Notes Arduino Nano

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Notizen Arduino Nano

USB Driver
Arduino Nano needs a different USB driver for Windows 7

Driver chip is not FTDI but Winchiphead CH340

Download site:

➔ Com6

First Test
Arduino Blink Sketch

Tools → Board → COM6

Tools → Processor → Arduino Nano

Pinout Diagram

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Symbolic Names for Arduino pins

Path: Arduino/hardware/Arduino/avr/boards.txt

boards.txt describes the features of the available boards in the IDE, the size of the eeprom and the
the bootloader to be used.

For the Arduino Nano it says that the CPU is an ATmega328


The {ARDUINO}/hardware/arduino/variants directory tree contains 'pins_arduino.h' files that are

specific to a particular piece of hardware. The standard variant is, well, 'standard'. A typical variant
that you might use might be 'mega' (for the MEGA2560) or 'eightanaloginputs' (when your project
uses a surface mount ATmega328P rather than the through hole package, as the former has 2
additional analog inputs available).

For the Arduino Nano the chosen file is



#include “../standards/pins_arduino.h”


7-segment LED Display direct controlled

7-segment LED display SMA410362 common anode

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#define ONES 10
#define TENS 11

byte characters[] = {
// 0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g
B01111110, // 0
B00110000, // 1
B01101101, // 2
B01111001, // 3
B00110011, // 4
B01011011, // 5
B01011111, // 6
B01110000, // 7
B01111111, // 8

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B01111011 // 9


void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(PD2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // decimal point
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

byte outbyte = characters[0];

for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {


void writeNumber(int number) {

int tens = number / 10;
int ones = number % 10;
for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
writeDigit(tens, TENS);
writeDigit(ones, ONES);

void writeDigit(int digit, int segment ) {

digitalWrite(ONES, LOW);
digitalWrite(TENS, LOW);

digitalWrite(PD2, !(characters[digit] & B01000000));

digitalWrite(PD3, !(characters[digit] & B00100000));
digitalWrite(PD4, !(characters[digit] & B00010000));
digitalWrite(PD5, !(characters[digit] & B00001000));
digitalWrite(PD6, !(characters[digit] & B00000100));
digitalWrite(PD7, !(characters[digit] & B00000010));
digitalWrite(8, !(characters[digit] & B00000001));

if (segment == ONES) {
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(ONES, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TENS, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ONES, LOW);
digitalWrite(TENS, HIGH);


Sketch with Timer Interrupt – MsTimer2

Timer interrupt toggles the update of the two digits every 10ms

Manage Libraries → Add MsTimer2

* 7-segment LED display with timer interrupt for refresh
* M. July 2017

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#include <MsTimer2.h>

#define ONES 10
#define TENS 11

byte characters[] = {
// 0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g
B01111110, // 0
B00110000, // 1
B01101101, // 2
B01111001, // 3
B00110011, // 4
B01011011, // 5
B01011111, // 6
B01110000, // 7
B01111111, // 8
B01111011 // 9


void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(PD2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // decimal point
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);

MsTimer2::set(10, refreshDisplay); // refresh display every 10ms


void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

byte outbyte = characters[0];

for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {


unsigned int refreshcounter = 0;

int tens;
int ones;

void refreshDisplay(){
if (refreshcounter++ % 2 == 0) {
writeDigit(tens, TENS);
} else {
writeDigit(ones, ONES);

void writeNumber(int number) {

tens = number / 10;
ones = number % 10;

void writeDigit(int digit, int segment ) {

digitalWrite(ONES, LOW);
digitalWrite(TENS, LOW);

digitalWrite(PD2, !(characters[digit] & B01000000));

digitalWrite(PD3, !(characters[digit] & B00100000));
digitalWrite(PD4, !(characters[digit] & B00010000));
digitalWrite(PD5, !(characters[digit] & B00001000));
digitalWrite(PD6, !(characters[digit] & B00000100));
digitalWrite(PD7, !(characters[digit] & B00000010));

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digitalWrite(8, !(characters[digit] & B00000001));

if (segment == ONES) {
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(ONES, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TENS, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ONES, LOW);
digitalWrite(TENS, HIGH);


Setting the Counter with Rotary Encoder


Configure Digital-In Pins with Arduino integrated Pull-Up resistors.

The bouncing problem

When using contacts there is no exact ON and OFF condition while switching because the contacts
never close exactly and especially older contacts or dirty contacts generate a lot of fast ON/OFF
sequences (sometimes called noise).

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Hopefully when you stop turning the knob the contact situation should be fixed. If not, try to clean or
throw it away and buy a new one.

By using a capacitor it is possible to build a low pass filter that reduce the bouncing effect and
eliminates the very small spikes. If you ever have like to use this solution put the capacitor as near as
possible to the contacts. 100nF will do here.

Another solution is to detect changes of the signal in a very small timeframe and ignore them. You
can find a solution using this approach on the Arduino playground article.

The solution I found in some of the libraries around is to exactly follow all the 4 possible states of the
signals that a switch will pass when being turned from one position to the next and detect the next
position only when reaching a detent state. Even when a bouncing will occur it will not change the
position counting more than once.


* 7-segment LED display with rotary encoder
* M. July 2017

#include <MsTimer2.h>

#define ONES 10
#define TENS 11

#define ROTARY_SWITCH 14
#define ROTARY_A 15
#define ROTARY_B 16

enum programMode {

byte characters[] = {
// 0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g
B01111110, // 0
B00110000, // 1
B01101101, // 2
B01111001, // 3
B00110011, // 4
B01011011, // 5
B01011111, // 6
B01110000, // 7
B01111111, // 8
B01111011 // 9


void refreshDisplay();

unsigned long currentTime;

unsigned long loopTime;

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(PD2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PD7, OUTPUT);

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pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // decimal point
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);

//rotary encoder
pinMode(ROTARY_A, INPUT_PULLUP); // Encoder A
pinMode(ROTARY_B, INPUT_PULLUP); // Encoder B

MsTimer2::set(10, refreshDisplay); // refresh display every 10ms


currentTime = millis();
loopTime = currentTime;

volatile programMode mode = count;

unsigned int refreshcounter = 0;
int number = 0;
int rotary_switch_old = HIGH;

void loop() {

byte outbyte = characters[0];

// get the current elapesed time

currentTime = millis();
if (mode == count) {
if (currentTime >= loopTime + 1000) {
// update counter every 1000 ms
if (number > 99) number = 0;
loopTime = currentTime;
} else {

void refreshDisplay(){
int tens = number / 10;
int ones = number % 10;

if (refreshcounter++ % 2 == 0) {
writeDigit(tens, TENS);
} else {
writeDigit(ones, ONES);

if (mode == set_counter) {

int rotary_a_old = HIGH;

void readRotaryEncoder() {

int rotary_a = digitalRead(ROTARY_A);

int rotary_b = digitalRead(ROTARY_B);

if (rotary_a == LOW && rotary_a_old == HIGH) {

if (rotary_b == HIGH) {
if (number > 99) number = 0;
} else {
if (number < 0) number = 99;
rotary_a_old = rotary_a;

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void readSwitch() {

int rotary_switch = digitalRead(ROTARY_SWITCH);

// check if rotary switch is pressed

if (rotary_switch == LOW && rotary_switch_old == HIGH) {
// key pressed
rotary_switch_old = rotary_switch;
} else if (rotary_switch == HIGH && rotary_switch_old == LOW) {
// key released
rotary_switch_old = rotary_switch;

void toggleMode() {
if (mode == count) {
mode = set_counter;
} else {
mode = count;

void writeDigit(int digit, int segment ) {

digitalWrite(ONES, LOW);
digitalWrite(TENS, LOW);

digitalWrite(PD2, !(characters[digit] & B01000000));

digitalWrite(PD3, !(characters[digit] & B00100000));
digitalWrite(PD4, !(characters[digit] & B00010000));
digitalWrite(PD5, !(characters[digit] & B00001000));
digitalWrite(PD6, !(characters[digit] & B00000100));
digitalWrite(PD7, !(characters[digit] & B00000010));
digitalWrite(8, !(characters[digit] & B00000001));

if (segment == ONES) {
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(ONES, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TENS, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ONES, LOW);
digitalWrite(TENS, HIGH);


7-segment LED Display with Shift Register

8-bit Shiftregister 74HC595

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