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Chapter 1

A Brief History and Some


Craig M. Young

This book documents the anatomy of representative animal species in 23 of rhe 31 remaining phyla have indi-
larval forms from all marine invertebrate phyla known rect development with larvae that may difrer from adults
ro possess rhern, Ir is designed as a resource for students in size, form, habitar, mode of nutrition, and/or ability
and researchers who must work with larvae, identify ro rnove. Thus, life cycies of most marine animals are
[arvae, and recognize their parts. Adapted to a drifting 'biphasic', with the transition between phases being a
existence in the relatively viscous medium of sea water, dramatic, often rapid, series of morphological, behav-
the larvae of marine invertebrates often possess forms ioral, and physiological changes termed metamorphosis.
that seem foreign to those of us who move actively and The evolution of life cycles in marine invertebrates,
freely through the relatively fluid medium of airo These inciuding the origin of larvae, has been a subject of
bizarre little creatures reeling about on microscope slides much discussion. Reviews by jagersten (1972), Nielsen
have inspired creative works ranging from poetry (1998) and Strathmann (1978, 1985, 1988, 1993) provide
(Carstang, 1985) ro science fiction (sea urchin larvae good overviews of these ideas.
recently starred as alien life forms on a popular televi-
sion show), but are much more than biological
curiosities. Indeed, larval development is the most
common developmental pathway in the animal king- The anatomical drawings and micrographs of larvae pre-
domo Representing the furure generations of most sented in this volume are best appreciated in the context
marine animals, larvae are, in a very real sense, the of the ciassical works produced by embryologists work-
lifeblood of the sea. ing more than a cenrury ago without the benefit of
electro n microscopy. Many of the nineteenth-century
renditions oflarval anaromy were beautifully composed
and replete with detail: they remain among the very
Humans and most orher mammals are boro as minia- best illustrations oflarval form even roday. The ciassical
ture adults, complete in virtually every particular except studies of invertebrate embryology are reviewed in sev-
rhe capacity ro reproduce. In this familiar process eral older texts (MacBride, 1914; Dawydoff, 1928; Kume
known as direet development, babies become juveniles and Dan, 1968) and a history of larval ecology has been
and juveniles become adults by simple growth. Relative presented elsewhere (Young, 1990); here I highlight only
proportions ofbody parts may change during this trans- a few of the landmark discoveries important to the
formation, but the changes are gradual and slow. Such understanding of larval morphology.
direct development is not the norm among animals rhat The larvae of polychaete worms, barnacle cyprids,
live in the sea. Of the approxirnately 32 phyla in the crustacean zoeas, and megalops were first drawn by
animal kingdom, only one, the Onychophora, lacks any Martinus Slabber (1778), an early microscopist in
marine representatives. The majority of sorne 170 000 Holland around the time of the American and French


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2 Atlas o/ Marine l n u e r t e b ra t e Larvae

revolutions (Figure u) and nearly a century after were often illustrated with beautiful color woodcuts
brooded oyster embryos were first described with rhe aid (Figure 1.6), though the identities of many of these
of simple microscopes (Brach, 1689). Veliger larvae and larval forms were not known and the anatomical derails
zoea larvae were probably seen by others over the fol- were sornewhat stylized (Simroth, 1895; Hacker, 1898;
lowing 70 years (Thompson, 1828; MacDonald, 1858), Mortensen, 1898).
though their significance as young snails and crabs was While the broad outlines of animal phylogeny were
not recognized. Then, in the 1820S, a well-traveled ama- being formulated in the decades following publication
teur naturalist named J. Vaughan Thompson described of On the Origin ofSpecies by Means ofNatural Selection
metamorphosis in the zoea larvae of crabs (Thompson, (Darwin, 1859), the various larval forms still being dis-
1828) and the cyprid larvae of barnacles (Thompson, covered played a pivotal role in evolutionary arguments.
1830), and also discovered the affinity of the dirninutive Ernst Haeckel's biogenetic law (Haeckel, 1866) was
penracrinus stage of unstalked feather stars (Thompson, based largely on larval anatorny (MacBride, 1914), as
1835). His larvae (Figure 1.2) were collecred with a were the arguments that eventually brought rhis influ-
makeshift 'muslin hoop net' in Cork Harbor, Ireland ential but overly simplistic idea to its knees (Sedgwick,
where Thompson was stationed as a surgeon in the 1894; Garstang, 1922, 1929). One endeavor stimulated in
Royal Navy. The discoveries ofThompson began a 70- part by evolutionary questions was the study of inverte-
year heyday during which descriptions oflarval anatomy brate celllineage, which attained its zenith in the early
and metamorphosis were at the forefront ofbiology and years of the rwentieth century at the Marine Biological
resolved many of rhe pressing zoological and evolution- Laboratories, Woods Hole (reviewed by Lillie, 1944;
ary questions of the day. Within the next 20 years, Gross, 1985). Other notable contributions included
bryozoan (Ehrenberg, 1834) and ascidian larvae (Milne- detailed descriptions of a vast assortment of echinoderm
Edwards, 1842) were discovered, and developrnent was larvae by Mortensen (e.g., 1921), and descriptions of
described in opisthobranchs (Nordman, 1846) and sea early embryology and larval development of a large
stars (Sars, 1844; Desor, 1851). Veliger larvae were already number of species, mostly from temperare habitats
known from the plankton by this time, bur were worldwide (see embryology books by Kume and Dan,
assumed to be miniscule adults until MacDonald (1858) 1968; Dawydoff, 1928; MacBride, 1914).
argued that they might be the young of benthic snails. Douglas P. Wilson (1932) and Theodor Mortensen
, In the mid-nineteenth century, many important dis- (1921) discovered independently that larvae could choose
coveries were made by the German zoologist and their settlernenr sites and delay metamorphosis. This
physiologist Johannes Müller. Having no apparent discovery stimulated research that would dominate
knowledge ofThompson's discoveries, Müller invented larval biology, particularly in the British Isles, for the
the plankron net and discovered a wide assortrnent of next half century (reviewed by Meadows and Campbell,
larval forms at Helgoland and Marseille, including 1972; Hadfield, 1998). Much of the anatomical work
echinoderm plutei, bipinnariae and auriculariae, during this period focused on the morphological basis of
phoronid actinotrochs, and the flatworm larvae that are habitar selection and serrlernent, though studies of mor-
still known as Müller's larvae. Müller illustrated his phogenetic mechanisms continued. In Denmark,
larvae in beautiful detail (e.g., Müller, 1846, 1847, 1850), Gunnar Thorson devoted his career to rhe description of
though often upside-down (Figure I.3) and was not larval forms and distributions, first as a student in East
always able to attribute thern to the correct phylum. Greenland then in the Oresund between Sweden and
Compound microscopes improved rapidly during this Denmark. Thorson's rhoughtful and far-reaching
period, and the establishment of seaside marine labora- reviews (Thorson, 1946, 1950, 1964) established the
tories such as those in Naples, Marseille, Plyrnouth, and broad outlines for the discipline of Larval Ecology,
Woods Hole facilitated rhe culture of embryos and during a time when experimental embryologists in
larvae obtained by artificial insernination. Such zoolog- Europe (e.g., Horstadius, 1939), Japan (e.g., Kume,
icalluminaries as Metchnikoff (1871), Hatschek (1883), 1929), and North America were unraveling details of
Kowalevsky (1867, 1883), Prouho (1892), Lacaze- larval morphogenesis and metamorphosis. The advent
Duthiers (1856), Claparede (1863), Alexander Agassiz of the transmission and scanning electron microscopes
(1877), and many others detailed the embryology, larval in rhe mid-rwentieth century resulted in a second
development, and metamorphosis of representatives heyday for studies of invertebrate larval anatorny, with
from most marine phyla (Figures 1.4, I.5). Studies of great emphasis being placed on mechanisms of meta-
larval diversity were advanced by rhe collections made morphosis (e.g., Chia and Rice, 1978). The micrographs
during Henson's 1889 Plankton Expedition that tra- from this latter period form the nucleus of the present
versed an hourglass-shaped track through the North and volume.
South Atlantic. Larvae collected during this expedition During the second half of the rwentierh century, the
A Brief History and Some Fundamentals 3

significance of oceanic larval dispersal was fully appre- This is particularly common in gastropod mollusks,
ciated (Scheltema, 1985) and theoretical studies of where encapsulated stages may inc1ude trochophore-like
life-history evolution and the evolution of larval form or veliger-like stages that rotate within their capsules
became popular topics of discussion (see reviews in but hatch as crawl-away juveniles. A worker interested
McEdward, 1995). After rwo centuries of study, larvae in the evolution of form would regard these encapsu-
finally carne into the mainstream of marine ecology lated stages as larvae because their genes express larval
with the realization that most marine 'populations' are structures. However, one interested in life-history strat-
in fact open metapopulations, controlled in large meas- egies or dispersal might regard these stages as
ure by rhe dispersal and colonization oflarvae (reviewed functionally equivalent to direct development, since
by Morgan, 2000; Underwood and Keough, 2000). they do not disperse.
Although we limit our definition of larvae in the
present volume to free-living, unencapsulated forms, we
also have inc1uded for the sake of completeness a few
The term 'larva has been used by biologists in a number groups that have direct development but whose juven-
of different ways. Disagreement about the definition iles are sufficiently different from the adult in form,
arises in part from diverse invertebrate life histories and size, or habit to have been called larvae at sorne time in
in part from differing perspectives of researchers. Thus, the pasto These inc1ude the ctenophores, whose tiny
definitions oflarva may focus on structure, evolutionary cydippid 'larvae' have the same basic body plan as the
history, developmental sequences, or ecological atrrib- adults, and the cephalopods whose 'paralarvae' are often
utes. Hickman (1999) has offered a complex structural endowed with juvenile features that adapt thern ro a
definition that is useful in evolutionary studies: planktonic existence and are either lost or transformed in
the adult stage. Likewise, many polychaete 'larvae' dis-
The larva is a structural state or series of states that play no dramatic metamorphosis, making the transition
occurs berween the onset of the divergent morpho- from larva to juvenile by the simple addition of seg-
genesis following embryonic development (c1eavage, ments. The megalops 'larva ofbrachyuran crabs and the
blastula, gastrula) and metamorphosis to the adult puerulus 'larva of spiny lobsters are today regarded as the
body plan. first juvenile instars of the life cycle, despite their free-
swimming habits and their role in definitive habitar
This definition makes no assumption about the habitar selection. We inc1ude them here because they have trad-
of the larva or its ability to rnove, unlike the various eco- itionally been known as larvae. Sorne parasitic animals,
logical definitions that are useful when considering such as acanthocephalans, have larval stages that do not
larvaeas agents of dispersal, feeding, or habitat selection, disperse freely in the water column, but live within an
One such definition (Chia, 1974; Giese and Pearse, 1975; animal host. Because me life cyc1es of mese organisms are
Young, 1999) is: biphasic or even triphasic, these internal stages are legit-
imately regarded as larvae. Sorne workers also regard the
A larva is a postembryonic stage of the life cyc1e asexually propagating polyps ofbenthic hydrozoans and
which differs from the adult morphologically and is the large physonects of siphonophores as larval forms in
capable of independent locomotion. life cyc1es that alternate between sexual and asexually
propagating phases. For the purposes of this volume, we
From the standpoint of developmental biology, one may have not accepted this very broad definition,
define larva from a purely mechanistic point of view by
considering the fates of various cells that form adult
and pre-adult structures (Davidson, 1991; Hickman,
1999): Most larvae originate from gametes, the products of
sexual reproduction. There are exceptions, inc1uding the
A larva is the premetamorphic consequence ofType larvae of sorne bryozoans that are produced by polyem-
1 embryogenesis, a type of specification of cell fates bryony (asexual mulriplication of embryos similar to
that is fundamentally different in invertebrate larvae the formation of identical rwins in humans) and the
until metamorphosis. miracidia larvae of parasitic flarworrns that arise asexu-
ally from rhe redia stage. Ir has recently been discovered
No single definition is useful for all approaches to the that the oceanic larvae of sorne asteroids can propagare
study of larvae. The ecological definitions have been by budding; the relative importance of sexual and
criticized because sorne encapsulated or brooded stages asexual reproduction in the production of these larvae is
resemble larvae morphologically but do not disperse. unknown.
4 Atlas 01 Marine l n u e r t e b r a t e Larvae

Larvae produced sexually may orrgmate by been suggested (Nielsen, 1995) that an ancestral form
oviparous, ovoviviparous or viviparous development. In resembling a trochophore larva may have given rise to
oviparous development, gametes are spawned into the the metazoan phyla. Trochal larvae may generally be
sea, where embryos and larvae develop without any assigned to one of rwo larval types, each of which is
parental careo This form of development occurs in most characteristic of a major subdivision of the coelomate
phyla (Arthropoda is a notable exception). In ovovivip- metazoans. The spiralian eucoelomates or protostornes,
arous development, embryos are brooded by the parent induding rhe annelids and mollusks, characteristically
but the parent provides no nutrients for development have trochophores or trochophore-like (e.g., veliger)
beyond that invested initially in the egg; the larva is the larvae. Trochophores and veligers have two parallel
first free-living stage. Ovoviviparity is particularly bands of compound cilia, the prototroch and the
common in clonal animals such as bryozoans, hydro- mesotroch. Additional ciliary bands (the meratroch,
zoans, and colonial ascidians, but is also the major mode neurotroch, and telotroch) may also be present, partic-
of development in crustaceans and probably sponges. In ularly in later larval stages. The deuterostome phyla,
viviparous development, nutrients are transferred from incIuding the echinoderms and the hemichordates,
the rnother to the embryo through a direct tissue con- characteristically have larvae with a single ciliary band,
nection. Sorne directly developing ascidians and though the shape of this band may be complex and con-
echinoderms have viviparous development, but this is voluted. In its basic form, this kind of larva has been
the most rare developmental mode in the marine envi- called rhe dipleurula.
ronment. A fourth mode of developmenr, known as Ir is nor uncommon to find larvae with several dif-
mixed development, occurs in the mollusks, flatworms, ferent names in the Iife cycle of a single species.
phoronids, and polychaetes. In mixed developrnenr, Polychaetes may be classified as trochophores early in
eggs are deposited in capsules or gelatinous egg masses larvallife and as nectochaetes [ater on, as segments are
and embryos hatch as larvae. Thus, early developmenral added. Sipunculans have rwo metamorphoses, one that
stages are protected, but the larval stages disperse freely. transforms the trochophore to a pelagosphera larva and
Mixed development differs from ovoviviparity because a second one at the time ofsettlemenr. Mollusk trocho-
in the former, embryos are not brooded within or under phores become veligers with the development of the
rhe parent. larval shell. Bipinnaria larvae ofstarfish become brachio-
laria larvae, with the addition of rhe attachrnent organs
used at settlernenr. In holothurians, there is commonly
a progression from an atrochal virellaria larva to a dolio-
The body forms of invertebrate larvae are spectacularly laria larva, wirh discrete bands of cilia, to an auricularia,
diverse (reviewed by Levin and Bridges, 1995) and a with a single convoluted band of cilia, and finally to a
large number of larval forms have been given specific pentactula, which develops tentacles and tube feet, loses
names (Table 1). Larvae of crustaceans are unciliated the ciliary bands, and takes up a benthic existence.
and move by muscular locomotion, as do the tadpole The larval stages of crustaceans are instars separated
larvae of ascidians and the miracidia larvae of digenean by molting events and designated with individual names
trernatodes (Chia et al., 1984). The majority of larval or numbers. The early instars of brachyuran crabs are
forrns, however, are ciliated. The ultrastructure oflarval known as zoeal stages and the terminal instar, or mega-
ciliary bands and the associated nervous system has been lops, is the juvenile that selects a habitar for settlement.
studied for a number oflarval forms (e.g., Lacalli, 1986) In similar fashion, barnacles have several naupliar instars
and this Íiterature is reviewed by Nielsen (1987). Yolky before molting to the non-feeding cyprid stage prior to
larvae with uniform ciliation, termed atrochal larvae, metamorphosis.
are found in most phyla and are the most common Parasites often have definitive and intermediate hosts,
larval forms among the cnidaria, porifera, and plary- each infected initially by a particular larval formo In a
helminthes. Sorne, including the planula larvae of typical marine digenean fluke, for example, the ciliated
cnidarians, are simple spheres or spheroids, but others, miricidium larva infects a mollusk intermediare host by
including the Müller's larvae of flatworms, are more burrowing into ir. Within rhe intermediate host, the
complex in shape and may have organized ciliary fields miricidium transforms itself and propagates asexually
with cilia of different lengths. Sorne atrochal larvae, to form a second larval form, the cercaria, which leaves
including the amphiblastula larvae of sponges and sorne the host and propels itselfby means of a muscular rail to
polychaete larvae, are ciliated on only a portion of the burrow into the definitive host or to locate a setrlernenr
body. site where it is likely to be eaten. Cycliophorans have
Trochallarvae, which have cilia organized into dis- very complex life cycles with pandora larvae and chor-
crete bands, are found in most phyla. Indeed, it has doid larvae. Rhombozoans, parasitic in the kidneys of
6 Atlas o/ Marine Invertebrate Larvae

cephalopods, have internal vermiform larvae and dis­ unpaired convoluted bands of simple cilia. When indi­
persive, ciliated infusoriform larvae. vidual particles strike cilia of the band, individual cilia
reverse the direction of their beat, deflecting partides
roward the mouth and causing them to concentrare in
the circumoral field. They also capture sorne partides
Larvae have been dassified by nutritional mode, site of without ciliary reversal, apparently by directing the flow
development, dispersal potential, and morphogenesis of partides into the oral region. Cyphonaures larvae of
(Levin and Bridges, 1995), with mode of nutrition anascan bryozoans use stiff cilia of the locomorory band
(Thorson, 1946) being the most often used. The litera­ as a sieve to capture particles, Herbivorous crustacean
ture on larval feeding and nutrition has been reviewed larvae capture particles by means of fine spines and hairs
thoroughly by Strathmann (1987), Han and Strathmann on their locomotory appendages, whereas raptorial crus­
(1995), and Boidron-Metairon (1995). The basic con­ tacean larvae such as megalopae feed on individual prey
cepts are introduced here ro familiarize the reader with items in much the same way as adult crabs, using the
terminology common ro many phyla. A few larval mourhparts to sort the food and chelipeds and peri­
forms, induding sorne cnidarian planulae and ascidian opods to hold the prey and disassemble it.
tadpoles, carry symbiotic algae from which they may
derive sorne of their nutrition. Most larvae, however,
are either plankrotrophic or lecithotrophic.
Lecithotrophic larvae, by definition, rely entirely on
yolk placed in the egg by the mother, whereas plank­ Ecological and behavioral aspects of larval biology gen­
totrophic larvae acquire food during theirdeveloprnent, erally fall outside the scope of the present volume,
either by collecting and concentrating partides or by though many of the chapters give brief descriptions of
absorbing organic molecules from sea water. certain aspects of larval life. The interested reader is
Lecithotrophic larvae tend ro be large, yolky, opaque, referred ro reviews in McEdward (1995) and Giese et al.
and colorful, whereas plankrotrophic larvae are generally (1987 and other volumes in this series) and to the recent
smaller and transparento The traditionally dear distinc­ review oflarval ecology by Morgan (2000) for conveni­
tion between planktotrophy and lecithotrophy has ent portals into this extensive literature.
recently been blurred by the discovery that sorne The behaviors and cues involved in larval habitat
lecithotrophic larvae take up dissolved organic matter. selection and settlernent have been studied extensively
Moreover, sorne species, the so-called facultative plank­ and reviewed many times in the literature (e.g.,
totrophs, are capable of collecting food and will do so if Meadows and Campbell, 1972; Crisp, 1974; Pawlik,
food is available, but have sufficient yolk to complete 1992). Hadfield (1998) has provided a recent overview of
development wirhout feeding if necessary. lf we the development of thought in this field.
recognize thar all species are lecithotrophic at least Metarnorphosis involves multiple physiological
during the embryonic period, larval nutrition may be processes and morphogenetic changes including cell
regarded as a continuum along which the relative dura­ death, resorption of tissues, reorganization of tissues
tions of the feeding and non-feeding periods vary. and organs, activation of organ systems, etc. Sorne of
Most planktotrophic larvae feed on phytoplankton, these processes take place at dramatic speed, whereas
though sorne crustacean and polychaete Íarvae are others, particularly those that require growth and re­
predatory. Ciliated larvae use at least three different organization of tissues, may take longer ro complete.
mechanisms for collecting food particles. Planula larvae Details are summarized for many groups by the authors
of sorne cnidarians and a few polychaete trochophores in Chia and Rice (1978) and many examples are given in
secrete a strand of mucus which is pulled behind the the individual chapters of the preseot volume.
larva like a fishing lineo The strand itself is ingested
along with any adherent particles. Trochophores,
veligers, and related larval forms collect food with paired
bands of cilia and transport the food in a ciliared food Agassiz, A. (1877). North American srarfishes. Mem. Mus. Comp.
Zool. Haruard5, 1-131.
groove that lies between the two bands. The anterior
Boidron-Metairon, LE (1995). Larval nutrition. In Ecology o[
prototroch is comprised of large, compound cilia that Marine Inuertebrate Laruae(ed. L.R. McEdward), pp. 223-248.
funcrion simultaneously in locomotion and particle col­ CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
lection. Particles are deílecred into the food gro ove, Brach, J. (1689). De ovis ostreorum. Ephemer. Acad. Nat. Curo
Dec. 2 Ann. 8, 506-508.
apparently with the aid of a secondary band, the
Chía, ES. (1974). Classification and adaptive significance of
mesotroch, whose function remains poorly understood. developmental patterns in marine invertebrates. Tbalassia
Echinoderm and hemichordate larvae collect food with [ugoslauica 10, 267-284.
A Brief History and Some Fundamentals 7

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Kowalevsky, A. (1867). Enrwicklungsgeschichte der einfachen Naturgesch. 10, 169-178.
Aseidien. Mem. Acad. Sei. Sto PetersbourgIO, 1-19. Scheltema, R.S. (1985). On dispersal and planktonic larvae of
Kowalevsky, A. (1883). !tudes sur l'embryogenie du Dentale. Ann. benthic invertebrates: an eclectic overview and summary of
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Misaki. Zool Mag. 41, 100--105. known as Von Baer's Law; and on the significance of ancestral
8 Atlas oi Marine Ln ue r t e b r a t e Larvae

rudiments in embryonic development. Q. J Microsc. Sci. 36, Comatula; dernonstrative of the Pentacnnus europaeus being the
35-52. young of our indigenous species. Edin. New Phi!. J 20, 296.
Sirnroth, H. (1895). Die Gastropoden der Plankron-Expedirion, Thorson, G. (r946). Reproduction and larval developmenr of
Ergebn. Plankton-Exped 12, 1-202. Danish marine bottorn invertebrates. Meddr Kommn. Danm.
Slabber, M. (1778). Natuurkundige Verlustigingen, Behelzende Fisk. -og Hauunders, Ser. Plankton 4, 1-523.
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Dieren. J. Bosch, Haarlem. bottorn invertebrates. Biol. Rev. 25, 1-45.
Srrathmann, R.R. (1978).The evolution and loss offeeding larval Thorson, G. (1964). Light as an ecological factor in rhe dispersal
stages of marine invertebrates. Evolution 32, 894-906. and scttlement of larvae of marine botrorn invertebrarcs.
Strarhmann, R.R. (r985). Feeding and nonfeeding larval dcvel­ Ophelia 1, 167-208.
opment and life-history evolution in marine inverrcbrares. Underwood, A.J. and Keough, M.J. (2000). Supply-side ecol­
Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 16, 339-36r. ogy. The nature and con sequen ces of variations in recruitment
Srrathmann, R.R. (r987). Larval feeding. In Reproduction o/ of inrerridal organisms. In Marine Community Ecology (eds
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larvae. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 24, 89-II7. erc., in Cionaintestinalis L. wirh remarks on Clavelina legpad­
Thornpson, J,V (1828). On the meramorphoses of rhe crustácea, iformis. Quart.J Micr. Sci. 34, 317-360.
and on zoca, exposing their singular strucrure, and dernon­ Wilson, O.P. (r932). On the mitraria larva of Oweniafusiformis
strating that they are not, as has been supposed, a peculiar Delle Chiaje. Phil. Trans. R. Soco B 221, 231-334.
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Thornpson, J,V (1835). Mernoir on the srar-fish of the genus Academic Press, London and San Diego.


Larval forms depicted by Slabber (1778) in one of the earliest lmown works
on microscopic marine animals
Thisfigure is reproduced in color between pages 606 and 607
The hand-colored plares were drawn by M. Slabber and P.M. Brasser and engraved by R. Mays.
The chapters were originally published in German as 18 separare works berween 1769 and 1778.
A. Larvae of a syllid polychaere being released frorn their morher's brood, from Slabber's Piare X.
B. Magnified view of a syllid larva (A), from Piare X.
C. Serigerous polychaere larva írorn Slabber's Piare XVII.

D Zoea larva of a brachyuran crab frorn Slabber's Piare V Compare wirh Figure 17.2.

E. Nauplius larva of a balanomorph barnacle from Slabber's Piare VI. Compare wirh figure 17.4G
F. Megalops larva of a brachyuran crab frorn Slabber's Piare XVIII. Compare with figure 17.12
G. Nauplius larva of a lepadomorph barnacle frorn Slabber's Piare VIII. Compare wirh figure
H. Shrimp zoea frorn Slabber's Piare V Compare with Figure 17.6
10 Atlas 01 Marine Invertebrate Larvae


Plates aeeompanying the original descriptions oí barnacle and crab

metamorphosis by Thompson (1828, 1830)
A. Cirripede cyprid larva (top middle) and newly metamorphosed barnacles (bottom figures) from
Thompson (1830). Compare with Figures 12.9 D,E.
B. Zoea larva, with detailed drawings of its appendages and mouthparts, from Thompson (1828).
Compare with Figure 12.7.


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Chapter 17

Phylum Ar t h r op o d a : Crustacea

Alan W Haruey, joel W Martín and Regina ~tzer

INTRODUCTION planktivorous at sorne point in their pelagic life.

Lecithotrophy is commonly associated with abbreviated
Ruppert and Barnes (1996: 682) begin their introduc­ development, and in lecithotrophic species, at least
tion ro rhe subphylum Crustacea with the observation sorne of the cephalic appendages are often reduced or
rhat "... crustacean diversity is so great that a descrip­ absent (Figures q.2C-E) (Rabalais and Gore, I985).
tion of a 'rypical' form is impossible," and this is as true In those taxa with planktonic larvae and benrhic
of the larvae as it is of the adults. Furtherrnore, larval adults, there is usually a morphologically distinct tran­
development is known for only a small percentage of sitional phase that settles out of the plankton and
species in five of rhe six recognized elasses of crustaceans, metamorphoses into rhe benthic post-larval phase
and not at all for the elass Rernipedia, which suggests (Figures I7.9-12). Cornpetenr larvae use a wide variety
that biologists have only begun ro sample the existing of chemica! and ractical cues to evaluate potential set­
¡: diversity of crustacean larval types. Thus, the present tlernenr sites (Figure I7.uF), and are commonly able ro

chapter is in no way an exhaustive review of the fasci­
nating larval forms present in the Crustacea. Ir is meant
to be, instead, merely a glimpse oflarval diversity in the
delay metamorphosis in the absence of such cues
(Figure 17.uH) (Crisp, 1974; Harvey, 1996; O'Connor
and Judge, 1999). Curiously, in a number of taxa (such
world's most diverse taxon (Martin and Davis, in press), as cirripedes and pagurid herrnit crabs), the settlernent
Crustacean development can be direct, in which the phase does not feed, which appears to set definite limits
egghatches into a fully formed but miniature version of on the ability of these taxa to delay metamorphosis
me adult (as in most of the superorder Peracarida), or (Lucas et al., 1979; Dawirs, 1981; Harvey and
entirely anarnorphic, in which change berween succes­ Colasurdo,1993).
sive molts consists essentially of increasing body size, The literature contains a vast number of descriptive
adding segments and limbs, and developing existing names for crustacean larval forms. This confusing situ­
limbs. Usually rhere is sorne merarnorphosis, and at ation arose in part because taxonomic names were
times this can be striking. assigned to larval forms before ir was known to which
The larval phase of marine crustaceans typically group they belonged, or often that they were even larvae
ineludes a pelagic phase that usually lasts several weeks. (e.g., Nauplius, Zoea, Megalopa, Glaucothoe, Cerataspis,
In sorne species, however, this planktonic larval phase Eryoneicus, Erichthus, Alima, Phyllosoma, and Amphion).
may last over a year. In many other taxa, particularly Once these organisms were recognized as the larval
those with abbreviated developrnent, the larvae may be stages of other taxa, the now-defuncr generic narne often
exclusively benthic, or spend only a very brief time in became the descriptive name ofthe transitional stage for
che plankron (Figures 17.2A,B) (johnson, 1974; Serfling thar group. This pracrice is fa!ling out of favor, alrhough
and Ford, 1975; Rabalais and Gore, I985). Many crus­ names for particularly distincrive or well-known larvae
tacean larvae are initially lecithotrophic, but most are persisto


ISBN 0-12-373608-0 AlI rights of reproducrion in any forro reserved.

Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae

Typically, crustacean larvae have been grouped broadly anteriorly, A carapace may be present at hatching, or
into three main types, which are identified by the may develop in later stages; its appearance and develop­
appendages primarily responsible for swimming; a 'nau­ ment can be either gradual or abrupto In rhe
plius' swims with its cephalic appendages (Figure 17.rA), a orthonauplius (Figure 17.3), which is rhe typica! form of
'wea with its rhoracic appendages (Figure q.1C), and a newly hatched nauplius, there are initially only three pairs
'megalopa' with its abdominal appendages (Figure 17.1D) of cephalic appendages: antennules, antennae, and
(Williamson, 1969; 1982a). Ecologica!ly, the nauplius and mandibles. The antennules are uniramous and lack a fla­
zoea are usually dispersive phases and rhe megalopa is the gellum, whereas the antennae and mandibles are typically
transitional settlernent phase (bur see Harvey, 1993). biramous. Initially, the rrunk exhibirs no sign of segmen­
The 'nauplius-wea-megalopa' series represents a tarion. A single median eye, visible near rhe anterior
generalized developmental sequence as well, although margin of rhe carapace, is typical bur not universal (e.g.,
most crustaceans do not pass through all three phases. it is lacking in euphausiids; Mauchline and Fisher, 1969).
Thus, carcinologists refer ro these as phases as well as During subsequent rnolrs, rhe trunk develops seg­
types. Within a given developmenral phase, successive rnentation, and rypically rhe remaining cephalic
rnolts in which changes are essenrially anamorphic in appendages and the rhoracic appendages of rhe adults
nature are referred ro as stages (e.g., ZI-Z5 in Figure are added and developed. Once a nauplius develops
17.2A). The number of stages within a phase varies appendages in addition to the three typical pairs of
widely among taxa, and is often but not always fairly cephalic appendages, it is called a meranauplius (Figure
consistent wirhin species (Williamson, 1982a; Gore, 17.4). These additional appendages, not used in loco­
1985). The addition and development of segments and motion, may inc1ude additional head appendages,
appendages during anamorphic development within a which may be rudimentary or functional, as well as
phase usually occurs in an anterior ro posterior direction rudimentary thoracic appendages. In many groups, eggs
(Williamson, 1982a; Schram, 1986). hatch as orthonauplii and beco me metanauplii after one
A free-swimming naupliar phase is known from at ro several molts: in sorne groups, (e.g., cephalocarids,
leasr sorne species in all classes for which developmental Figure 17.4A), eggs hatch directly as metanauplii. Late
information is available. Zoeae and megalopae, as they naupliar stages often develop a pair of compound eyesin
are commonly understood, are restricted ro rhe c1ass addition to rhe naupliar eye.
Malacostraca. In other c1asses, developmental stages rhar Swimming and feeding in rhe nauplius are accom­
swim wirh thoracic appendages typically differ from plished wirh the cephalic appendages. Feeding behaviors
adulrs only in anamorphic derails and are thus consid­ seem to be triggered by chemosensory cues, at leasr in
ered to be juveniles rather rhan zoea larvae (e.g., barnac1es (Anderson, 1994). Nauplii feed on small
copepodids in rhe Copepoda, although Williamson, phytoflagellates, diaroms, and other microplankron
1982a classifies rhese as protozoeae). Megalopae are only (Moyse, 1963; Barker, 1976; Srone, 1989). In a grear
found in the Malacosrraca because true pleopods are many taxa, however, rhe nauplius is a non-feeding
only found in this raxon (Williamson, 1982a). phase, especially in rhe early stages. All nauplii in mala­
costracan taxa (e.g., euphausiids and dendrobranchs)
are lecithotrophic (Gurney, 1942).
There are many variations on this relatively simple
In terms of sheer nurnbers, the crustacean nauplius therne (Figures 17.3, 17-4). The relative size and degree of
(Figures 17.1A, 17.3, 17.4) has been called "the most setation of the cephalic appendages varies considerably
abundant type of multicellular animal on earth" (Fryer, across taxa, as does the shape and armature of rhe cara­
1987). The nauplius is the most prirnirive crusracean pace. There are also more emphatically modified
larval type found in extant crustaceans, and the earliesr naupliar forms. The ostracod nauplius, for exarnple,
free-swimming phase in crustacean development. By far possesses a late rally compressed, bivalved carapace like
the most taxonomically widely disrributed type of crus­ that of the adult (Figure 17.3C). In fact, Cohen and
tacean larva, rhe nauplius has been used as a key feature Morin (1990) argue that ostracods have juveniles, not
that unites rhe entire subphylum Crustacea (Cisne, larvae, because there are no fundamental differences in
1982; Schram, 1986; Walossek and Müller, 1990). rhe morphology, behavior, or habitar of 'larval' and
However, many crusraceans have lost this larval stage, or adult ostracods. Hansen's (1899) 'Y-Iarvae' are peculiar
pass through ir prior to eclosion from rhe egg. nauplii and cyprids (see below) rhat have been known
Across the Crustacea, the nauplius exhibits a surpris­ for more than 100 years, but their raxonomic idenriry is
ingly conservarive morphology (Figure 17.rA) (Dahrns, still unknown (Figure 17.3F). The well-developed
2000). The body is typically covered wirh a dorsal cara­ carapace of a Y-nauplius is divided into a set of
pace, or cephalic shield, which is typically widesr symmetrical plates. There are one or rhree large spines
Phylum Arthropoda: Cr u s t a c e a 339

on me posterior margin of the carapace, and a single in early stages (exceptions are rnost likely to be seen in
median spine that sits anterior to a unique structure speeies with abbreviated developrnent), and often pos­
called the dorsal caudal gland. The function of this sess incisor and molar regions that are discernible but
gland, whose presence in the Y-nauplius is marked by a much less developed than in adults, The maxillule and
slightly raised oval median plate in the carapace, is maxilla are always present in zoeae, though their degree
unknown (Schram, 1970a, 1972). of development varies among taxa (Figures 17.2C-E)
Most nauplii are free-swirnrning, but sorne taxa (Williamson,1982a).
have benthic naupliar stages (e.g., Mystacocarida, Zoeal thoracic appendages are typically biramous.
Cephalocarida, Ostracoda, and sorne harpacticoid Of rhe eight pairs found in adults (the first three pairs
copepods; Dahrns, 2000). Many barnacles reta in correspond to maxillipeds, the last five to pereopods, or
lecirhotrophic nauplii in the parent's mantle cavity, legs), stage 1 zoeae may have as few as only the first pair
releasing thern as cyprids (Anderson, 1986). (e.g., in euphausiids) or as many as all eight, although
this latter is usually only seen in speeies with abbreviated
development. In most taxa, all eight pairs appear by the
final zoeal stage (Figure 17.1C).
(Figures 17.1c' 17.5-8.) The genus Zoea (Bosc, 1802) was The abdomen of stage 1zoeae typically consists of five
created for what turned out to be the planktonic larval segments plus a terminal telson (Figures 17.6C,0, 17.70),
stages of several species of brachyuran crabs. fu biolo­ and the last segment subdivides in the next molt or two
gists began to better understand the Iife-history patterns (Figures 17.50, 17.6A). In sorne groups, the abdomen is
of crustaceans, the term zoea eventually carne ro refer to unsegmented through the first (e.g., 'naupliar malacos­
any crustacean larva with functional thoracic tracans') or most (e.g., Palinuroidea; Figure 17.80) zoeal
appendages, replacing numerous taxon-specific names stages; in a few cases, first-stage zoeae have all six seg­
for the same stage (see Gurney, 1942 and Williamson, ments, and in a few brachyurans, the last abdominal
1969, 1982a for a more complete discussion of these segment is fused ro the telson (Lucas, 1971). The shape of
larval names). Within this broad ter m lies a bewildering the telson varies widely across the Crustácea, often fol­
diversity of shapes, sizes, and ornamentation, for the lowing phylogenetic lines. The terminal margin of the
zoeal body plan is most assuredly not subject to the telson possesses several pairs of 'processes', and often a
same conservatism as that of the nauplius. Here we can single median process. These may be setae, articulated
do little more than summarize the general features of spines, or fused spines, and rheir number, type, and size
zoea larvae, and mention sorne common or striking are often surprisingly constant within a zoeal stage across
variations. crustacean families or even orders. Uropods usually
AII zoeae possess a carapace, which covers the head appear in the third zoeal stages (Figure 17.50), developing
and the anterior portion of the thorax, and a pair of into fully articulated biramous structures over the next
compound eyes, which are almost always sessile in the few molts (Figures 17.6B,E), although there are numerous
first stage and stalked in subsequent stages. A naupliar exceptions. Their appearance and development may be
eye is also found in the early zoeal stages of the accelerated in taxa with abbreviated development (Figure
Amphionidacea, Caridea, and Palinuroidea, as well as of 17.18); they appear more slowly in the Palinuroidea and
those malacostracans that hatch as nauplii, hereafter the Sromatopoda (Figure 17.8B), and are completely
referred to as 'naupliar malacostracans.' absent in most brachyurans, which lack uropods as adults
In early-stage zoeae, the antennular pedunde lacks (Figure 17.7).
flagellae and is unsegmented, except in stomatopods Under the general heading of zoea Íarvae, several dis­
and 'naupliar malacostracans', where it has two or three tinctive names remain in active use in the literature,
segments (Figures 17.5C,0,F, 17.8C); the basal segment either for functional or historical reasons. Several of
is annulated in protozoeal dendrobranchs (e.g., Oshiro these are briefly considered below.
and Omori, 1996). Later zoeal stages may subdivide the
pedunde and add a dorsal flagellum, ventral flagellum, Protozoea and mysis
or both. The antenna is biramous except in storn­ (Figures 17.5C,E,F.) In dendrobranchiate shrirnps, the
atopods (Figures 17.6B,E, 17.8C). The antennal exopod first three zoeal stages are suffieiently different from the
is typically a flattened scale with setose margins (Figures subsequent zoeal stages that they have been given sepa­
17.6B,E); major exceptions are found in the Brachyura, rate names, protozoea and mysis. Unlike the archetypal
where it is normally rod-like (Figure 17.7), and the unre­ zoeae, protozoeae swim with the combined efforts of
lated taxa Palinura, Porcellanidae, and Hippidae, where the antennae and the first two pairs of thoracic
it is a simple spine (Figure 17.80). The mandibles are appendages; the remaining thoracic appendages are
usually at least slightly asymmetrical, usually lack a palp absent or relatively undeveloped. In mysis larvae, the
Atlas o/ Marine l n u e r t e b ra t e Larvae

antennae are no longer used for swimming and most ro The rerminology of rhis transirional form has been quite
all of the rhoracic appendages are well developed. Mysis confusing. Commonly referred ro as posr-Iarvae
larvae are not found in rhe Mysidacea; rhe name reflects (Gurney, 1942), this rerm has fallen into disfavor because
the apparent similariry between lare-srage dendrobranch rhey are clearly disrincr from subsequent juvenile srages.
zoeae and mysid juveniles, in the same way that rhe Like zoea larvae, many of rhese rransirional forms were
cypris larvae ofbarnacles are so named for their similar­ originally described as new species or even genera befare
iry ro the osrracod genus Cypris (Williamson, 1982a). rheir developmenral status was recognized; once rhese
links were established, rhe now-defuncr generic name
Elaphocaris and acanthosoma ofren became rhe name of the rransirional srage for that
In sergesrid shrirnps, rhe prorozoea and the mysis srages group. The earliesr of these, Megalopa (Leach, 1814), is
have a prominenr1y spinose carapace and are called rhe transirional form of a brachyuran crab, and me rerm
elaphocaris and acanthosorna, respecrively. megalopa has beco me (not wirhour conrroversy; see
Felder et al., 1985) the general rerm across the Crustacea
Calyptopis and furcilia for the transitional larval srages where swimming is
(Figures 17.5A,B,D.) As m dendrobranchs, rhe achieved rhrough pleopods (Williamson, 1982a). As
euphausid meranauplius is followed by rwo disrincr mentioned earlier, megalopae are only found in the
zoeal rypes, the calypropis and the furcilia. The calyp­ Malacostraca, Anorher name describing rhis phase in
ropis is characrerized by a carapace rhar covers rhe sessile decapods is 'decapodid' (Kaesrner, 1970).
eyes, an elongared trunk (compared wirh earlier srages), Megalopae are also morphologically intermediare
and progressive segmentarion. There are normally sev­ berween rhe zoeal and juvenile stages, often possessing
eral calypropis srages in euphausids. In rhe furcilia, features characrerisric ofborh in addition to sorne char­
which likewise persisrs rhrough several rnolts, rhe eyes acrers unique ro the megalopa (Rice, 1981). In 'naupliar
are movable and no longer covered by rhe carapace, and rnalacostracans', there is a gradual transition from larval
rhe antennules, thoracic, and abdominal appendages ro adulr morphology from the lare mysid rhrough rhe
develop roward rhe adulr formo Unlike the rnysis, rhe numerous megalopal srages and into the juvenile phases
furcilia conrinues ro swim wirh borh rhe antennae and (Gurney, 1942; Mauchline and Fisher, 1969). Likewise, in
the rhoracic appendages (Mauchline and Fisher, 1969). sorne carideans, the transition from megalopa ro juvenile
is gradual enough that sorne aurhors repon two or rhree
Amphion megalopal srages while orhers question whether the con­
The amphion is rhe larva of Amphionides reynaudi, rhe cepr of a megalopal phase is even applicable (e.g.,
sole species in the order Amphionidacea (Williamson, Haynes, 1976; Rorhlisberg, 1980). In mosr orher groups,
1973). In mosr respects, rhe amphion is similar ro a however, many morphological structures acquire rhe
caridean zoea, differing primarily in that irs relson is basic adulr characrerisric in rhe rnolt ro rhe megalopa,
spatulate in early srages, pointed and possessing only which rhen represents a dramatic meramorphosis from
rwo rerminal spines in larer srages. Ir has hepatic caecae, rhe last zoeal srage. In rhese groups, rhere is normally
and lacks chelae at any srage. only a single megalopal srage, alrhough eryonids have
several (see discussion under eryoneicus below).
Phyllosoma Wirh a variable mix of zoeal and juvenile characters,
One of the largesr and most unusual decapod larval rhe megalopal phase shows even grearer diversity than
forms is rhe phyllosoma (Figures 17.8D,E), a unique does rhe zoeal phase across the Malacosrraca. Generally,
srage shared by members of the relared Palinuridae megalopae have proponionarely larger eyes (hence the
(spiny lobsters) and Scyllaridae (slipper lobsters), Sorne narne) and smaller pereopods rhan do adults, and the
giant phyllosomas have been reponed ro reach 8 cm in carapace is commonly narrower and smoorher. In the
rorallengrh (Roberrson, 1968a). Bur rhis size is decep­ megalopa, rhe abdomen projecrs posreriorly even when ir
rive; rhey are leaflike, flattened, and nearly paper-rhin, is tucked under rhe rhorax in adulrs (i.e., in 'crabs')
possiblyan adapration for riding on the medusae of jel­ (Figure 17.12). Megalopae rypically exhibir complete bilat­
Iyfishes (Thornas, 1963; Herrnkind et al., 1976). eral syrnmetry, even in rhose raxa wirh pronounced
asymmetries as adulrs (e.g., chela asymmerry in homarid
lobsrers, fiddler crabs, and hermir crabs; abdominal asym­
rnetry in hermir crabs), Paguro id hermir crabs (families
(Figures 17.1D; 17.10-12.) Many crusracean groups pos­ Paguridae, Parapaguridae, and Lirhodidae) are un usual
sess an interesring and somewhar intermediare larval in rhis respecr, as their megalopae often have asyrnmetri­
form that serves as a morphological and ecological tran­ cal claws and uropods (e.g., McLaughlin et al., 1988).
sirion from rhe plankronic zoea ro the benrhic adult. In mosr crusraceans, sexual rnaturity is nor reached
PhyLum Ar t b r op o d a : Cr u s t a c e a

until post-juvenile stages. However, ir appears that in of a rype of pelagic lobster, owing ro their huge size and
rhe Amphionidaceae, males matute as megalopae, and the common presence in larger specimens of developing
females reach maturity at the next molt (Williamson, male reproductive structures (Bouvier, 1905; Bernard,
1973), and one shrimp (Discias atLanticus) also apparently 1953). Early eryoneicus larvae swim with thoracic
reaches sexual maturity as a megalopa (Williamson, appendages, and are thus referable ro zoeae; Íater stages
1970). Sexual characrers sometimes develop even prior ro have well-developed pleopods (e.g., Figures 17.roC,D)
the megalopal phase in a few groups (e.g., Palinura). and fit the definition of megalopae in this respect
Several of the numerous names that have been used for (Williamson, 1982a). However, the transitional phase
megalopae at lower taxonomic levels still persist in the lit­ (i.e., megalopa in the ecological sense) has not yet been
erature today, in pan, beca use the organisms bear little idenrified for any eryonid, and in fact no eryoneicus
resemblance ro the archerypal brachyuran megalopa. larva has been conclusively identified ro species.

Antizoea and pseudozoea
In the Euphausiacea, the eyrropia differs from the preced­
(Figures 17.8A-e.) The well-developed raptorial claws of
ing furcilia mainly in that swimming is now done with the
larval stomatopods (mantis shrimps) make thern imme­
pleopods. Thus, the cyrtopia fits the definirion of a mega­
diarely recognizable members of the plankton; although
lopae, bur most carcinologists now consider rhis to be a
newly hatched larvae are lecithotrophic and initially lack
stage in the furcilia phase (e.g., McLaughlin, 1980).
raptorial claws (e.g., Figure 17.8C), these rypically
remain in the parent's burrow (Manning and
Provenzano, 1963). Like rypical zoeae, early larvae of the
These megalopae of sergestid shrimps are noteworthy
family Lysiosquillidae lack pleopods, have uniramous
mostly in that rhey have Íost all traces of the spines that
antennules, as well as five pairs of biramous thoracic
characterize the earlier zoeal phase. One un usual feature
appendages, and are called antizoeae. Other storn­
that characterizes both rhe megalopae and adults of this
atopods hatch as pseudozoeae, which initially possess
group is rhat the fourrh and fifrh pereopods are lost or
only rwo pairs of uniramous thoracopods but do have
greatly reduced.
functional pleopods. Antizoeae and pseudozoeae
develop anamorphically, and Íater stages are called
erichthus larvae in the superfamilies Lysiosquilloidea
(Figures 17.roA,B.) The unique phyllosoma larvae of
and Gonodactyloidea and alima larvae in rhe
Palinuroidea metamorphose into an un usual form of
Squilloidea (Provenzano and Manning, 1978;
megalopa termed rhe puerulus (or nisto, or pseudibacus,
Williamson, 1982a). The funcrional pleopods of the
in the family Scyllaridae). This phase is similar in form
pelagic erichthus and alima stages technically qualify
to rhe benthic adult, bur is transparent, with a srnooth,
thern as megalopae. However, borh erichthus and alima
decalcified cara pace and large, serose pleopods.
larvae are followed by a disrincr transitional form that is
the ecological and morphological equivalent of the
megalopal phase in other malacostracans (Schram,
As Schram (1986) observes, not all known rypes of crus­ The naupliar phase of the subclass Thecostraca (bar­
tacean larvae can be easily placed in a functional nacles and rheir relatives) concludes with a
'nauplius-zoea-megalopa' classification. Most arnbigu­ rnetamorphic molt ro a cyprid phase (Figures 17.1B,
ous cases involve gradual transitions berween phases, or 17.9), which firs the broad definirion of a zoea but is
else reflect conflicts between the functional and ecolog­ functionally more analogous to the megalopa. The
ical components (e.g., a larva that swims with its cephalic appendages of the nauplius are lacking except
thoracic appendages but represents rhe transitional set­ for well-developed antennules, which the cyprid uses ro
dement stage). Several examples are described below. walk on the substrate in search of a suitable attachrnent
site. In addition, the cyprid possesses six pairs of tho­
Eryoneicus racic appendages. The fusiform cephalic shield now
Eryoneicus (Figures 17.roC,D) is the remarkable larva of encloses the body, but normally lacks a middorsal hinge,
an eryonid lobster (family Polychelidae). With a maxi­ unlike its ostracod namesake. A pair of compound eyes
mum-recorded size of over 6 cm, these crustacean larvae accompanies rhe naupliar eye. The cyprid does not feed,
ate exceeded in length only by sorne of the giant phyl­ and swims using irs thoracic appendages, as do zoeae
losomes, but rheir nearly spherical cara pace makes them (Anderson, 1994).
far more massive than any paper-thin phyllosoma. However, like a megalopa, the cyprid represents a
Eryoneicus larvae were long considered ro be rhe adults transition between the free-swimming larva and the
Atlas o/ Marine Invertebrate Larvae

benthic adult, and is responsible for locating suirable chogon is shed, forming a plug thar prevents rhe entry
habitar for rhe sessile post-larval phase (Figure 17.90) of subsequent trichogons into the same receptacle. The
(Anderson, 1994). Cyprids vary widely among species in trichogon eventually reaches the lumen of the receptade
rhe nature and precision of the cues they use to assess where irs germinative cells mature into spermatogonia
potential settlernenr sites (Crisp and Meadows, 1963; (it is unclear whether male sornatic tissue also survives
Lewis, 1978; Chabot and Bourget, 1988;Raimondi, 1988; and functions wirhin the receptacle). The trichogon
Young, 1991). The inability of non-feeding cyprids ro remains with the female for rhe remainder of her life­
replenish their energy reserves may consrrain the time time (Hoeg, 1987).
available to search for a suitable setrlement site; in sorne A few 'Ycyprids' have been found developing within
sessile barnacles (Balanomorpha), it appears rhar older Y-nauplii or collecred from the plankton (McMurrich,
cyprids become less discriminating regarding settlernent 1917; Schram, 1970b; Ito, 1989). These distinctive
sites (Crisp and Meadows, 1963). cyprids (Figure 17.9B) have a plated carapace that does
In most barnacles, a newly settled cyprid undergoes a not cover the abdomen, which is also covered with
rapid and profound metarnorphosis into a sessile juven­ plates posteriorly and possesses a pair of morpholcgi­
ile barnacle. Ouring rhis metamorphosis, the animal cally complex caudal ramio fu in cirripedes, the Y-cypris
changes its orientation from dorsal to head-down, the has six pairs of biramous thoracic appendages, and the
carapace and compound eyes are lost, and rudimenrs of only cephalic appendages present are rhe antennules,
rhe capitular platcs appear. In those rhizocephalan bar­ although these differ considerably between the twO
nades known as kentrogonids, however, settlernent of types of cyprids (Figures 17·1B, 17.9B).
rhe cyprid on a suitable hosr leads not to a juvenile bar­
nacle, but to one of two unique larval forrns, the
kentrogon and the trichogon.
We rhank Craig Young for inviting us to contribute to
Kentrogon rhis atlas, and Shane Ahyong, Roy Caldwell, Anne
An individual femal e kentrogonid rhizocephalan can Cohen, Jens Hoeg, and Dieter Walossek for helpful dis­
produce either small or large eggs, which develop into cussions. Jens Hoeg improved the section on cyprids.
small or large larvae. Cyprids that develop from small This work was supported in part by the National
eggs settle on a suitable host and develop into en dopar­ Science Foundation via the following grants:
asitic females, whereas cyprids from large eggs setrle on OEB-9996I62, from the Systernatic Biology program,
juvenile externae as males. Once a female cyprid settles to A.W Harvey; OEB 9972IOO, from the Biotic Surveys
on a host, it molts into a unique attachment stage, and Inventories program, to T.L. Zimmerman and].W
known as a kentrogon. In sorne species, the kentrogon Martin: OEB 9978193, from the PEET initiative of me
retains nearly all cypris organs except the thorax, but in Systernatic Biology program, to J.W Martin and D.K.
others rhe kentrogon keeps only those structures specif­ Jacobs.
ically needed to perform its function. The kentrogon
rapidly develops a piercing sryler rhrough which the
kentrogon injects yet another instar called the vermigon.
This motile, worrn-shaped stage has an exceedingly Anderson,D.T. (1986). The cireumtropical barnacle Tetraclitella
divisa (Nilsson-Cantell) (Balanomorpha, "letracliridae): cirral
simple structure that includes only a few types of cells,
activiry and larval development. Proc. Linn. Soco New S. mzles
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Rupperr. E.E. and Barnes, R.D. (r996). [nuertebrate Zoo!ogy, 6th Williamson, D.l. (r973). Amphionides reynaudii (H. Milne
edn. pp. 682. Saunders College Publishing, Fort Worth. Edwards), represenrarive of a proposed new order of eucaridan
Sanders, H.L. (1963). The Cephalocarida: functional morphology, Malacostraca. Crustaceana 25, 35-50.
larval developmenr, comparative external anatomy. Mem. Williamson, D.!. (r982a). Larval morphology and diversity. In
Conn. Acad. Sci. 15, 1-80. The Bio!ogy ofCrustacea, Vo!. 2. Embryo!ogy, Morpho!ogy, and
Schram, TA. (1970a). On rhe enigrnaticallarva nauplius Y type 1. Genetics (ed. L.G. Abele), pp. 43-IlO. Academic Prcss, New
Sarsia 45, 53- 68. York.
Schram, TA. (r970b). Marine biological investigations in the Williarnson, D.!. (1982b). The larval characters of Dorhynchus
Bahamas 14. Cypris Y, a later developmenral stage of nauplius thomsoniThomson (Crustacea, Brachyura, Majoidea) and their
Y. Sarsia44, 9- 24. evoluciono j. Natl Hist. 16, 727-744.
Schram, T.A. (r972). Further records of nauplius Y type I~ from Young, B.L. (r991). Spartina axil zones: preferred setdernenr sites
Scandinavian warers, Sarsia 50, 1-24. of barnac1es. j. Exp. Mar. Bio!. Eco!. 151, 71-82.
Atlas 01 Marine Invertebrate Larvae

Examples of primary types of crustacean larvae

A. Generalized nauplius, ventral view. (Reproduced with permission from Dahrns, 2000.)
B. Cyprid of Semibalanus balanoides (family Archaeobalanidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm.
(Reproduced with permission from Walley, 1969.)
C. Zoea of Coenobita compressus (family Coenobitidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Reproduced with permission fróftl Brodie and Harvey, 2001.)
O. Megalopa of Notomithrax minor (family Majidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Reproduced
with permission from Wear and Fielder, 1985.)
\ Carapace Naupliar Eye

\ '", y -,,, - - - - - ;/
Naupliar Eye


e Antennule
~ Antenna

Maxilliped 3 Maxilliped 1



'T". '
Antenna -­1/
{ Pleopods

Pereopods 2-5

Atlas o/ Marine l n u e r t e b ra t e La r u a e


Typical and abbreviated development in congeneric crustaceans (family

Coenobitidae; A,B) and examples of reduced feeding structures

in lecithotrophic larvae (C-E)

A. Planktotrophic zoeal developrnenr in Coenobita compressus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1.0 mm.
ZI-Z5: Zoea stage 1-5. (Reproduced with permission from Brodie and Harvey, 2001.)
B. Lecithotrophic zoeal development in Coenobita uariabilis, dorsal view. The two species are
similar as megalopae (shown here) and as adults. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. (Reproduced with
permission from Harvey, 1992.)
C. Maxillule in first stage zoea of C. compressus. Scale bar: 0.25 mm. (Reproduced with permission
from Brodie and Harvey, 2001.)
D. Maxillule in fifth zoea of C. compressus. Scale bar: 0.25 mm. (Reproduced with permission from
Brodie and Harvey, 2001.)
E. Maxillule in first stage zoea of C. uariabilis. Scale bar: 0.25 mm. (Reproduced with permission
from Harvey, 1992.)


\ l'

i I

I '
1/ ,1"
" .;"
35° Atlas o/ Marine l n u e r t e b ra t e Larvae

Examples of orthonauplius larvae

A. First stage nauplius of Hemicyclops japonicus (family Clausidiidae), ventral view. Scale bar: 30
flm. (Reproduced with permission from Itoh and Nishida, 1997.)
B. Second stage nauplius of Paramphiascella jUlvofasciata (family Harpacticoida), ventral view.
Scale bar: 30 flm. (Reproduced with permission írom Dahrns, 2000.)
C. First stage nauplius of Cypris fasciata (family Cyprididae), lateral view. Scale bar: 30 flm.
(Reproduced with permission from Dahrns, 2000.)
D. First stage nauplius of Trachypenaeus (family Penaeidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.3 mm.
(Reproduced with permission from Subrahmanyam, 1971.)
E. Sixth stage larva of Baccalaureus falsiramus (family Ascorhoracidae), ventral view, Scale bar: 0.1
mm. (Reproduced with permission from Dahrns, 2000.)
F. 'Type VI' Y-nauplius from Greenland (infraclass Facetotecta), dorsal (left) and ventral view.
Scale bar: 0.1 mm. (Reproduced with permission from Grygier, 1987.)
352 Atlas o/ Marine Ln u e r t e b r a t e Larvae


Examples of nauplius larvae

A. Third stage larva (metanauplius) of Hutchinsoniella macracantba (family Hutchinsoniellidae),

ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. (Reproduced with permission from Sanders, 1963.)
B. Larva (metanauplius) of Thysanopoda tricuspidata (family Euphausiidae), dorsal view. Scale bar:
0.25 mm. (Reproduced with permission from Knight, 1973.)
C. Larva (rnetanauplius) of Euphausia pacifica (family Euphausiidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.2
mm. (Reproduced with permission from Suh et al., 1993.)
D. First stage larva (metanauplius) of the Upper Cambrian fossil maxillopod Bredocaris
admirabilis, ventral view. Scale bar: 50 ~m. (Scanning electron micrograph courtesy of Dieter
E. Larva (orthonauplius) of an unidentified barnacle collected from plankton in the Bahamas,
ventral view. Magnification unknown. (Photograph by C.M. Young.)
F. First stage larva (metanauplius) of Derocheilocaris typicus (family Derocheilocarididae), ventral
view. Scale bar: 50 ~m. (Reproduced with permission from Hessler and Sanders, 1966.)
G. Larva (orthonauplius) of Pollicipes polymerus (family Pollicipedidae) from the San Juan Islands,
Washington, ventral view. Nauplii in this species range in length from approximately 0.2-0.6
mm (Lewis, 1975). (Phorograph by C.M. Young.)
B \J e

\ /

?1 ­
354 Atlas o/ Marine Ln u e r t e b r a t e Larvae

Euphausiid and dendrobranch zoeae

A. Calyptopis of euphausiid (family Euphausiidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm. (Photograph
by Jocelyne Martin/IFREMER.)
B. Fureilia of euphausiid (family Euphausiidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm. (Photograph by
Jocelyne Martin/IFREMER.)
C. Third stage protozoea of Gennadas (family Penaeidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Reproduced with permission from Subrahmanyam and Gunter, 1970.)
D. Third stage calyptopis of Thysanopoda tricuspidata (family Euphausiidae), dorsal view. Scale
bar: 0.25 mm. (Reproduced wirh permission from Knight, 1973.)
E. Mysis of penaeoid shrimp (order Dendrobranchia), dorsal view. Body length approxirnarely 3
mm. (Photograph by Peter Parks/Drawing Quest 3-D.)
F. Third stage mysis of Solenocera (family Penaeidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Drawing
reproduced with permission after Subrahmanyam, 1971.)
Atlas o/ Marine Invertebrate Larvae

Zoeae of Caridea, Thalassinidea, and Anomura
A. Third stage zoea of Crangon crangon (family Crangonidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Photograph by jocelyne Martin/IFREMER.)
B. Fourth stage zoea of Callichirus major (family Callianassidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Reproduced with permission fram Strasser and Felder, 1999.)
C. First stage zoea of Galathea dispersa (family Galatheidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Photograph by jocelyne Martin/IFREMER.)
D. First stage zoea of Albunea carabis (family Albuneidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Repraduced with permission fram Seridji, 1988.)
E. Ninth stage zoea of Latreutcs laminirostris (family Hippolytidae), dorsal (upper) and lateral
view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Reproduced with permission fram Kim and Hong, 1999.)
F. First stage zoea of Pisidia longicornis (family Porcellanidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Photograph by Jocelyne Martin/IFREMER.)
Atlas o/ Marine Invertebrate Larvae

Zoeae of brachyuran crabs

A. First stage zoea of Dromia wilsoni (family Drorniidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm.
(Reproduced with perrnission fram Wear and Fielder, 1985.)
B. Second stage zoea of Philyra platychira (family Leucosiidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm.
(Repraduced with permission fram Ko, 2000.)
C. First zoeal stage of Notomithrax minor (family Majidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Repraduced with permission fram Wear and Fielder, 1985.)
D. Zoea of Tetralia (family Xanthidae), dorsal view. Length fram tip of rastrum to tip of dorsal
spine: 6.4 mm (George and John, 1975).
E. First zoeal stage of Homola barbata (family Homolidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm.
(Reproduced fram Williamson, 1982b.)
F. Second zoeal stage of Dorhynchus thomsoni (family Majidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Repraduced with permission fram Williamson, 1982b.)
G. Third stage zoea of Thia scutellata (family Thiidae), anterolateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Photograph by Jocelyne Martin/IFREMER.)
H and I. Unidentified brachyuran zoeae fram the Bahamian plankron. Magnifications unknown.
(Photographs by C.M. Young.)
J. Unidentified brachyuran zoea fram the plankton at Friday Harbor, Washington, frantal view,
showing carapace spines. Magnification unknown. (Photograph by C.M. Young.)

( Spine




Rostral Spine
Atlas o/ Marine l n u e r t e b r a t e Larvae


Atypical zoeal forms

A. Pseudozoea of a stornatopod (superfamily SquiIloidea), ventral view. Body lengrh

approximately 3 mm. (Phorograph by Peter Parks/Orawing Quest 3-D.)
B. Fifth pseudozoeal stage (second pelagic stage) of Gonodactylus oerstedii (family
Conodacrylidae), lateral view. Scale bar: LO mm. (Reproduced with permission from
Provenzano and Manning, 1978.)
C. Antizoea of Coronis scolopendra (family Lysiosquillidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm.
(Reproduced with permission from Rodrigues and Manning, 1992).
D. Fourth stage phyIlosoma of Tbenus orientalis (family SeyIlaridae), ventral view. Scale bar: 0.25
mm. (Reproduced with permission from Barnett et al., 1984.)
E. Early stage phyllosorna collected from plankton in the Baharnas, probably of Panulirus argus
(family Palinuridae), dorsal view. Body length 3mm. (Photograph by C.M. Young.)
Atlas 01 Marine l n u e r t e b r a t e Larvae


A. Typical balanomorph cyprids (superorderThoracica.) Scale bar: 0.25 mm. (Photograph by

Jocelyne Martin/IFREMER.)
B. Cypris Y-larvaof Hansenocaris ftrcifera (infraclass Facetotecra), in dorsal (Ieft) and lateral view.
Scale bar: 0.1 mm. (Reproduced with permission from Ito, 1989.)
C. Dendrogaster defOrmator (family Dendrogasteridae), lateral view. Collected from adult
parasitizing the asreroid Novodinea antillensis at bathyal depths in the Bahamas. Scale bar: 0.25
mm. (Photograph by CM. Young.)
O. Cyprid larva of the barnacle Balanus ampbitrite, with thoracic appendages extended. Scale bar:
0.25 mm. (Photograph by CM. Young.)
E. Dense aggregation of settling balanomorph cyprids (probably Balanus glandula) (family
Balanidae) near Friday Harbor, Washington. Carapace length of cyprids in B. glandula is
0.6-0.7 mm (Brown and Roughgarden, 1985.) (Photograph by CM. Young.)
Atlas 01 Marine Invertebrate Larvae

FIGURE 17.10

Megalopae of the infraorder Palinura

A. Puerulus of Scyllarus americanus (family Scyllaridae), lateral view. Scale bar: 1.0 mm.
(Reproduced with permission from Robertson, 1968b.)
B. Puerulus of Projasus (family Palinuridae), lateral view. Scale bar: 10.0 mm. (Reproduced with
permission from Webber and Booth, 1988.)
C. Eryoneicus larva of polychelid lobster (family Polychelidae), lateral view, Scale bar: 10.0 mm.
(Photograph by R. Meier, from a speeimen in the collections of the Natural History Museum
ofLos Angeles County.)
D. Same specimen as in C, dorsal view. Scale bar: 10.0 mm.
Atlas o/ Marine Ln u e r t e b r a t e Larvae


Megalopae ofThalassinidea and Anomura (A-e) and settlement by

hermit crab megalopae (D-G)
A. Callichirus major (family Callianassidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Reproduced with
permission from Srrasser and Felder, 1999.)
B. Lepidopa benedicti (family Albuneidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: LO mm. (Reproduced with
permission from Stuck and Truesdale, 1986.)
C. Allopetrolisthes angulosus (family Porcellanidae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Reproduced
with permission from Wehrtmann et al., 1996.)
D. Swimming megalopa of Pagurus brevidactylus (family Paguridae), lateral view. Scale bar: LO
mm. (Phorograph by A.W Harvey.)
E. Megalopa P. brevidactylus walking on the substrate, dorsal view. Megalopae commonly make a
gradual transition from being primarily pelagic ro primarily benthic. Scale bar: LO mm.
(Phorograph by A.W Harvey.)
F. Initial investigation of a gasrropod shell by a megalopa P. brevidactylus. Shells are essential to
post-larval survival in most hermit crabs. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Photograph byA.W Harvey.)
G. Megalopa of Coenobita variabilis (family Coenobitidae), occupying a gastropod shell. Scale bar:
LO mm. (Phorograph by A.W. Harvey.)

H. Delayed metamorphosis of megalopae in the absence of required post-larval cues. Two same­
age siblings of Clibanarius longitarsus (family Diogenidae), 6 weeks aíter becoming megalopae.
The large specimen on rhe right received a gastropod shell 5 weeks earlier, metamorphosed a
week later, and is a sixth stage juvenile. The small specimen on the left has not received a shell,
and is still a swimming megalopa. Scale bar: LO mm. (Photograph by A.W Harvey.)
Atlas o/ Marine I n u e r t e b r a t e Larvae

FIGURE 17.12

Megalopae of brachyuran crabs

A. Dromia wilsoni (Dromiidae), dorsal view, Scale bar: 0.25 mm. (Reproduced with permission
from Wear and Fielder, 1985.)
B. Cancer nouaezelandiae (Cancridae), dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Reproduced with
permission from Wear and Fielder, 1985.)
e and D. Menippe adina (family Xanthidae), in dorsal (C) and lateral (D) view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
(Reproduced wirh permission from Martin et al., 1985.)
E. Paramolapetterdi (family Homolidae), lateral view. Scale bar: 2.0 mm. (Reproduced with
permission from Wear and Fielder, 1985.)
F. Sesarmaguttatum (family Grapsidae.) Scale bar: 0.2 mm. (Reproduced with permission from
Pereyra Lago, 1993.)
G. Pisa sp. (family Majidae.) Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Photograph by Jocelyne Martin/IFREMER.)

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