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Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

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Resources, Conservation & Recycling

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Full length article

Expanding perceptions of the circular economy through design: Eight T

capitals as innovation lenses

André Nogueiraa, , Weslynne S. Ashtonb, Carlos Teixeiraa
Illinois Institute of Technology, Institute of Design, 3137 S Federal St, Chicago, IL, 60616, United States
Illinois Institute of Technology, Stuart School of Business, 565 W Adams St, Chicago, IL, 60661, United States


Keywords: We widely recognize that systems approaches are necessary to tackle the complex and urgent challenges of the
Circular economy unsustainability of human actions on the planet. However, how we perceive systems is largely framed by who is
Systems thinking in included in the discussion and the experiences and interests that they bring to bear. Efforts to create the
Community capitals circular economy aim at closing material loops, but these efforts are limited because they only consider the flows
of a few types of capital - natural, manufactured and financial, and are based on specific interests of a few actors.
Other types of capital - human, social, political, cultural and digital - are often ignored, and as such the full scope
of dynamics in a system is missed. Even though there will always be a discrepancy between what is perceived,
and the actual system in operation, there are greater opportunities to expand such perception by drawing more
deeply on systems thinking and the concept of capitals. This involves expanding not only the notion of the
system itself, but also acknowledging different actors and their interests, types of capital in the system, and
interactions between the actors and capital stocks and flows. We develop a systems thinking framework using
eight capitals, and apply it in multi-level contexts in the Chicago region to demonstrate how they provide new
insights and critical pathways for the transition to the circular economy.

1. Introduction unsustainable consequences for both social and ecological systems.

There is an inherent tension between the goal to improve the ma-
With the advance of modern capitalism, humans have adopted the terial well-being of a growing human population and the socio-ecolo-
worldview that resources all around us are to be utilized for our in- gical degradation that has resulted from the linear production and
dividual and collective benefit. We extract natural resources from the consumption of resources created to achieve that goal. The circular
far corners of the planet, push them through global supply chains to economy (CE) presents a reframing of the linear economic system that
meet the needs and aspirations of consumers, while depositing large is based on the belief that resource flows should be cyclical, modeled
amounts of waste to the environment at every stage of the process. after many biogeochemical cycles, such as water, carbon and nitrogen.
Our limited capacity to understand the dynamics of the systems During the last decade, CE has gained tremendous traction among both
from which these resources were drawn has led to the creation of linear, private companies and public institutions across the world, who are
fragmented models, in which resources flow in one direction creating embracing this alternative economic model in order to circumvent this
significant and often irreversible negative ecological impacts. tension (Geng and Doberstein, 2008; Ghisellini et al., 2016; Reike et al.,
Anthropogenic mobilization of resources is now the dominant driver of 2018). CE builds on previous academic fields of study and practice
impact in many biogeochemical systems, in some cases disrupting the areas including industrial ecology, ecological economics, sufficiency
planetary boundaries, or safe spaces, within which these systems economy, The Natural Step and Cradle to Cradle, among others (Bocken
function (Rockström et al., 2009). Additionally, how resources are et al., 2016; EMF, 2017).
mobilized has often been determined by relatively few parties with While several methods and frameworks have been explored to
specific interests and agenda, raising concerns about power dynamics support transitions towards more circular economies (Su et al., 2013),
and injustice in the allocation of benefits and burdens from these re- organizations still lack sufficient analytical and implementation tools
source flows (Gregson et al., 2015). As such, societies have developed for understanding how systemic approaches should be incorporated
sophisticated but degenerative economic models that are now scaling into their everyday practices (Bocken et al., 2016), and how they can

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: anogueira@id.iit.edu (A. Nogueira).

Received 24 November 2018; Received in revised form 12 June 2019; Accepted 13 June 2019
0921-3449/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

inform new collaborations and partnerships within broader systems’ loops, greater value is realized during end-of-life product stages, and
contexts (Murray et al., 2017). Murray et al (2017) pointed several different types of capital are regenerated, benefiting society and the
unintended consequences of this approach emerging from the applica- planet (Kirchherr et al., 2017). It further suggests that current opera-
tion of the concept, such as overly simplistic goals leading to greater tions can be optimized through effective networking, partnership acti-
environmental impact, or the adoption of circular practices without vation, and intensive collaboration.
considering the ethical implications of inclusion, equity and other cri- CE has been explored mostly through the lenses of material flows
tical aspects relating the social dimensions of contemporary economic and extensions of product life cycles aiming to close loops through new
models. Although incremental isolated changes are focused on ex- collaborations. The processes and compositions of partnerships, the
panding the circularity and life cycle of products through new services, importance of relationships, the creation of networks and formation of
there remains greater opportunities to prompt paradigm shifts and new alliances have been little explored and present complex challenges
transitions towards circular economies. that go beyond current circular economy practices. If organizations
As noted by Antikainen and Valkokari (2016) transitions towards a want to realize a CE, they will have to go beyond the focus of materials
CE requires innovation across different areas of multiple systems, not flows. They will have to recognize that multiple types of capital are
only within specific organizations or products. They argue that “system- needed to sustain a CE, and as such will have to expand their practices
wide innovations can only be realized in conjunction with related considering the stocks and flows of these capitals, as well as the in-
complementary innovations “(p. 6). According to Gaziulusoy and Brezet teractions between their organizational practices and socio-ecological
(2015), “transitions and system innovations are conceptualised as systems in which action is taken. By doing so, organizations can benefit
“multi-phase, multi-level dynamic processes,” which take place over from new opportunities for value creation.
long periods of time and result in mainstream practices becoming
outdated and being replaced by a set of new practices” (p.1). 2.2. Systems thinking
Although some conceptualizations of the CE suggest that different
types of capital should be regenerated (EMF, 2017), these capitals have Systems thinking is a discipline that brings a singular vocabulary
not been effectively considered as current work focuses on natural, fi- and a set of methods for making sense of the complexity observed in
nancial and manufactured capital, and closing material loops based on social and ecological systems all around us. A significant amount of
the interests of organizations that were designed to thrive in linear scientific development during the nineteenth and twentieth century
economic models. While these organizations might intend to engage in was based on reductionst principles - breaking problems into smaller,
CE practices (Babbitt et al., 2018; Kalmykova et al., 2018), their pro- more understandable parts. However, the process of understanding the
cesses do not recognize other types of resources that either sustain these interconnectivity between the parts in order to make sense of the whole
flows, or are compromised by them. was much more complicated than anticipated (Barabási, 2003). Efforts
This paper aims to address this gap and expand the CE discussion by to bridge this knowledge gap carved the path towards systems theory
leveraging systems thinking to recognize and incorporate consideration and systems thinking.
of multiple capitals sustaining contemporary economic activities. In Systems thinking methods have allowed researchers to map the
particular, we utilize an expanded conception of capital in order to structure of relationships among components of a complex system,
analyze the varied resources that operate within any socio-ecological explore the dynamics of relationships among them, including causal
system. We integrate considerations of the concept of CE, systems relations and feedback loops, and explore how changes in components
thinking approaches, design methods and community capitals frame- or their relationships with other parts affect the whole (Meadows,
work into the design of the ‘innovation lenses’. This framework has 2008). While some changes can be predicted, others can lead to un-
been used to analyze and intervene in complex socio-ecological issues, expected and non-intuitive results. The former leads to understanding
considering their multi-level interconnectivity and multi-systems in- patterns of behavior, and the latter to the study of network effects and
teractions, in order to increase the circularity of resource use and unintended consequences. The combination leads to the exploration of
benefits to participants. alternative methods to improve human’s perceptions about the systems
in which they are embedded, and inform the design of more resilient,
2. Framing the circular economy and multiple capitals robust, and more fit interventions. In order to understand the dynamic
behavior of a system, it is necessary to identify subsystems, roughly
2.1. Circular economy divided into three levels of complexity: the micro (individual parts),
meso (organizations), and macro (social systems), and their interactions
With a global population exceeding 7.5 billion and increasing con- (Geels, 2002).
sumer demand for material goods to improve well-being, the mobili- Many disciplines have developed theory and methods to contribute
zation of natural resources and ensuing socio-ecological interactions towards behavior change regarding the multi-level interactions be-
have been transformed. Haas et al (2015) assessed the utilization of tween humans and the natural environment (Cote and Nightingale,
material and energy in the global economy at the turn of the twenty- 2012). Notable to this discussion are two subfields - socio-technical
first century. The authors concluded that “global in-use material stocks systems and socio-ecological systems - that aim to develop and dis-
are growing at a high rate” (p.772), and that new ways of designing seminate knowledge in complex systems theory. Whereas socio-tech-
products are necessary. Indeed, products physically result from the nical systems focus on interaction between human and technical ele-
combination of material and energy, but also from knowledge, ideas, ments in the built environment (Edwards, 2003), socio-ecological
and technology. Redesigning production systems to meet the demands systems focus on the social, institutional, and cultural context of the
of a growing global population presents complex and ambiguous interactions between humans and the natural environment (Capra,
challenges that require not only more sustainable management of ma- 1996; Ostrom, 2009).
terial and energy, but also the recognition of different types of resources Efforts towards circular economy have been primarily informed by
and values shaping current economic transactions. knowledge developed in subfields of socio-ecological systems, specifi-
The concept of circular economy can inform the design of new cally those related to the circulation of resources considering nutrients,
frames, opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship (Bocken materials, and energy systems, such as industrial ecology. Yet this
et al., 2016), and the necessary paradigm shift in the business eco- transition requires interventions in consumer behavior, market rules
system (Lacy and Rutqvist, 2016). The CE aims to transform existing and dynamics, cultural heritages and social contracts, as well as both
dynamics of linear and fragmented production-consumption systems the physical and the digital infrastructures through which individuals
into an economic model where resources are cycled through closed and organizations produce and consume things. Several subfields of

A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

socio-technical systems have been exploring how to incorporate sys- ecological systems is not new (for example, see Ashton and Bain, 2012;
tems thinking into interventions for transitions, including design. Mulrow et al., 2017), the CCF provides new possibilities for production
and consumption systems to create and negotiate new types of values
2.3. Design within more circular economic models. Researchers have applied the
CCF either on processes of mapping assets or activities related to a
Design can be understood as a methodological and rigorous choice- single type of capital, or mapping how particular interventions im-
making process aimed at intervening in the present to steer actions pacted a capital of interest. In both situations, the CCF has become an
towards more desirable futures (Simon, 1996). The field of design has effective descriptive tool to understand interventions that occurred in
been instrumental in advancing innovative practices for systems inter- the past and shaped the contemporary situations being analyzed. Yet,
ventions around the world by centering activity around an under- intervening in complex socio-ecological challenges to transition to-
standing of human challenges and motivations, and working as wards sustainability requires more prescriptive use of the framework,
knowledge agents to alter resource flows among different agents and the development of more proactive tools and approaches.
(Bertola and Teixeira, 2003). Significant contributions have been made
to understand the multi-level nature of systems transitions (Joore and 3. Materials and method
Brezet, 2015), and to incorporate theory from other fields into new
tools and methods for systems intervention (Van Ael et al., 2018). The 3.1. Framework: eight capitals as innovation lenses
integration of socio-technical concerns into interventions for socio-
ecological systems require new approaches to deal with adaptability, While we may never fully understand a complex socio-ecological
decentralized decision-making, integration of dynamic interactions system in which a challenge is presented, we sought to expand our
happening within and among these systems, and different agendas of perceptions about it, by exposing different components, types of re-
multiple agents (Gaziulusoy and Brezet, 2015). Designers utilize par- sources and their interactions. The circular economy intends to close
ticipatory approaches through the concept of “infrastructuring”, sug- loops through multiple strategies, but is limited as it considers too few
gesting a shift of design outcomes from “what” (artefacts) to “when” resources in the perceived discrepancy of the system. A more holistic
(process), bringing the importance of iterative design and the con- perception involves expanding not only the notion of the system itself,
tinuous adaptation of systemic interventions (Björgvinsson et al., 2010; but also the incorporation of different types of resources that are
Karasti, 2014). This approach can help to explore alternative pathways flowing in it (see Fig. 1). We were interested in reducing the gap be-
for transitioning towards more circular economies as it stands for more tween the perceived discrepancy of the flow of resources (for example,
democratic methods of innovation, and recognizes the adaptive nature by focusing only on materials) and the actual discrepancy (for example,
of complex systems. by expanding the resources considered to include community knowl-
While design has been utilized as a strategic tool for expanding edge and culture).
options and supporting the acceleration of innovation processes by fo- We wanted to explore how the Community Capitals Framework
cusing on investigating material and symbolic interventions that can (CCF) could be used to understand the observed patterns of behavior in
shape future livelihoods (Teixeira, 2017), little attention has been given a system of interest, and to inform future interventions to increase the
to how products are shaped by and intervene in the dynamic relation- sustainability of socio-ecological systems. More specifically, we focused
ship of coupled human-environment systems (Haas et al., 2015). As on examining how CCF can expand perception of the connectivity
Whitney (2015) pointed out, the growing social and economic impact among multiple capitals that shape any given sustainability challenge,
on ecological systems is leading to “problems never before seen in including exposing potential unintended consequences that result from
human history, involving the carrying capacity of the planet itself” new interventions. An eighth “digital” lens was added due to the con-
(p.79). Yet, for Gaziulusoy (2015), contemporary design and innovation temporary role of digital technology and data in shaping innovation
practices lack rigor when seeking to integrate sustainability science into practices within multiple contexts. We asked ourselves “how might we
new interventions towards sustainability, leaving behind vague claims use the eight types of capital not only as a descriptive framework but also as
about the potential for redesigning current linear systems. As such, a prescriptive tool to expand perceived opportunities and possibilities for
innovative solutions tend to fall short in revealing the underlying in- intervening in socio-ecological systems?” Each capital was framed as a lens
teractions between socio-technical and socio-ecological systems neces- through which researchers can map agents, their actions and interac-
sary to transition to circular economies. tions with that capital, and identify leverage points for intervention in a
socio-ecological system. Examining the aggregated stocks and flows of
2.4. Community capitals the capitals allowed us to uncover resources that are drawn upon and
altered through their interactions. Definitions of the eight capitals il-
Flora et al. (2004) define capital as “any type of resource capable of lustrate their roles in a system and are listed in Table 1.
producing additional resources” (p.165). They identify seven types of
capital – natural, financial, manufactured, human, social, cultural, and 3.2. Application: eight capitals as innovation lenses
political – that flow through socio-ecological systems at different rates,
interact with each other, create synergies and contribute to sustain- This ongoing research is being carried out through mixed methods
ability. They created the Community Capital Framework (CCF), “to with action research as the primary methodology. Action research re-
analyze community and economic development efforts from a systems cognizes and reinforces processes of ‘learning by doing’ with a focus on
perspective by identifying the assets in each capital [stock], the types of developing practical interventions in complex challenges. The metho-
capital invested [flow], the interaction among the capitals, and the dology has its foundations in the work of John Dewey, including his
resulting impacts across capitals” (Emery and Flora, 2006, p.20). philosophical and theoretical contributions for more participatory and
Through their interaction, properties and linkages emerge that may democratic processes of knowledge generation and dissemination
affect the sustainability of circular economy practices not only in the (Lewin, 1946). Unlike natural science approaches, action research
business ecosystem, but also in other realms of impact from economic considers that knowledge is a social construct created within specific
activities. As this framing exposes correlations between the stocks and contexts, and that the actors embedded in these contexts have deep
flows of the different capitals available within socio-ecological systems, expertise about the space of problems being faced (Swann, 2002). Since
it can also expose new opportunities for value creation, collaborations, the action of doing research brings with it a system of values, beliefs
partnership activation, and network connections. and criteria that shape choice-making, and therefore, both the outputs
While using multiple capitals to understand the dynamics of socio- and outcomes of the research, action researchers recognize that

A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

Fig. 1. How we perceive a system is

defined by what we are focused on. As
we attempt to create a CE, we re-
cognize that there is a discrepancy be-
tween the linear flow of material re-
sources and the efforts that are needed
to close the loop. However, by ex-
panding our view of the system, and
the types of resources that are flowing
we can broaden our perception of the
system and the sustainability gap that
exists between what we hope to
achieve in the system that we perceive
versus the complete complex system.

practical solutions have higher chances to succeed if researchers are 2014). We conducted the three projects considering the application of
involved in the context of application. the innovation lenses framework to leverage and transform the
In order to apply the eight capitals as innovation lenses, we first knowledge and experience of actors into assets for advancing innova-
identified a challenge and defined a system of interest through colla- tion practices oriented towards sustainability in these organizations. As
boration with a key partner. In 2016–2018, we developed three distinct such, we applied participatory action research (PAR) methodologies to
collaborations at different geographic and organizational levels - fa- co-create and co-disseminate knowledge with the partner organization,
cility (local circular economy at The Plant with partner Plant Chicago), and relied on prototyping methods to integrate knowledge distributed
city (food waste and sustainability in Chicago with partner the Chicago across the network of actors embedded in the context being studied.
Food Policy Action Council), and region (Calumet regional regeneration PAR presented an alternative to traditional scientific methodologies,
with partner the Calumet Collaborative). Although the selection of suggesting that research should be done within the context of appli-
these projects was made based on opportunities presented to the re- cation and in collaboration with actors involved in the situation of in-
search team, all represent complex socio-ecological challenges with terest (Teram et al., 2005).
multiple agents, types of activities, use of multiple types of capital and We then defined specific questions to uncover stocks and flows of
positive and negative feedback mechanisms. We worked more in- the eight capitals in the relevant complex socio-ecological challenge
tensively with one partner organization, but drew upon both our own (see Table 2). Though not extensive, these questions have provided a
and the partner’s network of collaborators to engage in the issues, en- structure for uncovering and classifying information, as well as ex-
gage diverse participants, and propose interventions in order to panding stakeholders’ perceptions about the stocks and flows of avail-
leverage the knowledge of different stakeholders distributed across able resources and assets within the socio-ecological systems in which
these systems for a more sustainable outcome (McGinnis and Ostrom, they operate. The resulting innovation lenses framework, therefore, can

Table 1
Definition of the Eight Capitals.
(adapted from CCF/Emery and Flora, 2006).
Comprises natural resources, both The productive power in the resources of All material goods. It includes human-made The ability and capability of
renewable and nonrenewable. It also other types of capitals. It includes the elements such as physical infrastructures, individuals to produce, and manage
includes fauna and flora, as well as resources and assets of an individual or roads, artefacts, and machines. their well-being. It includes individual
their life supporting systems. entity translated in the form of a currency health, knowledge, skills and
that can be accessed, owned or traded. motivation.
The professional and the social Values and beliefs inherent in social Structure in organizations that determines Digital infrastructure and data. It
connections among actors. It includes practices, or incorporated by communities. how decisions are made and power is includes digital platforms, as well as
partnerships and collaborations, as It also includes ethnicity, spirituality, distributed. It involves hierarchy, inclusion, the mechanisms of data collection,
well as informal gatherings. heritage, traditions, and daily practices. equity, transparency, access, and analysis, and storage.

A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

be considered a structure to map and understand the multiple types of

What are the mechanisms

What are the institutions
maintaining the capacity

How and where data is

How is the capacity of
individuals to perform
resources and assets that are shaping complex socio-ecological chal-

for data collection?

lenges. The framework allowed us to raise different questions than

of individuals to
traditional approaches, as well as to inform how underutilized and/or
relevant elements could contribute to innovation for transitioning sys-


tems towards sustainability. Implicit in the application of these ques-

tions is the consideration of the role, and purpose of each asset in the
system being explored.
creation and dissemination?

We applied the lenses to create systems dynamics maps in order to

infrastructures being used?

engagements within these
What are the institutional

infrastructures available?
structures for knowledge

How and where are the

analyze and generate the interaction of multiple types of values, and

structures happening?

“infrastructuring” new collaborations. As analytical lenses, they link

How and where are

What are digital
human impacts to elements of social systems - from cultural values to

political perspectives, institutional arrangements, and power structures,


as well as impacts on ecosystems. As generative lenses, they can embed


principles of sustainability into choice-making for new strategies, con-

cepts and even features of future interventions. Furthermore, the ap-
plication of the lenses can reveal dynamic behavior of the systems. By
are being produced and
of offerings supporting

decisions being made?

What are the portfolio

products and services

utilizing system dynamics maps to represent elements that can be in-

How and where are
Products & Services

What is the power

creased and decreased (e.g. variables) considering the flows of multiple

How and where

capitals, we have created visualizations that inform potential leverage



points, considering barriers and drivers of interventions (Fig. 2). Once


barriers and drivers of system’s change are identified, new places for
intervening in the system can be explored (for example, the twelve
leverage points proposed by Meadows, 1999).
policies being enforced?
infrastructure available

influencing decisions?
What are the policies

The variables and leverage points identified in a system dynamics

infrastructures being
How and where are

How and where are


and its condition?

map are determined by the knowledge that the actors designing the

map have about the socio-ecological challenge of interest and their own
What is the


experiences. For these reasons, the systems maps are collectively built,
so that assumptions being made by one actor can be validated by

others. For the same reasons, the maps are continually changing given
that our understanding of the dynamic interactions among various ac-
and practices that have been

organizations being exposed

money flow considering the
incomes and expenditures?

tors necessarily changes as we engage with more actors in the system

What are global elements
How and where does the
structure defining value?

to new global practices?

What is the institutional

and new information is gathered. The iterative nature of these exercises

How and where are
incorporated in the

has expanded the perceptions of the actors about the systems in which
individuals and

they are involved, as well as our shared understanding about potential

Key questions for uncovering the use of stocks and flows of the eight capitals in a system of interest.

impacts, network effects, and consequences of future interventions.



3.3. Prototyping: eight capitals as innovation lenses

How and where are financial

Prototypes are preliminary models of concepts used in a dialectic

manifestations of the values
What are the traditions and

values and beliefs sustain

learning process in multiple domains. Design researchers use con-

services being provided?

(ordinary) practices and

allowing for credits and

How and where are the

cultural heritage? What
What are the structures

ceptual, visual and physical prototypes as ways to engage and involve

actors, learn about the context, do research, test hypotheses and con-
cepts (associated with products and knowledge), and explore alter-
and beliefs?


native futures. These methods enables researchers to uncover funda-


mental issues in a defined problem through a collective diagnosis, as



well as to integrate dispersed knowledge into the alternative solutions

(Galey and Ruecker, 2010). The combination allows us to broker and
functions of energy, blue and

How and where are nutrients

What is the composition and

integrate tacit, embedded and explicit knowledge from diverse stake-

supporting social gathering
extracted and regenerated?

holders, into innovation practices that recognize and incorporate con-

How and where are the
What are the structures
and components being

promoting community
green infrastructures?

events and activities

Life support systems

cerns of different types of capital for the circular economy. Tacit

knowledge relates to the know-how and the experience of individuals

operating on the micro level. Embedded knowledge relates to locked


systemic routines, usually found in individuals’ and institutions’ daily


operational practices at the meso level. Explicit knowledge relates to

formalized and codified knowledge usually found in policies, academic
papers, rules and regulations, books, and related documents tradition-
organizations? What are the

How and where are partnerships

How are species growth rates

ally incorporated as strategies in the macro level.

values being exchanged?

and collaborations being

What is the composition of

According to Cross and Roy’s (1989), unlike scientists who problem-

What is the portfolio of
affected by various

solve by analysis, relying on ‘problem-focused’ strategies to advance

their contributions, designers problem-solve by synthesis, therefore,
Fauna and Flora

relying on ‘solution-focused’ strategies to intervene in reality. As a




practice-based discipline, synthesis in design might occur in and “be



expressed as visual spatial knowledge in action” (Swann, 2002, p.55).

Table 2

Still, for actions to be relevant in research activities, they must be

comprehensive and tangible, and it is there where prototyping methods

A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

Fig. 2. Systems dynamics maps are a key tool in the framework, enabling the visualization of variables governing the flow of different types of capital, feedback
between variables and drivers and barriers in the system. Barriers are represented by variables that have a large number of inflow arrows as they require multiple
types of resources from different variables. Drivers are represented by variables that have a larger number of outflow arrows as they exert greater influence on other
variables in the system.

contribute to providing evidence in research. natural ecosystems, and a powerful industrial heritage. Because of its
In this research, prototyping methodologies were applied for col- strategic position in the country's geography, the region has been the
lecting evidence through the application of the innovation lenses industrial heart of the Midwest, attracting high investments that relied
(Fig. 3). In all of the projects, we prototyped new tools and methods to upon easy access to transportation, open spaces, and the presence of
codify data gathered, including contributions and participation from skilled workers (Sellers, 2006). During the twentieth century, prior-
multiple actors involved in each one of the cases, as well as to support itization of economic growth over environmental sustainability and
ideation for interventions. Below we describe one of the cases in more social equity led to both high level of pollutants from industrial effluent
detail: leveraging brownfields as underutilized assets for sustainable and waste as well as exclusion of large segments of the local population
(re)development of the Calumet region. It is important to note that as from economic and political benefits (Reese, 2016).
design methodologies are iterative, there is not a hard distinction be- By the early 2000s, industrial production activities declined or
tween methods and results, both are simultaneously realized, as such moved away, leaving behind large swathes of vacant and contaminated
the results presented include the development of prototyping methods. land that lacked economic activities, business interest, and social ca-
pital (Sellers, 2006). This post-industrial legacy became apparent in the
declining livelihood of the region as a whole because the presence, or
4. Results and discussion
perceived presence, of hazardous effluents and materials, combined
with the reduction of job opportunities, prompted residents to move out
4.1. Calumet region
of the Calumet area (Reese, 2016). While some of vacant spaces are
clean parcels or former agricultural land (e.g. greenfields), many others
The Calumet region encompasses the southeast side of Chicago and
contain multiple levels of contamination (e.g. brownfields) and can
southern Cook County in Illinois and northwestern counties (Lake,
blight not only their immediate surroundings, but also negatively im-
Porter, LaPorte) in Indiana in the midwestern United States. The bi-
pact the future of the entire region. Thus, after years of disinvestment, a
state Calumet region boasts proud and diverse communities, important

Fig. 3. We utilized a Participatory Action Research framework to broker and integrate tacit, embedded and explicit knowledge from diverse collaborators, including
community leaders and subject matter experts, through the use of prototypes in different steps in the project.

A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

patchwork of brownfields became a significant barrier for promoting traditional models of remediation processes by focusing the interven-
sustainable redevelopment of the region. Reinvigorating post-industrial tion not only on the remediation, but on the redevelopment process
regions like the Calumet will become increasingly important for rea- itself. From this perspective, remediating the sites was understood as a
lizing thriving local circular economies on a grander scale (Ashton critical step, but not the end goal for creating new opportunities and
et al., 2017). possibilities to establish local circular economies.
Brownfields redevelopment typically follows a very linear path -
first funding is secured, the site is surveyed for contaminants, a re- Step 1: sense making. The ‘sense making’ step included
mediation plan is created and implemented; once cleaned, the site be- secondary research, semi-structured interviews with subject matter
comes available for redevelopment and productive use (EPA, 2018). experts, site visits and observation. We utilized several design
The redevelopment process is often led, funded, and implemented by methods, including site and user observation, five stages of human
organizations, developers and advocates that are significantly dis- experiences, five human factors, POEMS (people, objects, environment,
connected from the daily lives of community members. As a result these messages, and services), as well as value webs, activity systems, ERAF
approaches cause significant unintended consequences, such as dis- (entities, relations, attributes, and flows) systems maps, among others
ruption of local economies and gentrification, further disenfranchising (for details on design methods, see Kumar, 2012) to gather and organize
poor, long-time residents. Moreover, many of these consequences are information. These were used in combination with systems dynamics
not foreseen because the focus on individual sites prevents a broader, and the innovation lenses to map how the circulation of different types
systemic view. of resources hinder or support current brownfield redevelopment
By only focusing on regenerating natural, financial, and manu- processes.
factured capitals, the disruption of local practices and the degeneration To complete this step, an interactive workshop was held with
of other types of capital will continue to be replicated across the region. community leaders in the region and subject matter experts from var-
However, we hypothesized that if agents could recognize that there are ious fields, including strategy design, economic development, urban
multiple resources circulating during redevelopment processes, then planning, data mining, product and service design, among others. The
advances on operational and technical processes for remediating system dynamics maps were used as prototypes to validate assump-
brownfields could explore alternative pathways to address the systemic tions, identify bias, and explore potential interventions for brownfield
impact in the immediate surroundings of the sites. redevelopment.
Participants in the workshop were selected based on their experi-
4.2. Application of eight capitals to Calumet region ence with brownfields and their expertise in mobilizing specific capitals
during redevelopment processes. Beside their technical and capital
The “Future of Brownfields” is an ongoing collaboration between expertise, (1) diversity in demographic representations (e.g. gender,
two units at the Illinois Institute of Technology - the Institute of Design ethnicity), (2) institutional representation, including sectors (e.g. public
and the Stuart School of Business in collaboration with the Calumet institutions, private sector companies, NGOs, and academia), organi-
Collaborative, a bi-state non-governmental organization (NGO) dedi- zational role or rank (e.g. directors, managers, analysts, etc), (3) state
cated to achieving inclusive regional prosperity and improving the representation (Indiana or Illinois), and (4) personal experiences and
quality of life in the Calumet region through sustainable development. backgrounds were also considered valuable contributions that directly
The NGO catalyzes innovative partnerships between Illinois and or indirectly inform the design of future interventions. While no
Indiana stakeholders to advance a thriving Calumet region with a focus structure is able to represent the holistic contribution each individual
on (1) Livable Communities, (2) Economic Opportunity, (3) can bring, having multiple criteria for articulating the overall compo-
Environment, (4) Culture and Heritage (Calumet Collaborative, 2018). sition of participants was critical for a priori identification of deficits
The research explores the region as a patchwork of situated issues, and overlaps, and for supporting strategic decisions about who should
shaped by the intersection of multiple resource flows, and focuses on be recruited, and why. Lastly, invitation of participants was done by
brownfield redevelopment as a critical path for regional regeneration identifying actors within the network of collaborators of each partner
through local circular economies. organization, and the strategic extension of these invitations to the
collaborator’s own networks. In Table 3, we present the structure used
4.2.1. Approach to map the participants in all workshops and prototyping activities of
Our team took a nonlinear, design-led approach to understand the the first phase of this project.
redevelopment processes of brownfields. During the first phase of the The integration of data gathered during sense-making activities,
project (November 2017 - May 2018), we applied the innovation lenses including knowledge brokered during prototyping, led us to four at-
across three steps: sense making, reframing, and envisioning, each tributes influencing dynamics at the macro or strategic level that are
using prototyping as a method for exploration (Fig. 4). We prototyped preventing transitions towards local circular economies in brownfield
several interventions, eventually proposing five strategies capable of redevelopment: centralization of power, isolation and fragmentation of
informing alternative pathways for brownfield redevelopment that external investment, limited perception of multiple values in systems, and
would lead towards circular economies. lack of accountability and ownership of redeveloping brownfields by local
Instead of embracing the entire region, we first identified several residents. These attributes provide new references for undertaking sys-
patterns among brownfields in the Calumet Region, focusing on four tems change.
archetypes: vacant residential buildings, abandoned industrial sites,
former landfills, and contaminated natural areas. Each archetype was Step 2: reframing. The second step was dedicated to ‘reframing’
researched as a system in itself, so that dynamics happening across the challenge of brownfields. Focusing on the previously identified
different levels of each archetypical system could also be considered. system attributes at the macro level, we reframed our research
We explored brownfields not just as problems of contaminated and explorations: “How might we ‘decentralize’ governance in neighborhoods?
unproductive land but as sites where multiple systems intersect - such How might we retain external investments to scale existing efforts? How
as housing, environmental protection, public safety, education, mobi- might we generate multiple types of values from blighted sites? How might we
lity, insurance, public health, zoning, among others. In each of these connect local residents to the environment?” While open ended, these
systems, underutilized assets in the regions were identified, and pro- questions reflect some of the fundamental challenges that are
totyping methodologies were used to explore how they could be (re) preventing local circular economies to be established within the
activated to restore local economies considering the circulation of the Calumet region.
previously identified resources. This framing allowed us to question The reframing step was also structured around prototyping

A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

Fig. 4. Phase 1 of the “Future of Brownfields” project involved three steps - sense making, reframing and envisioning utilizing participatory action research and
prototyping. The results of each step refined the prototypes being developed through consultation and co-creation with participants, leading to five strategies.

activities with community leaders and subject matter experts. Unlike in three rounds of prototyping. For each round, different participants were
the first step, participants were involved in generative activities rather invited, and the team iterated and refined the concepts between
than prescriptive ones. Workshops and fieldwork were centered around activities considering previous experiences, suggestions, and critiques.
the four questions, and participants were encouraged to explore new The concepts were always introduced to the participants through
models of engagement and redevelopment practices at the micro level prototypes of artifacts, scenarios, short descriptions, storytelling and
that could respond to the dynamics of the different capitals shaping visualizations, including system dynamics maps with the innovation
brownfields. We identified several properties in the dynamics hap- lenses. By proposing these concepts, we were able to integrate the
pening at the micro level that could potentially inform future strategies different dynamics shaping one archetype into interventions for
for each archetype identified in step one (Fig. 5). We present them as another. This horizontal integration of the archetypes served as a
four actionable properties, that is key features that should be included mechanism for uncovering seemingly unrelated interactions,
in any intervention at the micro-level: self-organizing systems (vacant identifying new opportunities for more holistic strategies that account
residential buildings), values creation (abandoned industrial sites), sym- for the multiple dynamics happening across the region, currently
biotic relations (former landfills), and adaptive growth (contaminated nat- distributed across different archetypes.
ural areas) (Nogueira and Teixeira, 2018a). After the three rounds of prototyping the conceptual platforms, we
Self-organization means recognizing and building on autonomous ran a final co-creation workshop with community leaders and subject
efforts to develop local solutions, such as block clubs, where local re- matter experts so that their knowledge could be integrated into new
sidents work together to improve their surroundings. Symbiotic rela- features of each platform. This exercise captured considerations of
tions refers to collective efforts to use resources (particularly wastes) multi-level efforts currently distributed across different systems, such as
more effectively, such as industrial symbiosis arrangements (Chertow, community building, job creation, new financing models, and policy
2000; Chertow et al., 2008). Values creation refers to a holistic ap- making and implementation into new strategies for CE transitions
proach to defining value by considering interdependencies among local Through the prototypes, participants quickly realized that although
actors, such as the recognition or creation of local market places, in- fundamental, the traditional approach for brownfield redevelopment
cluding informal economic transactions. Lastly, adaptive growth refers was insufficient for regional regeneration towards circular economy.
to a type of growth in which actors gradually become better suited to The application of the innovation lenses enabled them to understand
their environment, for example urban agriculture initiatives are re- several dynamics that were not previously considered, consequently
building a narrative of the connection of communities of color with recognizing the need for new engagement models and new types of
land and food growing, in order to increase economic empowerment in values to be exchanged among stakeholders. Five strategies were pro-
those communities (see Urban Growers Collective). These are not meant posed for valuing multiple resource flows in order to build a circular
to be exhaustive, rather an indication of what’s possible given the un- economy in the region (Nogueira and Teixeira, 2018b):
derutilized assets identified, and the common challenges in brownfields
redevelopment (Fig. 6). 1 Empower science - increasing local leadership capacity in applied
scientific research so that new means for tracking and understanding
interactions between socio-technical and socio-ecological systems Step 3: envisioning. The last step consisted of ‘envisioning’ can inform alternative evidence-based decision-making processes;
strategies for the Calumet region by speculating platforms and 2 Involve residents - incorporating local dynamics of daily lives into
systems’ intervention through which brownfield redevelopment could interventions at any given system, including making ethical choices
lead to circular economies. We started the last step by developing for preventing the displacement of people;
conceptual platforms for intervening in each archetype considering 3 Leverage assets - unlocking the potential of existing initiatives in the
these four properties. We co-created four conceptual platforms through

Table 3
Example of structure to strategize the composition of participants in workshop and prototyping activities.
Individual Institution Add. info.

Name Gender Ethnicity Organization State Sector Role Capital Personal exp.

A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

Fig. 5. Archetypes, attributes and properties that were surfaced through the prototyping activities in the Future of Brownfields project.

region, as well as uncovering underutilized resources that could be current linear practices towards more circular ones because each party
activated for transitioning towards circular economy; will also have a specific interests and a unique understanding about
4 Strengthen local economy - recognizing economic activities and how potential interventions should be designed and implemented.
ambitions of local residents in order for them to directly benefit Without an appropriate toolkit and methods for making sense of the
from and take ownership of new activities; multiple types of flows shaping linear dynamics within complex socio-
5 Build integrated infrastructure - integrating the hard (tangible) and ecological challenges, collaborations might continue to aim at transi-
soft (intangible) dimensions of existing and new infrastructures to tioning towards more circular systems, but remain centered on tradi-
unlock current linear and fragmented practices. tional actions and agendas.
Rather than strictly focusing on natural, financial and manufactured
These strategies were used to inform the second phase of the Future capital, the use of eight capitals as innovation lenses presents a struc-
of Brownfields project (May 2018- August 2018), which focused on ture for making sense of distributed complexity and increasing ambi-
prototyping three concrete interventions that contribute towards local guity considering different types of resources shaping linear dynamics
circular economies (Hodges, 2018). The first, Flag Calumet, was a in a given system. It does so by ‘infrastructuring’ potential collabora-
collectively built modular art installation that also gathered data about tions that recognize the interconnectivity between socio-technical and
environmental conditions to increase local residents understanding of socio-ecological knowledge for the design of innovative CE practices. As
and connection with the local environment. The second, Mini Calumet, a result, the framework enables new questions to be raised, conse-
was a simulation game designed to support local youth to explore al- quently supporting different stakeholders (including researchers) to
ternative governance systems capable of dealing with the socio-ecolo- uncover their own hidden assumptions about how to intervene in linear
gical challenges of the Calumet region. The third, Act Calumet, was a practices, and surfacing unconsidered barriers affecting the circulation
digital platform for civic empowerment that mediates interactions of various types of resources flows. The framework has potential to (1)
among residents to optimize local resources. In its third phase (Sep- amplify participants understanding of the dynamic interactions of
tember 2018- December 2019), the collaboration advanced these multiple types of capital shaping the situation in which they are em-
micro-pilots by iterating and refining the infrastructures prototyped in bedded, (2) expand the opportunities for integrating the socio-technical
phase two, and co-designing alternative models for scaling up im- and the ecological systems into innovative approaches in a CE, and (3)
plementation and impact. provide new possibilities for systemic interventions for transitioning
Fig 6 presents a simplified version of the system dynamics map with towards CE.
the different variables clustered by the strategies proposed in the final As innovation lenses, the eight capitals have much to explore re-
workshop. These variables could be used as indicators of system change garding representations of variables used to manage and measure the
as the region transitions towards CE. different resources in socio-ecological systems. One of the challenges,
for example, is the ambiguity in definitions of what constitutes parti-
5. Conclusions cular classes of capitals, particularly the social, cultural, and political
and their interactions. Moreover, the framework does not provide clear
Transition towards the circular economy requires an expanded paths for intervening in systems, rather suggestions for how to bringi
perception of systems in which individuals and organizations are em- diverse stakeholders and their disparate knowledge and experiences to
bedded and the articulation of new values representative of the diverse inform possible interventions. However, by incorporating considera-
needs of the multiple stakeholders interacting in these systems. Yet, tions of systems thinking and utilizing design methods, including pro-
when different stakeholders come together to collaborate towards in- totyping, new types of values can be recognized through the application
terventions, they bring different experiences, including worldviews and of the framework. For example, a more diverse, local, and inclusive
different types of knowledge about the same system. This increases the group of stakeholders can be integrated into innovation processes for
complexity for creating concrete interventions to transition from transitioning towards the circular economy. Yet, since the use and

A. Nogueira, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 566–576

Fig. 6. Simplified systems dynamics map for new strategies to transition to circular economies in the Calumet region, building on brownfield redevelopment process,
and created through the three steps of the prototyping process.

comprehension of the capitals is context sensitive, the establishment of Acknowledgements

variables to be measured, and system’s properties to be managed varies
from challenge to challenge, and from situation to situation. The authors would like to acknowledge the time and input given by
Aligned with the above reasoning is the notion that transition to- all the participants in this study, as well as the support and seed re-
wards circular economy requires dynamic, alternative approaches to search funding from the Chicago Community of Trust, and from the
systemic interventions. It is unlikely that traditional linear, and frag- project partners.
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