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GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log 5 Mapeh - Music 1 I. Objectives

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School: Grade Level: 5

GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates
and Time: Quarter: 1

A. Content Standards: Recognizes the musical symbols and Recognizes the musical symbols and demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of the concept of
demonstrates understanding of concepts understanding of concepts pertaining to rhythm. rhythm by applying notes and rests, rhythmic
pertaining to rhythm. patterns, and time signatures
B. Performance Performs with a conductor, a speech chorus in Performs with a conductor, a speech chorus in simple Responds to beats in music heard with appropriate
Standards: simple time signatures. time signatures. conducting patterns of 2 3 4 and 6
1. Choral 3. Choral 4 4 4 8
2. Instrumental 4. Instrumental

C. Learning MU5RH-Ia-b-1: Identifies visually and aurally MU5RH-Ia-b-2: Recognizes rhythmic patterns MU6RH-Ib-e-2: Differentiates among
Competencies/Objec the kinds of notes and rests in a song. using quarter note, half note, dotted half note, 2 3 4 and 6 time signatures
tives: dotted quarter note and eight note in simple time 4 4 4 8
Write the LC Code for signatures.
each Specifically the learners will be able to:
1. Describe the 6 time signature


Ang Mga Simbolo at Konsepto sa Musika Ang Mga Simbolo at Konsepto sa Musika MUSICAL SYMBOLS AND CONCEPTS
II. CONTENT Mga Nota at Pahinga Meters
6 Time Signature
1. Teacher’s Guide Manwal ng Guro
Pages Umawit at Gumuhit 6
Valdecantos.Emelita C. 1999 p. 5-20
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages Musika at Sining 5. Sunico, Raul M. et al. 2000.

4. Additional MISOSA5-module1,2 MISOSA5-module7,2 MISOSA5-module6
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Printed materials (to be used for the Printed materials (to be used for the attachment Printed materials (to be used for the
Resources attachment like the musical score, chart, grid like the musical score, chart, grid etc.) attachment like the musical score, pictures,
etc.) worksheet etc.)
Cut out icons of the kinds of notes and rests
A.Reviewing Previous Ipakita sa mga mag-aaral ang larawan Review on the previous lesson about the NOTES AND Differentiate 2, 3 and 4 time signatures
Lesson or RESTS 4 4 4
Presenting the New
Lesson Have a game: Peel the cabbage game.
Before we will go to our topic today let us first Mechanics:
solve these mathematical problems below 1. While singing / listening to the song
1. 3/4 + 1/4 = (2/4)mga “Do re mi, ask the pupils to pass the
2. 1/4 + 2/4 = (3/4) cabbage.
3. 6/4 – 2/4 = (4/4) 2. If the music stops the pupil who will be
holding the cabbage will peel it,reveal
Do you know these fractions can be used also in the kind of note /rest written in it and
music? tell the name of the note/rest and the
(pointing to the answer of each mathematical problems) value of it.
This morning we are going to get talk about
meters - The 2. 3 and 4 Time Signatures Today we are going to get to know the
4 4 4 difference the 6 time signature from the
Magtanong: 8
1. Anu ang nakikita n’yo sa larawan? previous time signatures we have been
2. Anu ang lalabas sa iyong bibig kapag discussed.
ikaw ay kumakanta?
3. Masasabi nyo ba na tuwing ika’y
kumakanta, ang iyong boses na
lumabas sa iyong bibig ay may
kasamang nota?
4. Bakit?
5. Possible ba sa isang tao na kumanta
ng hindi huminga?

Ngayong araw na ito, ating tatalakayin ang

tinawatawag na MGA NOTA AT PAHINGA

1. Sinong may alam dito ukol sa MGA

B. Establishing a Makakakilala ng mga Nota at Pahinga sa isang As learners you are expected to: As learners you are expected to
Purpose for the kanta. 1. Differentiates 2 3 4
Lesson 4 4 4
time signatures

C. Presenting Ipakita sa mag-aaral: Musical scores of: Musical score of “Dandansoy”

Examples/Instances 1. Tao Tao Po
of the Lesson 2. Harana sa Bukid
3. Leron Leron Sinta

D.Discussing New  Itanong sa mga bata kung ano ang Present the score of the song “ Tao, Tao Po “. Listen to the song “Dandansoy”.
Concepts and kanilang mga nakikita sa larawan (copy of the song was in the IM’s folder)
Practicing New 1. Play the song
Skills #1  Itanong din sa kanila kung anu-anong Tap the beat of the song.
2.Clap the rhythmic pattern of the song
klaseng nota ang nasa larawan, ang 4.The pupils will sing the song clap ,too. Ask the pupils to sing the song while tapping it on
simbolo nito at ang halaga o kumpas their seats
ng bawat nota Now let us analyze the song.
Now let us analyze the song.
1. What is the time signature indicated in the
 Itanong din sa mga bata kung anu- 1. What is the time signature of the song?
song ?
anong klaseng pahinga ang nasa 2. What is meant by the upper number
2. What does the upper number in the time
larawan, ang simbolo nito at ang 6?
signature mean?
halaga ng bawat pahinga 3. How about the lower number 8 ?
3. What does the lower number in the time
4. What are the notes and rests used in
signature mean ?
Ipaliwanag sa mga bata ang relasyon at the song?
kahalagahan ng bawat nota, mga pahinga at 4. What are the notes and rests you found in 5. How many measures are there in the
ang mga katumbas na mga kumpas nito the song? song?
5. How many measures are there in the 6. How many beats are there in each
given song? measure of the song? Can we count
6. How many beats are there in each them?
measure? Can we count them? 7. What do you think is the value of eight
7. What kind of note can receive 1 beat in note here?
this type of time signature?
8. What is the value of the quarter note?
9. How about the eight note?
10. How about the half note?
11. What do you think is the meaning of the
song? (Value Integration: Discuss the
value of the song in the life of Filipino.)

Thus a 2 Time Signature has 2 beats in a measure.


Present the song “ HARANA SA BUKID “.

Play the song

The pupils will imitate the clap rhythm of the
teacher while they were singing

Now let us analyze the song.

1. What is the time signature indicated in the
song ?
2. What does the upper number in the time
signature mean?
3. What does the lower number in the time
signature mean ?
4. What are the notes and rests you found in
the song?
5. How many measures are there in the
given song?
6. How many beats are there in each
measure? Can we count them?
7. What kind of note can receive 1 beat in
this type of time signature?
8. What is the value of the quarter note?
9. How about the eight note?
10. How about the half note?
11. What do you think is the meaning of the
song? (Value Integration: Discuss the
value of the song in the life of Filipino.)

Thus a 3 Time Signature has 3 beats in a measure.


E. Discussing New Ipakita ang iskor na pangmusika sa mga bata Present the song “ LERON LERON SINTA “. Discuss the given chart to the pupils
Concepts and
Practicing New Play the song
Skills #2 The pupils will imitate the clap rhythm of the
teacher while they were singing

Now let us analyze the song.

8. What is the time signature of the song?
9. WHAT is meant by the upper number
10. How about the lower number 4 ?
11. What are the notes and rests used in the
12. What is the value of the quarter note/rest,
eight note/rest , half note/rest ?
13. How many measures are there in the
14. How many beats are there in each
measure of the song? Can we count
15. What kind of note can receive 1 beat in
this type of time signature?
16. What is the value of the quarter note?
17. How about the eight note? Ask: (back to questions 2-7)
18. How about the half note? 2. What is meant by the upper number
 Itanong kung anu-ano ang mga 3. How about the lower number 8 ?
nakikita nila sa larawan Thus a 4 Time Signature has 4 beats in a measure. 4. What are the notes and rests used in
 Itanong kung anu-anong mga klaseng 4 the song?
nota ang nasa iskor 5. How many measures are there in the
 Itanong ang mga kumpas sa bawat song?
notang sinasabi ng mga bata na 6. How many beats are there in each
nakikita nila sa iskor measure of the song? Can we count
 Itanong din kung anu-anong mga Let the pupils count the beats in each measure them?
pahinga ang nakikita nila sa iskor at 7. What do you think is the value of eight
halaga ng bawat pahinga. note here?

Kantahin muna ang guro at kantahin din ng Ask:

mga mag-aaral 1. Based on the chart what kind of note in 6
time signature can receive 1 beat?
Ipaliwanag ulit sa klase ang larawang ito
2. If the eight note can receive 1 beat in this
kind of time signature, therefore what will
happen to other types of notes and rests in
6 time signature?
Call some pupils
1. How 2 time signature differ from 3 time Based on given example above let us now
4 4 signature? differentiate the 2, 3, 4 and 6 time signature.
4 4 4 8
2. How 3 time signature differ from 4 time
4 4 signature?

3. Who can differentiate the 3 types of time How would you describe 6 time signature
signature we have discussed today? 8
F. Developing Mastery Ipakita ang iskor sa mga bata Boardwork Boardwork
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

 Itanong kung anu-anong mga nota ang

pahinga ang kanilang nakikita sa iskor

Tumawag ng mag-aaral para sa mga sumusunod

na gawain:
 Bilogan ang mga apating nota gamit ang
kulay pula na panulat
 Lagyan ng halaga ang bawat apating nota
sa ibabaw nito
 Bilogan ang kalahating nota gamit ang
kulay berdeng panulat
 Lagyan ng halaga ang bawat kalahating
nota sa ibabaw nito
 Bilogan ang mga walohang nota gamit
ang kulay dilaw na panulat
 Lagyan ng halaga ang bawat walohing
nota sa ibabaw nito
 Bilogan ang buong nota ng kulay asul na
panulat at lagyan ng halaga sa ibabaw nito
 Bilogan ang mga walohing pahinga gamit
ang kulay dalandan na panulat at ilagay sa
mga ibabaw nito ang halaga ng bawat
walohing pahinga
 Bilogan ang apating pahinga gamit ang
kulay rosas na panulat at ilagay sa ibabaw
nito ang halaga
Directions: Identify the time signature used in each

Group Activity
Divide the class into groups
Each group will be given 2 minutes to accomplish
the task.
Directions: Let each group Identify whether the
time signature used in each staff is
G.Finding Practical Magtanong Ask: Ask:
Applications of 1. Kailangan mo bang tangkilikin ang sariling 1. Do you know your purpose in life? What will happen if you make a decision without
Concepts and Skills atin? 2. Why is it important to know our purpose in life? thinking or reflecting?
in Daily Living 2. Bakit?
(teacher will summarize the learners’ responses) Is it important to think first before we decide?

(teacher will summarize the learners’ responses) (teacher will summarize the learners’ responses)

H.Making Itanong sa mga bata ang mga sumusunod Ask: Ask:

Generalizations and  Ibigay ang kaibahan ng bawat klaseng Ask: 1. If the eight note can receive 1 beat in
Abstractions about notang tinalakay 1. How 2 time signature differ from 3 time this kind of time signature, therefore
the Lesson  Ibigay ang kaibahan ng bawat klaseng 4 4 signature? what will happen to other types of
pahingang tinalakay notes and rests in 6 time signature?
 Ibigay ang mga kumpas ng bawat nota 2. How 3 time signature differ from 4 time
ang pahingang tinalakay 4 4 signature?

3. How each three mentioned time signature

differ from each other?
2. How would you describe 6 time
8 signature?

3. What is the difference between the

2, 3, 4 and 6 time signature?
4 4 4 8
I. Evaluating Learning Pen and Paper Test Pen and Paper Test (Worksheets) Pen and Paper Test: (Worksheet)

Directions: Add a bar line in each staff. Follow the Name: ______________ Date: ______
indicated time signature.

Name: ____________ Date: ______

J. Additional Activities Let the student make a research about

for Application or
Remediation time signatures

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to
V. REFLECTION be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:
Signature Over Printed Name

Checked: (EPS & Partner PSDS-Content)

Reviewed: (M&E & LR-Specification)

Recommending Approval: (Chief ES-CID & ASDS)

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