Young Minds Depression PDF
Young Minds Depression PDF
Young Minds Depression PDF
What is depression?
Most people go through periods of feeling down, but
when you’re depressed you feel persistently sad for
weeks or months, rather than just a few days.
How do I know if I’m
Everyone has different emotions and it’s normal to
experience highs and lows throughout life. But when
the lows go on for a long period of time and feel almost
constant, that’s when it becomes depression.
“Mum walked out on me and my brother,
and Dad got a job in another country so
we had to move. Mum didn’t want to see
us any more because she said she had a
new life. Dad started drinking. It’s like I
lost everything I knew.”
What you can do:
helping yourself
Finding ways to cope with your mood is important when
you’re feeling depressed. So don’t panic and remember,
feeling sad or unhappy will come to an end. It could be
useful to:
What you can do:
getting help
The first step is to talk about it.
Talk to someone you like and trust, like a teacher, relative,
counsellor or friend.
You could also talk to your GP. They will listen and
offer advice and sometimes refer you to a specialist or
prescribe medication to help improve your mood.
How is depression treated?
If your GP thinks you’re suffering from depression,
they may prescribe therapy, anti-depressants or a
combination of both.
“I didn’t think I could talk to anyone I
knew. I thought it would just make things
worse. I couldn’t talk to my friends about
it because I didn’t think they would take
it seriously. I just felt completely alone.
I wrote to a problem page and they
encouraged me to phone a helpline. Once
I did that they helped me have more
confidence to get help.”
For more support
The UK’s free helpline for children and young people
– it’s a confidential service and provides telephone
counselling for any child with a problem.
Helpline: 0800 1111
Textphone: 0800 400 222
Mon-Fri 9:30am-9:30pm | Sat and Sun: 11am-8pm
Offers free support and advice for under 25s through a
confidential helpline, online chat and discussion boards.
Helpline: 0808 808 4994
7 days a week 2pm – 11pm
Information and advice on counselling services for people
aged 12–25. Visit the website and click ‘Find a service’.
Bereavement charity helping young people come to
terms with bereavement and deal with their feelings.
0808 802 5544
Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm
Fourth Floor, India House
45 Curlew Street
London SE1 2ND
Telephone 020 7089 5050