This document provides a rubric for evaluating research abstracts. It evaluates titles, introductions, methods, results, and conclusions sections across four criteria: outstanding, good, average, and below average. For each section, it lists the key points and level of detail needed to meet each criteria. For example, an outstanding methods section would describe the experiment in enough detail for another researcher to repeat it, while a below average section would be missing critical details.
This document provides a rubric for evaluating research abstracts. It evaluates titles, introductions, methods, results, and conclusions sections across four criteria: outstanding, good, average, and below average. For each section, it lists the key points and level of detail needed to meet each criteria. For example, an outstanding methods section would describe the experiment in enough detail for another researcher to repeat it, while a below average section would be missing critical details.
This document provides a rubric for evaluating research abstracts. It evaluates titles, introductions, methods, results, and conclusions sections across four criteria: outstanding, good, average, and below average. For each section, it lists the key points and level of detail needed to meet each criteria. For example, an outstanding methods section would describe the experiment in enough detail for another researcher to repeat it, while a below average section would be missing critical details.
This document provides a rubric for evaluating research abstracts. It evaluates titles, introductions, methods, results, and conclusions sections across four criteria: outstanding, good, average, and below average. For each section, it lists the key points and level of detail needed to meet each criteria. For example, an outstanding methods section would describe the experiment in enough detail for another researcher to repeat it, while a below average section would be missing critical details.
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Research Abstract Rubric
TITLE Is descriptive of Gives a Is present Not present (5 points) question and general Missing two work description of the performed of question following: Includes and work dependent, dependent performed independen variable, Missing one t variable independent of the and focus variable and following: of the study focus of the dependent, study independen t variable and focus of the study (4-5 points) (3 points) (1-2 points) (0 point) INTRODUCTI Provides Contains Is missing Is missing ON the reader some one or two needed (10 points) with superfluous component information necessary information of a good to information Does not introductio understand to pique the n the present understand interest of Contains study or is the present the reader significant Missing a study. Is missing superfluous description Piques the some information of the readers’ needed specific interest and background purpose of makes the information the study, a importance Gives too description of the much of the question information hypothesis real – more like being Does not a summary tested. contain Has all the superfluous component information of a good and/or is introductio not wordy n but some Gives parts may appropriate be difficult information to to previous understand studies that has an impact on the current study. Gives description of the specific purpose of the study, a description of the hypothesis being tested. (8-10 points) (5-7 points) (3-4 points) (0-2 points) METHODS Describes Describes Describes Is lacking (10 points) how the how the how the several experiment experiment experiment critical was was was details so performed performed performed that it is with with with some impossible sufficient sufficient critical to repeat detail to detail to details the enable enable lacking experiment another another Most steps s described scientist to scientist to are Many steps repeat the repeat the understand are missing experiment experiment able but in an and obtain and obtain some lack experiment. the same the same detail or are results. results. confusing Presents Most steps easy-to- are follow steps understand which are able but logical and some lack adequately detail or are detailed confusing without including standard procedures that all scientist know how to do (8-10 points) (5-7 points) (3-4 points) (0-2 points) RESULTS All All Most Raw, (10 points) pertinent pertinent pertinent unprocesse data is data is data is d data is described described described present Raw, Raw, Some raw, Results unprocesse unprocesse unprocesse presented d data is d data is d data is are not in absent absent present narrative Results are Most Some form presented results results Data is not narrative presented presented clearly text. as narrative are in presented. Data is text narrative Important presented Most data form data is not in a logical is Most data highlighted manner to presented is enable the in a logical presented reader to manner to in a logical draw enable the manner to conclusions reader to enable the Important draw reader to data is conclusions draw highlighted Most conclusions important Some data is important highlighted data is highlighted (8-10 points) (5-7 points) (3-4 points) (0-2 points) DISCUSSIONS Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions (CONCLUSIO are stated are stated are stated are stated NS) clearly with clearly with clearly with but without (10 points) explicit explicit reference sufficient reference to reference to the data reference the data to the data that to the that that support a results that support a support a conclusion support it. conclusion conclusion Argument Lacking Argument Argument for the several of for for conclusions the conclusions conclusions can be characters well is generally understood of a good organized well but difficult discussion Importance organized to follow of Importance Final conclusions of paragraph discussed conclusions states the Conclusions discussed major related to Conclusions finding of other related to the study studies and other (the take put into a studies and home context of put into a message) current context of knowledge current Clear knowledge differentiati Final on between paragraph speculation states the s and major conclusions finding of Final the study paragraph (the take states the home major message) finding of the study (the take home message) (8-10 points) (5-7 points) (3-4 points) (0-2 points) GRAMMAR Paragraphs Most Many Paper lacks AND well paragraphs paragraphs well MECHANICS organized well well organized (5 points) Sections organized organized paragraphs with logical Sections Several Sections do organizatio with logical grammatica not contain n of organizatio l errors, information paragraphs n of typos, and presented (especially paragraphs misspelling in a logical introduction (especially may be order , results and introductio present Many conclusions) n, results grammatica Few and l errors grammatica conclusion Many l errors, Several misappropri typos and grammatica ate word misspellings l errors, usage Appropriate typos, and errors (e.g., word misspelling effect vs. selection may be affect) Correct use present Many of scientific Some misuses of terms misappropri scientific ate word terms usage errors (effect vs. affect) Some misuse of scientific terms (4-5 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
TOTAL 45-50 points 40-44 points 35-39 points 0-34 points