Final Project Work of English: Topic: Breast Cancer

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Final Project Work

Of English
Topic: Breast cancer.

Authors: Diana Laura Tirado Cárdenas.

Mairisleidy Díaz Martínez.
Elizabeth Capote Pérez.

Group 11.
First year of medicine.
61 year of the Revolution.
They are numerous pathological processes both benign and malignant that
they can affect the mammary tissue
The neoplasias of mamma constitute a problem of health in cuba, since is the
first localization and it repeats mortal cause for malignant tumores in the
The doctor of the family is the First link whereby begins the woman to travel
since some sympton or sing are diagnosed of mammary affection for which of
the knowledge that has on this illness will depend the good diagnosis of the
same, in this way that is takes to bibliographical revision this letter end.

Kid Words:

 Neoplasia
 Cancer
 Tumor
 Mamma
 Sinus
* The cancer of mamma has increased considerably in the last years the death rates and
The enormaus problem that is important at present of breast cancer reflected in the fact that
in Latin American and the Caribbean almost 300,00 woman die annually for this illness
In other words this neoplasia causes the death of 83 women per day ,that is to say that
cach hour dies 3 victims women of breast cancer.
If these numbers are alarming ,more worryng still is ,that the primary prevention of this
malignat neoplasia continues by being difficult of achieving and that today in day put in
doubt the real valve of a measure of detection early that always beens considered of great
practical utility :the mammary autoexamens for the own women ,which has resulted
ineffective ,acording appears indicate for the high death rates.


*Explaining the risk factors Breast cancer its diagnosis and treatment.
The cancer of mamma continues as one of the most frequent malignant neoplasias in Cuba
and the world. Excluding the skin, it is the localization of more frequent cancer and the
second cause of death for cancer, in the Cuban woman.
The existence of programs of precocious detection, the proportion of if it is diagnosed in
stadiums into 0 and 1, specially in developed countries. New factors presage have been
indentified and therapeutic outlines are applied, based on the employment of technical
surgical non mutilate, supplemented with effective regional and systemic treatments
(radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonotherapy). Simultaneously, he has modified the
behavior in the treatment of advanced stadiums. Numerous pre-clinical, clinical and
epidemic investigations, continue being carried out in an integrated way, trying to find and
to establish new and more effective methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the
cancer of mamma.

Point out of alert of cancer of mamma :

 Protuberances
 Growing veins
 Fissures
 Internal bundle
 Erosions of the skin
 Sinking of the nipple
 Orange skin
 Reddening and ardor
 Holes
 Asymmetry
 Unknown fluids
 Hardening

Factors of risk:
Many are the factors that have been pointed out in a systematic way in the appearance of
the mammary cancer: the age, the socioeconomic state, the personal antecedents, the
genetic mutations, the bening sufferings of mamma and the personals family antecedets of
cancer mammary or in other organs. Besides them, more specific factors exist, as the parity,
infertility, lactation, contraceptives, medications of hormonal restitution, race, obesity,
daily consumption of alcoholic drinks.

It is based on the interrogation, the physical exam and the clinics exams among those that
are: the supersonic, the conventional and digitized mamograph, the magnetic resonance, the
thermography, the xerography and the biopsies in their different modalities.

Classification of the cancer of mamma:

We can classify the breast cancer from colons of fundamental two view:
1. According to your histological type.
2. According to the clinical stage.

According to your histological type:

Medullary carcinoma
Papillary carcinoma
Scirrhous carcinoma
Mucinous carcinoma
Disease of Paget

According to clinical stage:

Stage 0
Stage 1
Stage 2a
Stage 2b
Stage 3a
Stage 3b
Stage 4
They exist three treatment types at the moment for the mammary cancer:
 The preventive
 The curative
 The palliative

The preventive treatment: go from the control of the factors of risk to the mastectomias
prophylaxes requested by patients classified as of high risk.

The curative treatment: based on the three fundamental pillars that are the surgical
treatment of the tumor, the surgical treatment of the armpit and the therapeutic adjuvant, as
well as the radiotherapy and the hormonoterapy. To this arsenal they unite at the moment
still the vaccines and antibodies in clinical rehearsals.
The palliative treatment consistent fundamentally in support measures, relief of the
symptoms, psychological support looking for improvement and dignity in the confrontation
of the last phases of the disease.

The prognostic in the evolution of a patient with mammary cancer depends on diverse
factors among those that are: the varying histological of the tumor,the clinical stage in the
moment of the diagnosis, the degree of invasion existent ganglionar, the degree of nuclear
differentiation, the patients general state, the age.

Evolution of the surgery in the breast cancer:

The surgery plays the main role in the treatment of the cancer of mamma early and locally
advanced. Although the surgery had place under the first therapeutic tool ,the first
procedures were very radical and mutilating, based on the pattern of dissemination of the
cancer mammary proposed by William Stewart Halsted, who proposed that the cancer
advanced of an organized mode, first locally and regionally through the skin and the
lymphatic ganglion, then in a later stadium through the blood to the organs. The surgery
oncoplastic is born of the demand for better cosmetic results and it arises of the coalition of
the surgery oncological of the mamma with the cosmetic surgery, being obtained very good
As all procedure this has contraindications:
 Patients with tumors they compromiso the skin.
 Little mammary volume.
 Patients with adiction to the tobacco.
 Patients with uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus.

The cancer of mamma in men :

It is a little frequent and very little studied .Your prognosyic and manage even are from it
ideal and of which has achieved in mammary cancer in women. Their behavior spreads in
most of the cases to be uncertain and its controversial handling. The early diagnosis of
cancer of mamma in men it implies a true challenge for the systems of health. We should
know more envelope their fisiopatology and factors of risk. If you ends up understanding
the factors of risk and the fisiopatology of the cancer of mamma in mens it could be carried
out an appropiate tamizaje in these patients of risk and this way to be able to carry out an
earlier diagnosis. However, they are usually of better pronostic and they spread to be less
aggresive. The studies carried out around the world have more than enough treatment of
cancer of mamma in mens they usually based on studies the cancer of mamma in women
search menopausal. This is due to that the incidence of breast cancer in men is so low that
the realization of studies with groups of control is usually very difficult.
Autoevaluation of mamma.
The American Society against the cancer reccomends practice the mammary autoexamens
from the 20 years. It makes those of 3 to 5 days afther the begining of the menstrual
period, because the mammas are not so sensitive.

1 -Lay down. Place the right hand for behind of the head. With the middle fingers of the left
hand it presses the right mamma soft but with firmness and small movements.
2- Explore the whole area, by going downwards until the ribs and upwards until the
3- Being sitting or standing, touch the armpit, since the mammary tissue it extends until this
4-It presses smoothly the stems, being verified if threre is some type of secretion. Repeat
the procedure with the left hand.
5- Stop you front if the mirror, look your sinuses and search changes in the texture as
dimples, folds or skin it shines as hull of orange.
6- Look the form and the contour of each mamma. You have present it for the next time.
We can conclude that the breast cancer is one of the more frequent desease in the country
and in the world.
With the knowledge of the factors of risk, of the phipical appropriate examination and for
the use of the diagnostic media with those who count we can detect in precacious way the
mammary cancer be helping so to that the less invasive treatment helps to lengthen the life
of the pacient.
The mammary autoexploration is a simple method it implies wat woman touches your own
sinuses in searching for of possible changes, satcheb, folds or swellings. If carries out
regularly and in correct way, it can help in the precacious detection of some types of breast

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