interpreted by courts.
B. UNOCAL/REVLON DUTIES: Federal regulation makes up only a small part of the rules that
apply to takeovers. In fact, the main line of cases addressing directors’ duties to a corporation
during takeovers interprets state law fiduciary duties. Unfortunately, this means that there are
different jurisdictions, in each of which the source of law is different. Fortunately, corporate
law in the United States is heavily influenced by Delaware case law. The expertise and
flexibility of the Delaware Court of Chancery has attracted a majority of large publicly trade
corporations to incorporate in Delaware, and that court’s rulings carry influence beyond the
state’s borders.
C. STATE ANTI-TAKEOVER STATUTES: In addition to federal regulations and state law
fiduciary duties, takeover law is also regulated by state anti-takeover statutes. These statutes
tend to be less even-handed in their application, giving protection to in-state Corporation
from potential out-of-state acquirers. They have gone through three generations of
development, and differences between states abound, leading one commentator to observe
that “[s]tate takeover acts are similar to snowflakes—if you think you have found identical
ones, you are probably not looking closely enough.” However, some discussion of their key
characteristics is necessary to complete the picture of U.S. takeover regulation.
Just like in the United States, the European Union has a number of jurisdictions in each of which
laws related to takeovers can differ in significant ways. Unlike the United States, however, the
E.U. has adopted a comprehensive takeover directive that governs most of the important
elements of a tender offer. Passed in 2004 after several previous failed versions, the E.U.
Directive on Takeover Bids attempts to “harmonize” takeover regulation in the 27 member
states. While many of its provisions are relatively standard (ensuring that a bid is made public
and that offertory publish information about themselves), it also institutes some reforms that are
radically different from the American regime and that are considered quite controversial. This
paper will focus on the three principle innovations of the E.U. takeover directive: the mandatory
bid rule, the board neutrality rule, and the breakthrough rule. Together, these rules put critical
restrictions on what both a raider and a target corporation’s board can do during takeover battles.
a. MANDATORY BID RULE: The first pillar of the E.U. directive is the mandatory bid rule,
which requires that an acquiring corporation must make a bid for all the outstanding shares of
a corporation. This requirement stands in stark contrast to the law in the United States, which
has no requirement to buy unwanted shares. At the same time, the directive gives some
flexibility to member states to work around the rule. Under Article 5, an individual who
acquires a threshold percentage of shares of a company that give him control of the company
must make a bid for all the securities of the company at an equitable price. The threshold
percentage is defined by the member states. An equitable price is defined as the “highest
price paid for the same securities by the offertory” over a period of time to be determined by
the member states. The supervisory authorities of the member states are authorized to adjust
the equitable price in accordance with declared criteria. The takeover directive, then, gives a
certain amount of leeway to member states in defining the base rules for mandatory bids, but
the bid is mandatory once the threshold is met. A look at the number of derogations that
countries have provided at the level of law, though, shows just how flexible a directive can
b. BOARD NEUTRALITY: The E.U. Directive on Takeover Bids also addresses the question of
whether directors are permitted to adopt defensive measures in response to a hostile tender
offer. In the United States, the answer is that they may do so if they have reasonable grounds
to believe the takeover is a threat and the measures are themselves reasonable. In sharp
contrast, the E.U. takeover directive provides that directors are held to a strict rule of
neutrality. According to Article 9 of the Directive, once a board has learned of a tender offer,
it may not take “any action, other than seeking alternative bids, which may result in the
frustration of the bid.” Defensive measures are by their nature aimed at frustrating a bid, so
almost all of them are presumptively a violation of Article 9. The Directive does, however,
state that directors no longer have an obligation of neutrality if the general meeting of
shareholders grants authorization for such measures. It is interesting to note that the directive
specifically mentions two kinds of defensive measures, approving of one and disapproving of
another. First, it expressly allows the “white knight” defense: boards are free to search for
alternative bids even without shareholder approval. Second, the directive prohibits another
action, that of “issuing shares which may result in a lasting impediment to the offerer
acquiring control of the offeree company.” In an apparent reference to the poison pill, by
which a board may dilute a raider’s shares by giving a right to other shareholders to acquire
control or the fact that the shares in the target company is reduced below the control
threshold subsequent to the acquisition of control.” Ireland goes even further, giving the
supervisory body the power to exempt corporations from the rules in exceptional
circumstances and “in other circumstances.”
c. BREAKTHROUGH RULE: In addition to board neutrality, the takeover directive gives another
strong tool to raiders: the breakthrough rule. The breakthrough rule ensures that, in the event
of a takeover, the corporation operates strictly according to a one-share-one-vote system,
voiding all inconsistent arrangements, whether in the articles of association or in contractual
agreements. One of the more controversial and complicated provisions of the directive, this
rule serves to greatly facilitate hostile takeovers. Article 11 of the directive state that, once a
bid has been made public, any restrictions on the transfer of securities are not to apply vis-à-
vis the offerer during the validity of the tender offer. In addition, restrictions on voting rights
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will not apply in the general meeting of shareholders that decides on defensive measures.
Finally, if the offerer has acquired at least 75% of the voting capital, then
Any restrictions on transfer or voting and any extraordinary rights of shareholders to
appoint or remove directors are not to apply, and
Multiple vote securities will carry only one vote at the first general meeting of
shareholders called by the offerer.
Taken together, these provisions make it more difficult for a controlling block holder, as well as
incumbent directors, to exercise disproportionate control of a company. They can no longer use
multiple voting rights and transfer restrictions to block a hostile tender offer, and must instead
compete for control. Once again, no similar rule exists in the United States.
D. OPT-OUTS AND EXEMPTIONS: As a final note on the mechanics of the E.U. Takeover
Directive, it should be mentioned that the provisions regarding board neutrality and the
breakthrough rule are optional. Article 12 of the directive states that member states may opt
out of these requirements. If they do so, however, they must give corporations the option to
apply the two rules, a decision that must be made by the general meeting of the shareholders.
Further, member states may exempt companies that decide to implement the board neutrality
and breakthrough rules from these requirements in the event that an acquiring company that
does not apply the rules launches an offer for them. These provisions are designed to give
flexibility to member countries with different traditions in corporate governance, but also to
reassure companies that they will not be disadvantaged by their decision to take part in the
directive’s rules.
Mergers and takeovers are prevalent in India right from the post-independence period. But
Government policies of balanced economic development and to curb the concentration of
economic power through introduction of Industrial Development and Regulation Act-1951,
MRTP Act, FERA Act etc. made hostile takeover almost impossible and only a very few M&A
and Takeovers took place in India prior to 90s. But policy of decontrol and liberalization coupled
with globalization of the economy after 1980s, especially after liberalization in 1991 had
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exposed the corporate sector to severe domestic and global competition. This had been further
accentuated by the recessionary trends, resulted in falling demand, which in turn resulted in
overcapacity in several sectors of the economy. Companies started to consolidate themselves in
areas of their core competence and divest those businesses where they do not have any
competitive advantage. It led to an era of corporate restructuring through Mergers and
Acquisitions in India.
A. PRIOR 1990: The first attempts at regulating takeovers were made in a limited way by
incorporating a clause, viz. Clause 40, in the listing agreement, which provided for making a
public offer to the shareholders of a company by any person who sought to acquire 25% or
more of the voting rights of the company. Before 1990s M&A and takeovers were regulated
by Companies Act, 1956, IDRA 1951, MRTP Act, 1969, FERA, 1973, and SCRA, 1956
(with respect to transfer of shares of listed companies vide clauses 40A and 40B). It was
frustrating to the person who wanted to achieve corporate growth through this route. For
example, in case of MNC related acquisitions, provisions of the FERA applied which
imposed a general limit on foreign ownership at 40%. In addition, MRTP gave powers to the
union government to prevent an acquisition if it was considered to lead to ‘concentration of
economic power to the common detriment’. Moreover, in the event of a hostile bid for the
company, the board of a company had the power to refuse transfer to a particular buyer,
thereby making it almost impossible for a takeover to occur without the acquiescence of the
management of the target company.
Problems: In the due course, Govt. found that the companies circumvented the threshold
limit of 25% for making a public offer, simply by acquiring voting rights a little below the
threshold limit of 25%. Besides it noted that it was possible to acquire control over a
company in the Indian context with even holding 10% directly. Existing provisions were
also not sufficient to consider issues like pricing and change in the management and control.
Case: Swaraj Paul- Escorts/ DCM, in 1980s London-based NRI Swaraj Paul sought to
control the management of two Indian companies, Escorts Limited and DCM (Delhi Cloth
Mills) Limited by picking up their shares from the stock market. Paul apparently used the
tacit support of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. But he had to face major obstacle
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from government-run financial institutions. Like the Life Insurance Corporation opposed
him and the two companies refused to register the transfer of shares in his name. Promoters
of the two companies - the Nanda and Shri Ram families – also used their political links to
defeat Paul. Though Swaraj Paul failed to fulfill his dream of controlling Escorts and DCM,
but was successful in highlighting how particular families were able to exercise managerial
control over large corporate entities despite holding a minuscule proportion of the concerned
company's shares.
B. DURING 1990: Govt. in consultation with SEBI made following amendments in the Clause
40 of Listing Agreement: -
Lowering the threshold acquisition level for making a public offer by the acquirer, from
25% to 10%.
Bringing within its fold the aspect of change in management and control (even without
acquisition of shares beyond the threshold limit), as a sufficient ground for making a
public offer;
Introducing the requirement of acquiring a minimum of 20% from the shareholders;
Stipulating a minimum price at which an offer should be made;
Providing for disclosure requirements through a mandatory public announcement
Requiring a shareholder to disclose his shareholding at level of 5% or above to serve as
an advance notice to the target company about the possible takeover threat
Problems: These changes helped in making the process of acquisition of shares and
takeovers transparent, provided for protection of investors’ interests in greater measure and
introduced an element of equity between the various parties concerned by increasing the
disclosure requirement. But the clause suffered from several deficiencies - particularly in its
limited applicability and weak enforceability. Being a part of the listing agreement, it could
be made binding only on listed companies and could not be effectively enforced against an
acquirer unless the acquirer itself was a listed company. The penalty for non-compliance
was one common to all violations of a listing agreement, namely, delisting of the company's
shares, which ran contrary to the interest of investors. The amended clause was unable to
provide a comprehensive regulatory framework governing takeovers.
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c. POST 1990: In 1992 SEBI was given statutory power to regulate the substantial acquisition
of shares and takeovers. In November 1994 SEBI issued ‘Substantial Acquisition of Shares
and Takeovers Regulation, 1994’ The Regulations preserved the basic framework of Clause
40A & 40B by retaining the requirements of - initial disclosure at the level of 5%, threshold
limit of 10% for public offer to acquire minimum percentage of shares at a minimum offer
price and making of a public announcement by the acquirer followed by a letter of offer.
Several new provisions were introduced enabling both negotiated and open market
acquisitions, competitive bids, revision of offer, withdrawal of offer under certain
circumstances and restraining a second offer in relation to the same company within 6
months by the same acquirer, post offer public holding etc. The take-over code covers three
types of takeovers-negotiated takeovers, open market takeovers and bailout takeovers (to
help financially weak companies which do not fall under the purview of BIFR)
Changes in management and control dropped as a requirement for making open offer
If holding crosses to15% than open offer compulsory (No creeping facility for promoters)
Min. price offered to shareholders through open offer will be average of 26weeks high and
If a person were to cross the threshold of 10%, he must make a public offer to acquire a
minimum of 20% of the share capital of the company, and consequent upon such offer, the
public shareholding must not fall below 20%. In addition, if a person holding more than
10% shares in a company, and who has not made any public offer before, were to acquire
any further shares, the public offer will have to be made to the extent of the difference
between his present holding and 30%
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Problems: The above provisions raised some issues. First, in companies where public
holding was less than 20%, or might fall below that level to comply with the minimum public
offer requirement, it was not possible to comply with the requirement of maintaining a
minimum level of post offer public holding. The two provisions were thus conflicting with
each other. Second, a harmonious construction of all the three provisions implied that if a
person was holding more than 30%, no public offer was required to be made by him, for
further acquisition of shares in the company, even though he has not made any public offer
earlier to reach his present holding. Third, it was not clear from the three provisions whether
full offer for a company could be made, i.e. a bid for 100% shares of the company could be
Case: Sesa Goa-Mitsui: In 1996, Mitsui of Japan acquired the parent company of Sesa-Goa
India Limited, a publicly traded listed company in India. As a result of this acquisition, Mitsui
indirectly became the single largest shareholder of Sesa-Goa. The question then raised was
whether Mitsui should make an open offer to other shareholders of Sesa-Goa under the
Takeover Code. Mitsui applied to SEBI stating that the Takeover Code should not be
triggered as the change in control of Sesa-Goa was a result of its acquisition of Sesa-Goa's
parent. Luckily for Mitsui, the case was evaluated under the 1994 takeover code and the
Ministry of Finance ruled that under the 1994 takeover code, SEBI had no jurisdiction over
the developments abroad and therefore could not pass sentence on something that happened
outside its jurisdiction and thereby no open offer was required.
COMMITTEE ON TAKEOVER CODE: A Committee was therefore set up by SEBI in November
1995, under the Chairmanship of Justice P.N. Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India, to review
the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1994.Committee
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discussed all the issues, which came up before SEBI in the course of administration of the
Regulations over the past two years or so, keeping in view the imminent scenario in the
corporate sector following the economic reforms. The Committee examined the principles and
practices and the regulatory framework governing takeovers in as many as 14 countries. The
Committee noted that the regulatory framework in these countries had evolved over a period of
time drawing extensively upon the corporate culture and practice in these countries. Committee
submitted its report in January, 1997 based on the recommendations of this committee, SEBI
enacted “Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover Code 1997”
Anti-takeover defenses are also termed as Anti-takeover tactics. There are a number of anti-
takeover defenses that are applied by the target companies for averting the acquirers or bidders.
This is specially seen in the United States that carries an extensive and diverse history of
POISON PILLS: To avoid hostile takeovers, lawyers created this contractual mechanics that
strengthen Target Company. It's a generic name that makes reference to some protection against
unsolicited tender offer. One usual poison pill inside a Corporation Statement is the clause which
triggers shareholders’ rights to buy more company stocks in case of attack. Such action can make
severe differences for the raider. If shareholders do really buy more stocks of company with
advantaged price, it will be harder to acquire the company control for sure.
STOCK OPTION WORKOUT: Poison Pill may have the same structure of stock options used for
pay-outs. Under these agreements, once the triggering fact happens, investor have the right to
turnkey some right. In poison pill event, most common is an option to buy more shares, with
some advantages. Priced with better conditions, lower than what bidders does for the
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The usual stock option is made to situations of high priced stocks. That usually happens under
takeover operations. A takeover hard to be defended usually will have a bid offer with a
compatible price, at that moment. Compatible means higher than usual for shareholders but
conditions are there to be accepted by stockholders. Shareholders can exorcize rights to keep
themselves stake position inside the corporation.
SHARK REPELLENT: Shark Repellent it's a generic term related to strategy of takeover defense.
Any company that intends to prepare itself against unsolicited bidders has several ways to avoid
it. There are several measures that can be taken in order to respond a raider attack. Among shark
repellent instruments there are: golden parachute, poison pills, greenmail, white knight, etc.
Anyway it shall make some effect against bidders. The question today is not only whether
creating a bullet proof strategy or not, neither to keep defenses, the discussion is about shark
repellent efficiency. However, it's something not unanimous anymore. These provisions are
accused of protecting in excess management, creating unreal prices, and keeping away even
good bidders. In some companies, it can even ignore shareholders interest. More than financial
tricks, these bullet proof clauses are now being decided in Courts all over America. The main
point is not only corporate governance, management, and holding control. Further it’s a
discussion that really matters for shareholders that stood aside in the past.
WHITE KNIGHT: Another fortune way to handle a hostile takeover is through White Knight
bidders. Competition is ever a serious factor in any market field. Usually players of some
specific market, know each other for a long time, even if from different countries. They know
each ones’ history, strategy, strength, advantages, clients, bankers and legal supporters. Meaning
beyond similarities or not, there're communities around these companies.
Under these circumstances, investment bankers can achieve a White Knight raider to also play
against the unsolicited takeover. The White Knight presence and play may have at least two main
effects. First it can push the hostile takeover bid till the edge, and break-even point. Second, if
result in attack quit, a new mega corporation can surge, stronger than ever. For the target
company is a good strategy, once it makes takeover defense mostly to be decided in the stock
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exchange, between bankers, traders, analysts. Commonly, if results a White Knight union,
sometimes it's just an alliance already studied and waited for both. Anticipation of alliances can
be unexpected but nevertheless, market may prove it was right.
WHITE SQUIRE: To avoid takeovers bids, some shareholder may detain a large stake of one
company shares. With friendly players holding relevant positions of shares, the protected
company may feel more comfortable to face an unsolicited offer. A White Squire is a
shareholder than it can make a tender offer. Otherwise it has so much relevance over the
company stock composition, which can make raiders’ takeover more difficult or somewhat
expensive. Real White Squire does not take over the target company, and only plays as a defense
strategy. In order to defend these companies, some bankers organize funds for that specific
purpose. A White Squire fund is designed to increase share participation in companies under
stress. Structured to make defense positions for several corporations, till the takeover chance is
Leveraged buyout does make a shakeout over the corporation, and the entire market. But does
not always means specific and enough expertise to manage it afterwards.
Today, still leveraged buyout magic is on the stage. Sometimes one operation follows another.
Like when a corporation takes over first one, and then they use assets of the first one to finance a
takeover against a second one. But today these moves are not new anymore, and there are a lot of
investment bankers and attorneys’ familiar with this entire world.
Greenmail pushes aside that hostile bidder. But by a millionaire premium it can further boost
interest of raiders and mega investors all over, searching for a good opportunity. For that
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qualifying reason, it as a defense may be not quite proper. It recognizes an unsolicited offer and
risk, and shareholders may take a burden of something they're apart.
PACMAN DEFENSE: This defense, named after the videogame, consists of a counter-purchase by
the target of the shares against its attacker. In some cases, it will suffice to buy even a small
fraction of shares of the attacker to be able to initiate legal claims against the attacking company
in the capacity of minority shareholder. Sometimes the company will be unable to buy the shares
of a raider due to the lack of readily available funds or for some other reasons, e.g. the shares of
the attacker are consolidated in the hands of shareholders friendly to the attacker. In this case the
company or the persons affiliated with the company may start to acquire other tools of influence
on the attacker or the business group it belongs to, e.g. rights of claim, debts, and bills of
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loyal to the parent company. In this way the raider who proceeds with a takeover may find him
deprived of the very objective of his ambitions.
Shri N. Srinivasan, an industrialist, is the Vice Chairman & Managing Director of the India
Cements Ltd. (ICL). ICL is one of the largest cement producers in south India. The company
has a strong presence in the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. Cement
constituted approximately 97% of ICL's total revenues. Besides cement, the company has a
presence in wind energy and real estate. In early 1998, ICL had six cement plants, three each in
Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and its capacity had increased to 5.2 mtpa. ICL entered Andhra
Pradesh by acquiring the Chilamakur plant from Coromandel Fertilizers in 1990. In September
1997, ICL took a 100% stake in Visaka Industries Ltd through its subsidiaries and associate
companies. Also in 1998, ICL acquired the Yerranguntla plant from the Cement Corporation of
India (CCI).
Raasi Cements was promoted by Raju and his son-in-law, N P K Raju in 1978. Other than
cement, the group also had interests in ceramics and paper. Raasi's cement division had a
capacity of 1.60 mtpa. Raasi seemed to be an attractive target for ICL as it was a relatively low
cost producer. Analysts felt that Raasi failed to capitalize on its low production cost, because of
its weak marketing set-up, particularly in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. As a result, Raasi tended to
dump the cement in its weak markets thereby putting pressure on other players in the region. The
takeover of Raasi also would help in rationalization of various markets between ICL and Raasi,
and interchangeable use of Sankar, Coromandel and Raasi brand names.
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a. B.V. Raju's first demand was that there shall exist a buyback provision in law for the
defender. (The Companies Act has been subsequently amended to permit buyback of
securities by a company subject to certain conditions).
b. ICL decided to pay out a whopping Rs. 300 per share of RCL. This price far exceeded the
book value of the target. The ICL lenders raised serious doubts as to how this would affect
ICL's balance sheet. However, in the end, ICL was able to justify the price satisfactorily.
c. Raju sold out before the institutions did. ICL did not need to buy out the institutions,
certainly not at the exorbitant open offer price. Institutions like UTI, which held 12% of RCL
even threatened to approach SEBI in order to pursue ICL to purchase its stake in the open
At the end, the takeover resulted as a successful one. Following are the details of the company
after takeover:
• The whole company currently has a production capacity of 9.1Mt/year.
• ICL with subsidiary Raasi cement is going well, so the takeover is valuable.
• A source said that ICL sells about 90% of its production in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and
Tamil Nadu, all this is due to capacity improved by acquisition of cement companies like
Raasi cements.
• With this acquisition, India Cements emerged as south India's largest cement
manufacturer with about 7.5 million tonnes per annum Capacity. Both companies’
combined will enjoy a market share of 35 per cent in the south India.
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• On January 31, 2007, India based Tata Steel Limited (Tata Steel) acquired the Anglo Dutch
steel company, Corus Group Plc (Corus) for US$ 12.04 billion. The merged entity, Tata-
Corus, employed 84,000 people across 45 countries in the world. It had the capacity to
produce 27 million tons of steel per annum.
• Tata Steel outbid the Brazilian Steelmaker Companhia Siderurgica Nacional's (CSN) final
offer of 603 pence per share by offering 608 pence per share to acquire Corus. Tata Steel had
first offered to pay 455 pence per share of Corus, to close the deal at US$ 7.6 billion on
October 17, 2006. CSN then offered 475 pence per share of Corus on November 17, 2006.
Finally, an auction was initiated on January 31, 2007, and after nine rounds of bidding, Steel
could finally clinch the deal with its final bid 608 pence per share, almost 34% higher than the
first bid of 455 pence per share of Corus. The deal is the largest Indian takeover of a foreign
company and made Tata Steel the world's fifth-largest steel group.
Tata Steel, formerly known as TISCO (Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited), was the world's
56th largest and India's 2nd largest steel company with an annual crude steel capacity of 3.8
million tonnes. It is based in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. It is part of the Tata Group of
companies. Post Corus merger, Tata Steel is India's second largest and second-most profitable
company in private sector with consolidated revenues of Rs 1,32,110 crore and net profit of over
Rs 12,350 crore during the year ended March 31, 2008. The company was also recognized as the
world's best steel producer by World Steel Dynamics in 2005. The company is listed on BSE and
NSE; and employs about 82,700 people (as of 2007).
Corus was formed from the merger of Koninklijke Hoogovens N.V. with British Steel Plc on 6
October 1999. It has major integrated steel plants at Port Talbot, South Wales; Scunthorpe, North
Lincolnshire; Teesside, Cleveland (all in the United Kingdom) and IJmuiden in the Netherlands.
It also has rolling mills situated at Shotton, North Wales (which manufactures Colorcoat
products), Trostre in Llanelli, Llanwern in Newport, South Wales, Rotherham and Stocksbridge,
South Yorkshire, England, Motherwell, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, Hayange, France, and
Bergen, Norway. In addition, it has tube mills located at Corby, Stockton and Hartlepool in
England and Oosterhout, Arnhem, Zwijndrecht and Maastricht in the Netherlands. Group
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turnover for the year to 31 December 2005 was £10.142 billion. Profits were £580 million before
tax and £451 million after tax.
Though the potential benefits of the Corus deal were widely appreciated, some analysts had
doubts about the outcome and effects on Tata Steel's performance. They pointed out that Corus'
EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) at 8 percent was much
lower than that of Tata Steel which was at 30 percent in the financial year 2006-07.
$3.5–3.8bn infusion from Tata Steel ($2bn as its equity contribution, $1.5–1.8bn through a
bridge loan)
$5.6bn through a LBO ($3.05bn through senior term loan, $2.6bn through high yield loan)
Before the acquisition, the major market for Tata Steel was India. The Indian market accounted
for sixty-nine percent of the company's total sales. Almost half of Corus' production of steel was
sold in Europe (excluding UK). The UK consumed twenty-nine percent of its production.
After the acquisition, the European market (including UK) would consume 59 percent of the
merged entity's total production.
In June 2008, India-based Tata Motors Ltd. announced that it had completed the acquisition of
the two iconic British brands - Jaguar and Land Rover (JLR) from the US-based Ford Motors for
US$ 2.3 billion.
Tata Motors is India’s largest automobile company, with consolidated revenues of USD 20
billion in 2009-10. It is the leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger
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vehicles. Tata Motors has products in the compact, midsize car and utility vehicle segments. The
company is the world's fourth largest truck manufacturer, the world's second largest bus
manufacturer, and employs 24,000 workers. Since first rolled out in 1954, Tata Motors has
produced and sold over 4 million vehicles in India.
Jaguar Land Rover is a business built around two great British car brands with exceptional
design and engineering capabilities. Jaguar Land Rover’s manufacturing facilities are in the UK.
JLR was set up by Ford Motor Company in 2002 as a single entity to manage the businesses of
both Jaguar Cars which they acquired in 1989, and Land Rover which was acquired from BMW
in 2000. JLR was acquired from Ford by Tata Motors in 2008.
Tata Motors is the largest manufacturer of commercial and passenger vehicles in India. In 2008
Tata Motors acquired from Ford Motor Company the two luxury car brands Jaguar and Land
Rover (JLR). The stock market's immediate reaction to the JLR acquisition was negative. In the
few days following the announcement of the JLR acquisition, the stock price of Tata Motors
underperformed the Sensex index by about 5%. Balaji Jayaraman of Morgan Stanley said,
buying Jaguar and Land Rover was “value-destructive given the lack of synergies and the high-
cost operations involved”.
However, Tata Motors' officials expressed confidence in the deal's long-term potential.
Managing Director Ravi Kant said the company was "pretty confident that Jaguar and Land
Rover will add positively to our consolidated balance sheet." "People are free to make their own
opinions, but I think time will prove who is right," Kant said. Instead, the stock performance of
Tata Motors worsened over the next year, and its shares underperformed the Sensex index by
36%. It is, of course, true that this period coincided with the recent economic turbulence in the
world, and a significant downturn in the global automotive market.
Ford purchased Jaguar and Land Rover for $5 billon and sold them to Tata Motors for about half
that price after several years of operating losses. It is difficult to see how Tata Motors would
have greater synergies than Ford with JLR. There are no significant synergies between Tata
Motors and JLR. The two companies operate in different geographic markets, selling cars with
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different technology to very disparate customer segments. Around the same time, Tata Motors
was launching its much-publicized car the Tata Nano, the world’s cheapest car. Kant issued a
clear directive: keep these vehicle lines separate and distinct. "Each is going to chart its own
future and own course,” he says. "The conflict would come if we were to try to put them
together." Tata has experience taking over global brands, and its strategy has been to let each
business run its own entity, with modest input from the home office. This is consistent with the
view that there are minimal synergies between the two companies.
Tata Motors financed the acquisition with debt significantly increasing its risk profile. The
company's ratio of EBITDA earnings to interest paid, an inverse measure of the firm's debt risk,
used to be in the range 9 to 11 during the years 2005-2007; after the acquisition, the coverage
ratio dropped to 5.9 in 2008. By comparison, the coverage ratio for some successful auto
companies in 2008 was: 86 for Toyota, 45 for Nissan, and 31 for Audi. As mentioned earlier,
Tata Motors had problems in refinancing him bridge loan in 2009.
While discussing the disappointing performance of Corus and JLR, Ratan Tata conceded in an
interview with The Sunday Times in 2009 that, with hindsight, he might have gone too far too
fast, but that nobody saw the crash coming. “If one had known there was going to be a meltdown
then yes [Tata went too far] but nobody knew. Both the acquisitions were made, I would say, at
an inopportune time in the sense that they were near the top of the market in terms of
price.”Even if we accept the view that the timing of the JLR acquisition was unfortunate, there is
still no positive rationale for the acquisition. Lacking synergies, Tata Motors was behaving as a
conglomerate in acquiring JLR. There is much evidence that such conglomerate diversification
does not create shareholder value; in fact, conglomerates on the average trade at a discount to
their break-up value. This situation is made worse if Tata Motors overpaid for the JLR
acquisition, even if inadvertently. ICICI Securities values JLR at only about $850 million in
2010, in contrast to the acquisition price of $2.3 billion.
• Sales of JLR declined by 11.4% during the 2nd quarter ending Sep.2008
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• With not much of cash generation internally, additional investments of funds would only
add to the debt and interest burden of the company
• For the quarter ending Dec2008, the sales volumes of JLR decreased by 35.2% to 49,186
• By the end of 2008, retail vehicle sales were reported at 10.8 million-around 2 million
lower than the sales reported in 2007
Tata Motors had formed an integration committee with senior executives from the JLR and Tata
Motors, to set milestones and long-term goals for the acquired entities. One of the major
problems for Tata Motors could be the slowing down of the European and US automobile
markets. It was expected that the company would address this issue by concentrating on
countries like Russia, China, India, and the Middle East.
Cincinnati-based P&G announcing its investment deal to acquire Boston-based Gillette for $57
billion, the stage was set for it to become the world's largest consumer products company with
annual sales of $60.7 billion.
William Procter, a candle maker, and James Gamble, a soap maker, formed this global and
Fortune 500 Corporation in 1837. Procter and Gamble (P&G) is headquartered in Cincinnati,
Ohio. These two entrepreneurs and inventors were immigrants from England and Ireland
respectively; who have chosen for some reason to settle in the Cincinnati area. The company
manufactures a wide variety of consumer goods including beauty, household, health and
wellness products.
In the early parts of 2007, P&G was the 25th largest U.S Company by revenue, 18th largest by
profit, and 10th in Fortune’s Most Admired Companies list. “Touching Lives, Improving Life” is
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the corporate motto which is exemplified in the 138,000 employees and loyal customers
worldwide. The worldwide demand for P&G’ s products and services has forced management to
focus on global marketing and innovation. This worldwide marketing and innovation success
was achieved by making sure that what P&G produce is of highest quality and most importantly
is what customers need. P&G is very adaptable to changing customer demands by carefully and
clearly defining its innovative strategies
Gillette is a brand of Procter & Gamble currently used for safety razors, among other personal
hygiene products. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, it is one of several brands originally owned
by The Gillette Company, a leading global supplier of products under various brands, which was
acquired by P&G in 2005. Their slogan is "The Best a Man Can Get". The original Gillette
Company was founded by King Camp Gillette in 1895 as a safety razor manufacturer.
On October 1, 2005, Procter & Gamble finalized its purchase of The Gillette Company. As a
result of this merger, the Gillette Company no longer exists. The merger created the world's
largest personal care and household products company.
The Gillette Company's assets were initially incorporated into a P&G unit known internally as
"Global Gillette". In July 2007, Global Gillette was dissolved and incorporated into Procter &
Gamble's other two main divisions, Procter & Gamble Beauty and Procter & Gamble Household
Care. Gillette's brands and products were divided between the two accordingly.
On January 28, 2005, Cincinnati-based P&G announced its investment deal to acquire Boston-
based Gillette for $57 billion to become the world's largest consumer goods company. The
annual sales of the combined entity would be $60.7 bn. After its purchase of Gillette, P&G
would have 21 billion-dollar brands with a market capitalization of $200bn. According to the
deal, P&G will be paying 0.975 for each share of Gillette, valuing the acquisition at a 20%
premium to shareholders of Gillette. The shareholders of P&G are apprehensive of the
company's share prices being diluted. To avoid such problems, P&G has promised to buy back
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its shares, worth $18-$22 billion, over the coming 12-18 months. P&G plans to pay Gillette 40%
in cash and the rest 60% in stock.
Marketing guru Al Ries feels that, "The extra 20% premium paid by P&G for Gillette's stock is
going to make it 20% more difficult for the deal to pay dividends to stock holders". By acquiring
Gillette, P&G will be adding the world's best shaving products to its portfolio. This is what
P&G's CEO A G Lafley thinks is necessary to overtake their close competitors, particularly in
developing countries.
Both the firms' CEOs termed the deal as a friendly move, and added that it would benefit both
the firms equally. According to analysts, the merging companies had many similarities a
corporate history that is more than a century old, billion-dollar brands, and pioneering consumer
product marketing initiatives. The merger was also said to have been based on a different model
where innovation was the focus rather than scale. It was called a unique case of acquisition by an
innovative company to expand its product line by acquiring another innovative company.
Analysts described the merger as a "perfect marriage".
Some analysts felt that regulatory concerns raised by the merger could relate to product overlaps
between both companies, in order to determine whether the combined firm would have the
power to set prices. There were concerns that strong overlaps in toothbrushes and toothpaste
could result in regulators seeking some divestitures, although P&G would like to keep as many
Gillette brands as it can.
However, according to Christo Lassiter, a law professor and antitrust specialist at the University
of Cincinnati, the deal would easily win regulatory approval, as P&G and Gillette mostly sold
different products to different customers. Lassiter also said the government had realized that
preventing US companies from expanding would make them vulnerable to foreign competition.
So it has become tolerant of big mergers. Objections, however, were expected to come from
European Union antitrust regulators in Brussels, as the deal would give the merged company
added strength in the overseas markets.
Based on P&G’s closing price on January 26, 2005, its offer of 0.975 P&G shares for every share
of Gillette translated into an implied offer price of $54.05 per share. This price fell somewhere in
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the middle of a series of valuations prepared by investment bankers ranging from $43.25 to
A valuation based on public market reference points, including Gillette’s 52-week trading range
and a present value of Wall Street price targets, would have priced Gillette’s stock at $43.25 to
$45.00. A valuation analysis based on discounted cash flows was more favorable. One such
valuation that incorporated only the cash flows from Gillette in its current form valued the shares
at $47.10. A second valuation that took into account the potential cost savings resulting from the
combination of Gillette and P&G valued the stock at $56.60. Cost savings were expected to be
realized in purchasing, manufacturing, logistics, and administrative costs. A third valuation that
incorporated total synergies (both cost savings and capitalizing on complementary strengths)
valued the stock at $61.90 per share. This valuation included not only the cost savings, but also
potential revenue synergy opportunities that a combined firm might realize, including the
increased market power that a combined firm would wield in dealing with large retailing firms
such as Wal-Mart. Finally, a sum-of-the-parts valuation established a price of $52.50 per share.
The valuation of the proposed acquisition was also compared with recent acquisitions, both in
the sector and across similarly sized companies, to ensure that the compensation paid to
Gillette’s shareholders was in line with recent transactions. The total transaction value at the
implied offer price of $54.05 per share was $57.177 billion. This would make the deal structure a
60% stock and 40% cash deal, although on paper it was a pure stock-swap.
• The merger would result in around 6,000 job cuts, equivalent to 4% of the two
companies' combined workforce of 140,000. Most of the downsizing will take place to
eliminate management overlaps and consolidation of business support functions.
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• P&G's ability to handle this massive cultural assimilation would decide the success or
failure of this acquisition.
Some analysts felt that the P&G-Gillette merger was a defensive move by P&G to check the
growing power of retailers. In the retail industry, there has been a struggle for power between
vendors and retailers, and retailers have taken the upper hand recently. Some analysts felt that
the deal was a right move as it aimed at product diversification. Davis Dyer, a corporate historian
and author of Rising Tide, opined that acquiring Gillette would round out a personal care product
range that tilted heavily toward women. According to analysts, the P&G-Gillette deal created
merger pressure for competitors in the industry. They also added that P&G would have at least
some time in hand before its rivals catch up with it. Most of the competitors were in bad health,
and needed to reformulate their strategies in light of this deal. So P&G could focus on integration
without having to bother too much about competition.
Mahindra Satyam is a Brand identity of Satyam Computer Services Limited. Satyam Computer Services
Limited was founded in 1987 by B Ramalinga Raju. Mahindra Satyam is a part of the USD 7.1-billion
Mahindra Group which is one of the top 10 industrial firms based in India. On April 13, 2009, the
government appointed board of India-based Satyam Computer Services Limited (Satyam)
announced that Tech Mahindra Limited (Tech Mahindra), a joint venture between the India-
based conglomerate Mahindra & Mahindra and the UK-based BT Plc had been chosen as the
preferred bidder for the acquisition of the beleaguered Satyam.
Tech Mahindra Limited is a global leader in providing end-to-end IT services and solutions to
the Telecom industry. Over 18,000 professionals service clients across various telecom
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segments, from multiple offshore development centers across cities in India and the UK; and
sales offices across Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific.
Having serviced premium telecom companies worldwide, for nearly two decades, Tech
Mahindra combines deep domain expertise in OSS (Operations Support Systems) and BSS
(Business Support Systems) systems, intellectual leadership and a global workforce advantage to
provide services to leading players in the telecom ecosystem.
Tech Mahindra provides a wide variety of services ranging from IT strategy and consulting to
system integration, design, application development, implementation, maintenance and product
engineering. Through a rich Telecom heritage, Tech Mahindra has built long-term sustainable
relationships with telecom customers deliver IT services that help them achieve significant ROI
and the greatest competitive advantage in the telecom marketplace.
Majority owned by Mahindra & Mahindra, India's fifth largest commercial group, in partnership
with BT Plc (BT), Europe's second largest telecom service provider, Tech Mahindra has grown
rapidly to become the 8th largest software exporter in India (Nasscom 2006).
Satyam Computer Services Ltd. is a business and information technology company. It delivers
consulting, systems integration and outsourcing solutions. It becomes the first company to launch
a secondary listing on Euronext Amsterdam under NYSE. The company’s subsidiary, Satyam
BPO Limited, provides finance and accounting services, knowledge process outsourcing and
customer contact services, technical helpdesk support and p2p (procure to pay) outsourcing
Mahindra Group Company has approached Satyam Computer Services, India’s fourth-largest IT
services company, for a cashless merger, according to reports. The merger between Tech
Mahindra and Satyam formed the third-largest IT Company in the country.
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The company had created a special purpose vehicle to acquire Satyam, which some analysts had
felt was done to ring-fence itself from any negative fallout of the acquisition. For instance, J.R.
Verma of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, had blogged around the time of the
acquisition, “If Satyam’s liabilities turn out to be larger than the cash and other assets, Tech
Mahindra can walk away and put Satyam into bankruptcy. If the liabilities turn out to be small,
then Tech Mahindra can merge Satyam into itself and absorb the surplus assets.”
With the company already merged, one is tempted to think that the management’s assessment of
the “net worth” of the company has enhanced. This view is supported by another statement by
the company that client attrition has practically stopped since the time of the acquisition.
Besides, the company’s open offer for 20% of Satyam’s capital is unlikely to get any response.
As a result, Tech Mahindra has subscribed to a fresh issue of shares and Satyam will end up with
Rs. 2,900 cr. in cash (including the initial investment for a 31% stake). Currently, there’s cash
sitting in Satyam’s books, which has effectively been funded by debt on Tech Mahindra’s books.
In the event of a merger, the cash can be used to pay back the debt. It must be noted here that
Tech Mahindra is making an attempt to reduce its reliance on debt through a planned QIP
(qualified institutional placement) of about Rs. 1,000 cr.
On April 13th 2009 Tech Mahindra took over major stakes of Satyam and finally on June 21 st
2009 a new brand Mahindra Satyam was launched.
The process of Mahindra Satyam's merger with parent firm Tech Mahindra was put on hold due
to the view of the ongoing investigations into Satyam fraud case by various agencies.
Tech Mahindra had challenges built around everything from the brand, the governance, in terms
of litigation, customers, everything. They lost a lot of customers in the first four or five months,
with most of its customers in the insurance sector terminating agreements. But, one year on, they
have been able to stop the customer churn completely. They also faced challenges to do with
people. Between 17 December (2008) and 13 April (2009), there was a lot of insecurity. The fact
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is that every had every CV of every employee looking for a new job and as a
company they needed to downsize on top of this. Having lost so many accounts, they had no
choice but to downsize at that moment. That was another big challenge.
The merger of Tech Mahindra & Satyam definitely proved to be a beneficial deal for both the
companies as they saved time and money by just creating a new but reliable brand. Creating a
totally new entity would have been much more difficult because it is much more difficult to
establish a successful brand name.
As both the companies have a good image in the market it was a better option to merge both the
companies and create a new brand. Due to the financial status of Satyam, Mahindra was able to
take over the majority stakes of Satyam and take over the company.
Defenses against Hostile Takeovers are the modes or methods to protect the interest of the
company as well as that of Shareholders. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of a
hostile takeover and it may be difficult to categories it into a strict mould in order to say that
hostile takeover should be promoted or discouraged. It is a widely shared belief that hostile
takeovers allow the shareholders of the target company realize the best price of their investment
or in other words it promotes economic efficiency by transferring the control of corporate
resources from an inefficient management to an efficient one. While it is true that hostile
takeovers are value-maximizing to the target shareholders; some hostile takeovers may promote
efficiency, some may result in a misallocation of economic resources, and some may be neutral
in terms of economic efficiency.
In the end defenses against Hostile Takeovers are exercised when takeovers are being exercised
against the will of the company
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Das, Bhagaban: “Corporate Restructuring”, 1st Ed., Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
Weinberg, M.A.: “Takeover and Amalgamations”, 3rd Ed., Sweet and Maxwell
Publishers, London, 1971
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Chandra, Prasanna: “Financial Management”, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Sherman, Andrew J. and Hart, Milledge A.: “Mergers and Acquisitions from A to Z”, 2 nd
Ed., American Management Association, Chicago, IL
Weston, J. Fred; Chung, Kwang S. and Hoag, Susan, E.: “Mergers, Restructuring and
Corporate Control”, 1st Ed., Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1990
Goldberg, Walter H.: “Mergers - Motives, Modes, Methods”, 354th Ed., Gower Publishing
Co. Ltd., Hampshire
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