Septage Policy Paper
Septage Policy Paper
Septage Policy Paper
Septage Management
in India
Septage Management
in India
Prepared by
Water Management Team
May 2011
Abbreviations 5
Executive Summary 6
1. Introduction 8
2.1 Background
3. Case Studies 26
3.1 Background
4.1 Background
5.1 Background
References 64
Annexure 66
Annexure 3 Standards for compost quality notified under MSW Rules 2000
Annexure 4 Standards for Leachate Quality from solid wastes dump sites as notified
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
CSE Centre for Science and Environment
CSTF Common Septage Treatment Facility
CW Constructed Wetlands
DFID Department for International Development
DPS Duckweed Pond System
DWASA Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority
DWWTS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HCWL Horizontal flow constructed wetland
IWK Indah Water Konsortium
LGU Local Government Units
MBR Membrane Bio- Reactors
MDG Millennium Development Goals
MLD Million Litres per Day
MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests
MWCI Manila Water Company, Inc.
NUSP National Urban Sanitation Policy
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OSS On-site Sanitation Systems
PDU Pilot cum Demonstration Unit
RZT Root Zone Treatment Systems
SAF Submerged Aeration Fixed Film
SBT Soil Biotechnology
SCOPE Society for Community Organisation and Peoples Education
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
TS Total Solids
UASB Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
UIDSSMT Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns
ULBs Urban Local Bodies
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
UV Ultra violet
WHO World Health Organisation
WSP Waste Stabilization Ponds
WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant
Executive Summary
This document from the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is to assist the Ministry of Urban
Development, Govt of India in the preparation of policy guidelines for Septage Management. CSE has been
recognised by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) as a Centre of Excellence in the area of sustainable
Water management. This document on septage management is draft providing the strategies and guidelines for
the preparation of National level septage management policy paper. This paper is presented in five chapters
With fast growing economy and urban population, the waste generation is steeply increasing in India. Due to
paucity of resources, the local bodies, which are responsible for management of wastes, are not able to provide
this service effectively. According to Centre Pollution Control Board (CPCB) study, out of 38254 MLD of sewage
generated in India, the treatment facilities are available for 30% (11787MLD). The indiscriminate disposal of
domestic wastewater is the main reason for degradation of water quality in urban areas, with negative impacts
on health, the economy, and the environment. Major part of urban India is yet to be connected to the municipal
sewer system and the people are mainly dependent on the conventional individual septic tanks. It is estimated
that about 29% of the India’s population uses septic tanks (USAID ,2010).
Access to improved sanitation in urban India has risen but the management of onsite sanitation systems such
as septic tanks remains a neglected component of urban sanitation and wastewater management. Septage,
which is a fluid mixture of untreated and partially treated sewage solids, liquids and sludge of human or
domestic origin, flows out of septic tanks and enters waterways or is generally disposed into nearest water
body or low lying areas. This leads to serious health and environmental implications. This necessitates a well-
defined regulation, guidelines, and management strategy for septage in the country. The septage management
approach, discussed in this report, is an effort for assuring that septage is managed in a responsible, safe, and
consistent manner across the states.
Chapter 2 of this document presents treatment and disposal options for septage. One has to select the suitable
option based on the local conditions, expected septage production per day, and its characteristics. While
selecting the technological options, suitable background study to be done to ensure effective operation and
maintenance of the treatment system adopted. Measures should be put in place to maximise the resource
recovery e.g. reuse of treated wastewater, manure used for biogas generation. The treated wastewater can be
reused for irrigation or other non-potable use. The sludge can be used as a bio fertilizer.
Septage management is a new concept in India. This guidance note for preparation of policy document for
septage management in India draws its strengths from the existing case studies and methods, which are
practised in other parts of the world in order to tackle septage. Chapter 3 showcases these case studies. These
endeavours throw light on the technical as well as on the policy or regulations that are being implemented and
followed by the agencies. In addition, these practices showcase the role of public and private service providers
for managing septage in the region or the country which will enable us to understand the vital positions and
responsibilities of both the players.
In India, there is no separate policy or regulation for septage management. However, there are several
environmental laws, which prohibit discharge of sewage into a water body or on land without proper treatment
beyond the prescribed standards. Consent is required for disposal of sewage or septage from State Pollution
Control Boards under the law. There are penal provisions for violation of the law. The above environmental
laws enforcement framework for industrial pollution control resulted in large change in the behaviour of the
industries and was successful in reducing industrial pollution in the country.
However, similar success was not evident in case of domestic wastewater including septage. This can be
attributed to inadequate technical ,managerial and financial capacities for management of domestic wastewater
and septage within the concerned agencies such as PHEDs and ULBs. Thus, it is very important that these
agencies are strengthened to manage the wastewater/septage in effective manner. A policy proposal including
strengthening of these local bodies and involvement of private service providers, a system of revenue generation
and effective collection, transport, treatment and disposal of wastewater, septage is included in chapter 4.
Finally several options for reuse of wastewater after proper treatment are proposed in chapter 5. A detailed
review of the WHO guidelines for wastewater reuse is discussed and a comparison is made on standards from
different countries to help the decision makers for adoption of appropriate standards for India. The major
problem in wastewater reuse is related to health as the septage contains human pathogens. It is very important
that the sewage is properly treated before reuse. The treatment options depend on the qualities required in the
treated wastewater, which in turn depends on the type of reuse. Various treatment options and their efficiencies
are presented which can help adopting a particular option for treatment depending on reuse.
1. Introduction
Inadequate sanitation has a great environmental economic and health impacts in India. In order to minimize these
impacts, Government of India has under taken several measures including increased investment in sanitation,
policy initiatives, regulations, and public campaigns to improve sanitary conditions in the country. This has resulted
in raising the sanitation status during the last two decades but a marked improvement is yet to be achieved.
The report “Asia Water Watch 2015” projected that India will likely to achieve its Millennium Development
Goals1 (MDGs) sanitation target in both urban and rural areas if it continues to expand sanitation access at its
1990–2002 rates (ADB, 2006). It is expected that by 2015, the percentage of people in urban areas served by
improved sanitation will reach 80% (up from 43% in 1990) and in rural areas, the projection is 48%, an incredible
improvement over the coverage rate of just 1% in 1990 (ADB, 2006). In real numbers, that means more Indians
will have improved sanitation. Despite the recent progress, access to improved sanitation remains far lower in
India compared to many other countries with similar, or even lower, per capita gross domestic product.
In the absence of any consolidated septage management practices, all these improved sanitation facilities will
continue to degrade surface water bodies and groundwater resources. Therefore, there is a need to invest in
septage management as a complement to sewerage development.
This document is an attempt in this direction. It provides some significant policy guidelines and legal framework
including technical options for septage handling, transport, treatment and disposal.
1. The Millennium Development Goals enjoin upon the signatory nations to extend access to improved sanitation to at least half the urban population
by 2015, and 100% access by 2025.
2. Ecology dictionary
domestic septage, industrial septage and grease septage. This document focuses on management of domestic
septage (household, non-commercial and non industrial sewage) in a responsible, safe and consistent manner.
The physical and chemical characteristics of these components and the whole septage can vary depending
on the septage characters (like size, design, pumping frequency and climatic conditions of the place where
it is located), the quality of water supplied and type of the waste from the household which is user specific
(WEF, 1997).
Source of Septage
Septic tanks are the primary source of septage generation. A septic tank is a horizontal continuous flow type of
a sedimentation tank (with a detention period of 12-36 hours), directly admitting raw sewage, and removing
about 60-70% of the dissolved matter from it (Garg, 2001). Septic tanks receive black and/or grey water and
separate the liquid from the solid components. A septic tank is generally followed by a soak-pit to dispose off
the effluent into the ground. The sludge settled at the bottom and the scum at the top surface of the sewage
is allowed to remain in the tank for several months during which they are decomposed by bacteria through
anaerobic digestion. Septic tanks are generally provided in areas where sewerage system is not present and for
catering to the sanitary disposal of sewage produced from isolated communities, schools, hospitals and other
public institutions.
Septic tanks require de-sludging at regular intervals in accordance with its design and capacity. Often only when
a tank gets clogged and filled beyond its holding capacity that de-sludging is done. The overflow from the tank
finds it way into any nearest waterways or land surface and pollutes it. The effluent and sludge from septic tanks
are often rich in phosphates and nitrates. The effluents lead to saturation of surface soil and water bodies with
nutrients posing a threat of eutrophication to the surface waters. People and animals in contact with these
contaminated areas are susceptible to infections. It also pollutes the groundwater, when the sludge percolates.
The leachate from the unmanaged septage virtually disposed on the subsurface can pollute the ground water.
Communities coming in contact with these contaminated soil or water become susceptible to infections and
water borne diseases.
Percentage of urban population
1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001
Source: Government of India Census (1901, 1911, 1921, 1931, 1941, 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 2001)
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has been carrying out inventory of water supply, wastewater generation,
its treatment and disposal in class-I cities and class-II towns in the country since 1977-78. It is observed that the
sewage generation in class II cities is just 10 % of that of class I cities, the share of total sewage generated in
smaller towns is considerably low. This can be attributed to low per capita water supply and their widespread
dependence on septic tanks in the smaller towns. The water supply, waste water generation and treatment
status for class I and class II cities over the last four decades is presented in Figure 1.2 and 1.3 respectively.
From these figures it is evident that there is a phenomenal growth in urban population, water supply and
wastewater generation across the country. However the wastewater collection and treatment are lagging far
40,000 1995
29,782 2006
Water supply Wastewater Treatment
3,000 1988
2,500 2006
Water supply Wastewater Treatment
behind. CPCB (2009) indicated that about 38,254 MLD of sewerage generated from class I cities and class II
cities out of which the treatment facility exists only about 11,787 MLD. This dismal position of sewage treatment
is the main cause of pollution of rivers and lakes.
Population (in million)
1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017
Urban population Access to septic tank Rural population Access to improved septic tank
4. National Institute of Urban Affairs, estimated in 2005 that 26% of all urban households have a septic tank
The adequate facilities and services for collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of urban domestic
septage do not exist in Indian cities. Most on-site sanitation systems (OSS) are emptied manually in absence of
suitable facilities. Ideally a septic tank system should be desludged every 2-5 years. But ignorance towards
maintenance and operational conditions often results in accumulation of organic sludge, reduction in effective
volume and hydraulic overloading which ultimately causes the system failure and release of partially treated
or untreated septage from the septic tank. Private operators often do not transport and dispose of septage
several kilometres away from human settlements and instead dump it in drains, waterways, open land, and
agricultural fields.
Manual de-sludgers working in inaccessible low-income areas and squatter settlements, usually deposit the
septage within the family’s compound, nearby lanes, drains, open land or waterways without permits or any
safety regulations. Indiscriminate discharge of untreated domestic/municipal wastewater has resulted in
contamination of 75% of all surface water across India (NUSP, 2008). This has imposed significant public health
and environmental costs to urban areas. According to a study by World Bank, the total economic impacts of
inadequate sanitation in India is estimated to be Rs 2.44 trillion (US $53.8 billion) a year which is equivalent to
6.4 per cent of India’s GDP in 2006 (USAID, 2010).
In India, septage management has not gathered much required attention, hence there is a strong need to invest
in septage management to develop well defined guidelines, policy and regulation.
The next chapter elaborates the technological options for collection, handling, transport, treatment and disposal
of septage.
The septage treatment required depends on the types and sources of domestic wastewater and faecal sludge
(see Table 2.1).
The domestic wastewater and faecal sludge often contains high concentration of organic matter and pathogens.
Hence it is important to provide environmentally suitable technological options for collection, transport,
treatment and disposal/reuse of faecal sludge/ septage.
TABLE 2.1: Types and sources of domestic wastewater and faecal sludge
Type Source
Desludging of septic tanks is an over burden for many home owners that they postpone until the tanks have
reached its capacity and they start overflowing. Untreated septage is often disposed in low lying areas or
agriculture farms or even in a water body, which poses serious health and environmental problems.
functioning of the tank and level of contamination
control. It can be considered that the volume of Septage transportation
sludge evacuated from a septic tank corresponds
more or less to the volume of the septic tank, plus
some cleansing and rinsing water. The size of a septic
Septage treatment
tank in individual houses in India ranges from 1 to 4
m3, the size of a septic tank in office or apartment
buildings from 10 to 100 m3.
Septage disposal
● Average volume of septage produced through emptying of a septic tank by vacuum tanker: 2.5 m3.
● Emptying frequencies, which are in accordance with septic tank design (5-10 years intervals), will be observed
● Assuming there are 2500 houses in a town having individual septic tank.
● Assuming septic tanks are emptied during 250 days (working days)/year or 500/250 = 2 tanks/d
Septage characteristics
The quality and quantity of septage coming out of the tank depends largely on the type of treatment adopted,
the frequency of desludging, climate, soil conditions, water usage and household chemicals going in the septic
tank. The physical and biological characteristics of septage are highly variable. The anaerobic nature of septage
results in the presence of odorous compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, and other organic sulfur
compounds (USEPA, 1994). Septage contains constituents that may result in unpleasant odours, risk to public
health and serious environmental hazards. Since septage is highly concentrated, if it is discharged into a water
body it may cause immediate depletion of oxygen, increased nutrients leading to eutrophication and increased
pathogens leading to a risk of health hazards. Knowledge of septage characteristics and variability is important
in determining acceptable disposal methods. In the absence of adequate information on septage characteristics
in India, typical characteristics of the septage in tropical countries are discussed in Table 2.2 based on the
results of Faecal Sludge studies in Argentina, Accra/Ghana, Manila/Philippines and Bangkok/Thailand.
Characterisation Highly concentrated, mostly fresh FS; stored for days FS of low concentration; usually stored
or weeks only for several years; more stabilised than Type “A”
COD/BOD 5: 1 to 10 : 1 5: 1 to 10 : 1
The management strategies for septage differ based on the differences in the chemical and physical
characteristics of septage. The different septage treatment and disposal options are described in detail in the
following section.
The non conventional methods are more improved and the methods are recommended for countries where
septage management does not exist. This is because these methods help the septage management sector to
leapfrog to improvement. The different methods of treatment of septage are summarized in Figure 2.2.
Aerobic Digestion
In this method, septage is aerated for 15 to 20 days in an open tank to achieve biological reduction in organic
solids and odour potential. The time requirements increase with lower temperatures. Normally, this is not a cost-
effective option.
Anaerobic Digestion
Septage is retained for 15 to 30 days in an enclosed vessel under anaerobic conditions to achieve biological
reduction of organic solids. Anaerobic digestion is generally not suggested except for co-treatment with sludge.
However, one advantage is that anaerobic digestion produces methane gas, which can be used as fuel.
Liquid septage or septage solids are mixed with a bulking agent (e.g., wood chips, sawdust) and aerated
mechanically or by turning. Biological activity generates temperatures that are high enough to destroy
pathogens. The composting process converts septage into a stable, humus material that can be used as a soil
amendment. However, there is a possibility of odours. After the septage is stabilized, it can then be sent for
further treatment or disposal.
a. Surface application
It is relatively simple and cost effective, uses low energy, and recycles organic material and nutrients to the
land. However, it has high odour potential during application and possibility of pathogen dispersal if not lime
stabilized. Surface application includes spreading septage from septage hauler trucks, specially designed land
application vehicles, or tank wagons onto sites, or using spray irrigation, ridge and furrow irrigation, and overland
flow (USEPA 1984). Septage can also be applied to the land as a fertilizer and soil conditioner. Application rates
depend on the slope, soil type, depth of application, drainage class and hydraulic loading. Septage must not be
applied before or during rainfall or in the areas where water table is shallow. Thus, an interim storage facility is
needed. The various surface application methods are as follows:
● Spray irrigation- Pre-treated septage is pumped at 80 to 100 psi through nozzles and sprayed directly onto
the land. Spray irrigation can be used on steep or rough land and minimizes disturbances to the soil by
● Ridge and furrow irrigation- In this disposal method, pretreated septage is applied directly to furrows or to
row crops that will not be directly consumed by humans. This is used for relatively level land, usually for
slopes in the range of 0.5 to 1.5%.
● Hauler truck spreading- Septage is applied to the soil directly from a hauler truck that uses a splash plate to
improve distribution. The same truck that pumps out the septic tank can be used for transporting and
disposing the septage.
● Farm tractor and wagon spreading -Liquid septage or septage solids are transferred to farm equipment for
spreading. This allows for application of liquid or solid septage. The septage must be incorporated into the
soil within 6 hours, if lime stabilisation has not been done.
b. Subsurface incorporation
In this method, untreated septage is placed just below the soil surface, reducing odour and health risks while
fertilizing and conditioning the soil. Subsurface incorporation allows better odor control than surface spreading
and reduce the risk of pathogen dispersal. Septage can only be applied to slopes less than 8%, and the soil
depth to seasonal high water table must be at least 20 inches (or as mandated by local regulations). A holding
facility is required during periods of rainfall or wet ground. To prevent soil compaction and allow sufficient
infiltration, equipment must not be driven over the site until 1 to 2 weeks after application. There are two
ways for subsurface application:
● Plough and Furrow Cover— Liquid septage is discharged from a tank into a narrow furrow about 15 to 20 cm
deep and is then covered by a second plough.
● Subsurface Injection— Liquid septage is injected in a narrow cavity created by a tillage tool with an opening
of about 10 to 15 cm below the surface.
c. Burial
Major form of septage burial includes disposal in holding lagoons, trenches, and sanitary landfills. High odour
potential during septage application is inherent until a final cover is placed on the top. Appropriate site selection
is important not only to control odour, but also to minimize potential groundwater pollution.
● Holding lagoons- These lagoons are a maximum of 6 feet deep and do not allow any soil infiltration. The
septage is placed in small incremental lifts of 15 to 30 cm and with multiple lagoons loaded in sequential
order for optimum drying. To decrease odours, the lagoon inlet pipe can be placed below liquid level.
● Trenches- Septage is filled sequentially in multiple chambers in small lifts of 15 to 20 cm for optimum drying.
Each trench is then covered with soil (2 feet) as a final covering and new trenches are opened. An alternate
option is to leave a filled trench uncovered to permit maximum solids to settle and liquids to evaporate and
leach out. The solids, as well as some bottom and side wall material, are then removed and the trench can
be reused.
● Sanitary landfills- Production of leachate, treatment, and odour are the primary problems to be considered
when septage is added to sanitary landfills. As such, septage must not be added in landfills in areas that
have over 90 cm of rainfall, landfills that do not have leachate prevention and control facilities, or those not
having isolated underlying rock. A 15 cm of soil cover needs to be applied each day in the landfills where
septage is added and 2 feet of final cover within 1 week after the placement of the final lift. In general,
sanitary landfills are not cost-effective disposal options for septage.
● Septage addition to nearest sewer manhole- Septage could be added to a sewer upstream of the sewage
treatment plant, and substantial dilution of septage occurs prior to it reaching the sewage treatment plant,
depending on the volume of sewage flowing in the sewer.
● Septage addition to STP- Septage could be added to sewage immediately upstream of the screening and
grit removal processes. It is economical because of the very simple receiving station design and also allows
the wastewater treatment plant staff to have control of the septage discharge
● Septage addition to sludge digesters/sludge drying beds- Septage could be processed with the sludge
processing units of STP.
Independent septage treatment facilities use processes like stabilization lagoons, chlorine oxidation, and aerobic
and anaerobic digestion, biological and chemical treatment. Many septage treatment plants use lime to provide
both conditioning and stabilization before the septage is de-watered. Solid residual can be sent to a landfill,
composted, applied to the land, or incinerated. The remaining effluent can be released to another treatment
works where it can undergo further treatment and then finally can be discharged.
Another feasible option is composting where bulking agents are easily available. The humus is produced after
composting which can be used as a soil conditioner. It is advised to de-water septage before composting but
since septage is resistant to de-watering, role of conditioning chemicals comes into play and usage varies
according to different loads. Septage treatment plants also use other processes to de-water conditioned septage
such as screw presses, plate and frame presses, belt presses, rotary vacuum filters, gravity and vacuum-assisted
drying beds, and sand drying beds.
Choosing an appropriate septage management method relies not only on technical aspect but also on regulatory
requirements. The management option selected should be in conformity with local, state, and central
regulations. Some of the factors that determine the process of selection include: land availability and site
conditions, buffer zone requirements, hauling distance, fuel costs, labour costs, costs of disposal and other
legal and regulatory requirements. Brief guidelines for selecting the technological options are presented in
table 2.3 below.
TABLE 2.3: Guidelines for selecting treatment and disposal options and
financing norms for septage
Town category Conditions Recommended Capital Cost O&M cost Facility Financing norms
technologies ownership
Unsewered Class-III, Remote land are Land application Low Low Municipality or Fees to users
IV and V towns and avoidable with of septage private
rural communities suitable site and soil
Land available but Land application a Low to Low to Municipality or Fees to users
close to neighbour fter stabilization medium medium private
Partially sewered Land area available Land application Low to Low to Municipality or Fees to users
Medium size with suitable site after stabilization medium medium private
(class-II towns) and soil condition
but close to
Class-I and Available WWTP Disposal Medium Medium Municipality or Fees to users
Metro-cities capacity private
To overcome the operational problems and to FIGURE 2.3: Conventional septic tank
improve the performance of the conventional
septic tank, baffle walls are introduced to have Inspection chamber
Liquid effluent
mechanical equipment, energy and skilled operator attention are minimized. Vegetation in a wetland provides
a substrate (roots, stems, and leaves) upon which micro-organisms can grow as they break down organic
materials. Constructed wetlands are of two basic types: horizontal flow constructed wetlands and vertical flow
constructed wetlands.
Gravel Bed media Outlet
Based on the septage handling, the system could be designed for optimum solids loading rate of 250 kg TS/m2.yr
and 6-day percolate impoundments. At these operational conditions, the removal efficiencies of CW units
treating septage at the range of 80 – 96% for COD, TS and TKN are achieved. The system could be designed to
retain the de-watered sludge at the top of the bed for 5-10 years without any adverse effect on septage
treatment and de-watering efficiency. The bio-solid contains viable helminth eggs below critical limit of sludge
quality standards for agricultural use. The above mentioned operational criteria is subjected to local conditions
and should be reassessed at the full-scale implementation (Koottatep et al., 2004).
Gravel Bed media Outlet
The treatment methods discussed in the above sections are not common in India; however, they are being
extensively used in other parts of the World. In order to implement these options in India, it is important to learn
lessons from other countries. Some important case studies from Asian countries are presented in the next
chapter to comprehend the concept of best practices in septage management, that could be followed in India.
3. Case Studies
Septage presents a big challenge in our country and demands earnest consideration. India still lacks expertise
in various aspects of planning and promotion of septage management services. As this is a new subject in India,
it is important to understand the methodology and policies adopted in other countries to handle septage. Few
case studies showcasing good practices on septage management in Asian countries are described in this chapter.
These case studies from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh and a recently started pilot
project in India displays the concept of septage management from technical and regulatory perspective. Also,
these practices display the efforts done by public and private players collaboratively to handle septage.
Surabaya’s septage treatment plant is regarded as one of the successful initiatives for septage management. The
facility is operated by the local agencies (Dinas Kebersihan) and activities like sludge collection and
transportation is provided by private companies using hauler truck service. The outline of the process for
septage treatment is shown in Figure 3.1
Excess sludge
Recycled sludge concentrated
Source: Malisie, 2008.
The septage treatment facility has a capacity of 400 cubic meters per day and is based on modified activated
sludge process. The plant consists of a sludge receiving facility, oxidation ditches, and sedimentation tanks,
sludge collecting tanks and sludge drying beds (Malisie, 2008). Dried sludge from the drying beds is then used
as manure. The results achieved in this facility are showed in Table 3.1
pH - 6-8
Over the past decade private companies have been active in septage management sector. These companies
obtain a business license, nuisance permit and a disposal permit from the local government. This ensures the
compliance with the national standards and regulations. Surabaya city level government has comprehensive
ordinances and regulations like nuisance permits, tipping fees at treatment facilities, water quality management
and water pollution control to manage the septage efficiently. Surabaya’s sanitation agency collects tipping fees
each month at a rate of $0.30 per cubic meter (USAID, 2010). In this way the decentralised approach of planning,
development, implementation and management of wastewater and septage in Indonesia equipped the local
governments with responsibilities to monitor the cycle of septage management effectively.
IWK develops sewerage systems, takes care of O&M and de-sludging activities. IWK works in close association
with the regulatory bodies to establish limpid and concise policy guidelines along with the operating procedures
for the developers and operators of the treatment plants. Individual septic tank users participate in de-sludging
programs and pays semi annual wastewater bills at the rate of $1.70 a month as compared to $2.20 for those
connected to sewerage. For special de-sludging requests, IWK charges $14 to $50 per tank depending on the
size of the tank (Indah Water Konsortium , 2008). This demonstrates the collaborative efforts of Government
and private sectors to achieve a unified goal. During this process, expertise in various aspects of planning and
promotion of the septage management services has also been achieved. Malaysia has also established
consolidated legal framework along with the institutional responsibilities to ensure provision of sewerage and
septage services at the national level. Regulations like Sewerage Services Act (SSA) (from 1993 to 2008) and
Water Services Industry Act (from 2008) act as a tool to provide efficiently monitored water and sewerage
services in the country.
In this manner, Malaysia’s government has improved sewerage and septage management practices
exponentially in past two decades. These experiences can help other countries which are in the process of
developing the guidelines and services in wastewater/septage management field.
7. (For details, follow web link, Accessed on March 15, 2011
8. (For details refer: Decentralised domestic wastewater and faecal sludge management in Bangladesh- An output from a DFID funded research project
(ENG KaR 8056) May 2005).
limitations and high density of housing in slums, this system was inaccessible to many places and became limited
in its approach. To overcome this drawback, Vacutug was redesigned and manufactured locally to offer flexibility
and mobility without losing the capacity to collect a substantial volume of faecal sludge within one operation.
A larger 1900-litre and a small tank of 200-litre capacity was manufactured. This new Vacutug was mounted on
wheels and could be attached to other vehicle. It was operational in July 2001. It took 10- 20 minutes to fill. One
complete operation took 90 minutes which included preparation and cleaning of the Vacutug after use.
The Vacutug system garnered interest from other areas also. Apart from providing services to households in
slums and squatter settlements, the facility also responded to demands from households in middle and higher
income neighbourhoods, schools and other institutions and factories, which were located in other parts of the
city. As a result, within a few months the revenue generated from the Vacutug services was enough to cover the
staff salary and maintenance expenses (DFID, 2005).
Solids as fertilizer
Bio tank
Oxidation pond
Anaerobic digester Sludge drying bed effluent
9. For detailed information, visit we blink, Accessed on March 15, 2011
The collected septage from the septic tanks first undergoes anaerobic digestion. Then the digested sludge goes
to the drying beds. The liquid portion filters through sand beds from the sludge drying beds and goes into the
oxidization ponds. The treated liquid effluent is then used as fertilizer in the city’s public parks and surrounding
green areas. The plant also has its own collection vehicles.
The Nonthaburi septage treatment plant is designated as a remarkable endeavour because of its concerted
approach for its public outreach as a service provider, spreading awareness in the community about the facility
and also generating revenues by selling the fertilizer. There is a growing demand for both septage collection and
fertilizer in the area which has influenced Nonthaburi to expand its facilities. Swiss Federal Institute for
Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) performed a
collaborative research on septage treatment efficiency of Constructed Wetland (CW) under tropical conditions
in Thailand. The seven year pilot scale experiment was conducted from 1997 on three vertical flow CW units
planted with cattails (Typha augustifolia). Under optimum conditions of loading rate of 250 kg TS/m2.yr or
constant volume loading of 8 m3/week, once-a-week application and percolate impounding periods of 6 days
with plant harvesting of twice a year; the removal efficiencies of CW units are in the range of 80 – 96% for COD,
TS and TKN. The solids accumulation @ 12 cm per year, resulted in an 80-cm sludge layer after seven years of
continuous septage loading and no bed clogging was observed. Thus with a free board of 1.0m for the AIT pilot
plant, solids accumulation could last upto 10 years (Koottatep. et al, 2005).
Ministry of Public Health has formulated policy and technical guidelines to collect and treat septage. Public
Health Act (1992) has commissioned local government authorities for septage management. 78 % of the major
local government authorities had adopted these guidelines (USAID, 2010). In accordance with the Public Health
Act, no operator can charge more than $7 to de-sludge first cubic meter of septage and $4 for each subsequent
unit. To consolidate the implementation, Ministry released a “Manual on Integrated Septage Management” in
2001 (revised in 2008) that provides a general framework for designs of septic tanks, anaerobic treatment
systems, standards for health and safety, encourages record-keeping and cost estimation for the construction
of facilities (USAID, 2010).
To treat the sludge from the septic tanks, a vertical flow constructed wetland is built as a Pilot cum
Demonstration Unit (PDU). The treatment unit consist of three compartments for rotation of sludge application.
All the three compartments have a common feed channel for loading of sludge and a common under drain for
removal of percolates. The feed channel is located on the one side of the beds and the percolate channel at the
centre. At the bottom of the beds, a slope of 1/8 is provided towards the channel. The media in each
compartment is supported by a stainless steel mesh laid on the top of the channel. The beds are planted with
locally available species of reeds namely Phragmites karka and Typha latifolia. The organisation has also planned
Source: Society for Community Organisation and Peoples Education (SCOPE), Sludge Treatment Plant (STP) at Musiri
to expand the treatment system by constructing additional units of Horizontal flow constructed wetland (HCWL)
for percolates in order to tackle the increased amount of loading rates.
Preventative measures are also proposed to prevent the inconvenience caused due to the foul odour emanated
from the anaerobic digested sludge. Steps like: loading of the beds only during night time, usage of dilute lemon
grass oil spray to mask bad odour as well as for vector control and planting of trees along the periphery of the
unit to provide a green belt has been contemplated.
The PDU is operational for over 6 months (up to Dec. 2010). All the three beds are used and 240 trucks of septic
sludge applied (each truck capacity of 1500 litres). It is estimated that 75-80 percent of the volatile solids (VSS)
in the sludge will be reduced by this process. As a result of this reduction, a 3m-deep annual application will be
reduced to 6-10 cm of residual sludge. In order to take full advantage of the PDU, the Town Panchayat is planning
10. Email on dated 11 February 2011 , Mr M.Subburaman , Director, SCOPE provided CSE the following information regarding the case study’ Sludge
Treatment Plant at Musiri, Tamilnadu ‘
1. Monitor the performance of the PDU in terms of treatment of sludge, quality of percolate growth rate of
reeds etc.
2. Construct the percolate treatment unit (horizontal flow constructed wetland)
3. Conduct the cost benefit analysis of the technology
4. Conduct a study of the Social-economic benefits.
These case studies present a variety of options which can help in adopting a particular option of septage
management. However, a well defined regulation and guidelines is needed to implement the options. In the next
chapter an attempt is made to propose policy percept, regulatory measures and guidelines for septage
management in India.
In wake of a large number of initiatives taken by the government and rising prosperity in the country sanitation
has significantly improved. A large part of improved sanitation is dependent on septic tanks and other form of
onsite sanitations and hence the septage problem is growing fast in India. Without a proper septage
management policy, plan and programme, the improved sanitation facilities will continue to remain significant
source of waterborne diseases and water pollution. Strengthening septage management by developing the
enabling policies and physical infrastructure for septage collection, transport and treatment capacity can be an
effective and practical solution to the problem. Presently there is no regulation or guidelines existing for safe
handling, transport and disposal of septage in the country. Most of the current laws and policies deal with
water, wastewater and sanitation services but the septage management is not covered in a holistic manner
This necessitates a well defined regulation, guidelines and management strategy for septage in the country.
A person must obtain consent from the state board before establishing any industry operation or process, any
treatment and disposal system or any extension or addition to such a system which might result in the discharge
of sewage or trade effluent into a stream well or sewer or onto land. The state board may condition its consent
by orders that specify the location, construction and use of the outlet as well as the nature and composition of
new discharges.
The Act empowers a state board, upon thirty days notice to a polluter, to execute any work required under
consent order which has not been executed. The board may recover the expenses for such work from the
polluter. The Act gives the state boards the power of entry and inspection to carry out their functions. Moreover,
a state board may take certain emergency measures if it determines that an accident or other unforeseen event
has polluted a stream or well. These measures include removing the pollutants, mitigating the damage and
assuming orders to the polluter prohibiting effluent discharges.
Under the provisions of the Water Act, there is no difference between industrial and domestic pollution. However,
because the responsibility of sewage or septage treatment lies with concerned Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and
most of the time they do not have adequate resources to fulfill this responsibility with septage/sewage treatment
in most of the cases is lagging behind. This is the biggest cause of pollution in India. According to former
additional director of CPCB, Water Act, 1974 does not discriminate between pollution from industrial and
domestic sources, however domestic pollution is not regulated in the same manner (personal communication).
The urban bodies and other public bodies are providing a highly subsidized service to society in order to help the
ULBs, the Government of India launched the Ganga Action Plan and subsequently National River Action Plan and
established several STPs. However, today their operation and maintenance is in a dismal condition.
The EPA was the first environmental statute to give the Central Government authority to issue direct written
orders including orders to close, prohibit or regulate any industry operation or process or to stop or regulate
the supply of electricity, water or any other services (Section 5). Other powers granted to the Central
Government to ensure compliance with the Act include the power of entry for examination, testing of
equipment and other purpose (Section 10) and power to take samples of air, water, soil or any other substance
from any place for analysis (Section 11). The Act explicitly prohibits discharge of pollutants in excess of
prescribed standards (Section 7). There is also a specific prohibition against handling of hazardous substances
except in compliance with regulatory procedures and discharges (section 8). Persons responsible for discharges
of pollutants in excess of prescribed standards must prevent or mitigate the pollution and must report the
discharge to government authorities (Section 9.1).
The Act provides for severe penalties. Any person who fails to comply with or contravenes any of the provisions
of the Act, or the rules or directions issued under the Act shall be punished for each failure or contravention,
with a prison term of up to 5 years or a fine up to 1 lakh or both. The Act imposes an additional fine up to Rs.
5000 for every day of continuing violation (Section 15 (1)). If a failure or contravention occurs for more than one
year after the date of conviction an offender may be punished with a prison term which may extend to seven
years (Section 15 (2)).
The Act empowers the central government to establish standards for the quality of the environment in its
various aspects, including maximum allowable concentration of various environmental pollutants (including
noise) for different areas. These standards could be based on ambient levels of pollutants which are sufficiently
low to protect the public health and welfare. Emission or discharge standards for particular industries could be
adjusted to ensure that such ambient levels are achieved. The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 allow the
State or Central authorities to establish more stringent standards based on recipient system.
The EPA includes a citizen’s suit provision (Section 19.6) and a provision authorizing the Central Government to
issue orders directly to protect the environment (Section 5). The Central Government may delegate specified
duties and powers under the EPA to any officer, state government or other authority (Section 23). The Central
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is responsible for making rules to implement the EPA. The Ministry
has delegated the powers to carry out enforcement to the Central and State Pollution Control Boards in the country.
The MoEF has so far enforced several rules and regulations. It has adopted industry specific standards for
effluent discharges and emissions from different categories of industries. The Ministry has also designated
certain state and Central Officials to carry out specified duties under the Act and has designated specific
laboratories for testing the samples of air water and soil obtained under the Act.
Constitutional Provisions on sanitation Statutory powers conferred on states to make law on water and sanitation
and water pollution
Policy Statement for Abatement of Suggests developing relevant legislation and regulation, fiscal incentives, voluntary
Pollution, 1992 agreements, educational programs, information campaigns, need environmental
considerations into decision making at all levels, pollution prevention at source,
application of best practicable solution, ensure polluter pays for control of
pollution, focus on heavily polluted areas and river stretches and involve public in
The National Conservation Strategy and Promotes judicious and sustainable use of natural resources, preservation of
Policy Statement on Environment and biodiversity, land and water
Development, 1992
The National Environment Policy, 2006 Promotes conservation national resources, protection of wild life and ecosystems,
prevention of pollution, reuse and recycling of wastewater, adoption of clean
technology, application of ‘polluter pay principle’ and amendment in the existing
law from criminal to civil suit provisions
National Sanitation Policy, 2008 Aimed at awareness generation, behaviour change, open defication free cities, safe
disposal of wastes and propoer operation and maintenance of sanitary
installations. It requires different states and cities to develop their sanitation
policies, startegies and goals
The water (Prevention & Control of To charge cess on water consumption for polluting activities to strengthen the
Pollution) Cess Act, 1977, as Amended pollution control boards by providing financial support for equipment and
in 1993 and 2003 technical personnel and to promote water conservation by recycling
Central Ground Water Authority To regulate and control abstraction, development and management of
groundwater resources
The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 To provide for public liability- insurance for the purpose of providing immediate
relief to the persons affected by accident occurring while handling any hazardous
Hazardous waste (Management and Legislative framework for laws enactment related to storage transport, handling
Handling) Rules, 1989 and disposal of hazardous wastes
Manufacture, Storage and import of Rules for manufacture, storage and import of hazardous chemical
Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989
Municipal Solid waste (Management Rules for Municipal Solid waste Management at urban cities
and Handling) Rules, 1999
The National Environment Tribunal To provide for strict liability for damages arising out of any accident occurring
Act, 1995 while handling any hazardous substance and for the establishment of a National
Environment Tribunal for effective and expeditious disposal of related cases.
Environment Impact Assessment To impose restrictions and prohibitions on the expansion and modernization of any
Notification, 1994 activity or new projects being undertaken in any part of India unless environmental
clearance has been accorded by the Central Government or the State Government.
Municipalities Act, District Municipalities Complete authority and jurisdiction over all urban amenities, including water
Act or the Nagar Palika Act supply and sanitation with municipality
Town Planning Act/Urban Development To establish development and planning authorities, having powers over any
authorities Act development activity in the area under their jurisdiction
All the current legal provisions deal with diverse water, wastewater and sanitation services and have resulted
in multiple bodies and jurisdictions in India. However, the septage management is not covered in a holistic
manner except prohibition of its discharge into water bodies.
For households, septic tanks are often constructed below or behind the house and are difficult and inconvenient
to access and open; the lump-sum expense of de-sludging also discourages frequent emptying. Moreover, few
people know where desludged septage goes once it leaves their houses, or understand how improperly disposed
septage can impact water quality and human health. This lack of awareness about septage is consistently cited
as the main cause of inadequate septage management services.
● Administrative: frequent transfer of trained staff leads to weak commitment, political changes and
management changes leave many plans inconclusive, local leaders may impose their agenda for vested
interest, which may not be in line to make sewage management service viable and self sustaining.
● Regulation of de-sludging frequency of septic tanks, handling, transport, treatment and disposal of septage
on land or in a water body under either Water Act or under separate Septage (Handling and Management)
Rules under Environment (Protection) Act similar to MSW Rules imposing a consent or authorization
conditions and their effective monitoring for compliance.
● Strict regulation of groundwater pollution under the Water Act. This needs to be adequately regulated. This
will also require repealing of the Indian Easement Act.
● Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (CREP) programme needs to be further strengthened
for septage management.
● Incentives should be given to new residential developments having their own recycling and reuse systems
and their own fully functional septage/sewage treatment systems.
Capacity building must be based on an examination of the magnitude of problem on septage/sewage sector to
analyze their physical and institutional characteristics in detail, define opportunities and key constraints for
sustainable development, and then select a set of short and long-term action programmes.
Very often the waste management sector performs poorly because of non-coordinating and vertical
institutional arrangements. If these can be improved, structural constraints to effective coordination can be
removed. In order to achieve the objectives of Millennium Development Goals, India must build “capacities”
which is effective in service delivery, efficient in resource use and has sustainabiity. These include the
● Institutional development, including community participation.
● Changing the emphasis from capital creation to effective operation and maintenance for enhanced efficiency.
● Price setting, cost recovery and the enforcement of rules, are more difficult to implement than regulation
(of water quality, for example). Therefore, strategies to achieve these deserve priority.
● Allocating the right mandates and reviewing the performance of the arrangements regularly. This will render
organizations more alert and target-orientated.
● Facilitation of O&M and cost recovery.
◆ Technical assistance for institutional change, which may include policy, micro or macro-economic
structures, management systems, and administrative arrangements.
◆ Training for change at different levels of decision-makers, senior staff and engineers with managerial
assignments, junior staff and engineers with primarily executive tasks, technicians (plumber, masons) and
operators, students and instructors and other stakeholders (such as caretakers and people in local
communities who have undertaken to operate or to manage community-based septage collection and
treatment systems).
◆ Education of prospective experts who will play a role in the septage sector. This encompasses physical
and technological sciences, as well as financial and administrative management, and behavioral sciences.
◆ ‘Septage management’ subject needs to be included in the curriculum at appropriate levels.
● save water
● save nutrients
The involvement of the private sector must be under very controlled conditions.
Financial resources • Construction: revenue, national/local bonds, • Construction cost: private sector (equity capital,
beneficiary charges corporate bonds, stocks, bank loans, beneficiary
charges and support from government revenue)
• O&M cost and repayment: charge income,
revenue (government)
Risks • Risk sharing: ULBs pays unitary • Risk sharing: risk sharing between ULBs and
• Contents of risks: aggravated of raising private sector
funds by budget deficit and inefficient • Content of risks: financial risk, monopoly
management, lack of technical development formation, consider lack of social equity
incentives, stagnation of construction level
Contract form • Construction turn-key contract under the • Construction: BOT, concession, joint venture etc
responsibility of ULBs • O&M: service, management and lease contract
● Desludging Procedures
● Concrete structures are preferred.
● Must be sized so that the volume is at least 1.6 times the daily flow but preferably 2 or 2.5 times the daily
● The bigger the tank, the less frequently it will need to be desludged. Multiple chamber septic tanks should
be designed for new installations.
● Must also be accessible (have a removable cover and not be located directly under the house) to pump
sludge when sludge level becomes too high.
● Small housing blocks may share a community septic tank to reduce per household costs.
● When the septage occupies two-thirds of the depth of the tank, it needs to be removed; otherwise there is
a risk that excreta will pass directly through the tank and overflow into the disposal system.
● Septage should be taken to an approved sludge treatment and disposal site by means of a vacuum tanker.
● Households should be encouraged to minimize their use of water and be careful about what they put into
their septic tanks.
● The septic tank should be desludged every 2 to 5 years11 depending on the capacity and design.
● The desludging schedule should be prepared (preferably computerised) and should be notified to the
household about their due date.
11. The National Building Code of India (2005) states that septic tanks should be regularly maintained and desludged on yearly basis. However, desludging
interval increases for improved septic tanks as described in chapter 2.
In carrying out manual desludging all the precautions should be taken to protect the workers as provided under
Municipal Solid Waste Rules. The sludge after removal should be transported in a controlled manner to avoid
leakages or spillage en-route.
Before desludging, if the liquid level in the tank is higher than the outlet pipe, this may indicate clogging in the
outlet pipe or in the drain field. The sludge then may be collected through safe containers or pumping. Before
pumping, the scum mat is manually broken up to facilitate pumping. Before this is done, the liquid level in the
septic tank first is lowered below the invert of the outlet, which prevents grease and scum from being washed
into the drain field. After the scum mat is broken up, the contents of the tank are removed. Normally, the
vacuum/suction hose draws air at a point where 1 to 2 in. (2.5 to 5 cm) of sludge remains over the tank bottom;
this material should be left in the tank. Washing down the inside of the tank is not required unless leakage is
suspected and the inside must be inspected for cracks, if internal inspection is warranted, fresh air should be
continuously blown into the tank for at least 10 minutes.
There are different techniques for the treatment of septage. Following main options are available:
● Land application after stabilization
maintenance costs decrease with increasing plant size. However, since larger treatment plants require longer
haulage distances between pits and disposal sites, costs escalate for collection companies, which in turn increase
the risk of indiscriminate and illegal dumping. The optimum plant size has to be determined on a case-by-case
basis as it depends on the local context (e.g., labor cost, land price, treatment plant scale, haulage distance, and
site conditions).
necessary reforms (e.g., linking revenues with expenditures) requires careful negotiation and cooperation
between local stakeholders, especially when elected officials are sensitive to popular concerns regarding tariffs.
Multi-sourcing of funds can be used to effectively reduce the funding requirements of ULBs by encouraging
project investment and O&M costs.
Operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses for septage management programs typically include the following:
a labor
b. overhead (e.g., benefits, employment taxes)
c. utilities
d. transportation for processed and incoming materials
e. vehicles and other equipment maintenance
f. taxes
g. disposal costs for dried cake
h. licenses and permits; insurance
i. testing and other monitoring and
j. miscellaneous supplies
● Teaching material for learners to achieve some level of sensitivity towards management of septage that will
promote a desire to behave in appropriate ways.
● Provide a curriculum that will result in in-depth knowledge of issues and develop skill of problem
understanding, analysis and remedies.
● Identify the resources available from the authorities and resources to be contributed from the citizens,
● Inform people about the duties and responsibilities of both individuals and community in cooperating with
● Inform people about need of septage treatment before disposal in terms of health and environmental
● Inform people about the need to pay for septage collection and its disposal
● School programme
5. Reuse of Septage/Sewage
Reuse of domestic sewage/septage is a common practice in India since historical time. The sewage/septage is
used either raw or partially treated due to non-existence of any kind of treatment system in majority of cases.
In spite of ill effects of untreated sewage/septage on human health and the environment, the practice continues
in India, as it is highly reliable, nutrient rich and provides year-round income and employment. In many
cities/towns the sewage/septage is sold to farmers by municipal authorities. Due to continuous rise in water
demand and high pressure on water resources, reuse of sewage is being promoted in several policy percept and
regulatory measures by Government of India. While initial emphasis was mainly on reuse for agricultural and
non-potable reuses, the recent trends prove that there are direct reuse opportunities to applications closer to
the point of generation. Since the generation of sewage/septage is steeply growing in the country, it is very
important that sewage/septage reuse is promoted and regulated. Hence there is a need to develop proper
regulations and guidelines for reuse of sewage/septage.
Reuse of wastewater can be a supplementary source to existing water sources, especially in arid/semi-arid
climatic regions in India. In such regions people already face severe water scarcity problem and there is
competing demand of water for irrigation, industrial and domestic needs. For this reason wastewater reuse
schemes form an important supplement to the water resource in such regions. Costs associated with water
supply or sewage/septage disposal may also make reuse of sewage/septage an attractive option. Positive
influences on treatment costs of sewage/septage and water supplies, and scopes for reduction in costs of head
works and distribution systems, for both water supply and sewage/septage systems has been the motivation
behind many reuse schemes in countries like Japan. Reuse is also practiced as a method for groundwater
recharging through highly treated sewage/septage to prevent depletion of aquifer levels to restore groundwater
yields or preventing saltwater intrusion (in coastal zones). Avoidance of environmental problems arising due to
discharge of treated/untreated sewage/septage is another factor that encourages reuse. While the nutrients in
sewage/septage can assist plant growth when reused for irrigation, their disposal, in extreme cases, is
detrimental to ecosystems of the receiving environment. In addition, there may be concerns about the levels
of other toxic pollutants in sewage/septage.
Besides these pathogens, untreated wastewater may contain chemical substances that are harmful to humans
and the environment. The other issue is related to socioeconomic considerations including community
perceptions, and the costs of reuse systems. Generally no public accepts potable use of wastewater, whereas
non-potable reuse option is a technically accepted option. Almost all the guidelines and standards for sewage
reuse deal mainly with the reuse of sewage for irrigation purposes available. Irrigation is the highest water
consuming activity in India, hence it should be the first option considered in any reuse planning.
Pathogens Examples
Although sewage/septage reuse is risky due to associated health hazards, it is also important to understand
the factors which reduce the risk. The factors include the level of sewage/septage treatment previously applied
leading to settling, adsorption, desiccation of pathogens, as well as soil moisture, temperature, UV irradiation
due to sunlight, pH, antibiotics, toxic substances, biological competition, available nutrient and organic matter,
leading to pathogen die-off and/or removal from the sewage/septage source until final ingestion by humans to
result in infection. The method and time of application of sewage/septage and the soil type will also have an
influence. Another aspect of indirect pathogen contamination due to sewage/septage reuse has been the
contamination of soil and subsequent entry of pathogen into groundwater. The principal methods of pathogen
transport in soils include movement downwards with infiltration water, movement with surface runoff and
transport on sediments and waste particles. One of the important processes that control the contamination of
groundwater is the adsorption or retention of organisms on soil particles. Another process assisting in the
removal of bacteria and viruses from water percolating through the soil is filtration.
The availability of heavy metals to plants, their uptake and their accumulation depend on a number of soil,
plant and other factors. The soil factors include, soil pH, organic matter content, cation exchange capacity,
moisture, temperature and evaporation. Major plant factors are the species and variety, plant parts used for
consumption, plant age and seasonal effects. Dissolved salts causing salinity in sewage/septage exert an osmotic
effect on plant growth. An increase in osmotic pressure of the soil solution increases the amount of energy
which the plant must expand to take up water from the soil. As a result, respiration is increased and the growth
and yield of plants decline. However, it has been found that not all plant species are susceptible. A wide variety
of crops normally are tolerant to salinity. Salinity also affects the soil properties such as dispersion of particles,
stability of aggregates, soil structure and permeability.
Standards for other polluting parameters are intended to prevent pollutant inputs becoming harmful to
consumers of the harvested food, and to the soil. If pollutants are allowed to accumulate in the soil, its potential
use, over the long term, may become limited. By regulating land application, accumulation of pollutants in the
sewage/septage receiving soil can be prevented. However, it is often argued that reuses regulations based on
stringent pollutant loading limits, tend to discourage the land application option. Moreover, such limits do not
consider the capacity of soils to attenuate pollutants. Through proper management of land applications, the
agronomic benefits of sewage/septage can be realized, and accumulation of pollutants in the soil can be
controlled not to reach harmful levels. A comparison of water quality standards for physico-chemical, and toxic
polluting parameters for irrigation reuse of sewage/septage in some of the countries of the world is presented
in Annexure 2.
5.5.1 Irrigation
Irrigation is the largest user of water in India. It is also estimated that nearly half of the domestic sewage/septage
generated in India is used for irrigation. Irrigation reuse is also more advantageous, because of the possibility
Industrial recycling and reuse 1. Constituents in reclaimed wastewater related to scaling, corrosion, biological growth
and fouling,
Cooling water 2. Public health concerns, particularly aerosol transmission of pathogens in cooling water
Boiler feed
Process water
Heavy construction
Groundwater recharge 1. Organic chemicals in reclaimed wastewater and their toxicological effects
Groundwater replenishment 2. Total Dissolved Solids, nitrates and pathogens in reclaimed wastewater
Salt water intrusion control
Subsidence control
Aquaculture 1. Constituents in reclaimed wastewater, especially trace reservoir organic chemicals and
their toxicological effects
2. Aesthetics and public acceptance
3. Health concerns about pathogen transmission, particularly viruses
of decreasing the level of purification, and hence the savings in treatment costs, due to the role of soil and crops
as biological treatment facilities. As the water supply requirements of large metropolis are growing, the option
of reuse of sewage/septage for domestic purposes is increasingly being considered. Based on international
experience, there is potential for reuse at all levels, from household level to the large irrigation schemes. Reuse
has advantages as well as disadvantages at each level. The choice is conventionally technical and economic
one, though it is important that the community as a whole should become more involved in the working of
reuse systems. The major issues of this reuse are:
● surface and groundwater pollution, if poorly planned and managed;
However, many research studies have proved that in addition to providing a low-cost water source, other side
benefits of using sewage/septage for irrigation include increase in crop yields, decreased reliance on chemical
fertilizers, and increased protection against frost damage. A summary of current regulations for reuse of
wastewater for irrigation is provided in Table 5.5.
Cyprus 50–100 FC/100mL and 200–1000 FC/100mL, for areas with unlimited public access, and crop irrigation
with limited public access, respectively.
Israel 120–250 FC/100mL. Regulations for BOD, SS, DO and residual chlorine
Japan No detectable coliform bacteria for landscape irrigation. Less than 10/mL for reuse as toilet flush
Spain Less than 1000 FC/100mL and less than 1 nematode per liter
Saudi Arabia 2.2–100 and 23–200 FC/100mL for unrestricted and restricted irrigation, respectively. Intestinal
nematodes 1 per liter
● non-potable purposes;
a. Industrial Reuse
Industrial reuse of reclaimed wastewater represents major reuse next only to irrigation in both developed and
developing countries. Reclaimed wastewater is ideal for many industrial purposes, which do not require water
of high quality. Often industries are located near populated area where centralized treatment facilities already
generate reclaimed water. Depending on the type of industry, reclaimed water can be utilized for cooling water
make-up, boiler feed water, process water etc. Cooling water make-up in a majority of industrial operations
represents the single largest water usage. According to former additional director of CPCB, in India many
industries located in water scarce areas have already adopted use of treated wastewater as a source of water
e.g. Madras Refineries, Madras Fertilizers, Pragati Power Station in Delhi and many more industries are using
wastewater at large (personal commuinication). Operational problems encountered in cooling water
recirculation systems are irrespective of the quality of make-up water used. They are scaling, corrosion,
biological growth, and fouling. A major problem associated with reuse of wastewater will be biofilm growth in
the recirculation system. Presence of microorganisms (pathogens or otherwise) with nutrients such as nitrogen
and phosphorus, in warm and well-aerated conditions, as found in cooling water towers, create ideal
environments for biological growth. The important options to overcome the problems associated with industrial
use are summarized in Table 5.6.
Scaling Inorganic compounds, salts Scaling inhibitor, carbon adsorption, filtration, ion
exchange, blowdown rate control
Corrosion Dissolved and suspended solids pH imbalance Corrosion inhibitor, reverse osmosis
Fouling Microbial growth, phosphates, dissolved and Control of scaling, corrosion,microbial growth,
suspended solids filtration chemical and physical dispersants
field for final treatment and disposal. By segregating the “grey” sullage from “black” toilet wastes, potential for
reuse with minimal treatment within the household enhances manifold. There are several different schemes
for reusing grey water at the household levels. In California, systems which use grey water treated to a primary
level for subsurface irrigation of gardens have been in use for many years, and studies have shown no health
problems associated with the use. In areas of Australia which are not sewered, water scarce conditions in some
regions of Victoria have prompted interest in grey water recycling for garden irrigation (WHO 2006). Collection
and recycling systems for bathroom and laundry water have recently been tested in Victoria. A simple valve
arrangement for diversion of laundry grey water for garden watering has been developed. Australian authorities
are currently considering the introduction of comprehensive guidelines for grey water recycling systems in
individual households. When the grey water is not separated from toilet wastes, improvements in the quality
of treated wastewater can be brought about by many alternative ways. One of the alternatives includes
intermittent and recirculation granular-medium filters. The effluent from a recirculation filter has been found
to be of such high quality, it can be used in a variety of applications, including drip irrigation. In Japan, the major
in-house grey water reuse system is the hand basin toilets, which uses a hand basin set on the top of the cistern,
so the water from hand washing forms part of the refill volume for toilet flushing. Hand basin toilets are
reportedly installed in most new houses in Japan (WHO 2006).
● as a measure to improve the overall quality of groundwater by injecting reclaimed water of specific qualities.
It is traditionally suggested that the sludge can be applied on land as soil conditioner and as fertilizer; however
there are concerns involved in its handling, transportation, and odor nuisance because open disposal of sludge
poses threat to health and environment. Thus the need of proper treatment of sludge is a prerequisite for its
reuse (USEPA, 1984).
Properly treated sludge can be reused to reclaim parched land by application as soil conditioner, and as a
fertilizer in agriculture. Deteriorated land areas, which cannot support the plant vegetation due to lack of
nutrients, soil organic matter, low pH and low water holding capacity, can be reclaimed and improved by the
application of sludge. Sewage sludge has a pH buffering capacity resulting from an alkalinity that is beneficial
in the reclamation of acidic sites, like acid mine spoils, and acidic coal refuse materials. Sludge with a solid
content of 30 percent or more handled with conventional end-loading equipment, and applied with agricultural
manure spreaders. Liquid sludge, typically with solid content less than 6 percent managed and handled by
normal hydraulic equipment. Agricultural use of sludge matches best with priorities in waste management.
Sewage sludge contains nutrients in considerable amounts, which lead to fertilization of soil and organic matters
that improve the soil through humic reactions.
Primary Treatment:
Sedimentation Secondary treatment: Biological Tertiary / Advanced treatment: 1. Chemical
oxidation and disinfection coagulation, filtration, disinfection
It is equally important to explore the alternative natural technologies for wastewater treatment such as Root
Zone Treatment Systems (RZTS)/ constructed wetlands, Soil Biotechnology (SBT), Decentralised Wastewater
Treatment Systems (DWWTS), Duckweed Pond System (DPS) and Bioremediation. These technologies adopt
the science from old practices and improve the treatment process. They are designed to enhance the natural
aerobic and anaerobic processes and create conditions in which wastewater can be treated with the least use
of energy and machines. Annexure 5 provides a comparative analysis of different technologies commonly used
for treating wastewater.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been recognized as one of the viable alternatives for disinfection. UV radiation is
a physical disinfection. It penetrates the cell wall of a microorganism in wastewater and destroys the cell’s ability
to reproduce. It does not produce by-products such as Trihalomethanes and it leaves no residual effect. The
effectiveness of disinfection depends on some factors including the intensity of UV radiation and the amount
of exposure time (USEPA, 1999c).
Ozone is also used for disinfection. It is a strong oxidizer, and is more effective than chlorine in destroying viruses
and bacteria. However, an ozone generator is relatively expensive and is not readily available.
In addition, coagulation with high-alkaline chemicals, such as lime, can show disinfection effects, even though
treated wastewater needs to be neutralized before discharge. Membrane filtration also has a function of
disinfection by removing bacteria and viruses. In order for any disinfectant to be effective, it is important that
wastewater is adequately treated prior to disinfection. For example, coagulation, sedimentation or sand
filtrations are common treatment methods prior to disinfection. While these treatments remove suspended
solids, they can also remove protozoan cysts and bacteria to a significant degree. Highly treated water will
maximize the effectiveness of the following disinfection process, and minimize generation of by-products in
chlorine disinfection. Based on the evaluation of advantages and disadvantages, the most appropriate
technology may be selected for effective disinfection.
The removal of helminth eggs is an important concern in India. Helminth ova possess a shell that consists of
three basic layers secreted by the egg itself: a lipid inner layer, a chitinous middle layer, and outer protein layer.
All these layers give high resistance to eggs under several environmental conditions. Helminth eggs of concern
in wastewater used to irrigate have a size between 20-80 μm, a relative density of 1.06-1.15 and are very sticky.
All these three properties determine the helminth ova’s behavior during treatment (Jimenez, 2005). It is very
difficult to inactivate them, unless temperature is risen above 40°C or moisture is reduced to less than 5 percent
conditions that are not often achieved in wastewater treatment but are common in sludge treatment. Thus, in
wastewater it is not common to inactivate helminth ova but to remove them. This is done by processes that
remove particles through sedimentation (in stabilization ponds, or coagulation flocculation) or through filtration.
Helminth ova removal from different processes is shown in Table 5.8
The cost involved in building and maintaining wastewater treatment plants, and installing water distribution
lines for reuse is very high. Financing such services from exchequer’s fund could be detrimental to the
national economy. Hence it is important that such services are fully charged to the beneficiaries. In view of
water scarcity in many parts of the country, this can be a cheaper option to augment water availability in
many parts of the country than bringing water from distant places. However, by decentralised wastewater
treatment systems and planning for reuse near to the source can considerably redue the related costs of
wastewater treatment including reuse. Locally controlled funds or small-scale financing mechanisms (i.e.
microcredit schemes) may also be established to facilitate financing. Along with the introduction of financing
mechanisms, a capacity to understand and access such services needs to be fostered among utilities and
potential wastewater users.
In addition, care should be taken to favour operations that enhance, rather than diminish, employment
opportunities, and to utilize reliable mechanisms that can be maintained by a locally trained labour force.
Community-level training is also important, as many water reuse and recycling techniques involve actions at a
household or shop-floor level. Training materials and methods need to be tailored to meet the needs and
qualifications of the target audience.
Civil society organizations usually play an important role in undertaking various activities aimed to raise public
awareness. In some countries, local governments and local politicians also take part directly to raise the public
awareness of water conservation, better usage to improve public health, and recycling water for secondary
uses. Public participation can be scaled-up by bringing the community into the decision-making process. Their
participation in the decision-making process also improves public participation in the implementation process.
Public participation can be aimed at different objectives including the payment of user charges, conservation,
minimizing unaccounted for water rates, recycling and reuse of water, and ownership and operation of the
small projects, mainly in slums or peri-urban areas.
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Inland surface water Public sewer Land for irrigation Marine coastal areas
Colour and odour All efforts should be - All efforts should be All efforts should be
made to remove colour made to remove made to remove
and unpleasant odour colour and unpleasant colour and unpleasant
as far as practicable. odour as far as odour as far as
practicable. practicable.
Temperature °C, max. Shall not exceed 5 0C - - Shall not exceed 5°C
above the receiving above the receiving
water temperature water temperature
Inland surface water Public sewer Land for irrigation Marine coastal areas
Bioassay test - 90% survival of fish 90% survival 90% survival of fish 90% survival of fish
after 96 h in 100% of fish after after 96 h in 100% after 96 h in 100%
effluent 96 h in 100% effluent effluent
All soils Sandy soils All soils All soils Paddy crop Vegetables All soils All soil Leachate
Boron, g/L 500-600 750 750 700 1000-3000 1000-3000 500 -3000 -
Chromium (total), g/L 100 100 100 5000 100 100 50 -100 -
Zinc, g/L 1000-5000 2000 5000 10000 2000 2000 4000 -5000 -
Oil and grease, g/L - - 5000 50000 5000 5000 5000 10000 5000
Surfactants, g/L - - - - - - - - -
Radioactive –
alpha emitters - - - - - - - 10 -8
Radioactive – - - - - - - - 10-7 -
beta emitters
C/N Ratio - - - - - - - - -
Source: Adopted from Andrew C. C., Albert L. P., Asano T., and Hesphanhol I., “Developing human health related chemical guidelines for
reclaimed wastewater irrigation,” Water Science & Technology, 33(10–11), 463–472
Arsenic 10.00
Cadmium 5.00
Chromium 50.00
Copper 300.00
Lead 100.00
Mercury 0.15
Nickel 50.00
Zinc 1000.00
PH 5.5-8.5
Annexure 4: Standards for Leachate Quality from solid wastes dump sites
as notified under MSW Rules 2000
Activated Sludge 0.15 to 0.25 Rs 0.3 to 0.5 180 to 225 Kwh/ Rs 2 to BOD: 10-20 Land
Process hectares / MLD million / year/ ML treated 4 million/ MLD mg/L requirement is
installed MLD installed capacity Suspended very less and
capacity capacity solids(SS): performance is
20 to 50 mg/L not affected by
normal variation
in waste water
Trickling Filter (TF) 0.25 TO 0.65 Slightly lower 180 Kwh/ML Relatively Comparable Rugged system
hectares / MLD than ASP treated lower than ASP to ASP with simple and
installed capacity silent operation
Waste Stabilization 0.8 to 2.3 Rs 0.06 to 0.1 Energy required Rs 1.5 to 4.5 BOD: 30-50 Very easy
Ponds (WSP) hectares/ MLD million/year/ for the operation million/MLD mg/L operation and
installed capacity MLD installed of screen and capacity Suspended maintenance
capacity grit chamber, solids(SS):
negligible as 75 – 125 mg/L
compared to ASP The color of
the water is
Upflow anaerobic 0.2 to 0.3 Rs 0.08 to 0.17 10 to 15 KWh / Rs 2.5 to 3.5 BOD: 30-40 Can absorb
sludge blanket (UASB) hectares/MLD million/ year / ML sewage million/MLD mg/L hydraulic and
installed capacity MLD installed treated installed Suspended organic shock
capacity capacity solids(SS): 75 – loading. Sludge
100 mg/L handling is
Sequencing Batch 0.1 to 0.15 Higher than ASP 150 to 200 Higher than BOD< 5 mg/L The process is
Reactor (SBR) hectares/ MLD KWh/ML treated ASP Total time controlled
installed capacity Suspended and flexible
solids (TSS):
Fluidized Aerobic 0.06 Hectares / 0.5 – 0.75 99-170 KWh / ML 3-5 million/ BOD < 10mg/L No sludge
Bed (FAB) MLD installed million/year/ sewage treated MLD installed Suspended recycling and
capacity MLD installed capacity solids(SS): monitoring of
capacity <20mg/L MLSS required
Submerged Aerobic 0.05 hectares / 1.14 million/ 390 KWh /ML Rs 7 million / BOD < 10mg/L More compact
Fixed Film (SAFF) MLD installed year /MLD treated MLD installed Suspended than the
reactor capacity installed capacity solids(SS): conventional
capacity <20mg/L STP’s
Membrane bioreactor 0.035 hectares / Rs 0.6 to 0.75 180 to 220 KWh/ Rs 3-5 million/ BOD < 5 mg/L Highest effluent
(MBR) MLD installed million/ year / ML treated MLD installed Suspended quality for reuse
capacity MLD installed capacity solids(SS): and very high
capacity <10mg/L life cycle cost
colorless water
is obtained
Septic tank with 0.2 hectares / NA Very low power Rs 1 million/ BOD < 10mg/L Little space
soak pit MLD installed required MLD installed Suspended required, simple
capacity capacity solids(SS): and durable
Duckweed pond 2-6 hectares / Rs 0.18 million/ It is much less as Is of the same BOD < 10mg/L Easy to harvest,
system (DPS) MLD installed year / MLD compared to ASP order as WSP Total les sensitive to
capacity installed with an Suspended surrounding
capacity additional cost solids(TSS): environmental
floating <10mg/L conditions
Root zone treatment 0.1 to 0.2 Rs 0.05 million/ Energy Rs 1 – 1.5 BOD < 5 mg/L Low cost,
system (RZT) hectares /MLD year /MLD requirement is million/ MLD Suspended natural looking
installed capacity installed very low installed solids (SS): and high
capacity capacity <10mg/L. pathogen
colorless water removal
is obtained
Anaerobic baffled 0.7 to 0.8 Rs 0.01 million/ These systems Rs 1 million/ BOD < 5 mg/L Less
reactor + RZTS hectares /MLD year /MLD do not rely on MLD installed Suspended dependence on
installed capacity installed systems driven capacity solids(SS): electricity and
capacity by machines and <10mg/L easily fits into
electricity landscaping
Source: 1. Compendium of Sewage Treatment Technologies by Vinod Tare and Purnendu Bose
2. Report on “SBR Technology: An Appraisal” by Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Roorkee
3. ”Do-it-yourself: reuse and recycle waste water” by CSE Publications.
Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation (Delhi Division), Govt. of India by its notification dated 28.7.2001 had made
modification / additions in the building bye-laws 1983 as under; Clause 22.4 Part-III (Structural Safety and Services) of the Building Bye-
laws, 1983:
22.4.2: All buildings having a minimum discharge of 10,000 liters and above per day shall incorporate waste water-re-cycling system.
The recycled water should be used for horticultural purposes.
To enforce amendments in building bye laws regarding water harvesting and recycling of waste water, instructions were issued vide
letter numbers D. No. DJB/DOR/06/20275 to 20288 dated 12.01.2007, by the Director of Revenue, Delhi Jal Board, which provided that
“while sanction of individual domestic (8mm) water connection is accorded for a new house a certificate is to be given by the concerned
ZE, DJB (in case of Bulk Connection, it is to be given by the concerned EE & SE, DJB) to the effect that applicant has provided the requisite
systems as provided in the building plans sanctioned by the MCD/DDA/any other land developing authority, in accordance to
modifications in the building bye laws-1983 under clause 22.4.1 and 22.4.2.”
BMWSSB, Bengaluru To ensure use of recycled water and prevent over-exploitation of ground water has drawn up a plan to put in
place a dual water supply system in all new layouts and apartment complexes coming up in the city.
The BWSSB has asked the Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA) to set up a dual water supply system in all its new layouts. The BDA
has decided to put up separate lines for potable and recycled water in all its new ventures.
The builders of over 30 new apartment complexes coming up in and around the city have been asked to install dual lines for potable
and recycled water.
BWSSB is stressing on the use of recycled water for all construction activities.
In August 2009, RMC amended building bye laws, making it mandatory, the recycling and reuse of waste water for the buildings. The
use of potable domestic water for non potable uses like car washing, gardening, construction purposes, landscaping, irrigation uses is
forbidden by virtue of powers vested with government
The essential parts of a recycling system will be separate pipes for collecting grey water. The term grey water refers to the waste water
generated from bathroom, laundry and kitchen.
Treated grey water is pumped to a separate tank on the roof from where grey water will be supplied to toilets, garden taps, car washing
taps etc. This treated grey water may be used for ground water recharge. Only water from toilets should be let in to sewerage system.
The corporation may in exceptional cases due to dearth of land or water logged areas exempt (with the approval from Municipal
Commissioner) from providing facility for recycling the grey water.
The water generated after treatment should be safe for its use for flushing toilets, car washing, gardening etc. The company or the
agency engaged for installation of system for recycling of waste water shall preferably confirm IS0:14000.
Provision may be made for checking the quality of recycled water with Water testing laboratory with Municipal Corporation at very
nominal rates.
City Corporation building rules way back in June 2003 clearly mandated wastewater recycling. The amended rules state that only the
water from toilets must be the outlet to the sewer system. In case of ordinary buildings (ground-plus-one and residential buildings of
four dwelling units), the grey water should be used for groundwater recharge after a simple organic filtration. In case of multi-storied
apartments, the rules say that the recycled water should be used for toilet flushing.
Grey water recycling has been implemented for an eight-apartment complex in West Mambalam. For treatment chamber, bricks and
pebbles were used in addition to charcoal and blue metal.
The Corporation has given permission to the households to construct the recycling pits on the pavements, where space is a problem.
The Corporation zonal officers have been sensitised on the programme. Corporation officials hope that the city’s beautification
programme would receive a fillip through wastewater recycling.
One important outcome of the scheme, if implemented by several residents, would be a reduction of nearly 60 per cent of water
reaching the sewer system.
The city had come out with byelaws on reuse of recycled water since 1990.
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