Republic v. Manalo (2018)

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Republic of the Philippines order that it would not appear anymore that petitioner is still married
SUPREME COURT to the said Japanese national who is no longer her husband or is no
Manila longer married to her; furthermore, in the event that petitioner decides
to be remarried, she shall not be bothered and disturbed by said entry
EN BANC of marriage.

G.R. No. 221029 April 24, 2018 This petition is filed principally for the purpose of causing the
cancellation of entry of the marriage between the respondent and the
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner, said Japanese national, pursuant to Rule 108 of the Revised Rules of
v. Court, which marriage was already dissolved by virtue of the
MARELYN TANEDO MANALO, Respondent. aforesaid divorce decree.


FACTS On October 15, 2012, the trial court denied the petition for lack of
merit. In ruling that the divorce obtained by Manalo in Japan should
On January 10, 2012, respondent Marelyn Tanedo Manalo (Manalo) not be recognized, it opined that, based on Article 15 of the New Civil
filed a petition for cancellation of entry of marriage in the Civil Code, the Philippine law "does not afford Filipinos the right to file for
Registry of San Juan, Metro Manila, by virtue of a judgment of divorce a divorce, whether they are in the country or living abroad, if they are
rendered by a Japanese court. married to Filipinos or to foreigners, or if they celebrated their
marriage in the Philippines or in another country".
Respondent Marelyn Tanedo Manalo (Manalo) is previously married
in the Philippines to a Japanese national named YOSHINO MINORO CA Ruling
as shown by their Marriage Contract. Recently, a case for divorce was
filed by herein respondent in Japan and after due proceedings, a On appeal, the CA overturned the RTC decision. It held that Article 26
divorce decree dated December 6, 2011 was rendered by the Japanese of the Family Code of the Philippines (Family Code) is applicable even
Court. By virtue of the said divorce decree, respondent and her if it was Manalo who filed for divorce against her Japanese husband
divorced Japanese husband are no longer living together and in fact, because the decree they obtained makes the latter no longer married to
petitioner and her daughter are living separately from said Japanese the former, capacitating him to remarry.
former husband.
ISSUE: Whether or not a divorce decree initiated by a Filipino,
There is an imperative need to have the entry of marriage in the Civil lawfully married to a foreigner, may be recognized in the
Registry of San Juan, Metro Manila cancelled, where the petitioner and Philippines.
the former Japanese husband's marriage was previously registered, in
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SC RULING. YES. valid in this country, except those prohibited under Articles
35(1), (4), (5) and (6), 36, 37 and 38.
Divorce, the legal dissolution of a lawful union for a cause arising after
marriage, are of two types: (1) absolute divorce or a vinculo matrimonii, Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner
which terminates the marriage, and (2) limited divorce or a mensa et is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly
thoro, which suspends it and leaves the bond in full force. In this obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her
jurisdiction, the following rules exist: to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall likewise have capacity
to remarry under Philippine law.
1. Philippine law does not provide for absolute divorce; hence, our
courts cannot grant it. Paragraph 2 of Article 26 confers jurisdiction on Philippine courts to
extend the effect of a foreign divorce decree to a Filipino spouse
2. Consistent with Articles 1511 and 1712 of the New Civil Code, the without undergoing trial to determine the validity of the dissolution of
marital bond between two Filipinos cannot be dissolved even by an the marriage. It authorizes our courts to adopt the effects of a foreign
absolute divorce obtained abroad. divorce decree precisely because the Philippines does not allow
divorce. Philippine courts cannot try the case on the merits because it
3. An absolute divorce obtained abroad by a couple, who are both is tantamount to trying a divorce case.
aliens, may be recognized in the Philippines, provided it is consistent
with their respective national laws. Under the principles of comity, our jurisdiction recognizes a valid
divorce obtained by a spouse of foreign nationality, but the legal
4. In mixed marriages involving a Filipino and a foreigner, the former effects thereof, e.g., on custody, care and support of the children or
is allowed to contract a subsequent marriage in case the absolute property relations of the spouses, must still be determined by our
divorce is validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him courts.
or her to remarry.
According to Judge Alicia Sempio-Diy, a member of the Committee,
On July 6, 1987, then President Corazon C. Aquino signed into law the idea of the amendment is to avoid the absurd situation of a Filipino
Executive Order (E.O.) No. 209, otherwise known as The Family Code as still being married to his or her alien spouse, although the latter is
of the Philippines, which took effect on August 3, 1988. Shortly no longer married to the former because he or she had obtained a
thereafter, E.O. No. 227 was issued on July 17, 1987. Aside from divorce abroad that is recognized by his or her national law. The aim
amending Articles 36 and 39 of the Family Code, a second paragraph was that it would solve the problem of many Filipino women who,
was added to Article 26. As modified, Article 26 now states: under the New Civil Code, are still considered married to their alien
husbands even after the latter have already validly divorced them
Art. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, under their (the husbands') national laws and perhaps have already
in accordance with the laws in force in the country where married again.
they were solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be
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If we are to give meaning to the legislative intent to avoid the absurd Indeed, there is no longer a mutual obligation to live together and
situation where the Filipino spouse remains married to the alien observe fidelity. When the marriage tie is severed and ceased to exist,
spouse who, after obtaining a divorce is no longer married to the the civil status and the domestic relation of the former spouses change
Filipino spouse, then the instant case must be deemed as coming as both of them are freed from the marital bond.
within the contemplation of Paragraph 2 of Article 26.
Petitioner Contends
In view of the foregoing, we state the twin elements for the application
of Paragraph 2 of Article 26 as follows: The dissent is of the view that, under the nationality principle,
Manalo's personal status is subject to Philippine law, which prohibits
1. There is a valid marriage that has been celebrated between a absolute divorce. Hence, the divorce decree which she obtained under
Filipino citizen and a foreigner; and Japanese law cannot be given effect, as she is, without dispute, a
national not of Japan, but of the Philippines. It is said that a contrary
2. A valid divorce is obtained abroad by the alien spouse ruling will subvert not only the intention of the framers of the law, but
capacitating him or her to remarry. also that of the Filipino people, as expressed in the Constitution. The
Court is, therefore, bound to respect the prohibition until the
The reckoning point is not the citizenship of the parties at the time of legislature deems it fit to lift the same.
the celebration of the marriage, but their citizenship at the time a valid
divorce is obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating the latter to ISSUE: Whether or not recognizing a divorce proceeding initiated by
remarry. a Filipino and granted by a foreign court violates the Nationality
Both Dacasin v. Dacasin and Van Dorn already recognized a foreign
divorce decree that was initiated and obtained by the Filipino spouse SC RULING. NO.
and extended its legal effects on the issues of child custody and
property relation, respectively. In addition, the fact that a validly Paragraph 2 of Article 26 speaks of "a divorce x x x validly obtained
obtained foreign divorce initiated by the Filipino spouse can be abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry. " Based
recognized and given legal effects in the Philippines is implied from on a clear and plain reading of the provision, it only requires that there
Our rulings in Fujiki v. Marinay, et al. and Medina v. Koike. be a divorce validly obtained abroad. The letter of the law does not
demand that the alien spouse should be the one who initiated the
There is no compelling reason to deviate from the above-mentioned proceeding wherein the divorce decree was granted. It does not
rulings. When this Court recognized a foreign divorce decree that was distinguish whether the Filipino spouse is the petitioner or the
initiated and obtained by the Filipino spouse and extended its legal respondent in the foreign divorce proceeding.
effects on the issues of child custody and property relation, it should
not stop short in likewise acknowledging that one of the usual and The Court is bound by the words of the statute; neither can We put
necessary consequences of absolute divorce is the right to remarry. words in the mouths of the lawmakers. "The legislature is presumed to
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know the meaning of the words, to have used words advisedly, and to capacitating his or her alien spouse to remarry will have the same
have expressed its intent by the use of such words as are found in the result: the Filipino spouse will effectively be without a husband or
statute. Verba legis non est recedendum, or from the words of a statute wife. A Filipino who initiated a foreign divorce proceeding is in the
there should be no departure." same place and in "like circumstance as a Filipino who is at the
receiving end of an alien initiated proceeding. Therefore, the subject
Assuming, for the sake of argument, that the word "obtained" should provision should not make a distinction. In both instance, it is
be interpreted to mean that the divorce proceeding must be actually extended as a means to recognize the residual effect of the foreign
initiated by the alien spouse, still, the Court will not follow the letter of divorce decree on Filipinos whose marital ties to their alien spouses
the statute when to do so would depart from the true intent of the are severed by operation of the latter's national law.
legislature or would otherwise yield conclusions inconsistent with the
general purpose of the act. Laws have ends to achieve, and statutes Conveniently invoking the nationality principle is erroneous. Such
should be so construed as not to defeat but to carry out such ends and principle, found under Article 15 of the Civil Code, is not an absolute
purposes. As held in League of Cities of the Phils., et al. v. COMELEC, and unbending rule. In fact, the mere existence of Paragraph 2 of
et al.:41 Article 26 is a testament that the State may provide for an exception
thereto. Moreover, blind adherence to the nationality principle must be
The legislative intent is not at all times accurately reflected disallowed if it would cause unjust discrimination and oppression to
in the manner in which the resulting law is couched. Thus, certain classes of individuals whose rights are equally protected by
applying a verba legis or strictly literal interpretation of a law. The courts have the duty to enforce the laws of divorce as written
statute may render it meaningless and lead to by the Legislature only if they are constitutional.
inconvenience, an absurd situation or injustice. To obviate
this aberration, and bearing in mind the principle that the Violation of the Equal Protection Clause
intent or the spirit of the law is the law itself, resort should
be to the rule that the spirit of the law controls its letter. While the Congress is allowed a wide leeway in providing for a valid
classification and that its decision is accorded recognition and respect
To reiterate, the purpose of Paragraph 2 of Article 26 is to avoid the by the courts of justice, such classification may be subjected to judicial
absurd situation where the Filipino spouse remains married to the review. The deference stops where the classification violates a
alien spouse who, after a foreign divorce decree that is effective in the fundamental right, or prejudices persons accorded special protection
country where it was rendered, is no longer married to the Filipino by the Constitution. When these violations arise, this Court must
spouse. The provision is a corrective measure to address an anomaly discharge its primary role as the vanguard of constitutional guaranties,
where the Filipino spouse is tied to the marriage while the foreign and require a stricter and more exacting adherence to constitutional
spouse is free to marry under the laws of his or her country. limitations.

Whether the Filipino spouse initiated the foreign divorce proceeding "Fundamental rights" whose infringement leads to strict scrutiny
or not, a favorable decree dissolving the marriage bond and under the equal protection clause are those basic liberties explicitly or
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implicitly guaranteed in the Constitution. It includes the right of Further, the differentiation in Paragraph 2 of Article 26 is arbitrary.
procreation, the right to marry, the right to exercise free speech, There is inequality in treatment because a foreign divorce decree that
political expression, press, assembly, and so forth, the right to travel, was initiated and obtained by a Filipino citizen against his or her alien
and the right to vote. spouse would not be recognized even if based on grounds similar to
Articles 35, 36, 37 and 38 of the Family Code. In filing for divorce based
Although the Family Code was not enacted by the Congress, the same on these grounds, the Filipino spouse cannot be accused of invoking
principle applies with respect to the acts of the President, which have foreign law at whim, tantamount to insisting that he or she should be
the force and effect of law unless declared otherwise by the court. In governed with whatever law he or she chooses.
this case, We find that Paragraph 2 of Article 26 violates one of the
essential requisites of the equal protection clause. Particularly, the A prohibitive view of Paragraph 2 of Article 26 would do more harm
limitation of the provision only to a foreign divorce decree initiated by than good. If We disallow a Filipino citizen who initiated and obtained
the alien spouse is unreasonable as it is based on superficial, arbitrary, a foreign divorce from the coverage of Paragraph 2 of Article 26 and
and whimsical classification. still require him or her to first avail of the existing "mechanisms" under
the Family Code, any subsequent relationship that he or she would
A Filipino who is married to another Filipino is not similarly situated enter in the meantime shall be considered as illicit in the eyes of the
with a Filipino who is married to a foreign citizen. There are real, Philippine law. Worse, any child born out of such "extra-marital" affair
material and substantial differences between them. Ergo, they should has to suffer the stigma of being branded as illegitimate.
not be treated alike, both as to rights conferred and liabilities imposed.
Thus, we interpret and apply the law not independently of but in
On the contrary, there is no real and substantial difference between a consonance with justice. Law and justice are inseparable, and we must
Filipino who initiated a foreign divorce proceedings and a Filipino keep them so. To be sure, there are some laws that, while generally
who obtained a divorce decree upon the instance of his or her alien valid, may seem arbitrary when applied in a particular case because of
spouse. In the eyes of the Philippine and foreign laws, both are its peculiar circumstances. In such a situation, we are not bound,
considered as Filipinos who have the same rights and obligations in a because only of our nature and functions, to apply them just the same,
alien land. The circumstances surrounding them are alike. Were it not in slavish obedience to their language. What we do instead is find a
for Paragraph 2 of Article 26, both are still married to their foreigner balance between the word and the will, that justice may be done even
spouses who are no longer their wives/husbands. Hence, to make a as the law is obeyed.
distinction between them based merely on the superficial difference of
whether they initiated the divorce proceedings or not is utterly unfair. As judges, we are not automatons. We do not and must not
Indeed, the treatment gives undue favor to one and unjustly unfeelingly apply the law as it is worded, yielding like robots to the
discriminate against the other. literal command without regard to its cause and consequence. "Courts
are apt to err by sticking too closely to the words of a law," so we are
warned, by Justice Holmes again, "where these words import a policy
that goes beyond them."
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The foregoing notwithstanding, We cannot yet write finis to this caution, and every reasonable doubt upon the subject should be
controversy by granting Manalo's petition to recognize and enforce the resolved in the negative.96
divorce decree rendered by the Japanese court and to cancel the entry
of marriage in the Civil Registry of San Juan, Metro Manila. Since the divorce was raised by Manalo, the burden of proving the
pertinent Japanese law validating it, as well as her former husband's
In granting Manalo's petition, the CA noted: capacity to remarry, fall squarely upon her. Japanese laws on persons
and family relations are not among those matters that Filipino judges
In this case, Petitioner was able to submit before the court a are supposed to know by reason of their judicial function.
quo the 1) Decision of the Japanese Court allowing the
divorce; 2) the Authentication/Certificate issued by the WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is DENIED. The
Philippine Consulate General in Osaka, Japan of the Decree September 18, 2014 Decision and October 12, 2015 Resolution of the
of Divorce; and 3) Acceptance of Certificate of Divorce by Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 100076, are AFFIRMED IN PART.
Petitioner and the Japanese national. Under Rule 132, The case is REMANDED to the court of origin for further proceedings
Sections 24 and 25, in relation to Rule 39, Section 48 (b) of the and reception of evidence as to the relevant Japanese law on divorce.
Rules of Court, these documents sufficiently prove the
subject Divorce Decree as a fact. Thus, We are constrained to SO ORDERED.
recognize the Japanese Court's judgment decreeing the

If the opposing party fails to properly object, as in this case,

the divorce decree is rendered admissible as a written act of
the foreign court. As it appears, the existence of the divorce
decree was not denied by the OSG; neither was the
jurisdiction of the divorce court impeached nor the validity
of its proceedings challenged on the ground of collusion,
fraud, or clear mistake of fact or law, albeit an opportunity
to do so.

Nonetheless, the Japanese law on divorce must still be proved.

It is well-settled in our jurisdiction that our courts cannot take judicial

notice of foreign laws. Like any other facts, they must be alleged and
proved. x x x The power of judicial notice must be exercised with

Anonymous Lawyer (

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