Method and Message of Vethathiri Maharishi: Jivanmukta and Prophet of Modern Age Yoga
Method and Message of Vethathiri Maharishi: Jivanmukta and Prophet of Modern Age Yoga
Method and Message of Vethathiri Maharishi: Jivanmukta and Prophet of Modern Age Yoga
to the Bible as a person who communicates with JIVANMUKTHA AND PROPHET OF THE
‘GOD’ and becomes a medium or messenger 20TH CENTURY:
through whom ‘GOD’ speaks to other men. In continuation of such a great lineage of Jivan
“The true prophet is one who is lifted up by the Mukthar and Prophets who have descended into
Spirit of God into communion with Him, so that he this world , nature has blessed this holy land of
is enabled to interpret the divine will, and to act as Tamil nadu with Vethathiri Maharishi, one of the
a medium between God and greatest spiritual guru of the twentieth century.
men.” - “Dictionary of the Bible,” James Hastings, G.V.Vethathiri was born in 1911 in a simple
art., “Holy Spirit,” Vol. II, p. 403 (1899 edition). weaver’s family in a village,30 km south to
“The prophet is a speaker of or for God. His words Madras. It is a Orthodox Hindu family. He had no
are not the production of his own spirit, but come formal education because of the poor condition of
from a higher source. For he is at the same time, his family. He never gave up his self-effort and
also, a seer, who sees things that do not lie in the self-learning as later he became a Qualified
domain of natural sight, or who hears things which Physician in Siddha,Ayurveda and Homeopathy
human ears do not ordinarily receive.” - medicine systems by his own interest and effort
“International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia,” Vol. with the help of Dr.Krishna rao, his first guru.
IV, art., “Prophecy,” p. 2459. Chicago: Howard- There are always few questions in his mind for
Severance Company, 1915. which he was striving to find answers consistently.
Specifically, those questions are: 1. What is God?
“In both the Old and the New Testament the 2. What is Life? 3. Why is there Poverty among
prophet is the divine messenger who communicates people? Around his age 30, He worked in a Postal
to man the revelation which he has received from Audit Office in Madras on a meager salary. Around
God”- “The Popular and Critical Bible his age 40, He owned a Textile Concern employing
Encyclopaedia and Scriptural Dictionary,” Vol. III, around 2000 workers. He learnt Mediation from
art., “Prophecy,” p. 1391. Dr.Krishnarao at the age around 20. He learnt
Source of Knowledge : Meditation Techniques properly from a Spiritual
Vethathiri Maharishi in many poems explains the Master namely Paranjothi Mahan at his age 34..
source for his self realization. These poems can be Several years of intense and solitary meditation and
found in his book Gnana Kalangiyam, a collection introspection of mind brought him full enlightment
of poems which were written by Shri Vethathiri at the age of 35. In the successive years, he clearly
Maharishi over a span of . In the following poem understood the Secrets of Mind and Secrets of
he says that whenever the Grace of Divine revealed Universe and he obtained a holistic view about the
itself he was able to understand its secrets. philosophy of life -one by one. Nearly 55 years ,he
“jpUtUnsh mt;tg;ngh czh;j;j czh;e; jpl;nld; !” - has been contributing for the World Peace through
GK 709 the teachings and Writings of his Spiritual
He further confirms in the following poem that he education and Philosophy.. He has given elaborate
is happy to listen to the loving voice of Divinity explanations for achieving world peace in a step by
“nkYk; bja;tj;jd;g[f; Fuy; nfl;L kfpH;fpd;nwd;” - step manner in his book known as ‘World Peace’
GK 1664 and a book ‘Blue print for World Peace’. He left
In the Diary of Vethathiri Maharishi dated 23rd his earthly abode at the age 95.
March 2003 there is a personal entry made by Method:
Maharishi Himself that he has got the answer to the The experience of Vethathiri Maharishi shows
question ‘who am I?’ from Divinity. certain methods, which can be deduced through his
“new;W ,ut[ ehd; ahh;?vd;gjw;F ,iwepiyapypUe;J observations and experiences. They are :
tpsf;fk; fpilj;jJ” - Vethathiri Maharishi 1. Zeal and effort to discover truth.
From the above information it is clear that 2. Listening, Questioning and
Vethathiri Maharishi was in direct communication Contemplation.
with the Divine Consciousness during his lifetime. 3. Understanding mind its functions and
Such person is said to be a Prophet. The term purifying it.
prophet has been clearly explained in Various 4. Merging mind with the life-force.
Dictionaries and Encyclopaedia’s related to the 5. Merging mind with the Universal Field.
Bible as a person who communicates with ‘GOD’ 6. Understanding the entire creation is the
and becomes a medium or messenger through result of association of Energy particle
whom ‘GOD’ speaks to other men. and Space.
7. Merging mind with Absolute Space.