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Chemical 286 (2019) 86–93

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Development of a portable and sensitive blood serum test system using LED- T
based absorption photometry and pump-free microfluidic technology

Rongke Gaoa, , Yuanmeng Wua, Jing Huangb, Le Songa, Haiyang Qiana, Xuefei Songa, Lei Chenga,

Rui Wangc, Lin-bao Luod, Gang Zhaoe, Liandong Yua,
School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronic Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Hefei University of Technology Hospital, Hefei 230009, China
Institute of Functional Materials and Molecular Imaging, College of Emergency and Trauma, Hainan Medical University, Haikou 571199, China
School of Electronic Sciences and Applied Physics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Department of Electronic Science and Technology, University of Science avd Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China


Keywords: We reported a novel integrated portable human blood system based on absorption photometry and microfluidic
Microfluidic chip technology. A capillary pump for fluid control was embedded in microfluidic chip instead of heavy syringe
Absorption photometry pump. The analytes could automatically flow, mix and react in chip. It achieves long-term stability of hydro-
Blood serum test philic microfluidic channel surface for rapid and sensitive detection. Herein, we detected three analytes from
Hydrophilic surface treatment
human blood, including triglyceride (TGL), albumin (ALB) and total protein (TP) which are very important for
health examination. All components of this system including light-emitting diode (LED) light source, micro-
POCT fluidic chip, photodiode detector (PD), electronic circuit, Organic LED screen and memory card were fully in-
tegrated into a portable instrument with small size (11.2 × 7.2 × 6.1 cm). The pair of LED and PD was used for
measuring light absorbance of biochemical assay. The limit of detections (LODs) for TGL, ALB and TP were
estimated to be below 0.1 mmol/L, 4 g/L and 10 g/L respectively, which is significantly below the clinical cut-off
value. Passing − Boblok regression analyses were used to achieve the evaluation for this system. It showed good
accuracy and feasibility of our system and was expected to be useful as a potential clinical tool for human blood
serum test.

1. Introduction independent and simple operation compared with the traditional ap-
paratus. A lot of new detection platforms and categories of POCT de-
Absorption photometry is a well-demonstrated and wildly used vices have been reported, such as microfluidic paper-based analytical
analytical technique in global world, especially in biochemistry and devices (μPADs), smartphone-based biosensing devices, microfluidic
analytical chemistry, because of its simplicity, flexibility, low cost and chip-based diagnostic devices, Lab-On-A-Drone system and so on. These
convenience. However, most of the conventional absorption spectro- new POCT techniques significantly contributed the field-detection for
meters usually require milliliters sample, rather than microliters or medical and military application. Li et al. demonstrated an original
nanoliters sample. Furthermore, they required the professional expert, method to manipulate capillary-driven fluids by fabricating a movable
fine laboratory and cost burden of maintenance [1,2]. Hence, the im- valve on paper-based microfluidic device, which is user-friendly to
portance of developing portable, sensitive, rapid and miniaturized ab- carry out complex multistep operations [6]. Jung et al. reported an
sorption spectrometers could not be more emphasized nowadays as the innovative microfluidic chip-based POCT device, which can employ in a
demand for disease diagnosis and better healthcare is constantly in- sensitive immunoassay for the detection of thyroid stimulating hor-
creasing. mone. [7]. Erickson et al. integrated smartphone with thermal PCR to
In the past few decades, point of care test (POCT) devices were achieve fluorescence detection of Kaposi’s Sarcoma herpesvirus. They
proposed and integrated with various detection technologies, which can provided a clear example to show smartphone as a powerful tool in
be applied for health diagnostics and disease control [3–5]. POCT de- POCT devices [8]. With the popularization of drones, it became possible
vices take the advantage of portability, low cost, instrument- to perform biochemical analysis on drone system and send POCT

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (R. Gao), (L. Yu).
Received 23 October 2018; Received in revised form 22 December 2018; Accepted 13 January 2019
Available online 18 January 2019
0925-4005/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Gao et al. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 286 (2019) 86–93

Fig. 1. (A) The applications of portable ab-

sorption photometry (AP)-based microfluidic
system. (B) A schematic illustration of portable
absorption photometry (AP)-based microfluidic
system, which includes the circuit control
system [(i) Microcontroller (ii) USB interface
(iii) Keys (iv) OLED screen (v) LED (vi)
Photodiode detector (vii) Printed circuit
board], optical part [(viii) Optical baffle (ix)
Optical lens], microfluidic sensor [(x)
Microfluidic chip (xi) the channel for placing
microfluidic chip], (xii) package board. (C) The
photograph of entire detection system.

devices in some urgent accidents [9]. Nevertheless, POCT based min- pump-free microfluidic chip and absorption photometry detection can
iaturized detection systems performed in the human blood serum test, realize portability, low-cost, small sample consumption and easy-to-use
such as glucose, lactate and cancer biomarkers testing, suffered from owing to eliminate the external syringe pump. Third, we fabricated a
loss of detection sensitivity compared to traditional clinical detection rapid capillary-driven microfluidic channel because the comb-like
systems [10,11]. structure and hydrophilic surface treatment can accelerate flow rate
Recently, the miniaturization of absorption photometry (AP) device together. It cost less time than conventional pump-free microfluidic
for POCT application has been one of the important trends. Light source chip to fill out the chip. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
as one of key components tightly correlated with experiment results. portable absorption photometry detection system that applied pump-
Light-emitting diode (LED), a solid state semiconductor diode, is fre- free microfluidic chip as detection platform. This system successfully
quently used in absorption detection systems since its numerous ad- determined the level of TGL, ALB and TP for the clinical analysis of
vantages including wide wavelength scale from infrared to ultraviolet, human blood serum automatically.
stable intensity, long lifetime, low cost, low noise, to be pulsed at fast
rates and small size [12]. This AP-based POCT device has successfully
2. Materials and methods
applied in conventional biomedical detection [13,14]. Nonetheless,
these detection systems still require tedious manual sampling and
2.1. Materials and reagents
loading steps. In addition, paper-based device suffered from the low
mixing efficiency, poor sensitivity and chemical additives.
Standard calibrator solutions of Triglyceride (TGL), Albumin (ALB)
To solve these problems, we reported a novel portable AP-based
and Total Protein (TP) and corresponding assay reagents were obtained
microfluidic system that was composed of pump-free microfluidic chip
from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics (Newark, USA). The human
for rapid mixing, reacting and detection without professional training
serums including TGL, ALB and TP were provided by Hefei University
and expensive instrument. Microfluidic chip can realize high mixing
of Technology Hospital. Polyethylene glycol (PEG, MW 200), methyl
efficiency, sensitive detection and miniaturization of POCT device
blue (MW 799.80), new coccine (85%) and isopropanol (> 99.9%)
[15,16]. Meanwhile, pump-free function allows liquids transportation
were purchased from Aladdin industrial corporation (Shanghai, China).
without using external pumps and valves for improving portability and
Acetone was from Haomiao chemical raw material corporation
automation [17–19]. The liquids could be moved by using capillary
(Jiangsu, China). Ethyl alcohol (95%) was from Damao chemical re-
forces due to the geometry and surface chemistry of microfluidic
agent factory (Tianjin, China). Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS, Sylgard
channels. The proposed miniaturization detection system in this study
184 Silicone. Elastomer Kit) was purchased from Dow Corning.
was composed of four units: pre-mixing chamber, winding-shaped
Deionized water was purified using a Milli-Q water purification system
channel, comb-like channel and storage chamber, corresponding to
(Billerica, MA, USA).
sample loading, mixing, capillary pump and AP detection, respectively.
The output voltages of various concentrations of human blood serum
were measured for trace analysis of triglyceride (TGL), albumin (ALB) 2.2. Design of portable absorption photometry based pump-free microfluidic
and total protein (TP). ALB and TP are mostly detected in human blood system
serum test because they tightly correlated with the diseases of liver,
kidney, or bone marrow as well as metabolic disorders [20–22]. TGL As shown in Fig. 1B, the detection system with a size of
level in serum is recognized as a valuable indicator of atherosclerosis, 11.2cm × 7.2cm × 6.1cm is fabricated by the commercial AutoCAD
hypertension and liver disease and is a risk factor for coronary artery software (2014) (Autodesk Corporation, USA) and 3D printing (Ma-
disease, nephritis, and other diseases relating on lipid metabolism. kerbot Replicator2X, MakerBot Corporation, Brooklyn, USA). The por-
The novelty of our work is threefold. First, we successfully im- table absorption photometry based pump-free microfluidic system is
plemented rapid and accurate detection of clinical samples with this consisted of electronic circuit control module (as shown in Fig. S1),
home-built AP-based microfluidic system. Second, the combination of optical detection module, communication module, and pump-free mi-
crofluidic chip. All of the components are fully integrated in a small

R. Gao et al. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 286 (2019) 86–93

Fig. 2. The schematic of biosensing mechanism for TGL, ALB and TP.

box. The optical detection module is composed of light-emitting diode on the hot plate at 70 ℃. After treatment in an oxygen plasma, the
(LED), lens, and photodiodes. The electronic circuit module is in- structured PDMS layer was aligned onto a glass slide to form an irre-
tegrated into a printed circuit board (PCB) (Fig. 1B (vii)) designed by versible bond. The main channel and side channels were 400 μm and
Altium Designer 16 (AD16) software (Altium Corporation, Australia). A 200 μm wide respectively. To ensure that loading effects did not distort
capillary force driven microfluidic channel was designed and fabricated the results, new chips were used for each measurement.
on PDMS chip as detection platform. Additionally, USB interface is used
to download instructions and transmit data between microcontroller
and computer. The total cost of this system is about 50 US dollars. 2.4. Biosensing mechanism
Fig. 1C shows the experimental setup before test.
In this work, a processing program was developed to achieve the The TGL, ALB and TP can react with biochemical reagents leading to
calibration of absorption photometry and sample measurements. The color variations [25–27]. The absorbance of these biochemical reagents
absorbance of sample was acquired from Eq. 1. was measured on pump-free microfluidic chip by our portable absorp-
tion photometry system. The biosensing mechanism were described
A = -log10(I/I0) = εlCA (1)
briefly as following. TGL in the serum can react with assay reagents
Herein, A is the absorbance of sample, (I/I0) is the ratio of the in- leading to the red quinoneimine solution through the following steps.
tensity of transmission light to incident light, ε is the molar absorptivity TGL is firstly hydrolyzed by lipoprotein lipase to glycerol and free fatty
characteristic of a substance (m2/mol), l is the path length of the light acids. In the presence of adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP) and glycerol
(m), and CA is the concentration of the sample (mol/m3) [23]. Im- kinase (GK), the glycerol is phosphorylated to glycerol-3-phosphate (G-
portantly, the molar absorptivity characteristics are sensitive to light 3-P) and adenosine-5′-diphosphate (ADP). G-1-P is then oxidized by
sources. The absorption spectrum peaks of each assay reagents are glycerol phosphate oxidase (GPO) to dihydroxyacetone phosphate
different. To get the maximum absorbance, three light sources (510 nm, (DAP) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Finally, peroxidase (POD) cata-
540 nm and 600 nm) would be used in system. As a result, a special lyzes the condensation of H2O2 with 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AAP) and 4-
structure was designed to have the capability to change light sources, as chlorophenol to generate a red colored quinoneimine dye that shows an
shown in Fig. 1B (viii). absorbance maximum at 510 nm. The absorbance of 510 nm is directly
proportional to triglyceride concentration of the sample. To detect the
albumin (ALB) specially, 2.7 × 10−4 M bromocresol purple (BCP) was
2.3. Fabrication and surface treatment of pump-free microfluidic chip
used in a solution at a low pH. BCP (greenish-yellow color in aqueous
solution) can bind to ALB by hydrophobic interactions and form the
PDMS microfluidic channel was fabricated using soft lithography
BCP–ALB complexes (dark green in aqueous solution). In this step, a
and rapid prototyping technology. A negative SU-8 photoresist
proton is transferred from BCP to a carboxyl group of ALB resulting in
(Microchem Corp, Westborough, US) mold was fabricated on a silicon
dissociated BCP. The amount of BCP–ALB complexes was quantified by
wafer through a transparent mask. Then, PDMS prepolymer and curing
the absorbance of dissociated BCP, which is measured at 600 nm in
reagent were mixed in a ratio of 10:1 w/w and degassed before poured
aqueous solution. Total protein in the serum is composited of albumin
over the mold. After curing the structure at 70℃ for 2.5 h on hot plate,
and globulin. 0.015 mol/L Cupric ions can react with nitrogen pre-
the structured PDMS layer was peeled off from the mold and punched
senting in the peptide bonds of proteins and polypeptides to form a
inlet and outlet holes (D = 5 mm) in order to access solutions.
violet colored chelate compound in an alkaline solution. The absor-
Hydrophilic surface treatment was performed by coating PEG polymer
bance of the violet colored chelate compound at 540 nm is directly
on the PDMS layer [24]. Briefly, PDMS layer and glass were respec-
proportional to the concentration of protein in the sample. A standard
tively cleaned using an ultrasonic wash in isopropanol and acetone for
calibration curve can be created from this linear relationship that is
5 min, rinsed by DI water, and dried on heating plate. PDMS layer was
used to calculate the concentration of an unknown sample. The sche-
exposed to an oxygen plasma for 90 s and immediately modified by the
matic of biosensing mechanism was shown in Fig. 2.
PEG, then moved to the hot plate at 150 ℃ for 25 min. Following
heating, the PDMS layer was washed by isopropanol and DI water re-
spectively at room temperature to remove the residual PEG, and dried

R. Gao et al. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 286 (2019) 86–93

2.5. Absorption photometry detection on pump-free microfluidic system as the storage and detection which the light was easily passed through
the outlet reservoir of assay complexes. A photograph of the whole
Absorption photometry detection part is comprised of LED, photo- microfluidic channel filled with red and blue ink was shown in Fig. 4.
diode detector, and AD converter. Once the certain volume of analytes The PDMS microfluidic channel was rendered hydrophilic as a result
and assay reagents were added into two inlets of chips with pipette, the of the PEG coating. As demonstrated in Fig. 4, red and blue ink flowed
chips were placed into detection system by a slip channel, as shown in in the microfluidic channel to test the robustness and hydrophilic
Fig. 1B (xi). The solutions flowed in PDMS channel by capillary force in properties of the channel, and no leakage was found during experi-
5 min. Then the system was started and the average value of five ments. In our experiments, long-term stability of hydrophilic micro-
measurements was recorded. The detection process was repeated three fluidic channel surface maintained at least 30 days when stored at room
times for each concentration of analytes. TGL was analyzed by mea- temperature, and it did not exert dramatically influence on the hydro-
suring its optical absorbance maxima at 510 nm and sample consump- philic property. Consequently, the approaches mentioned above were
tion was 4 μl. ALB was measured at 600 nm as the wavelength corre- able to achieve liquid autonomous transportation in the channel by the
sponded to the absorption spectrum peak and the sample consumption capillary force and hydrophilic coating without using external pumps.
was 20 μl. TP was detected at 540 nm to reach optical absorbance The fluids can fill out the channel within 52 s, as shown in Fig. 4.
maxima and the sample consumption was 6 μl. The volume of solution
in detection chamber was fixed as 90 μl in all measurement. The sample
consumptions of three analytes are varied since the different mixing 3.2. Quantitative analysis of TGL, ALB and TP using portable AP-based
ratios of analytes and assay reagents. To detect an unknown human microfluidic system
serum sample, 4 μl, 6 μl, and 20 μl samples were reacted with corre-
sponding assay reagents. ALB test was selected and systematically de- To validate the AP-based microfluidic system, three important items
scribed as an example. 20 ul human serum sample was diluted with 80 (TGL, ALB and TP) were selected from general blood serum test. At first,
ul DI water, and 50 ul 2.7 × 10−4 M BCP reagent was diluted with 50 ul the calibration curves were built using standard calibrator solutions
DI water. Then two diluted solutions were added into two inlets of chip including TGL, ALB, and TP with concentrations respectively ranging
by pipette. The solutions reacted and formed BCP–ALB complexes in from 0.1 mmol/L to 5.48 mmol/L, 25 g/L to 60 g/L and 50 g/L to 95 g/
microfluidic channel. Following by the pump-free microfluidic chip L. Specifically, the output voltage was used as blank when the sample
placed into detection system, LED with 600 nm main wavelength was was DI water. In the theory of absorption photometry, the results are
turned on and PD detected the light absorbance of BCP–ALB complexes. highly related to path length of light through the materials and their
Finally, light absorbance was expressed by output voltage value on concentrations. Hence, the volume of the sample solutions was fixed in
OLED screen. The concentration of ALB was calculated from ALB all measurements for one item. As presented in Fig. 1A, sample from
standard calibration curve using obtained output voltage value. patient on-site or in-home conditions was introduced into the chip and
mixed with assay reagents. The incident light from LED was focused on
3. Results and discussion outlet reservoir by an optical lens. The photodiode detector behind the
chip received the transmission light and converted the optical signal
3.1. Microfluidic channel characterization into electrical signal. The incident light intensity was reduced resulting
from the absorbance of assay complexes, and it was proportional to the
PDMS has been applied for the fluidic network since its favorable concentration of sample. Furthermore, the output voltage value was
properties, such as better biocompatibility, optical transparency, easy directly displayed on the OLED screen. The concentration of sample was
fabrication, wide-spread applications and low cost [28]. The surface of inversely derived from the output voltage value. The data were mea-
PDMS shows the hydrophobic nature due to the presence of methyl sured every 5 s, and simultaneously sent to SD card and OLED. To en-
group. Nevertheless, the biochemical assay generally performed in sure the reproducibility and reliability of this system, 300 measure-
aqueous phase. It is a challenge to achieve PDMS surface hydrophilic ments of the output voltage were recorded as shown in Fig. S2. It
and wetting property. As a step towards this, a simple and highly stable demonstrated that the variations did not exceed 0.018 V during the test
surface treatment method was utilized to produce hydrophilic PDMS process. Additionally, the whole system was supplied by a 5 V external
surface as well as a capillary pump to serve as the driving force of the power source and the power consumption was less than 150 mw for one
liquid transportation. measurement.
To execute the biochemical assay automatically, fine channel Fig. 5A-C illustrated the absorbance of different concentrations of
structure and surface treatment are indispensable. Accordingly, we TGL, ALB and TP, which showed good linear responses (R2 = 0.991,
designed and fabricated a new microfluidic chip with winding channel 0.991, 0.992) that are achieved within the concentrations range of
and comb-like structure to perform the TGL, ALB and TP assay. Fig. 3 0.1 mmol/L to 5.48 mmol/L, 25 g/L to 60 g/L and 50 g/L to 95 g/L. It
shows the schematic design of microfluidic chip used in this paper. successfully met the requirements of the clinical detection range of TGL
Various concentrations of TGL, ALB and TP standard calibrator solu- (0 mmol/L to 1.7 mmol/L), ALB (34 g/L to 50 g/L) and TP (64 g/L to
tions were added to chip and flowed to hydrophilic channels that can 82 g/L). Based on these results, the validity of our system for TGL, ALB
identify the levels of standard calibrator solutions due to color change and TP detection was confirmed. These results evidently proved the
of assay reagents. This chip is mainly composed of four compartments significant utility for clinical biochemical analysis.
from up- to downstream. In the first compartment, sample loading was To evaluate the selectivity of the portable AP-based microfluidic
achieved by introducing liquids into the channel via two inlet re- system for TGL, ALB and TP, we next investigated the capability of
servoirs. A 2.6 mm round chamber was used for pre-mix solutions as detecting other antigens, such as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and
shown in Fig. 3(i). The following downstream was a further mixing and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), as shown in Fig. S3. It was consistent
reaction zone. As shown in Fig. 3(ii), a winding-shaped structure was with our results described the above, the absorbance was greatly in-
incorporated into the channel to improve mixing efficiency and form creased for these three items with the corresponding assay reagents
assay complexes. The stretching and folding of the fluids induced a while no obvious changes were observed for any of the other four items.
chaotic advection effect, which increased species mixing. In the third This phenomenon indicated that the assay reagents only can react with
compartment, a comb-like structure functioned as a capillary pump to the corresponding items on our system, and thus the portable AP-based
drive fluids through the entire channel. Meanwhile, the hydrophilic microfluidic system described in this work is useful for selective
channels led the movement of fluids upon contact such that a 200 μL quantification.
sample could be loaded in less than 8 min. Finally, the fourth unit acted

R. Gao et al. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 286 (2019) 86–93

Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the detection progress in microfluidic chip. The chip is mainly composed of four compartments with the following functions: (i) pre-
mixing zone, (ii) reaction zone, (iii) capillary pump zone, (iv) storage and detection zone.

Fig. 4. The photographs of red and blue ink flowed in microfluidic channel according to time (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article).

3.3. Evaluation of the matrix effect electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, and cytokines [29]. These compo-
nents disturb the sensitive detections of various important biomarkers
Human serum is the most frequently used in clinical biochemical as shown by previous studies [30,31]. To verify the accuracy and sta-
analysis. However, it contains a bunch of components, such as bility of these calibration curves built by standard calibrator solutions,

R. Gao et al. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 286 (2019) 86–93

Fig. 5. (A) The concentrations of TGL ranged from 0.1 mmol/L to 5.48 mmol/L. Correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.991. (B) The concentrations of ALB ranged from 25 g/
L to 60 g/L. Correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.991. (C) The concentrations of TP ranged from 50 gl/l to 95 g/L. Correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.992. All error bars
indicate standard deviations from these detections. (D–F) Passing-Boblok regression analyses of TGL, ALB and TP between Dimension@ RXL Max ™ and portable AP-
based microfluidic system.

the results of TGL, ALB and TP in human serum and standard calibrator lines included within the 95% CIs, it was deduced that all values were
solution were compared by our system. For evaluation matrix effect, a in the clinically acceptable ranges. Therefore, it was concluded that the
clinical sample with test report of Dimension@ RXL Max ™ was used as assay results of clinical samples had confirmed the accuracy and fea-
reference. The voltages of TGL, ALB and TP in this clinical sample were sibility of our system, and it was acceptable for clinical purposes.
obtained from our system and converted into concentrations using the
above calibration curves. Meanwhile, the analytes with same con- 4. Conclusion
centrations of three items according to test report were prepared and
measured, as shown in Table S1. It obviously demonstrated that the Blood serum test is one of the most common test in hospital. The
differentials between two instruments were statistically reliable since portable system has the great application on POCT and field detection
they were very close. Therefore, the matrix effect did not affect the area. In this paper, a novel pump-free microfluidic chip with rapid and
accuracy and stability of these calibration curves built by standard reliable hydrophilic surface treatment was developed and integrated
calibrator solutions and met clinical testing standards. with the portable system. Three important items (TGL, ALB and TP) in
blood serum test were selected and their calibration curves were built
3.4. Assessment of the portable AP-based microfluidic system for clinical using standard calibrator solutions. To evaluate the clinical feasibility
samples of our system, absorption photometry detection was performed for 10
clinical samples, and the detection results were compared with those
In order to further ensure the clinical feasibility of our system, 10 detected by the commercial system installed in hospital. By applying
human serums with unknown concentrations were randomly chosen the Passing-Boblok regression analyses, it showed a good linear re-
from hospital and performed. All clinical samples were handled as ap- lationship between two systems. The LODs and concentration ranges of
proved Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocols at the hospital. The three items well meet the requirement of clinical application. In this
concentrations of TGL, ALB and TP in human serum samples were de- work, we successfully developed a home-built AP-based microfluidic
termined from the calibration curves mentioned above. Then all clinical system for blood serum test. A novel capillary-driven microfluidic
samples were simultaneously tested on Dimension@ RXL Max ™clinical channel was designed to achieve rapid detection. Owing to the appli-
chemistry system. The results of TGL, ALB and TP measured from our cation of pump-free microfluidic chip, it reduced the instrument size,
system were consistent with those measured from the Dimension@ RXL sample and time consumptions. Therefore, the portable AP-based mi-
Max ™ system within the clinical acceptable range, as shown in Table 1. crofluidic system has strong potential as a novel POCT device for rapid
Passing − Boblok regression analyses between Dimension@ RXL Max ™ and accurate blood serum test.
and our system were performed to evaluate the similarity as shown in
Fig. 5D-F. It is a statistical and graphical method that allows estimation Conflicts of interest
of variation and systematic bias between two different analytical
techniques [32]. The plots demonstrated a good agreement between There are no conflicts to declare.
two analytical systems because the data points showed strong linear
relationships. It showed good conformity between two analytical sys- Acknowledgements
tems when the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the intercept and the
slope included 0 and 1. Owing to the scattered points and regression The National Natural Science Foundation of China supported this

R. Gao et al. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 286 (2019) 86–93

Table 1

Comparison of Quantitative Results Determined by Dimension@ RXL Max and Portable AP-based Microfluidic System for 10 Clinical Samples.
TGL (mmol/l) ALB (g/l) TP (g/l)

@ @
Integrated LED-based Dimension RXL Max Integrated LED-based Dimension RXL Max Integrated LED-based Dimension@ RXL Max
portable system portable system portable system
Sample no. Mean (SD) Values Mean (SD) Values Mean (SD) Values

1 0.776 (0.0046) 0.77 46.031 (0.0046) 45.60 78.835 (0.0108) 78.84

2 7.975 (0.0052) 8.18 41.573 (0.0046) 41.70 91.015 (0.0017) 90.30
3 4.34 (0.003) 4.47 43.502 (0.0105) 43.50 74.331 (0.0076) 74.10
4 0.655 (0.0052) 0.66 35.39 (0.0076) 35.40 60.359 (0.0035) 60.50
5 0.805 (0.0062) 0.81 43.16 (0.0017) 43.10 75.559 (0.0017) 76.10
6 3.01 (0.0062) 3.25 39.43 (0.0046) 39.60 74.331 (0.0046) 74.90
7 1.103 (0.0062) 1.13 39.23 (0.0046) 39.40 76.276 (0.0076) 76.90
8 3.85 (0.0017) 4.44 43.84 (0.0108) 44.00 73.307 (0.006) 74.00
9 1.478 (0.0062) 1.43 43.55 (0.0062) 43.70 74.382 (0.006) 75.00
10 2.34 (0.0076) 2.35 43.48 (0.007) 43.70 79.65 (0.0062) 80.50
Reference range 0 - 1.7 34.00 - 50.00 64.00 - 82.00

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microfluidic devices and related applications. School of Electronic Sciences and Applied Physics, Hefei University of Technology, where
he is now a full professor of applied physics. He has published more than 100 peer re-
Haiyang Qian received his bachelor degree from Northeast Forestry University in 2017. ferred journals (e.g.Adv. Mater. Laser & Photonics Rev., Opt. Express, ACS Nano etc), with
Now he is a master’s candidate in Biomedicial Engineering, Hefei University of a total citation of 3300 and an h-index of 29. His research interest mainly focuses on
Technology. His research work is focus on Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy based controlled fabrication of graphene and low-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures
microfluidic chip. for high-performance optoelectronic and electronic devices application including pho-
todetectors, photovoltaic devices, and non-volatile memory devices etc.

Xuefei Song received his bachelor degree from China University of Mining and
Technology in 2017. Now, he is a master’s candidate in Biomedicial Engineering, Hefei Gang Zhao received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in power engineering and engineering
University of Technology. His research focuses on the detection of explosives based on thermophysics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 1999 and
Surface enhanced Raman scattering and microfluidic chip. 2004, respectively. He was a Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research
Fellow from July 2008 to October 2010. Since April 2011, he has been a Professor at
Biomedical Engineering Research Center of USTC. He has published over 120 full-length
Lei Cheng received his bachelor degree from Wannan medical College in 2017. Now he is journal papers and he holds more than 16 China Patents. Dr. Zhao is a member of the
a master’s candidate in Biomedicial Engineering, Hefei University of Technology. His Board of Governors of the Society for Cryobiology, and an editor of the journal
research work is focus on circulating tumor cell sorting on microfluidic chip.
Biopreservation and Biobanking. His research interests include biomedical microsystems,
biosensors, bioMEMS, micro- and nanotechnologies, and cryo-biomedical engineering.
Rui Wang is currently an assistant professor at Institute of Functional Materials and
Molecular Imaging, Hainan Medical University. He received his PhD at Hnayang Liandong Yureceived the Ph.D. degree from the Hefei University of Technology (HFUT),
University in 2018. His research interests focus on the bionano materials and Raman Hefei, China, in 2003. From 2001 to 2002, he was invited by Physikalisch-Technischen
Bundesanstalt as a Guest Scientist. From 2006 to 2007, he was a Visiting Researcher with
the University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Since 2009, he has been a
Lin-Bao Luo received M.Sc in inorganic chemistry at Department at Chemistry, Full Professor with HFUT, where he is currently the Dean of the School of Instrument
University of Science and Technology of China under the supervision of Prof. Shu-Hong Science and Opto-Electronics Engineering. His current research interests include precision
Yu in 2006, and Ph. D. Degree from Department of Physics and Materials Sciences, City engineering, optical measurement, and microfluidics.
University of Hong Kong under the guidance of Prof. Shuit-Tong Lee in 2009. After
spending one and half years at the same group as a research associate, he joined the


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