Germicidal Lamp Safety Tips
Germicidal Lamp Safety Tips
Germicidal Lamp Safety Tips
10 CFR 851 mandates the use of the threshold limit value (TLV) exposure limits established by
the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). The exposure limit
for a germicidal lamp is 6 millijoules per square centimeter. At this level, detectable molecular
damage appears to be fully repaired within 24 hours. For the case of continuous exposure for
longer than 8 hours, such as is possible for a 10- to 12-hour extended shift or a double shift,
special care needs to be taken.
Use of Germicidal Lamps
Biosafety cabinets
UV light has been used in the research laboratory as an effective germicide and virucide for most
vegetative organisms and viruses. While it is used for disinfecting the interior surfaces of
biosafety cabinets (BSCs) before and after use, UV does not penetrate well and will only
disinfect the outer surface of any material stored in a BSC.
UV light installed at the ceiling level in some laboratories is used
for air and surface disinfection. It is used secondarily to ventilation
controls such as directional airflow, dedicated exhaust, and
increased air exchanges.
Consult the manufacturer’s manuals for specific information about
the potential exposure level and frequency of radiation, as well as
the suggested operating protocols.
An appropriate combination of engineering and administrative
controls should be implemented, and appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE) should be worn, to ensure that the risk
to health and safety from UV exposure is low. These must be Ceiling UV light used for air
documented in the Work Planning and Control system and Activity and surface disinfection
Engineering Controls
BSCs should be located in a separate room when possible, and access to the room must be
controlled. Access to rooms with germicidal lamps mounted to the ceiling must be strictly
controlled while the lamps are operating to prevent any possible exposures. Turn off UV lights
before entering tissue culture rooms.
• Ensure that enclosures and doors have interlocks if there is the potential for exposure and
if users do not need direct access to the UV. Some germicidal lamps have a switch that is
interlocked to the room entry door; they are operational only when the door is closed.
• Laboratories having germicidal lamps without an interlocking switch must strictly control
access to that area by posting a warning sign on the door when the lamp is operating. The
warning sign should include the following wording: “Caution: High Intensity Ultraviolet
Energy. Protect Skin and Eyes.”
• The only significant leakage of UV from a BSC is from the front opening. Taking steps
to eliminate that leakage is the key to eliminating exposure. Access to the interior of the
BSC while the lamp is operating is controlled by closing the sash. Do not leave sashes
open while the UV lights are on. UVR exposure at 18 inches from the front of the open
sash can cause skin and eye burns in 15 minutes.
• Some cabinets are equipped with an interlocking switch that deactivates the UV lamp
when the sash is opened. Some cabinetmakers manufacture retrofit kits to interlock the
sash and UV bulb. Alternatively, a manufacturer can be asked to install such a switch if it
has not been installed already. Regardless, personnel must ensure that the UV light is off
before working at the cabinet.
• For those cabinets with fixed sashes, an opaque covering can be used to allow air flow
while minimizing UV exposure.
• An additional precaution is to install a timer with the UV light. The timer ensures that
adequate time is allowed for disinfection and that personnel are not in the room during
that time.
Administrative Controls
If interlocks are not fitted, the equipment must be used in conjunction with strict administrative
rules to avoid exposure. Typical administrative controls include limiting access, ensuring that
personnel are aware of the potential hazards, and providing training and safe working
instructions for users.
Personnel should be trained in using the UV equipment safely. The manufacturer’s manuals
provide specific safety-related information (type of eye/skin protection needed, ventilation
requirements, etc.) that must be completely understood before using the equipment. If any
uncertainty or concern exists regarding the safe use of UV-generating equipment, contact the
manufacturer for clarification.
Personnel should carefully study the manufacturer’s manuals of the UV-generating equipment
and be familiar with its use. It is important never to deviate from the instructions for safe
operation without first contacting the manufacturer.
At a minimum, lab personnel should be familiar with the following when working with or around
UV light:
• Proper use of the UV light–producing equipment
• Warning signs and labels
• Proper use of protective equipment provided by the manufacturer (e.g., UV shields or
enclosures), as well as PPE
• Symptoms of UV exposure
Minimizing exposure
• Never view the UV lamp directly. Although the inverse square law applies to non-laser-
beam UVR, it is not advisable to look directly at any UV source (e.g., a germicidal lamp)
– at any distance.
• Keep exposure time to a minimum and keep as far away from the source as practicable.
• Turn off UV lights before working in the BSC.
• Restrict access to those personnel who are directly involved with the operation of the UV
source. Do not loiter near the cabinets.
Hazard warning signs
Warning signs are necessary to inform about the risk of exposure
during use and maintenance. Warning signs should be used where
applicable to indicate the presence of potential UVR hazards, to
restrict access, and to specify PPE. The warning sign should read
“Caution: High Intensity Ultraviolet Light. Wear Proper Eye &
Skin Protection.”
BSCs should have the following hazard label located above the
sash: “Caution: High Intensity Ultraviolet Light. Turn Off UV
Light Before Using Unit.”
Warning signs and labels can be downloaded from the non-
ionizing radiation safety web page:
Personal Protective Equipment
The PPE for BSC use must protect the eyes and skin, and includes gloves, lab coat with no gap
between the cuff and the glove, and a UV-protective face shield.
Face shield
UV-absorbing full-face shields should be worn (goggles may not
provide sufficient face protection). Severe skin burns can happen
in a very short time, especially under the chin (which is often left
UV-Protective Face Shields
At a minimum, nitrile, latex, or tightly woven fabric gloves are recommended. The transmission
of UV-A and UV-B through these materials is low compared to vinyl gloves. Gloves should
protect personnel from UV light, as well as from the hazard of the activity being performed.
Lab coat
Personnel should wear a fabric lab coat that fastens securely at the wrists and up the neck so that
no skin is exposed. Note that burns to uncovered wrists and the neck are not uncommon. Tyvek®
protective wear, such as arm shields, coveralls, and lab coats, is not appropriate as a shield from
UVR, as it may allow significant leakage of UV through it.
PPE must be either readily available and cleaned between users or personally allocated to each
user. Eye and face protection must be inspected either regularly or before each use for damage or
defects such as cracks, crazing, or bleaching, and replaced when necessary. Note that PPE may
need to serve multiple purposes, such as protecting against chemical splashes and UV.
Environment, Health & Safety Division personnel can provide assistance in measuring UV
emissions and selecting the appropriate PPE to wear.
Limitations for Use of Germicidal Lamps
Listed below are limitations that should be considered when using the germicidal lamps:
• In a BSC, UV light is not penetrating. Microorganisms beneath dust particles or beneath
the work surface are not affected by the UV irradiation.
• UV intensity is significantly reduced by dust-covered lamps and the interior of BSC
cluttered with equipment.
• Bulbs should be wiped on a monthly basis with a soft cloth and dampened with ethanol
after the bulb cools down.
• UV lamps should be checked periodically with a UV meter (approximately every six
months) to ensure that the appropriate intensity of UV light is being emitted for
germicidal activity. The amount of germicidal wavelength light emitted from these bulbs
decreases with age, and bulb ratings may vary by manufacturer.
• 254 nm radiation can directly interact with plastics and cause crazing and potential
weakening. This can be eliminated using good BSC practices, specifically, by minimizing
the amount of material left in a cabinet.
• Humidity adversely affects the effectiveness of UV. Above 70% relative humidity, the
germicidal effects drop off extremely.
• Optimum temperature for output is 77°F–80°F. Temperatures below this optimum
temperature range will result in reduced output of the germicidal wavelength. Moving air
tends to cool the lamp below its optimum operating temperature, which results in reduced
Cleaning Up a Broken Lamp
• If lamps are broken, ventilate the area where the breakage occurred. Take the usual
precautions for collecting broken glass. Clean up with a mercury vacuum cleaner or with
other suitable means that avoids generating dust and mercury vapor. Do not use a
standard vacuum cleaner. Place collected materials in a closed container.
• After handling broken lamps, remove protective clothing and thoroughly wash hands
before eating, smoking, or using toilet facilities.
• Contact your waste generator assistant for assistance with the disposal of spent and
broken lamps.
Take-Away Safety Tips
• Units containing germicidal lamps should be interlocked to prevent access while the
lamp is on. All open-source UV lights must be risk assessed.
• NEVER tamper with or bypass the interlocks.
• Close the hood sash completely if using UV lights in a BSC. Do not leave sashes open
while the UV lights are on.
• Turn off UV lights before working in BSC.
• ALWAYS use appropriate PPE for the hazard, namely, UV face shield, gloves, and
buttoned-up lab coat.