Technical Document: Automatic Oiler Installation - 230 Vac

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Product Identification: Automatic Oiler – 230 Vac (PN 31374)
Purpose: This document gives instructions to install and use an Automatic Oiler on either a PCNC 1100 mill or a
15L Slant-PRO lathe.
Qty Automatic Oiler – 230 VAC PN
13’ 3-conductor Wire 31377
6 7 inch Cable Tie 32791
1 Automatic Oiler 38255
1 Brass Tube Coupling Fitting 31305
10’ Clear Nylon Tubing 31304
1 Cord Grip 31376
1 Cord Grip Nut 31867
1 Elbow Fitting 38919
6 M5 x 10 mm Screw 32071
2 M6 Lock Washer 31379
2 M6 Nut 31381
2 M6 x 16 mm Screw 31378
6 Mounting Tab 31460
1 Ring Connector 31093
2 Spade Connector 31128
10’ Tube Protection Sleeve 31306
NOTE: If any of these items are missing, contact Tormach
Customer Service at (608) 849-8381 for a replacement.
Required Tools
• 1/4-inch Drill bit
• Adjustable wrench
• Electric drill
• Flat-blade screwdriver
• Phillips screwdriver
• Wire stripper or wire crimper

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Make Automatic Oiler Connections

1. Remove the Automatic Oiler cover plate.
3-conductor Wire
2. Put the 3-conductor Wire through the pre-
installed Cord Grip assembly (see Figure 1).
3. Use a wire stripper (or similar) to remove two
inches of the 3-conductor Wire insulation.
4. Use a wire stripper to remove 1/4-inch of the
wires, and then connect them (see Figure 1 and
5. Gently pull the 3-conductor Wire away from
the Automatic Oiler to remove the slack. Stop
pulling when the 3-conductor Wire is snug. Black/White
Then, tighten the nut. Ground Wires
6. Remove the Brass Fitting from the Automatic Figure 1
Oiler (see Figure 2).
7. Connect the Brass Fitting to the Elbow Fitting. Then, install the Elbow Fitting on the Automatic Oiler as
shown in Figure 3.


Brass Elbow
Fitting Fitting

Figure 2 Figure 3

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8. Use the Upper Fitting and the Ferrule from the

Automatic Oiler’s Brass Fitting to attach the Ferrule
Clear Nylon Tubing (see Figure 4). Then, use an 8
mm wrench to tighten it.
9. Put the Tube Protection Sleeve over the Clear
Nylon Tubing. Upper Brass
Fitting Fitting
10. Reinstall the Automatic Oiler cover plate.

11. Depending on your machine, do one of the


a. If you have a PCNC 1100 mill, go to Install the

Automatic Oiler on a PCNC 1100. Figure 4

b. If you have a 15L Slant-PRO lathe, go to Install the Automatic Oiler on a 15L Slant-PRO.
NOTE: Depending on mill or lathe installation, not all included Automatic Oiler parts may be used.

Install the Automatic Oiler on a PCNC 1100

1. Power off the mill according to Power Off/On Procedure detailed below.

WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard: Be sure to power off machine before making any electrical modifications.
Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death.

Power Off/On Procedure

1. Push red E-stop button in
Power Off 2. Click Exit on screen; when prompted click OK to power off
3. Turn Main Disconnect Off (see image at right)

1. Turn Main Disconnect On (see image at right)

2. After software loads, turn red E-stop clockwise to release
Power On
3. Press green Start button
4. Click Reset on screen

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2. On the left-hand side of the stand (under the

chip pans), locate the Pilot Holes for mounting Pilot Holes
Automatic Oiler (see Figure 5).
3. Use a Phillips screwdriver to attach the Automatic
Oiler to the stand with two M6 x 16 mm Screws,
two M6 Lock Washers, and two M6 Nuts.
4. Use three M5 x 10 mm screws to attach three
Mounting Tabs to the stand (see Figure 5).
5. Put the 7 inch Cable Ties through the Mounting
Tabs, and then secure the 3-conductor Wire and
Oil Tube in the Mounting Tabs.
6. To extend the existing oil line, connect it to the
Brass Tube Coupling Fitting and Clear Nylon Figure 5
Tubing from the Automatic Oiler (see Figure 6).
7. Carefully route the line around the back of the mill. Make sure that it doesn’t come in contact with any
moving parts.
8. Use the Cord Grip to put the 3-conductor Wire through bottom of electrical cabinet’s knockout hole (see
Figure 7). Then, tighten it with the Cord Grip Nut.

NOTE: If the Cord Grip doesn’t fit in the knockout hole, use a 7/8-inch drill to enlarge the hole.

Cord Grip
Clear Nylon

oil line
Brass Tube
Coupling Fitting 3-conductor
Wire from
Auto Oiler

Figure 6 Figure 7

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Figure 8 Figure 9

9. Older machines are equipped with a Ground Bar (see Figure 8), while newer machines have a green
ground Terminal Block section (see Figure 9). Identify the ground connection specific to your machine.
10. Use a wire stripper to remove 1/4-inch of the insulation on the black and white power wires to expose
bare metal.
11. Crimp the Spade Connectors to the black and white power wires (see Figure 10 and Figure 11).
12. Based on the ground connection that you identified in step 9, do one of the following:
a. For a Ground Terminal Block connection: Use the pre-mounted Ferrule (see Figure 9 and Figure 11)
b. For a Ground Bar connection: Clip off the Ferrule, remove 1/4-inch of the insulation on the wire, and
then crimp on the Ring Connector (see Figure 8 and Figure 10).

Ring Ferrule
Connector (ground)


Figure 10 Figure 11

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13. Inside the mill’s electrical cabinet, remove the

required Wire Trough covers, and set them aside
(see Figure 12).
14. Based on the ground connection that you
identified in step 9, do one of the following:
a. For a Ground Bar connection: Route the
green wire through the lower Wire Trough,
and connect it to any Ground Bar terminal
screw (see Figure 8 and Figure 12).
b. For a Ground Terminal Block connection:
i. Route the green wire through the lower
wire trough (see Figure 12).
ii. Slowly insert the end of a small, flat-
blade screwdriver straight into any slot in
the green section of the Terminal Block
(see Figure 9 and Figure 13).
iii. Gently pry the terminal clip open, and Figure 12
then insert the wire into the Terminal
Block (see Figure 14).
iv. Slowly remove the screwdriver.

Figure 13 Figure 14

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15. Route the black and white power wires

through the Wire Troughs to C2 Contactor (see Black Wire White Wire
Figure 12).
16. Loosen the screw terminals below wires L13
and L23 (see Figure 15). Regardless of C2-wire
orientation, connect the black wire to the L13
screw terminal and the white wire to the L23
screw terminal.
17. Tighten the screws on C2 Contactor
18. Reattach the Wire Trough covers.
C2 Contactor
19. Go to Setup the Automatic Oiler.

Figure 15

Install the Automatic Oiler on a 15L Slant-PRO

1. Power off the lathe according to the Power
Off/On Procedure detailed earlier in this
2. Use a hex head wrench to remove the two
pre-installed screws on the lathe as shown in
Figure 16.
3. Use the removed screws to mount the
Automatic Oiler.

Figure 16

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Oil Tube


Figure 17 Figure 18

4. Use six M5 x 10 mm screws to attach six Mounting Clear Nylon

Tabs to the stand (see Figure 17 and Figure 18). Tubing
5. Put the 7 inch Cable Ties through the Mounting
Tabs, and then secure the 3-conductor Wire and
the Clear Nylon Tubing in the Mounting Tabs. oil line
NOTE: If you have a Remote E-stop line, you can also Brass Tube
secure that with the 7 inch Cable Ties. Coupling Fitting

6. To extend the existing oil line, connect it to the

Brass Tube Coupling Fitting and Clear Nylon Figure 19
Tubing from the Automatic Oiler (see Figure 19).
7. Carefully route the line around the back of the
lathe. Make sure that it doesn’t come in contact
with any moving parts.
8. Route the 3-conductor Wire from the Automatic
Oiler through the pre-installed Cord Grip in the
bottom of the electrical cabinet (see Figure 20).


Figure 20

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Figure 21 Figure 22

9. Older machines are equipped with a Ground Bar (see Figure 21), while newer machines have a green
ground Terminal Block section (see Figure 22). Identify the ground connection specific to your machine.
10. Use a wire stripper to remove 1/4-inch of the insulation on the black and white power wires to expose
bare metal.
11. Crimp the Spade Connectors to the black and white power wires (see Figure 23 or Figure 24).
12. Based on the ground connection that you identified in step 9, do one of the following:
a. For a Ground Terminal Block connection: Use the pre-mounted Ferrule (see Figure 22 and Figure 24).
b. For a Ground Bar connection: Clip off the Ferrule, remove 1/4-inch of the insulation on the wire, and
then crimp on the Ring Connector (see Figure 21 and Figure 23).

Ring Ferrule
Connector (ground)


Figure 23 Figure 24

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13. Inside the electrical cabinet,

remove the required Wire Trough
cover and set aside (see Figure 25).
14. Based on the ground connection
that you identified in step 9, do
one of the following: Wire
a. For a Ground Bar connection:
Route the green wire through
the lower Wire Trough, and
connect it to any Ground Bar C2 Contactor
terminal screw (see Figure 21
and Figure 25).
b. For a Ground Terminal Block
connection: Ground
i. Route the green wire
through the lower wire
Figure 25
trough (see Figure 25).
ii. Slowly insert the end of a small, flat-blade screwdriver straight into any slot in the green section of
the Terminal Block (see Figure 22 and Figure 26).
iii. Gently pry the terminal clip open, and then insert the wire into the Terminal Block (see Figure 27).
iv. Slowly remove the screwdriver.

Figure 26 Figure 27

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15. Route the black and white power wires

Black Wire
through the Wire Troughs to C2 Contactor (see White Wire
Figure 25).
16. Loosen the screw terminals below wires L13
and L23 (see Figure 28). Regardless of C2-wire
orientation, connect the black wire to the L13
screw terminal and the white wire to the L23
screw terminal.
17. Tighten the screws on C2 Contactor C2 Contactor
18. Reattach the Wire Trough covers.
19. Go to Setup the Automatic Oiler.

Figure 28

Set Up the Automatic Oiler

Recommended Machine Oils

Brand Machine Oil

Perkins Perlube WL-68 (PN 31386)
Shell Tonna 68
Mobile Vactra No. 2
Sunoco Way-lube 68
Texaco Waylube 68
Esso Febis 68
Look for Leaks and Clear the Lines

1. Remove the cap and fill the reservoir with machine oil to about 80 percent full. Replace the cap when
2. Connect the power cord of the Automatic Oiler to the appropriate outlet.
3. Power on the Automatic Oiler.
4. Push and hold the Feed button on the control panel for two seconds.
The Automatic Oiler pushes oil through the distribution system.
5. Examine the distribution system to make sure oil does not leak while the system is operating.

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Specifications subject to change without notice. P: 608.849.8381 / F: 209.885.4534
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Intermittent light

Indicator light Alarm light

Seconds display Minutes display

Seconds Adjustment Minutes Adjustment

buttons buttons

Feed button

Figure 29

Specify the Interval Time

The Automatic oiler distributes oil at the following times:
• When the machine is powered on
• After a specified interval
The interval time is the amount of time, in minutes, that the Automatic Oiler waits between oil
NOTE: If your machine will be unused for a long period of time (like overnight), we recommend powering off the
machine to avoid over-lubricating the system.
1. Push and hold either of the Minutes Adjustment buttons (see Figure 29). It doesn’t matter which button
you push.

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2. While looking at the Minutes display, do one of the following:

• To increase the interval time: Push the UP ARROW. We recommend that you set it to 480 minutes
(eight hours).
• To decrease the interval time: Push the DOWN ARROW.

CAUTION! Pressure Hazard: To avoid potential equipment damage, do not set the interval time to less
than 5 minutes.
Specify the Actuation Time
The actuation time is the amount of time, in seconds, that the Automatic Lubricator distributes oil during an oil
1. Push and hold either of the Seconds Adjustment buttons (see Figure 29). It doesn’t matter which button
you push.
2. While looking at the Seconds display, do one of the following:
• To increase the actuation time: Push the UP ARROW. We recommend that you set it to 12 seconds.
• To decrease the actuation time: Push the DOWN ARROW.

CAUTION! Pressure Hazard: To avoid potential equipment damage, do not set the actuation time to more
than 3 minutes.
Maintenance Schedule

WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard: Power off the Automatic Oiler before doing any maintenance
procedures. Failure to do so could result in serious injury and/or death.

Time Activity
Daily Clean the surface of the Automatic Oiler
Monthly Remove any accumulated material from the filter net
Every six months Clean and thoroughly rinse the inside of the tank
Every six months Replace the filter net

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Specifications subject to change without notice. P: 608.849.8381 / F: 209.885.4534
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WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard: Power off the Automatic Lubricator before doing any troubleshooting
procedures. Failure to do so could result in serious injury and/or death.

Problem Lights Cause Solution

Make sure all fittings on the Automatic Oiler
Alarm light is are securely installed.
Low oil output
FLASHING The oil viscosity is not within the specified
range. Replace oil in the reservoir.

Alarm light is The oil viscosity is not within the specified

Low oil pressure Viscosity
FLASHING range. Replace oil in the reservoir.

Remove any accumulated material from the

filter net, clean and thoroughly rinse the inside
of the tank, and examine the Automatic Oiler
for blockages.
Make sure the level sensor is operating
Power light is ON Level Sensor

No oil output 1. Make sure the interval time is not less than
five minutes, and the actuation time is not
Motor more than three minutes.
2. Replace the motor.

Power light is ON, Make sure there is oil in the reservoir. If there is
and Alarm light is Oil not, fill the reservoir to about 80 percent with
FLASHING lubricant oil.

1. Make sure the input voltage is correct.

No power Power light is OFF Voltage 2. Make sure the power cord is securely

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