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4/7/2020 BORN ON THE 23rd OF MARCH? Learn your future - Auntyflo.


Who know's what is in store for you!

Check out your birth date meaning.

March 23rd is the day of curiosity. Individuals born on March

23rd seem to be curious in any respect, but their investigations
are usually reduced to the most essential events, thoughts,
feelings and ideas of existence.

Matters of life and death, youth and old age and primary human emotions show
most interest to them. Their life approach is especially scientific. These people can
become scientists, are constantly digging for novelty and test everything that comes
into contact with them.

Natives of March 23rd will not accept any concept or idea until it has been tested.
Nor will advise others if they lack concrete facts to make an extremely elevated
suggestion. They make determinations about life based on their own observations.
Consequently, it is difficult to fool them because their decision making is based on
solid experience. Conversely, their perceptions gained from such experiences tend to
be highly prized and unwittingly abandoned. Those born on this day can be stubborn
to the extent that they do not want to give up no matter how many people show
evidence against it. Once it turned out that something is true, they tend to cling to it. 1/5
4/7/2020 BORN ON THE 23rd OF MARCH? Learn your future -

People born on March 23rd are extremely versatile and can be friends with people
from diverse social classes. They are not afraid to take risks, but they have to avoid
the attraction of gambling, regardless of the environment they practice them into.
March 23rd natives have very strong natural impulses that must be expressed, even
if occasionally this involves danger. Although usually they are the followers of more
traditional areas, these people may exhibit strange attraction to situations or people
they meet on their way. This is simply a projection of their own highly unusual
nature that often remains undisclosed to the world.

Those born on this day generally show interest and love for children. This does not
mean that they are childish, fanciful or playful. Their proximity to children is
elementary, scientific and less subjective or sentimental.

Despite all areas of investigation, the human being remains the main concern those
born on March 23rd, especially when it involves development. Again, this interest is
primarily scientific and not a search for warmth and comfort. Thus, those born today
deal with investigating the needs of others, but remain fully selfish in their personal
lives. They may also be mistaken for being social workers although they are just


Keep your cool.

Do not treat people as if they were specimens, no matter how interesting they
are to be studied.
Cultivate your sensual side.
Avoid being didactic and listen to others.
Stop being so involved.

Being born on March 23rd shows that a solution will be given. How you respond to
the immense energy of this year depends upon how much you are now tapped into a
creative flow. You are frustrated with your life this year. 2/5
4/7/2020 BORN ON THE 23rd OF MARCH? Learn your future -

Numerology: Ruled by Mercury…

You are known to be ruled by day number twenty-three, if you are born on the 23rd
of the month. There are many great personalities, leaders, as well as artists born on
March 23rd: Wernher von Braun, Durão Barroso, Chaka Khan, etc.

If your birthday falls on day twenty-three, your ruling planet is Mercury. You are an
adventurer, with a strong intellect. You are normally a very popular and successful
person in life and career. You have an interest in scientific ideas, and can act as
catalysts in scientific development. You are an achiever that nobody can match. In
addition, you are also an adventurer, and you are never afraid to try new things.
There is a danger that you can become workaholic, and put this above anything else.
You are never afraid of failures and you take a chance to learn. You are normally
lucky and liked by all. You are a fighter who can fight back and win.

You are not a 9 to 5 person, and you like changes in life, including food, clothing,
business or jobs. You are always affecting change around you as you get bored of
routine. This is because of your adventurous nature that people like you. Your
spouse needs to be involved in things that you like. You are potentially successful in
business. You can do any kind of business successfully. If you fail, you learn from
mistakes and try even better. This is what makes you a very successful person. You
not only like to earn well, but you love to spend too. You sometimes perform
memorable things. You can invent new ideas and new ways of doing business and
new marketing tools.

You have to learn to keep your secrets. You find it very difficult to hide your secrets
from others, especially the secret love matters. You are amenable to easily fall in
love. But because of your changing nature, you may try to change your love often,
which can put you in serious trouble. You normally do not get children easily. So
you must try not to marry a person who is also a day five, as conceiving children
may be difficult. 3/5
4/7/2020 BORN ON THE 23rd OF MARCH? Learn your future -

Your lucky days are the 5th, 14th, and 23rd. Even 9th, 18th, and 27th are also your
good days. All your productive efforts are expected to yield good result on these
days. Fortunately you do not have to be afraid of unlucky numbers or days, as the
power of five protects you from such dangers. Even so, there is no harm being
careful and hard working. But 7th, 16th, 25th, 8th, 17th, and 26th can be your less
lucky days.

In terms of gems, the diamond is best suited to your needs. But while selecting it,
you must ensure that it is of very pure and bright type. The next better alternative is

Being born in March - what this means...

March is ruled by Neptune (1st-20h) and Mars (21st-31st). Being a child of Neptune
it means that you live in a dream world and do not show your real face to the world,
and this is mostly because your inner world is rich enough to keep you busy. Being
a child of Mars it means you are content and sure of yourself. While other people
may depend on others while going through hard times, this is not your case, because
you are independent. Other people prefer to rely on you too, and this is something
you want and like. You hate letting someone down.

March is the month of Pisces and Aries. If you are born in the first half of the month
and you are governed by Pisces, hence by Neptune, you are a very original and
eccentric person. You are curious and interested in the future. This feature makes
you prone to embrace the field of technology and science.

Those born under the influence of Neptune are born teachers or philosophers; they
are perfectionists and have an excellent intuition. They are talented artists and like
to get into holistic activities, such as medicine or even construction. It is important
that they value education and pursue it in order to be able to use their full potential.
These individuals are sensitive and creative. 4/5
4/7/2020 BORN ON THE 23rd OF MARCH? Learn your future -

March is still classified as the spring month, which has five letters. To be born in
March, the third month from the numerology perspective means that you will enjoy
vitality in your life. The energy of number three makes you resilient, physically or
mentally. You are restless and in the same time relaxed. You are excellent at
expressing yourself, and people like you most of the time. Your good skills are
writing, speaking and singing. People enjoy your company and especially talking to
you. You are extremely loving and caring, and this brings you lots of sensitivity.
You undergo lots of ups and downs.

March is the third month in the Gregorian calendar and it was named for the Roman
god Mars, the god of war. Obviously the ruling planet of March is Mars. If you are
born in March, your gemstone is emerald and aquamarine.

Summary of your characteristics...




Overly involved.
Curious. 5/5

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