Metar/Taf Decode: A Hong Kong-Based Virtual Airline
Metar/Taf Decode: A Hong Kong-Based Virtual Airline
Metar/Taf Decode: A Hong Kong-Based Virtual Airline
Version 1.0
A forecast is a prediction of weather in the future, so that the pilot can plan ahead
and prepare for the expected weather conditions. An observation report is
self-explanatory; it is a report of the observed weather at the time of publication.
SPECI YHID 131608Z AUTO 26012KT 6000 RA SCT011 BKN037 OVC075 24/24 Q1005
RERA RMK RF00.4/062.8
1. Identifier
At the start of observation report, the type of report will be stated
2. Location
The location of the report is indicated by the airport ICAO code or an
approved abbreviation.
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ICAO Code Airport
VHHH Hong Kong International Airport
EGLL London Heathrow Airport
An “AUTO” following the Date and Time field means that the report is
automatically generated.
5. Surface Wind
There are two parts in a 5-digit wind group. The first three digits represent
the direction of wind in degree True rounded to the nearest 10 degree.
The last two digits represent wind speed in either Knots (KT) or Meters per
Second (MPS). Both values are the mean values over a sampling period
(normally 10 minutes).
If the wind gust (average 3 seconds) over the sampling period exceeds the
average wind by 10kts or more, the gust value will be added and preceded by
a letter “G”.
7. Horizontal Visibility
The horizontal visibility is represented in meters up to 9000m over the
The first part indicates the runway reported. A letter “R” followed by a 2-digit
runway code together with L, R or C if applicable.
The second part is the reported RVR over the last 10 minutes or if RVR varies
significantly, the 1 minute average minimum RVR is given.
Two RVRs can be given with a letter “V” in between if the RVR varied
significantly during the last 10 minutes.
Letter Meaning
U Upward
D Downward
N Nil
9. Weather
When there is weather present, it will be included, refer to the table below:
Weather Intensity Prefix Weather Descriptor Weather Phenomenon
BC Patches BR Mist
BL Blowing DU Dust
DR Drifting DS Duststorm
+ Heavy FZ Freezing DZ Drizzle
MI Shallow FC Funnel Cloud
PR Partial FG Fog
SH Showers FU Smoke
TS Thunderstorm GR Hail
VC Vicinity GS Small Hail/Snow Pallets
No Prefix Moderate
HZ Haze
PL Ice Pallets
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PO Dust Devil
RA Rain
SA Sand
SG Snow Grains
SN Snow
SQ Squall
- Light
SS Sandstorm
VA Volcanic Ash
UP Unidentified Precipitation
Example 1: Moderate Shower of Rain: SHRA
Example 2: Heavy Thunderstorm with Rain and Snow: +TSRASN
Example 3: Light Freezing Drizzle in the Vicinity: -VCFZDZ
Code Coverage
FEW (Few) 1 to 2 Oktas
SCT (Scattered) 3 to 4 Oktas
BKN (Broken) 5 to 7 Oktas
OVC (Overcast) 8 Oktas
The reported sky condition always refers to the cloud base above surface,
not mean sea level, in the nearest hundreds of feet.
Ceiling is where the cloud covers at least half of the sky, i.e. BKN or above. If
the sky is totally obscured, ceiling should be report as vertical visibility (VV).
If both temperature and dew point are not available, they should not be
coded. If only dew point is not available, temperature should be reported
with a “/” at the end.
13. Pressure
Normally, mean sea level pressure is rounded down to the next whole
number to give QNH. When pilot set QNH on the altimeter, aerodrome
elevation is displayed.
There are several units for pressure setting: Hectopascal (hPa), Millibars (mb)
and Inches of Mercury (In). Practically, hPa and mb can be treated as the
same (1hPa = 100Pa = 1mb).
CLD: SKY MAY BE OBSC (Cloud: Sky may be obscured) is added when
visibility is below 1000 meters when no cloud is detected in a fully
automatic report.
1. Identifier
There are several identifiers for TAF including
- TAF (Aerodrome Forecast)
- TAF AMD (Amended Aerodrome Forecast)
- TAF COR (Corrected Aerodrome Forecast)
- TAF ... CNL (Cancelled Aerodrome Forecast)
- TAF ... NIL (Aerodrome Forecast will not be issued)
- PROV TAF (Provisional Aerodrome Forecast).
TAF is a confirmed forecast. TAF AMD is issued if there is any change to the
original TAF, and the new forecast covers the remaining validity of the
original TAF. However, if there is any further amendment, date and time will
be updated as well.
TAF COR is issued if there is a mistake in the original TAF, it is not a forecast
CNL is a cancelled TAF whereas NIL means that forecast will be not issued.
PROV TAF is prepared by meteorology office which is not associated with the
2. Location
It is the same as METAR.
3. Time of Issue
The interpretation method is the same as METAR date and time group, but it
is not the validity time period. It is the time when the TAF is issued.
4. Validity Period
The validity period includes a start time and an end time. They are indicated
by day and hour only. Minute is not used in the validity period.
5. Wind
Interpretation is the same as METAR. When it is not possible to forecast a
prevailing surface wind, “VRB” (variable) is used.
6. Visibility
Interpretation is the same as METAR. However, only the prevailing visibility
will be given.
7. Weather
TAF uses the same weather codes that METAR uses. If, after a change group
(FM or BECMG), the weather is not significant anymore, “NSW” (no
significant weather) is used.
8. Clouds
Interpretation is the same as METAR.
Example: From the 20th 2300Z, weather changes to variable 5ks, CAVOK:
Example 2: Gradual change from 2200Z on the 3rd to 0100Z on the 4th,
wind after change will be 050°T at 12kts with 5000m of visibility:
BECMG 0322/0401 05012KT 5000
The day and hour of start and end will be given with a “/” in between,
followed by the weather changes.
End of tutorial
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