Status Survey of The Blyth's Tragopan in Blue Mountain National Park, Mizoram, India Using Call-Count Technique
Status Survey of The Blyth's Tragopan in Blue Mountain National Park, Mizoram, India Using Call-Count Technique
Status Survey of The Blyth's Tragopan in Blue Mountain National Park, Mizoram, India Using Call-Count Technique
Status survey of the Blyth’s tragopan advertisement calls to attract females as well as to defend
their territory from other males9. It is also established
in Blue Mountain National Park, that the most simple and efficient method for recording
Mizoram, India using call-count and monitoring pheasant numbers in a particular area is
technique the call-count method10. Absolute count of a species in a
given area may not be possible by this method; however,
an index of abundance can be obtained10,11. In the present
Dipankar Ghose†,*, Rahul Kaul# and study area where field problems were compounded by
Goutam Kumar Saha† steep slope and dense vegetation, the call-count tech-
Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge
Circular Road, Kolkata 700 019, India
nique is the only feasible and non-invasive method for
World Pheasant Association, South Asia Office, S 56/1, counting the pheasants12. This technique has been used
DLF Phase III, Gurgaon, Haryana 122 002, India widely to provide abundance estimates of pheasants
across the Himalaya13–20.
The Blyth’s tragopan Tragopan blythii is a vulnerable We selected seven vantage points on the ridge tops,
species and its status was investigated at the Blue and dawn calls of the Blyth’s tragopan were counted. In
Mountain National Park, Mizoram. Blyth’s tragopans some cases, pre-recorded tragopan calls were played back
occur in steep slopes and cliff areas in the National in an effort to elicit a response from wild birds. This
Park. Call count of male tragopans was adopted to get technique also helped to check the presence or absence of
an index of abundance of these birds. Estimates the Blyth’s tragopan in that particular area.
suggest a total of 38 birds in the study area. Information like date, location of vantage point and
weather conditions which are likely to affect the call,
THE Blyth’s tragopan Tragopan blythii is categorized as time of call counts, the time of commencement and ter-
‘vulnerable’ by the IUCN and the World Pheasant Asso- mination of call given by a single bird, duration of a sin-
ciation1. It is also regarded as a Schedule I species under gle call and total number of call notes uttered during that
the Wildlife Protection Act of India, 1972. Out of the two period were recorded. A circular chart was used to record
subspecies of Blyth’s tragopan, the nominate subspecies the position of the vantage point as well as the tentative
T. b. blythii (Figure 1) is distributed in India, Myanmar position of the calling tragopan. The distance from the
and parts of China1,2. In India, this species is restricted to vantage point to a calling tragopan was estimated depen-
the forested hill tracts (1500–2500 m) of the states south ding on the intensity and loudness of the call emitted. At
of Brahmaputra river, i.e. Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, times, the calling bird was visible and thus a more accu-
Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram. McGowan and Garson3 rate distance was plotted on the chart. All tragopan calls
opined that the distribution range of this species is seri- emitted from an arbitrary radius of 500 m taking the van-
ously restricted and fragmented in India, the main threats tage point as centre were recorded, as birds beyond
being destruction of its habitat through local land use. 500 m were not always audible.
Though some short-term survey4–7 reports provide infor- The relative population estimate was calculated follow-
mation on the distribution of the Blyth’s tragopans in ing Duke12. The number of vantage points (n) had a mean
India, no detailed study about the status of this bird in audible range of 500 m, and therefore a mean area (a) of
any part of its range has been conducted till date. There- 0.79 km2. The total area surveyed was calculated by mul-
fore, the present study was designed to assess the present tiplying the area of each sampling plot a by n. Using a
status of the Blyth’s tragopan in Blue Mountain National
Park (BMNP).
The BMNP (22°39′N and 93°02′E) is located in south-
eastern Mizoram, close to the Myanmar border and the
Chin Hills. The general vegetation type of this 50 km2
park is Khasi subtropical wet hill forest8. At some places,
the primary forest is replaced by secondary vegetation of
bamboo brakes interspersed with Quercus spp. We fur-
ther differentiated the vegetation of the study area into
five categories, i.e. primary forest, secondary forest, gra-
ssy patches, steep slope vegetation and cliff vegetation in
order to enumerate the habitat preference of the Blyth’s
tragopan in each of these vegetation zones.
Tragopans show elaborate courtship displays during
their breeding period and male birds emit distinctive
Figure 1. Male Blyth’s tragopan in captivity (aviary of Keith Howman,
*For correspondence. (e-mail: UK). Photograph by R. Kaul.
correction factor for the estimated mean overlap (25%) areas, but they were also recorded to nest in such areas23.
between vantage points, the corrected survey area (b = an The steep slope vegetation and cliff vegetation accounted
– 0.25 an) was obtained. The total available area of breed- for about 40% of habitats (25 and 15% respectively) in
ing habitat (c) was estimated by field observations and BMNP, and constituted the breeding habitat for this spe-
use of habitat maps. The proportion of the available cies. Thus the available breeding habitat (c) was approxi-
breeding habitat surveyed was calculated (d = b/c), and mately 20 km2.
the relative population estimate (f) was obtained, i.e.
b = an – 0.25 an = (0.79 × 7) – (0.25 × 0.79 × 7)
f = (e/d) where e is the number of calling male tragopans. = 4.15 km2;
Dawn calls were monitored for 41 days between
February and May 1997. However, calling was heard on d = b/c = 4.15/20 = 0.208;
only 15 mornings (36.59%). Though major part of the Given that e = 4, f = e/d = 19.23.
calling occurred during March (after which there was a
progressive decline in the calling till it stopped in May), Therefore, it can be deduced that the available breeding
the percentage of calling tragopans heard during each habitat of the Blyth’s tragopan in BMNP could support c.
month, compared with the days on which call count was 19 male birds, i.e. 38 birds assuming that all calling males
done in that month, shows that a maximum percentage of were paired during the breeding season.
call was heard in the month of April, followed by March The present study indicates that the Blyth’s tragopan
and May (Figure 2). A decline in the calling occurred confined itself to the steep slopes and cliff areas in
during mid-March and end-April, possibly because of BMNP. This species did not occur in the primary forest
heavy rains during these periods. Apparently, wet wea- or grassy patches, while only one evidence was recorded
ther has some effect on the calling birds as most of the from the secondary forest. The BMNP is surrounded by
calls were recorded on drier days. Altogether four differ- habitations on all four sides, and the trails connecting the
ent male tragopans were heard from the survey area dur- villages pass through the National Park cutting across
ing the call-count exercise. No chorusing (two or primary and secondary forests and grassy patches.
different male birds calling simultaneously) was recorded Human movement is quite high along these trails.
in BMNP, except on one occasion near the Phawngpui An up-to-date knowledge on the status of a species is
peak. important from the conservation point of view. Thus,
Pre-recorded call of tragopan was played back systematic and regular monitoring of the existing popula-
throughout the study area and male Blyth’s tragopan, tion of a particular species in a particular area is essen-
wherever present always responded to the playback dur- tial. Subspecies blythii of the Blyth’s tragopan was
ing early or late hours of the day. Thus, presence or thought to be severely threatened and its population was
absence of the Blyth’s tragopan in different habitat types estimated anywhere between 500 and 5000 with a possi-
in BMNP was noted with this technique. The playback ble decline. It was declared as ‘endangered’ in the 1995–
exercise was stopped once the tragopans started calling 2000 Pheasant Action Plan3. However, the present survey
on their own, without any provocation. and some of the other concurrent surveys in different
The calling of the Blyth’s tragopan in BMNP was quite parts of northeast India and Myanmar revealed more
sparse. A possible cause was the low availability of populations of Blyth’s tragopan in its known distribution
breeding habitat for the tragopans in BMNP21. Despite range. Hence, the status of the Blyth’s tragopan has been
being regarded as birds of primary forests2, no evidence updated to ‘vulnerable’ in the recent 2000–2004 Pheasant
of Blyth’s tragopan was obtained from the primary forest Action Plan1. Nevertheless, the situation is no better for
in BMNP during the present study period22. The Blyth’s its conservation as the population is still thought to be
tragopan not only called from the steep slope and cliff small and possibly declining in some parts. Widespread
hunting and excessive amount of habitat destruction
within its distribution range further jeopardize the popu-
lation status of this magnificent bird. Therefore, continu-
ous monitoring of population status for Blyth’s tragopan
is essential for better conservation management.
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