CE 521 Behavior and Design of Concrete Structures: Dr. Muhammad Kalimur Rahman
CE 521 Behavior and Design of Concrete Structures: Dr. Muhammad Kalimur Rahman
CE 521 Behavior and Design of Concrete Structures: Dr. Muhammad Kalimur Rahman
Civil Engineering Department
CE 521
Behavior and design of
Concrete Structures
Second Semester 2019-2020 (191)
Dr. Muhammad Kalimur Rahman
Long Columns
• Slender column
• Buckling load
• Moment magnifier
• Sway vs. Non-sway
• Moment magnifier design
(ACI 318-11)
• Effective buckling length
in non-sway frames
• Non-sway frame design
Slender Column
• When end moments exit, the problem the
buckling deformation increases.
• Moment increase due to lateral deflection δ
M e = Pe
M c = P (e + )
Short column
interaction diagram
A Reduction in
axial capacity
Pe P
moment curve
O Mn
❖ Liner radial line O–A is a plot of the end moment (Me) on the column (Constant ‘e’)
❖ Curved line O–B is the maximum moment at mid-height of the column (Mc)
❖ Failure occurs when the load–moment curve O–B for the point of maximum
moment intersects the interaction diagram for the cross section
❖ Due to deflections, axial-load capacity is reduced from A to B –Slenderness effect
Buckling of Axially Loaded
Elastic Columns
❑ The differential equation for the column and the Eulers Solution is
n = 0,1, 2, 3,
❑ The buckling load, depends on the end conditions of the column and the
effective length concept kL, where k=1/n
2 EI End conditions K
Pc =
( kL)2 Pin-Pin 1.0
Pin-Fixed 0.7
❑ Restraints against end rotation and lateral Fixed-Fixed 0.5
translation have a major effect on the buckling Fixed-Free 2.0
load of axially loaded elastic columns
Effective lengths of idealized columns
Slender Columns in Structures
Bank of Brazil building, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Each floor extends out
over the floor below it. (Photograph courtesy of J. G. MacGregor.)
❑ Lateral deflections of a slender column cause an increase
in the column moments
❑ Increased moments cause an increase in the deflections,
which in turn lead to an increase in the moments
❑ This makes the load–moment line O–B is nonlinear in
Interaction diagram
❑ This is second-order process, because it is described by a
second-order differential equation
❑ In a first-order analysis, the equations of equilibrium are
derived by assuming that the deflections have a negligible
effect on the internal forces in the members.
❑ In a second-order analysis, the equations of equilibrium
consider the deformed shape of the structure
❑ Methods have been derived to modify the results of a first-
order analysis to approximate the second-order effects
Non-sway Frames
Sidesway bracing
Member deflection
Analysis of Non-sway Frames
❑ The coefficient Cm is used to represent the effect of end moments on the
maximum deflection along the element (only for non-sway frames)
❑ When there is transverse loading on
Cm = 0.6 + 0.4 M 0 .4 the beam either of the following
2 case applies
= +ve M1 Cm = 1.00 Cm = 0.85
= −ve
M2 M2
Analysis of Non-sway Frames
❑ Non-sway frames are those frames prevented from sidesway.
❑ End moments have an effect on non-sway frames that can be considered
by considering cm
M u = ns M ns
ns = 1
1 −
0.75 Pc
2 EI
Pc = - Pc is the critical load
(k L )2
EI = =
❑ EI plays an important role and the effect of creep can be significant
Creep buckling
Effect of creep
Pn Pn
Mn Mn
Column Stiffness
❑ The two following equations were considered by ACI for counting the
critical load Pc
0.25 Ec I g + Es I se
EI = Equation 10-12 ACI
1 + dns
0 .4 E c I g
EI = Equation 10-13 ACI
1 + dns
klu M1
34 − 12 Equation 10-7 ACI
r M2
Assume ρg = 0.015,
k = 1.0 because the column is pin ended r = 0.3h = 0.3 * 12 in. = 3.6 in
M1/M2 = 0.667
5. Compute EI
is the ratio of the factored sustained (dead) load to the total factored axial load
Design of a Slender Pin-Ended Column (Nonsway)
(E I b b / lb ) Beam
= =0 column
Moment-magnifier design (ACI 318-08)
ns = 1.0
1 − Pu /(0.75Pc )
C m = 0.6 + 0.4 M 1 / M 2 0.4 M2: larger moment
EI = (0.4 Ec I g ) /(1 + d )
max imum factored axial dead load in the column
d =
total factored axial dead load in the column
Design of columns in Nonsway frames
Example-2 Column in Nonsway frames
The columns CD and DE of a typical non side sway industrial frame
is to be designed. The frames are spaced 20 ft apart. The columns
rest on 4-ft-square footings. The soil bearing capacity is 4000 psf.
The concrete strength and yield stress of steel are 4000 psi and
60,000 psi respectively. A first-order elastic analysis of the frame
gave the forces and moments as shown in the table below.
Determine the factored loads
(a) Column CD:
From Table
Check whether the moments are less than the minimum.
ACI Code Section requires that braced slender columns be designed
for a minimum eccentricity of (0.6 + 0.03h) in. For 14-in. columns, this is 1.02
in. Thus, column CD must be designed for a moment of at least
Because the actual moments exceed these values, the columns shall be
designed for the actual moments.
Compute EI.
Because the reinforcement is not known at this stage of the design,
we can use Eq. without steel moment of inertia
Compute the effective-length factors
where values for Ib and Ic can be taken as those given in ACI Code
Section Thus, Ic = 0.70 Ig (col) and Ib = 0.35 Ig(beam).
• The frames are considered non-sway if the horizontal deflection of one end
of a column relative to the other end is prevented, or at least restrained, by
walls or other bracing elements.
• The columns are attached to beams that restrain the rotations of the ends of
the column
P u 0
Q= 0.05
Vu lc
Unbraced Columns – Side Sway
❑ Two components of amplification moments can be observed in sway (unbraced)
❑ Moment due to member deflection (similar to non-sway frames)
❑ Moment due to sidesway of the structure (deflection )
Sway Frames
The min. M2 in the equation for Mc above = Pu(0.6 + 0.03h), 0.6 and h are
in inches
Slender Column – Design Procedure
For sway frame
where Mns = the factored moment due to loads that cause no appreciable
sidesway calculated by a first-order analysis
Because this is a symmetrical building, the gravity loads will not cause appreciable
sidesway, and thus, the dead and live loads will only give rise to nonsway moments
The wind loads will cause sway moments
Load Case 1: Gravity Loads Only
Is the story being designed sway or nonsway?
ACI Code Section defines a story in a frame as being nonsway if
Slender Column – Design Example
Vus is not known. A value of 20 kips was selected for the lateral loading, Vus .
Member moments of inertia recommended in
ACI Code Section
The calculated value for Is 0.079 in Thus, the first story is clearly a sway story, and we
will need to calculate magnified moments to
complete the design of each column.
ACI Code Section
The Code section states that the secondary
moments shall not exceed 1.4 times the moments
determined from a first-order analysis.
Because this value is less than 1.4, this
sway story is considered to be stable.
Slender Column – Design Example
k, is not known at this stage, but it normally will not be taken as less than 1.2 in
a sway frame We can initially use k = 1.2
Based on this value, it is clear that all of the first-story columns are slender. If
this number had been closer to 22, a more accurate value would need to be
calculated for k.
Slender Column – Design Example
Compute the factored axial loads and moments from a first-order frame analysis.
Axial Load and Moments for Load Case 1, Gravity Load
The sign difference indicates that both columns are put into double curvature due the dead load.
Slender Column – Design Example
The pattern in which all spans are loaded will maximize the end
moments in the exterior columns and develops a double curvature pattern in
those columns, which is similar to that for the dead-load case.
The end moments calculated for this loading pattern were multiplied by the live-
load reduction factor corresponding to the influence area for an exterior column
supporting a single floor (0.67)
The live-load pattern shown with alternate span loaded is used to find the
maximum end moments for the interior columns. This load pattern will put those
columns into a single curvature deformation pattern, which is more critical when
designing slender columns.
Slender Column – Design Example
Find for the interior and exterior columns.
Calculation of EI values
This governs, but even for this moment, the value of e/h is very low
The interior axial-load capacity is governed by the value for
Longitudinal bars for the exterior column will be selected after investigating Load
Case 2.
Slender Column – Design Example
Load Case 2: Gravity Plus Lateral (Wind) Loads
The unfactored axial loads and end moments due to lateral wind loads
were determined
Need the sum of the column axial loads in the first story corresponding to this load
These magnified moments are less than 1.4 times the first-order moments, as
required in ACI Code Section
Slender Column – Design Example
Check column sections for axial loads and moments of Load Case 2.
use the interaction diagrams. For the exterior column, the design eccentricity
for this load case is
For the interior column, the design eccentricity for this load case is