Course Guide CM2041 Corporate Communication (2010-11)
Course Guide CM2041 Corporate Communication (2010-11)
Course Guide CM2041 Corporate Communication (2010-11)
Course Guide
Corporate Communication
Table of Contents
1. Practical Information p. 3
2. Overview Program p. 4
3. Course Orientation p. 5
4. Course organization, procedures, preferences, p. 6
5. Course Assignments and Grading p. 8
6. General Writing Rules for Assignments p. 9
7. Course Outline and Week-by-week descriptions p. 10
8. Appendix A – Summary and Discussion Questions p. 13
Practical Information
Office Hours:
For the latest timetable and location: see the overview of courses on
Compulsory Literature:
Period: Term 2
Credits: 5 ECTS
Overview Program
Course Orientation
Course Objectives
Use of Blackboard
Blackboard ( is used for communication (e-
mail and additional information before and during the course) and for
handing in assignments via the Safe Assignment option. Powerpoint slides
and other course materials may be available on Blackboard after class, if
Study load
The credits for this course are 5 ECTS which equals 140 hours. Since
each block lasts 9 weeks (8 weeks containing lectures/tutorials and 1 week
for assessment), students are expected to spend on average 14 hours per
week on this course (over 1.5 day!).
Class 24 hrs
Readings/Study of literature 65 hrs
Assignments (2 x 3 hrs, 1 x 25 hrs, 1x 20) 51 hrs
Total 140 hrs
Preferred Procedures
expected. We will cover a great deal of information each week in this course
and it will be easy to fall behind.
» All assignments should be turned in via the Assignments link on the course
Blackboard site. If errors occur with Blackboard, you should turn a hard copy
into my mailbox (located on L3). No emailed assignments will be accepted.
Assignments are due at or before the beginning of the lecture period.
Relatedly, uploading corrupted, damaged, incorrect, or incomplete files to
Blackboard will result in a minimum 10% late penalty. You should use caution
when you are uploading a file. If an error occurs when you are uploading an
assignment, you should notify me as soon as possible.
The course is graded on a scale from 0 to 100 points. At the end of the class,
your cumulative final points are divided by 10 to calculate the final grade. So,
for example 74 points results in a grade of 7.4. A final grade below 5.5 means
that the student fails the course. A final grade of 5.5 or higher means passing
the course. 6.0+ is satisfactory; 7.0+ is very satisfactory; 8.0+ is good; 9.0+
is excellent.
Assignments (Individual)
Assignments (Group)
Assignment sheet for the Case Study will be distributed during the term.
» Always make sure that you clearly state your name and your student
reference number on the title page of all assignments.
» Although you will not be assessed for your English proficiency, all
assignments should be carefully checked for spelling, grammar and
» Generally speaking, I prefer, and you should use Times New Roman 12
point font, 1-inch (2.5cm) margins on all sides, 1.5 spacing, page numbers,
title page, reference page, headings, etc.
Twice during the term, you will need to provide a 1-page summary including at least 2
discussion questions. A sign-up sheet will be provided. Your summary of the readings should be
short and to the point. You should also write at least two strong discussion questions. Your
questions should aim to deepen the class’ understanding of the weekly material.
1-page. 1.5 spaced. 2.5cm margins. 12 pt Times New Roman font.