B.F.A Semester Syllabus Regulations and Syllabus Relating To Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) 8 Semesters (4 Year) Course
B.F.A Semester Syllabus Regulations and Syllabus Relating To Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) 8 Semesters (4 Year) Course
B.F.A Semester Syllabus Regulations and Syllabus Relating To Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) 8 Semesters (4 Year) Course
A Semester Syllabus
The eligibility criteria for the 8 semesters (4 years) B.F.A course would be passing of
Intermediate or Higher secondary or any 10 + 2 or its equivalent.
Mode of selection:
The candidates for the admission in to Bachelor of Fine Arts should take an entrance test
conducted by the University with a view to find out the applicants:
a) Aptitude : for native ability, natural gift.
b) Interest : for interest, aptitude and personal philosophy.
c) Personality : for Psychological make-up.
d) Intelligence : for mental equipment operation.
e) Expression : for self direction, visual awareness and individualism.
The candidates should get minimum qualifying marks of 50% in the entrance test. Relaxation as per the
University rules would be allowed to the reserved categories of S.C, S.T and OBC candidates.
Total number of working days for the academic year 2014-15 as per the University academic calendar
----------------------------------------------- 188 days
Awarding of specializations to students:
The students do the common preparatory course in I and II semesters (one year), at the end of the
preparatory course on the basis of their performance they would be allotted their specialization, from III
semester onwards.
Course Structure
Ist SEMESTER: Studio practice 80% from total working hours are 518 hours
No. of works to
Subject Teaching Exam/ be submitted Marks Passing Credit
Hours Assessment Marks
1.Art History 70 Exam Assignment 100 Marks 35 2
20 Assignment]
3.Fundamentals of
30 Exam Assignment 100 Marks 35 1
20 Assignment]
Studio Practice
1.Drawing 128 Exam/Assess 6 100 Marks 50 4
ment/ [ If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
130 Exam/Asse 6 100 Marks 50 4
3. Sculpture ment/ [ If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
submissions ]
IInd SEMESTER: Studio practice 80% from total working hours are 518 hours
No. of
Subject Teaching Exam/ works to Marks Passing Credit
Hours Assessment be Marks
Submissions submitted
1.Art History 70 Exam Assignment 100 Marks 35 2
Studio Practice
1.Drawing 128 Exam/Assessment 6 100Marks 50 4
[ If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
2.Painting 130 Exam/Assessment 6 100 Marks 50 4
[ If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
3. Sculpture
130 Exam/Assessment 6 100Marks 50 4
[ If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
130 Exam/Assessment 6 100 Marks 50 4
[ If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
III SEMESTER For Studio practice 80% from total working hours are 518 hours
No. of works
Studio Practice Teaching Exam/ to be Marks Passing Credit
Hours Assessment submitted Marks
Painting Spln
Drawing: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
1. Study from objects, Animals, Assessment/ [If exam
Nature and Human figures. Submission 80 Exam+
2. Study of Human head, Study of 20 Class
human figure groups. Submissio
3. Study of animals in various n]
Subsidiaries: a) Graphics, 64 hours Exam/ 3 works 100 Marks 50 2
Assessment/ [If exam
Submission 80 Exam+
20 Class
Graphics Spln:
Drawing: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
The study from objects, animals, Assessment/ [If exam
nature and human figures, study Submission 80 Exam+
of human head ,study of human 20 Class
groups, study of animals in Submissio
various media.. n]
Printmaking : 195 hours 6 works 100 Marks 50
1. Introduction with the major Submission [If exam
methods of Printmaking, 80 Exam+
Understanding of black and white 20 Class
textures and lines through nature Submissio
study, object study in single and n]
in groups, etc.
2.Their Transformation in
eliminated paper cuts linocuts,
wood cuts, impressions from 6
various textured papers, etc
3Their use in simple forms,
imaginative compositions.
a) Painting 64 hours Exam/ 3 works 100 Marks 50 2
[If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
IV SEMESTER For Studio practice 80% from total working hours are 518 hours
No. of
Studio Practice Teaching Exam works to Marks Passing Credits
Hours be Marks
Painting Spln
Drawing: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
1. Study from objects, Assessment/ [If exam
Animals, Nature and Human Submission 80 Exam+
figures. 20 Class
2. Study of Human head, Submissio
Study of human figure n]
3. Study of animals in various
6 works 100 Marks 50 6
Composition: 195 hours [If exam
1. Compositional exercises Submission 80 Exam+
are based on studies of 20 Class
objects, groups in space and Submissio
studies of human figure, n]
animals and studies of the
local scene, compositional
analysis of paintings exercises
in the use in various mediums
and textural values.
Sculpture Spln
Life Study: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
Human study in Drawing and Assessment/ [If exam
in clay Submission 80 Exam+
20 Class
Graphics Spln
Drawing: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
The study from objects, Assessment/ [If exam
animals, nature and human Submission 80 Exam+
figures, study of human head 20 Class
study of human groups, study Submissio
of animals in various media n]
Methods and materials,
Processing and Printing.
Dry point, Etching in line
drawing and texture, dots, etc
in monochrome.
V SEMESTER For Studio practice 80% from total working hours are 518 hours
No. of
Studio Practice Teaching Exam works to Marks Passing Credits
Hours be Marks
Painting Spln
Composition: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
1Compositional exercises to Assessment/ [If exam
understand the use of space. Submission 80 Exam+
2. Composition from 20 Class
preparatory studies of the Submissio
local scene. n]
Sculpture Spln:
Life study: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
Torso study in drawing and Assessment/ [If exam
making torso in clay. Submission 80 Exam+
20 Class
a) Painting 64 hours Exam/ 3 works 100 Marks 50 2
Assessment/ [If exam
Submission 80 Exam+
20 Class
Graphics Spln
Drawing: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
1. Study of the structure of Assessment/ [If exam
the human body and its Submission 80 Exam+
articulation. 20 Class
2. Study of animals, Human Submissio
figure draped. n]
3. Study of figure in action
from the local scene in
various mediums.
4. Use of space.
Printmaking : 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
Exploring the possibilities of [If exam
Intaglio technique in various 80 Exam+
mediums. 20Class
Aquatint: Submissio
1. Use of tonal and textural n]
gradations in black and white,
original compositions using
zinc plate and copper plate,
2. Printing in colour.
VIth SEMESTER For Studio practice 80% from total working hours are 518 hours
No. of
Studio Practice Teaching Exam works to Marks Passing Credit
Hours be marks s
Painting Spln
Drawing: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 50 6
1. Study of the structure of Assessment/ Marks
the human body and its Submission [If exam
articulation. 80
2. Study of animals, Human Exam+
figure draped. 20 Class
3. Study of figure in action Submissi
from the local scene in on]
various mediums.
Subsidiaries: (a) Graphics 64 hours Assessment/ 3 works 100 50 2
Submission Marks
[If exam
20 Class
Sculpture Spln
Life study: 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 50 6
Torso study in detail taking a Assessment/ Marks
waste mould and casting in Submission [If exam
plaster of Paris. 80
20 Class
Printmaking : 195 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 50 6
1. Using soft and hard ground Assessment/ Marks
to get textural innovations use Submission [If exam
of multiple points. 80
2. Viscosity in colour Exam+
printing, engraving, 20 Class
Mezzotint. Submissi
Serigraphy: on]
1 .Preparing of the screen,
stencil process, gum method
of sealing method, photo
exposing process.
2. For all the printmaking
media – student should be
trained through compositions
based on studies or from
imagination stressing form,
colour structure, design by
making them aware on
various values.
VII SEMESTER For Studio practice 80% from total working hours are 518 hours
No. of
Studio Practice Teaching Exam works to be Marks Passing Credits
Hours submitted marks
Painting Spln
Drawing: 194 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 50 6
A study of human figure in Assessment/ Marks
backgrounds, in action, study Submission [If exam
of animals, making of 80
finished drawings from Exam+
scribbles. 20 Class
Subsidiaries: Exam/
Graphics / Sculpture 96 hours Assessment/ 3 works 100 50 3
Submission Marks
[If exam
20 Class
Sculpture Spln:
Life study: 194 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 50 6
Drawing and making full Assessment/ Marks
figure in ½ life size in clay, Submission [If exam
in sitting, standing, recycling 80
postures. Exam+
20 Class
Composition: 228 hours Exam/ 6 works 100
Concept development and Assessment/ Marks 50 7
exploring in conventional Submission [If exam
materials. 80
Developing individual Exam+
language deriving from 20 Class
concepts. Submiss
Graphics Spln
Drawing: 194hours Exam/ 6 works 100 50 6
1. A study of human figure in Assessment/ Marks
backgrounds, in action, study Submission [If exam
of animals, making of 80
finished drawings from Exam+
scribbles. 20 Class
VIII SEMESTER For Studio practice 80% from total working hours are 518 hours
No. of
Studio Practice Teaching Exam works to Marks Passing Credits
Hours be marks
Painting Spln
Drawing: 194 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
Drawing as a medium of Assessment/ [If exam
personal expression. Submission 80 Exam+
20 Class
Subsidiaries: 96 hours Assessment/ 3 works 100 Marks 50 3
Graphics / Sculpture Submission [If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
Sculpture Spln:
Life study: 194 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
Detailed study in drawing Assessment/ [If exam
and making a life size Submission 80 Exam+
figure in clay, in standing, 20 Class
sitting, recycling posture Submission]
from the life model.
Subsidiary: 96 hours Exam/ 3 works 100 Marks 50 3
Painting / Graphics. Assessment/ [If exam
Submission 80 Exam+
20 Class
Graphics Spln
Drawing: 194 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 6
1. A study of human figure Assessment/ [If exam
in backgrounds, in action, Submission 80 Exam+
study of animals, making of 20 Class
finished drawings from Submission]
Printmaking : 228 hours Exam/ 6 works 100 Marks 50 7
1. Mixed media. [If exam
2. Using traditional 80 Exam+
methods of Printmaking or 20 Class
Non-traditional Submission]
printmaking techniques.
Subsidiaries: 96 hours Assessment/ 3 works 100 Marks 50 3
a) Painting or b) Sculpture Submission [If exam
80 Exam+
20 Class
Introduction to Psychology:
1. Introduction 24 hours Exam 100 marks 35 1
2. Definition and various types (80 Exam+
3. Perception and attention 20
From the book, “Speak Well” edited by the 35 hours Exam 100 marks 35 1
Andhra and University of Hyderabad. (80 Exam+
1. Stress and Intonation 20
2. Interactions 4 Assignment)
3. Presentations Skills.
IV Semester
*In detail
From the book, “Speak Well” edited by the 35 hours Exam 100 marks 35 1
Andhra and University of Hyderabad. (80 Exam+
1. Group Discussions 20
2. Debating Assignment)
3. Interviews
V Semester:
VI Semester:
AESTHETICS 64 hours Exam 100 marks 35 2
(80 Exam+
Part A: Western Aesthetics (32 hours) 20
Immanuel Kant, Hegel and other modern Assignment)
Introduction ,Intuition, Sublime, Katharsis,
Disinterested Satisfaction and other
aesthetic theories
VII Semester
VIII Semester
As the B.F.A course is a completely practical oriented professional course, it is absolutely essential, that
the student should have a minimum of 75% of attendance, As per Andhra University rules
Failing which he/she would not be allowed to sit in the examination. The students have to clear all the
papers of 1st semester before entering the 3rd semester (by the end of 2nd semester). The students who
could not attend all papers would be detained in the same semester. Students who attend at least one paper
of the semester would be promoted to the next semester, and given chance to complete the previous
semester along with the current semester evaluation.
As the growth and the overall performance of the student is necessary to evaluate his/her performance in
an academic year it is being proposed that 20% of the total marks in the regular classes and 80% of the
marks would be from the particular semester examination/Submissions and Assessment.
Candidates appearing for their semester examination would display their examination work along with
selected body of class and studio assignment work in the examination hall or their studios in the faculty
premises. The Examiners (External and Internal) will evaluate their performance on the basis of these
classes (Studio assignment work and examination work) in order to arrive at a final evaluation of the
performance of the each candidate.