CV Raho 2020 PDF
CV Raho 2020 PDF
CV Raho 2020 PDF
Curriculum Vitae
Doctor’s Degree
2014–2018 Doctor of Science in Electrical Engineering, COPPE - Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro and IFW - Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung
Dresden, Brasil and Germany, Power Electronics/Drive Electric Machines.
Title Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Traction System Using Linear Induction
Motor for Superconductors Magnetic Levitation Vehicles.
Advisors Prof. Ph.D. Antônio Carlos Ferreira & Prof. Dr.-Ing. Richard Magdalena Stephan
Description The proposal of a new linear motor for superconducting magnetic levitation vehicles
is presented in order to improve the traction system of MagLev-Cobra vehicle. The
results are analyzed and the conclusions used in the project development.
Master’s Degree
2008–2013 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, COPPE - Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, Power Electronics/Drive Electric Machines.
Title Regenerative Braking System with Linear Induction Motor of the Vehicle Maglev-
Advisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Richard Magdalena Stephan
Description Implementation and operation of MagLev-Cobra’s (superconductor magnetic levita-
tion train developed in the labs of COPPE/UFRJ) regenerative braking system with
linear induction motor.
Bachelor’s Degree
2003–2007 Electrical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Telecommunication.
Title Programmable Logic Controller Used to Illuminate of Teaching Institutions.
Advisor Prof. M.Sc. Kátia Lavatori
Description Management of electrical energy used at educational institutions.
2017–2018 Physics (stopped), UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Electrical Engineer
2018–2019 Electrical Engineer, TV Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Developing activities on Laboratory of Electromechanical and Supports.
2011–2012 Field Engineer, Otis Elevator Company, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Installation and modernization of the passengers elevators.
Scientific Production
• IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2020)
Title Optimized Linear Motor for Urban Superconducting Magnetic Levitation Vehicles.
• The 12th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (2019)
Title Development of a Linear Motor for Urban Magnetically Levitated Vehicles Using
an Innovative Workbench-Topology.
Academic Experience
2020 Claudio Mendes, Transmissão de Energia sem Contato Aplicada a
Veículos de Levitação Magnética Supercondutora, New University of
Lisbon / NOVA School of Science and Technology, Caparica, Portugal.
2020 Rui Pedro Rodrigues Matos, Impressão 3D de suportes para bobinas
supercondutoras produzidos em vários materiais, New University of
Lisbon / NOVA School of Science and Technology, Caparica, Portugal.
2016 Lívia Corrêa Capistrano, Acionamento do veículo de levitação mag-
nética supercondutora MagLev-Cobra, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, Cidade Universitária, Brazil.
2013 Marcelo Moraes Benes, Frenagem Regenerativa do Motor de Indução
do Veículo MagLev-Cobra, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cidade
Universitária, Brazil.
2013 João Vitor França, Modelagem de um Conversor CC-CC Aplicado ao
Acionamento de um Motor Linear, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói,
2017 Eric Lustosa Caillaux, Mecanismos de Automação do Veículo MagLev-
Cobra e Enquadramento à Norma APM-“Automated People Mover”,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Universitária, Brazil.
Ansys - Finite Element Methods (all physics); Artificial Neural Networks; Com-
putational Intelligence; Principal and Independent Components Analysis; Scientific
Methodology and Integrity in Academic Research; 3D Printer
Softwares Skills
Advanced Ansys (all packages ie APDL, Maxwell, Discovery etc), LATEX, MatLab, Mathemat-
ica, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Pages, KeyNote, Numbers, Libre
Office, Eagle, Fusion 360, AutoCAD
Intermediary Maple, PSCAD, Gnuplot, MS Project, Visio, Adobe, CorelDRAW
Communication Skills
2019 Oral presentation on 12th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry
Applications (LDIA 2019) in Neuchâtel - Switzerland.
2017 Presentation on Workshop MagLev-Cobra COPPE/UFRJ - Brazil.
2015 Oral presentation on 10th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry
Applications (LDIA 2015) in Aachen - Germany.
2015 Oral presentation on Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP 2015).
2015 Joint presentation of the SupraTrans II, Dresden - Germany, for Gynasium students
from the cities of Aachen and Dresden.
2013 Oral presentation on Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP 2013).
Portuguese Mother tongue
English Independent user Understanding, speaking and writing.
Germany Basic user Deutsches Sprachniveau A1
Others Interests
- Philosophy - Philanthropy