Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPS) Using Search

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Solving Constraint Satisfaction

Problems (CSPs) using Search

Alan Mackworth

UBC CS 322 – CSP 2

January 28, 2013

Textbook § 4.3-4.4
Lecture Overview

•  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs):

Definition and Recap

•  CSPs: Motivation

•  Solving CSPs
-  Generate & Test
-  Graph search

Course Overview Course Module
Environment Reasoning
Deterministic Stochastic Technique
Problem Type
Constraint Consistency
Satisfaction Variables + Search
Logics Networks
Logic Uncertainty
Search Variable

Sequential Decision
STRIPS Networks
Planning Variable Decision
Search Elimination Theory
Now focus Markov Processes
on CSPs Iteration 3
Standard Search vs. CSP
•  First studied general state space search in isolation
–  Standard search problem: search in a state space

•  State is a “black box” - any arbitrary data structure that

supports three problem-specific routines:
–  goal test: goal(state)
–  finding successor nodes: neighbors(state)
–  if applicable, heuristic evaluation function: h(state)

•  We’ll see more specialized versions of search for various


Search in Specific R&R Systems
•  Constraint Satisfaction Problems:
–  State
–  Successor function
–  Goal test
–  Solution
–  Heuristic function
•  Planning :
–  State
–  Successor function
–  Goal test
–  Solution
–  Heuristic function
•  Inference
–  State
–  Successor function
–  Goal test
–  Solution
–  Heuristic function
Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): Definition
A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) consists of:
•  a set of variables V
•  a domain dom(V) for each variable V ∈V
•  a set of constraints C

Simple example: Another example:

•  V = {V1} •  V = {V1,V2}
–  dom(V1) = {1,2,3,4} –  dom(V1) = {1,2,3}
•  C = {C1,C2} –  dom(V2) = {1,2}
–  C1: V1 ≠ 2 •  C = {C1,C2,C3}
–  C2: V1 > 1 –  C1: V2 ≠ 2
–  C2: V1 + V2 < 5
–  C3: V1 > V2
Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): Definition
A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) consists of:
•  a set of variables V
•  a domain dom(V) for each variable V ∈V
•  a set of constraints C
A model of a CSP is an assignment of values to all of
its variables that satisfies all of its constraints.

Simple example:
•  V = {V1} All models for this CSP:
–  dom(V1) = {1,2,3,4} {V1 = 3}
•  C = {C1,C2} {V1 = 4}
–  C1: V1 ≠ 2
–  C2: V1 > 1 7
Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): Definition
A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) consists of:
•  a set of variables V
•  a domain dom(V) for each variable V ∈V
•  a set of constraints C
A model of a CSP is an assignment of values to all of
its variables that satisfies all of its constraints.
Another example:
Which are models for this CSP?
•  V = {V1,V2}
–  dom(V1) = {1,2,3} {V1=1, V2=1}
–  dom(V2) = {1,2}
{V1=2, V2=1}
•  C = {C1,C2,C3}
–  C1: V2 ≠ 2 {V1=3, V2=1}
–  C2: V1 + V2 < 5
{V1=3, V2=2} 8
–  C3: V1 > V2
Possible Worlds
A possible world of a CSP is an assignment of
values to all of its variables.

A model of a CSP is an assignment of values to all of
its variables that satisfies all of its constraints.
i.e. a model is a possible world that satisfies all constraints
Another example: Possible worlds for this CSP:
•  V = {V1,V2} {V1=1, V2=1}
–  dom(V1) = {1,2,3} {V1=1, V2=2}
–  dom(V2) = {1,2} {V1=2, V2=1} (a model)
•  C = {C1,C2,C3} {V1=2, V2=2}
–  C1: V2 ≠ 2 {V1=3, V2=1} (a model)
–  C2: V1 + V2 < 5 {V1=3, V2=2}
–  C3: V1 > V2
•  Constraints are restrictions on the values that one or more
variables can take
–  Unary constraint: restriction involving a single variable
•  E.g.: V2 ≠ 2
–  k-ary constraint: restriction involving k different variables
•  E.g. binary (k=2): V1 + V2 < 5
•  E.g. 3-ary: V1 + V2 + V4 < 5
•  We will mostly deal with binary constraints
–  Constraints can be specified by
1.  listing all combinations of valid domain values for the variables
participating in the constraint V V
1 2
–  E.g. for constraint V1 > V2 2 1
and dom(V1) = {1,2,3} and
3 1
dom(V2) = {1,2}:
3 2

2.  giving a function (predicate) that returns true if given values

for each variable which satisfy the constraint else false: V1 > V2
–  Constraints can be specified by
1.  listing all combinations of valid domain values for the variables
participating in the constraint V 1 V 2
–  E.g. for constraint V1 > V2
2 1
and dom(V1) = {1,2,3} and
dom(V2) = {1,2}: 3 1
3 2

2.  giving a function that returns true when given values

for each variable which satisfy the constraint: V1 > V2

•  A possible world satisfies a set of constraints

–  if the values for the variables involved in each constraint are
consistent with that constraint
1.  They are elements of the list of valid domain values
2.  Function returns true for those values
–  Examples
•  {V1=1, V2=1} (does not satisfy above constraint)
•  {V1=3, V2=1} (satisfies above constraint) 11
Scope of a constraint
The scope of a constraint is the set of variables that
are involved in the constraint

•  Examples:
–  V2 ≠ 2 has scope {V2}
–  V1 > V2 has scope {V1,V2}
–  V1 + V2 + V4 < 5 has scope {V1,V2,V4}

•  How many variables are in the scope of a k-ary constraint ?

k variables

Finite Constraint Satisfaction
Problem: Definition
A finite constraint satisfaction problem (FCSP) is a CSP
with a finite set of variables and a finite domain for
each variable.

We will only study finite CSPs here but many of the

techniques carry over to countably infinite and continuous
domains. We use CSP here to refer to FCSP.

The scope of each constraint is automatically finite since it

is a subset of the finite set of variables.

Examples: variables, domains, constraints
•  Crossword Puzzle:
–  variables are words that have to be filled in
–  domains are English words of correct length
–  (binary) constraints: words have the same
letters at cells where they intersect

•  Crossword 2:
–  variables are cells (individual squares)
–  domains are letters of the alphabet
–  k-ary constraints: sequences of letters form valid English words
(k= 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

Examples: variables, domains, constraints

•  Sudoku
–  variables are cells
–  domain of each variable is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
–  constraints: rows, columns, boxes contain all different numbers
•  How many possible worlds are there? (say, 53 empty cells)
53*9 539 953
•  How many models are there in a typical Sudoku?
About 253 1 953 15
Examples: variables, domains, constraints
•  Scheduling Problem:
–  variables are different tasks that need to be scheduled
(e.g., course in a university; job in a machine shop)
–  domains are the different combinations of times and locations for
each task (e.g., time/room for course; time/machine for job)
–  constraints: tasks can't be scheduled in the same location at the
same time; certain tasks can't be scheduled in different locations at
the same time; some tasks must come earlier than others; etc.

•  n-Queens problem
–  variable: location of a queen on a chess board
•  there are n of them in total, hence the name
–  domains: grid coordinates
–  constraints: no queen can attack another

Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Variants
•  We may want to solve the following problems with a CSP:
–  determine whether or not a model exists
–  find a model
–  find all of the models
–  count the number of models
–  find the best model, given some measure of model quality
•  this is now an optimization problem
–  determine whether some property of the variables holds in all

Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems

•  Even the simplest problem of determining whether or not a

model exists in a general CSP with finite domains is NP-
–  There is no known algorithm with worst case polynomial runtime.
–  We can't hope to find an algorithm that is polynomial for all CSPs.

•  However, we can try to:

–  find efficient (polynomial) consistency algorithms that reduce the
size of the search space
–  identify special cases for which algorithms are efficient
–  work on approximation algorithms that can find good solutions
quickly, even though they may offer no theoretical guarantees
–  find algorithms that are fast on typical (not worst case) cases
Lecture Overview

•  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs):

Definition and Recap

•  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): Motivation

•  Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)

-  Generate & Test
-  Graph search

CSP/logic: formal verification

Hardware verification Software verification

(e.g., IBM) (small to medium programs)

Most progress in the last 10 years based on:

Encodings into propositional satisfiability (SAT)
The Propositional Satisfiability Problem (SAT)
•  Formula in propositional logic
–  i.e. it only contains propositional (Boolean) variables
–  Shorthand notation: x for X=true, and ¬x for X=false
–  Literal: x, ¬x

•  In so-called conjunctive normal form (CNF)

–  Conjunction of clauses (disjunctions of literals)
–  E.g., F = (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3) ∧ (¬x1 ∨ ¬x2 ∨ ¬x3) ∧ (¬x1 ∨ ¬x2 ∨ x3)

–  Let’s write F as a CSP:

•  3 variables: X1, X2, X3
•  Domains: for all variables {true, false}
•  Constraints (clauses):
(x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3)
(¬x1 ∨ ¬x2 ∨ ¬x3)
(¬x1 ∨ ¬x2 ∨ x3)
•  One of the models: X1 = true, X2 = false, X3 = true 21
Importance of SAT
•  Similar problems as in CSPs
–  Decide whether F has a model
–  Find a model of F

•  First problem shown to be NP-hard problem (3-SAT)

–  One of the most important problems in theoretical computer
•  Is there an efficient (i.e. worst-case polynomial) algorithm for SAT?
–  I.e., is NP = P?
•  SAT is a deceptively simple problem!
•  Important in practice: encodings of formal verification
–  Software verification: finding bugs in Windows etc.
–  Hardware verification: verify computer chips (IBM, Intel big players)

SAT Solvers
•  Building algorithms and software that perform well in
–  On the type of instances they face
•  Software and hardware verification instances
•  100,000s of variables, millions of constraints
•  Runtime: seconds!
–  But: there are classes of instances where current algorithms fail
•  International SAT competition (
–  About 40 solvers from around the world compete, bi-yearly
–  Best solver in 2007 and 2009:

SATzilla: a SAT solver monster

(combines many other SAT solvers)
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown
(all from UBC)
Lecture Overview

•  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs):

Definition and Recap

•  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): Motivation

•  Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)

-  Generate & Test
-  Graph search

Generate and Test (GT) Algorithms
•  Systematically check all possible worlds
-  Possible worlds: cross product of domains
dom(V1) × dom(V2) × ... × dom(Vn)

•  Generate and Test:

-  Generate possible worlds one at a time
-  Test constraints for each one.
Example: 3 variables A,B,C
For a in dom(A)
For b in dom(B)
For c in dom(C)
if {A=a, B=b, C=c} satisfies all constraints
return {A=a, B=b, C=c}
Generate and Test (GT) Algorithms
•  If there are k variables, each with domain size d, and
there are c constraints, the complexity of Generate &
Test is

O(ckd) O(ckd) O(cdk) O(dck)

-  There are dk possible worlds
-  For each one need to check c constraints

Lecture Overview

•  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs):

Definition and Recap

•  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): Motivation

•  Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)

-  Generate & Test
-  Graph search

CSP as a Search Problem: one formulation
•  States: partial assignment of values to variables
•  Start state: empty assignment
•  Successor function: states with the next variable assigned
–  E.g., follow a total order of the variables V1, …, Vn
–  A state assigns values to the first k variables:
•  {V1 = v1,…,Vk = vk }
•  Neighbors of node {V1 = v1,…,Vk = vk }:
nodes {V1 = v1,…,Vk = vk, Vk+1 = x} for each x ∈ dom(Vk+1)

•  Goal state: complete assignments of values to variables

that satisfy all constraints
–  That is, models
•  Solution: assignment (the path doesn’t matter)

CSP as Graph Searching

V1 = v1 V1 = vk

V1 = v1 V1 = v1 V1 = v1
V2 = v1 V2 = v2 V2 = vk

V1 = v1 V1 = v1
V2 = v1 V2 = v1
V3 = v1 V3 = v2
Which search algorithm would be most
appropriate for this formulation of CSP?

Depth First Search

Least Cost First Search


None of the above

Relationship To Search
•  The path to a goal isn’t important, only the solution is

•  Heuristic function: “none”

-  All goals are at the same depth

•  CSP problems can be huge

-  Thousands of variables
•  Exponentially more search states
-  Exhaustive search is typically infeasible

•  Many algorithms exploit the structure provided by the

goal ⇒ set of constraints, *not* black box
Backtracking algorithms
•  Explore search space via DFS but evaluate each
constraint as soon as all its variables are bound.

•  Any partial assignment that doesn’t satisfy the

constraint can be pruned.

•  Example:
-  3 variables A, B, C each with domain {1,2,3,4}
-  {A = 1, B = 1} is inconsistent with constraint A ≠ B
regardless of the value of the other variables
⇒ Fail! Prune!
CSP as Graph Searching
Check unary constraints on V1 {}
If not satisfied = PRUNE
V1 = v1 V1 = vk
Check constraints on V1
and V2 If not satisfied =
V1 = v1
V1 = v1
V1 = v1 V2 = vk
V2 = v1
V2 = v2

V1 = v1 V1 = v1
V2 = v1 V2 = v1
V3 = v1 V3 = v2
CSP as Graph Searching
Check unary constraints on V1 {}
If not satisfied = PRUNE
V1 = v1 V1 = vk
Check constraints on V1
and V2 If not satisfied =
V1 = v1
V1 = v1
V1 = v1 V2 = vk
V2 = v1
V2 = v2

V1 = v1 V1 = v1 Performance heavily depends
V2 = v1 V2 = v1
V3 = v1 V3 = v2 on the order in which
variables are considered.
E.g. only 2 constraints:
Vn=Vn-1 and Vn≠ Vn-1
CSP as a Search Problem: another formulation
•  States: partial assignment of values to variables
•  Start state: empty assignment
•  Successor function: states with the next variable assigned
–  Assign each previously unassigned variable
–  A state assigns values to some subset of variables:
•  E.g. {V7 = v1, V2 = v1, V15 = v1}
•  Neighbors of node {V7 = v1, V2 = v1, V15 = v1}:
nodes {V7 = v1, V2 = v1, V15 = v1, Vx = y}
for any variable Vx ∈V \ {V7, V2, V15} and any value y∈dom(Vx)

•  Goal state: complete assignments of values to variables

that satisfy all constraints
–  That is, models
•  Solution: assignment (the path doesn’t matter)
CSP Solving as Graph Searching
•  3 Variables: A,B,C. All with domains = {1,2,3,4}
•  Constraints: A<B, B<C
Selecting variables in a smart way
•  Backtracking relies on one or more heuristics to select
which variables to consider next.
-  E.g, variable involved in the largest number of constraints:
“If you are going to fail on this branch, fail early!”
-  Can also be smart about which values to consider first
•  This is a different use of the word ‘heuristic’!
-  Still true in this context
•  Can be computed cheaply during the search
•  Provides guidance to the search algorithm
-  But not true anymore in this context
•  ‘Estimate of the distance to the goal’

•  Both meanings are used frequently in the AI literature.

•  ‘heuristic’ means ‘serves to discover’: goal-oriented.
•  Does not mean ‘unreliable’! 37
Standard Search vs. Specific R&R systems
•  Constraint Satisfaction (Problems):
–  State: assignments of values to a subset of the variables
–  Successor function: assign values to a “free” variable
–  Goal test: all variables assigned a value and all constraints satisfied?
–  Solution: possible world that satisfies the constraints
–  Heuristic function: none (all solutions at the same distance from start)
•  Planning :
–  State
–  Successor function
–  Goal test
–  Solution
–  Heuristic function
•  Inference
–  State
–  Successor function
–  Goal test
–  Solution
–  Heuristic function
Learning Goals for today’s class
•  Define possible worlds in term of variables and their domains
–  Compute number of possible worlds on real examples
•  Specify constraints to represent real world problems
differentiating between:
–  Unary and k-ary constraints
–  List vs. function format
•  Verify whether a possible world satisfies a set of constraints
(i.e., whether it is a model, a solution)
•  Implement the Generate-and-Test Algorithm. Explain its
•  Solve a CSP by search (specify neighbors, states, start state, goal
state). Compare strategies for CSP search. Implement pruning for
DFS search in a CSP.

•  Coming up: Arc consistency and domain splitting

–  Read Sections 4.5-4.6
•  Assignment 1 is due this Friday 39

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