Technical Brochure: 7Kh 6kruwhvw 'LVWDQFH %HWZHHQ 0Dq DQG 0Dfklqh
Technical Brochure: 7Kh 6kruwhvw 'LVWDQFH %HWZHHQ 0Dq DQG 0Dfklqh
Technical Brochure: 7Kh 6kruwhvw 'LVWDQFH %HWZHHQ 0Dq DQG 0Dfklqh
1 MachineShop™
6 Recipe Module
9 Report Module
MachineShop is an integrated suite of Windows-based software tools for developing Interact HMI and MachineLogic PC-
based control applications.
MachineShop is a suite of software products for HMI and machine control, giving machine builders a time-saving approach to
meet their machine requirements.
MachineShop uses a convenient toolbar to make it easy to manage, create, integrate and transfer Interact HMI and /or
MachineLogic control applications. It also supports CTC's full line of PowerStations, integrating all of these products into a
bundled solution that can fit the requirements of any machine.
MachineShop's toolbar includes a Project Manager, Environment Navigation and a PowerStation Transfer area. The toolbar is
packaged with all CTC software – so you can take advantage of its features whether you are using Interact or MachineLogic or
¾ Project Manager
• Collects all of the runtime application files and • Provides features to back up and restore projects to
configuration data for control, HMI and motion into a and from mass storage (diskette, hard drive, network,
central location etc.)
• Allows control and HMI projects to appear as a single, • Documents all project information
unified entity to ease development tasks • Easily performs project tasks with the guidance of
• Manages transferring projects and their components “Wizards”
to target runtime workstations • Exchanges tags between Interact and MachineLogic
¾ PowerStation Transfer
• Manages and transfers files that are needed to create • Automatic configuration features are included using
or update a runtime project installation on a the Connection Wizard
PowerStation or PowerPanel workstation • Information button provides project and system
• Automatically transfers runtime applications for information for the selected PowerStation
Interact and/or MachineLogic
• Can backup and restore runtime applications
• Makes serial and Compact FLASH transfers ¾ Environment Navigation
• Helps select transfer options, using Wizard-based • Allows user to quickly navigate between different
development components of the MachineShop Suite
• New Connection allows user to choose a variety of • Can add icons for other Windows programs being
means to transfer files to and from the PS (i.e. Type=
used for easy navigation.
Serial Transfer, Port= COM1 and BAUD= 115.2K)
• Three connection types supported: serial, network
and disk
MachineShop comes bundled with the CTC software below. For details, see the Technical Sheets on Interact
HMI Software and MachineLogic Control Software.
Interact is a feature-rich software package that can be MachineLogic PC-Based Control Software
tailored to meet the needs of any HMI project. It provides
a unique combination: the ease of use of Windows for MachineLogic is a new type of control software designed
application development and on-line testing, with the for the OEM/machine builder. MachineLogic is a PC Logic
reliability of DOS in a run-time environment. Controller (PCLC) that gives users a low risk way to move
from PLCs to PC, and has significant advantages over the
With its modular design, Interact lets you build an current PLC and PC-based options for machine control.
application by selecting from a complete family of software
modules, ranging from 3-D panel tools, to trending, MachineLogic is cost competitive and approaches PLC
networking and machine configuration. With Interact, you reliability with features such as deterministic operation,
buy only those modules you need for your current solid state memory and control software that has been
application knowing that Interact can easily expand to proven in thousands of installations. MachineLogic also
meet future needs as well. offers features such as an open architecture and
integrated development with HMI software.
Interact can run on CTC’s PowerStation and PowerPanel
workstations or any standard PC.
You develop your Interact application one time – and if you need to add functionality to the system in the future, you can do so
by simply adding another module to your existing application. There is no need to redesign your application. Features such
as Interact’s tag editor also allow you to design a standard application and then change the application to meet each project’s
requirements without redesigning the whole application.
Interact also offers you a variety of connectivity options to programmable controllers and intelligent control equipment.
Communication Device Drivers for 50+ serial and Remote I/O PLC connections are part of the standard product. In addition to
these standard driver options, you can also add your own driver to communicate with any intelligent control device. Multiple
drivers can be run simultaneously, and Interact even offers a high-speed method to easily pass data between different
Communication Device Drivers.
STITRTECH 3/02 Section 2, Page 6
Software Technical Sheets
The Interact Open Architecture. The core Interact package includes the Application Manager, all Device Drivers, the Panel
ToolKit Module, Graphics Monitoring Module and Alarm Management Module. Optional modules can be added at any time.
Panel ToolKit: Create control panels in minutes with this Historical Trending: Data is logged in binary format. View
unique library of over 30 standard panel elements this information on-line in tabular or line trend formats, or
off-line via popular PC packages.
Graphics Monitoring: A CAD-like graphics editor and 256
color support allows you to create free-form, animated Report Generation: Create free-form reports that can be
displays which can be easily combined with panel tools. reviewed on-line, downloaded to a network or disk as an
ASCII file format, or printed in hard copy.
Machine Configuration: Provides unique tools for easy
machine setup and product changeovers. User Program: You can add your own software or
application specific features to Interact’s architecture
Alarm Management: Display and acknowledge alarm through the use of the Software Developers Kit.
conditions from any screen. Operator comments and
alarms can be logged along with application requirements. Networking: A NetBIOS implementation that allows for
real-time data to be shared between multiple Interact
Recipe Handling: Operators can download, upload, modify stations. This high-speed LAN works with all popular
and store recipes on-line. A log of recipe activities is networking topologies, providing remote monitoring and
automatically kept. control functions, the ability to share activity files, and a
connection between distant remote stations via modem.
Data Transfer: Easily build a high-speed software
connection between different control equipment by Interact DDE Server: This product links Interact factory
passing information among multiple device drivers. floor stations and Windows application to allow the
exchange of real-time factory floor information.
For additional information, see the Interact System Specifications Technical Sheet or the Technical Sheet on each individual
Interact module.
Interact is a feature-rich software package that can be tailored to meet the needs of any HMI project. It provides a
unique combination: the ease of use of Windows for application development and on-line testing, with the
reliability of DOS in a run-time environment. Interact’s event-driven kernel enables reliable, high-speed program
execution for machine operation.
With its modular design, Interact lets you build an application by selecting from a complete family of software
modules, ranging from 3-D panel tools, to trending, networking and machine configuration. With Interact, you buy
only those modules you need for your current application knowing that Interact can easily expand to meet future
This Software Technical Sheet describes Interact’s overall system specifications. For additional general
information on Interact, see the Interact Applications and Architecture Technical Sheet.
Hardware Information
Interact is designed to run on any PC-based personal computer; CTC also offers several high-performance, low-cost
PowerStation and PowerPanel workstations that can be used for Interact applications.
Function Keys
40 function keys (F1-F40) are supported
Select/activate all run-time functions
Standard: Epson FX series or compatible
Over 1000 additional printers available via Product Support Program
Built-in spooler for graphic screen prints
The Panel ToolKit provides a library of over 35 preconfigured 3D panel tools that can be used to construct the screen-based
equivalent of traditional control panels. These “ready-to-use” tools save on development engineering cost and are modeled
after hardwired devices, giving operators the consistent look and feel of devices found on the plant floor.
The Graphics Monitoring Module lets users add graphics displays to the application to make the operator interface as intuitive
as possible for operators, thereby decreasing training and support requirements. This module includes 256 color support and
free-form graphics, giving designers the flexibility to import a picture of a machine and animate images on the machine to
create an application that operators will find easy to use.
PTM required in any application using GMM Import graphic images from digital cameras and
CAD-like, object-oriented graphics development scanners using the TWAIN interface
environment Can import DXF or WMF files as a single object or as
GMM, AutoCAD (DXF), and imported graphic images individual free-form elements
work together simultaneously 256 color support
Animation actions based on either discrete or analog Multiple discrete and analog inputs can be made from
values any image (no size limitation)
Animation actions include changes in size, color, Can create static graphic objects that can be imported
location, orientation, and visibility into a background to increase graphic performance
Bitmaps or GMM screens can be imported into PTM Easy to apply animation connections -- simply enter
background to increase performance the beginning and endpoints and GMM will
Bitmap format allows scanned images to be utilized in automatically calculate what the object should look
GMM like as it moves (“tweening”)
Can import from more than 15 different file types (i.e. 16 colors and 32 patterns can be applied to free-form
JPG, BMP, TIF, WMF) graphics
The Alarm Management Module is a feature rich alarm package that monitors alarm conditions, and allows users to
acknowledge and clear alarms from any screen. Operator comments and alarms can be logged along with application
Define alarm conditions and define corresponding Automatic alarm activity log including comments and
reporting, logging and corrective action procedure operator name
Assign user access level to all alarm functions Memory is only limited to # of alarms
Five levels of alarm priority with user-defined names Displays the alarm value and current value of alarm
Color-coded alarm priorities conditions in real-time
User-defined alarm group names User-defined alarm message window allows for
Acknowledge, inhibit, view by priority and group detailed explanation
Acknowledge/clear alarm from any screen Define log file parameters: start/stop, overwrite
conditions, and file size
Display alarm parameters with PTM tools
Log files stored in ASCII, comma delimited format and
Alarm interaction can be controlled/displayed from can be sent to any logical drives including networks
PTM screens
Comments can be entered for alarms and made part
Predefined run-time displays include Alarm Summary, of the log
Alarm Control and Alarm History
No special displays must be constructed
Tie alarms to any controller address
Machine Configuration Module (MCM) is a
valuable Interact option designed to address
specific requirements of machine builders and
users; With the power of MCM, you have the
ability to design, manage and perform efficient
manufacturing changeovers. This new tool also
makes it possible to rapidly develop modular
configurations and machine setup functions,
allowing you to easily customize products and
options to meet your customer's unique
Listing of machine configuration settings that may be Advanced Online Editing of configuration parameters
grouped by Machine Function
One-step Hot Editing to adjust active and stored
Protected “master” lists of machine settings that can machine parameters
be used to create user configured derived list
Automatic machine startups with “Last Used”
Six user access levels may be assigned machine configurations
configuration parameters and operations
Automatic activity Log including values modification
Automatic or Single Button Downloads and Uploads and operator ID, with view, print, and ba ckup
of machine configurations capability
Monitor Mode – enables the operator to see the value of a list item in the control device and compared to its corresponding
value in the list
Monitor Mode with Update – works the same as the Monitor Mode, but if there is a discrepancy, the value in the list will be
overwritten with the value in the control device
Auto-Save – causes the current list in the group to be automatically saved when a data value of a list changes, the user
changes to another list in the group, or upon shutdown of the MCM
Chaining of List – a list may contain an event that downloads the items contained in a second list
Events in List – an optional list item may be defined to act upon a specific event. Timed triggers and data verification for the
items in a list are events that may occur before the remaining items in a list are downloaded.
STMCM 3/02 Section 5, Page
Software Technical Sheets
Automatic Triggers – configured by user for multiple actions including Download, Upload, Save and Delete. Selectable for
Time of Day, Data Change or Positive Edge
Groups – allow list to be logically categorized for machine - Group Path – User configurable
operation and security privileges - Visible User Level – user level required to view group
- Maximum List Count – user configurable up to 999 - Downloading/Uploading – Downloading/Uploading
lists per group, unlimited number of groups complete handshaking
- Name – may be up to 15 alphanumeric characters - “Active List Name” Input – location in the controller to
- Description – up to 80 characters store active list name
Lists – are a collection to items that define the date to be - User Levels – item properties define user access
downloaded to a controller privileges for downloading and viewing list items
- Description – 32 character description of list - Master/Derived User Levels – user levels that are
- Comment – field for up to 512 characters to describe required to perform the actions for master and derived
function of list lists in run mode
List Items – are elements of a List that define machine - ‘Upload Value’ Output – address reference in the
parameters or events controller to read value
- Up to 999 list items per list - Verify – check that data value in controller matches
- Description – 32-character description of parameter list value
- Data Type – Discrete, Analog, ASCII, List and Events - User Levels – item properties that add user access
- MIN/MAX – define parameter limits privileges to allow downloading, viewing, editing and
- ‘Send Value’ Input – address reference in the saving changes to list items
controller for write value
Recipe Module
The Recipe Module (RCM) is designed for batch
processing applications. This module creates a library
of recipes containing process values, allowing
operators to upload, download, modify and store
recipes on-line. Other features include a wide range of
recipe controls and an automatic recipe activity log.
The Historical Trending Module (HTM) gathers selected
data from the machine or process, and allows you to
view this data on-line in graphical or spreadsheet
format. These data files can also be logged to disk so
that they can be analyzed off-line using popular PC
Log data on time interval, event or operator input Data logging speed depends on type of
Each log record receives number, time and date communication with the controller (serial is slower)
stamp HTM can log as fast as the communications interface
On-line conversion of the binary file format to an for the device
ASCII, comma-delimited format (CSV) Can support 16 fields per log form
Can backup log file to 4 different paths, including a Number of log forms per application depends on
network drive available disk space
Files logged in a binary format to save disk space and Record data field properties:
improve application performance ¾ FIELD NAME: 8 character variable name
Line trend can update with live data (can view current ¾ FIELD TYPE: integer, real, or discrete*
or historical data) ¾ MIN/MAX: define Y axis scale, used to calculate
Advanced features like data and time search allow for full scale
enhanced on-line analysis of logged data (e.g. ¾ OUTPUT REFERENCE: register where data will
SEARCH FOR :TEMP1 > 100 DEGREES) be read
Line trend display specifications Select actual engineering units for exact analysis
¾ Eight pens per display
¾ Variables plotted together as percent of full scale Bias control for discrete values allows multiple
¾ Display vertical scale for a specific pen variables to easily be viewed
¾ Scroll display forward or backward through log
¾ Compress display in horizontally and vertically
Report Module
The Report Module (RPM) creates free-form
reports for any Interact application. These
real-time data reports can be previewed on the
display screen while in on-line operation;
completed reports can be downloaded to a
network or disk for review at a later date.
Reports can also be printed in hard copy or
ASCII file format.
User Program
User Controller
User Written
Software Program
The diagram above illustrates how a user-written TSR program is incorporated into Interact
architecture with the User Program Module (UPM).
STSDKUPM 3/02 Section 10, Page 2
Software Technical Sheets
SW User Written
Interrupt Driver Software
Controller Serial Network
This diagram shows how the User Device Interface (UDI) allows the user to write custom
device drivers to be used by Interact.
Add your own application features easily to Interact’s Development modules allow the TSR to be configured
standard architecture like and Interact module
Designed to allow a user-written terminate-and-stay- Handles multiple data types
resident (TSR) program to share data with Interact Signed integer (-32768 to 32768)
Interact’s Software Developers Kit shows users how Unsigned integer (o to 65535)
to write a TSR program that functions as an Interact
Long value (-2147483648 to 2147483648)
module or communication driver
Float point (IEEE 32 bit floating point)
Interact provides the user-written TSR program with
its own interrupt for efficient operation in the real-time ASCII text string
environment Required for any application using a user-written
Contains predefined user screens for user-written application module (TSR program
modules to simplify integration effort
Interact is a powerful and flexible HMI solution for
factory floor machine control applications. CTC
knows how important it is for OEMs and end users
alike to maintain flexibility, so drivers are available
for a wide range of programmable controllers
(PLCs) and other intelligent equipment. Device
Drivers are part of the standard Interact product and
are packaged with the Application Manager.
This technical sheet lists all of the device drivers currently available for Interact. If you don’t see the driver you need:
Call CTC’s Inside Sales Department at (513) 831- Write your own driver using CTC’s Software
2340 for the latest information about drivers under Developer’s Kit (SDK) – for more information, see the
development SDK Software Technical Sheet
CTC’s Professional Services (PCS) Department can
write any driver you need for your application; just call
the PCS Coordinator at (513) 831-2340 for details
PLC PLC/PC Connections Driver
ASCII Driver The ASCII Driver is a generic communication driver used to interface to ASCII
devices that support ASCII communications. It communicates RS232/422/485
via a PC Serial Port.
ControlLogix Ethernet via 1756-ENET Ethernet module ABEN
ControlLogix 5550 CPU RS232 port via RS232 PC Serial Port using DF1
1756-DHRIO module to ControlLogix 5550 CPU using SST Direct Link Card
via Data Highway Plus SSSD
PLC-5 Ethernet PLC-with on-board Ethernet port or with a 1771-ENET Ethernet ABEN
Interface Module
1770-KF2 via PC Serial Port
Datalink Technologies DH+ Interface Card via PC Serial Port
(see Third Party Interface section for details)
Channel 0 (25 pin port) via RS232 PC Serial Port
SST Direct Link Interface Card via Data Highway/Data Highway Plus (see SSSD*
Third Party Interface section for details)
1771 Remote I/O Channel via ABR-3200/5 Interface Module available from ABR
Datalink Technologies 1771 Remote I/O Interface Card via PC Serial Port
(see Third Party Interface section for details)
PLC-5/250 SST 5136-SD Interface Card SSSD*
SLC 501 Programming port - DH-485 connection via PC Serial Port SLC5
Remote I/O 1747-SN via ABR-3200/5 Interface Module available from CTC ABR
SLC 502 Programming port - DH-485 connection via PC Serial Port SLC5
Remote I/O 1747-SN via ABR-3200/5 Interface Module available from CTC ABR
SLC 503 Programming port - DH-485 connection via PC Serial Port SLC5
Channel 0 (9-pin port) via RS232/485 PC Serial Port SLC5/ABDH
Remote I/O 1747-SN via ABR-3200/5 Interface Module available from CTC ABR
SLC 504 Channel 0 (9-pin port) via RS232/485 PC Serial Port SLC5/ABDH
Datalink Technologies DFK-1000-1/DL2000 ABDH
SST Direct Link Interface Card via Data Highway/Data Highway Plus SSSD*
(see Third Party Interface section for details)
Remote I/O 1747-SN via ABR-3200/5 Interface Module available from CTC ABR
SLC 505
On-board Ethernet 10BaseT port ABEN
Channel 0 (9-pin port) via RS232 PC Serial Port SLC5/ABDH
Remote I/O 1747-SN via ABR-3200/5 Interface Module available from CTC ABR
STDDG 3/02 Section 11, Page 3
Software Technical Sheets
PLC PLC/PC Connections Driver
Bailey Distributed Controls Network 90 Computer Interface Unit (CIU) via PC Serial Port** UDI
Bristol Babcock RS232/422 Communication Port via PC Serial Port Consult Factory
6000 Series Port 1 and 2 via RS232 PC Serial Port point-point CMOT
Port 2 via RS422/485 PC Serial Port point-point or multi-drop CMOT
AT6XX0 Bus Based Controller AT Bus Card CMOT
Gemini GT/GT6/GV/GV6 Port 1 via RS232 PC Serial Port point-point UDI (Gem)
Port 1 via RS232 PC Serial Port point-point CMOT
Gemini GT6K/GV6K Port 2 via RS422/485 PC Serial Port point-point or multi-drop CMOT
On board 10BaseT Ethernet Port Consult Factory
Delta Tau PMAC RS232/422 Communication Port via PC Serial Port PMAC
DeviceNet SST Direct Link Interface Card 5136-DN via Device Net Communication as DVNT*
Master or Slave (See Third Party Interface section for details)
FX Series RS232/422 FX Communication Port via PC Serial Port** UDI
Axima Multi-Axis Servo RS232/422 Communication Port via PC Serial Port MBUS
E Series Servo RS232/422 Communication Port via PC Serial Port MBUS
General Electric
VersaMax IC200CPU001 Port 1 RS232 via RS232 PC Serial Port GESN
Port 2 RS485 via RS485 PC Serial Port GESN
Series 90 (Micro, 9030 and RS422 Communication Port via PC Serial Port GESN/GSNX
9070) CMM311 Communication Coprocessor RS232/422 via PC Serial Port GECM/GESN
Pic 90 NET900 - network connection via ARCNET Card, available from Giddings & GLP9*
LINK900 - RS232 to User Port 2 or Serial Communication Module via PC GLP9
Serial Port. Supports multi-drop communications.
Note: Both require COMM900 software on PLC available from Giddings & Lewis
Pic 900 NET900 - network connection via ARCNET Card, available from Giddings & GLP9*
LINK900 - RS232 to User Port 2 or Serial Communications Module via PC GLP9
Serial Port. Supports multi-drop communications.
Note: Both require COMM900 software on PLC available from Giddings & Lewis
STDDG 3/02 Section 11, Page 4
Software Technical Sheets
PLC PLC/PC Connections Driver
DCS Gateway 9000 RS232/422 Communication Port via PC Serial Port** UDI
620-16 RS422/485 via ModBus built-in cards (for other models, use a 422/485 COMM MBUS
620-36 RS422/485 via ModBus built-in cards (for other models, use a 422/485 COMM MBUS
CLC-D X27 RS232 Port via RS232 PC Serial Port ICLC
X28 RS232/422/485 Port via PC Serial Port ICLC
CLC-P01 X27 or X28 RS232 Port via RS232 PC Serial Port ICLC
AT ISA bus based card via backplane ICLC
CLC-P02 X27 or X28 RS232 Port via RS232 PC Serial Port ICLC
PC/104 bus based card via backplane ICLC
Klockner Moeller Programming Interface (PRG) port via RS232 PC Serial Port with any PS416 KLOK
Programmable Controller
205 CPU direct serial (232/422)(point-to-point or multidrop) via PC Serial Port TICM
305 DCM Module (U-01DM) via PC Serial Port TICM
MachineLogic PCLC (CTC) ISA or PC/104 bus based card via backplane to PC runtime MLD
TCP/IP Ethernet via PCI backplane, Slot Card on board Ethernet Port or MLD
PowerStation Ethernet Port
A Series (A1, A2, A3) AJ71C24 Computer Interface Module via PC Serial Port MITA
Directly to PLC (RS422) via PC Serial Port MIPA
Directly to PLC MelsecNet via A7BDE-A3N Programmable Controller Option MITS*
Directly to PLC (RS422) via A7BDE-RS4 Serial Port Interface Board MITS*
Directly to PLC MelsecNet via A7BDE-J7/P21/R21 MelsecNet Interface Board MITS*
FX Series
FX0/FX0S Directly to PLC (RS422) via PC Serial Port MIFX
M-84 RS485 multidrop ModBus via Serial Port MBUS
184 ModBus Port via PC Serial Port MBUS
ModBus Plus port via SA-85 PC Card available from Modicon MBPL*
584 ModBus Plus port via Panel-Tec PC/104 ModBus Plus Card MBPL*
Quantum RS232 ModBus Port via PC Serial Port or RS485 multidrop MBUS
Open Modbus TCP via Ethernet Port on 140 NOE 211 00 or 140 NOE 251 00 MBEN
Momentum RS232 ModBus Port via PC Serial Port or RS485 multidrop MBUS
Open Modbus TCP via Ethernet Port on 170CCC9x020 M1 CPU MBEN
STDDG 3/02 Section 11, Page 5
Software Technical Sheets
PLC PLC/PC Connections Driver
OMRON SYSMAC Link Via LK21 network card SLNK*
Profibus DP Slave L2 - DP Slave via SST Interface Card via Profibus PFBS*
(see Third Party Interface section for details)
R-Net R-Net Gateway via PC Serial Port RELN
Reliance DCSNet Automax Network Communication Module (57C404B) to PC Link Interface DCSNET
Module (57C445)
S5 95 Programming port via PC Serial Port current loop SIEMPP
S5 100 Programming port via PC Serial Port current loop SIEMPP
S5 115 Programming port via PC Serial Port current loop SIEMPP
CP524/525 via PC Serial Port (RS232) SIRK
PLC PLC/PC Connections Driver
560/565 RS232/422 Communication Port via PC Serial Port TICP
Ethernet Port via CTI 2572 Ethernet TCP/IP Module TIEN
Square D SY/MAX Serial RS422 Communication Port via PC Serial Port SQRD
PLC 400, 650, 700, 200, 300
PLC 400, 650, 700, 200, 300
Toshiba UDI
T1 Series RS232 Communication Port via PC Serial Port**
Toyopuc UDI
PC1/PC2 Controllers RS485 Communication Port via PC Serial Port**
User Device Interface (UDI) Example Development protocol User Device Interface Run-time UDI
(user drivers written with Interact's Software Developers Kit)
User-configurable to PC Serial Port or I/O Card
Whedco Servo Controller RS232 Communication Port via PC Serial Port** UDI
Note: All drivers that communicate via a PC Serial Port or PC/104 Interface Card are compatible with the P1/P2 PowerStation.
Device Net
Model No. 5136-DN-ISA AT Card DVNT
Model No. 5136-DN-104 PC/104 DVNT
Profibus DP Slave
Model No. 5136-PFB-ISA AT Card PFBS
Model No. 5136-PFB-104 PC/104 PFBS
(256) 534-8132
Modbus Plus
PC/104 Modbus+ PC/104 MBPL
In 1998, CTC became an operating unit of Parker Hannifin Corporation. As part of the Parker organization, CTC
has the resources to make an even stronger commitment to meet emerging trends on the factory floor with
product solutions.