Review Pro User-Manual

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User Manual: ReviewPro Advanced for Chains & Groups

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(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)

Introduction ....................................................................................3 NOTE:

‣ What is ReviewPro?
‣ The Global Review Index Look for this icon throughout the
‣ How ReviewPro Is Structured manual to find user tips and
practical info that are designed to
General Functionality .....................................................................6 help you better understand
‣ General Functionalities ReviewPro’s analytical information.
‣ Viewing Data
‣ Getting Started: Login

Scoreboard ....................................................................................12
‣ Overview
‣ Setting Goals

Reviews .........................................................................................14
‣ Reviews Dashboard
‣ Tracking
‣ Semantic Analysis
‣ Sources

Social Media & News.....................................................................21

‣ Social Media Dashboard
‣ Hotel Stream
‣ Saved Searches
‣ Facebook & Twitter

Competition ..................................................................................30
‣ Competition Summary
‣ Competition - Reviews

Manage ..........................................................................................32
‣ Overview
‣ Tickets
‣ Alerts
‣ Reporting

User Settings ................................................................................39

Contact Us ....................................................................................40

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
What is ReviewPro?


Global Review
Semantic Analysis


ReviewPro is an online reputation management solution

that aggregates more than 100 million online reviews
from more than 70 sources in English, Spanish, German,
French, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese,
Catalan, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Arabic. With
daily content updates, ReviewPro enables hotels to:
‣ Know everything that is being said online about
their hotels – “ 24/7 Mystery Shopper”.
‣ Identify areas of improvement based upon
quantitative & qualitative customer feedback.
‣ Benchmark guest satisfaction indexes against their
direct competitors.
‣ Maximize online distribution sales and increase
direct bookings.
‣ Get their team on the same page.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
The Global Review IndexTM

A key element of ReviewPro is our proprietary score, the USER TIP:

Global Review IndexTM (GRITM). The GRITM is a general
quality index that allows you to track the historical TM
GRI Symbol Key:
performance of your hotel as well as benchmark your ↑ Tendency is going up
performance against your competitors. ↓ Tendency is going down
= Tendency is maintaining flat

Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of all

reviews, your hotel’s unique Global Review IndexTM is a
weighted-average of key variables such as the total
volume of reviews, the degree of customer satisfaction
and the quality of the review source. All online reviews
are classified into three categories which are positive
(100% to 80%), neutral (79% to 60%), and negative
(59% and below).

As well as monitoring the general quality index or GRITM, MONITOR & MANAGE:
ReviewPro allows you to measure your hotel(s)
performance by the following departments and
Use the GRI to compare and
attributes: Business, Cleanliness, Decoration, contrast your hotel’s performance
Entertainment, Food & Drink, Location, Reception, (globally, by department and against
Room, Service and Value. the competition).

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
How is ReviewPro structured?!

ReviewPro is divided into five main sections, each of
which has its own tab. These sections are the following:
‣ Scoreboard - Get a general overview of your hotel’s
o r g r o u p ’s G R I T M a n d D e p a r t m e n t a l I n d e x
performance as well as the total volume of reviews.
‣ Reviews - View and manage reviews from 70
sources for the selected hotel all from one place.
‣ Social Media & News - See mentions of your hotel
as well as selected keywords across the major
social media platforms, and manage your Facebook
and Twitter accounts directly from ReviewPro.
‣ Competition - Track the performance of your hotel
relative to its competitors.
‣ Manage - Manage tickets, alerts and reports for
your hotel or group.

We have organized this manual to resemble the order in

which ReviewPro is structured so that the information
you are searching for can be easily found.

Note: This manual is for individual hotels and chains or

groups of hotels. Depending on your type of user
access, you may not have access to the group
functionality described in this manual.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
General Functionalities

Date Range
The Date Range function allows you to change the date TURN REVIEWPRO INTO A
range in any section of the tool. Quickly and easily MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR
widen or narrow your analysis by clicking the IMPROVEMENTS:
predefined date ranges (i.e. ‘Last 90 days’) or,
depending on your specific needs, enter a unique date See a dip in your performance in
range from the full calendar. any section of the tool?

Use the ‘Date Range’ functionality

to pinpoint specific reviews
a f f e c t i n g y o u r h o t e l ’s o v e r a l l
1. Identify date range with related
performance dip
2. Go to ‘Tracking’ and select same
date range
3. Filter by ‘Negative Reviews’

To print a page, use the ‘Print’ button at the top of any
page. This will open your print menu and you will be
able to print a print-optimized version of the page.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
General Functionalities (continued)

Export Data
The various graphics within ReviewPro and their
associated data may be exported using the exporting Export your GRI to cross compare
option in the top right corner of every page. Click on the it with ADR, RevPar and
‘Export Data’ button and select what data from that Occupancy to optimize rates.
page you would like to export.

Select Your Start Page

ReviewPro allows you to choose your own start page.
This is the page that you will be automatically directed
to after logging in. By default, the start page is the
Scoreboard. You can select any page within ReviewPro
as start page by clicking on the ‘Set as your start page’
button at the bottom of the page.!

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Viewing Data

Hotel And Group Views

All data in ReviewPro can be viewed on an individual

hotel basis and on a group basis. Groups in ReviewPro
consist of a number of hotels chosen by you, for
example all hotels within a chain, within a brand or
within a regional area.
Note: You will only have access to group views in
ReviewPro if you have a group type user account.
On a group level, you can compare data of individual
hotels within a group, or see aggregate or average data
for your group depending on the type of data you are
viewing. For each section within ReviewPro, this manual
first describes the general functionality of that section
on an individual hotel level and then describes how data
is shown on a group level.
To toggle between individual hotels or groups, click on
the drop-down menu at the top of every page to
visualize the data that most interests you - an individual
hotel or a group of hotels.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Viewing Data: Working with Graphs

Most graphs within ReviewPro are color-coded:
‣ Green for a positive score (100% to 80%).
‣ Yellow for a neutral score (79% to 60%).
‣ Red for a negative score (59% and below).

The graph below, for example, shows the distribution

into positive, neutral and negative reviews for scores on
various concepts (Global Review Index and O N LY 1 I N 8 R E V I E W S I S
departmental scores). NEGATIVE

In a study with over 90 million

reviews, ReviewPro research found
that only 12% of reviews are
negative, with 28% of reviews being
neutral and 60% being positive.

Changes Compared To Past

Many graphs show you the change in performance in
comparison to the previous time period. For instance, in
the graph above, you can see the change in volume of
reviews for each concept.
Changes are always calculated in comparison to the
time period exactly before the current time period, i.e. if
you are looking at data for the last month, the changes
will be calculated in comparison to the previous month.
If you are viewing data for 15 days from the 1st of
September, changes will be calculated in comparison to
the 15 days that end on the 31st of August.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Viewing Data: Working With Graphs (continued)

Sorting Data
Graphs in ReviewPro can be sorted to match your
needs. Click on the sorting drop-down menu at the top
right corner above each graph to see the sorting options
(these vary based on the type of graph you are looking

Expanded Views
For many graphs that show the distribution of reviews,
you have the option of seeing the performance over
time. Click on the blue title of an index to expand the
view and see how the distribution of positive, neutral
and negative reviews evolves over time.

In-line Pop-Ups
If you drag your cursor over the specific elements of a
graph, an in-line pop-up will appear and provide you
with the specific information related to that element of
the graph."


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Getting Started: Login

Logging Into ReviewPro

1. Go to
2. Click on ‘Customer Login’ at the top right of the
3. Enter your Email and Password.
4. Click the ‘Login’ button. You will be redirected to
your ReviewPro homepage (by default, the


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)

The Scoreboard is designed to give you an immediate
snapshot of your online reputation. It gives you an
overview of your performance both on a global level and
on a departmental level, and allows you to benchmark
your performance with your competitive set.

Sections found in this tab: MONITOR & MANAGE:

I. A quick snapshot of Key Performance Indicators: TM
Use the GRI to pinpoint gaps in
GRITM, volume of reviews and volume of mentions in performance across various
semantic analysis. departments in your hotel.
ex. GRI vs. Cleanliness Index

II. Competition Views (Subtabs):

‣ Global Review Index: Your competing hotels‘
GRITM scores compared to your own.
‣ Review Volume: Total volume and distribution of
positive, neutral, or negative reviews for each
hotel in your competitive set.

III. Groups: The ranking of your hotel within groups

predefined by ReviewPro or groups defined by you.
Rankings are established both by GRITM and by
review volume.

IV. Indexes by Department: The hotel’s index for

specific attributes such as Cleanliness, Service and


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Scoreboard (continued)

Setting Goals
ReviewPro allows you to set goals for your Global
Review IndexTM and all Department Indexes, and to track
them within the tool. To set or edit a goal, use the
buttons shown next to the Indexes.

Once you have set a goal, the goal you have chosen will
be shown next to the actual Index instead of the ‘Set
Goal’ button. You will also see a line with your target
GRITM in the GRITM graph at the top of the Scoreboard
page, this allows you to compare your current
performance with your goal.

Scoreboard Group View

The Group Scoreboard gives you an overview of your
online reputation on a group level. Indexes are shown as
an average of all your hotels; review volume is shown as
the sum of all your hotels’ reviews.
The Key Indicators section in Group View allows you to
compare all hotels within your group by their Global
Review Index and their department Indexes. Use the
Hotel drop-down within the Key Indicators section (see
image at the right) to view data for specific hotels from
the group at a time and the Indexes drop-down menu to
select by which Index you would like to compare your

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Reviews - Dashboard

The Reviews Dashboard gives you a snapshot of your
reputation over time based on the history of your GRITM
score and your indexes by department, language and
source. This tab enables you to quickly identify
departmental issues and/or identify other sources or
languages that need the review volume and distribution to
be reinforced.

Sections found in this Tab:

I. Global Review IndexTM Performance: A graph that
shows the evolution of your hotel’s GRITM score
throughout the selected period and compared to your
established goal (see Scoreboard section for details
on setting a goal).
II. Department Indexes: This Index is broken down by
department or specific attributes such as Cleanliness,
Service or Value, total review volume, their positive,
neutral, and negative distribution and changes in
review volume by department compared to the
previous period.
III. Source Indexes: This is an Index for each source
where reviews for your hotel have been posted, review
volume, their positive, neutral, and negative
distribution and changes in review volume by source
compared to the previous period.
IV. Language Indexes: See the total volume of your
reviews by language, their positive, neutral,
g and
negative distribution, and changes in review volume
compared to previous period. USING LANGUAGE INDEXES

Use Language Indexes to see

which guest nationalities may need
Reviews - Dashboard Group View a stronger focus from customer
The Group Dashboard gives you an overview of the service; then read specific reviews
in that language to identify main
evolution of your group’s average GRITM score overtime.
issues for these nationalities.
Departmental Indexes show an average score based on 1. Check Language Indexes
the Department Indexes for all individual hotels in your 2. Go to Tracking and filter for
group, allowing you to measure departments on a group negative reviews in that
level. language to identify weak
points. 14

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Reviews - Tracking


Tracking allows you to view and manage all of your
online reviews. You can easily find, access, filter, share,
and better manage your online reviews in various ways
all in one place. In addition, this section enables you to
publish reviews directly to your website.

Sections found in this Tab:

I. Reviews: In the Review section of this tab you can
view, filter and manage all of the reviews related to
your hotel.
‣ Read full reviews:
‣ Review Detail - Click on the blue review title
to link to the review’s detail page on
‣ Link to Source and Respond to Reviews -
Clicking on the blue source name takes you
directly to the source website where the
original review was posted and where you
will be able to respond to the review (if the
website allows hotels to respond). Note that
in most cases this link will take you back to
the specific review. In some cases such as, the link will take you to the
selected hotel's page on that site.
‣ Filter - On the left hand side of the Tracking
page you will find various filters (as seen in the
image on the right). Filters are grouped into the
following categories:
• Review Classification
• Languages
• Review Sources
• Department Index
• Tags!
• Advanced Filters (expands into more)
In Advanced Filters you can filter reviews by criteria
such as Comments, Tickets, Published and Review-
Type. 15

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Reviews - Tracking (continued)

By selecting or de-selecting these filters you can

change which reviews are shown in the reviews INTERPRETING REVIEW DATA:
section on the right hand side of the page.
On the top right corner of each
review you will see the rating score
Below each review in there are Action Buttons as in the (0% - 100%), classification (green
for positive, orange for neutral and
image below with the following functions:
red for negative) the departmental
rating (if the author has provided
a b c d e f this level of detail).

(a) Translate Review - Translate foreign language

reviews into the language of your choice.

(b) Add a comment - Attach comments to reviews

and email them to other staff or team members
for their review. These comments are not public
and are only visible to ReviewPro users within
your organization.

(c) Email this review - Send an email with the review

to anyone in your organization.

(d) Add tag - The tag buttons are designed to enable

the user to categorize reviews by attaching
specific keywords to them.

(e) Create Ticket - The Ticket button is designed for

managers to easily assign tasks to specific
people or departments. This button allows you to
write a description of the task, assign it to
someone via email and label it by department.

(f) Publish review - This button enables you to

publish reviews directly to your website. Note: In
o rd e r t o p u b l i s h re v i e w s , y o u r a c c o u n t
administrator will need to set his up on your
website as well. Contact our client services at for details.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Reviews - Tracking (continued)


You can search reviews by any keyword or phrase. To Here are some ways successful
create a new search, type your keyword or phrase into hotels are using Saved Searches:
the search field at the top of the page and hit ‘Search’. • Tracking the effect of marketing
You will be directed to a results page that displays all campaigns on reviews
reviews that mention your keyword. • Evaluating the success of training
on specific issues
If you use a specific search frequently, you can add it to
• Tracking key features of the hotel
your saved searches by clicking on ‘Save this search’ on to identify needs for investment
the search results page. That search phrase will then be
added to your Saved Searches list at the bottom of the
left hand side bar in Tracking, giving you easy access to
it whenever you need to see reviews related to that

Tracking Group View

Group Tracking shows reviews for all hotels in your
group on one page, allowing you to manage reviews
easily on a group level. The name of the hotel is always
shown above the review, and a special filter lets you
select which hotels you want to include.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Reviews - Semantic Analysis


Look for online review patterns by

language or review source by
Overview filtering by specific categories as
The Semantic Analysis tab provides you with a deeper seen below.
understanding of what your clients are saying about
your hotel and helps you quickly identify both areas of
operational excellence and areas of improvement.
Semantic Analysis breaks down reviews into mentions
of hundreds of key concepts and related concepts. It
analyzes the sentiment of each mention, classifying it as
either positive or negative.

Sections Found In This Tab:

I. Semantic Performance & Distribution Graph:
Get a snapshot of the volume of identified mentions
with a bar graph showing your hotel’s weekly
positive and negative review distribution.

II. Semantic Mentions: Semantic mentions is a

comprehensive list showing your total mentions per
concept, and the positive and negative distribution
for each concept.

You can click on any specific concept to be linked

to the detail page for that concept.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Reviews - Semantic Analysis

Semantic Concept Detail Page

The detail page for each concept in semantic analysis
shows you the individual mentions of that concept,
marked with a green or red bar for positive and negative
mentions respectively. The part of the review that
mentions the chosen concept is marked in yellow.

By clicking on the ‘Go to Review’ link for any of the

reviews, you will be linked to the detail page for that
review where you can assign actions related to that
specific review.

Semantic Analysis Group View

The Semantic Analysis Group view provides you with a
list of concepts for your entire group. In this view you
will get a quick snapshot about the most talked about
concepts for all hotels in your group combined, and the
distribution into positive and negative mentions.
By default, this view includes mentions from reviews of
all of your hotels. You can filter to only include specific
hotels by using the hotel filter in the left hand side bar.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Reviews - Sources


There is a direct correlation between

Overview online sales and the volume of
The Review - Sources tab gives you a snapshot of your
online reputation on each online travel agency and Use the Sources overview to clearly
review website individually. see the websites in which you need
to increase review volume.

Sections Found In This Tab:

All Sources Summary:
‣ Source - The online travel agency or review
website where you have received reviews.
‣ Source Index - Your hotel’s Review Index based
on the overall scores of all individual reviews on
this source, on a scale of 0-100%.
‣ Change - Your hotel’s change in the Source
Index compared to the previous time period.
‣ Reviews - The number of reviews you received
on this specific source in the selected time
‣ Distribution - The distribution of your reviews
on this source into positive, neutral and negative
overall score.
‣ Ranking - Your hotel’s ranking in its city as
given by the source and the total number of
hotels considered in the ranking (e.g. #5 of 125
hotels in New York City).
‣ Score - Your hotel’s overall score in the rating
scale of the source (e.g., 8.1 out of 10, 4 out of 5
‣ Recommended - The percentage of people who
state that they would recommend your hotel to
other people.
Note: Not all sources offer a ranking, overall score or
recommendation rate.

Reviews - Sources Group View

The Sources Group View shows the average Source
Index for all of your hotels for each individual source,
the volume and distribution of reviews. 20

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News Overview


ReviewPro’s social media functionality allows you to
seamlessly integrate social media into your current ReviewPro currently tracks the
online reputation management process. Directly from following social media sources:
ReviewPro you have the ability to:
‣ Track all conversations related to your properties/
brand in Facebook and Twitter
‣ Post status updates in Facebook and Tweets in
Twitter directly from ReviewPro
‣ Know the level of online influence of everyone that
Tweets about your hotel with the integration of the
Klout Score into our service
‣ Track your competition or events at your hotel with
custom saved searches

Getting Started
B e g i n m o n i t o r i n g s o c i a l m e d i a m e n t i o n s f ro m
‣ Click on the Social Media & News tab
‣ Listen and participate in online conversations with
your guests and potential guests by monitoring the
following results in real-time:
‣ Hotel Results Stream: Track mentions of
your hotel across the web: Facebook, Twitter,
blogs, Flickr, YouTube and more.
‣ Facebook & Twitter Accounts*: Add your
Twitter account and/or Facebook page to
interact with your clients directly from
ReviewPro - Tweet, reTweet, reply, status
update, etc.
‣ Saved Searches*: Track mentions of any
keyword or phrase across the major social
media platforms (ex. competitors, events at
your hotel, events in your city, etc.).
* Please note that Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and Saved
Searches can only be added and viewed by account administrators.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News - Dashboard


Overview Email our client services team at to
The Social Media & News Dashboard tab is a window to add it.
your online mentions volume across the most prominent
social media platforms and online news channels.

Sections Found In This Tab:

I. Mentions on Social Media Sources: This section
shows a pie chart with the distribution of all of your
hotel’s mentions across various social platforms
that ReviewPro has integrated: Facebook, Twitter,
Youtube, Foursquare, Googlebuzz, Picasa, Flickr
and thousands of Blogs.
II. Saved Searches: Saved Searches are searches of
of any keyword or phrase across the major social
media platforms (ex. competitors, events at your
hotel, events in your city, etc.) that you have
previously created and saved. This summary shows
you an overview of the volume of mentions of these
keywords on each channel.

Social Media & News Dashboard Group View

The Social Media & News Dashboard for groups allows
you to see the sum of social media mentions of all
hotels in your group. The group view also contains an
additional section called Social Media Mentions by Hotel
which is a group-specific feature that lists the mentions
on the different social media sites for each of your
hotels individually and summarizes mention volume for
each of them.
You can view a detailed overview for any specific hotel
within the group by clicking on the name of the hotel in
the Social Media Mentions by Hotel section.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News - Hotel Stream


ReviewPro currently tracks the

Overview following social media sources:

The Stream tab allows you to track and respond to

social media mentions of your hotel and seamlessly
integrate social media into your current online reputation
management. Directly from your Stream tab, you will be
able to track all conversations related to your hotel in
social media platforms and in thousands of blogs. Post
status updates in Facebook, tweets in Twitter, and know
the level of online influence of everyone that tweets
about your hotel with the integration of the Klout Score
into ReviewPro.

Sections Found In This Tab:

I. Your Hotel Results: In this section you will be able
to view and monitor all social media mentions for
your hotel. Listen and participate in online
conversations with your guests and potential
guests by monitoring mentions in real-time and
taking advantage of the managing options within
‣ Facebook & Twitter Actions: If you have
Facebook and Twitter set up, you can
respond to mentions directly from your
stream (see next pages for details).
‣ See details: Click on the name of the
source of any post to go to the original post.
‣ Action button: Click on the ‘Actions within
ReviewPro’ button to translate a social media
mention, share it with colleagues via e-mail
or to create a Ticket related to this mention.

Klout: Know The Level Of Social Influence

Within the Twitter results in your stream, you will also
notice that users have the Klout icon below their name.
Based on a possible score of 100, the higher the Klout
Score the higher the true reach, amplification and
network influence this person’s comments have online.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News - Hotel Stream (continued)

Social Media & News Stream Group View TRACKING BRAND OR CHAIN
The Social Media & News-Stream Group view provides MENTIONS
you with all posts where a hotel from your group has
If you would like to track mentions
been mentioned. A hotel filter allows you to select or of your brand or chain name (not a
deselect hotels that you would like included in the specific hotel), you can use Saved
results. Searches to set up a stream with
these mentions (see ‘Saved
Searches’ section for details).


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News - Saved Searches

Saved Searches allow you to track any keywords or
phrases that are relevant to monitor with respect to you

Sections Found In This Tab:

I. Saved Searches: Saved Searches are searches of
any keyword or phrase across the major social
media platforms that you have previously created
and saved to track mentions. In this section you will
see a breakdown of the volume of mentions of the
Saved Search concept for each social media
platform individually.

By clicking on the blue title of one of your Saved

Searches, you will be linked to the detailed stream
for this search that shows you a list of all of
postings across the platforms that ReviewPro
tracks where the concept has been mentioned.

Edit Or Delete A Saved Search

You can edit or delete a Saved Search concept by
clicking on the buttons below.

By clicking on the Edit button, you will be linked to the

‘Update your Search’ menu where you can change or
modify the keywords for that particular search. Here you
can also edit the title of the search.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News - Saved Searches (continued)

Create A New Search

To create a new search, click on the ‘Create a new
Search’ button. This will link you to a new page as
shown in the image on the right which will allow you to:
‣ Create a new search with the keyword(s) you
would like to monitor.
‣ Within the same search, specify
keywords you would like to exclude.
‣ Assign a name for the search.
‣ Save the search by clicking on the Save this
search button.

Note: You can create up to 5 Saved Searches per hotel.

Saved Searches can only be created and edited by
account administrators, but viewed by all hotel users.

Saved Searches Group View

The Saved Searches group view shows you a list of all
Saved Searches created by hotels within your group.
Click on the title of a Saved Search to see the detailed
stream for it and see which hotel created this search.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News -
Facebook & Twitter Account Set-up

Account administrators can add Twitter accounts and/or
Facebook pages to ReviewPro from any of the Social
Media & News pages (Dashboard, Stream or Saved
Searches), to interact with clients directly from
ReviewPro - tweet, retweet, reply, status update, etc.

Set up Facebook & Twitter

On the upper right hand side of any of Social Media &
News page you will find links (as shown above) to your
Facebook and Twitter account management page within
ReviewPro. To add an existing Facebook and/or Twitter
account with ReviewPro you can do as follows:
‣ Select Twitter or Facebook link.
‣ Click on Manage my social media accounts.
‣ Click on the ‘Add a <Twitter/Facebook>
Account’ button.
‣ Enter the account email and password to

Note: As Facebook pages are managed and

authenticated with the page administrator’s personal
account login, you will need to enter your Facebook
name and personal password. You will then be shown a
list of pages you administer and will be able to select
which pages you would like to manage within


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News -
Facebook Terminology

Facebook Terminology

‣ All: All posts on your wall
‣ Your hotel: Posts made by your hotel
‣ Others: Posts made by your fans

Post Types
‣ Status updates: A micro-blogging feature
which allows you to inform fans of your page of
hotel updates, actions, or thoughts.
‣ Photos & Videos: Add photos and/or videos,
tag them and comment.
‣ Links: Forward links to your fans about relevant
content that would interest them, including
special hotel offers or hotel initiatives.
‣ Tag: Mark a photo or video with text that
identifies the image or the person in the image.

Note: Facebook accounts can only be added and

viewed by account administrators.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Social Media & News -
Twitter Terminology

Twitter Terminology

‣ Tweets: A message posted via Twitter containing

140 characters of less.
‣ Followers: A follower is another Twitter user who
has followed you.
‣ @ mentions: Mentioning another user in your Tweet
by including the @ sign followed directly by their
username is called a “mention”. Also refers to
Tweets in which your username is included.
‣ Direct messages: These tweets are private
between only the sender and the recipient.
(Abbreviation of Direct message is DM. Tweets
become DMs when they begin with “d username” to
specify who the message is from). Note: You can
only send direct messages to users who are
following you.
‣ Favorites: Twitter allows you to add tweets to your
Favorites. A list of these tweets will be shown
publicly in your Twitter profile. If you add a tweet to
your Favorites, the person who wrote it will be
notified that you added it to your Favorites.
‣ Lists: Curated groups of other Twitter users. Used
to tie specific individuals into a group on your
Twitter account.
‣ Retweets: A Tweet by another user, forwarded to
you by someone you follow. Often used to spread
news or share valuable findings on Twitter.
(Abbreviation of retweet is RT, usually placed before
the retweeted text when users manual retweet a
message). Retweets can be sorted by:
‣ Your hotel: Retweeted by your hotel
‣ By others: Retweeted by your followers
‣ Of Your hotel: Retweets of your hotels tweets

Note: Twitter accounts can only be added and viewed

by account administrators.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Competition - Summary

The Competition Summary tab enables you to track and
benchmark your hotel’s performance relative to your
competitors’ hotels by allowing you to benchmark
against their key indicators side by side.

Sections Found In This Tab:

I. A q u i c k s n a p s h o t o f y o u r h o t e l ’s K e y
Performance Indicators: GRITM, volume of reviews
and mentions and their positive, neutral, negative
II. Competition Views:
‣ Global Review Index TM - Compare your
establishment’s GRITM with each one of your
competitors’ to benchmark your performance.
‣ Review Volume - Compare your establishment’s
total number of reviews and its positive, neutral,
negative distribution against your competitors’
review volume and distribution.
‣ All Key Indicators - See your hotel’s GRITM
compared to your competitors’ together with the
number of new reviews and their distribution all
in one place.

Competition Summary Group View

The Competition Summary group view lists all of your
hotels with their individual GRITM, the average GRITM of
their competitive set and their ranking by GRITM within
that competitive set. Similarly, the Review Volume view
lists all hotels in your group with the number of reviews,
the average number of reviews in their competitive set
and the ranking by review volume within their
competitive set.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Competition - Reviews

The Competition - Reviews tab is designed to give you
an overview your hotel’s and your competition’s review
volumes and their positive, neutral and negative
distribution. Review totals and distributions can be
viewed by department, language, and source.

Sections Found In This Tab:

I. Reviews by Department: View the volume of your
hotel’s reviews for any department and the positive,
neutral and negative distribution against that of its
competitors. Use the Index drop-down menu to
select the department/attribute you would like to
II. Reviews by Language: View the volume of your
hotel’s reviews for any language and the positive,
neutral and negative distribution against that of its
competitors. Use the Language drop-down menu to
select the department/attribute you would like to
III. Reviews by Source: View the volume of your
hotel’s reviews on an individual online travel agency
or review site and the positive, neutral and negative
distribution against that of its competitors. Use the
Source drop-down menu to select the department/
attribute you would like to compare.

Competition Summary Group View

The Group view of this tab allows you to see the review
volume and distribution for each hotel in the group as
well as for the competitors of each of these hotels.
Review totals and distributions can be viewed by
department, language, and source as explained above.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)

The Manage tab allows you to manage and set up your
alerts and reports, and to track your Tickets.

The Manage Summary gives you a snapshot of your
pending Tickets, your five latest Alerts and the Reports
you have configured.

Sections Found In This Tab:

I. Tickets this week: View the latest Tickets created
for the hotel or group you are viewing. Tickets are a
way of assigning tasks related to a review to a
person within your organization.
II. Last 5 Alerts: View the last 5 Alerts that were sent
to users of this hotel. Alerts are e-mail notifications
that you can set up for specific types of reviews or
III. Reports: View the Reports set up for the hotel or
group you are viewing or download a copy of the
latest Reports.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Manage - Tickets

Tickets allow you to assign tasks related to a review to a
person within your organization. From the Tracking tab,
you can create and assign a Ticket to yourself or any
other ReviewPro user directly from the tool.

Creating A Ticket
Create a new Ticket directly from the the Tracking tab:
‣ Click the ‘Ticket’ button found underneath each
individual review.
‣ Enter the description of the Ticket you wish to
delegate (required information).
‣ Enter the name (if the person is a ReviewPro user)
or e-mail address of the person you would like to
assign the Ticket to and the department they
belong to
‣ The user to whom you have assigned the Ticket will
automatically receive an email with the details of
the Ticket you have created.
Note that an email reminder will be sent to the assigned user 48
hours before the specified deadline date and again 24 hours after the
deadline date if the Ticket has not been completed.

Managing Tickets
From the Tickets sub-section in the Manage tab you can
track and manage all Tickets that have been assigned to
you or your hotel(s) during a specific date range.

On the left hand side of the screen you will find various
filters. Filters are grouped into the following categories:
• Status
• Hotel
• Department
• Date Range

By selecting or de-selecting these filters you can

change which reviews are shown on the right hand side 33
of the page.

(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Manage - Tickets (continued)

Managing An Individual Ticket

To manage an individual Ticket, click on the title of the
Ticket in the overview, this will lead you to the details of
that Ticket. In the detail view, you can manage the
following options:
‣ Click the ‘Update Ticket’ button to change the
status of the Ticket to one of the following options:
‣ Open
‣ Resolved
‣ Closed
‣ Use the ‘Edit’ button to make changes to the
original Ticket.
‣ Add comments to the Ticket with the Comment
button below the Ticket. Note: Comments made on
a review or Ticket in ReviewPro can only be seen by
other ReviewPro users in your organization, they are
not a form of commenting on a review in public.

Group View For Tickets

If you are viewing the Tickets section for a group, you
will see all Tickets related to any hotel within that group.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Manage - Alerts

Alerts are notifications that are sent to you automatically
via e-mail every time a new review is posted that
matches your Alert criteria. Alerts can be set up for
specific types of content (e.g. neutral or negative
reviews) and for content containing a keyword or

Setting Up Alerts

Configure your custom Alert system based on the needs

of your organization. Create multiple Alerts, based on
language, score, format or specific keywords and
phrases, to be automatically notified via email when new
content is posted on the Internet. Alerts are divided into
the following categories:

‣ New Content: Alerts for new reviews, photos,

videos, etc.
‣ Keyword: Alerts for specific keywords or phrases
found within a review.

To set up a new Alert, go to the Alerts section within the

Manage tab and click on ‘Create Alert’ underneath your
list of existing alerts.

‣ Select the type of Alert (new content or keyword)

‣ If you selected a new content Alert, set the type of
content for the Alert:


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Manage - Alerts (Continued)

Set Up Alerts (Continued)

‣ If you selected a keyword Alert, type the keyword or

phrase into the keyword field:

‣ Select a name for your Alert. Note: This is only for

your internal use to recognize the Alert in your list if
you would like to edit it in the future, the name of
the Alert does not alter the Alert criteria in any way.
‣ Click on ‘Save Alert’ to save your new Alert. It will
now show up in your list of Alerts and you will start
receiving notifications by e-mail each time a new
review matches your Alert criteria.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Manage - Reporting

ReviewPro Reporting provides you with actionable
information that you can use to improve your hotel’s
online reputation on a page-by-page basis. All Reports
are full of rich graphical information that can be:
‣ Scheduled to be received automatically via email on
a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis
‣ Downloaded in PDF to be viewed directly on your
computer or printed
‣ Shared via email by adding colleagues and other
non-ReviewPro users to the mailing list

View Reports
Reports are sent to you automatically via e-mail at the
interval you select. To see a summary of all Reports set
up for your hotel or group, go to the Reporting section
within the Manage tab. You will see a list of all Reports
and can perform the following actions for each report:
‣ Activate or deactivate a Report by selecting or
deselecting the ‘Active’ button next to a Report
‣ View an actual Report by clicking on ‘Generate
now’. This will create a Report for the last time
period (i.e. if you are generating a monthly Report,
this will generate a Report for last month) and
download it to your computer in PDF format
‣ Click ‘Edit’ to make changes to an existing Report.
This will lead you to the set-up page for the Report
(see ‘Setting up Reports’ below for details)
‣ Click on the ‘X’ button next to a Report to delete it.
This deletes the configured Report from the system
entirely. Tip: If you would prefer not to receive a
Report for a certain time period but may want to
reactivate it later, deactivate the Report as
described above instead of deleting it completely.
That way, you can always activate it again later with
a single click.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Manage - Reporting (Continued)

Set Up Reports
‣ Make sure you are in the Manage section for the
hotel or group you would like to set up a Report for
(use the drop down menu at the very top of the
page to change hotels or groups)
‣ Once you have selected the hotel or group for which
you would like to create a Report, click ‘Create
Report’ to specify the criteria:
‣ Report type: Choose between Executive
S u m m a r y, S a l e s & M a r k e t i n g , a n d
‣ Schedule: Select between a weekly,
monthly or quarterly Report.
‣ Change Threshold: Major changes, both
positive or negative, are highlighted for easy
viewing. Choose the percentage (%) that
best satisfies your needs.
‣ Language: Select if you would prefer the
Report to be generated in English, Spanish
or German.
‣ Share by email: Add the email addresses of
all co-workers or other non-ReviewPro users
who you would like to send the Report to.
‣ Click ‘Save Changes’ to activate your new Report.
At any point you can come back to the ‘Reporting’ tab to de-activate
or change the setting of your reports.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
User Settings

Enter the User Setting section of the tool by clicking the
link in the top right corner of any screen, next to your
user login.

Found In This Section

‣ Personal Information - Edit your personal
information such as Name, Last name, Email.
‣ Password - Change your password.
‣ Alerts - Create and manage Alerts.
‣ Social Media Accounts - Create, configure and
manage social media accounts.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)
Contact Us

If at any point you are in the need of assistance, please

contact us directly at or
give our Client Services team a call at +34 93 452 0069.


(c) Copyright 2011 Review Rank, S.A. (Last updated: September 2011)

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