Fish Cage Culture

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Winter School on Technological Advances in Mariculture

for Production Enhancement and Sustainability

Grow-out Culture of High Value Finfishes in

Cost-Effective Cages
K. K. Philipose
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi - 18

Capture fisheries is undergoing tremendous changes either due to increased fishing pressure or due to
decrease in the production of certain groups due to fishery dependent or fishery independent factors. In spite of
increasing effort the catch of almost all commercially important fin fishes and shell fishes is on the decline and
results in severe resource depletion and unemployment. Fishermen community solely depending on fishing for
their livelihood is facing an uncertain future. Decline in marine capture fishery also affects the availability of cheap
protein for the masses and also affects the GDP growth of the country. It is estimated that the demand for fish
will increase by 4% in developed countries and by 57% in developing countries. It is in this context cage farming
of fin fishes and shell fishes assume importance as a means to increase fish production. Since cage farming is done
in open waters were wave action and current takes care of the day to day maintenance of the cultured fishes.
Unlike pond cultured fishes the carbon foot print in cage culture is relatively low and therefore more eco friendly.
Cage Culture
Cage farming was originally developed in Asia especially in China almost 200 years ago. Initially net bags
were attached to fixed poles and fishes were reared in these net bags. Later this has developed into a practice
that supports the livelihood of the traditional fishermen. In all the Asian countries cage farming is more of a
livelihood activity than an industrial activity. The primary reason for this is the large number of fishermen
population who are marginalized and poor. Fishermen in many Asian countries are landless people and cage
farming is a boon to them. In many Asian countries fishermen families live in the floating cage farm with their
children and pets. Where as in the western countries cage farming is an industrial activity or a business activity.
Here cages are large managed by advanced equipments for maintenance, feeding, growth monitoring etc. Here
cage farming is done by companies and generates huge profits. The main reason for the development of industrial
cage farming in the west is lack of manpower to engage in cage farming.
There is a distinct difference between livelihood cage farming and industrial cage farming and one should
not get confused between the development models a country like India requires to address the livelihood
issues of poor fishermen. India has 14 million fishermen living along both the West and East coast of India.
These fishermen are a marginalized group who has limited access to the welfare schemes of the government
and solely depends on the declining marine fishery resources in the coastal waters.

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In India Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), initiated research on cage culture in 2007
with the help of the Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries (DADF), Ministry of Agriculture,
Government of India and later by National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), Hyderabad. No country was
willing to share cage technology with us and CMFRI scientists has to start from text book pictures and photographs
collected while on visit. Initially an experimental HDPE cage of 15 meter diameter was made and deployed at
a few selected locations like Visakpatanam, Diu etc. This model failed and again the cage was redesigned with
the help of scientists from IIT Kharagpur and another 15 meter HDPE was designed. This model succeeded the
rough sea conditions off Visakpatanam. Seabass was cultured in this cage and a successful demonstration was
carried out there.
Lot of difficulties was faced in handling this 15 meter cage in the sea. The inner and outer net experienced
heavy fouling and there was no mechanism to change the nets manually. This cage provided 1060 m³ water
volume for farming and even at 50 Kg per M³ it had a production potential of 53 tonne fishes. Considering the
management issues of this cage CMFRI designed a smaller version of this cage having 6 meter diameter. This
cage has 141 M³ water volume and a production potential of about 7 tonne fishes. The cost of the HDPE 15
meter cage frame was about Rs.8 lakhs and that of the 6 meter was about Rs.4 lakhs. The cost of a 6 meter cage
including one outer net, 3 grow out net and one bird net and the mooring cost, cost 5000 fish seed and cost of
feed etc is about Rs.10 lakhs. This is a huge investment for an average fisherman and even with 50% subsidies
no fishermen will be willing to take cage farming as a livelihood activity or as a business activity. The risk was too
much, which can even wipe out his family.
Under such a circumstance promoting cage farming among fishermen was not a viable proposition. While
interacting with the fisherman they expressed their desire to have cage costing less then Rs. 1,00,000/- and
lasting at least for 5 years to make it sustainable and economical in the long run. It was with their interest in
mind the Karwar Research Centre has looked for alternatives for HDPE cages for promoting Cage Culture in
the coastal waters and developed this fifth generation cage. Cage design and mooring technology underwent
refinement through the dedicated and committed efforts of the scientists of CMFRI. Efforts were continuously
made to reduce the cost of the cage and mooring systems so as to make it affordable for the fisherman and also
to help them to take it up as a lively hood alternative.
Considering the effect of climate change on the fisheries resources and to kitigate its effect it was decided
that under NICRA an initiative will be made to design a cage to meet the requirement of the fishermen farmers
to take up open sea cage farming as a livelihood alternative. The low cost cage developed at Karwar is made of
good quality 1.5" GI pipe (B class). The design details of the cage are given in fig-(1) and Fig-(2). The diameter
of the cage was 6 meter and the height was 120 cm from Base to the railings. Fig (3). All the joints are double
welded for ensuring extra strength. Fig (4). After fabrication the structure was provided with single coat epoxy
primer and double coat epoxy grey paint to prevent rusting. The total weight of the cage is about 300 kg only.
Puff or foam field HDPE cage is buoyant enough to float in the water however, metal cage needs additional
floatation. Eight fiber barrels of 200 lit. Capacity filed with 30 lb air was used for floating the cage. One of the
cap of the barrel is fitted with a valve tube for inflating with air and both the caps are then sealed with M’Seal to

Winter School on Technological Advances in Mariculture
for Production Enhancement and Sustainability

prevent air leakage. The cage when floated on inflated barrels provides a stable platform around the cage
where fisherman can stand and safely attend work like net cleaning, net exchange etc. Fig. (5).
Advantage of the low cost cage
The HDPE cages floats on water surface hence the outer net is always in the water level and predatory
fishes enters into the area in between outer and inner net. In the case of low cost cage the outer net is 60cm
above water level and provides no chance for predatory fishes to enter in the middle space.
HDPE cage sinks if more than three person climb on the side frame where as the low cost cage can take
the weight of as many as 20-25 persons on the platform safely. The cost of 1HDPE cage including netting,
mooring etc, together costs about Rs. 5,50,000, whereas the low cost cage including netting, mooring all
together cost only Rs. 1,00,000. The HDPE cage may take a minimum 4 to 5 Crops to recover the input cost
whereas low cost cage can recover the investment in a single crop itself. The diameter of the HDPE cage and
low cost cage is 6 meters and Depth of the net also is 6 meters. Hence area wise both the cage gives the same
Unlike HDPE cage wind action is more on metal cage as it is floated on barrels. Hence it will be difficult to
float in open sea condition from June to August unless Heavy duty mooring is provided. Except for this the
metal cage performance is far superior to HDPE cage. For fabrication of HDPE cage costly parts and specially
trained persons are required. Hence fabrication charges are very high. Whereas for GI cage once the design is
provided any small scale workshop can make it. HDPE cage once abandoned is an environmental hazard
whereas GI cages once abandoned can be recycled.
Open Sea Cage Culture in India is promoted by the government of India in a big way to increase fish
production from coastal waters and to provide livelihood option to the fishermen. In this context CMFRI’s
initiative to reduce the cost of the cage to make it affordable to the common fishermen, will go a long way in
resource and employment generation.
Dismantling type Cages
GI cages reduce the cost of the cage by almost one fifth of the HDPE cage and increase the profitability of
the operation. The whole concept of developing the low cost cage was to reduce the input cost and increase
the profitability. The earlier GI cages were designed as fused cages where all the joints are welded. In such
cages transportation of the cage was a problem and once the cage is welded it cannot be transported from one
place to another by road. Another issue was that for the final welding of the cage power was not available at
many places and hiring generator works out very costly. Another issue was that the water volume available
inside the cage decides the number of fishes that we can grow in that a six meter dia cage gives 141 m³ water
for rearing so providing more cultivable area in a single cage is very important. Another important observation
was that all other expenses like mooring materials, floatation materials etc remain more or less same. Considering
all this an attempt was made first to make the cage a dismantling type without affecting its strength.
Initially a 6 meter cage was designed and fabricated as dismantling type and tested it for strength,
transportation efficiency and cost difference. When we found the design strong as a next step we designed a 10
meter circular dismantling type GI cage and later a 12 meter circular dismantling type GI cage. The water

Course Manual

volume of the 10 meter cage is 392 m³ and that of the 12 meter cage 565 m³. This innovation has increased the
cage volume by 4 times and the production per cage to 21.6 tonnes (Table-2). Another advantage is that cages
can be fabricated in small scale industries units where they get subsidized power and transport it anywhere by
road. Similarly after the harvest the cage can be dismantled, serviced and stored in a shed and used again for the
next farming when climate is favourable. 6 meter cage can be managed by 6 persons where as for the 12 meter
cage 10 persons are required. In short having one 12 meter cage is like having 4 cages of 6 meter diameter. So
this path breaking design is going to make cage farming very profitable.
Cage Cost
Sl.No Material Cost-6 meter cage Cost-10 meter cage Cost-12 meter cage
1 GI Pipe 18900 37400 45900
2 Welding Charges 10000 20000 24500
5 Epoxy Paint 1600 2600 3600
6 Labour charges 1000 1500 2500
7 Floatation 7500 12000 13500
8 HDPE Rope 1000 1500 2000
Total 40,000 75000 92000

Table-1.Cost estimates of the GI Cages

Cage Production (Sea bass)
Sl.No Details Cost-6 meter cage Cost-10 meter cage Cost-12 meter cage
1 Cultivable Water 141 m³ 392 m³ 565 m³
Volume (M³)
2 Stocking Density 5000 15000 20000
3 Sea Bass
Production capacity in
Kg. (60% survival rate
and average weight 5400 16200 21600
1.8 Kg weight after 8
months grow out
(October – May)
4 Gross Revenue
(Without deducing
expenses) assuming that Rs.13,50,000 Rs.40,50,000 Rs.54,00,000
Sea bass fetches an
average price of

Table - 2. Production Capacity of GI cages

Cage frame is only a structure to hold the cage net safely throughout the culture operation in the sea. Since
the cost of the cage nets mooring etc are same for any type of cages it is advantageous to go for a cost effective
structure so that the input cost for the farming greatly decreases and profitability of the cage farming increases.GI
cages are being used in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu effectively. Low cost GI
cages are playing a major role in popularizing open sea cage farming among the farmers and fishermen along
the Indian coast catalyzing the growth of the blue revolution in the country.

Winter School on Technological Advances in Mariculture
for Production Enhancement and Sustainability

Cage culture in open seas requires a fish variety with the basic characters like, suitability for marketing,
commercial importance, consumer accepted fish, easy to culture, adaptability to the cage environment,
acceptance to artificial diets, faster growth rate and resistant to common diseases.
A variety of commercially important marine fishes including, Cobia (Rachycentron canadum), Seabass (Lates
calcarifer), Snappers (Lutjanus sp.), Carangids (Trachinotus sp.) and Groupers (Epinephelus sp.) and lobsters are
highly suitable for cage farming. Commercial level seed production technology for majority of these fishes has
been developed in many of the South East Asian countries.
Cage culture of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum)
Cobia has gained popularity as a good species for mariculture due to its rapid growth and white meat of
versatile use. It is considered as one of the most promising candidates for warm-water marine fish aquaculture
in the world. Being the only member of the family Rachycentridae, it is found in the warm, temperate to
tropical waters of the West and East Atlantic, throughout the Caribbean and in the Indo-Pacific off India, Australia
and Japan. To date, research and development of cobia aquaculture has been initiated in over 23 countries and
territories, half of them in the Asian-Pacific region. Statistics of FAO (2009) show that the global aquaculture
production of cobia has been increasing rapidly from only 9 tonnes in 1997 to nearly 30,000 tonnes in 2007.
Since late 1990, cobia aquaculture production has been steadily expanding in Asia, primarily in Taiwan, Vietnam
and China, but also in other Southeast and Indo-Pacific Asian countries including the Philippines, Indonesia, Iran
and Reunion Island. Although cobia production is expanding rapidly, combined production of Asian countries is
still rather lower.
Cobia farming techniques developed by CMFRI
India is late starter in cobia research. Seed production of cobia was achieved for first time in India by the
Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI). Later the farming protocols
in the High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) cages and Galvanized Iron (GI) cages with different feeding strategies
were developed tested and validated at Karwar Research Centre of CMFRI and Mandapam RC of CMFRI. After
repeated farming experiments an economically viable farming methods has been evolved.
The basic protocols followed for cage culture of cobia in different phases are narrated as below:-
Nursery rearing
The nursery rearing has to be carried out in specially designed sea cages or indoor tanks. At Karwar FRP
tanks of 2.5 M x1.5M x 1.2M size with central drain facility was used for nursery rearing. Each tank was of 4.5
tonne capacity with 4 tonne water storage limits. Fingerlings of 6 cm size, packed in polythene bags of 10 litre
capacity stocked with 125 gm to 150 gm of seed was transported from Mandapam Regional centre by road to
Karwar. On arrival these seeds were acclimatized to the tank water temperature. Later 1000 seeds were
stocked in each tank. The fingerlings were fed @ 5% total biomass of fish with imported weaning feed having
58% protein, 12% fat and 4% fibre. Feeding was done thrice a day followed by 100% water exchange.
Grading was done every 10 days using a mechanical grader. Growth was monitored on every 5th day.
Once the seeds reached 15 cm sizes, the seeds were transported to the cage in oxygenated syntex tanks
and stocked in cages. The stocking density in the grow out cages has to be maintained at 3.0-5.0 kg/m3 or 750

Course Manual

nos of juvenile cobia per cage. The juveniles can be fed @ 5% total biomass of fish with chopped low-value
fishes (sardine, lesser sardine, rainbow sardine, etc.) twice daily. Net cages have to be changed based on the
subjective assessment of fouling of the net in order to have sufficient water exchange. Random sampling has to
be carried out at monthly intervals with the sample size of 30 nos. per cage. The entire grow-out culture can be
carried out for a period of 6- 7 months.
The juveniles would reach an average weight of 1.0 kg in 4 months and 2.5 – 3.0 kg in 6- 7 months of grow-
out culture in sea cages. The grow-out fishes would reach an average weight of 7.0 kg with a maximum weight
of 8.0 kg within the culture period of one year which is almost 100 times the growth of the initial weight.
The unit cost estimate, performance of production and economics of operation gained through the farming
trials and participatory demonstration were worked out and given below:-
Sl.No Head of expense Cost in Rs.
Capital Expenditure
Cage and Net
1 Cage ( 6 meter dia) made of ‘C‘ class GI Pipe of 1.5 inch dia) 50,000.00
2 Mooring 15,000.00
3 Nets ( 2 Inner net and one outer net with ballast pipe) 60,000.00
Sub Total 1,25,000.00
Operational Expenditure*
1 Cost of 750 Numbers of cobia seeds @ Rs 10/seed 7,500.00
2 Transportation 5,000.00
3 Cost of 12.82 tonnes of low value fishes @ Rs.25,000/tonne 3,20,500.00
4 Labour Charges @ Rs.1000/ Person for 7 months for 2 persons 14,000.00
5 Boat Hire & Fuel Charges 10,000.00
6 Harvesting Charges 5,000.00
7 Miscellaneous Expenses 10,000.00
Sub Total 3,72,000.00
Grand Total of Capital & Operational expenditure 4,97,000.00
Item No. 4 & 5 worked out based on the average expenditure/month for a cluster of 10 cages
Sl. No Production Estimates
1 Survival 95% = 712 fishes
2 Feed Conversion Ratio = 1 : 6
3 Average size of each fish at the time of harvest =3kg
4 Total harvest = 2.136 tonnes/cage
5 Sale price of the produce @ Rs.280/kg = Rs. 5,98,080/-
Gross Income from the harvest = Rs. 5,98,080/-

Winter School on Technological Advances in Mariculture
for Production Enhancement and Sustainability

Sl. No Economics
1 Gross income from Harvest = Rs. 5,98,080/-
2 Operational expenditure = Rs. 3,72,000/-
3 Gross income – Operational expenses = Rs. 2,26,080/-
Net Profit = Rs. 2,26,080/-
4 Partial repayment of the capital expenditure = Rs. 25,000/year(Capital cost Rs. 1,25,000 –
Subsidy Rs. 50,000 = Rs. 75,000)Repayment of capital @ Rs. 25,000/year x 3 years
5 Interest on the total project cost @ 11% = Rs. 52,800/-
6 Part of Capital + interest = Rs. 25,000 + 52,800 = Rs. 77,800/-
7 Rs. 2,26,080 – 77,800 = 1,48,280/-
Net profit (after repayment of interest & part of capital expenditure) = Rs. 1,48,280/-

The results obtained at Karwar shows that from a 6 meter diameter cage fishermen can obtain a net
revenue of Rs.2,00,000 from a 6 month crop after meeting all expenses. Since open waters is common to all in
order to avoid unnecessary controversies farming involving the fishermen community is promoted and each
group having 10 members is encouraged to go for 5 cages. This will give a handsome profit of Rs.10,00,000 in
6 months. This makes cage culture attractive and profitable.

Cage farming of Asian Sea bass (Lates calcarifer)


Sea bass Seed for the cage culture operations were sourced from RGCA, Sirkali. The seeds were transported
by road from Sirkali to Karwar. The size of the seeds varied from 5 cm to 7cm and was nursery reared in CMFRI
nursery systems till they reached a size of 15 cm size and 20 to 25 gm in weight. Nursery rearing of sea bass
helped to reduce mortality due to cannibalism in cages.

Nursery rearing technology

The average size of the seeds was 6.2 cm and the weight was 2.8 gm. The seeds were directly taken to the
nursery for nursery rearing. FRP tanks of 4 tonne capacity with central drain were utilized for nursery rearing.
Seeds were stocked in tanks after adjusting the temperature of the covers. Seeds were given a fresh water dip
before introducing into the tanks in order to kill any external pathogens.


Feeding was done with 0.8 mm pellet feed of 58% protein and 15% fat @ 5% body weight. Later the pellet
size was increased to 1.2mm after 10 days and 1.8 mm after 20 days. Feed was given every day at 07.00 hrs,
12.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs. Feed was slowly dispensed taking almost 45 minutes per tank. Since the seeds do not
take feed once it reached the tank bottom care was taken to see that all the seeds get feed in the column itself.


Intense aeration with one air stone at every square feet of the tank area was given in the nursery tanks in
order to meet the high oxygen demand inside the tank.

Course Manual

Hygiene in the nursery area is very important. All the equipments are washed before and after use. Dip pits
with sterilized water was provided at the entrance for washing the feet of workers before entering the nursery
Siphoning out the waste feed and fecal matter immediately after every feeding
Water Exchange
Water exchange is done with sand filtered and sterilized sea water. Since Screeting feed contains 11% fat,
water quality gets deteriorated fast with unfed feed and fecal matter. In order to maintain water quality 70%
water together with unfed food and fecal matter was siphoned out immediately after feeding. Water exchange
was done at 08.00 hrs, 14.00 hrs and 18.00 hrs every day.
Grading of the seeds to segregate shooters is meticulously carried out using a mechanical grader. Seeds
were graded into four groups after ten day intervals.
Growth monitoring
10 individuals were collected from each group, narcotized with Aquis, length and weight taken and then in
a separate container for 15 minutes. When they regain consciousness they are released into the respective
tanks. The growth rate in the first 10 day was 3 cm i.e. 3 mm/ day. However the growth reduced to 2 cm/ day
in the next 10 day as the required feed in the desired size was not available. Efforts are being made to source
the required feed urgently. Although we have purchased 10100 seeds from RGCA we have lost 70 seeds in
transportation due to the breakage of one bag. No mortality had occurred so far in the nursery system
Growth parameters
The following growth parameters were enumerated as per previous methods (Salama and Al-Harbi, 2007).
a. Average Daily Growth Rate (ADGR) was computed using the formula: ADGR (g/day) = W2-W1/d, where:
W2 is the mean weight of the fish in the following sampling, W1 is the mean weight of the fish in the first or
previous sampling and ‘d’ is number of days between samplings.
b. Specific Growth Rate (SGR) which is the growth of fish in percent per day was computed using the formula:
SGR = lnW2-lnW1/d X 100, where: lnW2 is the natural logarithm of the mean weight of the fish in the
following sampling and lnW1 is the natural logarithm of the mean weight of the fish in the first or previous
c. Survival Rate (SR) was computed based on the following formula: SR (%) = N2/N1 X 100, where: N2 is the
remaining number of fish and N1 is the initial number of fish.
d. Biomass was computed by multiplying the mean weight by the number of remaining fish.
e. Biomass Increase (BI) is the difference in the biomass in kilogram between sampling.
f. Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) was computed using the formula: FCR = TFC/BI, where: TFC is the total
amount of feed (Kg) consumed and BI is the biomass increase.

Winter School on Technological Advances in Mariculture
for Production Enhancement and Sustainability

g. Protein Efficiency Ratio was computed using the formula: PER = BI/TPC, where: TPC is the total amount
of protein consumed.

Important observations

Nursery rearing is the most critical part of open sea cage culture. Seeds should be fed with high protein
diet to get faster growth in the initial days so that stunted growth will not be there in the batch. Feed is the most
critical part of the nursery rearing. Feed which remains in the column for longer period or slow sinking feed
with a minimum 45% protein is required for sea bass nursery rearing. Water quality management is also very
important. Water from the nursery tanks must be removed immediately after feeding at least by 50%.Feeding
at regular intervals at pre determined time ensures better feeding. Intense aeration is required in the nursery
tanks with air stones at least one per every square feet area for better oxygen levels and better oxidation of the
waste materials.


Once the seeds reached 15 cm sizes with 30 gm weight, the seeds were transported to the cage in
oxygenated Syntex tanks and stocked in cages. The stocking density in the grow out cages has to be maintained
at 21 fishes/m3 or 3000 nos of juvenile sea bass per cage. During 2010-11 a stocking density of 5000 per cage
was tried, however the average growth of the fishes showed a decline. Feeding with the right feed at regular
intervals is important to ensure faster growth and also to prevent cannibalism. Seeds were weaned from the
pelleted feed used in the hatchery to chopped and minced oil sardine meat slowly. Feeding was done
approximately at 5% body weight initially in the first month and then with chopped oil sardines at 10 % body
weight subsequently. Feeding was done twice a day i.e at 1000 AM 0300 PM Demand feeding method was
followed to avoid wastage of the feed. Net cages have to be changed based on the subjective assessment of
fouling of the net in order to have sufficient water exchange. Random sampling has to be carried out at monthly
intervals with the sample size of 30 nos. per cage. The entire grow-out culture can be carried out for a period
of 6- 7 months.

Growth monitoring

Growth of the fishes was monitored weekly by observing their length and weight. Feed was regulated as
per the growth in each cage. Fishes collected from the cage was carefully weighed by placing them in a bolting
silk bag and using a field electronic balance. Length was monitored by using a half meter measuring board.

Growth parameters

The following growth parameters were enumerated as per previous methods (Salama and Al-Harbi, 2007).

a. Average Daily Growth Rate (ADGR) was computed using the formula: ADGR (g/day) = W2-W1/d, where:
W2 is the mean weight of the fish in the following sampling, W1 is the mean weight of the fish in the first or
previous sampling and ‘d’ is number of days between samplings.

b. Specific Growth Rate (SGR) which is the growth of fish in percent per day was computed using the formula:
SGR = lnW2-lnW1/d X 100, where: lnW2 is the natural logarithm of the mean weight of the fish in the
following sampling and lnW1 is the natural logarithm of the mean weight of the fish in the first or previous

Course Manual

c. Survival Rate (SR) was computed based on the following formula: SR (%) = N2/N1 X 100, where: N2 is the
remaining number of fish and N1 is the initial number of fish.
d. Biomass was computed by multiplying the mean weight by the number of remaining
e. Biomass Increase (BI) is the difference in the biomass in kilogram between sampling.
f. Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) was computed using the formula: FCR = TFC/BI,
Where: TFC is the total amount of feed (Kg) consumed and BI is the biomass increase.
g. Protein Efficiency Ratio was computed using the formula: PER = BI/TPC, where:
TPC is the total amount of protein consumed to attain a marketable weight of 1.5 Kg.
Economics of cage farming: Economics of cage farming of one GI cage of 6 m diameter with stocking of
2500 juveniles of Asian seabass is given below.
Sl.No Details of costs and returns Amount (‘)
1 Initial investment for a 6 m diameter cage (Including
nets, Barrels, Ballast and Mooring) 150000
2 Fixed cost (for crop duration of five months)
a) Depreciation 30000
b) Insurance (2% on investment) -
c) Interest on fixed capital (12%) 18000
d) Administrative expenses 4000
3 Total fixed cost (A) 52000
4 Operating cost (B)
a) Cost of seed (2500 nos.) 40000
b) Cost of feed 112500
c) Labour charges including cost of feeding 60000
d) Interest on working capital (6%) 9120
5 Total operating cost (B) 221620
6 Total cost of production ( 6 months) (A+B) 273620
7 Yield of sea bass (Kg) 1875
8 Gross revenue from 1875 Kg (60% Survival, average
weight-1.250 Kg@ Rs. 250/Kg) 562500
9 Net income (5)-(6) 288880
10 Cost of production (Rs /kg-) (6)/(7) 146
11 Price realized (Rs/Kg) (8)/(7) 300
12 Capital Productivity (Operating ratio;(5)/(8)) 0.39

Monitoring the environment

Environmental characters like salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and nutrients in the farm site were
regularly monitored to understand the best environmental conditions for optimum growth. It was observed
that at Karwar best growth is obtained for sea bass from November to April.

Winter School on Technological Advances in Mariculture
for Production Enhancement and Sustainability

The scale of environmental impact would depend on the amount of waste generated by the sea cages,
which is decided by the stocking density, quantity and type of feed, feed composition, size of pellets and the
hydrographic conditions where cages are located. During the present study, stocking density of sea bass is 3000
nos/cage during 2009-10, whereas, the stocking density was 5000 nos/cage during the period 2010-11. The
higher stocking density and fluctuations in the salinity and dissolved oxygen levels might be the reason for the
decrease of the average weight of fish after 7 months of culture period during 2010-11. Hence, regular monitoring
and management of water quality, feed quality, stocking density and survival rate is the need of the day in
marine cage farms in ensuring maximum growth and production of healthy fish.
Net Exchange
Periodic exchange of the inner net of the cage ensures less fouling on the net and better water exchange.
Inner net was exchanged every month. Initially net with 14 mm mesh was used followed by 24 mm and 36 mm
mesh size. Net exchange technology was simplified to enable the fisherman to do it effortlessly. While exchanging,
the new net with ballast pipe is slipped under the old inner net and lifted up. The old inner net is slowly lifted up
with the fishes and when the net reaches the surface the middle portion in the bottom of the old net is cut open
and the fishes are allowed to move down into the new net.
Harvesting was done as per the market demand normally in the evening. Harvested fishes are brought
ashore and packed in crushed ice in plastic boxes. 40 Kg fish was packed in each box. Fish was sent to Goa
market and is sold in the next day morning.
The production potential of one cage in a year is about 5 tonne quality fishes thus it is very clear that the
technology developed at Karwar is fishermen friendly and can contribute to the economic growth of the country.
The coast line of Karnataka, Goa and South Maharashtra extending almost 750 KM in length has a number of
protected bays and calm water bodies highly suitable for open sea cage culture. It is estimated that about 2000
cages can be deployed in these areas and a modest production of 25,000 tonne high quality fishes from these
cages is possible initially and when fully developed can produce 100,000 tonnes. Once cage culture potential in
the coastal waters is fully utilized open sea cage culture involving big industrial houses can be promoted. Big
cages of 50 meter diameter or more producing upto 500 tonne fish per cage are possible from these cages and
a production of 200,000 tonnes from these cages is possible. The work carried out and demonstrated at
Karwar gives confidence to the fishermen and institutions to take up cage culture in a big way.
Further Reading
Philipose, K K., Loka Jayasree, Sharma, S. R.Krupesha and Damodaran, Divu., eds. 2012. Handbook on Open sea Cage Culture. Central
Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Karwar.pp.131.
FAO: Regional sea farming project. RAS/86/024. Training Manual on Marine Finfish Net cage Culture in Singapore.


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