Principles and Elements

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Principle and


By: Hailey Chretien

Balance-The visual interpretation of gravity.

Symmetrical: Asymmetrical:

Radial: Vertical:

Rhythm-A repeated pattern.
Movement-The use of lines, colors, values, textures
that carry the viewers eyes to a different area of the

Regular: Graduated: Random:

Proportion-Refers to size and scale of various
elements in design.
Scale-Size of one object in relation to another.

Golden Mean(⅗)-A mathematical ratio found in nature.

Proportion ;

Emphasis-An area that draws the viewer's

Focal Point-It is the attention holder in the design. Line: size:

Placement: Color:
Harmony-The belonging of one thing with another.
Unity-How each element works together.

The goal of all design is to achieve unity visually.

When the elements of design or working together and the

principles of design are guiding the elements it unifies the design.
Pattern-Repeated arrangements of the same
elements over and over again.



Variety-Different elements in a design to not make
it boring.
contrast-Arrangement of different elements and
Variety: Contrast:
Line- A continuous mark made on a surface,
defines volume, shape, contours, and outlines.

Vertical diagonal curved horizontal

1.Straight 2.squiggly 3. Zig zag 4.Parallel 5.spiral

Color-Consists of hues, intensity and chroma.
Value-Lightness and darkness in certain areas.

Hue Chroma Grey Scale primary colors Secondary colors tertiary colors warm/color

Monochromatic color wheel tint and shade

Texture-The surface quality in an artwork.

Simulated Texture Actual Texture

Form-Different kinds of shapes in an artwork.

Organic Natural Geometric abstract

Shape-A two dimensional area confined by a line or
an implied line.

Organic Geometric Positive Negative

Space-The area around or within objects.

Linear Perspective 2 point perspective

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