Year 1-Year 6 Assessment Comments Music

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Alongside talking about the different sounds instruments can make, the students are building on their vocabulary

to aid them when they make self and peer reflections after each
performance. Year 2 are building their rhythmic skills. Not only are they asked to keep a steady beat, they are combining rhythms together with the singing and creating their own
rhythms to add to the song. Singing with a more controlled sense of pitch, melody, and tempo highlight their continuous work in music class.

can recognize how sounds are made, organize into family groups and speak about the history of the instrument a bit.
recognizes and demonstrates how different sounds can be made and changed on different percussion instruments.
performs actions, movements and can play on instruments to a steady beat. Growth is evident in their musical learning.
creates and performs a variety of sound sequences based on movements and narratives.
is able to reflect on performances giving positive and constructive criticism in using a musical vocabulary that is age appropriate.
recognizes sounds represented by simple visual images and by audio cues. Focused work is apparent.
responds to music and describes the mood of the song for a variety of different genres and styles.
sings songs and performs to a steady beat alone and with a small group. This shows listening and responding to other students in class.
has fine eye-hand coordination for tuned instruments and has steadily improved throughout the year.
is developing a knowledge for a range of musical cultures and genres through thoughtful references and questions.
is a thinker when it comes to reflecting on self and other’s performances, giving thoughtful constructive criticism.
shows a caring attitude in class for instruments and others when sharing instruments and communicating ideas.
inquires about the lesson by asking questions and/or adding additional comments during reflections and discussions.
is balanced when it comes time to play different instruments, is happy to sing and explore different genres of music through various ways.
is a risk-taker, always keeping an open mind when asked to do new and different things, especially on new instruments.
communicates through body movements, on instruments and through singing when listening to sounds, music and lyrics/poems.
shows strong communication skills verbally but also non-verbally through music playing, and expressing loudly and quietly on the instrument.
reflects on feelings in music by responding to the moods suggested by the instrument or lyrics.
takes care during our reflections as to how we played the song and offers solutions and alternatives to how to play/sing a song.
shows knowledge of musical notation or conductor’s cues when playing in an ensemble.
is principled when it comes to sharing instruments when working in small groups and taking responsibility for learning the songs in class.
communicates with the voice to imitate sounds and translate the mood or feeling of the song. Musical expression is building and is being showcased.
demonstrates knowledge and the ability to question and gain answers through research. More confidence is building in class and through the use of
musical vocabulary.
responds to contrasts in the music with singing and playing on instruments. Musical skills are continuously being built upon.
is a risk-taker when working with different groups/partners in the classroom. No complaints are ever heard with different groupings.

Videos, pictures, lyrics for songs, and extra resources are found in Seesaw in the Music folder.
Enjoy singing, dancing and playing music this summer wherever you find yourself!

could focus on the conductor’s cues when changes happen in the music or when the music starts and ends.
needs to focus on eye-hand coordination, but this skill will get better with more practice.
needs to work on playing with a steady beat. Playing music at home will help to develop this skill.
‘s attention to melodic singing could use more practice. Developing a sense of pitch will continue to develop through the years.
should use a more musical vocabulary words in class reflections. A glossary of words with classroom photos are found on Seesaw.
Critical thinking needs to be applied when reading musical notation, remembering volume, speed, and entrances of the song. This will come with
more practice.
could focus on the dynamics of a piece – the louds and softs of a song by playing a greater contrast between the two in order to express the song
needs to listen to others when playing in order to balance the song. Sometimes it is the singing that is too quiet. Sometimes it is the playing that is too
loud. Sometimes it is the playing of instruments that is too fast.
needs to show more of a caring attitude towards others and on instruments in class.
could pay more attention to the sounds, music and lyrics in order to respond using vocal effects, body movements and on the instrument.
should work towards a more balanced approach for new songs, instruments and suggestions made in class.
needs to be more open-minded when working in partners or small group by being patient and listening to others.
could try a more risk-taking approach to music class with new songs, instruments and group activities. More of an open-minded is seen in class.
could be more reflective when making choices about communicating ideas musically. A glossary of words with classroom photos are found on KICS
needs to be more expressive while singing and playing instruments, communicating ideas non-verbally through music playing through louds and
softs, and speed of song.
could be more reflective after we have finished a practice/showcase/activity using an age appropriate vocabulary.
needs to take more of a principled approach to sharing instruments with other students in class.
When given time to practice the music in class, a more principled approach needs to be taken to stay focused and organized with the work.
could demonstrate more inquiry during class discussions and when we are reflecting after a practice/showcase/performance.
needs to sing with more accuracy, singing the correct words. Music videos are always found in Seesaw.
needs to play the correct notes on an instrument by keeping focused. Notes with lyrics are always posted in Seesaw.
I would recommend downloading any free piano/xylophone/drum/garageband (paid) app to practice at the house.
Music notes and lyrics for the song are always posted on Seesaw.
could explore and create different rhythmic sound patterns on percussion instruments and also on Garageband.
could be more confident with singing and playing music on instruments. This will come with more practice in front of an audience.
needs to be more open-minded when working with different groups/partners in class.
could sing louder and clearer in class when singing as a group. Confidence will grow with practice.
gets distracted by other students and there is a lack of focus when the class breaks into small group work. I would like to see more principled actions.
Listening to as much music as possible will help to improve rhythm, the sense of the beat and melodic singing.

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