Electrical Accident Risks in Electrical Work PDF
Electrical Accident Risks in Electrical Work PDF
Electrical Accident Risks in Electrical Work PDF
Tuuli Tulonen
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology to be presented with due permission for public
examination and criticism in Festia Small auditorium 1, at Tampere University of Technology, on
the 17th of December 2010, at 12 o’clock noon.
Tampere 2010
To my wonderful grandmother,
The opinions and assertions contained in this doctoral dissertation are the author’s
own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Safety Technology Authority (Tukes).
Current measures to increase electrical safety are not effective enough. In order to
decrease the number of electrical accidents, there is a need for more information about
electrical accident risks at the operative level. According to accident investigation
reports, most electrical accidents occur because certain safety procedures are not
carried out prior to work. Still, there is little information as to the reasons why these
safety procedures are omitted, and what other significant electrical accident risks
electrical professionals currently face.
The main objective of the study was to promote electrical safety by identification and
analysis of the main electrical accident risks of electrical professionals and by
presenting an electrical accident sequence model as a basis for safety promotion. The
study focuses on electrical professionals working in the fields of energy, industry and
real estate installations. Only electrical accident risks are examined, not other risk
types. In addition, the research concentrates on dead working and work that should
have been performed dead. The particular electrical safety problems of live working
and working in the vicinity of live parts are not examined.
During three years (2003-2006) of gathering material for this study, a questionnaire
was submitted to electrical professionals (n=541), electrical professionals and their
supervisors were interviewed (n=30), and certain electrical work tasks were examined
(n=8). Relevant publications, accident reports and accident databases were studied as
Keywords electrical work, electrical accident, electrical accident risk, accident cause,
accident model, de-energize, test, earth, ground, hurry, human error, human failure
First and foremost, I want to thank everyone involved in the electrical safety project (2003-
2006), which produced the data used in this dissertation: the professors, research scientists,
research assistants and supporting staff at my former employee Tampere University of
Technology’s Institute of Occupational Safety Engineering (now Center for Safety
Management and Engineering), the electrical safety project advisory group members and the
organizations they represented, and the electrical professionals who shared their knowledge
and participated in the project. Especially I would like to thank my former colleague Johanna
Pulkkinen for her part in the electrical safety project. For the same reason a special thank you
to Heidi Nousiainen.
I also wish to thank my supervisor professor Kaija Leena Saarela for all the support and
guidance I received during both the electrical safety project and the dissertation writing
process. I would also like to thank research professor, docent Veikko Rouhiainen and senior
research scientist, docent Simo Salminen for the valued comments and advice I received
during the dissertation review process.
Concerning the dissertation writing phase, special thanks to Noora Nenonen for her advice on
accident statistics and her overall attentive ear. A thank you also to Sanna Nenonen for being
a patient SPSS-guide through all my detailed inquiries. I would also like to thank Harri
Westerlund for the electrotechnical advice I received during the finalization of the manuscript.
I want to thank the Safety Technology Authority (Tukes) for the support I have received
during all these years. The dissertation was in large part funded by the graduate school UCIT
(user-centered information technology). I would like to thank the supervisors and my peers at
UCIT for support.
Finally, my special thanks go to my family, relatives and friends, who have all been there for
me throughout the years. I am especially grateful to my husband Juha for both the emotional
and practical support, and our children Jaakko and Leo for bringing perspective and sunshine
to even the cloudiest of dissertation writing days.
Abstract ......................................................................................................................... v
Tiivistelmä ..................................................................................................................vii
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... ix
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
6 Results ................................................................................................................. 53
6.1 Electrical safety questionnaire survey ......................................................... 53
6.1.1 Worst experienced situation ................................................................. 53
6.1.2 Failure to de-energize .......................................................................... 54
6.1.3 Failure to test........................................................................................ 56
6.1.4 Failure to earth ..................................................................................... 58
6.1.5 Biggest electrical safety risks............................................................... 62
6.1.6 Unsafe work ......................................................................................... 67
6.1.7 Technology-based hazards ................................................................... 68
6.1.8 Working live but without proper training ............................................ 71
6.2 Interviews ..................................................................................................... 72
6.2.1 Hurry .................................................................................................... 72
6.2.2 Hurry questionnaire ............................................................................. 74
6.2.3 Contracting and outsourcing (shared workplaces) ............................... 76
6.3 Examination of worksite safety ................................................................... 78
6.3.1 Actions prior to work ........................................................................... 78
6.3.2 Securing the work location .................................................................. 79
6.3.3 Work .................................................................................................... 80
6.3.4 Actions prior to re-energizing .............................................................. 81
6.3.5 Re-energizing ....................................................................................... 81
6.3.6 End of work.......................................................................................... 82
6.3.7 Other .................................................................................................... 82
6.4 Electrical accident sequence model ............................................................. 84
7 Discussion............................................................................................................ 86
7.1 Main results .................................................................................................. 86
7.1.1 All sectors ............................................................................................ 86
7.1.2 Energy sector ....................................................................................... 87
7.1.3 Industry sector ...................................................................................... 89
7.1.4 Real estate installations sector ............................................................. 90
7.1.5 Electrical accident sequence model ..................................................... 91
7.2 Achievement of objectives ........................................................................... 92
7.3 Methodological strengths and weaknesses .................................................. 94
7.3.1 General ................................................................................................. 94
7.3.2 Electrical safety questionnaire survey ................................................. 96
7.3.3 Interviews and examinations................................................................ 98
7.4 Reliability and validity ................................................................................. 99
7.5 Further needs .............................................................................................. 100
Key definitions
General definitions
(To) earth (for work) All high and some low voltage installations must be
earthed and short-circuited prior to work - with suitable
equipment and preferably from a point visible to the
work location. This is done in order to ensure the safety
of workers by preventing the possibility of the electrical
installation becoming unexpectedly live during work.
(SFS 6002:en 2005, modified from p.41)
Electrical risk (factors) Factors that have caused or have the potential to cause
electrical accidents. In this publication electrical risk is
used as a synonym to electrical hazard; to emphasize
that the hazard exists and the magnitude of the risk is
estimated to be significant.
Working in the vicinity “All work activity in which a worker with part of his or
of live parts her body, with a tool or with any other object enters into
the vicinity zone without encroaching into the live
working zone” (SFS 6002:en 2005, p.21).
1 Introduction
All over the world electricity poses a constant hazard to those performing electrical
work. In fact almost everyone working in the field has experienced or witnessed an
electrical shock during their working life (Tkachenko et al. 1999). In Finland the
situation may be verified by asking any electrical professional about his or her
personal experiences. Still, only a small percentage of the incidents are reported:
Finland has a labor force of 2.6 million, of whom 17 thousand are electrical
professionals working with dangerous voltages (Työssäkäynti 2007), but only about
50 cases of electrical professionals’ electrical accidents are documented yearly by the
accident insurance institutions (Hintikka 2007), and only about 20-30 cases are
reported to the electrical safety authority (Mattila 2009). In addition to being more
common than statistics imply, electrical accidents have been estimated to be
exceptionally severe (Cawley & Homce 2003) and costly (Wyzga & Lindroos 1999).
Underreporting is a problem, but on a global scale Finland seems to have a very high
electrical professionals’ occupational electrical safety level. Legislation dictates
clearly how much education and experience a person must have before called an
electrical professional and allowed to perform electrical work independently.
Legislation and obligatory standards also define safety procedures which must be
carried out prior and during work. Still, during the past decade there has been on
average over 4 professionals’ electrical accidents with severe consequences every
year (table 1). Despite continuous efforts to improve electrical safety, the number of
electrical accidents has not decreased.
Finnish workplaces have widely adopted the zero accident –vision, according to
which all accidents are both unacceptable and preventable (Finnish Zero Accident...
2009). Based on the vision, and the fact that despite efforts electrical safety has no
longer improved, there is a need for new information on how to further increase
electrical safety. The prevention of electrical professionals’ occupational electrical
accidents starts with the identification and analysis of the underlying causes of
electrical accidents and incidents that could have lead to an accident. The
identification and analysis of accident risks will enable to focus future prevention
efforts with more precision and effectiveness.
The initiative to do the research came from the Safety Technology Authority (Tukes)
who wanted more information on the causes of electrical professionals’ electrical
accidents, to be used in its efforts to promote electrical safety. A single line of
investigation – concentrating on electrical professionals and electrical risks alone –
creates the possibility to investigate more thoroughly into the specific problem at
hand. Even the immediate causes of professionals’ and laymen’s accidents differ:
Laymen are often not aware of the potential health threat even normal household
electricity poses. Professionals’ electrical accidents occur despite awareness of the
danger. In addition, professionals’ accidents seem to occur basically only during
working hours, as laymen suffer electrical accidents both at work and during leisure.
Professionals’ actions are thus guided by legislation and other occupational
regulations, which increases the possibility to influence.
Accidents are rarely caused by one single event or action. Instead they are the
consequence of a multitude of events that may have occurred during a long period of
time. Still, the acts and thoughts of the person whose actions immediately preceded
the accident should be of great interest for that person is the culmination point of the
chain of events and the last person who could have prevented the accident if all the
facts had been known. The explicit target of this research, electrical professionals’
electrical accidents, offers the possibility to study human behaviour at the sharp end
of the accident sequence in a specific well-defined context.
According to the standard SFS 6002 (2005) all electrical professionals must receive
electrical safety training in intervals of no more than five years. Training should be
given more often if there are relevant changes in e.g. work assignments. The training
must go over the most relevant electrical safety -related legislation and the content of
the standard SFS 6002 (2005). The training must also include information about
electrical safety hazards, electrical accidents, and the possible specific participants’
work –related electrical safety requirements. (SFS 6002:2005)
Outcome 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Death 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0
Serious injury 1 3 4 2 2 3 7 1 7 6 2 5 2
Other (≤ 30 days) 16 15 22 13 22 15 17 21 13 12 16 20 28
or unknown
Altogether 17 19 26 15 24 18 24 23 22 18 19 25 30
In Finland
According to Tukes’ analyses of reported electrical accidents that occurred during the
years 2002-2008, 68-88% of electrical professionals’ electrical accidents are due to
erroneous action or human error. Most often the immediate causes of the accident are
that the work location is not de-energized prior to work, voltage is not tested, earthing
is omitted, or live parts are not adequately separated from the work area. (Heinsalmi
& Mattila 2007, 2008, Mattila 2009, Mattila & Rusanen 2006, Rusanen 2004, 2005,
Rusanen & Laanti 2003) In a previous investigation of all reported electrical
professionals’ electrical accidents, which occurred during 1997-2001, Tukes
concluded that they are often due to omission of voltage testing, inadequate separation
of energized parts from work area, or working live but not in compliance with live
work regulations. The last is due to belief that it speeds up completion time. It was
also noted in the investigation that electrical professionals try to avoid blackouts,
which leads to hazardous working methods and conscious risk-taking. Sudden
changes in the work area also constitute a risk when they necessitate a modification
on how to safely complete the assignment. (TUKES tutki sähkötapaturmat 2002)
Five electrical professionals died in electrical accidents in Finland during the last
decade. The accidents were investigated by the FAII and Tukes. FAII investigates
almost all occupational fatalities with the aim of preventing further such accidents by
disseminating information of the accident causes to other organizations with similar
risks (TOT-tutkinnan esittely 2005). As the authority in charge of electrical safety in
Finland, Tukes investigates electrical accidents when an investigation is necessary in
order to identify the causes of the accident, or when an investigation might reveal
information that may be used in the prevention of further accidents (410/1996, 52a§,
amendment 220/2004).
The first of the five fatal electrical accidents occurred in 2003 when an electrical
professional died in the installation of a new 20kV electric power line. The line was to
cross with an old 400V line. Without his partner’s knowledge, the electrical
professional had climbed up the pole of the old line before it was de-energized, and
got caught in the lowest two wires. He ultimately fell down seven meters. The victim
had probably tried to speed up work by making preliminary preparations as far as
possible before de-energizing the line – and in the process forgotten that the line was
still energized. The unsafe behavior of going too near energized parts was identified
as a primary cause in the resulting inquiries (TOT 6/03, VARO 3682). In addition,
work partners being informed of each other’s doings was mentioned (TOT 6/03,
VARO 3682) as well as acknowledging the hazards present (TOT 6/03), and lack of
supervision concerning safe behavior (VARO 3682).
The second and third fatal electrical accidents occurred in 2004. In the second
electrocution case two electrical professionals were fixing faults caused by a storm. A
tree had fallen over a line that led to a summer cottage, ripping off some of the wires.
It was assumed that one of the wires may be live, but the workers did not necessarily
realize the voltage could be at a fatal level. (VARO 4094) The accident was seen to
have been caused by insufficient information concerning the work site, insufficient
planning of how to perform the work safely, unsafe behavior, and inadequate
supervision of safe working procedures (TOT 15/04, VARO 4094).
The third fatal electrical accident occurred during power plant maintenance. A 6kV
electrical installation had been de-energized, and two electrical professionals had been
given certain maintenance tasks. At the end of the workday some of the work was still
undone, but when all other tasks were finished later that evening, it was assumed that
their work was also finished, and the installation was re-energized. The accident
occurred the next day as the workers continued their unfinished assignment. (TOT
19/04, VARO 4115). The accident causes were later identified in the FAII
investigation to be problems in information flow, inadequate documentation of
finished tasks, the change in electrical status remaining unnoticed by the workers, and
omission of voltage testing prior to continuing work. The way work should be
organized is also discussed in the investigation report. (TOT 19/04) The Tukes
investigation report named the primary cause of the accident to be that the person in
control of electrical safety during work had not been named, nor was the person
responsible for the naming physically present at the work site to take care of
controlling. Other possible causes named in the report concerned organization and
supervision of work, re-energizing without making sure that all work was finished and
that everyone becomes aware of the changed electrical status, and the fact that all the
workers were not previously acquainted to each other which may have caused less
discussion of system status. (VARO 4115)
The fourth fatal electrical accident occurred in 2006 as an electrical professional was
electrocuted and fell down from a pole when due to out-dated documentation the
wrong 25kV wire was de-energized, tested and earthed. Alterations that had been
made at the site a year earlier by another organization had not yet been updated in the
diagrams though the responsibility of updating had also been assigned. The accuracy
of the diagrams was not confirmed on-site, the success of the de-energizing was tested
too far from the work site, and safety harnesses were not used. (TOT 13/06, VARO
The fifth fatal electrical accident occurred in 2009 as an electrical professional was
electrocuted when a load-disconnector malfunctioned, and the work task was begun
without testing the success of the de-energizing, nor earthing the installation (Hatakka
& Johansson 2009). In summary, all of the five electrical professionals’ fatal electrical
accidents that have occurred in Finland during the past decade were at least partly due
to the fact that de-energizing, testing and/or earthing was omitted. It should also be
noted that four of the five fatalities occurred outdoors and in electric pole -related
In Sweden the immediate accident causes of electrical accidents are similar to
Finland: Almost all electrical professionals’ electrical accidents are due to failure to
comply with regulations, and half of them due to omission of voltage testing prior to
work (Ett informationsprojekt riktat... 2000). In Norway it has been identified that the
risk of electrical accidents is increased by problems in e.g. organization of work, use
of personal protective equipment, by over-estimating own abilities, and with repeated
tasks becoming automatic actions. In addition, distractions and simultaneous
assignments increase accident risks, as do workers’ possible personal life crisis and
stress. (Goffeng & Veierstad 2001)
In the United States, 152 hazardous energy -related fatalities were documented in the
FACE program during 1982-1997. From these cases, 82% were due to failure to
remove the hazardous energy, 11% due to failure to prevent re-energizing, and 7%
due to failure to verify the de-energizing. (Preventing Worker Deaths… 1999)
According to analysis of U.S. statistics from 1992-2002, two electricity-related
occupations, namely “electricians and apprentices” and “electrical power installers
and repairers”, are among the top three professions that encounter fatal occupational
electrocutions, accounting for 24% of fatal electrocutions (Cawley & Homce 2008).
In the United Kingdom, an analysis of 174 electrical accidents revealed that 68% were
due to inadequate working practices, and 19% due to insufficient equipment
maintenance (Stephenson 1993).
effective countermeasures. Floyd et al. (2003) also feel that safe working methods are
best induced through education.
In Taiwan, Chi et al. (2009) have developed a coding system for the analysis of fatal
occupational electrocutions. Analysis of 255 fatalities that had occurred in the
construction industry during 1996-2002 revealed that 38% of the fatalities had
occurred while performing electrical work, mainly while installing, moving, or
repairing power lines or poles. The analysis of accident causes does not completely
separate electrical professionals and laymen, but the examples within the results give
strong indication that the causes of electrical professionals’ electrical accidents are
often related to failure to de-energize, test, and earth properly. (Chi et al. 2009)
Accidents are still generally blamed on the worker, often also the victim of the
accident. Because the worker is often thought to be the cause of the accident,
corrective actions focus on the worker’s behavior instead of the people who put the
worker at risk. (Groeneweg 1992) Although the final unsafe act is made by the worker
that does not mean this was the sole reason the accident occurred. It is nowadays
widely acknowledged that accidents are due to a multitude of human failure made by
many people during a long period of time. The accident process is commonly
illustrated with the Swiss Cheese Model (Reason 1997).
Reason (1997) divides accident causes into active failures which are made
immediately before the accident occurs, and latent conditions which may have existed
dormant for some time. According to Wagenaar et al. (1994) there are 11 types of
latent conditions: hardware, design, maintenance management, operating procedures,
error-enforcing conditions, housekeeping, incompatible goals, communication,
organization, training, and defence planning.
More than half a century ago, Heinrich (1959) stated that the identification of
accidents’ underlying causes (“subcauses”) is an important part of accident
prevention. He divided the immediate causes of preventable accidents (98% of all
accidents) into unsafe acts (88%) and mechanical or physical hazards (10%). As
mechanical and physical hazards are also due to some kind of human input, he argued
that all underlying causes behind immediate causes are related to “faults of persons”
(Heinrich 1959, p.80). According to Heinrich (1959), the underlying causes of unsafe
acts can be grouped under the headings of improper attitude, lack of knowledge or
skill, physical unsuitability and improper mechanical or physical environment.
Besides industrial hygiene and ergonomics -related elements, Heinrich included under
the environment-heading those elements, which today are grouped under
organizational factors, e.g. company policy, procedures and safety rules.
Theories of accident causation are used to identify accident causes, with the final
purpose of preventing accidents by eliminating their causes (Raouf 1998). From these
theories, probably the most cited is the domino theory, or model, introduced by
Heinrich (1959, first published in 1931). According to Heinrich, the accident
sequence may be illustrated with five domino-blocks, placed side by side, knocking
down the next one as they fall. In time order, the dominos are entitled 1) ancestry and
social environment, 2) fault of person, 3) unsafe act / mechanical or physical hazard,
4) accident, and 5) injury. When any one of the dominos is removed, preferably the
third one, the accident sequence will break and injury will be avoided. (Heinrich
1959) The multiple causation theory disputes the above, emphasizing that accidents
have many causes, and are fundamentally due to organizational problems (Petersen
1982). The energy transfer theory adds to the previous by stating that an accident is
due to uncontrolled transfer of energy and accidents are prevented with measures
focusing on the energy source, path and receiver (Raouf 1998).
The human factors theories investigate the human element as both the immediate and
the underlying cause of accidents. Petersen’s (1982) accident/incident model or
human error causation model describes how accidents and incidents are caused by
system failure and human error, system failure including many elements of safety
management, like policy, authority and training. The systems theory (Leplat 1984)
assigns accidents to socio-technical system error.
Some of the less useful theories, from the point of view of accident risk analysis and
accident prevention, include the pure chance theory, which treats all accidents as
unpreventable, and behavioral theories like the accident proneness theory, claiming
some (a few) workers are more likely to have an accident than others (see also Blasco
et al. 2003 on accident intervals), and the biased liability theory, which depicts that
after experiencing an accident a worker is more likely or less likely to have an
accident than his co-workers (Raouf 1998).
There are also other theories of kind. Despite the difference in the theories, there
seems to be an understanding that accidents have multiple causes and are mainly
originated from human failure, caused by e.g. a worker, manager and designer. Often
the causes of accidents are divided into organizational, human, and physical/technical.
The VAKTA model is based on the Finnish accident investigation model, and
generally follows the above-mentioned division, dividing physical and technical
accident factors further. The model was developed using accident investigations
reports of 235 fatal accidents, with 1077 identified accident causes, which occurred in
Finland during 1985-1990. (Tallberg et al. 1992) The model, and the results of the
analysis of the accidents, are presented in table 2. The model has later been used to
classify accident factors in construction (Rakentaminen 2000), and shared workplaces
(Rantanen et al. 2007, modified model).
The SINTEF model is a tool to analyze accident causes. Besides the identification of
the accidents sequence and the technical, human and procedural aberrations, it
especially concentrates on the identification of organizational factors. Under
organizational factors the model classifies deficiencies relating to management
systems, upper management decisions and actions, and general safety climate,
meaning e.g. economy, labor force and legislation -related weaknesses.
(Arbeidsmiljøsenteret 2001 according to Sklet 2004)
The magnitude of risk is estimated by examining the probability and severity of harm.
Probability of occurrence of harm is calculated by estimating exposure to the hazard,
the occurrence of hazardous events, and whether the harm may be avoided or limited.
(SFS-EN ISO 14121-1:2007) The estimates may be based on past/expected incident
occurrence rates, derived from e.g. historical data or simulations, and expert opinion,
formed through precise methodology and with the support of all applicable data (SFS-
IEC 60300-3-9:2000). Severity of harm consists of an estimate of the magnitude of
injuries: how many are harmed and how severe are their injuries (SFS-EN ISO 14121-
1:2007). Within the scope of the analysis, both immediate consequences as well as
delayed and secondary consequences should be considered. Some additional
viewpoints that should be taken into account include the fact that the human element
plays a major role in the occurrence of accidents and risk assessment should therefore
not be based on technical failure alone. (SFS-IEC 60300-3-9:2000) For example, the
magnitude of risk may be dependent on the personality, abilities and other personal
characteristics of the person exposed to harm, and there may be both technical and
human aspects affecting the likelihood of omission of safety procedures (SFS-EN ISO
Objectivity-aspiring quantification of risks is not easily made, and the success of the
risk assessment process itself depends on many variables (see Heikkilä et al. 2007).
According to the standard SFS-IEC 60300-3-9 (2000), interpretation of results should
be strengthened by the identification and analysis of the uncertainties within the used
risk assessment method.
Safety culture has been widely studied for the past twenty years (reviews by
Choudhry et al. 2007, Guldenmund 2000, Sorensen 2002) – since it was mentioned in
a report by the international nuclear safety advisory group concerning the Chernobyl
accident (Summary report on… 1986). Today it seems to be agreed on that safety
culture is a sub-area of organizational culture: safety literature often defines
organizational culture as “the way we do things around here” (for organizational
culture see Schein 2004) and safety culture as those parts of organizational culture
that deal with matters concerning safety and health. Still, there seems to be no
commonly accepted agreement on the safety culture concept itself nor its components
or usability in accident prevention (editorial by Baram & Schoebel 2007). Even the
number of safety cultures that exist simultaneously within an organization has been
under discussion (Harvey et al. 1999).
Recently Parker et al. (2006) have introduced a framework which describes five
different safety cultures an organization may possess, including descriptions of each
culture at a tangible and intangible level. The framework describes the worst safety
culture to be a pathological one, where safety is mainly not considered at all. The
second safety culture type is a reactive culture, which focuses on responding to
accidents. A calculative safety culture is a bureaucratic one where compliance to
organizational procedures is more important than the results. In a proactive safety
culture problems are anticipated and in a generative safety culture considering safety
issues at all times is the way of life. The framework is based on earlier safety cultures
divisions by Westrum (1993, according to Parker et al. 2006) and Reason (1997) and
the goal is to move upwards from one culture to the next. (Parker et al. 2006) Still, a
positive safety culture may be identified by simply observing how much emphasis
workers give safety day-to-day (Cooper 2000).
According to Reason (1997) to achieve a safety culture an organization must have the
ability to report incidents, fair attitude to cases of human failure, flexibility in
dynamic situations and willingness to learn and change. Olive et al. (2006) list similar
components: commitment to and communication about safety issues, resilience and
flexibility, and constant situational awareness.
The term safety climate is used in publications almost as often as the term safety
culture. The definition of safety climate is also not uniform, but usually safety climate
is used as a synonym for safety culture, as one of the components of safety culture or
as a measurable manifestation of safety culture (see e.g. review by Guldenmund
Supervisors have a key role in the management of safety (Probst & Estrada 2010,
Zohar & Luria 2003): Positively perceived supervisors’ safety policy enforcement has
a positive effect on both accident occurrence and accident reporting. Workers’
Still, not all research results support the importance of management and supervisor
commitment. In an analysis of six management practices, namely management
commitment, rewards, communication and feedback, selection, training, and
participation, Vredenburgh (2002) discovered that taking safety performance into
account in the selection process and training of new personnel is the best way to
reduce workers’ injury rates.
working procedures and risk management. (Rantanen et al. 2007). According to the
results of a four industry case study by Mayhew et al. (1997), occupational safety
problems caused by subcontracting include outsourcing safety risks along with the
work, fragmentation of managerial responsibilities, regulations that have been
designed with traditional work in mind, and the fact that self-employed seldom belong
to a union or other similar association.
Safe behavior requires knowledge, skills, motivation and a possibility to act safely
(Jorgensen 1998). Risk behavior may be said to include “the extent to which the
personnel ignore safety regulations in order to get a job done, carry out activities
which are forbidden, perform their work duties correctly, use personal protective
equipment, and break procedures to carry out jobs quickly” (Rundmo 1996, p. 199-
200). As unsafe/risk behavior is the immediate cause of most occupational accidents,
companies strive for ways to promote safe behavior. Often safety programs call for a
change in attitudes: as attitude changes, so will behavior. Still, there are strong
arguments that focusing directly on behavior is more effective (e.g. Earnest 1985).
The ABC Analysis emphasizes the need to identify the Antecedents and
Consequences of Behavior, bearing in mind that Consequences are of more
significance and that immediate, certain and positive consequences have the strongest
effect on behavior (Krause 1997, see also Komaki et al. 1982, Sulzer-Azaroff 1982).
However, the identification of the motivation behind behavior may be difficult as it
may depend heavily on the individual (Glendon & McKenna 1995).
An effort to increase safety by introducing inherently safer systems may create unsafe
behavior, according to Wilde’s risk homeostasis theory (1982, 1998a, 1998b): The
theory is based on risk compensation, that is, the assertion that people have a tendency
to optimize risk instead of minimizing it: when the environment becomes safer,
people compensate by taking more risks, and vice versa. The theory proposes that
people’s willingness to take risks is based on the perceived benefits and costs of
taking a risk versus not taking it. The level of risk which people are willing to take is
the level where people believe they will maximize their gain. This target level is
compared with the perceived prevailing level of risk, and behavior is adjusted so that
the levels are in unison. (Wilde 1998a, 1998b) Still, McKenna (1987) argues that it
would be better to use the term behaviour change than risk compensation, as risk is
not necessarily the most important factor affecting changes in behaviour. On the
whole the theory is controversial. Trimpop (1996) sums up his review on the subject
by stating that regarding the risk homeostasis theory, only the assertion concerning
risk compensation, that is to say behavioural adaptation to perceived risk, is generally
agreed upon.
Along the same line of thoughts Battman and Klumb (1993) propose that rule
violations are due to economic behavior and optimization, that is, the human attempt
to maximize gains and minimize losses at the same time. Since economic behavior is
a natural feature, rules that contradict will probably be violated: as workers try to
optimize their efficiency, they develop ways to do the work that may differ from the
official way the work is intended to be done. These violations happen more often
when constraints and priorities are unclear, and feedback poor. (Battman & Klumb
Salminen (1994) states that risk-taking plays a large part in occupational accidents
(see also review by Turner et al. 2004). An analysis of 99 accidents, which had
occurred in southern Finland during a little over a year, showed that risk-taking
contributed to 54% of the cases. Most often it was caused by an attempt to save time
and effort and meet timetables. (Salminen 1994) Workers in large organizations
experienced fewer accidents when compared to how many workers large
organizations employ. In the construction industry subcontractors’ workers
experienced more accidents than main contractors’ workers. (Salminen et al. 1993)
Victims of accidents felt the accident was due to external circumstances more than
their co-workers and supervisors (Salminen 1992). According to Cooper (1998)
unsafe behaviour is the immediate cause of 80-95% of accidents.
Especially in non-scientific publications human error is still often seen as the primary
cause of accidents. This is probably due to limited available information concerning
the chain of events leading to the accident, or simply a need to finish the investigation
and find a cause (or someone to blame) as soon as possible. Nevertheless in the
scientific community it is widely recognized that human error is not as much a cause
as it is a consequence of underlying organizational problems (see e.g. Dekker 2002,
Reason 1997). In addition, erroneous acts are often labeled errors only when they
have adverse effects: when the act was committed, the actor felt it was the right thing
to do, considering the prevailing situation (Dekker 2002).
Reason (1990, 1997) categorizes human errors into slips, lapses and mistakes. Slips
and lapses are unintended skill-based errors, which are either attention or memory
failures. Most often errors are skill-based, especially on the operative level (e.g.
Salminen & Tallberg 1996). Mistakes are intended actions but with unwanted
consequences, and either rule- or knowledge-based. Violations may be categorized
either as one form of error or as a category of their own, as violations may be
deliberate or occur as a result of human error. In addition, it must be considered
whether the violation was made with good or bad intentions. (Reason 1990, 1997)
Most violations are made with good intentions. They may be categorized as
situational, exceptional or routine. (Lawton 1998) Errors and violations may be
grouped together and called unsafe acts (Reason 1990) or human failure (Reducing
error and... 2000). Reason acknowledges his views on human error owe to
Rasmussen’s skill-rule-knowledge framework (see. e.g. Rasmussen 1982, 1986,
1987). In a review by Kirwan (1998), error identification techniques were classified
2.4.5 Hurry
Hurry is often said to be the cause why something is done or left undone, but at closer
look it can be seen that it is more a consequence, caused by a multitude of factors (see
e.g. Järnefelt & Lehto 2002). Today, attitudes towards hurry have changed, and
continuous hurry creates an atmosphere of respect. Pressure for time is managed with
time deepening, that is by doing things faster, trading time-demanding ways to less
time-consuming ones, doing many things at once, or with a strict schedule. (Kerttula
Järnefelt & Lehto (2002) have grouped the causes of hurry under four levels:
organization, unit, assignment and individual. Organization causes hurry if there is a
lack of human resources, if organization demands more efficiency, and as a
consequence of organizational changes and development. The work unit causes hurry
when the supervisor doesn’t stand up for his/her subordinates, when there are
problems with work distribution and organizing of work, or schedules are too tight.
The work task itself causes hurry if work has become more demanding, more
versatile, more fragmented, is customer-work, if planning work is difficult, or if
information technology increases the amount or difficulty of work. Hurry may also be
self-caused, meaning it originates from the worker’s own poor organizing skills,
excess ambitions, or personal stress tolerance level. (Järnefelt & Lehto 2002)
Analysis of the 1977-2008 results of the Finnish Quality of work life survey revealed
that the number of people who feel hurry impairs their work a lot has increased
significantly, from 18% in 1977 to 31% in 2008. A growing cause of hurry is the fact
that there are too few people to do all the work that should be done (45% of
respondents in 1990 and 54% in 2008). According to the 2008 results, hurry exists
especially in the forms of tight deadlines (75%) and frequent interruptions (56%), and
causes errors (49%), fatigue (48%), work climate problems (45%) and more sick
leaves (44%). It prevents doing the job in a satisfactory quality (41%), planning
(38%), and further training (35%). Hurry also increases the possibility of an accident
(35%). When the results are divided according to gender, most consequences of hurry
can be seen to be clearly more typical for women, but the increase of errors and
possibility of accident are consequences which are more typical for men than women.
(Lehto & Sutela 2008)
The fourth European Working Conditions Survey results show that there is
considerable difference in work intensity between the member countries of the
European Union: Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, Greece, Cyprus, Denmark and Austria
are countries who report that an average of more than half the time (>50%) work must
be done at very high speed and to tight deadlines, while at the other end Latvia’s
corresponding figure is under 30%. Compared to the EU average, in the three sectors
of manufacturing, construction, and electricity, gas and water, less workers name
direct demands from people (EU average 68%), but instead more name work done by
colleagues (EU average 42%), numerical production targets (EU average 42%) and
direct control of boss (EU average 36%) as what sets the work pace. Automatic speed
of machine is mentioned less often by workers in electricity, gas and water, but more
often by workers in construction and much more often by workers in manufacturing
(EU average 19%). The northern countries are mentioned in the survey as those with
an exceptionally high percentage of those working with direct demands from people –
accompanied by more related psychological health problems – and an exceptionally
low percentage of those whose work pace is set by supervisor control. On the other
hand, the northern countries are also mentioned as those who balance work well by
giving the worker higher autonomy along with the higher demands. (Parent-Thirion et
al. 2007) The survey results also indicate that the respondents’ experiences of
problems with work pace are age-dependent: the older the respondent, the more often
pace was not a problem (Burchell et al. 2009).
Time pressure is managed by either coping with it or decreasing it. The worker
himself/herself may cope with time pressure by e.g. prioritizing his/her work.
Supervisors and co-workers can help in the coping process by acknowledging and
taking into account the situation, and with positive reactions and feedback. Time
pressure can be decreased by e.g. delaying, delegating, being realistic, leaving some
work undone, and learning to say no. In addition, the role of the supervisor, upper
management and work community in reducing or causing time pressure should be
recognized. (Järnefelt & Lehto 2002)
Rasmussen (1997) has presented four risk management challenges which have arisen
during the past decades. The first challenge is the fast pace of technological change, in
which management structure, legislation and regulations have an impossible time
keeping up with. Also, according to Leveson (2004), engineering techniques are
lagging. In addition, already in 1987 Kjellén noted that rapid change of technology
eliminates the possibility of experience-based problem-solving: e.g. automation is not
the solution to human error problems, but instead creates new problems. Now, in fault
situations, in addition to manual operating skills, the operator is demanded of skills to
identify, understand and fix the problem. Skills that deteriorate when they are needed
only seldom; only when the system is not working as it should. (Bainbridge 1983)
New technology, especially automation, increases the risks of maintenance work,
which will still require manual activities and direct contact with the system (Kjellén
Many modern accidents are due to inadequate system and interface design, which
hinders communications between the operator and automation (Leveson 2004,
Parasuraman & Riley 1997). The futility of past experience has also been
The third challenge is the integration and coupling of systems, which means that an
action at one system can have a multitude of undesired consequences in other systems
(Rasmussen 1997). This problem has also been noted by Perrow (1999). Kjellén
(1987) continues this thought by reminding of the limits of human information
processing capabilities and ability to understand complex systems. The above-
mentioned challenges – technological improvements – do decrease some aspects of
physical workload as intended, but cause an increase in others. In addition, the
physical workload is substituted by latent psychological problems. (Harrisson &
Legendre 2003)
The fourth challenge is the present aggressive and competitive environment, which
focuses on short-term survival instead of long-term well-being (Rasmussen 1997).
Leveson (2004) adds that competitiveness and complexity have caused that the
responsibility for safety is becoming more a government issue, and it should see to it
that safety remains a societal priority. The societal viewpoint is also noted by the
OECD (2003), which refers to the importance of taking into account the general
public’s perception of risks.
Other modern challenges have also been identified (see e.g. The changing world…
2002, New trends in… 2002). Finnish trade unions have identified changes that
should be taken into account, caused by e.g. globalization, just-in-time and rapid
fluctuation of production, rapid organizational changes, more visible role of owners,
unconventional ways of employment, obscured field of companies’ operations, and
who is a blue- or white-collar worker (Lyly 2007).
Koval & Floyd (1998) have presented an accident/injury sequence model where they
point out that accident control demands that the hazard is recognized and understood,
and that there is both a decision and an ability to avoid the accident. If any one of the
above is lacking, unsafe behavior occurs. In addition, injury control demands the
recognition and understanding of the possibility of injury, and a decision to try to
avoid the risk of being injured. Again, failure to do so leads to unsafe behavior.
(Koval & Floyd 1998) A similar accident model has been published earlier by e.g.
Ramsey (1989).
From a practical point of view, Doughty et al. (1992) present a model of electrical
hazardous task classification and 10 principles of safe electrical work: plan every job,
anticipate the unexpected, use the right tools, understand that procedures are also
tools, isolate, identify hazards and minimize exposure, protect the worker, assess
capabilities, and audit these principles.
The starting point of the research was knowledge of the immediate causes of electrical
accidents, that is, failure to follow safety procedures. This had already been identified
by previous research, legislation, authorities and experts from the electrical field.
Keeping the main objective in mind, the initial research questions of the study were:
The previously identified immediate causes of electrical accidents were used as basis
for the first research question. The second research question was formulated in order
to identify other electrical safety hazards and the risks they pose.
From a theoretical point of view the research is based on the identification of the main
electrical accident hazards and risk estimation (figure 1). The magnitude of risk,
meaning probability and severity of harm is not quantitatively calculated. Instead
probability of harm is implied by the frequency of replies, which may be assumed to
be proportional to the frequency of exposure. Severity of harm is “fatal” as in case of
electric shock even normal household voltage levels may be fatal. The identified
hazards are placed in order of risk magnitude according to the above-mentioned
Electrical hazard
Risk analysis
(scope of this study)
Probability of Severity of harm
occurrence of harm (potentially fatal)
Figure 1. The study concentrated on the risk analysis -part of the risk management
process (combined and modified from SFS-EN ISO 14121-1:2007 and SFS-IEC
From the four main sectors that employ electrical professionals, namely energy,
industry, real estate installations and telecommunications, only the first three were
included in the study. These are sectors where electrocution is a constant hazard.
Only accidents caused by electrical shock or arc were included in the study. Accidents
caused by other electrical hazards (fire, electrochemical hazards, and converted
energy, according to Floyd et al. 2003) and other than electricity-based hazards were
not included, e.g. slipping, tripping and falling. In this study, incidents (hazardous
situations, near misses) were considered to have the same causal elements as
accidents, and are therefore treated as equally important, although there is dispute
whether accidents with serious consequences have different causes than minor
accidents (see e.g. Salminen et al. 1992, Saloniemi & Oksanen 1998, Wright & van
der Schaaf 2004).
There are three ways to perform electrical work: dead working, live working, and
working in the vicinity of live parts (SFS 6002:en 2005). All these have different
working methods and safety procedures which must be followed. This research
concentrates on dead working or work which was supposed to have been performed
dead, which is how most electrical work in Finland is supposed to be done, and where
almost all occupational electrical accidents occur.
There are five safety procedures mandatory to be implemented prior to dead working.
In chronological order the procedures are de-energizing, securing against re-
energizing, testing, earthing and protecting against adjacent live parts. All of these,
with the exception of securing against re-energizing, have been identified to be
immediate causes of most electrical professionals’ electrical accidents (Heinsalmi &
Mattila 2007, 2008, Mattila 2009, Mattila & Rusanen 2006, Rusanen 2004, 2005,
Rusanen & Laanti 2003). The causes for the omission of de-energizing, testing and
earthing are studied here. The existence of adjacent live parts, although recognized as
a cause of accidents, is considered not to be included in dead working, but instead
working in the vicinity of live parts (SFS 6002:en 2005), and is therefore excluded
from this study.
These exact outlines were made in order to focus the analyses more precisely and get
a more accurate picture of the electrical accident risks of electrical professionals.
From a practical point of view, the results may be used by any organization working
in or in cooperation with the electrical field, including unions and authorities, who
will be able to use the information in e.g. focusing safety training and legislative
work. From the point of view of scientific safety research, the study will reveal new
information on human behaviour in specific context. The detailed results can be
utilized in the prevention of electrical accidents of other professions. Also, there is the
possibility to utilize the results in the prevention of other types of electrical
professionals’ accidents.
The theoretical framework of the research is based on the standard SFS 6002 “Safety
at electrical work” (1999, 2005) and the electrical accident information collected and
published annually by the Finnish Safety Technology Authority Tukes (e.g. Mattila
2009). According to Tukes the most common immediate causes of electrical
professionals’ electrical accidents are failure to follow certain safety procedures,
procedures that are listed in the above-mentioned standard and mandatory to be
executed prior to working on a dead installation. An unsafe act may be either an error
or a violation (Reason 1990). Identifying and eliminating the underlying causes of
errors and violations made at the sharp end of the organization is an important part of
accident prevention (Groeneweg 1992). The most common forms of unsafe behavior
leading to electrical accidents are presented in figure 2.
Unsafe behavior
safety procedures
are few in number (Mattila 2009) and there is evidence of underreporting (Hintikka
2007). Combining the above-mentioned approaches result in specific information
concerning occurred accidents and incidents, and the risks lying behind them. In
electrical work – allowed to be performed by electrical professionals only (516/1996,
§11, amendment 28/2003) – the possibility that the worker becomes inadvertently in
contact with a live system causes a constant risk for a fatal electrical accident. This
research concentrated on analysis of the most significant occupational electrical
accident risks (figure 3).
Organization’s operations
Electrical work
Accidents are the result of a multitude of causes. Reason (1997) divides these causes
into active failures and latent conditions. The active failures are the immediate causes
of the electrical accidents, usually unsafe acts made by the workers, easily identifiable
during accident investigations, and thus mainly already known in the beginning of the
research. Endeavoured to identify in this research are the latent, underlying conditions
which lay dormant or evolve during a longer time period. Underlying causes are often
due to decisions made by management, designers or even authorities but they may
also be due to the worker. Underlying causes are often intangible and some of them
may remain unidentified even after thorough investigations as their impact on an
accident is difficult to assess. Figure 4 presents some tangible and intangible accident
causes originating from different levels of the organization and its surroundings.
Standards, guidelines Legislation
Government, authorities
5.1 Outline
The material for this dissertation was gathered within an electrical safety research
project (Tulonen et al. 2006) at the Institute of Occupational Safety Engineering at
Tampere University of Technology, Finland. The research was executed during 2003-
2006 in three phases: a questionnaire survey, interviews, and examination of worksite
safety (figure 5). All the phases concentrated on the identification of electrical
accident hazards and the underlying causes of electrical accidents and incidents.
Based on the survey and interviews, three electrical tasks were chosen for further
analysis. The chosen tasks were those perceived particularly hazardous. The
implementation of safety procedures during these tasks was examined.
The project was executed from the point of view of risk perception: electrical
professionals themselves are the best source of information concerning day-to-day
electrical hazards they face. In addition, the project advisory group took an active part
in the project and their expertise was utilized especially in the planning of the three
phases. The project advisory group represented organizations that concentrate on
occupational and/or electrical safety in their daily work, including authorities, trade
unions, accident insurance, etc.
The empirical part of the project was executed in Finnish. In the translations presented
in this publication – e.g. the questions and answers of the questionnaire survey and
interviews – the aim has been to preserve the original thoughts and nuances instead of
presenting exact word-for-word translations. As the responses were sometimes quite
short, some translations also end abruptly.
The Finnish Electrical Workers’ Union is one of the 23 member unions of The Central
Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK), the biggest labor market organization in
Finland. The Finnish Electrical Workers’ Union has over 31 000 members (SAK,
1.1.2004). The union picked out the sample for the questionnaire survey from their
private record as a systematic sample (e.g. every fourth name from the list) in January
2004, altogether 4000 names. The persons in the sample were from three sectors:
energy, industry and real estate installations. As electrical professionals were the
target group, only specific electrical work -related fields of collective agreement on
terms of employment (in the trade union) within the sectors were included in the
sample: The energy field was included from the energy sector. The electrical
installation field was included from the real estate installations sector. And the fields
selected from the industry sector were paper and pulp industry, mechanical forest
industry, metal industry, textile industry, constructional product industry, chemical
industry, rubber industry, food industry, glass ceramics field, and the slot machine
maintenance field. For reasons of readability, in the remaining part of this publication
the samples and the results of the survey will be referred to according to sector only:
energy, industry and real estate installations.
All the persons picked to the sample were persons, who had prior given the union
permission to use their contact information. The numbers of members picked were
divided as presented in table 3.
All the members, whom the questionnaire would be sent to, would have to have
ascertained contact information (address and telephone number). Therefore twice as
many members were picked as to whom the questionnaire would ultimately be sent to.
The contact information of 2000 was checked and missing contact information was
sought. The picked industry sample was smaller than the other two samples, which
was compensated by checking the contact information of the industry sample first:
The aim was to get at least 1000 responses and a fairly equal number of responses
from all three sectors.
5.2.2 Questionnaire
study, and the project advisory group experts’ views on the questionnaire contents. It
was sent to the project advisory group (nine electrical and occupational safety experts)
for examination. The second composition was created on the basis of their comments.
The questionnaire was tested twice; first with three electrical professionals working at
the Tampere University of Technology, later with another four. The questionnaire was
further revised after both tests. The final questionnaire was four pages long and had
26 questions from which nine were open-ended. The questions dealt with the worst
experienced electrical incident, working live, safety versus modern technology,
occupational electrical risks, attitudes towards safety, and safe working. In addition,
the questionnaire included 16 background questions concerning e.g. the respondent’s
sector of employment, age and education. The questionnaire questions are presented
in appendix 1.
A one-page preface explaining the project was sent with the questionnaire. It included
an extract from the Decree 516/1996 of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (§11,
amendment 28/2003), which lists the demands of professional competency of
electrical workers, that is who is recognized as an electrical professional according to
Finnish legislation. The extract was added to the preface because the aim was to
interview only electrical professionals, which all the members of the union were not.
Therefore at the end of the preface, the respondent was told that the target group of
the survey was electrical professionals (students from the field were also allowed to
participate), and that if he or she was not within the target group, to please inform the
interviewer so, and abstain from taking part in the survey.
The term electrical accident was explained at the beginning of the questionnaire.
Electrical accident was defined as a situation, where the respondent had received a
dangerous electrical shock or arc, and got hurt, even if the injury was only minor (a
small burn or scalloping). It was also defined to be an electrical accident, if an injury
had been the result of a fall caused by an electrical shock or arc. In addition, the terms
hazardous situation/near miss and modern technology were explained.
All the questions were asked in a passive voice to avoid blaming: the objective was to
find out why electrical professionals failed to de-energize, test and earth, not why the
respondent himself/herself omitted to do these procedures.
The questionnaire survey was executed during spring 2004. With the aim of collecting
at least 1000 responses the questionnaire was sent to 2000 respondents: 681 persons
working in industry, 660 persons working in real estate installations and 659 persons
working in the field of energy. In the questionnaire, the respondents were informed
that an interviewer would call them in a few days, and were asked to fill in the
questionnaire in advance and to keep it at hand for the interview. A market research
agency was responsible for the collection of the data, e.g. execution of the interviews.
Almost as many respondents participated (541) as refused (546) to take part in the
survey. Calculating the response rate by comparing received responses to the overall
number of participants who were reached and eligible, add up to a response rate of
49%. Correspondingly, sector-specific response rates are 50% in the field of energy,
46% in the field on industry, and 52% in the field of real estate installations. Reasons
for refusal were e.g. hurry or the project was seen needless. On the other hand, some
of the respondents who had experienced an electrical accident thought the project was
very necessary and felt strongly towards taking part in it. (Based on the report from
the market research company which executed the questionnaire survey, unpublished)
The respondents were asked what sector their employer mainly worked in. The results
were slightly different than the respective information from the Finnish Electrical
Workers’ Union regarding their members’ employment (sample information). Both
figures are presented in table 5.
About a fourth of the respondents, who chose the alternative ”other” specified that it
meant that they couldn’t choose between energy, industry and real estate installations
because their employer worked evenly in more than one of them. Others mentioned a
line of business that in some cases could presumably clearly be put in one of the three
fields. Still, for reasons of high uncertainty of ultimately placing the respondent in the
right sector, and to ensure validity of sector-specific results, this was not done.
Almost all (99%) respondents were male. The oldest respondent had been born in
1939 (65 years old at the time of the survey in 2004) and the youngest in 1983 (21
years old). The mean birth year was 1959, the median respondent had been born in
1958 (46 years old) and the most common year of birth (mode) was 1952. One
respondent did not want to reveal his age. The results varied between sectors with
respondents from the energy sector being slightly older (mean birth year 1956) and
respondents from industry and real estate installations being slightly younger (mean
birth years 1960 and 1962, respectively) than average.
The respondent with most experience had become an electrical professional in 1960
and the respondent with least experience was still a student and would be an electrical
professional in 2009. The mean and median graduation year was 1983, and the most
common graduation year (mode) was 1980. From all the respondents, 33 (6%) did not
answer this question and 15 (3%) were still students in the electrical field (graduation
year 2004 or later). From the rest (475/493), 96% had been working in the electrical
field practically the whole time since graduation. Also, 79% of those who did not
inform of their graduation year said they had been working in the electrical field since
Almost nine out of ten respondents (86%) had received electrical safety training
within the last five years. Although the type of received training is unknown, it is
assumed here that most respondents refer to the specific electrical safety training
mandatory in intervals of five years or less, which include e.g. going over the standard
SFS 6002.
Almost half (48%) of the respondents were employed by a large organization ( 250
employees), a fifth (21%) by a medium-sized (50-249 employees), a fifth (20%) by a
small (10-49 employees) organization, and a tenth (10%) by a micro-organization
(<10 employees). Five respondents (1%) did not answer this question. The size of
organization varied between sectors as presented in table 6.
Finland is divided into six provinces: southern, western, eastern, Oulu, Lapland and
the autonomous province of the Åland Islands. The distribution of respondents
between provinces is presented in table 7. The distribution can be thought to follow
the general lines of the distribution of population in Finland.
5.3 Interviews
The interviewees were sought through many different routes. The aim was to find
participants from all three sectors. Preferably some of the companies would work as
contractors to other companies, in which case the interviewees’ daily work would be
done in the premises of other companies than their own.
Eventually, some companies were reached because they had previously shown an
interest in the project, some were recommended to the project group as companies
who might be willing to participate, and some were found from e.g. different Internet-
based registers with listings of electrical contractors.
Fourteen companies agreed to participate in the interviews, of which most were large
enterprises. In each company separate interviews were made to both electrical
workers and their supervisors. The companies themselves chose the persons who
would participate in the interviews. Both interviews were made during the same day.
Altogether 30 group interviews were made: 6 to workers and supervisors working in
the field of energy, 12 to those working in industry, and 10 to those working in the
field of real estate installations. In addition, two group interviews were made to
persons who were working as liaisons between a company and its contractors. The
number of group interviews made to each target group are presented in table 8.
The interviews were made during winter and spring 2004-2005. The interview
questions had the aim of deepening understanding of some of the electrical safety
problems arisen in the previously done questionnaire survey. Also, some themes that
had been left out of the questionnaire due to their complexity and broadness were now
dealt with in the interviews. The interviews were all based on the same frame, which
consisted of background questions and 15 open-ended theme questions. The themes
dealt with were electrical safety and electrical accidents, working live, hurry, working
alone, contracting and outsourcing (shared workplaces), electrical safety and
technology, and education.
The background questions dealt with the size, sector and contractor-position of the
company, and the background of the participants, e.g. their position in the company,
age, sex, and experience. The theme concerning hurry included an open-ended
interview question after which a multiple-choice question was distributed to everyone,
individually filled out by all participants, and then immediately collected. The
interview questions are presented in appendix 2 and the multiple-choice question
concerning hurry in appendix 3.
The interviews of the workers were designed to take a maximum of two hours, the
other interviews taking less time as some questions were left out. The interviews were
implemented on a conversation-basis, that is, the questions were not always asked in
the same order and questions that were seen irrelevant during some point of the
interview were given less attention or excluded altogether (semi-structured interview).
In addition, the interviews of the supervisors and the liaisons did usually not include
the latter two questions of the technology theme. Especially the interviews of the
liaisons concentrated on only three themes, hurry, shared workplaces and technology,
although other themes were also handled when the interview schedule allowed.
Almost all participants were male (1 female, 2 did not answer this question). The
oldest participant had been born in 1942 (63 years old at the time of the interviews in
2005) and the youngest 1985 (20 years old). The mean and median birth year was
1959 (46 years old). The participants represented different age groups fairly well, with
19% of the participants born in the 1940’s, 32% in the 1950’s, 37% in the 1960’s, and
12% in the 1970’s or 80’s. One participant did not reveal his age. There were no
remarkable differences in age distribution between participants from different sectors.
The participant with most experience had become an electrical professional in 1960
and the participant with least experience in 2005. The mean graduation year was 1982
and the median respondent had graduated in 1983. The most common year of
graduation was 1988. Three participants did not answer the graduation year -question.
There were no remarkable differences between sectors. On average, the
supervisors/liaisons had a few more years of age and experience than the workers.
Almost all (96%) participants had been working in the electrical field practically the
whole time since graduation. The percentage did not vary remarkable between
participants from different sectors or position. On average 17% of the workers’ and
79% of the supervisors’/liaisons’ daily assignments were so called “desk jobs” (non-
physical work), the workers’ percentage varying from 0 to 80% and the
supervisors/liaisons from 20 to 100%.
A fourth (25%) of the participants said they worked usually as the person in
control/charge of work, 18 % said they worked as the person in control of electrical
safety during work, 15% worked as work group “organizer/spokesperson” at the work
location (“kärkimies”), 52% as workers, 2% as trainees, 1% as entrepreneurs, and
16% chose “other” as their usual work position. Almost a fourth (23%) of the
participants chose more than one of the above position-possibilities.
The mandatory course for live working had been completed by 58% of the workers
and 48% of the supervisors/liaisons. The results varied between sectors (worker
p=0.001, supervisor/liaison p=0.012) as 86% of the workers and 72% of the
supervisors/liaisons in the field of industry had completed the course, the
corresponding figures being 62% and 38% in energy, and 26% and 18% in real estate
installations. Almost all (92%) participants had received electrical safety training
during the past five years: 94% of the workers and 88% of the supervisors/liaisons,
and sector-specifically 96% of the participants from the field of energy, 87% from the
field of industry and 93% from the field of real estate installations. Altogether 5
participants did not answer this question, and only 3 respondents admitted to more
than five years to previously received training.
From the participants, 49% had worked in the southern province of Finland during the
past year, 38% in the western province, and 27% in the eastern province. 3% had
worked in the province of Oulu and 1% in the province of Lapland. No-one had
worked in the autonomous province of the Åland Islands. Ten participants (11%) had
worked in more than one province.
A fourth (24%) of the participants admitted they had previously been injured in an
electrical accident, 28% of the workers and 19% of the supervisors/liaisons. Sector-
specifically 31% of the participants working in the field of energy, 28% working in
industry and 13% working in real estate installations had been injured.
The safety procedure checklist was designed by utilizing the results of the
questionnaire survey and interviews, the experience of the electrical and safety
experts in the project advisory group, and relevant publications (SFS 6002:2005, SFS
6002:1999, Sähköturvallisuuden oma-arviointi... 2003). The final checklist consisted
of altogether 60 questions. Some of the questions had optional subquestions. The
questions were grouped under seven headings: actions prior to work, securing the
work location, work, actions prior to re-energizing, re-energizing, end of work, and
other. The questions are presented in appendix 4. In addition, the participants filled
individually out a background question form. The same background information was
gathered as in the interviews.
5.4.2 Implementation
The examination was made during winter and spring 2005-2006. The aim was to
examine work tasks which were deemed especially hazardous. The tasks chosen to be
examined were
1. Working with switchboards (from board- to room-size, “keskustyöt” in
Finnish) was chosen as switchboards and hazards due to switchboard design
were most often mentioned in the results of the questionnaire survey as the
most hazardous installation electrical professionals had to work with.
2. Working at switchgear substations (“kytkinlaitostyöt” in Finnish) was chosen
as hazards caused by voltages over 6 kV were also often mentioned in the
questionnaire survey results concerning hazardous electrical installations.
3. Temporary construction site electricity -related work (“työmaasähköt” in
Finnish) was chosen as construction site electrical hazards had been identified
earlier in an investigation by Tukes (TUKES tutki sähkötapaturmat 2002) and
were also often mentioned in the interviews of electrical professionals as
particularly problematic.
The plan was to first observe the tasks and identify hazards, and to then discuss the
work with the electrical professionals. Finding companies who were both willing to
participate and had one of the above-mentioned tasks coming up proved to be
extremely difficult and time-consuming. When a willing company was found, the
sought three tasks were named but not explained, allowing the companies themselves
to define what they understood as such a task. The examined tasks are presented in
table 9.
Eight examinations were made, with 13 electrical professionals taking part in them. In
most cases both the work observation and the filling out of the checklist, which was
carried out as an informal discussion, took about 1-2 hours. One checklist was
requested to be shown to colleagues for add-ins, and received later by post.
The participants were asked the questions on the checklist from two viewpoints: “in
this case” (observed work) and “usually” (similar tasks). As observation of the
specific requested task was not always possible, due to e.g. size of the task or changes
in the implementation schedule of the task, some of the safety procedure discussions
could be made only from the viewpoint of “usually” – which are the results that are
presented in this publication. This decision is supported by the fact the observing the
work proved to be difficult and finding electrical safety -related hazards during the
observation almost impossible as the observers were not electrical professionals and it
was probable that the safety observation caused extra effort to work safely.
Almost all participants were male. The oldest participant had been born in 1948 (58
years old at the time of the observations, in 2006) and the youngest 1979 (27 years
old). The mean birth year was 1963 (43 years old) and the median participant had
been born in 1964. The participants represented people born during all decades from
the 1940’s to the 1970’s. The participant with most experience had become an
electrical professional in 1970 and the participant with least experience in 2004. The
mean graduation year was 1986 and the median respondent had graduated in 1988.
Almost every participant had been working in the electrical field practically the whole
time since graduation.
The participants’ educational background was mainly two or three years of vocational
training (11 participants out of 13, 85%). The highest degree was engineer. Five
participants had more than one degree. Seven (54%) participants said they worked
usually as “worker” and four as work group “organizer/spokesperson” at the work
location (“kärkimies”). Other participants said they worked as those in control/charge
of work, in control of electrical safety during work, or entrepreneur. Two participants
chose more than one of the above.
Eight participants (62%) had completed the mandatory course for live working. The
results varied between sectors: all of the participants from the field of energy and
most from industry had completed the course, as most from real estate installations
had not. All of the participants had received electrical safety training during the past
five years. Three (23%) participants had previously been injured in an electrical
accident, one from each sector.
Ten participants had worked in the western province of Finland during the past year,
eight in the southern province, and four in the eastern province. One person had
worked in the province of Oulu. No-one had worked in the province of Lapland or the
autonomous province of the Åland Islands. Almost half of the participants (6/13,
46%) had worked in more than one province.
The qualitative data received from both the questionnaire survey and interviews was
classified under different themes in accordance with recommendations from Hirsjärvi
and Hurme (2001): both the data itself and the intuitiveness of the classifier were used
as a basis for theme formulation. Some of the respondents listed several reasons in
their response, some none. Consequently responses were placed into several
The identified causes of failure to de-energize, test and earth were analyzed first.
Based on their results, related questions were picked for analysis from the
questionnaire survey and interviews. The results from the examination of safety
procedures of hazardous tasks (n=8) were analyzed as a whole.
The results of the questionnaire survey have been analyzed in relation to respondents’
(n=541) sector of employment, age, province and size of employer organization. In
addition, possible age-dependent, province-dependent or size of employer
organization -dependent results have been searched for sector-specifically.
The results of the interviews have been analyzed in relation to the interviewed group’s
(n=30) work position (worker or supervisor) and contractor position. The results were
also analyzed in relation to interviewed company’s (n=14) sector.
The results of the hurry questionnaire, which was filled out individually by all persons
who took part in the interviews, have been analyzed in relation to respondents’ (n=94)
sector of employment, work position and contractor position.
The statistical examination has been done with SPSS 15.0 for Windows. Some
supplementary and verification calculations were made with later versions of the
program. The statistical difference in results from different subgroups (p-value) has
been analyzed with Fisher’s exact significance level instead of Monte Carlo or χ2
which give only an estimate of the significance. The p-value of the results’ correlation
with the respondents’ age has been analyzed using Spearman’s correlation coefficient
with a two-tailed test of significance. Significance levels where p≤0.05 are defined as
statistically significant in all statistical tests.
6 Results
The worst situation the respondents had experienced, from the viewpoint of electrical
safety, occurred in most cases because of accidental contact with an energized part of
the installation, unexpected presence of electrical energy or technical fault. A few
respondents identified multiple causes. The distribution of the results across sectors is
presented in table 10.
Most often the respondents told of an incident that had occurred during the 1990’s
(30%) or between 2000 and 2004 (26%). The oldest accident had occurred in 1963.
The occurrence year of 13 (4%) described accidents was not mentioned. Almost all
(93%) of the incidents occurred at work and 17% of them demanded doctoral
The respondents felt most often that hurry, customer demand or some form of human
failure were reasons why electrical work is done live in situations where working
safely calls for de-energizing (table 11).
Being in hurry or wanting to do the job fast was mentioned almost equally as often as
a cause of failure to de-energize. The most frequent response was just “hurry” but
some unfolded the problem a little more saying hurry meant tight timetables, being
paid by the job (as opposed to working on an hourly basis), no time to examine
voltage matters, no time to make plans in advance or think about the work to be done,
production demand of quick repair, the next job is waiting, the work will be done
quicker when the equipment remain energized, and it takes time to go fetch a fuse, a
missing tool or something else needed.
The third group of reasons for working live was human failure, mainly in the form of
human error and attitude-related factors such as laziness, carelessness, negligence,
thoughtlessness, self-confidence, assuredness in own abilities, and feeling the job is
routine, or simply forgetting to de-energize. Other human reasons mentioned were
belief that there is no electricity, trust in something (e.g. diagrams) or someone, and
lack of communication about the system’s electrical status. A common response was
also that de-energizing was laborious, and it was easy to omit it, especially when the
job itself was small compared to how difficult de-energizing would be.
In addition, there were many other reasons for working live, which could not be
directly classified under hurry, customer demand or human reasons. These reasons
included e.g. other than demand-related problems concerning customers, financial
reasons, and reasons due to the work itself.
When grouping the respondents according to age, province and size of employer
organization as a whole, the following statistically significant differences could be
found: Younger respondents see hurry as a cause much more often than older
respondents (p=0.002). On the other hand, older respondents had more non-responses,
that is, they more frequently did not answer the question or the information in the
answer could not be used (p=0.005). There was a statistically significant difference
between responses from organizations of different sizes (p=0.006): The smaller the
respondent’s employer organization, the more often the respondents feel that
customer demand is a cause of failure to de-energize: 62% or respondents in micro-
organizations mentioned customer demand, the corresponding value of small
organizations being 48%, medium-sized 41% and large organizations 37%. When
comparing provinces, it could be seen that there was a significant difference
(p=0.030) between the percentages of respondents who mentioned some “other”
reason for failure to de-energize: 12% of respondents from Lapland), 22% from Oulu
23% from southern province, 31% from western province 42% from eastern province
(42%) and 25% of those who had worked in multiple provinces mentioned an “other”
In the field of real estate installations there were two non-responses, both from older
respondents of over 50 years of age. If a correlation of non-responses according to age
was calculated, the p-value would have been 0.042.
The most common responses to the question “Why is the absence of voltage not
ensured through testing?” were again different human failure -related reasons and
being in hurry. There were also many voltage tester -related answers. The amount of
protests to this question was notable: about every fifth respondent gave an indication
that testing is never omitted or the respondent never fails to do it. The division of
responses is presented in table 12.
Table 12. Reasons for failure to test the success of de-energizing (% of respondents).
More than every second respondent said omission of testing is due to some form of
human failure. The word used most often was carelessness, but also other reasons
were described: negligence, thoughtlessness, forgetting, inexperience, ignorance,
laziness, bungling, attitude (nothing can happen to me), assuredness, and that job has
become routine. A misunderstanding, or insufficient communication of the system’s
status were also given as reasons. Trust was mentioned often: trusting (or belief that)
the system is dead, trusting in markings, diagrams or documentation, trusting in
isolation or e.g. main switch, trusting in visual observation, trusting in own abilities,
trusting in the person who de-energized, and trusting that “the next one” is also dead.
A very common reason was also that there was no tester along or the tester was not in
the near vicinity. Other human reasons included tiredness due to working overtime in
fault situations, measuring from the wrong place, getting confused when some cables
remain in use, and thinking the job is so small and forgetting how important testing is.
Being in hurry was a very common response. According to those very few responses,
which unfolded the concept further than just by saying the word “hurry”, hurry is due
to economic competition between companies, small work groups, tight schedules and
work paid by the job (as opposed to working on an hourly basis).
There were many observations about the equipment, namely the voltage tester: Often
the reason for omitting testing was said to be that the tester is not along or in the near
vicinity. Other related responses mentioned that there is no adequate or reliable tester
available, the tester may be broken, it may show wrong readings in sub-zero
temperatures, the battery of the tester may be down, and the tester is awkward to use.
When grouping the respondents according to size of employer organization, age and
province, as a whole and sector-specifically, some statistically significant differences
could be found: Sector-specifically, in the field of energy, there is a statistically
significant difference between responses from respondents from organizations of
different sizes (p=0.031) as to how often hurry was mentioned as a reason of failure to
test: No-one working in a micro-organization (altogether only two respondents in
micro-organizations), 13% of respondents from small, 24% of respondents from
medium-sized, and 40% of respondents from large organizations mentioned hurry. In
the field of industry, younger respondents had more non-responses than older
respondents (p=0.048). When analyzing the results according to province (all
responses and sector-specific responses), there were no statistically significant
About every third respondent felt omission of testing was due to human failure,
especially attitudes: carelessness, negligence, laziness, feeling that earthing is extra
work, and reasons of comfort. Personal beliefs and feelings were also mentioned,
especially the feeling that the job itself is so small that you don’t bother with earthing,
but also thoughts that earthing “never needed to be done before”, trusting the system
is dead and will stay dead (no-one or nothing shall turn the system on during work),
trusting in the other safety measures done, trusting in own abilities, confidence in
avoiding accidents, estimating that the job is so simple that earthing is unnecessary, or
estimating that earthing from one direction is enough or that the other directions are
current-free. Other human reasons, e.g. routine job, work culture, used to using just
one earthing device, assuredness, tiredness, flailing, incapability of understanding the
danger, not wanting to question the work partners actions, and thoughtlessness were
also mentioned as well as the high threshold to tell the manager of lack of know-how
or experience to work live.
Equipment and tools were mentioned by every fifth respondent as a reason for
omitting earthing, and especially often by those, whose employer worked in the field
of energy (27%). Most often earthing was said to be too laborious compared to the
actual electrical work to be done, which itself may be very small-scale.
Many of the responses referred to the ergonomics of the earthing equipment. The
equipment is too impractical, heavy and difficult to use and you have to haul so much
equipment to the work site that it doesn’t seem reasonable, especially during the
wintertime when there is a lot of snow. Many also referred to how laborious the
earthing procedure is:
- Earthing is a slow procedure.
- Earthing is difficult and physically demanding.
- Earthing is laborious in fault situations and with a small crew.
- The earth rods are laborious to use, so they are avoided.
- In high voltage electrical work the installation of the earthing equipment is too
laborious; the cables have to be so strong that the work is difficult.
- Especially when working already on overtime, earthing is a laborious procedure.
- The equipment has not been designed for the worker.
- Time-consuming.
- The equipment is difficult to put into its place.
Lack of equipment was also mentioned: the earthing equipment is not along or in the
near vicinity so the work is done without them, there are too few (or only one)
earthing device along or at the worker’s disposal. The specific earthing equipment
brought along may also be found unsuitable for the task at hand.
Being in hurry was a common response with some specifying it as no time to earth,
work is done faster without earthing, small workgroups, tight schedules, and demands
of cost-effectiveness. There were also several other reasons to omit earthing, e.g. to
shorten production downtime, it takes time from the actual work, it is trusted that the
device is earthed at the other end, it is believed one earthing device is enough,
somebody needs electricity so only some parts of the system have been de-energized,
and so on.
When grouping the respondents according to age and size of employer organization,
as a whole and sector-specifically, some statistically significant differences could be
found. Older respondent’s protested against the thought of omitting earthing more
frequently than younger respondents (p=0.003). On the other hand, younger
respondents left this question unanswered (or there was no usable information in the
answer) more often (p=0.001).
The results also showed that the size of employer organization affected some
responses: The bigger the respondent’s employer organization, the more often there
was a protest against the whole thought of omitting earthing (p=0.001): 11% of
respondents from micro-organizations, 14% from small, 25% from medium-sized and
30% from large organizations protested to the thought. Respondents working in
medium-sized organizations mentioned hurry as a cause statistically significantly
more often (24%) than respondents from organizations of other sizes (11-14%)
(p=0.030). Respondents from micro-organizations did not mention know-how as a
cause of failure to earth at all as opposed to respondents from organizations of other
sizes from whom 9-12% mentioned it (p=0.017). There was also a statistically
significant difference between non-responses with 51% from micro-organizations’
employees, 34% from small organizations, 18% from medium-sized and 22% from
large organizations (p=0.000).
In the field of industry, older respondents protested to the thought of omitting earthing
more often (p=0.044) and younger respondents had more non-responses (p=0.002).
And in the field of real estate installations, know-how was mentioned by no-one
working in a micro-organization, 17% or respondents working in a small
organization, 20% of respondents working in a medium-sized and 21% of respondents
working in a large organization (p=0.013). Also, respondents from smaller
organizations had more non-responses than respondents from larger organizations
(63%, 42%, 33% and 27%, respectively) (p=0.024). Also, there was a difference
between responses concerning human failure as a reason to omit earthing (p=0.033):
respondents from micro-organizations mentioned human failure more seldom (17%)
than respondents from organizations of other sizes (39-47%).
When analyzing the results according to province, it could be seen that the amount of
know-how-related responses varied between provinces (p=0.022): Lapland (24%),
southern province (11%), eastern and Oulu provinces (8%), western province (6%)
and respondents who had worked in multiple provinces (18%). Sector-specifically,
there were differences in the industry sector concerning know-how (p=0.008): 24% of
respondents with experience from multiple provinces, 15% of respondents from the
southern and Oulu provinces, 13% of respondents from the province of Lapland, 10%
of respondents from the eastern province and 1% of respondents from the western
province mentioned know-how as a reason for failure to earth.
The utilized list of electrical safety risks is presented in table 14, along with the
percentage of respondents who chose the given risk to be among the five biggest
electrical safety risks. The most common choices were hurry, working alone, attitudes
towards safety and working conditions. These risks were chosen clearly more often
than others.
Table 14. The biggest electrical safety risks, according to the respondents (% of
(%) (n=218)
(%) (n=143)
(%) (n=131)
(%) (n=541)
Real estate
1. Hurry2 54 66 69 64
2. Working alone 35 33 24 32
3. Attitudes towards safety 28 32 31 30
4. Working conditions3 36 24 26 27
5. Getting accustomed to the risks 16 22 19 19
6. Conscious risk-taking, unsafe acts 17 17 20 18
7. Unforeseeable changes in work assignments, abnormal situations,
disturbances4 20 17 9 15
8. Objects/substances (falling, striking, getting entangled, moving obj.,…) 18 13 15 15
9. Work that is paid by the job (as opposed to working on an hourly basis) 14 10 17 13
10. Equipment, instruments, machinery5 8 11 20 12
11. Work posture 17 10 9 11
12. Over-emphasis on financial factors 9 10 13 11
13. Amount of work 10 8 15 11
14. Own customary working procedures 10 11 8 10
15. Professional skills 6 12 11 10
16. Inadequate documentation6 2 12 15 10
17. Working plan, organization of work, responsibilities, work distribution 10 7 11 10
18. Continuous vigilance, slacken attention 10 9 12 10
19. Over-estimating own abilities 5 10 10 8
20. Identification of risks at work 5 11 6 8
21. Occupational instruction and guidance, orientation7 6 11 2 7
22. Flow of information 8 9 5 7
23. Subcontracting, outsourcing 6 7 4 6
24. Increase, development, diversification of modern tech. and automation 4 7 5 6
25. Interruptions at work8 1 6 9 6
26. Traffic9 19 1 1 6
27. Monotonous work 3 5 8 5
28. Protective equipment, safeguards 3 7 4 5
29. Too high demands and aims 9 3 5 5
30. Diversity of work assignments 1 5 6 4
31. Level of maintenance 8 3 3 4
32. Performance pressure 3 6 5 4
33. Private life situations 3 4 5 4
34. Changing work environment 4 4 2 3
35. Management 2 3 2 3
36. Continuous organizational changes, uncertainty of work continuity 4 2 3 3
37. Work atmosphere 4 2 2 3
38. Instructions, directions, rules 5 2 1 3
39. Electrical education 2 2 2 2
40. Working instructions 2 2 2 2
41. Cooperation 1 1 2 1
42. Chemicals, mold, virus, bacteria,… 0 2 2 1
43. Organization’s workings 0 0 2 1
44. Vandalism 1 0 0 1
45. Threat of violence 1 0 0 0
46. Level of quality assurance 0 1 0 0
47. Standardization 1 0 0 0
48. Demands from legislation / the EU 1 0 0 0
1 2 3
Including also “other” and “not working at the moment” p=0.019 p=0.045
4 5 6 7 8 9
p=0.034 p=0.014 p=0.000 p=0.006 p=0.002 p=0.000
The four risk factors chosen most often to be among the five biggest risks were also
the factors chosen most often as the biggest risk. The biggest risk -results were
distributed very evenly across all risk factors: only four risk factors were chosen by
more than five percent of the respondents: the most common choices were hurry
(32%), working alone (12%), attitudes towards safety (8%) and working conditions
When analyzing the results according to the background of the respondents, the
following statistically significant differences between groups could be found: The
respondent’s employer organization’s size affected how often some alternatives were
chosen. The alternatives with statistically significant differences between groups are
presented in table 15.
Table 15. Risk factors where respondent’s employer organization’s size had an affect
on how often the risk was chosen. Distribution of responses according to organization
size (% of respondents from that organization size).
Risk Medium-
Micro- Small org. sized org. Large org.
org. (%) (%) (%) (%) p-value All (%)
All respondents (n=55) (n=107) (n=112) (n=262) (n=541)
Equipment, instruments,
machinery 16 24 11 8 0.000 12
Cooperation 0 0 4 1 0.043 1
Work atmosphere 0 3 7 1 0.008 3
Energy (n=2) (n=24) (n=50) (n=67) (n=143)
Over-estimating own
abilities 50 8 0 6 0.016 5
Industry (n=11) (n=21) (n=37) (n=149) (n=218)
Own customary working
procedures 36 10 19 7 0.010 11
Traffic 18 0 0 1 0.022 1
Management 9 5 8 1 0.045 3
Real estate installations (n=35) (n=48) (n=15) (n=33) (n=131)
Equipment, instruments,
machinery 14 33 13 9 0.037 20
Over-estimating own
abilities 23 8 0 3 0.031 10
Chemicals, mold, virus,
bacteria,… 0 0 0 9 0.049 2
Level of maintenance 0 0 13 6 0.017 3
Attitudes towards safety 23 21 60 39 0.018 31
When analyzing the results according to respondents’ age, it could be seen that
younger respondents chose “monotonous work” (p=0.000), “equipment, instruments,
machinery” (p=0.042), “conscious risk-taking, unsafe acts” (p=0.016), “flow of
information” (p=0.006) and “hurry” (p=0.000) more often than older respondents. On
the other hand, older respondents chose “protective equipment, safeguards”
(p=0.012), “increase, development and diversification of modern technology and
automation” (p=0.006) and “traffic” (p=0.003) more often than younger respondents.
risk-taking, unsafe acts” (p=0.030) and “hurry” (p=0.039) were chosen more often by
younger respondents and “attitudes towards safety” (p=0.012) by older respondents.
The results with statistically significant differences between respondent’s work
location (province) are presented in table 16.
Table 16. Risk factors where province had an affect on how often the risk was chosen.
Distribution of responses according to province (% of respondents from that specific
The respondents were asked, “If someone performs electrical work unsafely, what is
most probably the reason?” The respondents were given five alternatives and
permission to choose any number of them. The results are presented in table 17.
If somebody does electrical work unsafely, Energy Industry Real estate All1
why do you think that is? (n=143) (n=218) installations (n=541)
(%) (%) (n=131) (%)
The person hasn’t received enough 27 29 33 30
guidance on how to work safely
The person doesn’t know he/she is working 26 34 28 29
in the wrong way
The person must finish the assignment 36 54 60 49
The person doesn’t have adequate 17 11 28 18
equipment or the equipment is not in
working order3
The person is not motivated to work safely 50 44 44 47
Including also “other” and “not working at the moment”
2 3
p=0.000 p=0.000
Responses to the question “What electrical safety problems modern technology causes
(and which technology)?” listed both problems and technologies. The distribution of
the responses (231/541) is presented in table 18. More than half (57%, 310/541) of the
respondents did not answer the question.
Table 18. Problems caused by modern technology and specific technology which
causes problems (% of respondents).
When analyzing the results according to the size of the respondents employer
organization, there was a statistically significant difference concerning computer-
related responses (p=0.017), received from 27% of respondents in micro-
The question “concerning electrical safety, what is the most hazardous installation or
part of an installation you have to work with?” gained 482 responses and thus
remained without response from 11% (59/541) of the respondents. The distribution of
the received responses is presented in table 19.
Table 19. The most hazardous installation electrical professionals have to work with,
distribution of responses according to sector (% of respondents).
The size of the respondent’s employer organization affected many of the responses.
The distribution of the responses according to size of employer organization is
presented in table 20.
Table 20. The most hazardous installation electrical professionals have to work with,
distribution of responses according to size of employer organization (% of
The younger the respondent, the more often switchboard (p=0.006) was mentioned.
And the older the respondent, the more often an “other” hazardous installation was
mentioned (p=0.004). Sector-specifically, in the energy sector, “other” was mentioned
more often by older respondents (p=0.002) and overhead power lines and poles by
younger respondents (p=0.022).
The respondent’s work location in Finland (province) affected some of the results:
The amount of respondents who named switchboard as the most hazardous
installation varied between provinces (p=0.002) from 20% to 53% (20% Lapland,
28% eastern, 33% Oulu, 41% western and 53% southern). Automation/remote control
also varied (p=0.049), from 0 in the southern and eastern provinces to 2% and 3% in
the Oulu and western provinces, respectively, and 7% in Lapland. Sector-specifically,
in the industry sector switch/circuit breaker/disconnector was mentioned by no-one
from the western province or Lapland, 4% of respondents from the southern province,
8% of respondents from the Oulu province, and 24% of respondents from the eastern
province (p=0.001). In real estate installations, transformer/converter was mentioned
by 15% of the respondents from the eastern province as opposed to no-one from the
other provinces (p=0.044).
Almost all (94%) respondents admitted that they had worked with live installations,
with no statistically significant differences between sectors. Still, only 66% said they
had been on the obligatory live working -course, sector-specifically 79% of
respondents from the field of energy, 67% of respondents from industry and 53% of
respondents from real estate installations (p=0.000).
Of those who had not been on the obligatory course, 90% (165/184) had worked with
a live installation. Sector-specifically, 70% (21/30) of those in the field of energy,
92% (67/73) of those in industry and 90% (56/62) of those in real estate installations
Also, concerning working live but without the proper training, on the whole and
sector-specifically, there were no statistically significant differences between
respondents of different ages, respondents from organizations of different sizes or
respondents from different provinces.
6.2 Interviews
6.2.1 Hurry
During the interviews the respondents were asked what causes hurry in electrical
work. The responses were divided into eight categories: planning and execution,
pressure, self-imposed, too tight schedules, more work and fewer workers, efficiency
demands, work diversification, and other. The results – divided according to work
position and sector – are presented in tables 21 and 22.
Cause of hurry Energy (n=4) Industry (n=5) Real estate All (n=14)
(%) (%) installations (%)
(n=5) (%)
Planning and execution 100 100 100 100
- Planning 75 0 60 43
- Interruptions, fragmentation 25 20 40 29
- Breakdown-situations 25 20 20 21
- Next assignment is waiting 25 20 20 21
- Other 50 80 100 79
Pressurization 75 80 40 64
Self-imposed 50 100 40 64
Too tight schedules 50 40 100 64
More work and fewer workers 50 60 40 50
Efficiency demands 75 60 60 64
Work diversification 50 20 20 29
Other 50 60 40 50
According to the results, the main causes of hurry are planning and execution
problems, which were mentioned by all interviewed companies and in 73% of the
interviews. The biggest execution problems were interruptions and fragmentation of
the workday, breakdown-situations and awaiting next assignments.
The second most common responses dealt with receiving pressure to e.g. finish the
job quickly, too tight schedules and the thought that hurry is self-imposed. These
three reasons for hurry were mentioned almost equally often and in equally many
The biggest difference between workers and supervisors concerned interruptions and
fragmentation, schedules, work/worker-ratio and hurry being self-imposed. When
comparing the results between sectors, it may be seen that planning was not
mentioned as a problem by any of the companies working in the field of industry.
Instead, hurry was thought to be (at least partly) self-imposed by all interviewed
companies in industry. Too tight schedules were mentioned by all companies working
in the field of real estate installations.
The difference between workers’ and supervisors’ view of the main causes of hurry
are presented in table 24.
amount of work1
Problems with work distribution and 32 26 29
organizing of work
Too tight schedules 49 68 60
Work has become more demanding 12 8 10
Work has become more versatile 24 26 26
Interruptions, fragmentation 59 43 50
The responses were further divided according to work position and contractor
position. The sizes of the groups were then 34 workers and 19 supervisors (and
liaisons) working in a contractor position and 19 workers and 22 supervisors (and
liaisons) not working in a contractor position. Some statistically significant
differences between these subgroups were found: Concerning supervisors,
“organizational changes and developments” was mentioned by no-one working in a
contractor-position as opposed to 27% of those not working in a contractor position
(p=0.023). Concerning workers, “lack of personnel and increase of work
assignments” was mentioned by 29% of workers working in a contractor position as
opposed to 68% of those not working in a contractor position (p=0.009). When
comparing the responses of workers and supervisors in a contractor-position, no
statistically significant differences were found, as was the situation when comparing
workers and supervisors who are not working in a contractor-position.
As electrical work may be outsourced and is often done at shared workplaces, during
the theme interviews the electrical professionals and their supervisors were asked
what particular occupational electrical safety hazards shared workplaces have. Most
often, in half of the interviewed companies (7/14), both information flow and layman
workers were mentioned as a problem of shared workplaces. Small companies (6/14)
and supervision, including responsibilities and orientation, (5/14) were mentioned as
problems almost equally as often.
Information flow is a problem when the contractor’s workers are not informed of each
others’ work assignments. Workers do not know what the status of others’ work
assignment is when the work site is unattended. This causes risks in relation to e.g. the
changing electrical status of the work sites (de-energized/re-energized). Those in
contractor-position may not have all the safety-related information they should have
when they begin work and they might not know who to inform of finished work
assignment. Risks are also caused by inadequate communication to the electrical
system operator, due to lack of proper communication channel concerning the
changing situations and problems confronted in the field. A related result (mentioned
fifth often, in 4/14 companies) was the problem of multiple contractors with varying
work habits, which was seen as a risk, causing problems in coordination, information
flow, identification of responsibilities, and with borderline tasks.
Layman workers were seen unable to understand electrical risks or how electrical
safety is ensured, even after being instructed. They are also seen too independent
when it comes to doing electrical work or re-energizing electrical installations to
provide themselves with electricity. Laymen are unskilled and may also be unaware
that they are not allowed to perform electrical work, not even in hurry situations.
Their negligence and ignorance may cause risks. The person who contracts out the
work is usually not an electrical professional, which causes problems.
Information flow and layman workers were both mentioned as a problem of shared
workplaces in almost a third of the interviews (9/30). Problems also stated often were
supervision (6/30), small companies (6/30) and multiple contractors (5/30). Workers
mentioned most often the problems caused by layman workers (in 5/14 interviews)
and supervisors/liaisons mentioned information flow (in 6/16 interviews), layman
workers (4/16) and the problems caused by multiple contractors (4/16).
layman workers were mentioned most often (4/5). And in the energy sector, the only
problem mentioned in more than one company was information flow (2/4).
The tasks under examination during the third phase of the project were working with
switchboards (“keskustyöt” in Finnish), working at switchgear substations
(“kytkinlaitostyöt” in Finnish) and temporary construction site electricity -related
work (“työmaasähköt” in Finnish). In table 26 is presented the distribution of
responses to the questions concerning specific actions made prior to work.
From table 26 it may be seen that the biggest problem areas lie within planning in
advance (“No” in 4/8 cases) and having a written work plan (“Yes” in only 2/8 cases).
Still, none of the procedures were declared by all to be a matter-of-course.
Table 27. Implementation of safety procedures when securing the work location,
division of responses. (number of examinations where the response was received,
From table 27 it may be seen that there are no clear problems in the different tasks
included in the process of securing the work location (small number of “No”-
answers). In 2 out of 8 cases (25%) it was admitted that usually others are not
informed of de-energizing (question 9), de-energizing is not tested at all possible
locations (q12) and the need for earthing is not verified (q13). On the other hand, in
only 2 out of 8 (25%) cases the participants admitted to having enough adequate tools
for earthing (q14) or that the hold of the equipment is ensured (q16). In addition, in
only 3 out of 8 cases (38%) the earthing point and equipment could be seen from the
work place (q17).
6.3.3 Work
From table 28 it may be seen that the problem mentioned most often is being near live
parts during work (q3, inverse question), which is said to occur in 7 out of 8
discussions. In addition, voltage testing before continuing work (q8) is admitted to be
omitted by 3 out of 8 cases, and usually carried out by only 2. Also, in only half of the
cases there is a possibility to store and service protective gear nearby (q1). Locking of
facilities is done in only half of the cases (q7). Supervision of adequate
implementation of safety measures is identified in only half of the cases (q9).
6.3.5 Re-energizing
The re-energizing part of the checklist contained only one question: Has it been
specified who re-energizes? In most cases (5/8) the specification had been made, and
it had not been made in only one of the cases.
The end of work -part of the checklist contained two questions: The first question was
whether diagrams and plans where always updated in the end to correspond with the
new situation? This was admitted to be done by 6 out of 8 cases, and no one admitted
to omitting it. The second question concerned whether an initial verification was done
before handing over the installation? This was admitted to in almost as many cases
(5/8), and also no one admitted to omitting it.
6.3.7 Other
Table 30. The existence of other electrical safety -related problem areas, division of
responses. (number of examinations where the response was received, n=8).
From table 30 it may be seen that there are many problems which affect electrical
safety but which are not directly related to the omission of basic electrical safety
procedures. Hurry (q2), work that is paid by the job (q4), interruptions and sudden
changes (q8), and ergonomic (q10), physical (q11), chemical and biological (q12)
deficiencies were identified in many cases as common problems, as were deficiencies
in the original diagrams and other documentation (q13). Many of the other problems
listed in this section were also identified quite often.
Based on the results, a model of the electrical accident sequence was created. The
model presents the most common immediate and underlying causes of electrical
accidents. The model is presented in figure 6.
Interruptions, ( )
fragmentation of
work assignments Human failure
-Intentional Unintentional e.g. punishment
Organization -Unintentional and intentional or
demands more
Customer demand Failure to accident
Lack of personnel work safely
and increase of Improper tools
work assignments
Failure to Positive
Problems in work Lack of guidance de-energize, e.g. job is done
distribution and
test and earth quicker or
Lack of knowledge more easily
Work assignments
more diversified
The model has two elements, which according to the results seem to be probable
causes in almost every electrical professional’s electrical accident: hurry and human
failure. From the electrical professionals’ point of view their temporal placement in
the accident sequence in relation to each other is clear: hurry causes human failure,
both intentional and unintentional. For example, hurry may cause that intentional
decisions are made to omit time-consuming safety procedures, or hurry may be the
reason why voltage testing is unintentionally forgotten. The causes of hurry are
7 Discussion
Electrical professionals mentioned most often among the five biggest risks they face
at work hurry, working alone, attitudes towards safety, and working conditions. These
were all mentioned by more than a fourth of the respondents. On the whole, working
unsafely is due to attitudes and hurry according to almost a half of the respondents
and lack of guidance and knowledge according to about a third. Omission of de-
energizing, testing and earthing is most often said to be due to:
- hurry,
- different intentional and unintentional human causes,
- improper tools and
- customer demand of undisturbed power supply.
Too tight schedules are most often identified as a cause of hurry, although
interruptions and fragmentation is mentioned almost as often. Lack of human
resources and organizational efficiency demands are also mentioned by at least 40%
of the hurry questionnaire respondents. The results are remarkably similar to the
results of the Quality of work life -survey (Lehto & Sutela 2008), according to which
tight deadlines, frequent interruptions and lack of personnel are major causes of hurry.
This reflects also to the biggest problems caused by modern technology: remote
control and automation are mentioned most often. The technologies are interrelated,
and automation has also been recognized earlier as a safety challenge (e.g. Kjellén
1987). Switchboard was mentioned by far most often as the most hazardous
installation electrical professionals have to work with. At shared workplaces the main
problem areas are information flow and layman workers.
Safety procedures which may be omitted include e.g. planning the tasks in advance
and having a written work plan, working in the vicinity of live parts, and testing
voltage before continuing work. In addition hurry, deficiencies in the original
diagrams and documentation, and ergonomic and physical hazards were
acknowledged often.
The worst experienced electrical incidents were due to unexpected presence of energy
more than twice as often as they were due to accidental contact or technical fault, and
clearly more often than in other sectors. Among the biggest risks were (in order of
- hurry,
- working conditions,
- working alone,
- attitudes towards safety,
- unforeseeable changes in work assignments,
- abnormal situations & disturbances,
- traffic (which was mentioned significantly more often by older respondents than
- encountering objects/substances,
- work posture,
- conscious risk-taking & unsafe acts, and
- getting accustomed to the risks.
These risks were chosen to be among the five biggest by more than 15% of the
respondents. Interestingly, although hurry was mentioned by more than half of the
respondents, it was chosen as one of the biggest risks clearly less often than in other
sectors. On the other hand, working conditions and especially traffic were mentioned
considerably more often, reflecting well the nature of the work as the work is often
performed outdoors and the work location changes from task to task. Both of these
risks have been examined in more detail by the Finnish Institute of Occupational
Health (Lankinen et al. 2004).
Failure to de-energize was most often said to be caused by hurry (especially younger
professionals), but almost as often by customer demand (especially smaller
organizations) or human failure. Failure to test was most often said to be due to
human failure, and failure to earth due to attitude (not micro-sized but otherwise
especially smaller organizations) and equipment/tools, of which the latter was
mentioned much more often than in other sectors. Again, this may be due to the fact
that in the energy sector the equipment and tools must be brought along to the work
site, although it might also simply reflect the fact that earthing is required more often
than in other sectors. Hurry was also mentioned as a reason for failure to earth much
more often than in other sectors. Thought should be given to the possibility that this is
also related to not having proper equipment along at a remote work site. Half of the
respondents said unsafe work is due to motivational problems, as opposed to “only”
36% (compared to other sectors’ 54% and 60%) who stated hurry as the reason.
Remote control (especially older professionals and the provinces of Oulu and
southern) and sudden energy feed were mentioned most often as problems caused by
modern technology. These are somewhat interrelated and in line with the result that
worst experienced incidents where most often due to unexpected presence of
electrical energy. Overhead power lines/poles were named most often as the most
hazardous installations (especially younger professionals and smaller organizations),
although stations/fields was mentioned almost as often. Both of these were mentioned
considerably more often in other sectors where related work is also done much more
The respondents’ worst electrical incident was almost as often caused by accidental
contact than by unexpected energy. Among the biggest risks (by more than 15% of
the respondents from the industry sector) were:
- hurry (especially younger professionals),
- working alone,
- attitudes towards safety,
- working conditions,
- getting accustomed to the risks,
- conscious risk-taking & unsafe acts,
- unforeseeable changes in work assignments, and
- abnormal situations & disturbances.
None of the above risks was unique to the sector, nor did the risks differ remarkably
from the overall results.
Being in hurry (especially small organizations), customer demand and human failure
were mentioned almost equally often as causes of failure to de-energize. Failure to
test was due to hurry, according to more than half of the respondents from the sector.
Attitude and equipment/tools were mentioned most often as causes for failure to earth.
More than half of the respondents said unsafe work is due to hurry, and almost half
that is was due to motivational problems. About a third of the respondents said unsafe
work was due to lack of guidance (especially older professionals and those working in
Lapland) or knowledge (also especially those working in Lapland). Equipment was
mentioned much more seldom than in other sectors, which may reflect the fact that
electrical work in industry is often done indoors and at one specific work site (e.g.
factory) where there is fairly easy access to needed equipment. Hurry was most often
said to be due to too tight schedules and interruptions/fragmentation. More than 40%
of the respondents mentioned also lack of personnel/increase of work as a cause of
Accidental contact was mentioned as the cause of the worst experienced electrical
incident much more often than other reasons. Risks that were most often chosen to be
among the biggest were:
- hurry (especially younger professionals),
- working conditions,
- working alone,
- attitudes towards safety (especially older professionals and medium-sized
- equipment/instruments/machinery (especially small organizations),
- conscious risk-taking & unsafe acts (especially younger professionals),
- getting accustomed to the risks, and
- work that is paid by the job (as opposed to working on an hourly basis),
which were all chosen by more than 15% of the respondents. Equipment, instruments
and machinery was mentioned as one of the biggest risks clearly more often than in
other sectors.
Too tight schedules were mentioned by almost three fourths of the respondents as a
cause of hurry. Organization’s efficiency demands, diversification of work
assignments, and interruptions/fragmentation were other causes that were mentioned
by more than 40% of the respondents.
The problems caused by modern technology mentioned most often were computers
and remote control (and complexity/opaqueness was mentioned by everyone from the
Oulu province). Switchboard was mentioned by more than three fourths of the
respondents as the most hazardous installation they had to work with, as other
alternatives were identified by less than a tenth (note though the statistically
significant difference between provinces in transformer-related responses which was
mentioned only by respondents from the eastern province).
The electrical accident sequence model (figure 6) has two elements which should be
acknowledged as probable causes in almost every electrical professional’s electrical
accident: hurry and human failure. The causes of hurry are mainly related to the
organization, also a form of human failure, but one which is from the electrical
professionals’ point of view categorized as problems at the blunt-end of the accident
sequence. The causes of hurry are multifold, but they are possible to minimize from
the organizational level.
Besides negative consequences, it should not be forgotten that unsafe behavior may
also lead to positive consequences – from the point of view of the worker. In fact,
positive consequences are more common. This increases the probability that the
behavior will be repeated. In the short run unsafe behavior may have positive
consequences as completing the task faster increases productivity.
It should be noted though, that from the point of view of the organization, the
consequences of unsafe behavior are always negative. If the efficiency gained through
unsafe behavior is acknowledged by the organization, implicitly or explicitly, other
workers will see it as a company value and feel that the behavior is acceptable (see
e.g. Roughton & Mercurio 2002) – thus increasing the probability that an accident
will occur sooner rather than later.
All in all, in the long run negative consequences are imminent, both to the worker and
the organization. Unsafe behavior leads to incidents and accidents and the
consequences to the worker may be beyond repair. The consequences may also affect
the organization’s activities for years to come.
The research can be said to have reached the set objectives successfully. The main
objective of the study was to promote electrical safety by identifying the main
electrical accident risks of electrical professionals. The immediate causes of accidents
were already known in the beginning of the study. Although electrical accidents may
seem to have been caused by failure to follow safety procedures, the knowledge of
this immediate (or apparent) cause does not answer the question as to how to prevent
further similar accidents. During the study the underlying causes of accidents were
identified. The differences between the investigation reports of fatal electrical
accidents and the results of this research point out the new information this research
reveals on electrical accident causes. The results indicate that the causes of electrical
accidents are both intrinsic and extrinsic from the point of view of electrical
professionals. Based on the results a model of the electrical accident sequence was
The model does not present sector-specific differences in the accident sequence as the
results of the questionnaire survey, interviews and safety procedure examinations
show clearly that the main electrical accident risks are independent of sector. In
addition, the respondent’s age, size of employer organization and work location
(province) affected only a few of the main results, and have not been included in the
The electrical accident sequence model may be utilized both in the prevention of
electrical accidents and in the analysis of already occurred accidents with the aim of
preventing further similar occurrences. In the accident investigation process the model
serves as a road map to the identification of the causes and consequences of electrical
accidents. The model also directs the investigators’ attention from the immediate
causes to the underlying causes, and thus reminds to take the underlying causes under
deeper investigation in the analyses. At the same time, the model reminds not to put
the whole blame on the worker, who did or failed to do something just before the
accident occurred. Instead it is pointed out that there are reasons why the worker acted
as he or she did, and that these underlying causes may still exist and cause other
7.3.1 General
The analyzed data was gathered with three methods: a questionnaire survey,
interviews and examination of safety procedures. Triangulation is a generally utilized
means to ensure higher quality and reliability of results. In this case the questionnaire
survey made it possible to collect data from a large sample and get an overview of the
whole situation. Interviews were used to clarify and deepen information received from
the survey, and to handle issues that were seen too complex to be inserted into the
survey. Examination of the implementation of safety procedures in certain hazardous
tasks gave a detailed walkthrough of the safety procedures that are implemented in
electrical work.
The results are based on the information received from electrical professionals, that is
their experience of the electrical safety risks and problems they face at work.
Perceived risk is not equivalent to what is the statistically calculated magnitude of the
risk. Nevertheless, electrical professionals’ risk perceptions may be assumed to derive
from experience of occurred incidents, and collecting expert opinion is a
comprehensive way to identify underlying safety problems that have a potential for
caution, e.g. the exact translation of “(sähkö)keskus” is not “switchboard”. The aim
was to present the overall picture reflected in these results.
The overall response rate of the questionnaire survey was 49%, with the response rate
of different sectors varying between 46-52%. Response rates of mailed surveys rarely
exceed 60% (Heikkilä 2001), although telephone survey response rates may be
higher. Thus considering the length of the survey and that there were many “hard”
questions which required active investment of time to formulate an informed opinion
and a reply, the response rate is estimated fairly adequate. The 541 questionnaire
survey respondents represent approximately 3% of the total number of electrical
professionals working with dangerous voltage levels in Finland – although the sample
represents only those who are members of the Finnish Electrical Workers’ Union. In
addition, the sample was picked by the union itself, although this is unlikely to have
affected the results as the utilized method was systematic sample. The number of
overall respondents is not what was originally aimed at but nevertheless facilitates
comparison of subgroups (see Heikkilä 2001). Generalization of the questionnaire
survey results is supported by the respondents’ demographic information: The
respondents represent all age groups, have worked mainly only in the electrical field,
and their distribution between provinces follows the general lines of the distribution
of Finland’s population. The respondents’ employers represent the three sectors where
work is done on electrical installations which when energized have the potential to
cause fatal electrocution.
fluctuations in the recording of the responses. This may have affected the results to
the open-ended questions: it is likely that through personal interviews the results
concerning e.g. causes of failure to de-energize, test and earth would have been more
in-depth. Still, interviews would have been more resource-consuming and thus
decreased the number of participants/cases notably. The results would also have been
more skewed as the collection of information would no longer have been anonymous,
which most likely would have affected willingness to discuss causes of unsafe
behavior. Anonymity made it also possible to discuss the issues on an expert level:
with no blame attached to the respondent’s own work environment. This was a
shortage in the following two methods.
The three questions concerning reasons for failure to de-energize, test and earth were
asked consecutively. This may have caused similarities in the answers. The second
and third question (testing, earthing) are most easily answered by repeating the
answer to the first question (de-energizing). The easiness may account for e.g. the
high amount of hurry-responses, especially in the question concerning testing, since
testing is not usually a time-consuming procedure and here the hurry-responses were
most often not explained in further detail.
The results for the questions concerning failure to de-energize, test and earth may also
reflect the alternatives given in the multiple choice question concerning reasons why
electrical work is done unsafely. Although reasons for failure to de-energize, test and
earth were asked before the multiple choice -question, all the questions were sent to
the respondents by mail beforehand. Even so, this does not necessarily create a
credibility problem towards the answers received to the de-energize, test and earth -
results. Still, it may have decreased variability in the answers.
The questions concerning de-energizing, testing and earthing were open-ended, and
the length and level of the responses written down during the phone interviews vary.
Therefore some of the responses were put into several categories and some were “on a
gray zone” and categorized on a most probably -basis. For example, a response like
“forgetting because of hurry” was categorized under both human failure and hurry.
The same reasons account for the similarities and repetition in the “other”-categorized
responses: to avoid misinterpretation some of the vague responses were put into the
other-category although they may also have been put into other categories. The
quantitative results to the open-ended questions should be considered approximate
and describing only the magnitude of the amount of responses. This should also be
remembered when statistical significance between the results of different subgroups
was found. The same uncertainty of categorization applies to all other open-ended
Both the group interviews and the examinations of safety procedures were made to
companies willing to participate and donate their employees’ time on the project. This
means that the participants were not a representative sample of the electrical field in
general, but more probably companies who are safety advocates. Also, the interview
situation and the examinations of safety procedure most likely affected worker
behavior and responses. This is probably reflected in the results: the results of the
interviews and examinations are most likely more optimistic than what the situation in
the field really is. Nevertheless, e.g. the results concerning hurry are supported by the
results of the Quality of work life -survey (Lehto & Sutela 2008).
The results of the examination-phase were not what was initially aimed at, but they
nevertheless support, and supplement, the results of the previous phases of the project.
The most valuable part of the phase were the discussions made from the viewpoint of
how the situation is usually in such tasks. The results of the examination phase may
be seen as a reflection of general electrical safety problems that exist in hazardous
tasks more than of the problems of the three specific examined tasks, which had been
the primary objective of the examination.
Reliability and validity are measures of research quality, but they are not directly
applicable when data is collected from humans whose actions, opinions and answers
may alter even in a short period of time (see Hirsjärvi & Hurme 2001). Nevertheless,
the terms may be used to demonstrate different aspects of research quality.
The reliability of the results (do the results give us reliable information on certain
aspects of electrical safety) is shown by the similarity of the results received with the
different methods: the third phase of the study gives strong support to the prior two
pointing out same electrical safety problems which had already been seen essential in
the earlier phases, for instance problems in planning, testing and earthing. The
reliability of the results is also shown in the unanimity of the respondents. For
example, there was very little dispersion as to what are the biggest electrical safety
risks faced today, regardless of the respondents sector, province, age, or size of
employer organization.
The explicit target group of the questionnaire survey gives possibility to repeat the
survey, which is one of the most common ways to demonstrate reliability. The
reliability of the entire research is increased when the methods, phases and choices
made during the execution of the research are explained as thoroughly as possible.
The high number of responses and the response rate allow for generalization of the
results to all electrical professionals with vocational education (electricians) working
in the examined sectors.
The validity (was electrical safety studied or something else) of the entire research
may be evaluated by making a comparison with the project results and the results of
investigation reports of fatal electrical accidents. The comparison shows similarities
to the project results, most notably the significant role of the electrical professionals’
safety behavior in the accident chain. The similarities strengthen the validity of the
results of the research.
The validity of the survey questionnaire was strengthened by the input received from
the project advisory group, and the two test surveys made with altogether seven
electrical professionals. Explanations of certain key definitions, which were inserted
into the questionnaire survey form that was sent to the respondents, had the aim of
increasing consistency and thus strengthening the validity of the survey results. The
mean and median respondent of the survey had more than 20 years of experience in
the electrical field, which supports validity of the results.
The interviews and examinations of safety procedures gave possibility to evaluate the
validity of the research with observations made on how the questions and used terms
were understood by electrical professionals. In addition, validity of results is
strengthened as the three data collection methods and investigation of relevant
literature all had the aim of supplementing each other, thus leaving very little room
for the possibility that some electrical hazards would remain unidentified.
narrowing the investigation to one precisely defined subject has in this project proved
to create a setting that best allows to successfully find answers to the problem at hand.
Furthermore, a case-by-case study is in order, including the validation of the above-
mentioned method, which both helps identify and motivates to eliminate unsafe
behavior. The commitment of the electrical professionals in these investigations is as
vital as it was here. For the sake of reliability of the results, the perspective should
continue to be the utilization of the expertise of electrical professionals. As behavior-
related methods already exist, the objective should not be the birth of a new method,
but most probably to revise and adapt an “old” reputable method or methods to suite
the specific needs of electrical professionals. With a well defined target group for the
research, precision of answers may be expected as well, and the research may thus
also bring out information that could be used in the prevention of unsafe behavior in
other professions.
From a statistical point of view non-electrical risks cause more days away from work
than electrical risks – even to electrical professionals who often are exposed to the
risk of fatal electrocution on a daily basis. Although non-electrical accidents are
usually not as severe in consequences, they occur much more often. A plenitude of
hazard identification and risk assessment methods already exist. However, these
methods are most often meant to identify all types of risks at certain work. The not so
common approach used in this research to restrict the analyses to only one risk
(electrical) faced by only one profession should be used in the identification and
analysis of other specific risks faced by electrical professionals. From a wider
perspective the same technique may be useful in the promotion of the safety of other
well-defined professions.
The project’s base results have been received well by the electrical trade: The results
were said to verify problems which had been identified first-hand, but of which so far
there has been no reliable statistical data. On the other hand, some results were
surprising to the electrical trade, like the fact that there might be considerable
deficiencies in the know-how of electrical professionals, concerning e.g. earthing and
how to perform work safely. In addition, the problem of not having adequate tools to
perform work safely was novel information to representatives of the electrical trade.
As some results varied according to background, in the future there is a need for a
clear method for organizations working in the electrical field to identify the specific
problems the electrical professionals that work for them face daily in their tasks.
There is also a need for a tool for electrical professionals. This tool could help
electrical professionals analyze the tasks at hand, and the risks involved. A follow-up
study was executed to address the need for these tools (see Pulkkinen et al. 2009).
From a broader perspective, the research proved the benefits of having a narrow
scope. Accident research often concentrates on identifying and assessing all the risks
faced by a group of workers. This causes problems in obtaining in-depth results as the
underlying causes of different risk types may vary significantly, and investigating into
them all in depth may easily require more resources than planned. This study
concentrated on electrical professionals and electrical accidents alone in order to get a
deeper insight of the problem – and was successful in doing so. Nevertheless, or
exactly because of that reason, the results may now be utilized in the promotion of
other safety aspects as well: The causes of hurry in electrical work are most probably
the same, independent of whether the point-of-view is electrical or non-electrical
safety. Hurry and human failure as underlying causes of failure to follow safety
procedures may be considered valid when considering the non-electrical safety
problems which electrical professionals face at work. On the other hand, the results
give evidence that the role of hurry and human failure is worth further considering in
occupational accidents in general, regardless of profession.
8 Conclusions
The foundation of safe work is knowledge. Ideally the needed information is acquired
during vocational education, orientation to new tasks, extension courses, and other
training that is preferably repeated in regular intervals. The results of this research
give evidence to the fact that there is a lack of knowledge on safe working procedures.
On the other hand, the results also show that some of the omissions are made with full
knowledge of the risks involved. All in all, the causes of intentional and unintentional
at-risk behaviour are multifold, and efforts of prevention should be planned
In the future, the electrical safety of electrical professionals may be promoted with the
utilization of the electrical accident sequence model. Organizations working in the
electrical field may utilize the model as basis for discussions with electrical
professionals concerning what hinders daily work. These discussions are preferably
held with both own employees and those under (sub)contract. Assigning blame should
be avoided. Instead the discussions should concentrate on what are the underlying
problems that cause unintentional failure to follow predetermined safety procedures,
or provoke or even necessitate intentional omissions.
The unanimity in the results raise the question as to whether the same unanimity
towards the underlying causes of unsafe behaviour exists also in other professions.
The possibility that in certain risk types there are a few underlying and identifiable
“key” accident causes opens new possibilities to prevent accidents from occurring.
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1a. Kertokaa lyhyesti, mitä silloin 1a. Briefly, what happened? What were
tapahtui? Mitä työtä ja työvaihetta the task and the phase you were
olitte tekemässä, mistä doing at that moment? What was the
sähköiskutapaturma, läheltä piti – cause of the accident – what went
tilanne tai vaaratilanne johtui eli mikä wrong? What were the
meni vikaan? Mitkä olivat consequences?
5. Kuinka monta kertaa Teille on 5. How many times have you been
sattunut sähkötapaturma? (Ks. involved in an electrical accident?
sähkötapaturmamääritelmä yllä) (See above for the definition of
- Työaikana electrical accident)
Vaihtojännitteen aiheuttama - At work
tapaturma ___ kertaa Accidents caused by
Tasajännitteen aiheuttama alternating current: ___ times
tapaturma ___ kertaa Accidents caused by direct
- Vapaa-ajalla current: ___ times
Vaihtojännitteen aiheuttama - Out of work
tapaturma ___ kertaa Accidents caused by
Tasajännitteen aiheuttama alternating current: ___ times
tapaturma ___ kertaa Accidents caused by direct
current: ___ times
6. Kuinka usein Teille nykyään
tapahtuu sähkön aiheuttama läheltä 6. How often are you nowadays
piti –tilanne, vaaratilanne tai involved in an electrical near miss,
tapaturma? (Ks. määritelmät yllä) hazardous situation or accident?
- Päivittäin - Daily
- Viikoittain - Weekly
- Kuukausittain - Monthly
- Vuosittain - Annually
- Harvemmin kuin vuosittain - More seldom than annually
- Ei ole koskaan tapahtunut - Has never happened
Mitkä tekijät ovat syynä siihen, että What causes people to work live in
töitä tehdään jännitteisinä, vaikka situations where safe working calls
turvallinen työskentely edellyttäisi for de-energizing (or that live work
jännitteettömyyttä (tai regulations are followed)?
jännitetyöohjeiden noudattamista)?
11. Miten nykyteknologiaa (ja mitä 11. How could modern technology (and
teknologiaa) voisi käyttää hyväksi what technology) be used to improve
sähkötyöturvallisuutenne your electrical safety?
13. Merkitkää seuraavista viisi, jotka 13. From the list below, what are the five
ovat sähköturvallisuuden suhteen most important electrical
sähköalan ammattilaisten suurimmat professionals’ occupational electrical
työturvallisuusriskit tai tekijät, jotka accident risks? (Place the
heikentävät työturvallisuutta. corresponding number of the chosen
(Merkitkää valitsemienne tekijöiden risks in descending order in the
numerot riskin kannalta appropriate fields in question 13a.)
tärkeysjärjestykseen sivun alaosassa 1) Private life situations
olevaan kohtaan kys. 13a) 2) Monotonous work
1) Yksityiselämän tapahtumat 3) Working alone
2) Yksipuolinen työ 4) Cooperation
3) Yksintyöskentely 5) Equipment, instruments,
4) Yhteistyö machinery
5) Välineet, laitteet, laitteistot 6) Threat of violence
6) Väkivallan uhka 7) Work that is paid by the job (as
7) Urakkaluonteinen työ opposed to working on an hourly
8) Ulkoistaminen, alihankinta basis)
9) Töiden suunnittelu, työn 8) Subcontracting, outsourcing
organisointi, vastuut, työnjako 9) Working plan, organization of
10) Töiden moninaisuus, työtehtävien work, responsibilities, work
erilaisuus distribution
11) Työskentelyolosuhteet 10) Diversity of work assignments
12) Työohjeet 11) Working conditions
13) Työnopastus, perehdyttäminen 12) Working instructions
14) Työn riskien tunnistaminen 13) Occupational instruction and
15) Työn keskeytyminen, guidance, orientation
keskeytykset 14) Identification of risks at work
16) Työmäärä 15) Interruptions at work
17) Työilmapiiri 16) Amount of work
18) Työasennot 17) Work atmosphere
19) Tietoinen riskinotto, turvaton 18) Work posture
toiminta 19) Conscious risk-taking, unsafe acts
13a. Tarkentakaa yllä olevan tehtävän 13a. Please specify further. Place the
vastauksianne (5 kpl). Merkitkää corresponding number of the chosen
valitsemanne kohdat (numerot) alle risks in descending order and write down
riskin kannalta tärkeysjärjestykseen what makes it an occupational safety risk
ja kirjoittakaa millä tavoin tekijä on in electrical work.
sähkötyössä työturvallisuusriski? - The biggest risk is ___.
- Suurin riski on ___. What makes it an
Millä tavoin tekijä on occupational safety risk in
sähkötyössä electrical work? Open-ended
työturvallisuusriski? Avoin question
kysymys - The second biggest risk is ___.
- Toiseksi suurin riski on ___ What makes it an
Millä tavoin tekijä on occupational safety risk in
sähkötyössä electrical work? Open-ended
työturvallisuusriski? Avoin question
kysymys - The third biggest risk is ___.
- 3. suurin riski ___ What makes it an
Millä tavoin tekijä on occupational safety risk in
sähkötyössä electrical work? Open-ended
työturvallisuusriski? Avoin question
kysymys - The fourth biggest risk is ___.
- 4. suurin riski ___ What makes it an
14. Merkitkää seuraavista tietoteknisistä 14. Jot down the ICT tools you use
ja viestinteknisistä työn apuvälineistä regularly at your work.
kaikki ne, joita käytätte työssänne - Telephone
säännöllisesti? - Cellular phone
- Lankapuhelin - AI-telephone (e.g. communicator)
- Matkapuhelin - Shortwave radio (or other
- Älypuhelin (esim. separated communication system)
kommunikaattori tai vastaava) - Other communication device,
- LA-puhelin (tai muu erillinen what? ___
puhelinjärjestelmä) - Personal computer
- Muu puhelinlaite, mikä? ___ - Laptop
- (Toimisto)tietokone - Palmtop / Pocket computer /
- Kannettava tietokone PDA-device
- Kämmentietokone / - Other computer device, different
taskutietokone / PDA-laite kinds of terminals or terminal
- Muu tietokonelaite, erilaiset device, computer screens,
päätteet ja päätelaitteet, koneiden research equipment, measuring
näytöt, tutkimuslaitteet, device, installation device, what?
mittalaitteet, asennuslaitteet mitä? ___
___ - Other, what? ___
- Muita, mitä? ___
17. Jos vastasitte edelliseen 17. If you answered “yes” to the above
kysymykseen, kyllä: Mikä question, which of the following
seuraavista vaihtoehdoista kuvaa options describes your working
parhaiten toimintatapojanne? methods best?
- Teen sähkötyöt työpaikalla - I perform electrical work more
turvallisemmin safely at work
- Teen vapaa-ajan sähkötyöt - I perform electrical work more
turvallisemmin safely at home
- Teen sähkötöitä täysin yhtä - I perform electrical work as
turvallisesti sekä töissä että safely at work as at home.
Kuinka samaa tai eri mieltä olette How strongly do you agree or disagree
seuraavien väittämien kanssa? with the following statements? (Mark
(Merkitkää yksi vastaus jokaisen one answer to every statement)
väittämän kohdalle)
18. The guidance I received for my
18. Saamani työnopastus nykyisiin current work assignment has been
työtehtäviini on ollut riittävää sufficient
- Olen täysin samaa mieltä - I agree
- Olen osittain samaa mieltä - I partly agree
- Olen osittain eri mieltä - I partly disagree
- Olen täysin eri mieltä - I disagree
19. Saamani ohjeet ovat yleensä olleet 19. The instructions I have received have
riittävät usually been sufficient
- Olen täysin samaa mieltä - I agree
- Olen osittain samaa mieltä - I partly agree
- Olen osittain eri mieltä - I partly disagree
- Olen täysin eri mieltä - I disagree
22. Työn tekeminen nopeasti ja sujuvasti 22. Completing your work swiftly and
on mielestäni tärkeämpää kuin työn flowingly is more important than
tekemistä sähköturvallisesti working safely
- Olen täysin samaa mieltä - I agree
- Olen osittain samaa mieltä - I partly agree
- Olen osittain eri mieltä - I partly disagree
- Olen täysin eri mieltä - I disagree
24. Jos työpaikallanne ohjeissa on ollut 24. If instructions at your workplace have
puutteita (ks. kohta 19), mitä been insufficient, what has been
puutteita ja missä ohjeissa? lacking and in which instructions
(kirjalliset vai suulliset ohjeet, (written or verbal instructions, work
työohjeet, asennus- ja kunnossapito- instructions, installation and
ohjeet, tiettyjen ohjeiden saatavuus, maintenance instructions, availability
ohjeiden kieli, jne)? of certain instructions, language
problems etc.)?
25. Jos joku työskentelee sähkötöissä ei- 25. If someone performs electrical work
turvallisesti, mistä se unsafely, what is most probably the
todennäköisimmin johtuu? reason?
- Hän ei ole saanut riittävästi - He/she hasn’t received enough
ohjausta turvalliseen guidance on safe working
työskentelyyn methods
- Hän ei tiedä työskentelevänsä - He/she doesn’t know that he/she
väärin is working unsafely
- Hänen on saatava työ nopeasti - He/she must finish the job
tehdyksi quickly
- Hänellä ei ole käytössään sopivia - He/she hasn’t got proper tools or
työkaluja tai työvälineet eivät ole the tools are not in working order
käyttökunnossa - He/she isn’t motivated to work
- Hän ei ole motivoitunut safely
työskentelemään turvallisesti
26. Oletteko joskus tehnyt töitä 26. Have you ever worked with a live
jännitteisessä kohteessa? installation?
- Kyllä - Yes
- En - No
27. Onko työryhmäänne nimetty 27. Has someone in your work group
sähköturvallisuustoimien valvoja? been names the person in control of
- Aina electrical safety during work?
- Yleensä - Always
- Joskus - Usually
- Harvoin - Sometimes
- Seldom
28. Onko kaikkien tiedossa, kuka on tä- 28. Does everyone know who this
mä sähköturvallisuustoimien valvoja? responsible person is?
- Aina - Always
- Yleensä - Usually
- Joskus - Sometimes
- Harvoin - Seldom
29. Missä asemissa yleensä työskentelet- 29. What are your usual positions in your
te? (Merkitkää ne, jotka kuvaavat organization? (Mark the ones that
Teitä parhaiten) describe you best)
- Työstä vastaava henkilö (esim. - Person in control of work (e.g. in
sähkötöiden johtaja) charge of electrical work)
- Sähköturvallisuustoimien valvoja - Person in control of electrical
- Kärkimies safety during work
- Työntekijä - Work group organizer/
- Harjoittelija spokesperson at work location
- Yksityisyrittäjä - Worker
- Muu, mikä? ___ - Trainee
- Private entrepreneur
30. Millä toimialalla yritys/organisaatio - Other, what? ___
(jossa työskentelette) pääasiallisesti
toimii? (Merkitkää vain yksi) 30. In which sector does the
- Energia-ala (mm. company/organization you work for
verkonrakennus, sähkön siirto tai mainly operate? (Mark only one)
jakelu, verkonhaltija, - Energy (e.g. electrical network
sähköntuotanto) construction, transmission,
- Teollisuus (mm. sähkö, distribution, owner, production)
automaatio tai kunnossapito) - Industry (e.g. electricity,
- Kiinteistöasennukset ja automation or maintenance)
talotekniikka - Real estate installations and
- Muu, mikä? building services engineering
- En ole tällä hetkellä työelämässä - Other, what?
mukana - I’m not working at the moment
35. Oletteko käynyt jännitetöiden 35. Have you taken part in the obligatory
tekemiseen vaadittavan kurssin? course for working live?
- Kyllä - Yes
- En - No
36. Minä vuonna saavutitte 36. When did you become an electrical
ammattitaidon tehdä itsenäisesti professional? (See foreword page) If you
sähkötöitä? (Ks. saatesivu) Mikäli are still studying, when will you become
olette vasta kouluttautumassa, a professional
merkitkää minä vuonna saavutatte - Year ____
ammattitaidon tehdä itsenäisesti
- Vuonna ____
37. Oletteko ollut siitä asti sähköalan 37. Have you done electrical work ever
töissä? since?
- Kyllä, koko ajan tai lähes koko - Yes, ever since, or nearly
ajan - No, but I have worked as a
- En, mutta olen ollut sähköalan professional during the years
töissä vuosina ____ ____
38. Kuinka suuren osan työtehtävistänne 38. How much of your work is at-desk
teette työpöydän ääressä (ei work (non-physical work)?
ruumiillista työtä)? - ____ % of work time
- ____ % työajasta
39. Milloin olette viimeksi saanut 39. When was the last time you received
sähkötyöturvallisuuskoulutusta? occupational electrical safety training?
- Vuonna ____ - Year ____
40. Mikä seuraavista kuvaa parhaiten 40. Which of the following describes best
asemanne organisaatiossanne (työnne your position in your organisation
vastuita ja velvollisuuksia ajatellen)? (concerning your responsibilities and
- Esimiesasemassa oleva (esim. obligations)?
työnjohto) - Manager (e.g. supervisor)
- Työntekijä - Employee
- Yksityisyrittäjä - Private entrepreneur
- Muu, mikä? ____ - Other, what? ____
42. Missä lääneissä olette viimeisen 12 42. In which provinces have you worked
kuukauden aikana tehnyt töitä? in during the last 12 months?
- Etelä-Suomen läänissä - Southern province
- Länsi-Suomen läänissä - Western province
- Itä-Suomen läänissä - Eastern province
- Oulun läänissä - Province of Oulu
- Lapin läänissä - Province of Lapland
- Ahvenanmaalla - The Åland Islands
Background questions
F. Oletko käynyt jännitetöiden tekemiseen F. Have you taken part in the obligatory
vaadittavan kurssin? course for working live?
- Kyllä - Yes
- En - No
I. Kuinka suuren osan työtehtävistäsi teet I. How much of your work is at-desk work
työpöydän ääressä (ei ruumiillista työtä)? (non-physical work)?
- _____ % työajasta - ____ % of work time
J. Milloin olet viimeksi saanut J. When was the last time you received
sähkötyöturvallisuuskoulutusta? occupational electrical safety training?
- _________ - ________
The Interview
3. Mistä teille sattuneet sähkötapaturmat 3. What have been the causes of your
ovat johtuneet? Mitkä ovat electrical accidents? What were the
sähkötapaturmien taustalla olleet causes behind the immediate causes of
tekijät? the electrical accidents?
4. Työ tehdään usein jännitteisenä, 4. Work is often done live although safe
vaikka turvallinen työskentely working demands for de-energizing.
edellyttäisi jännitteettömyyttä. Miten How could unauthorised live working be
”luvatonta” jännitetyötä voisi reduced?
Kiire Hurry
7. Mistä kiire teidän työssänne johtuu? 7. What causes hurry in your work?
11. Miten nämä ”itsekseen 11. How can these accidental start-ups
käynnistymiset” ja niiden aiheuttamat and the electrical accident risks they
sähkötapaturmariskit voitaisiin estää? cause be prevented?
12. Miten keskusten vaarallisuutta / 12. How can switchboards be made less
tapaturmariskiä voitaisiin vähentää? hazardous?
Koulutus Education
15. Mitä mieltä olet sähköalan 15. How do you feel about the quality of
koulutuksen laadusta tällä hetkellä? electrical education today?
- Antaako koulutus riittävät - Does the education give sufficient
valmiudet työelämää varten? readiness for working life?
- Puuttuuko juuri koulusta - Do the newly graduated workers
työelämään astuneilta joitakin lack some basic knowledge of
perustietoja sähkötöistä, mitä electrical work? What
tietoja puuttuu? knowledge?
- Aiheuttaako se riskin - Does that cause a risk to
työturvallisuudelle? occupational safety?
The content of the checklist (numbered questions) and the additional questions
1.5 Tiedätkö, kuinka työkohteen saa 1.5 Do you know how to de-energize the
jännitteettömäksi? installation?
- Onko jännitteettömäksi - Is the de-energizing difficult?
tekeminen hankalaa? - Why?
- Miksi? - Is there guidance available for
- Opastaako joku tarvittaessa the de-energizing of the
kohteen jännitteettömäksi installation?
tekemisessä? - Who decides whether work is
- Kuka tekee päätöksen done live?
jännitteisenä työskentelystä?
1.6 Onko työstä laadittu kirjallinen 1.6 Do you have a written work plan?
1.7 Jos suunnitelma on tehty, teetkö työn 1.7 If a plan has been made do you work
suunnitelman mukaan? according to it?
- Miksi et? - Why not?
Työvälineet Tools
1.8 Ovatko kaikki tarvittavat työvälineet 1.8 Are all the necessary tools along?
mukana? - When do you check that you have
- Missä vaiheessa tarvittavien the necessary tools along? a)
työvälineiden mukanaolo before departing to the work site,
tarkistetaan? a) ennen työmaalle b) before starting work, c) when
lähtöä, b) ennen työn aloittamista, you need the tool (during work)
c) kun työvälinettä tarvitaan
käyttöön (työsuorituksen aikana) 1.9 Are the tools in working
1.9 Ovatko työvälineet condition?
toimintakunnossa? - When do you check the condition
- Missä vaiheessa tarvittavien of the tools? a) before departing
työvälineiden toimivuus to the work site, b) before starting
tarkistetaan? a) ennen työmaalle work, c) when you need the tool
lähtöä, b) ennen työn aloittamista, (during work)
c) kun työväline tarvitaan
käyttöön (työsuorituksen aikana)
2.6 Todetaanko, että varausjännite on 2.6 Do you confirm that the voltage has
purkautunut? been discharged?
Työmaadoittaminen Earthing
2.13 Todetaanko työmaadoitustarve? 2.13 Do you evaluate the need for
- Miten? earthing for work?
- How?
2.14 Onko sopivia 2.14 Do you have enough earthing
työmaadoitusvälineitä riittävä equipment to earth all parts of the
määrä kaikkien työalueella installation?
olevien osien - How do you decide which
työmaadoittamiseen? directions are earthed?
- Miten määritetään, mitkä
kaikki suunnat maadoitetaan?
2.15 Huomioidaanko 2.15 Do you take into account every
maadoittamisessa kaikki direction when earthing the
maadoittamissuunnat, myös installation, also the direction of
kuorman suunta the load (possibility of existence
(varageneraattorien ja of back-up generators and
aggregaattien mahdollinen aggregates)?
2.16 Varmistetaanko 2.16 Do you ensure that the earthing
työmaadoitusvälineiden pysyminen equipment hold?
2.17 Ovatko työmaadoituskohta ja - 2.17 Can you see the earthing point
välineet nähtävissä työpisteestä? and earthing equipment from the
- ts. miten kohde havaitaan place where you work?
työmaadoitetuksi? - In other words, how do you
detect that the installation has
been earthed?
3. Työ 3. Work
Keskeytykset Interruptions
3.7 Lukitaanko sähkökeskukset ja 3.7 Do you lock the switchboard and
työtilat, jos työ joudutaan working facilities if work is
keskeyttämään? (yö, ruokailu, interrupted? (night, lunch, coffee
kahvitauko, välissä tehtävät työt) break, in-between work)
- Milloin lukitaan, milloin ei? - When are they locked, when not?
Valvonta Supervision
3.9 Valvooko joku, että kaikki em. 3.9 Does someone supervise that all
sähkötyöturvallisuustoimenpiteet electrical safety measures (de-
(jännitteen katkaisu, kytkemisen energizing, preventing re-connection,
estäminen, jännitteettömyyden testing, earthing) are taken?
toteaminen, työmaadoittaminen) - Who?
- Kuka? 3.10 Does someone (foreperson, co-
3.10 Puuttuuko kukaan (lähiesimies, worker, yourself) intervene if
työtoveri, sinä itse) epäkohtiin working conditions or practises
työolosuhteissa tai are inappropriate?
työmenetelmissä? - including the use of protective
- ml. suojainten käyttö, gear and working in a safe
turvallisesti työskentely. Kuka way. Who intervenes?
Työvälineet Tools
3.11 Jonkin työvälineen puuttuessa 3.11 If some tool is missing do you go
lähdetäänkö hakemaan sitä? get one?
- Vai käytätkö mitä sattuu - Or do you make do with the
olemaan? tools at hand?
Varmistaminen Ensuring
4.1 Varmistetaanko ennen jännitteen 4.1 Do you ensure before re-energizing
kytkemistä, että kukaan ei enää that no one is working with the
työskentele laitteistossa ja että installation and that there are also no
sivullisiakaan ei ole vaara- outsiders in the danger area?
alueella? - How is this ensured?
- Miten varmistetaan? - Who gives permission to re-
- Kenen luvalla jännitteen energize?
kytkentä tapahtuu?
Ilmoitukset Informing
4.5 Ilmoitatko kohteessa työn 4.5 Do you inform someone at the
valmistumisesta? worksite when work is completed?
- Kenelle kaikille ylipäänsä - Who do you inform of the
ilmoitat työn completion of the work?
7. Muuta 7. Other
7.1 Poikettiinko työn aikana 7.1 Were there deviations from safe
turvallisista toimintatavoista working methods during work (de-
(jännitteen katkaisu, kytkemisen energizing, preventing re-energizing,
estäminen, jännitteettömyyden testing, earthing)?
toteaminen, työmaadoittaminen)? - If yes, why?
- Jos kyllä, miksi? 7.2 Was the work supposed to be
7.2 Oliko työn tekemisellä kiire? done quickly?
- Miksi oli? - Why?
7.3 Oliko työ rutiinia? (tämän on 7.3 Was it a routine job? (“This has
tehnyt niin moneen kertaan ennenkin) been done so many times before”)
- Oliko rutiinia eli helppoa kun - Was it routine work because
on vankka ammattitaito, vai you’re a skilled professional
rutiinia eli tylsää ja or was the task just boring
yksitoikkoista. (pos vai neg) and monotonous (routine in a
7.4 Oliko työ urakkaluonteista? positive or negative way)?
7.5 Tehtiinkö työ yksin? 7.4 Was the work paid by the job (as
7.6 Onko tiedonkulussa ongelmia, opposed to working on an hourly basis)?
jotka vaikuttavat sähkötyön 7.5 Was the job done alone?
turvallisuuteen? 7.6 Are there problems in
- Mitä? information flow that affect electrical
7.7 Tuliko työn aikana yllättäen uutta safety?
tietoa liittyen työn tekemiseen? 7.7 During the task, did you
7.8 Sattuiko työn aikana keskeytyksiä unexpectedly receive new information
tai yllättäviä muutoksia concerning the task at hand?
työtehtävissä? (puhelin soi, 7.8 During the task, were there
jotakin muuta asiaa käytävä interruptions or sudden changes in the
selvittämässä välillä, häiriöitä, work task? (Phone rang, you had to go
poikkeavia tilanteita tms.) deal with some other task leaving this
work task unfinished, interruptions,
deviations etc.)
7.9 Oliko työtä tekemässä usean 7.9 Were there employees from
yrityksen työntekijöitä? multiple companies working together?
- Miten yhteistyö sujui? - How did the co-operation
- Onko sovittu selkeä työnjako? work?
- Did you have a clear division
of work?