Intro To Direction Finding Methodologies
Intro To Direction Finding Methodologies
Intro To Direction Finding Methodologies
White Paper
Please find the most up-to-date document on our Direction Finding Resources page:
Paul Denisowski
1.2020 – 1.00
White Paper
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Basic concepts ........................................................................................ 4
1.1 What is Direction Finding? ............................................................................................... 4
1.2 Power of Arrival vs. Angle of Arrival ............................................................................... 4
1.3 Determining bearings ........................................................................................................ 5
1.4 Using bearings ................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Manual vs. Automatic Bearings ....................................................................................... 6
1.6 Multipath ............................................................................................................................. 7
3 Doppler ....................................................................................................10
3.1 About Doppler direction finding ..................................................................................... 10
3.2 Creating a Doppler shift .................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Implementing Doppler antennas .................................................................................... 11
3.4 Practical Considerations in Doppler DF ........................................................................ 12
4 Watson-Watt ............................................................................................13
4.1 About Doppler direction finding ..................................................................................... 13
4.2 About Adcock Antennas ................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Implementation of Adcock Antennas ............................................................................ 14
4.4 Practical Considerations in Watson-Watt DF ............................................................... 14
8 Conclusion ..............................................................................................25
1 Basic concepts
1.1 What is Direction Finding?
In the radio-frequency world, the term "direction finding" (DF) refers to the use of
specialized instruments, antennas, and methodologies to determine the physical or
geographical location of an emitter; that is, a source of radio-frequency energy. Although
these methodologies differ substantially in terms of how they estimate an emitter's location,
they all share the common goal of the highest possible accuracy. Accuracy requirements
do however vary between applications. For example, finding a ship in distress on the open
water only requires an accuracy of several hundred meters, particularly in good weather.
On the other hand, eliminating sources of radio-frequency interference often requires
accuracy of several meters or less. Note too that in some cases, direction finding targets
are “non-cooperative.” In other words, not only do they not want to be found, but they may
also take steps to hide their location or otherwise complicate the direction finding process.
This whitepaper discusses the basic principles behind radio direction finding and the most
commonly used direction finding methodologies: manual angle of arrival (AOA), Doppler,
Watson-Watt, correlative interferometry (CI), time difference of arrival (TDOA), and hybrid
methodologies. A general technical introduction is provided for each of these
methodologies, including an overview of how they are implemented and the relative
strengths and weaknesses of each.
bearings involves the use of automatic direction finding methodologies. Here, a system
*automatically* determines bearings based on one or more changes in the signal
characteristics (amplitude, frequency or phase) at a given location. One of the main
advantages of automatic direction-finding methodologies is that they do not depend as
strongly on the operator's skill level. Another important advantage is that these automated
methodologies can produce accurate results even in challenging propagation
environments, particularly in the presence of multipath.
1.6 Multipath
As the name implies multipath
means receiving a signal from
multiple directions
simultaneously (Figure 4).
Radio frequency signals can be
reflected from radio-opaque
objects, such as concrete,
metal, etc. and this means that
the signal may appear to be
coming from the reflection
point, rather than from the
source itself. This is a
particularly significant issue in
urban or mountainous areas.
Most people have experienced
multipath in their everyday
lives: when sitting at a stop
Figure 4 - Multipath light or stop sign, an FM radio
station signal may get stronger
or weaker as the car is inched forwards. The change in the signal strength and quality are
due to the multipath profile at that particular point - moving the car a few inches can
dramatically change the nature of the received signal. In direction finding, having a signal
that appears to come from multiple locations or which changes level due to constructive or
destructive interference is a significant problem, and therefore multipath is usually the
single biggest challenge in direction finding. In many cases, a “good” direction finding
system or methodology is primarily dependent on its ability to obtain good bearing results
even in the presence of substantial multipath.
3 Doppler
3.1 About Doppler direction finding
The first automatic direct finding methodology we will discuss is called "Doppler" direction
finding because it is based on the Doppler effect. The Doppler effect, or Doppler shift, is
named after Christian Doppler, who first described it in 1842. Doppler shift is a type of
frequency modulation caused by relative motion. If an object is moving towards an
observer, the frequency of waves emitted by an object will appear to increase. Similarly, if
the object is moving away from the observer, a downward shift in frequency occurs.
Doppler shift applies to many different domains. Most people are familiar with Doppler
shift in the audio frequency domain, such as the change in pitch in the whistle of a passing
train. Doppler shift also occurs in the visible energy domain, such as the red shift of stars
moving away from Earth. In the radio frequency domain, Doppler shift can be used for the
purposes of direction finding.
As we move towards a signal source, the received frequency of the signal will shift
upwards. If we move away from a signal source, the received frequency will move
downwards. If we are able to detect and measure this shift, we could then determine
whether we are moving towards or away from the signal source. This means we could get
a direction. Thus, in order to use Doppler shift for direction finding, the receiver, or more
precisely, the antenna, needs to be moved in such a way that a measurable Doppler shift
is created.
There are, however, a couple of challenges with regard to this approach. First, if the target
were stationary, the receiver would have to be moved to create a Doppler shift. There is
also the question as to whether it is possible or practical to move the receiver fast enough
to create a measurable Doppler shift.
4 Watson-Watt
4.1 About Doppler direction finding
Doppler can be classified as a frequency-based direction finding methodology: changes in
frequency are used to determine the direction or bearing towards the emitter. Watson-
Watt, on the other hand, is an amplitude-based DF system.
More precisely, Watson-Watt is an amplitude comparison system. It’s one of the older DF
methodologies, having been developed shortly after the First World War, and is named
after its inventor, Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt, one of the pioneers in the field of
radar. The Watson-Watt direction-finding methodology is based on the properties of a
special type of antenna, commonly referred to as an Adcock antenna.
suited to HF direction finding, mostly due to the ease with which smaller antennas can be
implemented at these frequencies. Compare this to Doppler, which usually is limited to
only VHF and UHF. Watson-Watt is also very fast. There is very little “calculation” of
results required before obtaining a bearing, since the system simply compares amplitude
on two different antenna pairs. Watson-Watt has good accuracy and sensitivity, with the
accuracy depending primarily on the circularity of the antenna patterns – something that is
not difficult to control. The main drawback to Watson-Watt is that it cannot measure
elevation in addition to azimuth, and if the target is significantly higher or lower than the
plane of the antenna, accuracy can suffer.
5 Correlative Interferometry
5.1 About Correlative Interferometry
Manual angle of arrival and Watson-Watt are both amplitude-based direction finding
methodologies, and Doppler DF is based on changes in the frequency of the received
signal. Correlative interferometry (CI) is different from all of the previously discussed
methodologies in that it is based on changes in the phase of the received signal.
Like many other direction finding methodologies, correlative interferometry was derived
from another application, in this case, radio astronomy. Correlative interferometry
determines bearings by calculating differences in the received signals’ phase as seen at
multiple collocated antenna elements. CI antennas generally use an odd number of
antenna elements arranged in a circular pattern.
When a target signal arrives at the antenna array, the received phase offsets are
measured at each antenna. The correlation between the measured phase offsets and the
calibrated or ideal phase offsets is calculated for each arrival angle. This process should
yield a clear correlation peak from which the bearing or arrival angle can be derived
(Figure 14).
When the signal is wideband, it is usually not difficult to find a clear correlation peak for
use in TDOA. However, if the signal is narrowband or CW (unmodulated), it becomes
much more difficult to find a clear correlation peak in the correlogram (Figure 21). Without
a clear peak to provide difference in time of arrival, it is difficult to generate an accurate
hyperbola. It is important to remember that TDOA-based direction finding system yield
more accurate results when trying to locate wideband signals.
7 Hybrid Methodologies
7.1 What is a hybrid methodology?
A recent advancement in direction finding is something called “hybrid methodologies.” One
possible definition of a “hybrid” methodology is something that is actually quite common in
many direction finding applications, namely using an automatic direction finding system to
obtain the general location of a target, e.g. within about a hundred meters and then
switching to manual or hand-held direction finding to narrow down the location to the meter
level. In a sense this is a “hybrid” methodology, but normally what is meant by the term
“hybrid” methodology is the combination of two different automatic direction finding
methodologies: in particular, the combination of an angle of arrival methodology and a time
difference of arrival methodology.
8 Conclusion
All direction finding methodologies have the same goal: determining the physical or
geographical location of a source of radio frequency energy. Angle of arrival based
methodologies create bearings, or directions towards the target, by examining changes in
the received signal's frequency, amplitude, or phase, whereas time difference of arrival
compares the relative receive time of a target signal at geographically separated stations.
The choice of an appropriate direction finding methodology to use for a given application is
largely a function of the target signal's characteristics, such as frequency and modulation,
but is also influenced by the propagation environment (multipath) as well as cost /
complexity. Recent advances in the development of hybrid direction finding methodologies
attempt to overcome some of these restrictions and increase accuracy by using a
combination of methodologies.