Cooling and Heating Load Calculation

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A. Building Components
Calculating the cooling load determines the total sensible cooling load due
to heat gain 1. through structural components namely walls, floors, and ceilings; 2.
through windows; 3. caused by ventilation and infiltration; and 4. due to occupancy.
In the latter part of the computation, the cooling load is evaluated individually.
Although the entire structure is considered a single zone, the equipment selection
and system design should be based on a room-to-room calculation.
To acquire suitable design of the distribution system, the total amount of
conditioned air necessary for each room must be first identified.
Calculations of Heating and Cooling Load are computed to provide data for
optimum possibilities for reducing the load, to provide information for equipment
selection and HVAC system design, and to permit analysis for partial load required
for the operation and control and system design.
Block load maximum peak hour heat load calculation is the method used to
calculate the cooling load using the parameters that were gathered from the
components of the building.

I. External Wall Section Resistance and U-value

Figure 3. External Wall Section

Table 1. External Wall Section Resistance and U-Value

kg/ m2 m2 - K/W

Outside Air film - 0.0290

25mm Cement Plaster

39.95 0.0347
(light painted)

150 mm concrete block,

147 0.1350
Light weight aggregate

25mm Cement Plaster 39.95 0.0347

Inside Air Film - 0.1200

𝝆total = 226.9 Rtotal = 0.3534

Wall Type F U = 2.829654782 W/m2 - K

For the Thermal Heat Load calculation of external wall, the U- value to be used
will be 2.829654782 W/m2 - K. Since the mass per unit area obtained is best suited
for Wall type F, cooling - load temperature difference to be used will be obtained
under this type.

II. Roof Section Resistance and U-value

Figure 4. External Roof Section

Table 2. Roof Section Resistance and U-Value

kg/ m3 m2 - K/W

Outside Air film - - 0.0290

25 mm cement plaster 39.95 0.0347

100mm conc. Slab - 320

25 mm cement plaster 39.95 0.0347

Inside Air film - - 0.1200

Rtotal= 0.339

U = 2.448579824 W/m2 – K Roof Type 6- Without Suspended Ceiling

According to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Table 4-14, page 81) by

Stoecker and Jones, based from the computed value of mass per unit area, the
roof type to be used is TYPE 6, without suspended ceiling.

III. Window Schedules

Figure 5. Window Section for Unit 2A, Unit 3A

Figure 6. Window Section for Unit 1A, 1B, 1E, 2B, 2C, 2F, 3B, 3C, 3F

IV. Internal Partition

a. Partition Wall Resistance and U-value

Figure 7. Partition Wall section

Table 3. Partition
kg/ m2 m2 - K/W

Inside Air film - 0.1200

25mm Cement Plaster

39.95 0.0347
(light painted)

150 mm concrete
block, 147 0.1350
Light weight aggregate

25mm Cement Plaster 39.95 0.0347

Inside Air Film - 0.1200

Resistance and U-Value Rtotal = 0.4444
= 226.9

U = 2.250225023 W/m2 - K

b. Partition Door
Table 4. Partition Door Resistance and U - Value
Tanguile Door

m2 - K/W

Inside air film 0.1200

Mahogany hard wood 6.31(0.055m)

Inside air film 0.1200

UT = 1/RT = 1.703 W/m2K

Figure 8. Partition
Door section RT = 0.58705

Table 5. Partition Door Area

Room Area
Unit 1A, 1B, 1D, 1E
Unit 2A, 2B, 2C, 2E, 2F 2.1 m x 0.8 m
Unit 3A, 3B, 3C, 3E, 3F
Care Taker Room T

Unit 1C =
2.1 m x 0.7 m
Unit 2D 1
Unit 3D .
Toilet and Shower Units 2.1 m x 0.6 m
c. Partition Glass Window 2

Figure 9. Window Section for Unit 1C, 1D, 2D, 2E, 3D and 3E

a. Partition Floor/Ceiling

Figure 10. Partition Ceiling/Floor section

Table 6. Ceiling/Floor Section Resistance and U-Value

kg/ m3 m2 - K/W

Inside Air film - - 0.1200

25 mm granite - 42.5 0.01375

100mm conc. Slab - 320 0.19

25 mm cement plaster 39.95 0.0347

Inside Air film - 0.1200


Type 4 U=2.090082558 m2 - K/W

B. Complex Input Data Sheet

a. Considered Condition Space

Table 7. Summary of Considered Condition Spaces for Ground Floor

Area, Number of Miscellaneous

Condition Space
m2 Occupants Equipment

Caretaker Room 5.56875 1

Unit 1A 10.209375 3 Television

Unit 1B 10.209375 3 Television

Unit 1C 12.290625 3 Television

Unit 1D 15.90625 4 Television

Unit 1E 12.90625 3 Television

Total 65.668125 17 -

Table 8. Summary of Considered Condition Spaces for Second and Third Floor

Area, Number of Miscellaneous

Condition Space
m2 Occupants Equipment

Unit 2A and 3A 10.621875 3 Television

Unit 2B and 3B 10.209375 3 Television

Unit 2C and 3C 10.209375 3 Television

Unit 2D and 3D 12.290625 3


Unit 2E and 3E 15.90625 4 Television

C. Calculation Information
Cooling and Heating Load Calculation
For Ground Floor
1. External Wall
Qwall = Uwall x Awall x CLTDadj

CLTDadj = (CLTDsel + LM) k + (25-ti) + (tave-29)

UW = heat transfer coefficient

AW = area of the wall

CLTDadj = cooling load calculation


Design month: May

Indoor conditions: 230C & 50%RH

Outdoor conditions: TDB=33.90C & TWB=26.70C

Permanently light color (K=0.65)

tave =32.90C-1/2(6.50C)=30.650C


SE: 2.525 (3.2) – 2.475 (3.2) + [ (2.475 x 3.2) – (2.25 x 3.2) ] = 31.12 m2

SW: 10 (3.2) - 1.5 (3.2) + [ (1.875 x 3.2) – (1.2 x 1.2) ] = 31.76 m2

NW: 3.15 (3.2) + 2.950 (3.2) = 19.52 m2

NE: [2.475 (3.2) - (1.6 x 1.2)] + [ (1.875 x 3.2) – (1.2 x 1.2) ] + [(2.25 x 3.2) – (1.2
x 1.2)] = 16.32 m2

CLDT adj = ( CLDT sel + LM ) k + (25- ti ) + ( tave – 29 )

SE: (24 – 2.77)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 17.4495 0C

SW: (30 – 2.77)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 21.3495 0C

NW: (26 + 1.66)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 21.629 0C

NE: (17 + 1.66)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 15.779 0C

Qs = U x A x CLDT adj

SE: 2.829654782 (31.12) (17.4495) = 1536.583022 W

SW: 2.829654782 (31.76) (21.3495) = 1918.676061 W

NW: 2.829654782 (19.52) (21.629) = 1194.674816 W

NE: 2.829654782 (16.32) (15.779) = 728.6736842 W

QsTOTAL = 5378.607583 W

Table 9. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for External Wall (Ground Floor)

Tave, 0C CLTDadj, 0C Qs, Watts

U, W/m2 Area, 0 0
Orientation CLTDsel, C LM k Ti, C
K m2

SE 2.83 31.12 24 -2.77 0.65 23 30.65 17.4495 1536.583022

SW 2.83 31.76 30 -2.77 0.65 23 30.65 21.3495 1918.676061

NW 2.83 19.52 26 1.66 0.65 23 30.65 21.629 1194.674816

NE 2.83 16.32 17 1.66 0.65 23 30.65 15.779 728.6736842

Qs =5378.607583 W

2. Glass Load

Qglass = QSG + QTH

QTH = Uglass x Aglass x (T o-Ti)
To-Ti= 33.9-23 = 10.9 0C

SHGF=Design Month of May, at 32-degree North Latitude (table 4-
10, Maximum Solar Heat Gain Factor for sunlit glass)
For Glass Single: Uglass = 5.9 W/m2-K
For Single glass, Regular sheet, Bronze, Roller Shades: SC=1

For SW:
QSG=573.696 W

QTH= Ug Ag (t2 –t1)

QTH=(5.9 )(1.44)( 10.9 )
QTH=92.6064 W

For NE:
QSG=1933.44 W

QTH= Ug Ag (t2 –t1)

QTH=(5.9 )(4.8)( 10.9 )
QTH=308.688 W

Table 10. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for Glass (Ground Floor)

Area, QSG
Orientation = Ug Ag (t2 – SHGF CLF
m2 = (SHGF)(SC)(A)(CLF)

SE - - - - -
SW 1.44 92.6064 480 0.83 573.696
NW - - - - -
NE 4.8 308.688 530 0.76 1933.44
401.2944 W QSG =2507.136 W

Qglass = 401.2944 W + 2566.896 W
Qglass = 2908.4304 W

3. Infiltration Load

Qs = 1.232Q (T o-Ti)
QL = 3000Q (Wo-Wi)

Q = No. of Air changes x Volume of the conditioned space
No. of changes = a + bv + c (to –ti)
a = 0.15, b = 0.01, c = 0.007, v = 1 m/s
No. of changes = 0.236

Volume of Condition Space

V=Area x Height
Unit 1A=(2.475)(4.125)(3.2)=32.67m3
Unit 1B=(2.475)(4.125)(3.2)=32.67m3
Unit 1C={[(4.125)(3.525)]-[(1)(2.25)]}3.2=39.33m3
Unit 1D={[(4.15)(4.375)]-[(1)(2.25)]}3.2=50.9m3
Unit 1E=(2.95)(4.375)(3.2)=41.3m3
V TOTAL= 214.69 m3

Q=(0.2363)(214.69)=50.731247 m3/hr
m3 1hr 1000𝐿
Q=50.731247 x 𝑥
hr 3600s 1𝑚3
Q = 14.09201306 L/s


Qs = 1.232 Q (to – ti)

Qs = 1.232 (14.09201306) (33.9-23)
Qs = 189.2388249 W

QL = 3000 Q (W o – W i)

Solving for Wo & Wi

 Outdoor condition:
33.9CDB & 26.7CWB
H26.7C = 82.3471 kj/kg
hg33.9⁰C = 2563.42 kj/kg
h26.7C = 1.0062t + Wo(hg)33.9C
82.3471 = 1.0062(33.9) + Wo(2563.42)
Wo = 0.01887407 kg/kgair

 Indoor Condition:
23C & 50% RH; Psat@23 = 2.812
Ps= 0.5 (2.812 )

Wi = 𝑃𝑡 -𝑃𝑠

Wi = 101.325-(1.406)

Wi = 0.008752409452 kg/kgair

Solving for QL:

QL = 3000(14.09201306)(0.018817407-0.008752409452)
QL = 425.5082306 W

4. Ventilation Load
Qs = 1.232 Q (to – ti)
QL = 3000 Q (Wo – Wi)

22 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
Caretaker= 𝑥 (2.25𝑥2.475)𝑚2 = 2 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
100𝑚 2
22 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
Unit 1A= 𝑥 (2.475𝑥4.125)𝑚2 = 3 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
100𝑚 2
22 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
Unit 1B= 𝑥 (2.475𝑥4.125)𝑚2 = 3 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
100𝑚 2
22 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
Unit 1C= 𝑥 [(4.125𝑥3.525) − (1𝑥1.25)]𝑚2 = 3 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
100𝑚 2
22 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
Unit 1D= 𝑥 [(4.375𝑥4.15) − (2.250𝑥1)]𝑚2 = 4 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
100𝑚 2
22 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
Unit 1E= 𝑥 (4.375𝑥2.95)𝑚2 = 3 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛
100𝑚 2

Q = no. of occupant x ventilation rate

Ventilation rate from Table 2:

Bedroom, non-smoking: Q = 2.36 L/person-s

Unit Room:
Q=16 person x 2.36L/person-s =37.76 L/s

Caretaker Room:
Q=2 personx2.36L/person-s=4.72 L/s

For Total Q (L/S):

Q=37.76 L/s + 4.72 L/s
Q=42.48 L/s

W o = 0.018817407
W i = 0.008752409452

Qs = 1.232(42.48) (33.9-23)
Qs = 570.455424W

QL = 3000 (42.48) (0.018817407-0.008752409452)

QL = 1282.683288 W

 Internal Loads
1. Occupant Load
 For Unit Room
Heat Gain= 70 Watts (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat Gain
from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
Sensible Heat Gain= 0.75 (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat
Gain from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
Latent Heat Gain= 0.25 (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat
Gain from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
No. of People= 16 occupants
CLF= 0.84 (Table 4.9 Senible Heat cooling Load Factors for
people where total hours in space is 8 hours)

Qs = (gain/person) (sensible heat gain) (no. of people) (CLF)

Unit room (Sleeping): Qs = (70 W) (0.75) (16) (0.84)
Qs = 705.6 W

QL = (gain/person)(latent heat gain)(no. of people)(CLF)

Unit room (Sleeping): QL= (70 W) (0.25) (16) (1)
QL = 280 W

 For Caretaker Room

Heat Gain= 70 Watts (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat Gain
from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
Sensible Heat Gain= 0.75 (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat
Gain from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
Latent Heat Gain= 0.25 (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat
Gain from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
No. of People= 1 occupant
CLF= 0.84 (Table 4.9 Senible Heat cooling Load Factors for
people where total hours in space is 8 hours)

Qs = (gain/person) (sensible heat gain) (no. of people) (CLF)

Caretaker Room (Sleeping): Qs = (70 W) (0.75) (2) (0.84)
Qs = 88.2 W

QL = (gain/person)(latent heat gain)(no. of people)(CLF)
Caretaker Room (Sleeping): QL= (70 W) (0.25) (2) (1)
QL = 35 W

Total: Qs= 793.8 W QL= 315 W

2. Lighting Loads
Area= 67.090625 m2
Lamp rating in Watts= 25 W/m2 (Circular)
Fu= 1
Fb=1.2 ballast factor for fluorescent lamp
CLF=0.85 (Table4-6 Cooling Load factor for Lighting)

Qs = (lamp rating in Watts) (Fu) (Fb) (CLF)

= (25 W/m2) (67.090625) (1) (1.2) (0.85)
Qs = 1710.810938 W

3. Miscellaneous
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)

For Lamp:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(5)(50)(24)(1)

Qs = 83.33 W

For Laptop:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(16)(75)(24)(1)
Qs = 400W

For television:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(5)(150)(24)(1)

Qs = 250 W

Table 11. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for Miscellaneous Equipment
(Ground Floor)

Equipment Units Ratings Utilization CLF Qs, Watts

Lamp 5 50 8/24 1 83.33

Laptop 16 75 8/24 1 400
Television 5 150 8/24 1 250
Qs = 733.33 W

4. Partition Load
a. Partition Wall
Qwall = UwallAwall (To – Ti)

Caretaker Room
Where: Awall = (2.475m+2.25m)(3.2m) – (0.6m)(2.1m) =
13.86 m2
Qwall = (2.250225023) (13.86) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 155.9405941 W

Unit 1A
Where: Awall = (2.25m+2.475m+4.125m)(3.2m) - (2(0.6)(2.1)
+ 0.8(2.1))=24.12m2
Qwall = (2.250225023) (24.12m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 271.3771378 W

Unit 1B
Where: Awall = (2.25m+2.475m+2.25m)(3.2) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (18.12m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 203.8703871 W

Unit 1C
Where: Awall = (3.525m+1m+2.25m)(3.2m) –

Qwall = (2.250225023) (16.25m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 182.8307831 W

Unit 1D
Where: Awall = (4.15m+1m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (18.04m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 202.9702971 W

Unit 1E
Where: Awall = (2.25m+2.95m+2.125m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (19.24m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 216.4716472W

Qtotal= 1233.460846 W

b. Partition Door
Qdoor = Udoor Adoor (To – Ti)

Inside air film – 0.12

Mahogany hard wood – 6.31(0.055m)
Inside air film __– 0.12_______
RT = 0.58705
UT = 1/RT = 1.703 W/m2K

Caretaker Room
Where: Adoor=0.6mx2.1m=1.26m2
Q door = 1.703(1.26m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 10.7289 W

Unit 1A
Where: Adoor=(2x0.6mx2.1m)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 1B

Where: Adoor=(0.8mx2.1m)+(2x0.6mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 1C
Where: Adoor=(2x0.6mx2.1m)+(0.7mx2.1m)=3.99m2
Q door = 1.703(3.99m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 33.97485 W

Unit 1D
Where: Adoor= (0.8m)(2.1m)+2(0.6m)(2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 1E
Where: Adoor=(0.8mx2.1m)+(2x0.6mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Q total= 187.75575 W

c. Partition Glass Window

Qs = UglassAglass (To – Ti)
Condition: For Glass Single: Uglass = 5.9 W/m2-K

Unit 1C
Where: Aglass = (1.2m)(1.2m)=1.44m2
Qs = (5.9) (1.44m2) (280C – 230C)
Qs = 42.48 W

Unit 1D
Qs = UglassAglass (To – Ti)
Where: Aglass = (1.2m)x(1.2m)=1.44m2
Qs = (5.9) (1.44m2) (280C – 230C)
Qs = 42.48 W
Qtotal= 84.96 W

For Second Floor
1. External Wall
Qwall = Uwall x Awall x CLTDadj

CLTDadj = (CLTDmax + LM) k + (25-ti) + (tave-29)

UW = heat transfer coefficient

AW = area of the wall

CLTDadj = cooling load calculation


Design month: May

Indoor conditions: 230C & 50%RH

Outdoor conditions: TDB=33.90C & TWB=26.7C

Permanently light color (K=0.65)

tave=33.90C-1/2(6.5 0C) = 30.650C


SE: (5.95 x 3.2) + (2.475 x 3.2) + (2.525 x 3.2) = 35.04 m2

SW: 4.125 (3.2) + 4.375 (3.2) + [ (1.875 x 3.2) – (1.2 x 1.2) ] = 31.76 m2

NW: 3.15 (3.2) + 2.950 (3.2) = 19.52 m2

NE: [(2.475 x 3.2) –(1.6 x 1.2 )] + [ (1.875 x 3.2) – (1.2 x 1.2) ]+[ 2.25(3.2)- (1.2 x
1.2)] = 16.32 m2

CLDT adj = ( CLDT sel + LM ) k + (25- ti ) + ( tave – 29 )

SE: (24 – 2.77)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 17.4495 0C

SW: (30 – 2.77)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 21.3495 0C

NW: (26 + 1.66)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 21.629 0C

NE: (17 + 1.66)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 15.779 0C

Qs = U x A x CLDT adj

SE: 2.829654782 (35.04) (17.4495) = 1730.137182 W

SW: 2.829654782 (31.76) (21.3495) = 1918.676061 W

NW: 2.829654782 (19.52) (21.629) = 1194.674816 W

NE: 2.829654782 (16.32) (15.779) = 728.6736842 W

QsTOTAL = 5572.161743 W

Table 12. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for External Wall (Second Floor)

T ave, 0C CLTDadj, 0C Qs, Watts

U, W/m2 Area, 0 0
Orientation CLTDsel, C LM K Ti, C
K m2

SE 2.83 35.04 24 -2.77 0.65 23 30.65 17.4495 1730.137182

SW 2.83 31.76 30 -2.77 0.65 23 30.65 21.3495 1918.676061

NW 2.83 19.52 26 1.66 0.65 23 30.65 21.629 1194.674816

NE 2.83 16.32 17 1.66 0.65 23 30.65 15.779 728.6736842

Qs =5572.161743 W

2. Glass Load
Qglass = QSG + QTH
QTH = Uglass x Aglass x (T o-Ti)

SHGF=Design Month of May, at 32-degree North Latitude (table 4-
10, Maximum Solar Heat Gain Factor for sunlit glass)
For Glass Single: Uglass = 5.9 W/m2-K
For Single glass, Regular sheet, Bronze, Roller Shade: SC=0.59

SW= (1.2 x 1.2) = 1.44 m2
NE= = (1.2 x 1.2) + (1.2 x 1.2) + (1.6 x 1.2) = 4.8 m2

For SW:
QSG=573.696 W

QTH= Ug Ag (t2 –t1)

QTH=(5.9 )(1.44)( 10.9 )
QTH=92.6064 W

For NE:
QSG=1933.44 W

QTH= Ug Ag (t2 –t1)

QTH= (5.9 )(4.8)( 10.9 )
QTH=308.688 W

Table 13. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for Glass (Second Floor)

Area, QSG=
Orientation = Ug Ag (t2 – SHGF CLF
m2 (SHGF)(SC)(A)(CLF)

SE - - - - -
SW 1.44 92.6064 580 0.83 573.696
NW - - - - -
NE 4.8 308.688 450 0.76 1933.44
QSG = 2507.136 W
401.2944 W

Qglass = 401.2944 W + 2507.136 W
Qglass = 2908.4304 W

3. Infiltration Load

Qs = 1.232Q (T o-Ti)
QL = 3000Q (Wo-Wi)
Q = No. of Air changes x Volume of the conditioned space
No. of changes = a + bv + c (to –ti)
a = 0.15, b = 0.01, c = 0.007, v = 1 m/s
No. of changes = 0.15 + 0.01(1) + 0.007(33.9-23)
No. of changes = 0.2363 changes/hr

Volume of Conditioned Space

Unit 2A= [(3.475 x 4.125) - (2.25 x 1.65)] x 3.2= 33.99 m3
Unit 2B= (2.475 x 4.125)x(3.2)=32.67m3
Unit 2C= (2.475 x 4.125) x (3.2)=32.67m3
Unit 2D= {[(3.525 x 4.185)] - [(1)(2.25)]} x 3.2= 39.33 m3
Unit 2E= [(4.15 x 4.375) - (1 x 2.25)] (3.2)=50.9m3
Unit 2F=(2.95 x 4.375)(3.2)= 41.3 m3
Vtotal= 230.86 m3

1000L 1hr
Q = 0.2363 x 230.86 m3 x x 3600s = 15.15339389 L/s

Solving for Wo & Wi
 Outdoor condition:
33.9⁰CDB & 26.7⁰CWB
h26.7⁰C = 82.3471
hg33.9⁰C = 2563.42
h26.7⁰C = 1.0062t + Wo(hg)33.9⁰C
82.3471 = 1.0062(33.9) + Wo(2563.42)
Wo = 0.018817407 kg/kgair

 Indoor Condition:
26.7⁰C & 50% RH; Psat@23 = 2.812
Wi = 101.325−(0.50)(2.812)

Wi = 0.008752409452 kg/kgair

Qs = 1.232 Q (to – ti)
Qs = 1.232 (15.15339389) (33.9 – 23)
Qs = 203.4918959 W

QL = 3000 Q (Wo – Wi)

QL = 3000(15.15339389)( 0.018817407 - 0.008752409452)
QL = 457.556617 W

4. Ventilation Load
Qs = 1.232 Q (to – ti)
QL = 3000 Q (Wo – Wi)

22 person
Unit 2A: x [(3.475 x 4.125) – (2.25 x 1.65)] m2 = 3 person
22 person
Unit 2B: x (2.475 x 4.125) m2 = 3 person
22 person
Unit 2C: x (2.475 x 4.125) m2 = 3 person
22 person
Unit 2D: x [(3.525 x 4.125) – (1 x 2.25)] m2 = 3 person
22 person
Unit 2E: x [(4.15 x 4.375) – (1 x 2.25)] m2 = 4 person
22 person
Unit 2F: x (2.95 x 4.375) m2 = 3 person

Q = no. of occupant x ventilation rate

Ventilation rate from Table 2:

Bedroom, non-smoking: Q = 2.36 L/person-s

Unit Room:
Q = 19 person x 2.36 L/person-s = 44.84L/s
Total Q = 44.84 L/s

QS = 1.232 Q (to - ti)

QS = 1.232(44.84)(33.9-23) = 602.147392 W
QS = 602.147392 W

QL = 3000 Q (Wo - Wi)

QL = 3000 (44.84) (0.018817407 - 0.008752409452)
QL = 1353.94347 W

 Internal Loads
1. Lighting Load
Qs = (lamp rating in Watts) (Fu) (Fb) (CLF) (Area)
= (25 W/m2)( 72.14375 m2)(1)(1.2)(0.85)
Qs = 1839.665625 W

2. Occupant Load
Qs = (gain/person) (sensible heat gain) (CLF) (no. of people)
Heat Gain= 70 Watts (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat Gain
from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
Sensible Heat Gain= 0.75 (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat
Gain from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
Latent Heat Gain= 0.25 (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat
Gain from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
No. of People= 16 occupants
CLF= 0.84 (Table 4.9 Senible Heat cooling Load Factors for
people where total hours in space is 8 hours)

QS = (70)(0.84)(0.75)(19)
QS = 837.9 W

QL = (100)(0.25)(1)(19)
QL = 332.5 W

3. Miscellaneous
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
For Lamp:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(6)(50)(24)(1)

Qs = 100 W

For Laptop:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(19)(75)(24)(1)
Qs = 475 W

For television:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(6)(150)(24)(1)

Qs = 300 W

Table 14. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for Miscellaneous Equipment

(Second Floor)

Equipment Units Ratings Utilization CLF Q, Watts

Laptop 19 75 8/24 1 475

Lamp 6 50 8/24 1 100
Television 6 150 8/24 1 300
Qs = 875 W

5. Partition Load
a. Partition Wall
Qwall = UwallAwall (To – Ti)

Unit 2A
Where: Awall = (1.225m+1.65m+2.25m)(3.2m)-
((2x2.1mx0.6m)+(0.8mx2.1m))= 12.2 m2
Qwall = (2.250225023) (12.2 m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 137.2637264 W

Unit 2B
Where: Awall = (2.25m+2.475m)(3.2) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (10.92m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 122.8622863 W

Unit 2C
Where: Awall = (1.475+2.25m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (18.12m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall =203.8703871 W

Unit 2D
Where: Awall = (3.525m+1m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (16.25m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 182.8307831 W

Unit 2E
Where: Awall = (4.15m+1m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (18.04m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 202.9702971 W

Unit 2F
Where: Awall = (2.95m+2.125m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (19.24m2) (280C – 230C)

Qwall = 216.4716472 W

Qtotal= 1066.269127 W

b. Partition Door
Qdoor = Udoor Adoor (To – Ti)

Inside air film – 0.12

Mahogany hard wood – 6.31(0.055m)
Inside air film __– 0.12_______
RT = 0.58705
UT = 1/RT = 1.703 W/m2K

Unit 2A
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 2B
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 2C
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 2D
Where: Adoor= (0.7m)(2.1m)+2(0.6m)(2.1m)=3.99 m2
Q door = 1.703(3.99m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 33.97485 W

Unit 2E
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 2F
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Q total= 212.78985 W

c. Partition Glass
Qs = UglassAglass (To – Ti)
Condition: For Glass Single: Uglass = 5.9 W/m2-K

Unit 2C
Qwall = UglassAglass (To – Ti)
Where: Aglass = (1.2m)(1.2m)=1.44m2
Qwall = (5.9) (1.44m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 42.48 W

Unit 2D
Qwall = UglassAglass (To – Ti)
Where: Aglass = (1.2m)(1.2m)=1.44m2
Qwall = (5.9) (1.44m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 42.48 W

Q total= 84.96 W

d. Partition Floor
Qs = UfloorAfloor (To – Ti)
U=2.090082558 m2 - K/W
Area= 1.225(2.475 + 1.650 )= 5.053125 m2

Qs = UfloorAfloor (To – Ti)

Qs = (2.090082558)(5.053125)(28-23)

Qs= 52.80724213 W

For Third Floor
1. External Wall
Qwall = Uwall x Awall x CLTDadj

CLTDadj = (CLTDmax + LM) k + (25-ti) + (tave-29)

UW = heat transfer coefficient

AW = area of the wall

CLTDadj = cooling load calculation


Design month: May

Indoor conditions: 230C & 50%RH

Outdoor conditions: TDB=33.90C & TWB=26.7C

Permanently light color (K=0.65)

tave=33.90C-1/2(6.5 0C) = 30.650C


SE: (5.95 x 3.2) + (2.475 x 3.2) + (2.525 x 3.2) = 35.04 m2

SW: 4.125 (3.2) + 4.375 (3.2) + [ (1.875 x 3.2) – (1.2 x 1.2) ] = 31.76 m2

NW: 3.15 (3.2) + 2.950 (3.2) = 19.52 m2

NE: [(2.475 x 3.2) – (1.6 x 1.2 )] + [ (1.875 x 3.2) – (1.2 x 1.2) ] + [2.25m(3.2) -
1.2(1.2)] = 16.32 m2

CLDT adj = ( CLDT sel + LM ) k + (25- ti ) + ( tave – 29 )

SE: (24 – 2.77)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 17.4495 0C

SW: (30 – 2.77)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 21.3495 0C

NW: (26 + 1.66)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 21.629 0C

NE: (17 + 1.66)0.65 + (25 - 23) + (30.65 – 29) = 15.779 0C

Qs = U x A x CLDT adj

SE: 2.829654782 (35.04) (17.4495) = 1730.137182 W

SW: 2.829654782 (31.76) (21.3495) = 1918.676061 W

NW: 2.829654782 (19.52) (21.629) = 1194.674816 W

NE: 2.829654782 (16.32) (15.779) = 728.6736842 W

QsTOTAL = 5572.161743 W

Table 15. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for External Wall (Third Floor)

T ave, 0C CLTDadj, 0C Qs, Watts

U, W/m2 Area, 0 0
Orientation CLTDsel, C LM K Ti, C
K m2

SE 2.83 35.04 24 -2.77 0.65 23 30.65 17.4495 1730.137182

SW 2.83 31.76 30 -2.77 0.65 23 30.65 21.3495 1918.676061

NW 2.83 19.52 26 1.66 0.65 23 30.65 21.629 1194.674816

NE 2.83 16.32 17 1.66 0.65 23 30.65 15.779 728.6736842

Qs =5572.161743W

2. . Glass Load
Qglass = QSG + QTH
QTH = Uglass x Aglass x (T o-Ti)

SHGF=Design Month of May, at 32-degree North Latitude (table 4-
10, Maximum Solar Heat Gain Factor for sunlit glass)
For Glass Single: Uglass = 5.9 W/m2-K
For Single glass, Regular sheet, Bronze, Roller Shade: SC=0.59

SW= (1.2 x 1.2) = 1.44 m2
NE= = (1.2 x 1.2) + (1.2 x 1.2) + (1.6 x 1.2) = 4.8 m2

For SW:
QSG=573.696 W

QTH= Ug Ag (t2 –t1)

QTH=(5.9 )(1.44)( 10.9 )
QTH=92.6064 W

For NE:
QSG=1933.44 W

QTH= Ug Ag (t2 –t1)

QTH= (5.9 )(4.8)( 10.9 )
QTH=308.688 W

Table 16. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for Glass (Third Floor)

Area, QSG=
Orientation = Ug Ag (t2 – SHGF CLF
m2 (SHGF)(SC)(A)(CLF)

SE - - - - -
SW 1.44 92.6064 580 0.83 573.696
NW - - - - -
NE 4.8 308.688 450 0.76 1933.44
QSG = 2507.136 W
401.2944 W

Qglass = 401.2944 W + 2507.136 W
Qglass = 2908.4304 W

3. Roof Load
Qs = (Uroof )x (Aroof) x (CLTDadj)
Design month: May
Indoor conditions: 230C & 50%RH
Outdoor conditions: TDB=33.90C & TWB=26.7C

Uroof = 2.448579824
Aroof= ((3.475x4.125)-(2.25 x 1.65)) + (2.475x4.125) + (2.475x4.125)
+ ((3.525 x 4.125)-(1 x 2.25)) + ((4.15 x 4.375)-(1 x 2.25)) + ((2.95 x
Aroof= 72.14375 m2

Where codition for CLTDadj :

Roof Type: 6 without Suspended Ceilings
CLTDmax = 26
LM = 0
Kmedium color = 0.75
f = attic factor= 1
tave = 30.65 c
CLTDadj=(CLTDsel+LM)k + (25-ti) + (tave-29) (f)

CLTDadj=((26+0)(0.75) + (25-23) + (30.65-29)) (1)
CLTDadj = 23.15 c

Qs= CLTDadj (Area) (U)

Qs=( 23.15 c) x(72.14375 m2)x (2.448579824)
Qs= 4089.441265 W

4. Infiltration Load

Qs = 1.232Q (T o-Ti)
QL = 3000Q (Wo-Wi)

Q = No. of Air changes x Volume of the conditioned space
No. of changes = a + bv + c (to –ti)
a = 0.15, b = 0.01, c = 0.007, v = 1 m/s
No. of changes = 0.15 + 0.01(1) + 0.007(33.9-23)
No. of changes = 0.2363 changes/hr

Volume of Conditioned Space

Unit 2A= [(3.475 x 4.125) - (2.25 x 1.65)] x 3.2= 33.99 m3
Unit 2B= (2.475 x 4.125)x(3.2)=32.67m3
Unit 2C= (2.475 x 4.125) x (3.2)=32.67m3
Unit 2D= {[(3.525 x 4.185)] - [(1)(2.25)]} x 3.2= 39.33 m3
Unit 2E= [(4.15 x 4.375) - (1 x 2.25)] (3.2)=50.9m3
Unit 2F=(2.95 x 4.375)(3.2)= 41.3 m3
Vtotal= 230.86 m3

1000L 1hr
Q = 0.2363 x 230.86 m3 x x 3600s = 15.15339389 L/s

Solving for Wo & Wi

 Outdoor condition:
33.9⁰CDB & 26.7⁰CWB
h26.7⁰C = 82.3471
hg33.9⁰C = 2563.42
h26.7⁰C = 1.0062t + Wo(hg)33.9⁰C
82.3471 = 1.0062(33.9) + Wo(2563.42)
Wo = 0.018817407 kg/kgair

 Indoor Condition:
26.7⁰C & 50% RH; Psat@23 = 2.812
Wi = 101.325−(0.50)(2.812)

Wi = 0.008752409452 kg/kgair

Qs = 1.232 Q (to – ti)
Qs = 1.232 (15.15339389) (33.9 – 23)
Qs = 203.4918959 W

QL = 3000 Q (Wo – Wi)

QL = 3000(15.15339389)( 0.018817407 - 0.008752409452)
QL = 457.556617 W

5. Ventilation Load
Qs = 1.232 Q (to – ti)
QL = 3000 Q (Wo – Wi)

22 person
Unit 2A: x [(3.475 x 4.125) – (2.25 x 1.65)] m2 = 3 person
22 person
Unit 2B: x (2.475 x 4.125) m2 = 3 person
22 person
Unit 2C: x (2.475 x 4.125) m2 = 3 person
22 person
Unit 2D: x [(3.525 x 4.125) – (1 x 2.25)] m2 = 3 person
22 person
Unit 2E: x [(4.15 x 4.375) – (1 x 2.25)] m2 = 4 person
22 person
Unit 2F: x (2.95 x 4.375) m2 = 3 person

Q = no. of occupant x ventilation rate

Ventilation rate from Table 2:

Bedroom, non-smoking: Q = 2.36 L/person-s

Unit Room:
Q = 19 person x 2.36 L/person-s = 44.84L/s
Total Q = 44.84 L/s

QS = 1.232 Q (to - ti)

QS = 1.232(44.84)(33.9-23) = 602.147392 W
QS = 602.147392 W

QL = 3000 Q (Wo - Wi)

QL = 3000 (44.84) (0.018817407 - 0.008752409452)
QL = 1353.94347 W

 Internal Loads
1. Lighting Load
Qs = (lamp rating in Watts) (Fu) (Fb) (CLF) (Area)
= (25 W/m2)( 72.14375 m2)(1)(1.2)(0.85)
Qs = 1839.665625 W

2. Occupant Load
Qs = (gain/person) (sensible heat gain) (CLF) (no. of people)
Heat Gain= 70 Watts (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat Gain
from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
Sensible Heat Gain= 0.75 (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat
Gain from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
Latent Heat Gain= 0.25 (Activity Sleeping, Table 4-7 Heat
Gain from Occupants Base on Specified Activity)
No. of People= 16 occupants
CLF= 0.84 (Table 4.9 Senible Heat cooling Load Factors for
people where total hours in space is 8 hours)

QS = (70)(0.84)(0.75)(19)
QS = 837.9 W

QL = (100)(0.25)(1)(19)
QL = 332.5 W
3. Miscellaneous
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
For Lamp:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(6)(50)(24)(1)

Qs = 100 W

For Laptop:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(19)(75)(24)(1)

Qs = 475 W

For television:
Qs = (no. of units) (Ratings) (Utilization) (CLF)
Qs =(6)(150)(24)(1)

Qs = 300 W

Table 17. Summary of Heat Load Calculation for Miscellaneous Equipment

(Third Floor)

Equipment Units Ratings Utilization CLF Q, Watts

Laptop 19 75 8/24 1 475

Lamp 6 50 8/24 1 100
Television 6 150 8/24 1 300
Qs = 875 W

6. Partition Load
a. Partition Wall
Qwall = UwallAwall (To – Ti)

Unit 2A
Where: Awall = (1.225m+1.65m+2.25m)(3.2m)-
((2x2.1mx0.6m)+(0.8mx2.1m))= 12.2 m2
Qwall = (2.250225023) (12.2 m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 137.2637264 W
Unit 2B
Where: Awall = (2.25m+2.475m)(3.2) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (10.92m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 122.8622863 W

Unit 2C
Where: Awall = (1.475+2.25m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (18.12m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall =203.8703871 W

Unit 2D
Where: Awall = (3.525m+1m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (16.25m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 182.8307831 W

Unit 2E
Where: Awall = (4.15m+1m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
Qwall = (2.250225023) (18.04m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 202.9702971 W

Unit 2F
Where: Awall = (2.95m +2.125m+2.25m)(3.2m) –
((0.8m)(2.1m)+(2)(0.6m)(2.1m))= 19.24m2
Qwall = (2.250225023) (19.24m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 216.4716472 W

Qtotal= 1066.269127 W

b. Partition Door
Qdoor = Udoor Adoor (To – Ti)

Inside air film – 0.12

Mahogany hard wood – 6.31(0.055m)
Inside air film __– 0.12_______
RT = 0.58705
UT = 1/RT = 1.703 W/m2K
Unit 2A
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 2B
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 2C
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 2D
Where: Adoor= (0.7m)(2.1m)+2(0.6m)(2.1m)=3.99 m2
Q door = 1.703(3.99m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 33.97485 W

Unit 2E
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W

Unit 2F
Where: Adoor=(2x2.1mx0.6)+(0.8mx2.1m)=4.2m2
Q door = 1.703(4.2m2)(280C - 230C)
Q door = 35.763 W
Q total= 212.78985 W
c. Partition Glass
Qs = UglassAglass (To – Ti)
Condition: For Glass Single: Uglass = 5.9 W/m2-K

Unit 2C
Qwall = UglassAglass (To – Ti)
Where: Aglass = (1.2m)(1.2m)=1.44m2
Qwall = (5.9) (1.44m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 42.48 W

Unit 2D
Qwall = UglassAglass (To – Ti)
Where: Aglass = (1.2m)(1.2m)=1.44m2
Qwall = (5.9) (1.44m2) (280C – 230C)
Qwall = 42.48 W

Q total= 84.96 W


Table 18. Summary of Cooling and Heating Load Calculation for Ground Floor

QS, Watts QL, Watts

External Wall 5378.607583 -

Glass Load (Window) 2908.4304 -
External Roof - -
Infiltration Load 189.2388245 425.508206
Ventilation Load 570.455424 1282.683288
Internal Heat Load
o Occupant Load 793.8 315
o Lighting Load 1710.810938
o Miscellaneous 733.33

Partition Heat Load 1506.176596

Qs=13790.84977 QL=2023.191494
QT=15814.04126 W

Table 19. Summary of Cooling and Heating Load Calculation for Second Floor

QS, Watts QL, Watts

External Wall 5572.161743 -

Glass Load (Window) 2908.4304 -
External Roof - -
Infiltration Load 203.4918959 457.556617
Ventilation Load 602.147392 1353.94347
Internal Heat Load
o Occupant Load 837.9 332.5
o Lighting Load 1839.665625
o Miscellaneous 875

Partition Heat Load 1416.826219 -

Qs=14255.62327 QL=2144.000087

QT=16399.62336 W

Table 20. Summary of Cooling and Heating Load Calculation for Third Floor

QS, Watts QL, Watts

External Wall 5572.161743 -

Glass Load (Window) 2908.4304 -
External Roof 4089.441265 -
Infiltration Load 203.4918959 457.556617
Ventilation Load 602.147392 1353.94347
Internal Heat Load
o Occupant Load 837.9 332.5
o Lighting Load 1839.665625
o Miscellaneous 875
Partition Heat Load 1364.018977 -
Qs=18292.2573 W QL=2144.000087 W
QT= 20436.25739 W

Table 21. Summary of Heat Load Calculation Using of Maximum Block Heat Load Calculation

Floor Area,
Floor QS, kW QL, kW QT, kW
m2 Outdoor Air
Flow, (L/s)

67.090625 13.79084977 2.023191494 15.81404126 𝟎. 𝟖𝟕𝟐𝟎𝟔𝟑𝟔𝟎𝟏𝟐 42.48

Ground Floor

𝟎. 𝟖𝟔𝟗𝟐𝟔𝟓𝟐𝟖𝟒𝟖
nd 72.14375 14.25562327 2.144000087 16.39962336 44.84
2 Floor

72.14375 18.2922573 2.144000087 20.43625739 0.8950884183 44.84

3rd Floor


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