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ROLL NO. 17BTL150126


Ques.1 What do you understand by base isolation? Explain in detail the procedure
of base isolation to buildings for safeguard during earthquake motion.

Ans. A base isolation system is a popular system implemented in a structure to protect

it from the action of seismic forces. This system as base isolation bearings was developed by
Dr. Bill Robinson in the 1970s in New Zealand.

A base isolation system is used as a damage-resistant seismic design solution for both new and
retrofitted buildings. This system is hence named as seismic base isolation system.

Working Principle of Base Isolation System

The fundamental principle of a base isolation system is to alter the response of the building
structure so that the ground below it can move easily without transmitting these motion forces
to the building structure above.This is achieved by separating or isolating the superstructure
from its substructure that is resting on a shaking ground. Thus the structure has less effect due
to earthquake forces.

The term “isolation” itself refers to the reduced action between the main structure and
the ground. When the system is provided under the structure, it is called “base isolation”.

The base isolation system comes under passive vibration control technology in earthquake
engineering. It is a design strategy that serves the purpose of uncoupling the structure from
the damaging effects of the earthquake ground motion.

The decoupling action of the base isolation makes the building behave more flexible thus
increasing its resistance against the earthquake.

The principle can be more clearly explained by considering an example. Consider a building
resting over frictionless rollers. When the ground below the building is subjected to shaking, the
rollers start to freely roll, but the building stays above without any movement.
This means that the ground shake does not pass any force to the building and the structure
stays safe. It is to be noted that if the gap between the vertical wall of the foundation pit and
the building is small, there are chances of collision with the movement of the ground.

Now, consider a case, if a building structure is placed above flexible pads instead of rollers.
This arrangement under a seismic force surely provides resistance to the lateral movement,
but the building experiences some amount of ground shaking. These flexible pads are called
base isolators”.

A building structure that is protected against the seismic force by a base isolator is called a”
base-isolated building”. The difference from the before case of rollers is that they make the
building stay stiff. But base isolators make the structure “flexible”.

A base isolation system mainly consists of two components:

1. Isolation Units
2. Isolation Components
1. Isolation Units
An isolation unit is the basic component of the isolation system that performs of decoupling
effect to the building structure or the non-building structure.

2. Isolation Components
The isolation components are the connection units between the isolation units
mentioned before. These components do not contribute to the decoupling process.
The procedure of base isolation to buildings for safeguard during
earthquake motion.

Due to the flexibility in the structure, a robust medium-rise masonry or reinforced concrete
building becomes extremely flexible. The isolators are often designed, to absorb energy and thus
add damping to the system. This helps in further reducing the seismic response of the building.
Many of the base isolators look like large rubber pads, although there are other types that are
based on sliding of one part of the building relative to other. Also, base isolation is not suitable
for all buildings. Mostly low to medium rise buildings rested on hard soil underneath; high-rise
buildings or buildings rested on soft soil are not suitable for base isolation.

Lead-rubber bearings are the frequently-used types of base isolation bearings. A lead rubber
bearing is made from layers of rubber sandwiched together with layers of steel. In the middle of
the solid lead "plug". On top and bottom, the bearing is fitted with steel plates which are used
to attach the bearing to the building and foundation. The bearing is very stiff and strong in the
vertical direction, but flexible in the horizontal direction.

Earth retaining and pile foundation Earth retaining H-shaped steel piles will be put in place to
prevent collapse of the ground surrounding the site where the building is to be moved. Some
44 new piles will be put in place where the building is to be moved.

Excavation work The earthen floor slab of the first floor will be broken up, and a new
structural slab laid , strengthened with beams. Excavation will be carried out while
strengthening existing piles on the base under the existing building and the new site of the

Cut existing piles and construct foundations Foundations in areas except around existing
piles will be constructed. A temporary base will be installed, the existing piles cut, and then
new foundations constructed around existing piles.

Building-moving work A roller-lift device will be installed, and the temporary base
removed. The building will then be moved approximately eight meters by eight 50-ton
propelled hydraulic jacks on the transfer roadbed. The stroke of the jacks is 20 centimeters,
and they require approximately five minutes to extend. After the building moves 20
centimeters, the jacks will be reset, and this process repeated.

Base isolation work After installing a temporary base and removing the rolling device, the
base isolation system - rubber bearings (diameter 600 millimeters, seven locations), sliding
bearings (diameter 450 to 30 millimeters, 11 locations) and oil dampers (four locations) will be
installed under the existing foundations, with the gap to be filled in with concrete, and the
temporary base removed.
Completion The remaining retaining walls will be completed, and the surrounds of
the building closed off with expanding metal plates.

Ques.2 How to safeguard the beam-column joints in buildings against

seismic forces? Give detailed measures to achieve the same as per IS 13920 or
other Indian Standards.
Ans. In RC buildings, portions of columns that are common to beams at their intersections are
called beamcolumn joints. Since their constituent materials have limited strengths, the joints have
limited force carrying capacity. When forces larger than these are applied during earthquakes,
joints are severely damaged. Repairing damaged joints is difficult, and so damage must be
avoided. Thus, beam-column joints must be designed to resist earthquake effects

Earthquake behavior of joints

Under earthquake shaking, the beams adjoining a joint are subjected to moments in the same
(clockwise or counter-clockwise) direction. Under these moments, the top bars in the beam-
column joint are pulled in one direction and the bottom ones in the opposite direction. These
forces are balanced by bond stress developed between concrete and steel in the joint region.
If the column is not wide enough or if the strength of concrete in the joint is low, there is
insufficient grip of concrete on the steel bars. In such circumstances, the bar slips inside the
joint region, and beams loose their capacity to carry load.

Further, under the action of the above pull-push forces at top and bottom ends, joints undergo
geometric distortion; one diagonal length of the joint elongates and the other compresses
(Figure 2b). If the column cross-sectional size is insufficient, the concrete in the joint develops
diagonal cracks.


Under earthquake moment, the top and bottom bars pull in opposite direction.

If size of joint is small or concrete strength is low- the bar slips.

Joint undergo geometric distortion and if size is insufficient- diagonal crack occurs.
It can be controlled by providing large column size- providing closed ties

Column width - at least 20 times the diameter of the largest beam bar.

Closed loops steel ties in beam column joints confine the concrete in joint. It also resists the
shear force reducing the cracking and crushing of concrete.

Development length – development length is given by

Ld = Embedded length of steel bar

σ st = Permissible stress in steel
τ bd = Bond stress
φ = Diameter of bar

Proposed provisions for beam-column joints as per IS 13920

Minimum column size
The minimum dimension of column shall not be less than

(a) 15 times the largest beam bar diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement in the
beam passing through or anchoring into the column joint, (b) 300 mm.
A small column width may lead to following two problems:

(a) The moment capacity of column section is very low since the lever arm between
the compression steel and tension steel is very small, and
(b) Beam bars do not get enough anchorage in the column (both at exterior and
interior joints).

Hence, many seismic codes recommend that the dimension of an interior column should not
be less than 20 times the diameter of largest beam bar running parallel to that column
dimension that is, if beams use 20 mm diameter bars, minimum column width should be 400

IS 13920: 1993 specifies the minimum dimension of columns as, the minimum dimension of
the member shall not be less than 200 mm. However, in frames which have beams with
centre to centre span exceeding 5 m or columns of unsupported length exceeding 4 m, the
shortest dimension of the column shall not be less that 300 mm.

In the exterior and corner joints, all the 135° hook of the crossties should be along the
outer face of the column.
Beam size
Beams shall preferably have width to depth ratio of more than 0.3
Beams shall not have width less than 200mm.

Beams shall not have depth D more than 1/4th of clear span.
Transverse Reinforcement

The provisions related to transverse reinforcement requirements in beam column joints are
retained that all 135 degree hooks of cross ties should be along the outer face of columns in
the exterior and corner joints. Since the interior face of an exterior beam column joint is
confined by beams, it is better to place the cross ties with all 90 degree hooks on the inner
side and 135 degree hooks at the exterior side of the joint.

Design for Shear Force

The design for shear for special shear walls is same as for RC beams with the provisions as per
IS 456. The effective depth of wall section required for calculation of nominal shear stress
demand should be calculated along the length of the wall and it can be taken as 0.8 times the
length of wall for rectangular sections. In flanged sections, the flanges will not be taken for
calculating the shear capacity. Also vertical reinforcement of wall shall be used to calculate
the permissible shear strength of concrete.
Positive Reinforcement
At a joint face, positive reinforcement should be at least 50% of the negative reinforcement.
Two reasons:

(a) Need adequate compression reinforcement to ensure ductility.

(b) Seismic moments are reversible.

Steel at top and bottom face anywhere should be at least 25% of max negative moment steel
at face of either joint.

Actual moments away from joint may be higher than the design moment. We do not want to
reduce large amount of steel abruptly away from the joint.
Steel Grade

Originally, the code required that steel reinforcement of grade Fe415 or less only be used.
Higher grade of steel reduces ductility. Hence, there is usually an upper limit on grade of steel

However, high strength deformed steel bars, produced by the thermo-mechanical treatment
process, of grades Fe500 and Fe550, having elongation more than 14.5 percent and conforming
to other requirements of IS 1786:1985 may also be used for the reinforcement.
Concrete Grade

Originally, buildings more than 3 storey high, minimum concrete grade shall preferably be
M20. Now, word “preferably” has been dropped. Most codes specify higher grade of
concrete for seismic regions than that for non-seismic constructions. Examples: ACI allows
M20 for ordinary constructions, but a minimum of M25 for seismic constructions. Euro code
allows M15 for non seismic, but requires a min grade of M20 for low-seismic and M25 for
medium and high seismic regions.
Lap Splice

Lap length should be less than or equal to development length in tension.

(a) Due to reversal of seismic loads, the bar could be in compression or tension.
Lap splice not to be provided:

(a)Within a joint

(b) Within a distance of 2d from joint face

(c) Within a quarter length of member where yielding may occur due to seismic forces.

Lap splices are not reliable under cyclic inelastic deformations and hence not to be
provided in the critical regions

. Wherever longitudinal bar splices are provided: Hoops @ not more than 150 mm c/c should
be provided over the entire splice length

Web Reinforcement

Several actions by web reinforcement:

(a) Shear force capacity
(b) Confinement of concrete
(c) Lateral support to compression reinforcement bars

Vertical hoops Shear direction may reverse during earthquake shaking hence, inclined
bars not effective.
Closed stirrups Open stirrups cannot confine concrete
135 degree hooks As against normal 90 degree hooks Provides good anchorage to stirrups
Spacing of Hoops
Hoop spacing over 2d length at either end of beam not to exceed
(a) d/4
(b) 8 times dia of smallest longitudinal bar
But, hoop spacing need not be less than 100 mm

Also, close spacing of hoops over 2d on either side of any other location where
flexural yielding is likely
Elsewhere, hoop spacing to not exceed d/2
First hoop should be placed within 50 mm of the joint face.
Ques.3 What are the two methods of writing equations of motion for a single
degree of freedom system subjected to lateral forces (seismic forces) and
which among the two is the most generalized solution?

Ans. The simplest vibratory system can be described by a single mass connected to a spring
and possibly a dashpot. The mass is allowed to travel only along the spring elongation
direction. Such systems are called single degree of freedom.

The mathematical expressions defining the dynamic displacements are called equations
of motion of a structure.


Dynamic equilibrium – Based on Newton’s second law of motion and D’Alembert’s

principle, dynamic equilibrium is achieved by balancing the external loading with
resistant forces including a fictitious inertia force, a damping force, and an elastic force
acting on a moving free body (or DOF).
∗ D’Alembert’s principle – Sum of all forces acting on a moving free body must equal to a fictitious inertia force.

Σ (fx) − mu¨ = 0
Where fx represents external loading, damping force, and elastic force.
The term mu.. is called the inertia force resisting the acceleration of mass.

Hamilton’s principle – In Hamilton’s own words, Of all the possible paths along which
a dynamical system may move from one point to another within a specified

time integral (consistent with any constraints), the actual path followed is that which
minimizes the time integral of the difference between the kinetic and potential energies. —
W.R. Hamilton (1834) mathematically, for conservative dynamical systems,
Hamilton’s principle is read as follows.

Where δ is the virtual displacement as defined in the Principle of Virtual Work

Therefore, it is also equivalent to state that:

Of all the possible paths along which a dynamical system may move from one point to
another in configuration space within a specified time integral, the actual path followed is
that which minimizes the time integral of the Lagrangian for the system.

Simple structure dynamics problems can be solved using Newton ’s second law and
D’Alembert’s principle. But for complex structures, method based on work done or based
on energy method (Hamilton’s Method) are more convenient and more appropriate.

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