Paleocurrent Analysis of Dhok Pathan Formation, From Thathi Northeastern Potwar Dist. Rawalpindi

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Geol. Bull. Punjab Univ. 44, 2009.


Institute of Geology, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore-54790

Abstract: Paleocurrent studies of the Dhok Pathan Formation was comprehensively carried out around Thathi
village in northeastern Potwar. In the study area trough cross bedding was used to collect the data. A total of 50 sampling
station were selected for the collection of data. Data was corrected for tectonic tilt and plotted on the rose diagram for the
paleoflow and source direction of the Dhok Pathan Formation. The analysis shows that source is from northwest direction
and paleoflow was in southeast direction.

INTRODUCTION part of lower Siwaliks is comprised of monotonous cyclic

alternations of sandstone and claystone and minor
Paleocurrent analysis involves using sedimentary
alternations of yellowish brown siltstone & conglomerates
structures to determine the direction of flow or orientation
in the form of lenses and layers. Good exposures of trough
of flow like that of a river, a group of streams within a
cross bedding (Plate 1) are present in the study area which
basin, the wind direction within a region, or the direction of
is the part of the Jabbar Anticline. The main purpose of the
oceanic currents. Individual sedimentary structures tell you
study is to know the paleocurrent direction of the Dhok
the flow direction at that geographic point and at that
Pathan Formation.
instant in time but in solving true regional scale problems
we need to look statistically at populations of sedimentary
structures (Boggs, 1995). These will give us a collective
average of the current directions within a region over a Following Steps were carried out in the study of
period of time. All sedimentary structures did not provide paleocurrent analysis of the Dhok Pathan Formation from
flow direction information and even those that do, do not the surroundings of the Thathi village northeastern Potwar
provide the same kind of information. For those that do (Fig. 1).
provide flow information we have those that point down
stream (down flow direction) like asymmetric ripples and COLLECTION OF DATA
trough cross-bedding and we have those like tool marks
The way to ascertain a paleocurrent direction is first
(skips, groves, and prods) and parting lineation that give us
to go into the field and gather the data, that is make
a current orientation, but we can not go upstream from
measurements with the Brunton Compass on the orientation
of the structure. For those that point down stream we
“Siwaliks” of Meddlicot (1864) are the fluvial record the down current direction while for those which
deposits formed in the foothills of the Himalaya mountain only give us a stream orientation we record the bearing for
i.e. foreland basin. Potwar is part of this foreland basin that trend expressed as so many degrees east of north or
(Fig.2) and Siwaliks stretch nearly to all of the Potwar. west of north. We do this for all available structures within
Siwaliks are of Late Miocene Chinji Formation, Early the area of interest (allowing or time constraints of course if
Pliocene Nagri Formation, Early to Middle Pliocene Dhok the region has a generous supply of structures). This is
Pathan Formation and the Late Pliocene to Early recorded in field book. Cross bedding data were collected
Pleistocene Soan Formation (Shah, 1977). All these from the sandstone units, which contained well preserved
formations are mainly composed of sandstone, shale, trough cross beds for paleocurrent flow direction. Total 50
claystone and conglomerate and pebbles. Dhok Pathan as a sampling stations were selected for the collection of data.

Accessibility Map of the Study Area

Fig.1 Location Map of Thathi Area

Fig.2 Simplified geological map of the Potwar (after Rohtash Kumar, 2003)

Plate1 Cross bedding in Dhok Pathan Formation near Sehr Village

Fig. 3 Paleocurrent Direction of Dhok Pathan Formation


degrees in the same direction along the nearest small circle

(dashed lines).
Data are commonly collected from folded or tilted
Rotate the stereogram back, so that its N-S line
sequences and must be corrected in order to restore the
coincides with the N-S line on the stereonet. To read the
bedding to its original horizontal position. The study area is
dip direction, draw a line from the pole, through the center,
part of the Northern Potwar Deformed Zone (NPDZ), in
to the edge of the stereonet.
which the Jabbar Anticline lies, so the data should be
corrected for tectonic tilt. This is done by rotating a line or All these steps are shown in the Fig.4.
plane about a horizontal axis using stereographic
projection(Lidholm, 1987).
If the structural dip is less than 25° the measured
In practice there are two approaches that are used for
azimuth of linear structures need no correction. If the dip
graphic presentation of the directional data. These are
exceeds 25° the effects of tilting must be removed. This
current rose or rose diagram and vector mean the later is not
can be done with a stereonet
applied in this study.
The situation for planar structures (e.g. cross
A popular device for presenting directional data is
bedding) is different, because even very low tectonic dip
the current rose or rose diagram, which is a histogram
values (anything greater 5°) may introduce an appreciable
converted to a circular distribution. Various class intervals
error. As is the case for linear structures, rotation can be
are used but a 30° interval will meet most needs. It is better
done using stereographic projection. The procedure is more
to plot the observations in each class than to plot the total
complicated in the case of steeply plunging folds, and
number of observations. The class interval with the most
double rotation may be required. If the plunge is less than
observations is the modal class. When measurements of
10°or if the dip is less than 45°, no correction for the plunge
structures which show direction of movement are plotted
is necessary.
(e.g. cross beds and flute casts) the rose diagram indicates
If the beds from which you are making paleocurrent the direction towards which the current moved. Most
measurements are not horizontally lying then you must distribution produce a single dominant mode (unimodal),
correct for their structural orientation. If the bed dips more although some have two or more sub equal modes
than 15 degrees you need to do this, if not don’t bother. (bimodal, polymodal). In the case of structures which show
Making the correction involves using a stereonet and a line of movement, each measurement is represented by two
sheet of tracing paper or clear acetate film known usually as opposite azimuth values (e.g. 30° and 210°). The resulting
the plot sheet. In the field, you must measure the strike and current rose consists of two reflected halves. Measurements
the dip of the bed containing the sedimentary structure and made from several different structures may be plotted on a
you must measure the orientation and down dip rotation of single composite rose diagram also called a composite ray
the sedimentary structure. You are defining the orientation diagram radial line diagram or spoke diagram (Potter,
in space of the bed as a planar surface with a line of strike 1978).
and a line of dip and you are defining in space the
This method was adopted in the study of
orientation of the sedimentary structures apparent current
paleocurrent analysis of Dhok Pathan and Lower Soan
direction or orientation (direction of plunge) as a compass
direction and a rotation (dip) from the horizontal.
There is another method called Vector Mean and
PROCEDURE FOR THE CORRECTION OF DATA Vector Magnitude but not adopted in this study but brief
description of this method is given below in the following
Plot the poles of bedding and cross bedding on the
Rotate the stereogram so that the pole of the PALEOCURRENT ANALYSIS OF THE DHOK
bedding, B, comes to the equatorial line. In doing this you PATHAN
will also rotate CB the pole of the cross bedding. Mark both
points on the stereogram (i.e. on the tracing paper). Rose diagram of the Dhok Pthan Formation showed
that its source was from the NW direction while the
Bring bedding to the horizontal by shifting B, the paleoflow was in SE direction. The age of the Dhok Pathan
pole of the bedding to the centre of the stereogram. Move Formation is Early to Middle Pliocene. At that time
CB the pole of the cross bedding, the same number of Himalayan orogeny was on its climax and the Indian Plate
was rotating in anticlock wise direction. The tectonically

Fig. 4 Showing steps involved in the correction of data


Fig. 5 Paleoflow orientation in the Himalayan Foreland Basin A- variability in paleoflow around 10 Ma B- Variability in
paleoflow around 5Ma. Change in paleoflow around 5 Ma is related to the activity along MBT (after Rohtash Kumar,

shows that the source was from northeast direction and

raised high relief and climatic change caused the great
paleoflow was in southeast direction.
influx of sediments from the Kohistan Island Arc deposited
in the foreland basin (Potwar Plataeu) resulting in thick pile ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
of Siwaliks. The paleoflow model of the Dhok Pathan The authors are grateful to Mr. Abdul Qadir ,
formation is mentioned in the Fig. 3 & 5.
Director Atomic Energy Mineral Centre Karachi and Mr.
CONCLUSION Mumtaz Farooq for their guidance and interest to carry out
Paleocurrent data of the Dhok Pathan Formation was this study in the area, as well authorizing to publish this
comprehensively studied from cross bedding exposures paper. The authors also express their gratitude to Professor
around the Thathi village in northeastern Potwar. Totally 50 Dr. Muhammad Ashraf for his review of the maniscript.
sampling stations was corrected for tectonic tilt. Data was Sincere thanks are also due to Professor Dr. Nasir Ahmad,
plotted on rose diagram for the paleoflow and source Director of the Institute of Geology, Punjab University,
direction of the Dhok Pathan Formation. The analysis Lahore for moral encouragement.

Boggs, S. Jr., (1995). Principles of Sedimentation and Stratigraphy 2nd ed. Merrill Publishing, Columbus,
Lindholm Roy C. (1987). A Practical Approach to Sedimentology Allen &, Inc., 8 Winchester Place,
Winchester, mass. 01890, USA the U.S. company of Unwin Hymin Ltd. P.43-47
Meddlicot, H.B. (1864). On the geological structure and relation of southern portion of Himalayan ranges
between the river Ganges and Ravee: India Geol. Surv., Mem., 3, pt. 2, pp. 1-212
Potter, P.E. and F.J Pettijohn, (1978). Paleocurrent and Basin Analysis. Academic Press, New York
Rohtash K., Sumit K. G and Satish J. S (2003). Mio-Pliocene Sedimentation history in the northwestern
part of the Himalayan Foreland Basin, India. Cur. Scie 84, No.8
Shah, S.M.I., (1977). Stratigraphy of Pakistan. Mem. Geol. Surv. 12 P. 92-93

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