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Web Mining

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Presentation 1


Prof. Anita Wasilewska
SUNY Stony Brook

Presented By:
Alka Simha 106677801
Avanthi Gupta 106616697
Megha Krishnamurthy 106616749
• Data Mining: Concepts & Techniques by Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber
• Presentation Slides of Prof. Anita Wasilewska
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_mining
• http://www.ieee.org.ar/downloads/Srivastava-tut-pres.pdf
• http://searchcrm.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid11_gci789009,00.html
• http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~youssefi/research/VWM/
• http://www.galeas.de/webimining.html
• R. Kosala. and H. Blockeel, Web Mining Research: A Survey, SIGKDD Explorations,
2(1):1-15, 2000.
• R. Cooley, B. Mobasher, and J. Srivastava. Data preparation for mining world wide
web browsing patterns. Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems 1, 5-32, 1999
• S. Chakrabarti, Data mining for hypertext: A tutorial survey. ACM SIGKDD
Explorations, 1(2):1-11, 2000System, 1(1), 1999
• Mining the Web Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data - Soumen Chakrabarti
• Y. S. Mareek and I. Z. B. Shaul. Automatically organizing bookmarks per contents.
Proc. Fifth International World Wide Web Conference, May 6-10 1996.

• What is Web Mining

• Challenges in Web Mining
• Data Mining V/s Web Mining
• Classification or Taxonomy
• Applications of Web Mining
• Conclusion
What is Web Mining

• The web as we all know is the SINGLE largest

source of data available.
• Web mining aims to extract and mine useful
knowledge from the web.
• It is used to understand the customer behavior,
evaluate the effectiveness of a website and also
to help quantify the success of a marketing
• Due to the large availability of data the world wide
web, it has become very important for users to use
automated tools to find the desired information
• For example a user uses Google or Yahoo search for
finding information.
• These factors thus give rise to the necessity of
creating server and client side intelligent systems
which can effectively mine for knowledge.
• The information gathered through the Web is further
evaluated by using traditional data mining techniques
such as clustering, classification and association.

224,749,695 (Mar 2009)
Netcraft survey – Total no of sites across all domains

• Finding useful and relevant information.
• Creating knowledge from available information.
• As the coverage of information is very wide and diverse, personalization
of the information is a tedious process.
• Learning customer and individual user patterns.
• Much of the web information is redundant, as the same piece of
information or its variant appears in many pages.
• The web is noisy i.e. a page typically contains a mixture of many kinds
of information like, main content, advertisements, copyright notice,
navigation panels.
• The web is dynamic, information keeps changing constantly. Keeping
up with the changes and monitoring them are very important.
• The Web is also about services. Many Web sites and pages enable
people to perform operations with input parameters, i.e., they provide
• The most important challenge faced is Invasion of Privacy. Privacy is
considered lost when information concerning an individual is obtained,
used, or disseminated, when it occurs without their knowledge or

• This technology has enabled ecommerce to do personalized marketing,
which eventually results in higher trade volumes.
• The predicting capability of the mining application can benefit the society by
identifying criminal activities.
• The companies can establish better customer relationship by giving them
exactly what they need.
• Companies can understand the needs of the customer better and they can
react to customer needs faster.
• The companies can find, attract and retain customers, they can save on
production costs by utilizing the acquired insight of customer requirements.
• They can increase profitability by target pricing based on the profiles
• They can even find the customer who might default to a competitor the
company will try to retain the customer by providing promotional offers to
the specific customer, thus reducing the risk of losing a customer.
¾ Data Mining
Data is structured and has well defined tables,
columns, rows, keys and constraints.
¾ Web Mining
Dynamic and rich in features and patterns.

• Web mining involves analysis of web server logs of a website

whereas data mining involves using techniques to find
relationships in large amounts of data.

¾ Often need to react to evolving usage patterns in real time eg.
• A Web crawler is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a
methodical, automated manner. Other terms for Web crawlers are ants, automatic
indexers, bots, and worms or Web spider, Web robot

• Search engines, use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data

• Crawlers can also be used for automating maintenance tasks on a Web site, such as
checking links or validating HTML code.

• Crawlers can be used to gather specific types of information from Web pages, such
as harvesting e-mail addresses (usually for spam), eg. anita at cs dot sunysb dot edu
; mueller{remove this}@cs.sunysb.edu

• A Web crawler is one type of bot, or software agent. In general, it starts with a list
of URLs to visit, called the seeds. As the crawler visits these URLs, it identifies all
the hyperlinks in the page and adds them to the list of URLs to visit, called the crawl
April 21, 2009 Web Mining 13
Web Mining

Web Content Web Structure Web Usage

Mining Mining Mining

Identify information Infer knowledge from Also known as Web

within given web the World-Wide Web Log Mining
pages organization and the
links between Extract interesting
Distinguish personal references and patterns and trends in
home pages from referents in the Web web access logs
other web pages
• Discovery of useful information from web contents / data / documents
– Web data contents: text, image, audio, video, metadata and hyperlinks

• Pre-processing data before web content mining: feature selection

• Post-processing data can reduce ambiguous searching results

• Web Page Content Mining:

– Mines the contents of documents directly

• Search Engine Mining:

– Improves on the content search of other tools like search engines

• Web Content Mining is related to data mining and text mining

– It is related to data mining because many data mining techniques can be
applied in Web content mining
– It is related to text mining because much of the web content is text
Issues in Web Content Mining
• Developing intelligent tools for IR
– Finding keywords for key phrases
– Discovering grammatical rules and collocations
– Hypertext classification/categorization
– Extracting key phrases from text documents
– Learning extraction models/rules
– Hierarchical clustering
– Predicting words relationship
• Developing Web query systems
• Mining multimedia data
– Mining image from satellite (Fayyad, et al. 1996)
– Mining image to identify small volcanoes on Venus (Smyth, et al 1996)

• The structure of a typical Web graph consists of Web pages as nodes, and
hyperlinks as edges connecting two related pages

• Web Structure Mining is the process of discovering information from the Web

• Finding information about the web pages and inference on Hyperlink

• Retrieving information about the relevance and the quality of the web page

• This type of mining can be performed either at the (intra-page) document

level or at the (inter-page) hyperlink level

• Finding authoritative Web pages

– Retrieving pages that are not only relevant but are also of high quality, or
authoritative on the topic
• Hyperlinks can infer the notion of authority
– The Web consists not only of pages, but also of hyperlinks pointing from
one page to another
– These hyperlinks contain an enormous amount of latent human annotation
– A hyperlink pointing to another Web page, this can be considered as the
author's endorsement of the other page

• To discover the link structure of the hyperlinks at the inter-document level

and to generate structural summary about the Website and Web page:
– Based on the hyperlinks, categorizing the Web pages and generated
– Discovering the structure of Web document itself
– Discovering the nature of the hierarchy or network of hyperlinks in the
Website of a particular domain

• The research at the hyperlink level is also called Hyperlink Analysis

• Web usage mining also known as Web log mining

• What is Usage mining?

– Discovering user ‘navigation patterns’ from web data
– Prediction of user behavior while he interacts with the web
– Helps to improve large collection of resources

• Typical sources of data:

– Automatically generated data stored in server access logs, referrer
logs, agent logs and client-side cookies
– User profiles
– Meta data: Page attributes, content attributes, usage data



• Applications:
– Target potential customers for electronic commerce
– Enhance the quality and delivery of Internet information
services to the end user
– Improve Web server system performance
– Identify potential prime advertisement locations
– Facilitates personalization of sites
– Improve site design
– Fraud/intrusion detection
– Predict user’s actions (allows pre-fetching)

Problems with Web Logs
• Typically a 30 minute timeout is used

• Web content may be dynamic

– May not be able to reconstruct what the user saw

• Use of spiders and automated agents – automatic request web pages

• Like most data mining tasks, web log mining requires preprocessing
– To identify users
– To match sessions to other data
– To fill in missing data
– Essentially, to reconstruct the click stream

Problems with Web Logs
• Identifying users
– Clients may have multiple streams
– Clients may access web from multiple hosts
– Proxy servers: many clients/one address
– Proxy servers: one client/many addresses

• Data not in log

– POST data (i.e., CGI request) not recorded
– Cookie data stored elsewhere

• Other issues
– When does a session end
– Pages may be cached

Web Log – Data Mining
• Association rules
– Find pages that are often viewed together

• Clustering
– Cluster users based on browsing patterns
– Cluster pages based on content

• Classification
– Relate user attributes to patterns

Web Logs
• Web servers have the ability to log all requests
• Web server log formats:
– Most use the Common Log Format (CLF)
– New, Extended Log Format allows configuration of log file
• Design of a Web Log Miner:
– Web log is filtered to generate a relational database
– A data cube is generated from the database
– OLAP is used to drill-down and roll-up in the cube
– OLAM is used for mining interesting knowledge Knowledge
Web log Database Data Cube Sliced and diced
(q,p)∈ de
1 2
Data Cleaning 3 4
Data Cube OLAP Data Mining
Web Logs

• Personalization, Recommendation engines
• Web-commerce applications
• Intelligent web search
• Hypertext classification and Categorization
• Information/trend monitoring
• Analysis of online communities
• Improving the relationship between the website and the user
– Recommendations to modify the web site structure and content
– Web personalization
– Intelligent web site – They are systems that “based on the user
behavior, allow implementation of changes to the current web site
structure and content”

Personalization of Webpages


• Web has been adopted as a critical communication and

information medium by a majority of the population.
• Web data is growing at a significant rate.
• A number of new Computer Science concepts and techniques
have been developed.
• Many successful applications exist.
• Fertile area of research.
• Privacy –real debate needed.
Presentation 2


Prof. Anita Wasilewska
SUNY Stony Brook

Presented By:
Alka Simha 106677801
Avanthi Gupta 106616697
Megha Krishnamurthy 106616749
Visual Web Mining

WWW2004, May 17–22, 2004, New York, New York, USA.

ACM 1-58113-912-8/04/0005

Amir H. Youssefi David J. Duke Mohammed J. Zaki

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Bath Rensselaer Polytechnic
youssefi@cs.rpi.edu d.duke@bath.ac.uk zaki@cs.rpi.edu

International World Wide Web Conference

May 17 – 22, 2004

• http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~zaki/PS/WWW04.p
• http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~youssefi/research/V
• http://www.vtk.org/
• http://www.w3.org/Robot/
• http://www.cs.rpi.edu

• What is Visual Web Mining

• Abstract
• Introduction
• Visual Web Mining Architecture
• Visual Representation
• Design and Implementation of diagrams
• Conclusion
What is Visual Web Mining

Application of Information visualization techniques on results of Web

Mining in order to further amplify the perception of extracted patterns
and visually explore new ones in web domain.


Analysis of web site usage data involves two significant challenges:

• Volume of data arising from the growth of the web.

• Structural complexity of web sites.
In this paper
• Applied Data Mining and Information Visualization techniques to the
web domain; in order to benefit from the power of both human visual
perception and computing.
• Applied Data Mining techniques to large web data sets and use
Information Visualization methods on the results.

- To correlate the outcomes of mining Web Usage Logs and the
extracted Web Structure, by visually superimposing the results.

• Information Visualization
Visual representations of abstract data, using computer-supported,
interactive visual interfaces to reinforce human cognition; thus
enabling the viewer to gain knowledge about the internal structure of
the data and relationships in it.

• Visual Web Mining Framework

Provides a prototype implementation for applying information
visualization techniques to the results of Data Mining.

• User Session
Compact sequence of web accesses by a user.
• Visualization in order to:
- Understand the structure of a particular website.
- Web surfers’ behavior when visiting that website.

• Due to the large dataset and the structural complexity of the sites,
3D visual representations are used.
• Implemented using an open source toolkit called the Visualization
Tool Kit (VTK).

- VTK consists of a C++ class library and several interpreted

interface layers including Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python.

Visual Web Mining Architecture
Visual Web Mining Architecture
• Input:
- Web pages and Web server log files.
- web robot (webbot) is used to retrieve the pages of the website.
- The webbot is a very fast Web walker with support for regular
expressions, SQL logging facilities, and many other features. It can be
used to check links, find bad HTML, map out a web site, download
images, etc.

• In parallel, Web Server Log files are downloaded and processed

through a sessionizer and a LOGML file is generated.

• The Integration Engine is a suite of programs for data preparation, i.e.,

extracting, cleaning, transforming and integrating data and finally
loading into database and later generating graphs in XGML.
Visual Web Mining Architecture
• User sessions from web logs are extracted, which yields results roughly related to a
specific user.
• User sessions are then converted into a special format for Sequence Mining using
cSPADE (continues Spade - Sequential PAttern Discovery Using Equivalent Class).

• Outputs:
- Frequent contiguous sequences with a given minimum support.
- These are imported into a database, and non-maximal frequent sequences are
- Different queries are executed against this data according to some criterion, e.g.
support of each pattern, length of patterns, etc.
- Different URLs which correspond to the same webpage are unified in the final

• The Visualization Stage: Maps the extracted data and attributes into visual images,
realized through VTK extended with support for graphs.
• Result: Interactive 3D/2D visualizations which could be used by analysts to compare
actual web surfing patterns with expected patterns.
Visual Representation

Structures :
- Graphs
Extract spanning tree from the site structure, and use this as the
framework for presenting access-related results through glyphs(an
element of writing) and color mapping.
- Stream Tubes
Variable-width tubes showing access paths with different traffic are
introduced on top of the web graph structure.
Design and Implementation of
This is a visualization of the web graph
of the Computer Science department of
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Strahler numbers are used for assigning
colors to edges.

One can see user access paths

scattering from first page of website
(the node in center) to cluster of web
pages corresponding to faculty pages,
course home pages, etc.

2D visualization layout with Strahler

Coloring applied on web usage logs

Strahler numbers is a numerical measure of the branching complexity for assigning colors
to the edges.
Adding third dimension enables
visualization of more information and
clarifies user behavior in and between
clusters. Center node of circular
basement is first page of web site
from which users scatter to different
clusters of web pages. Color spectrum
from Red (entry point into clusters) to
Blue (exit points) clarifies behavior of

The cylinder like part of this figure is

visualization of web usage of surfers
as they browse a long HTML

3D visualization layout with Strahler

Coloring applied on web usage logs
Left: One can observe long user sessions as strings falling off. Those are special type of long
sessions when user navigates sequence of web pages which come one after the other e.g.,
sections of a long document. In many cases were found web pages with many nodes connected
with Next/Up/Previous hyperlinks.

Right: An enlarged view of the same visualization.

Frequent access patterns
extracted by the web mining
process are visualized as a
white graph on top of an
embedded and colorful graph
of web usage.

Superimposition of Frequent Patterns

extracted from Web Mining on top of Web
Similar to last picture with
addition of another attribute,
i.e., frequency of pattern which
is rendered as thickness of white
This helps in the analysis of

Thickness of the tubes represents

frequency of found patterns
Superimposition of Web Usage on top of Web
Structure with higher order layout.
Top node is the first page of the website.
Hierarchical output of layouts make analysis

Higher Order layout for clear

visualization and easier analysis
Left: Superimposition of website dynamics(colored) on top of its static structure(gray)

Right: Zoom view of colored region with layout of Web Usage taken from Web Graph
basement. The basement itself is removed for clarity

- Using the visualizations, a web analyzer can easily identify which parts of the
website are cold parts with few hits and which parts are hot ones with many
hits and classify them accordingly.

This also paves way for making exploratory changes in website.

- For e.g., adding links from hot parts of web site to cold parts and then
extracting, visualizing and interpreting changes in access patterns.

• An algorithm based on Apriori for fast discovery of frequent sequences

• Needs three database scans in order to extract sequential patterns
• Given: A database of customer transactions, each of which having the
following characteristics: sequence-id or customer-id, transaction-time and
the item involved in the transaction.
• The aim is to obtain typical behaviors according to the user's viewpoint.
User’s browsing access pattern is
amplified by a different coloring

Depending on link structure of

underlying pages, we can see vertical
access patterns of a user drilling down
the cluster, making a cylinder shape.

Also users following links going down a

hierarchy of webpages makes a cone
shape and users going up hierarchies,
e.g., back to main page of website
makes a funnel shape.

Amplification of a user session: Clickstream(Bottom Left) in

drill down cylinder, Cone Scatter(Top Right) and Funnel
Backoff to main page of website (Top Right)

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