Military Radar 2020 Infographic
Military Radar 2020 Infographic
Military Radar 2020 Infographic
Washington, D.C.
Since the integration of radar technology into the military environment in the 1930s, it has long since served as a tool to better
detect and provide greater situational awareness. Leaders across the Services, Federal Government and academia have
worked tirelessly to improve and develop small target detection, sensor fusion, cognitive radar, SWAP-C, autonomous assets,
survivability and resiliency that enable operational mission success. Advancing radar technology across the military is critical,
perhaps now more than ever, due to the emergence of new global challenges such as the proliferation of UAVs/small drones
and the looming threat of hypersonic weapons.
It should be no surprise then that, according to Worldwide Military Sensors Market Forecasts, the military sensors market is
projected to grow from $24.7 billion in 2019 to $33.2 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 5.1% between 2019 and 2025. In FY20, the
U.S. DoD alone will invest billions in procuring & developing the next generation of radar systems to fortify threat protection
capabilities and boost mission lethality. Read on to learn more.
$136.4 Million
A very large phased-array radar operating in $275 Million
S-Band (2-4 GHz), the LRDR will improve BMDS
target discrimination capability while supporting
more efficient used of the GMD interceptor HAWAII (HDR-H)
inventory. In October 2015, the Missile Defense The first of what could be as many three homeland
Agency (MDA) awarded Lockheed Martin a $784 defense radars, the HDR-H will be a scaled-down,
million contract to develop, test and build the single-face version of the LRDR. Projected to receive
LRDR. Expected to cost $1.1-1.2 billion in total, initial a total $1 billion in funding, with $763 million to
fielding is expected to commence in 2020. design and build the radar and $32I million for design
and construction. In December 2018, MDA awarded
Lockheed Martin a $585 million contract to design
and build the HDR-H. Initial fielding is expected to
culminate in 2023.
$6.7 Million
The second radar to come out of the Sensor Analysis
$457.8 Million
of Alternatives, the HDR-P will provide persistent BMD SENSORS & RADARS PROGRAM
midcourse discrimination, precision tracking and hit MAINTENANCE AND SUSTAINMENT
assessment to support long-range missile defense
efforts. Expected to receive $1.3 billion in total To provide periodic software updates for the AN/
funding, with $1.0 billion for the radar and $321 million TPY-2, COBRA DANE, Sea-Based X-Band, and UEWR
in military construction costs. On December 7, 2018, radars to counter evolving threats, and to develop
the MDA awarded three companies (Lockheed Martin, future radar capabilities through system engineering,
Northrup Grumman and Raytheon) $250,000 contracts software development, and testing. $194.3 million will
to analyze HDR-P performance requirements. go towards sustaining COBRA DANE, the Upgraded
Early Warning Radars (UEWR), and the AN/TPY2 radars.
$135 Million $80 Million
[AN/MPQ-64A3] This funding line supports the procurement and
modernization of eight (8) complete MEP sets, which
Consists of a radar-based sensor with its prime mover/
includes the following sensors:
power, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), and Forward
Area Air Defense (FAAD) Command, Control and • one COMINT subsystem capable of supporting theater net
Intelligence (C2I) interfaces. centric geo-location efforts
• $115.210 million in FY20 Base procurement dollars will be • two (2) High Definition FMV sensors
used to procure 50 Signal Data Processor (SDP) kits and • one Improved Synthetic Aperture Radar / Ground Moving
11 new production AN/MPQ-64A3 radar systems. FY 2020 Target Indicator (SAR/GMTI) radar subsystem or one SAR/
OCO procurement dollars in the amount of $20.0 million Dismounted Moving Target Indicator (DMTI) subsystem.
procure 3 new production AN/MPQ-64A3 radar systems.
• In January 2019, Thales-Raytheon Systems Company LLC
signed a $51.9 million contract to build 50 AN/MPQ-64
Enhanced Sentinel A3 radar systems.
$5.4 Million
$18.5 Million MORTAR RADAR
$26.2 Million $55.3 Million
The AN/SPQ-9B is an X-Band, pulse Doppler, frequency agile radar Part of a $381 million plan
which was designed specifically for the littoral environment. through FY-24 to scale the AMDR
• In April 2017, April, the Navy signed a $64.3 million deal for DRS Laurel to build radar down to fit into the Flight
as many as 59 AN/SPQ-9B ASMD radar systems and related equipment. That IIA ships, funding supports the
contract, which combined purchases for the Navy and the government of Japan, procurement of 24 Raytheon-
included options that could bring its cumulative value to $263 million [Keller, built Radar Module Assembly]. In July of 2018, the Navy purchased 5 additional AN/ (RMA) SPY-6 radar sets, and
SPQ-9B radar systems from DRS Laurel Technologies for $19.1 Million. The associated electrical and cooling
deal also included four combat interface kits; first article testing; and a physical equipment in FY2022, for
configuration audit. installation in a DDG Flight IIA
• In July 2019, The US Navy selected Northrop Grumman Corporation to serve as beginning in FY2025.
a “design agent” to support 50 AN/SPQ-9B radar systems. As design agent, the
company will provide support to existing and future systems, troubleshoot issues,
perform redesign efforts as parts go obsolete and add new capabilities to the
baseline system.
$273 Million
Funds the purchase of 8 ground/air task oriented radars, formally known as G/ATOR. The system is “an expeditionary,
three-dimensional short/medium range multi-role radar designed to detect cruise missiles, air breathing targets,
rockets, mortars and artillery,” according to budget documents.
$1 Million $260.3 Million
Polar Skywave directly supports PROGRAM (CTEIP)
the National Defense Strategy’s • Continued development of Space Fence Evaluation of Radar Effectiveness
priority for increased lethality (SFERES) to fabricate a 3-axis stabilized CubeSat which will launch two spheres to
through persistent long support accurate evaluation of the Space Fence radar.
range sensors to address the
• Complete requirements and project planning, and initiate design and concept
limitations of the current North
development for the Radar Air-to-Ground Environment (RAGE) project that
Warning Systems and emerging develops an installed test facility, ground test capability for testing advanced
threats. In 2020, the Polar aircraft radars in high density air-to-air and air-to-ground environments.
Skywave project will mature and
• Complete procurement and integration of 5 classified threat devices for use with
experiment with RF hardware
Radar Signal Emulators (RSE) at the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), NV
and advanced radar processing and Navy Land and Sea Ranges providing simulators that are representative of
algorithms to validate that over- threat radar systems operating in the C and S radio frequency (RF) bands.
the-horizon skywave radar is
• Complete manufacturing and integration for the first system of the Closed Loop
viable for a future surveillance
PESA Simulator (CLPS) project that provides a closed-loop radar system that
system in the polar region.
replicates the performance of a widely fielded Western Pacific (WESTPAC) long-
range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. Continue development and integration
of the second system
• Complete development of the Medium Range Target Engagement Radar (MR-
TER) Radar System Emulator (RSE) to develop and integrate TER waveform
replication capability into C-Band RSEs.
• Continue development of the ADAMS-3 radar facility for the Atlantic Test Range,
Patuxent River NAS, MD.
• The Radar Cross Section Range Relevance Project (RCSRR) upgrades radar
cross section measurement capabilities to measure and evaluate advanced low
observable technologies.