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1 Foreword 3
2 How Will Banks Evolve? 4
01 Data 6
02 Business Model 8
03 Regulation 9
04 Technology 10
Emerging technology on our radar 12

3 The Impact of Technology in 2030 14

Connected everything / Engagement as a service 16
The rise of AI / Distributed Trust 17
The ‘super-app’ / Payments 18
AI-driven cyber security / Digital currencies 19

4 Banking in 2030 20
Where to next 22
Lifestyle integration 24
Automated and Intuitive 25
Context and Sensitivity 26
Proactive and Forward-thinking 27
Pioneers of Trust and Security 28
Resolution 29

5 Future Customer of 2030 30

How we work 32
How we live 32
How we play 33
Enduring needs are skewed by the realities of life 34
Customer segmentation 36

6 Appendix 40
From product banking to adaptive banking 42
Technology expanded 44
Australian consumer survey results 46

7 Contact 48

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 1

The banking industry of 2030 will look very Crucial to this is understanding how technology
different from what it looks like today - some of is re-shaping the way people work, live and
what we see will be evolutionary and some will play and embracing this deeper knowledge to
be radically different. Whilst predictions into the help consumers manage increasingly complex,
future are always fraught with uncertainty, we fragmented lives whilst giving them the
are confident that the landscape will be far more confidence that their data is safe and secure.
competitive, efficient and innovative in delivering
consumers “autonomous experiences” that The Future of Digital Banking report is designed
are not possible today. to stimulate thinking about how the banking
industry can be smarter and better, positively
The market-leading banks of tomorrow will impacting on consumers, their relationship with
understand that technology will not limit what money and through this, their financial wellbeing.
is possible. Instead they will harness digital
capability to put the customer firmly in control To this end, KPMG is delighted to be have
of their destination and preferred model for dealing partnered with the Commonwealth Bank of
with their bank and other service providers. Australia on this initiative and we commend
the Bank for putting financial wellbeing at
This is not a one-size fits all. the core of their strategy. We trust that you will
find the report both insightful and valuable in
Some consumers will opt for an autonomous informing your view of the future and welcome
banking experience when they are time poor, the opportunity to discuss the report’s findings
lack knowledge and have high levels of trust in with you.
their bank to do the right thing by them and
confidence in their competence to do what they
say they will do. And others will want more
hands-on involvement – it will be their choice
and the winning Bank of the Future will be
adaptive to their needs.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

2 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 3
How Will Banks Evolve?
Banks will transform alongside the shifts
in how people work, live and play

Over the next decade we will see more The four primary areas that will enhance financial
changes in the banking industry than services’ ability to deliver improved financial
wellbeing are:
we have witnessed in the past 100
years. This isn’t solely due to advancing
01 Data
technologies, but a confluence of
This will become widely available as everyday objects (and even
inter-related, structural factors – ourselves) become connected to the internet and the Consumer
demographic, socio-economic, Data Right applies to all sectors of the economy (beyond Open
Banking). Its importance will continue to increase exponentially
regulatory and environmental changes. as disparate sets of data merge to provide a comprehensive 360
degree story about our lives. Customers will begin using its
These changes are likely to result in people living significance to extract more value from products and services
offered to them, whilst demanding higher levels of security and
longer, changing jobs more frequently, participating
transparency on how their data is being used.
increasingly in the sharing economy, being healthier,
having better access to services to support mental
02 Business Models
and physical wellbeing, being more conscious of
The widespread availability of data will fuel new entrants, such as
the environment, and being wealthier than their neobanks and ‘over the top’ banking platforms. At the same time
present day counterparts. leading banks will explore opportunities adjacent to their core offerings,
extending their business models. While players in other sectors will
begin bundling financial services with their own, leading to a blurring
These will all combine to fundamentally transform of industry boundaries.
how we work, how we live, how we play and how
we engage with our finances. 03 Regulation
These major shifts will require governments and regulating bodies
These transformations will also be built into the Bank to come up with completely new ways to identify and manage risks,
of the Future’s efforts to improve the financial regulate activities being under-taken by a broader range of participants,
and judged on the outcomes they deliver to customers.
wellbeing of customers, enhanced beyond today’s
capabilities. At its core, improving financial wellbeing
will be structured around helping customers achieve; 04 Technology
This is both the enabler and driver of change, and we can already fore-
meeting their financial obligations; having financial
see the technologies with the greatest impact to the financial services
freedom to make choices to enjoy life; controlling industry over the next 10-15 years. These are - Artificial Intelligence,
their finances; and having financial security, even Blockchain, Biometrics, 5G, Cloud computing, Internet of Things, AR/VR
under adverse circumstances. and Quantum computing – transforming both the nature of services,
as well as how they are delivered and consumed.

Success will require leading banks to consider

changes to each of these aspects of their business,
not in isolation, but rather how they combine to
re-define the bank-customer relationship of 2030.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

4 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 5
How Will Banks Evolve? How Will Banks Evolve?

01 By 2030, data will fundamentally transform the nature

2030: Personal data bank
of financial services and most sectors of the Australian
Data economy. As such, it will be at the heart of how banks
will deliver value to customers.

The application of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) in Australia will Consumers are becoming far more By 2030, banks will have the opportunity to
be widespread, with leading banks providing a range of data-related aware of the value of their personal become your trusted personal data bank:
services to consumers, such as consent management-as-a-service. data and the importance of keeping
it safe and secure. - Banks will manage your data like they do your
The more data that is created and available, the harder it may be for financial assets, allowing customers to instruct
any individual to manage and control what happens to the thousands Just as banks have long been the safest place banks to share their data with particular
of data points that will be collected about them. As consumers to keep your money for hundreds of years, they providers, or to withdraw data from particular
become more data-aware and discerning in what data they share, could become the safest place for your data. providers – similar to how banks manage
with who, how and for what purpose – trust will emerge as the key shares or investment portfolios today.
differentiator between providers.
- Banks could be the trusted place for consumers
Winning the trust of consumers - who are much more aware of the to securely manage their data consent in
value of their data, and as a consequence, will be much less willing all aspects of their lives, across categories
to give permission for use of their data to anyone without a clear and institutions.
benefit to them – will be crucial.
- Banks could protect the anonymity of their
As examples; permissioned use of data to support better stewardship customers, through acting as an intermediary
of household budgets to improve customers’ financial wellbeing; and in securing products or services on the
banks helping customers to compare the cost and value of different customer’s behalf without revealing
products or services, such as utilities. their identity.

Banks of the Future will use data to build a 360 degree view of their Leading banks could be seen as most trusted to
customers, not only for compliance to regulations, but to increase the manage customer data in their best interests,
value of services they offer. Empowered and more informed customers using a customer’s data (with consent) to provide
(through access to richer insights) will be able to make choices more them with the best services and outcomes,
quickly and easily, so firms unable to deliver a frictionless and bespoke not just for their financial needs, but beyond.
proposition will become irrelevant.
Privacy will remain paramount, with consumers
Successful banks of 2030 will master data-driven customer being the ultimate owner of their data, with banks
experience across channels, underpinned by artificial intelligence providing data consent management services
and robotic automation. to their customers.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

6 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 7
How Will Banks Evolve? How Will Banks Evolve?

02 Traditional boundaries within the financial services 03 The better informed consumers of the future will judge
industry will disappear by 2030, with a move towards financial services providers by the outcomes they
Business ‘platformication’ - where banks allow customers to Regulation deliver, both to themselves as individuals, and also the
Model choose services personalised for their needs from a wider impact on society. Furthermore, the traditional
range of providers.To facilitate this, banks will become verticals of the financial services industry are breaking
an orchestrator of various alliances and capabilities, down with ‘big tech’ players entering the fray.
which may be owned by them or by others.
By 2030, regulation is likely to move away from a product specific
Consumers’ digital interactions will be streamlined, moving away from focus towards monitoring the activities of institutions and focusing on
using a wide array of ‘point solutions’ or apps for different aspects of outcomes. Financial regulators will evolve to build new structures to
their lives. Open Banking will enable fintechs, ‘over the top’ banking monitor the firms they police, assessing whether (or not) firms and
players and neo-banks with greater access to data to support their financial systems are safer. They will need to respond to the delivery
business models and new propositions, leveraging Open Banking rails. of banking and payment services that will become embedded in a
With the extension to CDR beyond banking into other sectors, leading service or experience which may be provided by a financial institution
banks will re-bundle relevant services around key customer needs, or a company, operating outside of the regulatory perimeter.
journeys and experiences that extend beyond the realms of traditional
financial products. Inevitably, emerging technologies may create new and unforeseen
risks for consumers (as new technology is not always neutral or
The future competitive landscape and customer experience benign). For example, not all uses of AI are necessarily ethical, therefore,
expectations will be shaped by new entrants – from the start-up there is a need for regulators to be supervising the technology and its
fintech community, neo-banks, ‘over-the-top’ banking providers and application. To this end, it is essential for industry to “work with”
the world of big technology (‘big tech’). Some banks or emerging new regulators to build more trustworthy and robust systems for consumers.
technology players could choose to disappear from sight, instead
focusing on providing the plumbing for the industry behind the scenes. New “regtech” tools, powered by AI will enable much more efficient
Global tech brands will exploit their powers for connecting with and effective supervision. Regulators will also use these technologies
consumers to provide new adjacent services, such as finance. to share information with one another, across both national and
international boundaries, supporting efforts to combat financial crime.
The telecommunications industry is already adopting these business
models, moving beyond the provision of a utility service, into areas Data has a part to play in this transformation too. Blockchain will
such as media and entertainment. These businesses are exploiting become the source of ‘trust’, locking in data from transaction histories,
the data travelling across their networks to generate new contributing to more sophisticated risk assessment models.
revenue streams. Regulations like the EU’s GDPR will be commonplace, with the
international community likely to adopt a global regulation in
Banks of the Future will rely on their trusted brands to develop similar vein.
‘lifestyle layers’ to compete in the platform space, orchestrating
ecosystems of fintechs and other providers for consumers and
small businesses. If banks are not leveraging these capabilities,
they face the risk of other brands stepping in.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

8 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 9
How Will Banks Evolve? How Will Banks Evolve?

04 Technology will make banking more personalised and

ubiquitous across devices and applications. This future
Technology will be enabled by a number of innovations that are
transitioning from being emerging into transformative.
They will cause aspects of banking to become
unrecognisable from what we experience today –
changing the channels, the services and the role

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

and Machine Learning (ML)
banks play in everyday life.

KPMG has looked 15 years into the future through our Emerging


ha r

oc edg
Technology Radar (overleaf) and identified the following eight


technological developments and capabilities as having the greatest


LT ute

(D rib
potential impact on the bank-customer relationship by 2030.


og Dis

AR / VR Biometrics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI and ML will automate tasks currently requiring human intelligence, resulting in customer
service being transformed, immense quantities of data produced by IoT being analysed, and
& Machine Learning (ML) enhanced security.

Distributed Ledger DLT will decentralise the management of customer transaction data, providing a more open platform;

while blockchain will ensure that historic transactions will never be able to be altered, forcing trans-
Technology (DLT) /


Cloud computing
parency across all businesses who service the customer.



Biometrics Passwords and PINs will cease to exist, replaced with biometrics like facial and voice recognition,
enabling constant, real-time user identity validation and advanced behavioural profiling.

5G Super-fast mobile internet will have the potential to reach over 1 gigabyte per second downloads,
vastly improving the user experience and delivery of services in real time.

Cloud computing Cloud computing will remove the hardware burden on data storage and processing, allowing the
bank to provide everyday consumers with immense data processing capabilities, accessible from
any internet-enabled device.

Internet of Things (IoT) Everyday objects will gain the ability to connect to the internet and produce data, far beyond the
These technologies do not work in silos, and often
smart speakers and wearables of today, allowing products and services to be highly personalised,
and all aspects of a consumers life to become frictionless. it is their intersection that gives us a glimpse into
the impact of these technologies for businesses and
Augmented Reality (AR) Will allow banks to display rich information in the real world to help customers to make decisions customers of 2030.
more effectively, and become more accessible to those who may not be able to visit a branch.
/ Virtual Reality (VR)

Quantum Computing Will be the enabler of processing vast volumes of data made available through IoT, and will also
help AI and ML learn faster in their goal to automate manual tasks.

We have provided more in-depth information about each of these technologies and use-case examples within the appendix.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

10 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 11
Virtual Connected
reality home
How Will Banks Evolve?
15 years
IoT expert
displays advisors

dust Neuromorphic
5 years hardware Brain

Blockchain Key Nanotube
technology on
10 years electronics

15 years
our radar Immersive experience
Impact Human
15 years Transformational

Artificial intelligence
High 10 years
Digital platforms Moderate
5 years
Impact Machine Intelligence
Immersive experience Autonomous learning
vehicles Software
Transformational Augmented security Deep
reality Learning
Artificial intelligence 5G
High Drones
Augmented Serverless
Digital platforms Moderate Conversational Data PaaS
user interface Discovery
Digital computing

Virtual Connected
reality home
Volumetric expert
displays IoT
platform advisors

dust Neuromorphic
5 years hardware Brain
4D Interface
10 years electronics

15 years

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

12 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 13
The Impact of Technology in 2030
A number of emerging technologies will
combine to redefine the bank-customer
relationship forever

Our reliance on technology continues to change as

innovation pushes it into new areas. By 2030, technology
will have advanced again as it reshapes how we live
and communicate.

We can expect rising technologies to have an impact on the broader

business landscape in the following ways:

Everything and everyone will be connected

Every engagement point of our lives will become a service

AI to power mass personalisation

Highly automated systems will instil trust with the consumer

Products and services will be consolidated into one platform

– like a ‘super-app’

Paying for products and services will become an automated process

Digital currencies go from emerging market to mainstream

Cyber security will be powered by AI to protect data

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

14 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 15
The Impact of Technology in 2030 The Impact of Technology in 2030

Connected everything Engagement as a service The rise of AI Distributed Trust

By 2030 a hyper-connected world will Data, machine learning and AI will enable The financial customer experience of Banks of the Future will have to reconsider
be the norm. Consumers will be interacting businesses to switch from being just a 2030 will be significantly affected by AI. their position as just a financial service
with their service providers through “financial service” tool to a more proactive This will be most noticeable through the provider. This change means that banks
voice and personal assistants, facial “enabler of needs” role. This is to ensure delivery of mass personalisation, and will need to go beyond money and
recognition and wearable devices. that value is continuously delivered. assisting customers as they overcome integrate with a broader ecosystem of
low levels of financial literacy. alternative services.
Smart speakers embedded with voice-enabled Imagine the Bank of the Future proactively switching
assistants, such as Google Home and Amazon your subscriptions with non-banking services because Algorithms and data models will be built around The Bank of the Future will be able to lead the
Echo, are already becoming a staple within today’s they found a better offer available than your current optimising financial outcomes for customers and redefinition and monetisation of trust, leveraging
household. By 2030, nearly all devices will have provider. This could include the management of utilities will frequently reinforce positive behaviours through their heritage and experience to gain a distinct
some form of AI incorporated, from a fridge that and services in your home. With usage patterns well ‘nudging’ individuals to do certain things. For example, advantage over newer entrants.
tracks its contents to order supplies when running known through smart meters, banks can analyse supporting segments of the population that are time
low, to your front door verifying authorised people providers’ offers based on peak pricing and volume poor and are seeking greater convenience, as well Through the delivery of services enabled by digital
to allow package delivery even when you are discounts, switching providers in the background as as preventing vulnerable customers from making identity and DLT - customers can trust that the
not home. better deals become available. Conversely, entities poor financial decisions. These nudges will be automation and decisions made on their behalf are
from other sectors will also be trying to offer their ubiquitous, and not restricted to certain segments traceable, reconcilable and transparent to them.
Carrying a plastic card to tap at dedicated point customers the ability to optimise financial services. of customers. This will help consumers manage their increasingly
of sale or even making mobile payments will be complex and fragmented lives.
replaced by a secure voice command or a facial These optimisation services will be capable of However, these nudging algorithms will need to
expression. With connectivity through the Internet extending to all parts of a customers’ life, if they address inherent structural weaknesses as the input
of Things, virtually any device can become a digital choose. IoT will allow data be tracked in nearly all data will be biased (e.g. demographic data) and
channel for traditional business interactions such places regardless of whether the bank plays a role. can easily be misinterpreted by machine learning
as payments and enquiries. The customer is empowered to choose whether algorithms as the desired target.
their financial services providers can access this data
Many of the ‘connected everything’ devices still to enhance their services. For example, your smart While specific predictions of what regulations
emerging in society today will become commonplace fridge will be capable of tracking its contents, and if will ultimately be adopted are difficult to make,
by 2030. The true enabler of all this connectivity will be this data is shared with your health insurance provider, recent legislative trends show the strong likelihood
a trusted digital identity provider with digital currency they may be able to recommend consumption of of government regulation of algorithms being
and sophisticated / personalised algorithms that will some of its contents if it notices your blood sugar is introduced to address aspects of biases, disclosure
make the underpinning technology completely behind low, like a specified volume of orange juice to reach requirements and intellectual property.
the scenes. Banks would be a natural fit for fulfilling a normal blood sugar level again.
this role. Removing potential biases of AI creates a unique
opportunity for the Bank of the Future to differentiate
themselves from pure technology platforms. This
allows them to better service their customers with
a unique user experience that has a human touch.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

16 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 17
The Impact of Technology in 2030 The Impact of Technology in 2030

The ‘super-app’ Payments AI-driven cyber security Digital currencies

In the era of deep fakes (use of AI to Rewards, partnerships and loyalty By 2030, cyber security will be built The rise of digital currencies (and tokens)
model a human face into a video, creating points will become the key differentiator around enterprise-wide predictive that will be issued by central banks and
situations which are factitious and between payment products, and analytics, security vulnerability and corporate players will further accelerate
individuals being misrepresented), integrated rewards advise customers threat recognition, all powered by AI. the transformation of products and
advanced cyber-crime, data-theft, ransom which preferred payment method will Imagine AI redefining the assessment services. This digitisation of money will
ware, phishing and other realities of the maximise their benefit. of online security vulnerabilities as it bring greater financial inclusion overall,
digital age, there will be a considerable identifies and remediates security broader transparency and better real-time
premium to establish a platform that You’ll be able to simply walk into your local coffee issues in real-time, preventing hackers transaction processing and settlement.
shop or supermarket, order items, and leave
consumers trust and feel safe. from exploiting vulnerabilities.
– all without discussing payment options or the As cash disappears over the next decade and
cost. Payment terminals are removed in favour of digitisation reaches its next logical step (e.g.
The quest to create a ‘super-app’ or virtual service Furthermore, the use of tokens to digitally store
integrated real-time payment transfer solutions corporate digital currencies such as Libra or central
that can combine digital intimacy, privacy, access personal and biometric data will move from being
within point of sale systems. bank digital fiat); opportunities for a shadow economy,
control and can enable products and services has held on a mobile phone or smart watch to advanced
significant implications, as it allows successful personal wearables, such as interactive glasses, worker exploitation and fraud will continue to
Intelligent payment financing facilities that be reduced.
entities to keep customers within their ecosystems rings, earrings or cuff links.
dynamically assign rates, and extend context relevant
for nearly all their activities, and away from their
credit linked to the transaction type and spend are While impacts are broadly positive, segments
competitors. Technology-driven data protection and privacy
presented to consumers as an extension of buy such as the elderly who have a heavier reliance on
regulations will also be in place globally in 2030.
now, pay later services. cash may feel excluded from society, and financial
In markets like China, apps like WeChat already Their enforcement will increase the trust of citizens
facilitate the ‘super-app’ approach, however achieving and users, with regulation focusing on the ownership, service providers of the future will find measures
Customers’ credit assessments will be far more to alleviate this.
a similar model in other parts of the world will be collection, custody and the processing of the
holistic and will update in real-time, taking inputs such
considerably more difficult – as China does not have personal and biometric data.
as lifestyle habits, purchase history and predictive We will also see this new generation of digital
data privacy laws similar to those adopted in western
analytics. Credit products will be far more tailored currencies eliminate a number of intermediaries
countries, and certain global technology giants Blockchain may also hold a solution to data privacy
to an individual, providing customers with flexible involved in cross-border payments and currency
are prohibited from doing business, – with distributed ledgers allowing people to take
repayment plans for each transaction while integrating exchange, delivering value and innovative
preventing competition. full control of their private data, and only sharing it
rewards programs based on their credit rating. experiences to consumers.
with third parties when individuals have agreed to
Transaction experiences will not differ between
Businesses of the future will aim to build a trusted do so.
transferring between friends, or between continents.
relationship with their customers through
this ‘super-app’ platform and create an edge At the same time, an international consensus on
The biggest change is in the global B2C commerce
to differentiate from those who are simply data management and processing will protect the
space as consumers will be free to spend overseas
commodity product or service providers. privacy and security of individuals – and provide
with international merchants without incurring
standards and protocols for consent.
foreign exchange fees. With an understanding of the broader
Customers will become more comfortable giving impact of technology in 2030, we will
permissions to access data, with digital identities now explore what banking specifically
backed by governments. This reduces the burden looks like as a result of all these shifts
of anti-money-laundering and know-your-customer of customer trends, expectations
regulation on customers, while making life more
difficult for fraudsters.
and behaviours.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

18 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 19
Banking in 2030
Leading banks will become a trusted
interface for life, embedded within the
needs and lifestyles of consumers

Delivery and experience re-defined by 2030

Data will underpin the delivery of seamless, integrated experiences

that span beyond banking to anticipate and satisfy other customer
needs. Data will be at the heart of how banks deliver new forms of
value to customers and how they will make money in 2030 (in
response to emerging consumer needs around their personal data).
Embedding banking within the consumers everyday needs, lifestyles
and life-stages will be key - as will providing and creating financial
services (and other services) to meet the immediate gratification
of these demands.

We anticipate consumer expectations to demand Historically product-centric operating models will

frictionless transactions: safe, fast and automated. shift towards platform-based approaches, and
Even though artificial intelligence (AI) will indeed traditional banks will explore new opportunities
power mass personalisation and micro-consumption, available in neighbouring sectors, while other
the importance of a human touch cannot be sectors will do the same with banking services.
As we leave behind the historical ways of banking,
Financial products will be replaced by context we will move quickly toward a smarter, more
relevant finance. For example the wide array and personalised and ubiquitous future fuelled by
complexity of credit products today will be transformative applications and completely new
replaced by the provision of credit in the relevant customer experiences.
context for consumers, fuelled by a deeper
understanding of customer needs and the application
of behavioural data to model and price for risk.

In 2030 regulation will focus far more on banking

practices, rather than banking products. Regulators
will need to adapt and adopt greater levels of
automation moving forward.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

20 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 21
Banking in 2030

Where to next Truly individualised customer-centred banking

As we’ve discussed, the current trends in technology,

data, regulation and the transformation of business
models will cause a major shift for digital banking.
But at the centre of everything lies the customer
and their expectations.
For the finance industry to truly succeed and stay
relevant, they will need to tackle and own these six
key themes:

Lifestyle Integration Customers expect their banks to know them.

Therefore, banking will need to deliver next
level hyper-relevance and understanding.

Automated and Intuitive Customers expect us to minimise the time

and effort required to do things. So, banking
needs to be super easy to use, and where
relevant, be in the background.

Context and Sensitivity Customers expect understanding and

empathy. To display this, banks will need
to deliver services and experiences that
contextually align to the customers’ life
stage, needs and circumstances.

Proactive and Forward-Thinking Successful businesses work tirelessly

on exceeding customer expectations by
anticipating what they want. Banks will need
to anticipate what a customer needs before
they ask for it.

Pioneers of Trust and Security Customers will only deal with businesses
which demonstrate integrity. There needs
to be a shift to providing data security,
protection and cyber security to customers,
and banking should be the sector that leads
the market.

Resolution Customers don’t just judge businesses by

what they do right. They appraise them for
how they resolve issues. Banks will need
to practice proactive accountability and
tackle an issue even before it impacts
the customer.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

22 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 23
Banking in 2030 Banking in 2030

Lifestyle integration Australian Consumer Survey:

Automated and Intuitive Australian Consumer Survey:

“ In the next ten years I expect my More than one in two Australians (55%) would
business will have gone through much prefer to arrange their future finances in the
future in a way that requires minimum time and
growth, allowing me to save at a higher
effort to set up and manage.
rate. I would hope my banking
Consumers have witnessed mass- experiences will become more The role of the Bank of the Future is to
personalisation through many of their personalised. As long as my bank make their customers lives as frictionless “ With technology advancing at leaps
digital experiences – think Netflix remains innovative and modern it will as possible, all while remaining behind and bounds I think most of my life will
suggestions and Spotify personalised be appreciated.” the scenes. We’ve seen examples of be dependent on automated ‘smart’
playlists. They will now expect the this shift in the way we moved from the devices in a few years’ time, which
Male, 30 – 34 yrs old, Melbourne
same from their financial services. manual process of paying a taxi driver could be beneficial as the time spent
for the ride, to having payments on banking tasks today is a nuisance”
The Bank of the Future will be successful by being Services that could become standard by 2030
seamlessly processed for our Uber trips. Female, 35 – 39 yrs old, Sydney
able to personalise not only their products and Create customised Lifestyle Bundles for individual households that
services towards the needs of the individual, but provide a single monthly payment to cover their banking, energy,
also their experiences. telecommunications, health (e.g. gym membership), entertainment Expect to see this automation in other parts of the
(e.g. Pay TV/streaming) and banking in a bundle. This simplifies
monthly living expenses and provides a subscription model of
customers’ life such as retail. A customer will walk “I would love it if when my credit card
Personalisation is often the most valuable component payment, allowing the household to adjust settings for their lifestyle into a store, pick up the item they want and simply is renewed they would automatically
needs. The Consumer Data Right could provide a consent mechanism
of an experience in the business-customer relationship, walk out - the bank and the retailer then work
for a trusted third party like a bank to bundle the requisite services update my number with companies
with even small actions like remembering a customers’ and provides the consumer/household with transparency of their together in the background to authenticate the
name having significant impact.
consumption across key service categories.
purchase and payment. that I have direct debits with to save
me having to call them all individually”
Examples of personalisation across financial Industry voice As the services customers receive from banks Female 55 – 59 yrs old, Sydney
services include: become less visible and a part of their day-to-day
Over the next decade, banks face a choice of how to position
themselves. They can play the role of match-maker, connecting
lives, banks must adjust their business models so
- Specific pricing of products catered to your customers to the best providers, stocking the shelves of the their value becomes clearer. Banks will find new, Services that could become standard by 2030
usage, with terms aligned to your requirements supermarket with their own brands and those from niche providers.
Alternatively, they can use the data they have to create completely more compelling ways to provide insights to Customers will be identified simply by their face or voice -
transforming in-person or over the phone engagements with
personalised products, tailored to the individual’s needs. customers about their financial wellbeing, allowing
- Reducing repayment terms on loans for when businesses into a seamless experience, focused purely on
the item you borrowed money for is cared for This combination of access, selection, price, experience and them to enhance their saving capabilities beyond answering customer queries or requests.

– protecting its value

personalisation are all things banks should be offering to their what is available today. Confirming date-of-birth, address, carrying a driver’s licence,
customers. The idea of a segment of one is that digital organisations
no longer need to choose between scale and personalisation. filling out forms or checking out will become things of the past.
At scale, everyone can be treated as a segment of one. If the Bank of the Future can make it as easy and
- Removing the need for an ID check when you
walk into a branch, and be greeted with your Michael Rogers, Curve frictionless as possible for a customer to use their
Industry voice
name and the full knowledge of your entire products or services, they will create a substantial
account history competitive advantage. ‘ We need to recognise that financial products are a small
component of a larger frictionless digital ecosystem’

- Financial smart assistants who can conduct David Duffy, CYBG

in depth analysis of your historic spending
and saving patterns to provide comprehensive ‘ Today, there is very much a demarcation between shopping,
and achievable recommendations on the spot, banking, running a company, getting to treasury. In the future,
those lines will be blurred. A very good outcome will be a world
helping you afford spontaneous purchases whereby people just get on with their lives, they interact, they
work together. The exchange of value that underpins the activity
will be invisible, instant, seamless.’
Demonstrating this level of hyper-relevance will
allow the Bank of the Future to truly integrate their Marcus Treacher, Ripple
services into your life and maximise the value
they can deliver you.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

24 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 25
Banking in 2030 Banking in 2030

Context and Sensitivity Australian Consumer Survey:

Proactive and Australian Consumer Survey:
90% of Australians want their bank to provide
advice about their spending and saving, to help
Forward-thinking The majority of Australians (90%) are looking for
their bank to provide tools and calculators that
them achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. enable them to model financial scenarios to see
the long term outcome.
25% of Australians claim not to have any
As banks improve their understanding savings, of which the vast majority (67%)
Big data, IoT and Open Banking will
of the customer data they collect, their give financial services institutions “In 2030, I will be 44 yrs old, still paying
are aged under 50 years old. off my home loan, but hopefully getting
ability to act upon that data increases. immense understanding of the lives
Technologies including AI, Blockchain of their customers. closer to the end of it. Thinking more
“ I would love to be able to set a ‘Notify about retirement and putting a plan
and IoT, and the sharing of financial Me When’ limit of a particular amount
data through Open Banking have Overlaying these insights across thousands or millions in place to ensure I have enough
so that I don’t have to always check of customers, using AI solutions, will allow banks to money to retire on. To reach this goal
a compounding effect on providing on my spending, which affects the
consumers with relevant services and
accurately predict what customers are about to need, I would like support from my bank by
pace at which I do some things, and and be able to step in to support them as their needs proactively giving me the best deals,
advice which align to their immediate how I live my life” change – if customers choose to opt-in.
needs and are in their best interests. products and loyalty perks”
Male, 55 – 59 yrs old, Brisbane
Female, 35 – 39 yrs old, Sydney
There will be spectrum of comfort with this service -
Banks will use their in depth understanding with one end being for individuals who want to share
of customer spending habits to provide
“ I would like to see tools that allow
all their data to maximise personalisation and proactivity; Services that could become standard by 2030
recommendations for better offers on energy, people to manage their monthly and the other being for individuals who do not want to
food and other services, increasing competition finances and uses tech to come up share any data to maximise privacy and control. Banks will help customers who express interest in buying a house
compare similar homes in the area, flag when renters can afford
without long-term contracts. Customers in earlier with ways to help people save money a home in the area at a reasonable loan level, model home loan
life stages, such as students, will be provided based on their situation and For the customers who give permission for their data repayments against their current expenses, explore home insurance
options and find the best deals on new appliances.
recommendations in consideration of on a higher circumstances” to be used, a data model to represent changing life
Banks will help customers achieve their objectives by proactively
debt load, whilst customers who are moving towards circumstances, such as a person moving from being providing solutions for all complementary activities.
Male, 30 -34 yrs old, Regional VIC
later life stages, such as before retirement, will be single to in a relationship could be based on
provided scaling levels of recommendations to a combination of factors, such as:
prevent a high debt load from carrying over, Services that could become standard by 2030 Industry voice
scaling based on the individual’s circumstances. - Increase in frequency in visiting restaurants and other ‘Say in 2030 you wake up and walk to the bathroom. By the time
Customers will be able to model the impact of spend on their
long-term financial health – allowing the bank to help customers locations frequented by those in a relationship – you’re ready to put your clothes on, your bodily diagnostics will have
been updated: smart technology will know whether you’re high or
Income data is already well understood by financial to identify ways to afford a significant purchase today, through relative to their normal behaviour low on glucose, or whether you’re slightly anaemic. That information
recommending reductions in specific parts of their day-to-day lives
institutions. So The Bank of the Future can provide over the long-term.
will be communicated to your fridge so that by the time you are in
the kitchen, remedial breakfast choices are highlighted. Insurance
guidance to customers on what they can afford, - Purchases associated with couple-related gifting technology will have also communicated to your shopping list that
This visibility on long-term impact from short-term gain will help
where they should live and how they can save for customers with their financial wellbeing and decision making. stores during certain seasons i.e. Valentines day – you’ll need extra orange juice because you’re deficient in this or
that nutrient’
their next holiday. This will provide consumers with relative to normal behaviour
peace of mind, reducing the worry and energy Blair Turnull, Aviva

involved in managing their finances. Over time, millions of customer profiles will allow
AI and ML to find the right combination of data points
to accurately predict a change in circumstance, whilst
balancing with an individual’s request for privacy.
By aligning needs to different circumstances, Banks
of the Future (with consumer consent) could use
this information to proactively respond to the
ever- developing lives of their customers - and in
some cases, before the customers may even
know themselves.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

26 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 27
Banking in 2030 Banking in 2030

Pioneers of Trust Australian Consumer Survey:

Resolution Australian Consumer Survey:

and Security Consumers in the survey believed banks (47%)

will be the most trusted sector to keep their
“ I would like my bank to fix my
problems without me even having
data and privacy safe, followed by Government
to notify them”
(26%), Payment Providers (16%), Retailers
(4%), Technology giants (3%), Airlines (2%) Female, 18 – 21 yrs old, Regional NSW
Banks once represented the pillars of and Telecommunications (2%).
No matter the number of technologies,
trust and integrity in communities all processes and policies put in place by “ I’m scared about the state of our
over the world, protecting and managing Two in five Australians (42%) are concerned banks to mitigate risk and protect against planet. I just want everything to be
their customers’ financial lives. While about potential security risks when dealing with data breaches, fraud and human error, as simple as going to my local bank
trust in the finance industry has recently companies online, like their bank. issues will arise from time to time. branch when I have a problem or
been challenged, there are other factors issue, for my bank to be there for
that are encroaching on the financial “ My biggest bugbear is feeling like It is during these moments that a bank has me when I need them”
I am not able to obtain the correct the opportunity to show they understand their
services industry. For example, the Male, 60 – 64 yrs old, Regional QLD
obligations to the customer. Banks must
introduction of Open Banking and the financial advice and making sure that
demonstrate a level of responsibility and
immediate reduction of the barriers to the person who is providing that accountability that fosters a ‘working together’ - In the situation where suspicious transactions
offering financial services to customers. advice is acting in your best interests” atmosphere to fix the problem, rather than are made: AI will proactively limit fraud from
Female, 35 – 39 years old, Melbourne leaving the customer feeling like they are on impacting their customers. Foreign government
In order to compete, Banks of the Future must opposing sides. business registries and external financial
carefully rebuild the trust within the community “ I’m not sure who I can trust to give me institutions will be scanned and measured for
through a strong focus on the security of customers’ Through the use of AI and ML, technologies of the compliance, product delivery status from the
really impartial advice. It feels like all delivery company will be tracked in real-time
data and valuing their privacy. This should be future will make it significantly easier for banks to
regarded as a non-negotiable factor, and will be
advice is based on commissions and and customer feedback will be overlaid and
not only prevent problems, but also identify historic
the primary differentiating point between a customer profit for the individuals giving the ones. Issues will be identified in real-time and even
verified to ensure the transacted item is
choosing a bank, or a business from another sector advice. In the short term I wish my predicted and prevented in advance.
aligned to its description.
that has bundled in financial services along with bank provided better support in
While the banks of today may already conduct
the rest of their products or services. asking for credit increases and When problems are identified, the leading Banks
some of these practices, the technologies of the
assistance on how to save for an of the Future will take immediate action to protect
future will allow for resolution to become a more
Banks who focus on providing data security, their standing across all customer experience pillars
overseas holiday. Longer term, like seamless and pain free experience. Plus, the extra
protection and cyber security are much more likely (integrity, expectations, empathy, time & effort,
to be considered by customers as the entity with
in the year 2030, I would like advice security provided by future technologies will lead to
and personalisation):
the highest levels of integrity. on retirement and how to have greater protection of a customers’ personal data.
a better work life balance while not - In the situation where the bank makes a
By prioritising these actions, the customers’ being in debt” mistake: AI will be able to quickly pick this up, Services that could become standard by 2030
financial wellbeing and showing a deep understanding flag that an error has occurred to the customer, Problems that arise as a result of human error will largely be eliminated,
Female 40 – 44 yrs old, Brisbane
of their obligations as a result of holding the customers’ while providing a selection of solutions that as IoT will track the real-lives of customers rather than relying on manual
submissions, the data will be secured via blockchain to maximise
data, the Banks of the Future can position themselves takes into consideration the customer’s personal transparency and security, followed by AI authenticating and
in places unattainable by other businesses. The banks Services that could become standard by 2030 circumstances i.e. providing low-income verifying compliance.
customers with a no-interest loan in the
who choose to sacrifice integrity and attempt to Financial services providers will have access to the full uneditable short-term during the resolution process.
compete in areas such as technology or price alone transaction history of all customers, powered by blockchain. This
provides the high transparency and levels the playing field - ensuring
will instead find themselves easily outclassed by products and services can be personalised effectively by whoever
other sectors. can offer the best value to the customer, rather than only those who
have a long history.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

28 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 29
Future Customer of 2030
Banks will need to adapt to individual
customer desire for control and knowledge

What are the enduring needs of the customer?

The consumer needs of today will continue into the

future and will demand the same key elements from
the leading banks:

Simple: Help me clear the clutter and defragment my life.

Smart: Know me as well as the data you have about me,
and help me achieve my aspirations and master my financial life.
Secure: In an increasingly untrusted world, protect my money,
identity and data.

Customers will still need to save, borrow, invest and make payments,
with digital advancement and financial literacy helping them find
smarter and better ways. The increasing savviness of consumers will
drive an intense and urgent new battle between incumbents and
challengers to be their trusted interface of choice.

At the same time, technology is likely to make banks increasingly

invisible. As we move toward a fully connected way of life, banking
activities will often be hidden within ‘super-apps’ that can fulfil daily
personal and financial obligations with a tap.

By 2030, we will have transitioned to a new world of adaptive banking.

Technology will enable them to meet each customer’s unique set
of preferences as they change across occasion, time and context.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

30 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 31
Future Customer of 2030 Future Customer of 2030

How we work By 2030, Millennials comprise 75% of the workforce. There’s also an
increased labour market participation of women, older workers and
How we play Consumers’ lives are densely packed as they balance work and life.
They have even less time available for recreation and leisure activities.
workers from more ethnically-diverse backgrounds. People change jobs People now seek out opportunities to play or watch sport at times that
every 3-5 years. What’s more, 92% of future jobs will need digital skills. fit into their busy schedule. People increasingly opt to go for a run with
headphones rather than commit to a regular organised sporting team
The continued rise of the ‘gig economy’, has people actively seeking or event.
independent work, and ‘casual workers’ are using it as a means to
supplement their income. These temporary, shorter-term jobs are held The Australian population has become wealthier, and their demand for
by more than 50% of the working-age population. products and services has changed. Consumers now look to pursue
rewarding experiences over products. This is reflected in the rise of
lifestyle, adventure and alternative sports. Participants obtain cultural
self-identity and self-expression through these sports. Travel remains
How we live Health
We are working more and living longer. Life expectancy has increased
a status symbol for many and the desire to present a “perfect holiday”
to your friends, families and followers has increased dramatically
largely as a result of improvements in diet, living conditions and with technology. Virtual Reality and live-streaming now offers the
technological progression in the medical field. With a societal push opportunity for friends to join your experience.
towards healthy living and preventative health, a growing consumer
base has become increasingly responsible for financing their own care. Finally, with the proliferation of technology and devices, “digital detoxes”
or “black hole tourism” takes consumers to the rare places that
Society is seeking sustainable solutions to mental and physical health remain offline.
problems. Mobile apps and devices provide individuals with personal
medical records and daily activity logs.
These developments paint a different picture of the
There’s also a rise in automated new care delivery models that facilitate customer in 2030 to what we observe today –
self-care, prevention and wellness. It’s tough to budget for old age due influencing their attitudes, aspirations and behaviours.
to growing health costs and uncertainty about how long you may live.
There’s a critical need for financial products that help people save and
The future customer will have far more complex needs
provide an income in an increasingly long retirement. to satisfy and their preferences will change based
on different contexts for those needs.
People are marrying later and cohabiting for longer periods. There is an
increase in the number of single-adult households and single-parent
households, plus the number of couples without children has increased.
The number of one-person households has increased by almost 50%
due to an ageing society. This is reflected in the rising proportion of
elderly people among society’s most poor.

Social and Environmental

The act of sharing has connected people and promoted social cohesion.
Consumers are more aware and conscious of growing environmental
concerns and the efficient use of water, energy and food resources in
light of constrained supply.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

32 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 33
Future Customer of 2030 Future Customer of 2030

Enduring needs The enduring needs of the customer we introduced in the future
context set the timeless foundations for customer experience –
Automate People who want low control, and have low knowledge want their
lives to be automated so processes they don’t understand can just
are skewed however each and every individual will fall somewhere along happen behind the scenes.

by the realities a spectrum based on their own values:

of life - Some people may want it easy because they do not understand
and trust businesses do what is right for them Aggregate People who want high control, and have low knowledge want their
lives to be aggregated so they are provided a list of available options.
- Some people may want it easy because they have in depth
knowledge, but want it done a specific way

- Some people may want personalisation, and be willing to share

all their personal data, so products and services are highly Orchestrate People who want high control, and have high knowledge want their lives
personalised to be orchestrated so everything happens according to their plan.

- Some people may want personalisation, however are not willing

to share data due to fears about privacy, so products and
services are lightly personalised
Validate People who want low control, and have high knowledge want their
- Some people may want to be protected, because they are lives to be validated so their choices are seamlessly reassured.
worried about entities that they cannot trust, and have a clear
understanding of the type of protection they need

- Some people may want to be protected, because they do not

understand what is out there, and don’t trust businesses to
do what is right for them These are the four needs that Banks of the Future
must align their services to, in order to truly service
These spectrums of needs are comprised of the individual’s desire customers of 2030.
for a combination of:

Aggregate Orchestrate
Desire for control

Automate Validate

Degree of perceived knowledge

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

34 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 35
Future Customer of 2030 Customer segmentation Future Customer of 2030 Customer segmentation

Jack, 22 year old student Mia, 44 year old small business owner
Jack is a student currently studying economics at Mia and her family recently opened a small restaurant.
the University of Sydney. He sees economics as She managed to pay off their mortgage quite early
an opportunity to develop some general skills for as both her and her husband were careful savers
the future, rather than being something he is since their youth, allowing them to put their house
passionate about. as collateral for the loan.

He is not burdened by too many expenses, as has Like most small businesses, she understands it
still lives at home with his family. They have shared could be quite a long time before the business
with him many horror stories about what poor becomes profitable, if ever. With slowly declining
financial management and debt could do to a person, savings, two kids, a small business to run, and their
inspiring him to use a student loan as the starting home on the line, they know they need to work
point for learning how to manage his savings hard to ensure their restaurant becomes successful.
and expenses.

In order to get a head start on paying off his student

loan, Jack recently began working part-time at a
restaurant in between classes, and hopes this kind
of real world experience may guide him towards
a career that he could be passionate about.
Role of the bank: Role of the bank:

Automate He has opted out of the bank contacting him directly, and prefers
to rely completely on dealing with AI customer service, or instant
Automate Customer payments have been automated throughout their restaurant,
from tap-and-go to not even needing to interact with a bill, their bank
message chat bots – where they are available 24/7 and he can monitors the end-to-end process to ensure each and every order is
respond at his leisure. paid for before the customer leaves. ‘Dine-and-dash’ is a thing of the
past with the bank’s facial recognition payment system.

Aggregate To get the most value out of his money, he has opted into a robo-
adviser who provides daily information on deals, discounts or offers
Aggregate Relies on the bank to monitor prices of food supplies across the
marketplace, and provide estimated price projections depending on
for products he regularly purchases. current events. Weather events like cyclones can significantly drive up
prices of food supplies, and being able to forecast these spikes allows
her to adjust the menu or source supplies internationally to reduce
negative impact.

Orchestrate In order to not carelessly spend too much of his savings on food
and entertainment, he has opted into a monthly spend limit with
Orchestrate Sensors monitor electricity, gas and water usage throughout the
premises, and allows the bank to optimise their energy usage, including
warnings. Once it goes over, his banking app will begin sending him turning down or off devices consuming resources when not in use.
notifications whenever it notices he is in the vicinity of stores he She also allows their bank to automatically switch between utility
frequently purchases from. When he opens his app, it shows the providers to ensure they get the best value for money.
long term impact of following or ignoring the warnings, by displaying
the compounding interest gained or lost projected against six months
and two years. This helps him understand the impact of a small guilty
pleasure purchase on his long-term goals.

Validate His banking app models potential scenarios for paying off student
loans using his historic financial data, allowing him to create some
Validate Her restaurant kitchen equipment made up a significant portion of
the loan, and the bank monitors its usage and care. Keeping the
self-set goals for the future. He now understands that if he is able equipment well maintained and in pristine condition allows the bank
to get an increase of $3.50/hour at his part-time job within the next to reduce their repayment burdens. She insists on weekly meetings
2 years, and allocates 25% of his earnings into student loan with their bank account manager to review their data, in order to
repayments, then he will be able to pay off his student loans better understand if she is doing everything she can to keep their
4 years earlier and with 8% less paid in interest. repayments at its lowest.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

36 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 37
Future Customer of 2030 Customer segmentation Future Customer of 2030 Customer segmentation

Olivia, 54 year old doctor Elijah, 63, retired former truck driver
Having been born into a long line of doctors, Olivia Elijah had worked as a truck driver for over 25 years,
felt the need to also become a doctor herself. She hauling goods interstate for a major grocer. He had
spent over 10 years working in the emergency room spent his youth living relatively lavishly, without
of a major hospital, before realising she needed concerning himself with saving. When self-driving
a change of pace, becoming a general practitioner trucks replaced his full-time role, he resorted to
of a small family clinic. working odd jobs as a handyman wherever he could
find them.
The years of stress in the emergency room have
taken a toll on her health, and she is now much With little savings and diminishing capabilities to be
more serious about looking after herself. able earn more, he relies on government support
and tight budgeting to get by. Without any immediate
Her income has allowed her family to be debt free, family who rely on him for their wellbeing, he only
and to have a portfolio of investments in property hopes to be able to live comfortably in his retirement.
and the stock market. She worries about finding
the right balance between giving her children a
comfortable life and spoiling them. However for
now, is just focused on ensuring she provides
them the best education possible.

Role of the bank: Role of the bank:

Automate Has set up funds for each of her children, and automatically
contributes to these monthly using earnings from her investments.
Automate Other than the monthly in-branch visit to have a face-to-face with his
account manager, he prefers the bank to manage everything in the
As incentive for her children, she has set goals such as achieving background. He is happy for them to adjust his critical expenses, like
certain grades and test scores, not spending over a specified amount utilities, to find the lowest cost without his additional input.
of time on electronics, and doing a set amount of physical exercise –
when the bank tracks that her children have achieved the set targets
for the month, it distributes a portion of the funds into their accounts
as a reward.

Aggregate To force herself to fit time in to relax, her bank automatically

schedules planned relaxation opportunities into their calendar, such
Aggregate He is on a low cost health insurance plan with his bank, covering only
the most basic components aligned to his needs. His monthly Medicare
as recommending the top restaurants for a date night with her covered health check gives him data on his health status, and he has
husband or weekend trips to the vineyard – based on activities that granted the bank permission to use this data to recommend changes
the bank believes she will enjoy using her historic spend data. Al to his package; allowing him to add or remove elements at will so he
she has to do is accept or decline these suggested schedules as can balance between maximising his safety net, and reducing
they come up, allowing her to make finding down time very easy. the cost.

Orchestrate Her premium health insurance program monitors her health 24/7,
and she allows her bank to share this with entities involved in many
Orchestrate A small family farm he inherited is the only considerable asset he has
left, and he relies on the bank to monitor its estimated selling price,
parts of her life, such as with her nutritionist, so meals are prepared and to put it on the market when he can get the highest return. He
in accordance with what she needs; and her personal trainers, so set a goal for the bank to allow him to afford a range of products and
they can prepare weekly personalised exercise routines. Her bank services he put on a wishlist for living more comfortably, using the
authenticates that the services she receives are in alignment with money from the sale.
her health data, and keeps up routine payments.

Validate With a portfolio of investments in the share market and property,

her bank monitors the global marketplace and current events to give
Validate Unlike most households who rely on self-driving cars or ride-share,
he still prefers to drive himself. In spite of his older age and minor
her projections and alerts of significant changes that could impact her, health conditions, his insurance profile was deemed to be low risk as
so she can maximise the return. a result of his tracked driving performance, allowing him to save with
his monthly premiums.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

38 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 39

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

40 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 41
Appendix Appendix

From product The role of the Bank of the Future

With these two parameters in mind, banks can develop products
or solutions that tackle the customers’ needs in four specific areas:
banking to Control vs Perceived knowledge

adaptive banking Banks are in a unique position, as they operate as the connective
tissue between the customer and their products and services.
Automate This is where the customer is averse to control decisions, possibly
due to their lack of knowledge in a specific area. Therefore they trust
the bank to take care of the end-to-end transaction. The less visible
With banks having complete visibility around payments and transactions, the bank is here, the better.
it provides an opportunity to extend their offers across two key
customer dimensions
Australian Consumer Survey Two in three (65%) consumers are looking for banks to automate the
process of finding product, rate or fee information, recommendations
and advice.
- The desire for control- the level that a customer wishes to
make active decisions

- The degree of perceived knowledge- how much a customer Aggregate When we find that the customer still wants to control the decisions
and actions, but possibly lacks knowledge, we can step in to bring
believes they understand the category and offer offers and experiences together. This becomes all about facilitating
and streamlining to create easy choices.

Australian Consumer Survey More than two in five (44%) Australians feel very overwhelmed
by their current situation and would like to be more in control in
the future.

Aggregate Orchestrate Orchestrate When the customer knows what they want, when they want it,
Desire for control

it’s up to the bank to action their wishes simply and efficiently.

Australian Consumer Survey In the future most consumers (70%) are looking to consolidate -
preferring to have all their financial relationships with just
a few providers.

Automate Validate
Validate When the customer feels they are knowledgeable in a chosen
subject, they will look to the bank to help validate their choices.
This should still be a frictionless and low engagement experience
Degree of perceived knowledge but allows the bank to provide key supporting information.

Australian Consumer Survey Three in four Australians (75%) feel they have a good knowledge and
understanding of financial products and services and how they work,
but the majority (66%) still want guidance and advice from their bank
before making a decision.

All of these roles are driven by the customer Mass market financial establishments will consider
preference which is why it’s imperative that banks these four specific areas across any product or offer
adapt to a future-facing position that empowers the they bring to market. They will want to be active, and
customer. For example, a customer may allow their adapt to each customers’ unique set of preference
bank to automate their choices of utility providers, as they change across offer, occasion and time.
but still maintain closer control with the bank
orchestrating their payment. Products and services alone are too passive, and are no
longer enough to retain customers in a world of choice.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

42 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 43
Appendix Cloud computing High usage of machinery taken out on a loan will
Cloud computing removes the burden of carrying increase repayment burdens, while low usage will
hardware in order to perform tasks such as storing, reduce repayment burdens – as lower usage is
managing or processing data, as servers can be more likely to preserve the value of the machinery.
instructed to perform the same tasks over the
internet instead. This allows for users to perform Insurance premiums will be charged based on
highly complex and demanding tasks from almost your performance – rather than based on blanket
Technologies expanded Blockchain is a type of DLT, where data is structured
into blocks, and then linked with each other and
any internet-enabled device. categorisations such as gender or age. Devices will
be installed in your car to monitor how you drive,
encrypted for security. One primary difference is Banks of the Future will be able to help customers and a risk profile will be developed using the data
blockchain only allows for adding data, and not process vast amounts of data using their hardware generated to charge you accordingly.
editing or removing data – thereby ensuring all from data centres, typically reserved for enterprise
parties with access are able to see every historic businesses in our current day. Using the data from AR / VR
transaction. Open Banking, fraud prevention and a customer’s full suite of IoT enabled devices Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
AI and ML smart contracts will all greatly benefit from throughout their life, they will be able to help allow audiences to enhance or change the world
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning blockchain and its key strength of allowing for customers identify deep insights into how they’re around them, and is the next evolution in user
(ML), while having different definitions, collectively a distributed ledger which can never be edited. living their lives, and the affect this is having on interfaces after screens.
work towards the common goal of helping humans
their financial wellbeing. These insights will allow
automate and optimise tasks typically performed Biometrics banks to optimise the lives of their customers, AR serves as a visual tool for contextualising the
manually. AI is more broadly defined as a computer Key to all developments is the need for secure, calling out positive spending behaviours, and real world – layering in rich information to allow us
performing tasks which associated with requiring trusted technologies and platforms in which customers recommending resolutions of negative spending to multitask and make decisions more effectively.
human intelligence, while ML is the process of and service providers can have absolute trust and behaviours – all from the customer’s smart phone Products on a store shelf could receive virtual
allowing computing systems to teach themselves confidence that privacy will be protected, and or wearable device. information overlays as consumers glance at them,
to improve through repetition. These two technologies transactions secured. Biometric and behavioural with financial services institutions flagging a similar
work together in harmony, and using self-driving cars technologies, combined with real-time AI security Internet of Things (IoT) product is available at a lower cost to help their
as an example, AI is the term that defines computers profiling will be used to provide constant, real-time The Internet of Things is broadly defined as everyday customers stay on track with their savings goals.
driving a car, while ML allows the computer to user identity validation, and advanced behavioural objects being able to send and receive data via
optimise its own driving through repetition. profiling. The human element will be removed the internet. The relatively broad definition is also AR could also play a role in helping consumers
entirely. PINs and passwords will be gone. aligned towards its broad scope – as there are find the closest branch, with virtual arrows
The most imminent applications of AI and ML
almost endless benefits for connecting an everyday appearing in the real world to guide the customer
into financial services will be: Technological developments in AI based profiling, objects to the internet, such as: along their journey.
Quantum computing, biometric security and
Customer service - through voice-enabled blockchain will work transparently and in union to Rubbish bins – Can report reaching capacity to Virtual environments created by VR allow customers
computer customer representatives who can have provide a secure frictionless, experience to customers. the city garbage collection services to help them who may have difficulties visiting a branch, such
conversations seamlessly or chat bots to manage
improve efficiency. as those experiencing disabilities or living in remote
a significant portion of tasks currently managed 5G locations, to still receive the in-store experience.
by humans. The introduction of 4G mobile data connections Sporting products such as footballs and player A virtual face-to-face meeting will allow financial
saw mobile internet speeds increase up to 10 times jerseys – Can begin reporting in-depth live statistics services institutions to create completely new
Analytics – due to the exponentially increasing that of 3G, averaging between 20 mbps to 50 mbps. which can help players and teams identify areas customer experiences, transforming traditionally
volume of data due to IoT and big data, AI will be With the imminent rollout of the fifth generation of improvement or commentators to analyse mundane experiences into exciting and
used to sift through the mountains of data to (5G) of mobile data connections, we’re expecting strategies during broadcast. memorable encounters.
identify the insights. to see another significant increase in mobile
data transfer speeds. Early tests from Australian Fridges – Can begin reporting when milk and other Quantum Computing
Security – with facial and voice recognition telecommunication providers have achieved speeds products are low, and can help set reminders to The ability to process and analyse vast amounts of
technologies set to replace traditional means of of over 1.2 gbps (1200 mbps) in isolated cases. pick up a replacement, or even order a replacement data quickly and efficiently is being enabled through
identification, developments in technology to fake
for delivery automatically. Products such as smart developments in quantum computing. Quantum
these is also on the rise, and AI will be required This super-fast, next generation of mobile internet watches and smart speakers already fall under computing enables multiple computations to occur
to authenticate and verify facial and voice imagery will serve as the enabler of most other technologies this category. simultaneously as opposed to current computing
or sound. of the future, especially Internet of Things (IoT) and methods which enable a single computation at a
cloud computing. With the amount of data IoT is expected to create, time. Datasets and calculations which are currently
DLT / Blockchain
there is a high reliance on 5G internet rolling out in challenging to use due to the energy required to
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a database
order to realise its full potential. process and timeliness of output will become
of asset transactions which are shared and stored
relevant in proactively managing risk, increasing
in multiple locations at the same time. There is no
The Internet of Things will allow financial services data security, and accelerating transaction speed.
centralised administrator or location of storage.
to track and monitor usage of products aligned to
When a ledger is updated, each machine in the
insurance or loans, such as: Quantum computing will act as an enabler for these
network votes by consensus to determine which
emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and
copy is correct, and then all other machines update
Machine Learning, blockchain and IoT which can all
themselves with the new copy of the ledger.
be data and computation heavy and require robust
security to be trusted and embedded.

© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

44 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 45
Appendix Methodology: Nationally representative research - The vast majority (76%) who are earning less than
conducted by KPMG surveying 1,061 Australians $50,000 in income today, do not believe they will
aged 18 to 65 years old. The online survey aimed to be living comfortably in 2030. One in two (50%)
Methodology: Nationally representative research able to meet their expenses
better understand current and future
conducted by KPMG surveying 1,061 Australians
lifestyle, digital affluent Australians who earn more than $100,000
Vast majority (76%) who are earning less than
and financial needs and what consumers
aged 18 to 65 years old. The online survey aimed to expect life a year,
$50,000 in income believe
today, they
do not are unlikely
believe they will to be living
Appendix to be
Methodology: like ten years
Nationally from now
representative (in 2030).
research able to meet comfortably
their expenses in 2030.
better understand current and future lifestyle, digital be living comfortably in 2030. One in two (50%)
conducted by KPMG surveying 1,061 Australians Vast majority (76%) who are earning less than
Lifestyle integration Pioneers of
doTrust and Security
Australian consumer survey results aged
to be 18
old. The
(in 2030).
survey aimed to
better understand current and future lifestyle, digital blytheir bank and
be living
in 2030
in income
believe they are today,
unlikely not
to be
comfortably in 2030. One insurvey
- Consumers in
livingthey will
two (50%)believed banks (47%)
integrationproviding them with a range of support will be the most trusted sector to keep their data
Australian consumer and assisted services,
to be like ten years from now (in 2030). such as, tailored - product,
Pioneersbelieve andand
of Trust privacy
are safe,
Security to befollowed by Government (26%),
living comforta-
survey stitution providing them with a range of support and Consumers in the survey believed banks (47%) will (4%),
rate or fee information (31%) and paying bills
bly (23%).
in 2030 Payment Providers (16%), Retailers
TrustAustralian consumer Lifestyle- services,
assisted integration
Most Australians
such as, tailored(90%)product, would like rate the
or ability
be the to most trusted
Technologysector giants
to keep(3%), Airlines
their data and (2%) and
in banks customise
fee information (31%) their
paying bills app(23%) – choice -over what Pioneers
privacy safe,of Trust and Security
followed by Government(2%). (26%), Pay-
survey stitution
Most Australians
they with
see a like
when theofyou
and Consumers
ment Providers
be the most
in- the
(16%), believed
to keep
Technology are concerned
Payments company
customise their banking
- Most Australians app –(91%)choicewant over an what giants (3%), Airlines
alert in their about (2%) security risksand
their data
and Telecommunications
potential when dealing with
fee information
information they(31%)
see and paying bills
in (23%) privacy safe, followed by Government (26%), Pay-
Airlines (eg. PayPal) Telco Most banking appwhen that tellsyou log them of rebates they(2%)
are Providers companies online, likeTechnology
their bank.
Most Australians
Australians (90%)(91%) wouldwant an like theinability
alert their to
bank- ment (16%), Retailers (4%),
customise eligible
ing app thattheir
to claim.
them ofapp – choice theyover what giants (3%), Airlines (2%) anddealing
Payments company rebates are eligible potential Banking
security risks services
when to with
satisfy the 2030 customer –
information they see when
to claimAutomated you
and Intuitive log in (2%)
nies online, like their
Automate bank
Airlines (eg. PayPal) Telco Most Australians (91%) want an alert in their bank-
4% 2% 3% 16% 47% 2% - More than one in two Australians (55%) would - Two in three (65%) consumers are looking for
ing app thatand
Automated tellsIntuitive
them of rebates they are eligible potential security to
Banking services risks when
satisfy dealing
the 2030the with compa-
customer – of finding product,
to claim prefer to arrange their finances in the future, nies online, banks
like their to automate
bank process
More than one in two Australians (55%) would pre- Automate
in a way that requires minimum time and effort rate or fee information, recommendations
Two in three (65%) consumers are looking for banks
4% 2% 3% 16% 47% 2%
Retailer Technology Giant Bank/financial institution Automated to set
and up and
Intuitive manage.
that requires minimum time and effort to set up and Banking andtoadvice.
services satisfy the 2030 customer –
(eg. Facebook, Google, Amazon) More
manage -
than Only
one a
in few
two (9%) are
Australians open
(55%) to complex
would pre- products
fee information, recommendations and advice the 2030 customer –
Banking services to satisfy
Only a few(e.g.(9%)
are open finance)
to complex applications
productsbeing (e.g. automated.
Two in three (65%) consumers are looking for banks
that requires minimumof time andare effort Aggregate
Retailer Technology Giant Bank/financial institution - Australians today stilltocoming
set up andto termsBankingwithservices to satisfy the 2030 customer –
manage fee information, - More than two in five
recommendations (44%) Australians feel very
and advice
Consumers in(eg. Facebook,
the survey Google,
believed Amazon)
banks (47%) will be the most trusted sector to keep their data and privacy safe, followed by the of
Australians future
todayof areinvisible
still coming payments,
to termswith with nearly one
Consumers in the survey believed
Providers banks (47%) (4%),
will Technology
be the most giantstrusted sector
andkeep Only a few
the future (9%)
of are open
invisible to complex
payments, with products one(e.g. overwhelmed by their current situation and would
Government (26%), Payment (16%), Retailers (3%), Airlines Telecommunications (2%) in two (47%) Australians in nearly
support of payments
their data and privacy safe, followed by Government (26%), Payment Providers (16%), in two (47%) Australians in support of payments Banking
overwhelmed like
services to be
to satisfy
by their more in control
current 2030 customer in the
and would – future.
becoming invisible through automated processes,
Retailers (4%),inTechnology
Consumers giants
the survey believed (3%),
banks (47%)Airlines
will be the(2%) and Telecommunications
most trusted (2%).
sector to keep their data and privacy safe, followed by Australians
becoming of today
invisible are
through still coming
automated to terms with
processes, Aggregate
likeplays - Before making
to be more in control in the future a choice, consumers are
the while
future of the other
invisible half
payments, (53%) with are
nearly against
one it. Age
Government (26%), Payment Providers (16%), Retailers (4%), Technology giants (3%), Airlines (2%) and Telecommunications (2%) while the other half (53%) are against it. Age plays significantly more likely to want further information
a significant
in two (47%) Australians factor - consumers
in support of payments aged underoverwhelmed
50 are by their current situation and would (40%) out of any
on financial products and services
becoming overwhelmingly
overwhelminglyinvisible(71%)through (71%)
in support in
of support
greater of greaterlike
pay- to be and
products more in control
services in the
(40%) out future
of any other cate- (9%) and
Consumer interest in going beyond banking other category, followed by energy
while payment
the other
ment automation. half automation.
(53%) are against it. Age plays gory, followedtechnology
by energy (9%) and technology (6%).
overwhelmingly Context(71%) and Sensitivity
in support of greater pay- products and services (40%) out ofto
any other cate-
Australians of of differentage
different agegroups
groups have
have aa broad
broadrange ofof
range aspirations which finances Context and Sensitivity
- A quarter (25%) of Australians claim not to
Banking services
to satisfyservices
the 2030 satisfy
customer the
– 2030 customer –
A quarter automation.
(25%) of Australians claim not to have any gory, Validate followedValidate
by energy (9%) and technology (6%).
can help which
aspirations them afford, and can
finances 90%help
are open
banks providing new services, tools or savings,any of whichsavings, of which
the vast majority the(67%) vast are majority
aged (67%) Three arein four Australians (75%) feel they have a
- Three in four Australians (75%) feel they have a
ways of doing
Australians things toage
of different helpgroups
their financial situation.
have a broad range of aspirations which finances Context
under 50and aged
years under
old 50 years old. Banking services to satisfy the 2030 customer –
good knowledge and understanding of financial
Additionally, 90%afford,
can help them are open to banks
and 90% providing
are open to banks new services,
providing new services, tools or A
Manyquarter - Many
(25%) Australians
Australians of(63%)
Australiansthink (63%) claim
that theirthink
not to that
savingshave theirany savingsValidate
products and services productsand andhow they work,
services and but
would not oflast
would which notthe
more last vast
than moreamajority
yearthan should (67%)
a yearthey are aged they
lose Three
losein (66%)
majority four Australians (75%)
still want guidance feeland
they have
advice a they work, but
tools or ways
ways of doing
of doing
things things
help to
Pay financial
Maximise situation.
return Securing
on investments retirement income
holiday under
their job 50their
years job.old majority
their bank before making a decision
(66%) still want guidance and advice from
Many Australians
In 2030,- majority (63%)
ofmajority think
Australians that their savings products and their
services bankand before
how making
they work, a decision.
In 2030, of (73%)
Australians expect(73%) to expect to
Overseas Grow Pay off Maximise return Securing Overseas
have not last more
have insurance (e.g. than
health, a year
(e.g. should
life), but they
car,only lose
twobut only
life), majority
two (66%)
themselves on- still
More want
product than
and two inand
services five (46%)
the mediaof consumers
80 Car
50% holiday
50% business mortgage on investments retirement income holiday their job
thirds (66%) currently hold insurance. their
(TV, bank before
magazines) educate
making themselves
a decision on product and services
63% 66% 58% 62% In 2030,thirds
Superannuation majority (66%) currently(73%)
Australians hold insurance.
to be the expect main asset to via vthe media (TV, magazines).
most insurance
- Superannuation
Australians (e.g.
(63%)health, is
with life),less butthan to half
only betwo the
main asset on product
Banking services andthe
to satisfy services
2030 via the media
customer –
50% 50% thirds
Australians most
(66%) Australians
(47%) owningholda(63%) insurance.
home (with hold, or with less athan(TV,
without half of
Orchestrate Banking services to satisfy the 2030 customer –
40 63% 58% 62%
60 76%
66% Superannuation
mortgage) Australians (47%) owning
is perceived to be thea main homeasset (with or without
In the future most Orchestrate
consumers (70%) are looking
50% 50%
37% 34% 42% 38% a mortgage).
most Australians (63%) hold, with less than half of Banking services - In to
the future
satisfy themost
customer – (70%) are looking
40 24% Australians (47%)
Proactive and Forward-thinking owning a home (with or without a Orchestrate to consolidate
relationships with just a few providers - preferring to have all their financial
mortgage) Proactive and Forward-thinking In the future most consumers (70%)
0 The majority of Australians (90%) are looking for relationships with justare looking
a few providers.
18-21 50%
22-24 25-29 30-34
37% 35-39
42% 45-49
38% their bank - The majority
to provide tools of andAustralians
calculators (90%)that are looking Other stats
24% Proactive forand their bank to provide tools and calculators
Forward-thinking Nearly thatnine inwith
relationships Other juststats
ten (87%) a few providers
Australians want faster,
Aspiration Others
0 The
long majority
term enable
outcome them to model
of Australians (90%)financial are looking scenarios
for to see the - Nearly nine in ten (87%) Australians want faster,
18-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Other
Nine bank long
in ten to(90%)
provide and calculators
Australians want theirthat bank to click tostats chat) more user-friendly access to a financial adviser
Q1) Australians of different life stages have a range different aspirations Q2) 90% of survey voters were open to banks providing Nearly nine in (e.g.
(87%) Australians want
• 18-21: 50%Aspiration
Most common aspirationOthers is saving for a car different services, tools or new ways of doing things. provide - Nine about
advice in tentheir (90%) of Australians
spending and saving, wantto their Most bank Australians clickfeel
to chat).
optimistic andfaster,
• 22-24: 50% Most common aspiration is saving for an overseas holiday long term outcome
to provide advice about their spending and saving, about the future
- Most Australians (71%) feel optimistic and upbeat
In 2030, in ten (90%)of ofAustralians
Australians(59%) want their bank to click to chat)
• 25-29: 24% Most common aspiration is growing their business
Q1) Australians of different life stages have a range different aspirations Q2) 90% of survey voters were open to banks providing tomajority
help them achieve their are imagining
lifestyle and financial about the future.
• 30-34: 37% Most common aspiration is focus on paying off their mortgage
• 18-21:
Q1) Australians of 50% Mostlife
different common
stagesaspiration is saving
have a range for a car
different aspirations Q2) 90% of survey different services,
voters weretoolsopenor new waysproviding
to banks of doing things.different
their lifegoals.advice
will beabout focussing their on spending
maximising and saving,their super to Most Australians (71%) feel optimistic and upbeat
• 35-39: 34% Most common aspiration is maximising return on investments about the future
- 18-21: 50%• 22-24: 50% Mostaspiration
Most common common aspiration is saving
is saving for a car fortheir
an overseas holiday services, tools or new ways of doing things. and planning their retirement, and less than half
• 40-44: 42% Most common aspiration is securing
• 25-29: 24% Most common aspiration is growing their business
retirement income
(40%)2030, - majority
In 2030,
believe they
Australians of Australians
be living (59%) comfortably are imagining(59%) are
- 22-24: 50% Most 38%
• 45-49: common
Mostaspiration is saving for
common aspiration an overseas
is saving holiday holiday
for an overseas
- 25-29: 24%
• 30-34: 37% Most common aspiration is focus on paying off their mortgage
Most common aspiration is growing their business their lifeimagining
will be focussing their life on will
maximising be focussing their super on maximising
• 35-39: 34% Most common aspiration is maximising return on investments
- 30-34: 37% Most 42%
• 40-44: common
Mostaspiration is focus on
common aspiration is paying
securing offtheir
mortgageincome and planning their their super and planning
retirement, and less theirthan retirement,
half and less
- 35-39: 34% Most 38%
• 45-49: common
Mostaspiration is maximising
common aspiration return
is saving foronaninvestments
overseas holiday (40%) than
believe half
they (40%)
will be believe
living they
comfortably will be and living comfortably
46 Most common aspiration is securing their retirement
- 40-44: 42%
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
incomeof KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
trademarks or trademarks
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
and able to meet their expenses.
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 47
- 45-49: 38% Most common aspiration is saving for an overseas holiday

46 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG
46 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 47

Ian Pollari
Partner and National Banking
Sector Leader & Co-Leader,
Global Fintech

T: +61 2 9335 8408


Carmen Bekker
Partner - Customer,
Brand & Marketing Advisory

T: +61 2 9335 8055


Colin Jowell
Director - KPMG UDKU

T: +61 2 9335 8642


© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG © 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG

48 International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name and logo and are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 49

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© 2019 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG
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The KPMG name and logo and are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.

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