0 Conditionalsandwishes
0 Conditionalsandwishes
0 Conditionalsandwishes
I had the I don't have the time, so I'm not going to learn
If I would learn Italian.
time, Italian.
I won the I would travel around There's a very small chance of winning the
lottery the world. lottery, so the trip is unlikely
We can use other modal verbs in the past tense in the result part of the sentence:
IF Condition Result Certainty
WOULD + base
past simple
I had the Although unlikely to happen, the speaker is sure that they
If I would learn Italian.
time, would do it given the opportunity.
I had more I should learn some Although unlikely to happen, the speaker is saying that it
time, more about IT. would be a good idea, but is not committed to it.
With the verb to be, there are two forms that can be used with I, he, she & it:
IF Condition Result
If I had known, I would have helped. I didn't know and didn't help.
IF Condition Result Certainty
We can form mixed conditionals, if the context permits it, by combining an if-clause from one
type with a main clause from another.
If clause Result clause
Type 2 Type 1
If the plane landed late last night, he won’t be on time for work today.
Type 2 Type 3
If you were less impulsive, you wouldn’t have spoken to your supervisor like
Type 3 Type 2
If I hadn’t drunk the bad milk, I would be fine now.
We can use wish/if only to express a wish.
Verb Tense Example Use
+ past simple/past continuous I wish I was/were 10 years old. - to say that we would like
(but I’m not) something to be different about a
If only I were travelling with present situation
you and not alone! It would be
much more fun. (but I’m not)
+ past perfect I wish I had saved more money - to express regret about
during my twenties. (but I something which happened or
didn’t) didn’t happen in the past
If only I hadn’t been so harsh
to her! We could still be friends.
(but I was)
+ subject + would + bare I wish you would stop spreading - to express: - a polite imperative
infinitive rumours. - a desire for a
If only it would be sunny on my situation or person’s behaviour
birthday. to change
- If only is used in exactly the same way as wish but is more emphatic or more dramatic.
- We can use were instead of was after wish and if only: I wish I were/was a famous writer!
- After the subject pronouns I and we, we can use could instead of would: I wish I could study
art history.