Transformer'S Moisture Assessment With Online Monitoring
Transformer'S Moisture Assessment With Online Monitoring
Transformer'S Moisture Assessment With Online Monitoring
Paper 0374
The many uncertainties related to the traditional method The fundamental drawback of the method based on oil
to define paper moisture from oil samples by applying samples is the long time constants to establish the
equilibrium between oil and paper especially at lower
moisture equilibrium charts are discussed on a general
temperatures [6]. This leads to a situation that the
level. samples taken from transformers are often times not
representative of equilibrium, because due to the load and
INTRODUCTION temperature variations, equilibrium is hardly ever
achieved in a loaded transformer (Figure 1).
Power transformers are among the most valuable and
important assets in electrical power networks. Knowing
their condition is essential to meet the targets of MOISTURE DYNAMICS IN TRANSFORMER
maximizing the return on investment and lowering the Temperature fluctuation by load drives moisture
total costs related to a transformer’s lifetime operation. exchange between oil and the solid insulation. At the
temperature increase water is released from paper into oil
Moisture is one dominant factor in solid insulation and vice versa with the temperature decreasing [7,8]. The
degradation. Traditionally moisture assessment of the same moisture pattern is shown in Figure 1.
insulation paper has been conducted from oil samples
applying moisture equilibrium charts. However, this
method includes many factors that may increase the
assessment uncertainty significantly. There are various
error sources related to the sampling and sample
handling, which are discussed later in this paper.
Paper 0374
ppm results may vary significantly depending on where relative saturation and temperature, when the water
in the loading cycle the sample is taken. solubility characteristic of oil is known (Figure 1).
Structure of capacitive moisture sensor and its
operating principle
A capacitive moisture sensor is basically a parallel plate
capacitor. At least one of electrodes is porous to water
and allows water to permeate inside the dielectric
polymer layer. Absorbed water molecules increase
permittivity and this can be measured as increased
capacitance of the sensor element. The sensor is very
selective to water and almost no interfering effects of
other oil molecules are observed.
aw = ERH = *(ppm/ppmsat)
if = 1 then
aw = (ppm/ppmsat) = RS
CAPACITIVE MOISTURE SENSOR The absorption forces at the molecular level are binding
forces between the water molecules and the molecules in
Capacitive sensors are used for online measurement of
oil’s relative moisture saturation (%RS) and temperature. oil.
Water activity is the driving force for moisture migration
between oil and paper. In equilibrium relative saturation WATER SOLUBILITY OF OIL
can be used as a reference for determining paper
moisture. However, there is hardly ever equilibrium due Water solubility of oils is exponentially temperature
to temperature fluctuations and the thermal mass of dependent. The warmer the oil the more water it can hold.
insulation. Also, relative saturation is a temperature This is opposite to the characteristics of solid insulation.
dependent parameter and sensitive to the location of the Figure 4 presents the average water solubility of mineral
sensor. transformer oils i.e. their saturation curve. Solubility is
Water concentration in ppm can be calculated from affected also by additives and aromatic compounds of oil.
Paper 0374
Paper 0374
Paper 0374