How The Children Learn Grade 9

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Day 2, Session 3 Grade 9

Session Topic : How Children Learn

Episode Title : Learning Style
Duration : 1 ½ hours
Resources Needed :
LCD Construction Paper
Widescreen Learning Style Assessment Worksheet
Laptop Power Cord
Handouts Scoth/Masking Tape
Meta Strips

Handouts/Readings: Characteristics of Learning Style

Objectives :
At the end of the session, the participants should be able to:
1. Identify one’s learning style.
2. Describe the different learning style.
3. Identify teaching strategies/practices that promote appropriate learning style of

Individuals learn in different ways. Teachers need to understand the learning styles
of students in order to ensure their optimum learning. In this session we are going explore
the different learnings styles.
Session Flow
1. Introduce the origami making activity – utility box.
2. Provide each participant with 3 construction papers.
3. Ask them to make box in three attempts. (See attached directions and
 First attempt: involves verbal directions
 Second attempt: involves visual and written directions
 Third Attempt: involves demonstration of the process
4. Display the boxes in the workshop area.

1 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers

1. Distribute the Learning Style Assessment Worksheet. Let the participants accomplish
the worksheet and determine their score per learning style.
2. Read the interpretation of the scores.

1. How did you find the activity?
2. In the box-making activities, which did you prefer?
3. What did you discover about your learning style as revealed by the Learning
Style Assessment?
4. What does it tell about you as a learner and as a teacher?
5. What insights did you gain from the activities?
1. Discuss the following topics/concepts relating them to the published data.
 Learning Styles
 Characteristics of Learning Styles
 Hints of the Different Types of Learners
 Creating positive learning environment
Understanding learning style will help you:
B. Determine why you learn the way you do. A good teacher/trainer knows
his/her own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the basic understanding of
the way student prefers to learn.
C. Recognize how personality type affects ones teaching style. It is easy to teach
students when their preferred learning styles are addressed.
D. Develop strategies to help students with different learning styles.
E. Provide the most productive learning environment possible.

Learning how students learn starts by understanding how you as a teacher learn. It is
best achieved when insights gained from understanding psychological principles are
valued and put into the teaching practice.


2 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers

1. Make groups of 6 members.
2. Ask participants to brainstorm on teaching practices/strategies to insure positive
learning environment and address the different learning styles of learners.
3. Write these strategies on the metastrips to be posted on the board.

End the session with this quote by John Holt, Author of How Children Learn:
“We can best children learn, not by deciding what we think they should learn and thinking
ingenious ways to teach it to them, but by making the world as far as we can, accessible to
them, praying serious attention to what they do, answering their questions - if they have any
– helping them explore the things they are most interested in”


3 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers

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