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Unit Plan - Science 8 - Unit C - Light and Optics

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Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics (NOS emphasis for Unit C)

Topic and POS Outcomes Foundational concepts:

Timeline (One
Class Activities Text Reading/ Cross curricular Assessment (For = F, NOS, FNMI, Eco- Examples for
class per block Inquiry sub questions Resources
Number STS/Knowledge Attitude Skills (classes are 48 min) Homework connections Pre = P, Sum = S) pedagogy, and History SLO
unless otherwise
of Science
Talk about how we are building on your grade 4 knowledge of light (identify
http://www.accesslearning.com/videodetail.cfm? sources of light, describe the interaction of light with different materials, and
asset_guid=BF03B5EA-FD7D-46AE-84BF-EA83302D00A3 infer the path of a light beam). - 5 min
Video on the nature of light (15 min) - Use section on Straight lines
Collaboration and bending light Move into how this knowledge will be developed in Grade 8. Show the 2 min
video on the Nature of light - shadows and refractions specifically. PAUSE
Students will be http://www.accesslearning.com/videodetail.cfm? DURING VIDEO TO SHOW THEM HOW BEND MEANS STS 1.1 - (e.g.,
encouraged to: Work asset_guid=6F8DC90A-22B4-4915-AAD3-CA8BDB7712BD REFRACTION. recognize that
collaboratively in Video on the Nature of Light, specifically mentions the colours of past explanations
carrying out light within the white light from the sun (20 min) But how has our knowledge of light and vision developed throughout history. for vision
Intro to unit and investigations and in We will do a research jig saw activity. In your table group you will search for involved
topic 1 Topic 1 Question: What is STS 1.1 - Identify generating and https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/79-how-does-vision- and record the discovery of 2-3 scientists to share in a jig saw with a group conflicting ideas
light and how does light challenges in explaining evaluating ideas (e.g., work from the other research teams. Students will need their textbook, a pencil, and about the

History of light travel? the nature of light and choose a variety of Assessment FOR History of science
eduMedia simulation showing the nature of how vision works. the worksheet. - 5 min to organize Textbook pages: interaction of
and sight: vision strategies, such as N/A N/A learning
** Have work sheet developed and printed with answers ready for LSP and 176-177, 180-181 eyes and objects
Important Daily Essential Question: active listening, Jigsaw research NOS
KEY: https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/587- LEAD students ** viewed; identify
discoveries and What is the history of light Bloom’s Taxonomy: paraphrasing and
Understand/Remember electromagnetic-spectrum challenges in
people (as a time in science? questioning, in order to eduMedia simulation showing the electromagnetic spectrum and the Students will have 10 min to research in groups explaining
line) understand other points speed/size of the wavelengths on the spectrum. upside-down
of view; consider NO SLOs SPECIFICALLY ON ELECTROMAGNETIC After ~20 min research time, students will divide into another group to share images,
alternative ideas and SPECTRUM OR LIGHT AS WAVE their research in a jig saw fashion - ~15 min to share all research rainbows and
interpretations mirages)
suggested by members http://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/curriculum/2338-investigate- As a class we will go over the whole worksheet/book to ensure all students
of the group) the-nature-of-light-and-vision-and-describe-the-role-of-invention- have the same correct information - ~10 min
eduMedia for all of GLO 1 By the end of class students should have their research worksheet filled out.

Potential sponge activity: Intro exit slip to get to know students.

PhET simulation showing the bending of light through different
media, also shows prism and light waves

https://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm? STS 2.1 - (e.g.,

method=cResource.dspView&ResourceID=588&ClassID=4100680 compare light
Gizmo showing the ray diagram through convex and concave lenses absorption of
using coloured ray lines different
https://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm? identify materials
method=cResource.dspView&ResourceID=592&ClassID=4100680 that transmit
STS 2.1 - Investigate
Gizmo showing the ray diagram through convex and concave light; distinguish
how light is reflected,
mirrors using coloured ray lines between clear
transmitted and absorbed Textbook pages:
In class exploration with the light boxes and materials. and translucent
by different materials; and 189-191, 193
Light’s https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/234-rectilinear-beam- Assessment FOR materials;

Daily Essential Question: describe differences in
interaction with of-light Students will use the workbook to explore the optical properties of different learning identify materials
How does light interact with the optical properties of N/A N/A Homework is the N/A N/A
different eduMedia simulation that shows how light travels in a linear path materials (cardboard - opaque, wax paper - translucent, transparent - glass). In class exploration that will reflect a
different materials? various materials questions at the end
materials booklet beam of light as
of the booklet if not
Bloom’s Taxonomy: https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/249-shadows2 a coherent beam)
finished in class
Analyze and Understand/ eduMedia simulation that demonstrates shadows and reflected light
STS 2.3 - (e.g.,
https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/717-shadows measure
eduMedia simulation that demonstrates the linear nature of light via differences in
shadows and a moving spot light light refraction
through pure
https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/721-observable-area water, salt water
eduMedia simulation of the observable plane from a flat mirror and different
eduMedia for all of GLO 2

STS 2.1 - Investigate

how light is reflected,
transmitted and absorbed Spend 10 min reviewing translucent, transparent, opaque materials. Go over
by different materials; and Smart board notes
Diffuse versus regular reflection and related terminology (absorbed, reflected,

Daily Essential Question: describe differences in HW: Read pages Assessment OF
Reflection in transmitted, and scattered). Review the first property of light (light travels in
How does light interact with the optical properties of N/A N/A Booklet questions to review as a class 190, 194, 196 and N/A learning N/A N/A
more depth straight lines).
different materials? various materials summarize In class assignment
In-class assignment “When Light Strikes”
Give students 35 min to do in-class assignment without their text book.
Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Analyze and Understand/
STS 2.1 - Investigate
how light is reflected,
transmitted and absorbed
by different materials; and Review first property of light (light travels in straight lines)
describe differences in Textbook
the optical properties of Teach how to draw, measure, and predict the angles of reflection.
various materials Assessment FOR
Review optical Smart board notes Students need to know:

properties of Daily Essential Question: the normal
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Textbook pages: Exit slip on diffuse None for STS
materials and do How does light interact with N/A N/A Protractor the mirror/plane of reflection N/A NOS
Analyze and Understand/ 190, 194, 196 versus regular 2.2
in-class different materials? the incident ray and angle of incidence
Remember reflection and ray
assignment #1 Light box and protractor sheet again to demo if needed the reflected ray and angle of reflection
How to measure the angle of incidence/reflection
STS 2.2 - Measure and
Student practice questions
predict angles of
Give time and examples to work on during class time.

Bloom’s Taxonomy:

Topic and POS Outcomes Foundational concepts:
Timeline (One
Class Activities Text Reading/ Cross curricular Assessment (For = F, NOS, FNMI, Eco- Examples for
class per block Inquiry sub questions Resources
Number STS/Knowledge Attitude Skills (classes are 48 min) Homework connections Pre = P, Sum = S) pedagogy, and History SLO
unless otherwise
of Science
Scientific Inquiry

Students will be
encouraged to: Seek
and apply evidence Performing and
when evaluating Recording
STS 2.1 - Investigate
alternative approaches Students will:
how light is reflected,
to investigations, Conduct investigations Students will need a light box, concave and convex lenses/mirrors,
transmitted and absorbed
problems and issues into the relationships and some obstacles for the light beam to move around
by different materials; and
(e.g., ask questions to between and among
describe differences in
clarify meaning or observations, and Students will have to draw their obstacle course and describe the
the optical properties of
confirm their gather and record scientific principles around the passage of the light/laser through
various materials
understanding; take the qualitative and their course.
time to accurately The class will be divided into partnerships. Each partnership will get the
Daily Essential Question: Bloom’s Taxonomy: quantitative data

materials for the Photon Mission Impossible In-class performance task. Assessment OF
Photon Mission Can we navigate a beam of Analyze and Understand/ gather evidence and • carry out procedures, Simulations: Written explanation
use instruments Students will set up their course in pairs for the first 15-20 min of class. Using N/A learning NOS N/A
Impossible light from one location to Remember controlling the major https://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm? of their light course
carefully; consider their remaining time, students will draw their scientific diagram of their light In class assignment
another? variables method=cResource.dspView&ResourceID=552&ClassID=4100680
observations and ideas course. Their written explanation will be completed for homework.
• observe and record Gizmo showing the refraction of light rays through different media.
from a number of data, and prepare Shows the wavelength with the speed of the lines moving with the
STS 2.2 - Measure and sources during simple line drawings light.
predict angles of investigations and • use instruments
reflection before drawing effectively and https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/41-law-of-refraction
conclusions) accurately for eduMedia for the refraction of light through water to observe a fish
Bloom’s Taxonomy: collecting data
Evaluate Safety
• use tools and
Students will be apparatus safely
encouraged to: Show
concern for safety in
planning, carrying out
and reviewing activities
Scientific Inquiry
STS 1.1 - Identify Students will be
challenges in explaining
encouraged to: Seek Performing and
the nature of light and
and apply evidence Performing and recording:
when evaluating Recording
alternative approaches Students will: • 2 - (e.g.,
Bloom’s Taxonomy:
to investigations, Conduct investigations prepare a
problems and issues into the relationships drawing of the
STS 2.1 - Investigate (e.g., ask questions to between and among path of a light
how light is reflected, clarify meaning or observations, and https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/critical-angle beam toward
transmitted and absorbed confirm their gather and record Angles through the milky water and away from
Students will investigate the interactions of light in the fish tank of water and
Lab with by different materials; and understanding; take the qualitative and a mirror)
time to accurately chalk. They will observe the path of a beam of light and how it refraction
powdered chalk describe differences in quantitative data https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/blue-sky Assessment OF • 3 - (e.g.,

Daily Question: Why does gather evidence and differently through the water than through air. Students will observe the
in tank the optical properties of • carry out procedures, Colors of light seen through the milky water learning measure angles
the sky turn orange-red use instruments angles of light through water. Lab write up N/A NOS
- Beam angles various materials controlling the major Lab report/ of reflection;
when the sun is setting? carefully; consider
- Color of the variables We will need a fish tank of water with chalk dust added in and flash worksheet use a light
Bloom’s Taxonomy: observations and ideas Students will observe the color change of the beam of white light as it passes
light • observe and record lights/a laser. sensor to
Analyze and Understand/ from a number of through the chalky-water at different angles.
data, and prepare measure light
Remember sources during simple line drawings Students will need a work sheet to detail their learning. intensity)
investigations and • use instruments • 4 - (e.g., use
STS 2.3 - Investigate, before drawing effectively and lasers only in
measure and describe the conclusions) accurately for ways that do
refraction of light through collecting data not create a
different materials • use tools and risk of light
Students will be apparatus safely entering
Bloom’s Taxonomy: encouraged to: Show anyone’s eyes)
Analyze and Understand/ concern for safety in
Remember planning, carrying out
and reviewing activities
Assessment OF
Mini-quiz 1 - 15-20 min Students will have 15-20 min to write their mini quiz at the start of class.
Mini Quiz 1 Mini quiz

7 Catch up work
N/A STS 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 N/A N/A Student will mark their own quizzes - 10 min

Catch up work time/Flex time

We will mark their mini-quiz as a class (10 min) and discuss any
Assessment FOR

Self-assessment of
mini quiz
STS 3.1 - Demonstrate
the formation of real Take the first bit of class to talk about student’s reactions to the quiz. Review STS 3.1 - (e.g.,
images, using a double the unit up to this point. demonstrate a
convex lens, and predict http://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/curriculum/2340-investigate- method to
Topic 2

Topic 2 Question: How is the effects of changes in and-explain-the-science-of-image-formation-and-vision-and- Have students explore lenses using hand magnifying lenses and other Assessment FOR produce a
Eco-pedagogy, FNMI,
an eye similar or different the lens position on the N/A N/A interpret-related-technologies refracting materials. Allow students the time to explore outdoors by taking the N/A N/A learning magnified or
Summarize Unit NOS
from a camera? size and location of eduMedia for all of GLO 3. materials outside to observe their outdoor surroundings. Exit slip reduced image
C so far
images by altering the
Once back in the classroom, summarize their findings and consolidate them placement of one
Bloom’s Taxonomy: into the preliminary understandings of how the human eye works. or more lenses)
Apply and Evalute

Topic and POS Outcomes Foundational concepts:
Timeline (One
Class Activities Text Reading/ Cross curricular Assessment (For = F, NOS, FNMI, Eco- Examples for
class per block Inquiry sub questions Resources
Number STS/Knowledge Attitude Skills (classes are 48 min) Homework connections Pre = P, Sum = S) pedagogy, and History SLO
unless otherwise
of Science
eduMedia simulation of the eye seeing inverted images

eduMedia: Human eye quiz to label the parts of the eye (Maybe
good table challenge?)

eduMedia of the focusing/accommodation of the eye to see near and

eduMedia: Quiz for accommodation of the eye (WOULD MAKE A

STS 3.3 - (e.g.,
eduMedia simulation of near-sightedness of the human Eye
STS 3.3 - Explain how focusing
https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/584-farsightedness Remember in Unit B: Cell and Systems, you learned about the different types
How does the eye objects are seen by the mechanisms;
eduMedia simulation of far-sightedness of the human Eye of cells that make up the human body (and all life on Earth). The eye ball is

see things, how is Daily Essential Question: eye, and compare eyes Assessment FOR compare the
also made of many types of structure (composed of cells). The retina has two
the eye similar or How is the human eye with cameras N/A N/A N/A N/A learning NOS automatic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED-KnFL_J7Y types of cells that allow you to see light versus dark and colour
different from a similar to a camera? Exit slip functions of the
Bloom’s Taxonomy: YouTube video on how camera’s work (6 min)
camera eye with
Understand Teach the parts of the eye. Use the simulations on computers, give students
functions in an
https://app.discoveryeducation.ca/learn/videos/ time to discover the structures and parts of the eye.
Human body: Pushing the Limits: Sight (43 min)

Accommodation of the eye (4.5 min)

The Eye: The Humors and the Lens (3 min)

Structure of the eye - looking at the cow eye (24 min)

Gizmo of the sense organs with specific insight into the eye rods and
cones (when you select the eye).

Performing and
Performing and recording:
Students will: • 2 - (e.g.,
STS 3.3 - Explain how Conduct investigations prepare a
objects are seen by the into the relationships drawing of the
Safety between and among path of a light
eye, and compare eyes
with cameras Students will be observations, and beam toward
encouraged to: Show gather and record and away from
Bloom’s Taxonomy: concern for safety in qualitative and a mirror)
Understand planning, carrying out quantitative data Assessment FOR • 3 - (e.g.,

Structures of the
eye ball (cow eye Eye ball dissection and reviewing activities • carry out procedures, Materials for eye dissection… Eye ball dissection N/A N/A
measure angles
STS 3.4 - Compare the (e.g., select safe controlling the major Worksheet/Lab of reflection;
function and design of the methods in using variables Report? use a light
mammalian eye with that optical devices; readily • observe and record sensor to
of other vertebrates and alter a procedure to data, and prepare measure light
invertebrates ensure the safety of simple line drawings intensity)
members of the group) • use instruments • 4 - (e.g., use
Bloom’s Taxonomy: effectively and lasers only in
Analyze accurately for ways that do
collecting data not create a
• use tools and risk of light
apparatus safely entering
anyone’s eyes)

Topic and POS Outcomes Foundational concepts:
Timeline (One
Class Activities Text Reading/ Cross curricular Assessment (For = F, NOS, FNMI, Eco- Examples for
class per block Inquiry sub questions Resources
Number STS/Knowledge Attitude Skills (classes are 48 min) Homework connections Pre = P, Sum = S) pedagogy, and History SLO
unless otherwise
of Science
Literature Study:
Students will rotate through stations reading the books in small
groups and taking short notes on a provided worksheet that will be
used during a short written response to the activity. The purpose is to
expose students to the differences between human eyesight and
different animals eyesight. The 3rd book is a book on the history and
life of the 10th/11th century Muslim scientist who discovered how
Collaboration Performing and Literature study:
humans see. It details his discovery of how human eye sight works
Students will be and the experiments he conducted.
Introduce the activity - 2-3 min Reflection of the
encouraged to: Work Students will: literature study
collaboratively in 1 - The Queen’s Shadow: A Story About How Animals See by Cybèle English
Conduct investigations Students will spend 10-12 minutes with each book reading and interacting
carrying out Young Language Arts:
into the relationships with the book and taking key notes on a provided worksheet. - Can be one
investigations and in A picture book describing a story of how the Queen lost her shadow.
STS 3.4 - Compare the between and among written page Assessment FOR
The key connection to the curriculum is the short description of the General
Daily Essential function and design of the generating and observations, and This will repeat as the groups move through each station. (Total about 30-36 (double sided, learning
Human eyes eyesight of each animal at the party (which ties into that animals Outcome 3 - STS 3.4 - (e.g.,
Question(s): How are mammalian eye with that evaluating ideas (e.g., gather and record min) double spaced, 12 Worksheet of notes

versus Animals choose a variety of defence from the story). As a picture book, it is a lower reading level Students will History of science amphibians; fish;
animal eyes different than of other vertebrates and qualitative and pt font) or a short
eyes strategies, such as making it accessible for LEAD and LSP students in the classroom. listen, speak, squid; shellfish;
the human eye? Why might invertebrates quantitative data After the students have interacted with all of the books we will summarize as video (2-5 min) or Assessment OF
active listening, read, write, view NOS insects, such as
this be important for these a class the key things they were meant to understand from each book. - 5 min voice recording learning
Literature study Bloom’s Taxonomy: paraphrasing and 2 - They All Saw A Cat by Brendan Wenzel and represent to the housefly)
animals? • 2 - observe and record (2-5 min) Reflection
Analyze questioning, in order to A picture book illustrating the differences in sight between a number manage ideas
data, and prepare Once the whole class has the necessary information recorded on their assignment
understand other points of animals as they observe a cat. It nicely illustrates how different and information.
simple line drawings worksheet they will be assigned a short reflection meant for them to a) reflect
of view; consider bugs see as well (a bee sees through the compound eye and a worm
(e.g., prepare a on what they have learned about the difference between animal sight and Textbook pages:
alternative ideas and ‘sees’ through vibrations in the dirt around it). As a picture book, it
drawing of the path of human sight, and b) reflect on the use of picture books in the science 236-238 (Whole
interpretations is a lower reading level making it accessible for LEAD and LSP
a light beam toward classroom and how it impacted their learning (was it fun?, helpful?, didn’t section 4.2)
suggested by members students in the classroom.
and away from a like it?, did like it?, why or why not?, etc….) - 3 min
of the group) mirror) *** Should explicitly talk about compound eyes of insects.
3- Ibn al-Haytham: The Man Who Discovered How We See by Libby
A book written in the National Geographic KIDS series. It is a lower
reading level making it accessible for LEAD and LSP students in the

STS 1.2 - Investigate the

development of
microscopes, telescopes
and other optical devices;
and describe how these
developments contributed
to the study of light and
other areas of science

Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Analyze and Understand/ Lecture:
Remember In Unit B: Cells and Systems, you learned about cells and how they can be
visualized using the compound light microscope. This type of microscope
STS 1.3 - Investigate uses a light source beneath the slide that causes light to pass through the
light beams and optical object you are viewing. Both the eye piece and the objective lenses magnify None for STS
devices, and identify the object so you can see it in more detail. 1.2
phenomena that provide
Microscopes and evidence of the nature of Why would the invention of this technology have a huge impact on the way STS 1.3 - (e.g.,
Telescopes light https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/665-converging-lens we understand the world we live in? How have they changed what we know evidence
(Optical devices), Textbook pages:
eduMedia simulation showing how converging lenses work. This about the world around us? (STS 1.2) provided by
their importance Daily Essential Question: Bloom’s Taxonomy: 182-184, 186
could be applicable to describing how telescopes/microscopes focus viewing the

in science, how How do microscopes and Analyze and Understand/ Assessment FOR NOS
images. Consider the telescope? How would this technology impact the way we passage of light
they use light to telescopes work? Why are Remember N/A N/A Review page N/A learning
understand our world. through dusty air
function, and how microscopes and telescopes 100-101 for parts of Exit slip History of Science
https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/601-converging- or cloudy water)
the materials they so important? STS 2.4 - Investigate the compound light
lens-2 What about other optical technology? Binoculars, glasses, binoculars, etc.
are made of materials used in optical microscope
Second eduMedia simulation showing converging light. None for STS
impact their technologies; and predict
How does light function to allow these optical devices to work? (STS 1.3) 2.4
function the effects of changes in
their design, alignment or
How do the materials (lenses and mirrors) in optical devices utilize the nature None for STS
of light? How would changing these materials change what we see using 3.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: these optical devices? (STS 2.4) - Pg. 184 & 186
Analyze and Evaluate
How to microscopes work? What about telescopes? What about glasses &
STS 3.2 - Demonstrate binoculars? Describe in general terms (STS 3.2)
and explain the use of
microscopes; and
describe, in general
terms, the function of
eyeglasses, binoculars and

Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Apply, Understand, and

Topic and POS Outcomes Foundational concepts:
Timeline (One
Class Activities Text Reading/ Cross curricular Assessment (For = F, NOS, FNMI, Eco- Examples for
class per block Inquiry sub questions Resources
Number STS/Knowledge Attitude Skills (classes are 48 min) Homework connections Pre = P, Sum = S) pedagogy, and History SLO
unless otherwise
of Science
Research class (25 min):
Students will be given a research worksheet/book. They will need to research
eye disorders and illnesses in the work book and common technologies used
to correct these. As a class we will go over the answers in the work sheet.
Students will be allowed to work in partners if desired (sharing the research
work as desired as well). Following the research we will discuss common
Students will be answers and technologies discovered during their research.
Website for teacher information of some of the most common eye
encouraged to: Work disorders
collaboratively in List of eye disorders/illnesses to research:
carrying out - Refractive disorders (near-sightedness, far-sightedness, astigmatism) -
investigations and in correction is glasses, contact lenses and sometimes surgery.
generating and - Cataracts (clouding of the eye’s lens leading to blindness over time) -
Website for teacher information on 5 ways you can improve your
evaluating ideas (e.g., correction is basically a lens transplant/they break up the cataract and put a
choose a variety of new lens instead
strategies, such as - Glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye ball causing damage to the optic
Performing and https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cataracts/
active listening, nerve) - typically eye drops will work to promote fluid drainage but surgery is
Recording symptoms-causes/syc-20353790
paraphrasing and also possible
Students will: Teacher information: Information from the Mayo Clinic on Cataracts
questioning, in order to - Ambloyopia “lazy eye” (when the brain and the eye aren’t working together
Conduct investigations English
understand other points leading the brain to favour one eye over the other) - involves forcing the brain
into the relationships https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/glaucoma/ Language Arts:
of view; consider to pay attention to that eye through the use or eye patches, eye drops, glasses, Textbook pages:
between and among symptoms-causes/syc-20372839
STS 3.5 - Investigate and alternative ideas and surgery, or a combination of these. 234-235
observations, and Teacher information: Information from the Mayo Clinic on General Assessment FOR STS 3.5 - (e.g.,
describe the development interpretations (Correcting vision
gather and record Glaucoma Outcome 3 - learning laser surgery on
Daily Essential Question: of new technologies to suggested by members Discussion on technology to improve eyesight might include (10 min): problems and

Technology that qualitative and Students will Research eyes,
What technology exists that enhance human vision of the group) LASIK surgery: laser eye surgery
enhances human quantitative data https://app.discoveryeducation.ca/learn/videos/ listen, speak, worksheet on NOS development of
can improve human eye Reshapes cornea to help light focus better on your eyes focusing power. It can and night vision
vision Bloom’s Taxonomy: 6fe0d737-3e98-4453-8e38-8c850c3ff617? read, write, view common eye technologies to
sight? correct near- & far-sightedness and astigmatism. goggles)
Analyze and Understand/ • 2 - observe and record hasLocalHost=False&embed=0 and represent to disorders and extend night
** Read blurb on
Remember Mutual Respect data, and prepare VIDEO - Re-creating Vision for the Blind: Making a Circuit manage ideas solutions vision)
Argon and diode laser: artificial eyes on
simple line drawings between Brain and Machine (7 min). and information.
Prevent further tearing of the retina that happens naturally with aging. top left of 234
Students will be (e.g., prepare a This video is an excerpt from the 43 min long discovery education
Prevents retinal detachment which causes vision loss.
encouraged to: drawing of the path of documentary that shows how scientists are working to develop brain
Appreciate that a light beam toward sensory to give the blind sight using a camera on her glasses and a
Femtosecond laser:
scientific understanding and away from a sensor in her brain.
Used to correct cataracts (the clouding of the lens which leads to a decrease in
evolves from the mirror)
vision), and in LASIK.
interaction of ideas
involving people with Extra resources:
Selective laser trabeculoplasty:
different views and https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/14-magnifying-glass
Laser used to lower eye pressure and control glaucoma (when the pressure
backgrounds (e.g., eduMedia simulation of a magnifying glass
within the eyeball which damages the optic nerve).
show awareness of and
respect for the research, https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/655-focusing
Short video (7 min):
care and craftsmanship eduMedia simulation that demonstrates how the ray diagram must
This video is an excerpt from the 43 min long discovery education
involved in developing align to focus an image
documentary that shows how scientists are working to develop brain sensory
means to enhance
to give the blind sight using a camera on her glasses and a sensor in her brain.
human vision)
Following the video, we will have a discussion around what they think about
this type of technology. What about night vision goggles? What about the
future of video games that you plug into your head? (rest of class)

Interest in Science

Students will be
encouraged to: Show https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/22/the-future-of-photography-is-
interest in science- code/
related questions and Teacher resources: The physical design and technology of cameras is
issues, and pursue about as amazing as its going to get presently. So where is the future
personal interests and of the development of photographic technology? In coding. Portrait
career possibilities mode on the iPhone is a function designed by software (coding).
within science-related How camera use the light that they sense is changing rapidly with
fields (e.g., choose to the advancement of coding and photography.
investigate challenging
topics; seek information Lecture: 10 min
from a variety of Teach about the history of the pin hole camera. Do the simulation.
sources; express Another article on the future of computational photography.
interest in science- and Move on to the future of photography (Computational photography).
Computational photography includes combing up to 9 shots into one Assessment FOR
STS 3.6 - Investigate and technology-related to make one very detailed photo. 3D photos are also constructed learning
The history of careers) Nature/Photo graph walk: 20 min STS 3.6 - (e.g.,
interpret emerging using computational photography. The Nature walk/
image storage Allow students to experiment with portrait mode? Go outside and pair History of Science digital cameras,
technologies for storing photo walk google

(how old Daily Essential Question: students up all allow them to take some photos on iPads? or their own phones. Textbook pages: infrared imaging,
and transmitting images Photos are more often being stored digitally instead of in albums. doc photos they
camera’s worked) How far has image storage N/A Ask them to play with the settings on their phones (portrait mode, etc…) 239-244 (whole N/A NOS remote imaging
in digital form Collaboration Paper photography is becoming much less common. take and submit
and where they come? Where is it going? section 4.3) technologies)
are going (coding Bloom’s Taxonomy: Students will put their photos into a google doc and give them a caption Eco-Pedagogy
Students will be https://sciencing.com/first-camera-invented-did-work-6461766.html Assessment FOR
in cameras) Analyze and Understand encouraged to: Work Article describes the invention of the first camera (the pin hole learning
Exit Slip - 10 min
collaboratively in camera) and the people involved. It was best for photography of Exit slip
In an exit slip have students respond to how they would answer this question
carrying out immobile scenes as it took a long time to develop.
at this point in the unit.
investigations and in
Include a question on the photography walk. Did they like it? What did they
generating and https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/pixar/virtual-cameras/
evaluating ideas (e.g., virtual-cameras-1/v/optics1-final
choose a variety of Khan academy video for the pin hole camera taught by a guy from
strategies, such as Pixar.
active listening,
paraphrasing and https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/pixar/virtual-cameras/
questioning, in order to virtual-cameras-1/a/simple-pinhole-camera
understand other points Simulation of taking a photo with a pin hole camera - LINKED TO
of view; consider THE PIXAR VIDEO
alternative ideas and
suggested by members
of the group)
Students will have 15-20 min to write their mini quiz at the start of class.
Assessment OF
Mini-quiz 2 - 15-20 min We will mark their mini-quiz as a class (10 min) and discuss any Textbook pages:
misconceptions 247 (unit summary
Mini Quiz 2 Mini quiz

Daily Essential Question: Student will mark their own quizzes - 10 min - IGNORE 3.0),
STS 1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2,
How are you feeling about N/A N/A We will end the class with a celebration Padlet asking them for two things 249-251 (Unit N/A N/A N/A
Review for Unit 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 Assessment FOR
the Unit exam coming up? Padlet for End of Unit C - 15 min they learned, one thing they are still confused by, and their favourite memory review questions -
Exam learning
https://padlet.com/dashboard from this unit. IGNORE 3.0
Self-assessment of
*** Students will need their phones or classroom laptops *** questions)
mini quiz
Maybe: Class time to work on review questions

Topic and POS Outcomes Foundational concepts:
Timeline (One
Class Activities Text Reading/ Cross curricular Assessment (For = F, NOS, FNMI, Eco- Examples for
class per block Inquiry sub questions Resources
Number STS/Knowledge Attitude Skills (classes are 48 min) Homework connections Pre = P, Sum = S) pedagogy, and History SLO
unless otherwise
of Science
Class jeopardy or Kahoot review (based on feedback from exit slips and
Textbook pages:
Assessment FOR
Class discussion/review lecture with whole class 247 (unit summary

- IGNORE 3.0),
Unit review for FLEX DAY/Class Jeopardy/ Class Jeopardy/
STS 1.1-3.6 N/A N/A Class jeopardy or Kahoot review Question and answer period 249-251 (Unit N/A N/A N/A
exam Unit Exam Review Kahoot Quiz
review questions -
Review lecture/Unit
Class time to work on review questions IGNORE 3.0
review as a class
Review the unit as a class based on formative assessments over the unit -
10 min
Introduction of the Unit exam expectations - 2-4 min
Unit Exams from Sandy Assessment OF NOS
17 - End of Unit Exam - ~45 min
Unit Exam Unit Exam STS 1.1-3.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A learning N/A
Unit Exam I have made myself Unit Exam History of Science
Once students have finished their Unit test they can quiet read or go to the
library to work on other school work.

* Important Notice: Unit Plan subject to change *


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