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Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian Brass Lamp Manufacturing


Article  in  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research · June 2015


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5 authors, including:

K.P. Paranitharan Ramesh Babu Thangavelu

Macros Management Anna University, Chennai


Chellaganesh .D
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College


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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 12 (2015) pp. 28203-28218
© Research India Publications

Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian

Brass Lamp Manufacturing Organisation

K.P. Paranitharan*, 2 V.Vidhu Balan, 3Dr.T.Ramesh Babu, 4Dr. A. Pal Pandi*,
D.Chella Ganesh
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
Anna University, Chennai, India -600025.
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
SACS MAVMM Engineering College, Alagarkoil, India -625301.
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
Anna University, Chennai, India -600025.
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bharath Niketan Engineering College, Aundipatty, India – 625531.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalasalingam University,
Krishnan Koil, India-626126.
Email: paranikp4@gmail.com*, 2 vidhu_av@yahoo.co.in,3 trb@annauiv.edu,4

me_pandee@yahoo.co.in, 5mechchellam@gmail.com. *Corresponding author


Today Indian economy is creating both opportunities and challenges for small
and medium enterprises to compete in global and local market. And to survive
for long term, the manufacturer has to be continuously fulfilling the needs of
customers. To overcome this problem, lean manufacturing is used as a
strategic weapon to minimize the non value added activity (waste) and also
improve the business profitability. The objective of this study in this paper is
to minimize the non value added activity and revamp the existing system of
brass lamp manufacturing Company by implementation of lean concept using
seven step approaches. This paper provides a useful platform for in brass lamp
manufacturer SME in India for their productivity improvement. The result
shows significant improvement in increase productivity, reduction in lead
time, reduction in inventory and also improves the process ratio.

Keyword: Lean manufacturing, Value stream Mapping, Brass lamp, Takt

28204 K.P. Paranitharan et al

1.0 Introduction
The growth of today manufacturing industries, most companies have time-honored
high customer demand. Those companies in the business have to compete among
them to obtain trust from customer about their products and services. Hence, it is
important for companies become crucial to analyze and improve the manufacturing
system and the corresponding planning system continuously. Lean manufacturing
technique has been one of the widely known productivity improvement technique.
Many manufacturing companies have been trying to implement Lean in order to
survive in the global market. Within Lean there are numerous techniques and tools
that can be applied. One of the primary and effective tools is Value Stream Mapping
(VSM) used for quick analysis of information flow, process flow and material flow in
a manufacturing system. It is also effective tool to evaluate the non-value added
activities through the system. However, VSM has limitation that is it only gives a
static picture of the system. In recent years, the use of simulation has arisen as an
important role in the development of manufacturing industries. Simulation is a
process that imitates the activity during the operation of a real system, in a computer,
with a focus on process flow, logic and dynamic (El-Haik. and Omar 2006). It helps
to evaluate and improve system performance. In the case of VSM, simulation can be a
tool to overcome the limitation. According to Banks (1998) defines simulation as
imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. Simulation
describes and analyzes the behavior of a system, asks what-if questions about the real
system, and aid in the design of a real system. In addition, Lian and Van Landeghem
(2007) state that simulation model could help managers to see the effects before a big
implementation and after Lean transformation. Some of the author discussed VSM is
a strategic lean tool and they are benefited which are described as follows.
Seth and Gupta (2005) have made a successful attempt to VSM as a technique
to achieve the productivity improvement. Bhim and Sharma (2009) mapped the value
stream of automobile crank shaft gear manufacturing to identify the improved areas of
the firm. Gurumoorthy and Kodali (2011) studied the application of VSM with
simulation during the design of lean manufacturing systems (LMS) using a job shop
production system to manufacture doors and window. they found that the case
organization can achieve significant improvement in performance and can meet the
increasing demand without any additional resources. Paranitharan et al. (2011) has
made an attempt to packaging box industry to bridge the gap between the existing
state and proposed state of manufacturing process for productivity improvement and
creating flow. Paranitharan et.al (2011) provide useful platform for research in
implementation of lean tools in manufacturing unit. His results show a significant
improvement in productivity, reduction of lead time and reduction in inventory. These
can be achieved by creating flow by layout modification and balance to TAKT time.
Further at (2014), the same author studied by applying the concept of lean
manufacturing in modulator valve manufacturing company benefited by reducing lead
time and non value added activities.
Based on the extant literature, the addressed problems can be resolved by
formulating sevevn steps methodology to improve the process ratio of manufacturing
process, reduce the lead time of entire stream and continues improvement over by
Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian Brass Lamp 28205

implementing lean practice. The objective of this paper is to use a case-based

approach to demonstrate how lean manufacturing tools when used appropriately, can
help the process industry eliminate waste, maintain better inventory control, improve
product quality, and obtain better overall financial and operational control. A small
scale brass lamp manufacturer is used to illustrate the seven step approach as
followed. In this case, value stream mapping (VSM) is first used to map the current
operating state for brass lamp manufacturing company. This map is used to identify
sources of waste and to identify lean tools for reducing the waste. A future state map
is then developed for the system with lean tools applied to it. Since the
implementation of the recommendations is likely to be both expensive and time-
consuming, so we develop a simulation model with the help of managers in brass
lamp manufacturing industry in order to quantify the benefits gained from using lean
tools and techniques.

2.0 Case Study

This section deals with details about the case of company, background details of case
study, product selection and application of seven step methodology.

2.1 About the case company

The case study of company has been carried out at prakash lamp manufacturing
industry (here after referred as XY industry). XY industry is located in Madurai,
Tamilnadu, India. The product manufactured by XY Company is Brass lamp with
different product variety based on size and weight. They supply their products to
customers in Kerala and Tamilnadu.

2.2 Methodology
There seven steps involved in implementation of lean manufacturing as proposed by
paranitharan et al (2011) is shown in Figure.1.

28206 K.P. Paranitharan et al

Selection of critical product family

Preparation of Current Manufacturing Scenario

Documentation of Customer Information.
Define the data to be collected.
Process and Information Mapping.

Analysis the Problem with lean tool

Based on alternate process
And Field Experience

Implement Lean Tool (Seven Step Approach)

Value Stream Mapping- Mapping Process.

Layout Change – Create Flow.
Balance to TAktTime.
Stabilize the Production
Improve Flow
Zero Defect
Leveled Production

Continuous Monitoring and Review for


Figure.1 Methodology for Lean Implementation (source: paranitharan et al 2011)

2.2.1 Selection of critical product family

The first step is the selection of critical part family from the product mix. After
identified the various product families’ in industry selection critical part family is
taken as brass lamp for lean implementation, due to higher demand of brass lamp in
market. The process of manufacturing brass lamp with end product is shown in Figure
Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian Brass Lamp 28207

Figure. 2 Process Flow of Brass Lamp Manufacturing

2.2.2 Preparation of Current Manufacturing Scenario

Interaction with the sales and marketing team, the firm information regarding
customer’s requirements was estimated from market survey and past sales data, the
company has a wide range of customers requesting for a wide range of product. The
requirement of brass lamp has Demand of 6500/month and data collected to trash the
opportunity for improvement. Based on data collection the production processes are
mapped in present state value stream mapping.

2.2.3 Analyses the process with lean tool

In this phase, the production process is analyzed with suitable lean tool with help of
literature review. By analyzing the root cause of problem by process measures and
field experience a suitable lean tool is suggested to improve the process.

2.2.4 Implement lean tool

In this case production problem are analyze with appropriate lean tools to resolve by
the process of kaizen activity in production. In order to implement lean principles, a
task of group formed with different part of organization. The objective of group task
operation is to reduce the lead time, improve the process ratio, reduce the inventory
and eliminate customer end line rejection. The seven step methodology of lean
implementation approach helps to achieve these objectives.

2.2.5 Current state value stream mapping

After selecting the critical part family, the next step is to draw a current state mapping
(CSM) of the existing process. Current state mapping has been prepared in the
existing Brass lamp manufacturing process. The relevant data are collected for
constructing current state mapping according to Rother and Shook (1999). In Brass
lamp manufacturing the raw materials are moved from stores to foundry for pattern
making, and moulding to cast the product. After it move to machine shop for
performing operation namely welding to join the top rod, metal removing is carried
28208 K.P. Paranitharan et al

out for removing excess metal from middle rod, grinding operation is performed for
all the sub item of brass lamp for finishing, drilling operation is carried out for top and
bottom plate, threading operation is done in lathe to assemble the sub items like top
and bottom rod, polishing is performed by using polishing machine to achieve surface
finish. Finally it moves for packing in order to get complete assembly of product. The
product is accepted after packing. The production lead time and value added times of
current state mapping are noted. The current value stream mapping provides to
identify the gap between the demands of customers and manufacturing TAKT Time
of operations. The current value stream map is shown in Figure 2.

2.2.6 Analysis of Present State Value Stream Mapping

In existing process of brass lamp manufacturing, the Takt Time is high, due to higher
cycle time of operation and inventory time leads to increase in lead time of product.
Since the proposed value stream mapping is developed to balance the Takt Time in to
individual process of bras lamp manufacturing by effective utilization of resources.
No of Working day per month: 26
No of shift per day: 1
Available Time per Shift: 8 hrs
Customer demand per day: 250 Nos

Regarding the customer demand of brass lamp manufacturing is concern; it

may reach up to 6500/ month, which are forecast from past sales data from marketing
department. And production shift which was operated 8 hrs / day and it is a one shift
manufacturing company. The demand information from customers and suppliers to
production planning department through email and telephone. The customer demand
may vary from period to period due to product seasonality. In present case the
company maintains the material work in process inventory of 9.85 hours for first
product to manufacture and the actual value addition of product is around 55.2
minutes. And it observed that to produce first product, the average waiting time is
around 9 hours 03 minutes. Hence scope for improvement regarding increase in
productivity of brass lamp is essential to meet the customer demand. The system
based on the continuous evaluation of process and identifies the scope for
Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian Brass Lamp 28209

Figure.3 Current state value stream mapping of Brass lamp manufacturing

2.2.7 Future state mapping

The proposed state map depicting the various modifications incorporated in the
manufacturing process of brass lamp is shown in Figure 3. And with help of seven
step Methodology by creating flow, Balance to TaktTime, Stabilize the Production,
Improve Flow, Zero Defect and Leveled Production will achieve the proper
implementation of lean techniques in industry. After analysis the existing
manufacturing process of brass lamp, various proposals for waste elimination and
process optimization have been developed in consultation with of XY industry is
described in Table 1. And few suggestions of present manufacturing ideas are
presented as follows:
 The concept of 5S is found an important for the following stages of operation
namely moulding, metal removing, drilling, threading, polishing and packing.
 Introduction of suitable jigs and fixture is proposed for drilling and polishing
 By use of molasses molding can eliminate the drilling operation for top and
bottom plate. It lead to reduction in cycle time.
 Reduction of Work in process inventory between moulding and packaging is
optimized by maintaining optimal inventory between each work center of
brass lamp manufacturing.

28210 K.P. Paranitharan et al

 Middle split rod are welded by gas welding to join as one piece, this can
making by single piece with use of molasses molding process.
 Use of double shaft bench grinder and polisher machine is reduces the
grinding and polishing operation cycle time by making two part at a time.
 Threading from lathe operation consists of manual setup which is time
consuming and use of thread roller reduces the cycle time of operation.

The above suggestion will help the industry for balancing the present
TaktTime of industry. And also describe in detail as shown in Table 1. Few
suggestions for future improvement will help to operate workstation in reduced Takt
Time and for balancing the pace of leveled production which are presented in Table 2.

Figure.4 Future state value stream mapping of Brass lamp manufacturing

3.0 Results and Discussion

3.1 Industrial Impacts
 5S has been recommended for the operation stages mentioned in the previous
section because currently environment prevailing in those stages is cluttered.
Development and deployment of 5S effective policy will enable clean and
quick access of equipment to reduce the non value added activity.
 Use of Jigs and Fixture reduces errors and it act as a fool-proofing measures
effectively, which is an important lean manufacturing concept.
 Certain operation related to equipment which is not in optimal use, due to its
traditional device of operation, which may enhance through by
implementation of modulator equipment to incorporate all the features
necessary for quick manufacturing of brass lamp.
Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian Brass Lamp 28211

 Due to reduction of work in process inventory in the value stream of

production line reduces the operational lead time of component to ensure
timely supply for customers.

Table .1 Suggestions for Present Industrial Takt Time for Balancing

28212 K.P. Paranitharan et al
Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian Brass Lamp 28213

28214 K.P. Paranitharan et al

Table . 2 Proposed Suggestion for Future Improvement

3.2 Improvement in lean parameters

The improvement of various process measures by implementing lean tool. And the
comparative process improvement, before and proposed state after implementation of
value stream mapping has been presented as shown in Table 3. And the Lean
performance measures of brass lamp manufacturing process are showed as follows.
 Value added time has been decreased from 55.2 Mins to 48.2 Mins.
 Total cycle time has been reduced from 140 Mins to 111 Mins.
 Lead time has been reducing from 17.6 hrs to 14 hrs.
 Work in Process Inventory reduced from 575 Mins to 358 Mins
 Process ratio will increase from 5.22 % to 5.73%
Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian Brass Lamp 28215

Table 3 Comparison of Present and Proposed State of Improvement for Present


Process Before Implementing After Implementing Improvement

Future VSM (Min) Proposed VSM (Min) (%)
Molding 10 2.24 22.4%
Preparation of
Welding 1.2 1.2 -
Metal removing 14 - Operation
Grinding 5.5 2.55 46.33%
Drilling 2 2 -
Threading 15.1 3.3 21.8%
Polishing 7.1 3.35 47.1%
Packing 35 2 5.7%

4.0 Practical validation

In order to determine the practical feasibility of deploying VSM for enabling quick
reconfiguration of manufacturing operation in brass lamp manufacturing, practical
validation of conducted in XY industry by using questionnaire – by use of scoring
approach. The respondents are managers of company and the question which was
adopted from (Vinodh et.al 2010) and it modified according to our problem. And the
excerpt of questionnaire has shown in Figure 5. The proposals as well as mean
responses of the mangers are shown in Table 4. After analyze the response from XY
industry indicated the practical feasibility of deploying CSM for improving the

28216 K.P. Paranitharan et al

Figure 5. Excerpt of the questionnaire used for practical validation

5.0 Managerial Implications

Due to intense competition, modern managers are realizing the need of cost reduction
to compete in a global market. This put into effect can be achieved through lean
manufacturing concept. But they are critical to identify the key areas of waste
elimination for productivity improvement. In order to carry out this task, VSM is a
one of the lean manufacturing tool to map the present condition of manufacturing and
analyze it for waste elimination. In this case managers can use a way of VSM for
indentifying the areas to be improved based on non value activity for waste
elimination. And use of Poka Yoke, 5S, Modulaor equipment will help the
organization to minimize the waste and also for possible continuous improvement in

6.0 Conclusion
Nowadays manufacturing organizations are forced to adopt a new manufacturing
management concept for paradigm shift to meet the global market turbulence. Lean
manufacturing is a manufacturing paradigm concept that focused on restructuring and
reconfiguring the business process based on waste elimination. VSM is a powerful
tool for elimination of waste and to make effective supply chain for any
manufacturing organization responsiveness. The various proposals for this case study
has implemented and it contributed significant improvement in process ratio and
reduction in manufacturing throughput time. Based on the practical validation
Application Of Value Stream Mapping In An Indian Brass Lamp 28217

conducted, it advocated that VSM is an effective lean manufacturing technique for

industrial environment for achieving leanness and meet out the competitiveness. And
also it helps the managers to visualize the waste and identify the future possible

Table 4. Mean Response of Managers Opinion

Proposal Proposal Mean response in a scale of

number range 0 -10 Scale ( 0= not at all
feasible, 5 = partially feasible,
10= completely feasible)
1 Implementation of 5S at moulding, 10
welding, grinding, polishing and
packing stages
2 Usage of jigs and fixtures with 10
adequate fool-proofing measures in
operations like drilling and
3 Introduction of stage for 8
moulding, welding, grinding,
polishing and packing operations
4 Automatic storage and retrieval 6
system may be implemented at the
moulding, grinding and packaging
5 Reduction of WIP between stages. 6

7.0 Limitation and future Research directions

The study reported in this paper has been carried out for a single product line of brass
lamp manufacturing organization and assumption lay in logistic activity that are not
described in this paper. In future, the researcher can develop Extended VSM
incorporating different production lines, for several organizations across the various
industrial sectors.


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