Metar/Taf Decode: A Hong Kong-Based Virtual Airline

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A Hong Kong-based Virtual Airline


VOHK Training Team

Version 1.0

Not For Real World Use 07 April 2015

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Chapter 0 | Types of Meteorological Services ................................................... 3
Chapter 1 | Structure of METAR/SPECI ............................................................. 3
1. Identifier.................................................................................................... 3
2. Location ..................................................................................................... 3
3. Date and Time ........................................................................................... 4
4. AUTO ......................................................................................................... 4
5. Surface Wind ............................................................................................. 4
6. Wind Direction Variation ........................................................................... 5
7. Horizontal Visibility ................................................................................... 5
8. Runway Visual Range (RVR)....................................................................... 6
9. Weather .................................................................................................... 7
10. Sky Conditions ....................................................................................... 8
11. Clouds and Visibility Okay (CAVOK) ..................................................... 10
12. Temperature and Dew Point ................................................................ 10
13. Pressure ............................................................................................... 10
14. Supplementary Information ................................................................ 11
14.1 Recent Weather ........................................................................... 11
14.2 Wind Shear .................................................................................. 11
14.3 Runway State ............................................................................... 11
14.4 Provisional Group ........................................................................ 13
15. Remark (RMK) ..................................................................................... 15
15.1 Australia METAR Remark ............................................................. 15
15.2 USA METAR Remark ..................................................................... 16
Chapter 2 | Structure of TAF ........................................................................... 18
1. Identifier.................................................................................................. 19
2. Location ................................................................................................... 19
3. Time of Issue ........................................................................................... 19
4. Validity Period ......................................................................................... 19
5. Wind ........................................................................................................ 20
6. Visibility................................................................................................... 20
7. Weather .................................................................................................. 20
8. Clouds...................................................................................................... 20
9. Clouds and Visibility Okay (CAVOK) ......................................................... 20
10. Maximum and Minimum Temperature................................................ 20
11. Changes and Variation ......................................................................... 21
11.1 From (FM) .................................................................................... 21
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11.2 Becoming (BECMG) ...................................................................... 21
11.3 Temporarily (TEMPO) and Intermittent (INTER)........................... 22
11.4 Probability (PROB) ....................................................................... 23
12. End of Message ................................................................................... 23

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Chapter 0 | Types of Meteorological Services
There are several meteorological services applicable for VFR flying. They can be
divided into Forecasts and Observations.

A forecast is a prediction of weather in the future, so that the pilot can plan ahead
and prepare for the expected weather conditions. An observation report is
self-explanatory; it is a report of the observed weather at the time of publication.

Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) is a type of meteorological forecasts.

Meteorological Airport Report (METAR), which is a routine report, is a meteorological

observation report. SPECI, which is not created regularly, is a meteorological
observation report for special condition(s).

Chapter 1 | Structure of METAR/SPECI

The structure of METAR and SPECI is the same.

METAR VHHH 131600Z 09011KT 9999 FEW015 20/16 Q1018 NOSIG

SPECI YHID 131608Z AUTO 26012KT 6000 RA SCT011 BKN037 OVC075 24/24 Q1005
RERA RMK RF00.4/062.8

1. Identifier
At the start of observation report, the type of report will be stated

2. Location
The location of the report is indicated by the airport ICAO code or an
approved abbreviation.
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ICAO Code Airport
VHHH Hong Kong International Airport
EGLL London Heathrow Airport

3. Date and Time

Date and time are specified in UTC (Zulu Time). The format is a 2-digit day
group followed by a 4-digit 24 hour time group in hours and minutes with a
letter “Z” at the end.

Reported Format Explanation

13th of the month
31st of the month

An “AUTO” following the Date and Time field means that the report is
automatically generated.

Example: METAR YBNA 131830Z AUTO 23008KT 9999….

Note: This is an additional group.

5. Surface Wind
There are two parts in a 5-digit wind group. The first three digits represent
the direction of wind in degree True rounded to the nearest 10 degree.

The last two digits represent wind speed in either Knots (KT) or Meters per
Second (MPS). Both values are the mean values over a sampling period
(normally 10 minutes).

Example 1: Wind from the East 10kts: 09010KT

Example 2: Wind from the South 6kts: 18006KT
Example 3: Wind from the North 8m/s: 36008MPS
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If wind direction is variable over the sampling period, it will be written as

Wind Condition Direction Variation

Below 3 knots or 6 km/h Equals to or above 60 degrees
At or above 3 knots or6 km/h Equals to or above 180 degrees

Example 1: Wind variable 5kts: VRB05KT

Example 2: Wind variable 14m/s: VRB14MPS

If the wind gust (average 3 seconds) over the sampling period exceeds the
average wind by 10kts or more, the gust value will be added and preceded by
a letter “G”.

Example: Wind 150°T at 20kts, gusting 40kts: 15020G40KT

If the average wind speed is below 1kt, it will be represented by 00000KT.

6. Wind Direction Variation

When the wind direction varies more than 60° but less then 180° with a
wind speed of 3kts or 6 km/h or more, both extreme directions will be
written with a letter “V” between the two directions. It is always indicated
from a clockwise direction.

Example: Wind varying between 090° and 210°: 090V210

Note: This is an additional group.

7. Horizontal Visibility
The horizontal visibility is represented in meters up to 9000m over the

Example: Visibility 5000m: 5000

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If the visibility is 10km or greater, it is indicated by 9999. If the visibility is
below 50m, it is indicated by 0000.

It is possible to indicate the direction of visibility as well.

Example 1: Visibility 3000m at the South-West: 3000SW

Example 2: Visibility is 2000m at the South-West, 9000m at the North:
2000SW 9000N

In some countries, statute miles (SM) may be used.

Example 1: Visibility 6sm: 6SM

Example 2: Visibility 0.5sm: 1/2SM
Example 3: Visibility 2.5sm: 2 1/2SM

8. Runway Visual Range (RVR)

This is a measurement of visibility down the runway and is usually reported
when RVR or visibility is less than 1500m. The group can be further divided
into 2 parts separated by a “/”.

The first part indicates the runway reported. A letter “R” followed by a 2-digit
runway code together with L, R or C if applicable.

The second part is the reported RVR over the last 10 minutes or if RVR varies
significantly, the 1 minute average minimum RVR is given.

There may be some additional information attached to the reported RVR. A

letter “P” will be added in front of the RVR if the RVR is greater than the
maximum value that can be assessed. A letter “M” will be added in front of
the RVR if the RVR is less than the minimum value that can be assessed.

Example 1: RVR is greater than 2000m: P2000

Example 2: RVR is less than 50m: M0050

Two RVRs can be given with a letter “V” in between if the RVR varied
significantly during the last 10 minutes.

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Example: RVR varies from 100m to 900m: 100V900

Lastly, trend of the RVR can be added at the end.

Letter Meaning
U Upward
D Downward
N Nil

Example 1: RVR 500m and improving: 500U

Example 2: RVR 500m and deteriorating: 500D
Example 3: RVR 500m with no changes: 500N

Example 1: Runway 07L, RVR is less than 100m: R07L/M100

Example 2: Runway 07C, RVR is more than 1700m: R07C/P1700
Example 3: Runway 07, RVR is 1500m and improving: R07/1500U
Example 4: Runway 07L, RVR varies between 500m and 900m and
deteriorating: R07L/500V900D

Note: This is an additional group

9. Weather
When there is weather present, it will be included, refer to the table below:
Weather Intensity Prefix Weather Descriptor Weather Phenomenon
BC Patches BR Mist
BL Blowing DU Dust
DR Drifting DS Duststorm
+ Heavy FZ Freezing DZ Drizzle
MI Shallow FC Funnel Cloud
PR Partial FG Fog
SH Showers FU Smoke
TS Thunderstorm GR Hail
VC Vicinity GS Small Hail/Snow Pallets
No Prefix Moderate
HZ Haze
PL Ice Pallets
Copyright © 2015 Oasis Hong Kong Virtual Page 7
PO Dust Devil
RA Rain
SA Sand
SG Snow Grains
SN Snow
SQ Squall
- Light
SS Sandstorm
VA Volcanic Ash
UP Unidentified Precipitation
Example 1: Moderate Shower of Rain: SHRA
Example 2: Heavy Thunderstorm with Rain and Snow: +TSRASN
Example 3: Light Freezing Drizzle in the Vicinity: -VCFZDZ

Note: This is an additional group.

10. Sky Conditions

Cloud covers is represented in oktas. An oktas is 1/8 of the sky.

Code Coverage
FEW (Few) 1 to 2 Oktas
SCT (Scattered) 3 to 4 Oktas
BKN (Broken) 5 to 7 Oktas
OVC (Overcast) 8 Oktas

The reported sky condition always refers to the cloud base above surface,
not mean sea level, in the nearest hundreds of feet.

When the cloud layer is 50ft or less, it is reported as 000.

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Example 1: Scattered clouds at 700ft: SCT007
Example 2: Broken clouds at 1500ft: BKN015
Example 3: Few clouds at 12000ft: FEW120
Example 4: Overcast clouds at 10ft: OVC000

Cumulonimbus (CB) and Towering Cumulus (TCU) can be attached to the

reported cloud layers. When both exist at the same layer, only CB is reported.

Example 1: Scattered clouds with CB at 1500ft: SCT015CB

Example 2: Few clouds with TCU at 500ft: FEW005TCU
Example 3: Broken clouds with TCU and CB at 2000ft: BKN020CB

Ceiling is where the cloud covers at least half of the sky, i.e. BKN or above. If
the sky is totally obscured, ceiling should be report as vertical visibility (VV).

Example: Sky is obscured and ceiling is 300ft: VV003

Example: No information available: VV///

Furthermore, Sky Clear (SKC/CLR), No Significant Clouds (NSC) and No Cloud

Detected (NCD) can also be used to describe the sky condition.

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11. Clouds and Visibility Okay (CAVOK)
CAVOK can be used to replace visibility, weather and sky conditions group
when certain conditions exist (Not used in the US).
1. Visibility is 10km or greater,
2. No cloud below 5000ft or the highest minimum safe altitude (MSA)
whichever is higher with no CB or TCU and
3. No significant weather

Example 1: METAR VHHH 130400Z 01005KT CAVOK…

12. Temperature and Dew Point

Both temperature and dew point are reported in degree Celsius. Each item is
represented by two figures with a “/” in between. If it is below 0℃, a letter
“M” precedes the figures.

Example 1: Temperature 20℃, Dew Point 15℃: 20/15

Example 2: Temperature 5℃, Dew Point -1℃: 05/M01
Example 3: Temperature -5℃, Dew Point -7℃: M05/M07

If both temperature and dew point are not available, they should not be
coded. If only dew point is not available, temperature should be reported
with a “/” at the end.

Example: Temperature 10℃, Dew Point not available: 10/

13. Pressure
Normally, mean sea level pressure is rounded down to the next whole
number to give QNH. When pilot set QNH on the altimeter, aerodrome
elevation is displayed.

There are several units for pressure setting: Hectopascal (hPa), Millibars (mb)
and Inches of Mercury (In). Practically, hPa and mb can be treated as the
same (1hPa = 100Pa = 1mb).

When hPa or mb is used, the pressure will be preceded by a letter “Q”.

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Example 1: MSL Pressure 1015.3hPa: Q1015
Example 2: MSL Pressure 1013.7mb: Q1014

When QNH is given in In, a letter “A” precedes the pressure.

Example 1: MSL Pressure 29.87In: A2987

Example 2: MSL Pressure 30.13In: A3013

14. Supplementary Information

14.1 Recent Weather
This is given when there was significant weather observed in the
previous observation or last hour whichever is shorter but it is not
present now. The previously observed weather will be reported with
RE (recent) attached to the front of the weather code.

Example 1: Recent Rain: RERA

Example 2: Recent Thunderstorm: RETS

Note: This is an additional group.

14.2 Wind Shear

When wind shear is detected along the takeoff or approach path,
relevant information may be inserted with WS to begin the group.

Example 1: Windshear RWY07L: WS RWY07L

Example 2: Windshear all RWY: WS ALL RWY
Example 3: Windshear during takeoff RWY07R: WS TKOF RWY07R
Example 4: Windshear during approach RWY25R: WS LDG RWY25R

Note: This is an additional group.

14.3 Runway State

Runway status can also be added when there is precipitation or other
contamination. It is broken up into several parts.

14.3.1 Runway Designator

The runway designator starts with a letter “R” with the
reporting runway following and a “/” at the end.
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R88/ means all runways whereas R99/ means a repetition of
the last message received because there is no new information

14.3.2 Runway Deposits

Code Meaning
0 Clear and dry
1 Damp
2 Wet or water patches
3 Rime or frost covered (depth less than 1mm normally)
4 Dry snow
5 Wet snow
6 Slush
7 Ice
8 Compacted or rolled snow
9 Frozen ruts or ridges
/ Type of deposit not reported

14.3.3 Extent of Runway Contamination

Code Meaning
1 10% or less
2 11% to 25%
5 26% to 50%
9 51% to 100%
/ Not reported

14.3.4 Depth of Deposit

Code Meaning
00 Less than 1 mm
01 1mm
02 2mm…etc until
90 90mm
91 Not used
92 10cm
93 15cm
94 20cm

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95 25cm
96 30cm
97 35cm
98 40cm or more
99 Runway(s) non-operational
// Depth of deposit operationally not significant or not

14.3.5 Friction Coefficient or Braking Action

Code Meaning
28 Friction coefficient 0.28
35 Friction coefficient 0.35 etc…
91 Braking action Poor
92 Braking action Medium/Poor
93 Braking action Medium
94 Braking action Medium/Good
95 Braking action Good
99 Figures unreliable
// Braking action not reported

Example 1: RWY07L, Wet Snow, 11%-25% contamination, 10cm

deposit, braking action 91: R07L/529291
Example 2: All RWY, Ice, 51%-100% contamination, 12mm
deposit, braking action unreliable: R88/791299

Note: This is an additional group

14.4 Provisional Group

14.4.1 No Significant Change (NOSIG)
NOSIG is used when there is no significant changes in the
following two hours.

14.4.2 Becoming (BECMG)

BECMG is used with From (FM), Until (TL) or At (AT) with the
appropriate time group following. It indicates a gradual change
of weather. During that period, the current weather is changing
to the new weather slowly. Pilot will experience weather
between the current and the newly descried weather.
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Example 1: Wind 070°T at 5kts. From 0100Z, becoming 230°T
at 10kts: BECMG FM0100 23010KT

Note: This is an additional group

14.4.3 Temporary (TEMPO)

TEMPO is used with FM, TL or AT as well. There is a validity
period of the tempo weather. During that period, the tempo
weather may appear several times. The weather change will
last for more than 30 minutes but less than 1 hour each time.
The maximum combined time of all tempo change will only be
half of the validity period.

Say if the TEMPO is valid for 6 hours, the temporary change of

weather will only last for at most 3 hours when combining
several duration of tempo weather.

Example: Tempo weather from 0100Z to 0700Z, visibility drops

to 1500m with mist: TEMPO FM0100 TL0700 1500 BR
(Means if a pilot is staying at the airport for the whole period.
He may experience several times of tempo weather, the total
time he experiences the change should not be greater than 3
hours with each duration be greater than 30 minutes but less
than an hour)

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Note: This is an additional group

14.4.4 Intermittent (INTER)

Basically, it has the same concept of TEMPO except each
weather change lasts for less than 30 minutes

Example: Intermittent weather from 0100Z to 0400Z, shower

of rain: INTER FM0400 TL1200 SHRA
(The combined time of each INTER durationshould not be
greater than 1.5 hours with each change less than 30 minutes)

Note: This is an additional group

15. Remark (RMK)

The remark section varies from states to states. All remark sections are
15.1 Australia METAR Remark
The RMK section for Australia METAR is related to rainfall. The most
common one is giving the rainfall recorded in 10 minutes prior to the
observation time and the rainfall recorded in the period since 0900
local time. The section begins with “RF” and a “/” separates two

Example: Rainfall in 10 minutes prior observation is 0.1mm with a total

rain fall of 2.0mm since 0900 local time: RF00.1/002.0
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The second format gives the rainfall recorded in 10 minutes prior to
the observation time, followed by the rainfall recorded in 60 minutes
prior to the observation time and the rainfall recorded since 0900 local

Example: Rainfall in 10 minutes prior to observation is 0.1mm, 60

minutes prior to observation is 0.5mm, rainfall since 0900 local time is
4.0mm: RF00.1/000.5/004.0

Information about significant conditions near the aerodrome may be

reported such as bushfires, as well as any BKN or OVC low or middle
cloud layer present at or above 5000 feet when CAVOK is reported.

CLD: SKY MAY BE OBSC (Cloud: Sky may be obscured) is added when
visibility is below 1000 meters when no cloud is detected in a fully
automatic report.

15.2 USA METAR Remark

Tornadic Activity: Augmented; report should TORNADO B25 S MOV W
WATESPOUT, time begin/end, location,
Type of automated station: AO2 (automated AO2
station with precipitation discriminator)
Peak Wind: PK WND dddff(f)/(hh)mm (direction PK WND 25050/10
in tens of degrees, speed in whole knots, and PK WND 250150/0520
time, only minutes is displayed if the hour can
be identified from report)
Wind Shift: WSHFT (hh)mm WSHFT 1715
Tower or surface visibility: TWR VIS vvvv TWR VIS 2
(visibility reported by tower personnel), SFC VIS SFC VIS 2
vvvv (visibility reported by ASOS)
Variable prevailing visibility: VIS 𝐯𝐧 𝐯𝐧 𝐯𝐧 𝐯𝐧 𝐯𝐧 VIS 1 V1 3/4
V𝐯𝐱 𝐯𝐱 𝐯𝐱 𝐯𝐱 𝐯𝐱 (report if prevailing visibility is less
Copyright © 2015 Oasis Hong Kong Virtual Page 16
than 3 miles and variable
Visibility at second location; VIS vvvv [LOC] VIS 1/2 RWY 07L
(report if different than the reported prevailing
visibility in the report)
Lighting: [FREQ] LTG [LOC] (reported if different FRQ LTG SW
than the reported
Beginning and ending of precipitation and RAB07
(w’w’ is the present precipitation contraction, B
indicates beginning, E indicates ending, hour can
be omitted if it can be identified from the
VIRGA: Augmented, precipitation not reaching VIRGA
the ground
Variable ceiling height: CIG 𝐡𝐧 𝐡𝐧 𝐡𝐧V𝐡𝐱 𝐡 𝐱 𝐡𝐱 CIG 010V007
(reported if ceiling in report is less than 3000
feet and variable)
Ceiling height at second location: CIG hhh [LOC] CIG 016 RWY 07L
(ceiling height reported if secondary ceilometer
site is different than the ceiling height in the
Pressure rising or falling rapidly: PRESRR/PRESFR PRESFR
(Pressure rising/falling rapidly at the time of PRESRR
Sea-level pressure: SLPppp (tens, units and SLP176 (means 1017.6)
tenths of SLP in hPa) SLPNO (not available)
Hourly precipitation amount: Prrrr (in 0.01 P0004
inches since last METAR, a trace is P0000)
3- and 6-hour precipitation amount: 6RRRR 60010
(precipitation amount in 0.01 inches for past 6
hours report in 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC
observations, and for past 3 hours in 03, 09, 15,
21 UTC observations, a trace is 60000)
24-hour precipitation amount: 7𝐑 𝟐𝟒 𝐑 𝟐𝟒 𝐑 𝟐𝟒 𝐑 𝟐𝟒 70017
(precipitation amount in 0.01 inches for past 24
hours reported in 12 UTC observation)
Hourly temperature and dew point: T00630024 (means Temperature is 6.3
Copyright © 2015 Oasis Hong Kong Virtual Page 17
𝐓𝐬𝐧 𝐓𝐚 𝐓𝐚 𝐓𝐚 𝐬𝐧 𝐓𝐚 𝐓𝐚 𝐓𝐚 (tenth of degree Celsius degree Celsius and Dew Point is 2.4
whereas 𝑠𝑛 is 1 if temperature/dew point degree Celsius
below 0𝑜 C and 0 if temperature/dew point 0𝑜 C
or higher)
6-hour maximum temperature: 1𝐬𝐧 𝐓𝐱 𝐓𝐱 𝐓𝐱 10055
(tenth of degree Celsius reported at 00, 06, 12,
18 UTC, 𝑠𝑛 is 1 if temperature below 0𝑜 C and 0
if temperature 0𝑜 C or higher)
6-hour minimum temperature: 21023
2𝐬𝐧 𝐓𝐧 𝐓𝐧𝐓𝐧 (tenth of degree Celsius reported at
00, 06, 12, 18 UTC, 𝑠𝑛 is 1 if temperature below
0𝑜 C and 0 if temperature 0𝑜 C or higher)
24-hour maximum and minimum temperature: 400501010
4𝐬𝐧 𝐓𝐱 𝐓𝐱 𝐓𝐱 𝐬𝐧 𝐓𝐧 𝐓𝐧𝑇𝑛 (tenth of degree Celsius
reported at mid night local standard time, 𝑠𝑛 is
1 if temperature below 0𝑜 C and 0 if
temperature 0𝑜 C or higher)
Pressure tendency: 5appp (the character a and 58033
change in pressure ppp in tenths of hPa for the
past 3 hours
Sensor status indicators: RVRNO (RVR RVRNO
missing)/PWINO (precipitation identifier PWINO
information not available)/PNO (precipitation no PNO
available)/FZRANO (freezing rain information FZRANO
not available)/TSNO (thunderstorm information TSNO
not available)/ VISNO [LOC] (visibility at VISNO RWY25
secondary location not available)/CHINO [LOC] CHINO RWY07
(cloud-height-indicator, sky condition at
secondary location not available
Maintenance check indicator: maintenance $
needed on the system

Chapter 2 | Structure of TAF

The structure and interpretation method of TAF is very similar to METAR.

TAF YPAD 201106Z 2012/2118 14012KT CAVOK FM201800 10008KT CAVOK

FM202300 VRB05KT CAVOK FM210200 23012KT CAVOK FM210800 13010KT CAVOK
FM211400 08008KT CAVOK RMK T 16 15 14 13 Q 1025 1025 1024 1025
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TAF VHHH 201100Z 2012/2118 VRB05KT 7000 FEW020 SCT030 TX28/2106Z
TN21/2023Z TEMPO 2012/2020 12010KT TEMPO 2020/2112 3000 BR HZ TEMPO
2020/2103 02010KT TEMPO 2103/2112 31010KT TEMPO 2112/2118 12010KT=

1. Identifier
There are several identifiers for TAF including
- TAF (Aerodrome Forecast)
- TAF AMD (Amended Aerodrome Forecast)
- TAF COR (Corrected Aerodrome Forecast)
- TAF ... CNL (Cancelled Aerodrome Forecast)
- TAF ... NIL (Aerodrome Forecast will not be issued)
- PROV TAF (Provisional Aerodrome Forecast).

TAF is a confirmed forecast. TAF AMD is issued if there is any change to the
original TAF, and the new forecast covers the remaining validity of the
original TAF. However, if there is any further amendment, date and time will
be updated as well.

TAF COR is issued if there is a mistake in the original TAF, it is not a forecast

CNL is a cancelled TAF whereas NIL means that forecast will be not issued.

PROV TAF is prepared by meteorology office which is not associated with the

2. Location
It is the same as METAR.

3. Time of Issue
The interpretation method is the same as METAR date and time group, but it
is not the validity time period. It is the time when the TAF is issued.

4. Validity Period
The validity period includes a start time and an end time. They are indicated
by day and hour only. Minute is not used in the validity period.

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The first two digits indicate the day, the last two digits indicate the hour. Each
time is separated by a “/”.

Example 1: Validity from 0100Z to 1000Z on the 19 th: 1901/1910

Example 2: Validity from 2000Z on the 19th to 0500Z on the 20th: 1920/2005

5. Wind
Interpretation is the same as METAR. When it is not possible to forecast a
prevailing surface wind, “VRB” (variable) is used.

6. Visibility
Interpretation is the same as METAR. However, only the prevailing visibility
will be given.

7. Weather
TAF uses the same weather codes that METAR uses. If, after a change group
(FM or BECMG), the weather is not significant anymore, “NSW” (no
significant weather) is used.

Note: This is an additional group.

8. Clouds
Interpretation is the same as METAR.

9. Clouds and Visibility Okay (CAVOK)

Usage criteria is the same as METAR’s.

10. Maximum and Minimum Temperature

Maximum temperature (Tx) within the validity period is reported in degree
Celsius followed by the time of maximum temperature, with a “/” in the
middle. Hours only or hours and minutes can be shown. A letter “M”
indicates negative temperature.

Example 1: Maximum temperature 21℃ will occur at 13Z: Tx21/13Z

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Example 2: Maximum temperature 30℃ will occur at 15055Z: Tx30/1505Z
Example 3: Maximum temperature -3℃ will occur at 10Z: TxM03/10Z

Minimum temperature (Tn) is reported in the same manner as Tx.

Example 1: Minimum temperature 1℃ will occur at 0514Z: Tn01/0514Z

Note: This is an additional group.

11. Changes and Variation

11.1 From (FM)
FM indicates a rapid weather condition change, almost immediately.
The weather described will valid until the end of the TAF period or next
FM or BECMG group.

Example: From the 20th 2300Z, weather changes to variable 5ks, CAVOK:

Note: This is an additional group.

11.2 Becoming (BECMG)

BECMG indicates a gradual change of weather condition. It is indicated
together with the period of the change, only day and hour are indicated.
Within that period, weather slowly changes from the old one to the new
one, so pilot may experience anything in between. After that period, the
weather will be the same as described.

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Example 1: Gradual change from 0100Z to 0200Z on the 3rd, wind after
change will be 050°T at 12kts with 5000m of visibility: BECMG
0301/0302 05012KT 5000

Example 2: Gradual change from 2200Z on the 3rd to 0100Z on the 4th,
wind after change will be 050°T at 12kts with 5000m of visibility:
BECMG 0322/0401 05012KT 5000

Note: This is an additional group.

11.3 Temporarily (TEMPO) and Intermittent (INTER)

The indication method of TEMPO and INTER is a little bit different from
METAR. The day and hour of commencement and end will be indicated,
but not the minute. Otherwise, the interpretation method is very similar
to those for METAR.

Example 1: Tempo weather, visibility 1000m with heavy shower of rain

from 0100Z to 0500Z on the 1st: TEMPO 0101/0105 1000 +SHRA

Example 2: Inter weather, visibility 1000m with heavy shower of rain

from 2000Z on the 31st to 0000Z on the 1st: INTER 3120/0100 1000

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11.4 Probability (PROB)
PROB is given in percentage of probability regarding the change of
weather, it is in 30% (PROB30) or 40% (PROB40) and can be used
together with TEMPO and INTER.

The day and hour of start and end will be given with a “/” in between,
followed by the weather changes.

Example 1: 30% chance, change to 1000m of visibility with heavy

shower of rain from 0300Z to 1000Z on the 20th: PROB30 2003/2010
1000 +SHRA

Example 2: 40% chance, tempo weather 3000m of visibility with

thunderstorm and moderate rain, cloud overcast at 1000ft at 2200Z on
the 31st to 0300Z on the 1st: PROB40 TEMPO 3122/0103 3000 TSRA

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12. End of Message

Some of the countries use a “=” to indicate the end of message.

Note: This is an additional group.

End of tutorial
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